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红腹角雉的食性研究   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:7  
1993年11月至1991年10月,利用无线电遥测装置,以直接观察法,取食痕迹检查法为主,以粪便分析和嗉囊及胃内容物分析法为辅对贵州仙人山地区红腹角雉全年的食性作了研究。获知其取食87种食物,其中植物性食物占94.3%,动物性食物占5.7%。  相似文献   

红腹锦鸡(Chrysolophus pictus)和红腹角雉(Tragopan temmminckii)均为国家Ⅱ级重点保护鸟类。作为两种同域分布的物种,其生态位重叠程度及竞争机制尚不明确。为了探究上述问题我们从2012年7月至2014年11月,在陕西省佛坪国家级自然保护区的9条样线上布设52台红外相机对这两种雉类的集群现象、日活动节律、季节性活动规律和最适活动温区进行研究。研究结果表明:(1)红腹锦鸡和红腹角雉每年8月下旬开始集群,到第二年的3、4月份集群结束,冬季集群最为频繁,而夏季则分散在其各自活动区单独活动。(2)二者皆为昼行性鸟类,活动高峰均出现在清晨和傍晚,但时间生态位存在明显分化:红腹锦鸡有两个活动高峰,分别为7:00时和17:00时;红腹角雉活动高峰为6:00时、9:00时和18:00时。(3)对两种雉类活动频次的季节性差异分析发现,春季活动最频繁,其后依次是秋季、夏季和冬季。(4)红腹锦鸡和红腹角雉选择在接近当月平均气温的时间段出来活动,红腹锦鸡活动的温度范围在﹣4℃到19℃,红腹角雉的活动温度范围是﹣1℃到22℃;但不同季节间略有差异,两种雉类在秋冬季大多选择在高于当月平均气温的时间段出来活动,而在夏季的活动温度则要略低于当月平均气温。观测数据证实了两种雉雉类有通过错峰活动减少生态位重叠导致的竞争的现象,但并未见到二者间有明显的适应性温区分化。  相似文献   

侯祥  张博  韩宁  封托  王京  陈晓宁  常罡 《兽类学报》2020,40(4):390-397
正种子贮藏是啮齿动物利用食物资源的一种适应性行为(Vander Wall,1990)。经过长期的进化,啮齿动物形成了两种主要的贮藏食物行为:一是集中贮藏,即把收集的大量食物集中在其洞穴或临时栖息场所贮藏,通常有少量贮藏点,每个贮藏点有大量种子;二是分散贮藏,即把收集的种子分散贮藏在相对较大范围或其巢域周围,通常有大量贮藏点,但每个贮藏点仅贮藏约1~3粒种子。与集中贮藏相比,分散贮藏扩展了植物种子的分布范围,降低了种子被动物取食的概率。由于被分散贮藏的  相似文献   

高黎贡山赧亢白眉长臂猿春季食物选择   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2007年3月9日—4月28日,在高黎贡山赧亢跟踪观察白眉长臂猿(Hoolock hoolock)的春季食性及取食行为,将其行为分为食果、食果汁和食叶。采用瞬时扫描法记录白眉长臂猿的取食行为,取食的种类、部位和地点等。在其活动区域内,以取食树为中心设置20m×20m的利用样方和以随机方式设置同样大小的可利用样方各19个。在样方内收集与取食树及食物资源相关的6个因子的数据。统计食物种类和资源量、选择指数、取食点的选择性等。结果表明,赧亢白眉长臂猿春季取食的食物共10种,其中果实类植物3种,果汁类植物1种,嫩叶类植物6种。10种食物中,白眉长臂猿对印度木荷(Schima khasiana)的果实和缅甸木莲(Maglietia haokeri)的嫩叶呈弱选择,对其他8种食物资源均呈强选择。Mann-WhitneyU-检验结果表明,利用样方和可利用样方间的食物资源量及食物种类数均差异极显著,以利用样方的资源量大,每一样方食物种类较多。果实是赧亢白眉长臂猿春季的主要食物资源,而嫩叶是补充。呈强选择的食物并不一定是取食频次高的食物;反之,取食频次高的食物也不一定呈强选择。白眉长臂猿常选择易处理的果实和粗灰分含量少的嫩叶,且果实是它摄取水分的主要来源。白眉长臂猿通常选择食物资源和种类相对集中的区域取食,这可以减少动物因寻找食物所耗费的能量,同时获得多种食物,满足其生理对营养的需求。  相似文献   

2005年11月至2006年3月,在四川省石棉县栗子坪省级自然保护区对低海拔区域(海拔18002400 m)红腹角雉Tragopan temminckii雌鸟和亚成体冬季集群行为进行了调查。结果表明:红腹角雉的雌鸟和亚成体以单独活动的个体居多,占44.4%,其它依次为3只群、2只群和4只群。群体的规模较小,最大群体为4只。在集群类型上,家族群可能是主要集群类型,但还有待验证。红腹角雉雌鸟和亚成体集群的个体和单独活动个体在取食行为的时间分配上有显著差异,集群的个体用于取食的时间比例要高于单独活动的个体。在警戒、休息和移动行为时间分配上没有显著差异,但单独活动个体用于警戒的时间比例要高于集群的个体。本研究的结果验证了动物集群的反捕食假说,集群活动的个体有更多的取食时间。  相似文献   

通过饲喂自然种子及人工饲料块等单宁和皂苷含量不同的食物,研究了食物中单宁或皂苷水平对小白鼠(Mus musculus domesticus)食物选择的影响,以及取食经历在其食物选择中的作用。结果表明,(1)无论有无取食经历,小白鼠均优先取食次生物质含量低的锥栗(Castanea henryi)或花生(Arachis hypogaea),而很少取食单宁含量高的栓皮栎(Quercus variabilis)或皂苷含量高的油茶(Camelia oleifera);(2)小白鼠的取食经历能增强其对种子中单宁或皂苷水平的识别,从而减少其摄入;(3)小白鼠的食物摄入量随单宁或皂苷含量的增加而显著降低。本研究说明单宁或皂苷均可显著影响动物的食物选择,且取食经历能增强动物对食物的识别能力。  相似文献   

浙江西部山区白鹇生态的初步研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
1982—1987年在浙西的开化、衢州、建德、淳安等地对白鹇的生态进行了调查。白鹇分布于全省植被良好的山区,活动于乔木层覆盖率较高的针阔混交林和针叶林等生境,其种群密度受林下灌木层盖度的影响。白鹇的冬季食物以壳斗科植物为主,取食频度为53.5%,干重百分比达72.48%;同时也取食一定量的昆虫等动物性食物,取食频度达40%。白鹇的冬季食物可分为三种类型:1.最喜食食物,取食频度在50%以上;2.喜食食物,取食频度在10—40%;3.偶食食物,取食频度小于10%。  相似文献   

繁殖季节同域分布的红腹角雉和血雉的觅食生境选择   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
红腹角雉(Tragopan temminckii)和血雉(Ithaginis cruentus)是主要分布在中国的受胁雉类,到目前为止,对这两种雉类的生态学特征的了解并不多。作者于2006年5-8月,在四川省栗子坪自然保护区公益海,运用样线法和样方取样法对红腹角雉和血雉在繁殖季节的觅食生境选择进行了对比研究。研究结果表明,两种雉在海拔分布和觅食生境上都存在重叠,红腹角雉主要分布在较低海拔(1,950?3,450m),血雉分布在相对较高海拔(2,760?3,800m)。它们对针叶林和针阔混交林都表现出正选择性,而对箭竹林表现出负选择性。微生境尺度上,两种雉觅食生境的乔木和草本盖度均较大,草本高度高;两种雉的活动区内针叶林面积较大,距林区公路较近;红腹角雉对坡向没有选择性,血雉偏好西南坡向的生境。与对照样方相比,红腹角雉的觅食生境的箭竹高度和盖度小,血雉觅食生境的箭竹高度和盖度与对照样方无显著差异。红腹角雉活动区内的箭竹林面积比例显著小于血雉活动区,针阔混交林面积比例显著大于血雉活动区。表明两种雉类在需要某些共同资源的情况下,对觅食生境的利用产生了分异,这是两种雉类能够同域分布的基础条件之一。  相似文献   

生态位分化是同域分布近缘物种实现长期稳定共存的基础。2018—2020年利用红外相机技术对小相岭山系四川栗子坪国家级自然保护区和四川冶勒自然保护区内的2种近缘物种——血雉Ithaginis cruentus和红腹角雉Tragopan temminckii进行了野外调查。共计86个有效相机位点,累计工作日19 982 d。获得血雉独立事件386次、红腹角雉180次。基于核密度函数绘制了2种雉类全年及季节日活动节律曲线,使用Wilcoxon秩和检验和Pearson卡方检验对海拔和植被利用情况进行比较。结果表明:(1)血雉与红腹角雉均为小相岭山系优势雉类;(2)二者均为典型的日行性雉类,血雉年活动曲线为单峰型,活动高峰在08∶00—10∶00,红腹角雉的则为双峰型:08∶00—10∶00和18∶00—19∶00;(3)繁殖季和非繁殖季血雉的分布海拔均显著高于红腹角雉;(4)血雉在繁殖季对高山灌丛利用较多,非繁殖季则多活动于针阔混交林,红腹角雉在这2个季节的植被类型利用差异不明显。研究结果为探索血雉和红腹角雉的同域共存机制提供了基础资料。  相似文献   

温带地区分布的灵长类动物在食物匮乏的时候容易受到食物不足的胁迫。川金丝猴就是分布于温带区域的灵长类动物之一,因此在不同的季节,食物对其有不同程度的影响。神农架自然保护区是川金丝猴分布的最东缘,该地区的研究对川金丝猴的保护有着非常重要的影响。本文通过对神农架川金丝猴食源植物和栖息环境 的植被调查,来探讨食物的分布和丰富程度对川金丝猴的影响。在神农架川金丝猴分布的核心地区,选择具有代表性的植被类型,按照海拔梯度设置88个样方,基于优势树种和数据分析,我们把川金丝猴的栖息地划分为12 个类型。阔叶林的食源植物种类要高于针阔混交林;而低海拔的类型中提供食源植物的种类要高于高海拔类型。尽管川金丝猴的食谱范围很广,但是它喜食的食物种类分布极不均匀,而且在其不同类型的栖息地内,食源植物的种类和数量随着季节的变化而变化。因此,季节的变化和食源植物的分布不均衡都会影响川金丝猴的取食行为和时间分配。我们建议借助人为改造森林结构,增加食源植物的数量,进而达到保护和扩大川金丝猴种群的目的。  相似文献   

黄腹角雉活动区的无线电遥测研究   总被引:12,自引:2,他引:10  
孙悦华  郑光美 《动物学报》1992,38(4):385-392
1987年11月至1988年6月,在浙江省乌岩岭自然保护区,对9只黄腹角雉进行了无线电遥测研究。结果表明:黄腹角雉月活动区大小为0.015—0.30km~2,夏季的活动区明显小于冬春季,这种变化与取食有密切关系;黄腹角雉不存在季节性垂直迁移现象;即使繁殖期来临,雄性黄腹角雉活动区之间仍存在较大重叠,说明并非所有雄鸟在繁殖期来临后都占区;黄腹角雉对水源丰富的区域更为喜爱。  相似文献   

Ilse Storch 《Ecography》1993,16(4):351-359
Based on radio telemetry, habitat distribution of 32 individual capercaillie Tetrao urogallus was compared with habitat availability at various levels of scale At forest stand level, capercaillie preferred large patches of late succession stages, and selected for moderate canopy closure and high abundance of feeding trees Hens and cocks selected home ranges with high proportions of old forest, and range size was related to old forest fragmentation Winter survival was high independently of habitat selection In cocks, habitat use was affected by social spacing, home range size and use of old forest were age-dependent, and habitat composition of winter ranges indirectly related to survival and mating success in spring Topography influenced habitat selection, as the birds preferred gentle slopes At the landscape scale, the distribution of bilberry Vaccinium myrtillus was the key to capercaillie habitat use, indicating that habitat requirements in autumn and spring influenced selection of winter ranges The study confirms that capercaillie in central Europe select habitats according to structural features typical of the boreal forests of the species' main distribution range However, spatio-temporal variation in resource abundance at the landscape scale sets significant limits to suitability of alpine capercaillie habitats  相似文献   

Habitat selection in ungulates should ensure access to abundant forage of sufficiently high quality. Species living in rugged mountain areas have to face nutritional bottlenecks regularly and should show particularly sophisticated habitat selection behaviour. However, patterns and mechanisms of such adaptations remain little studied. We analysed habitat selection and its seasonal variability of 10 GPS‐collared red deer Cervus elaphus living in a topographically challenging landscape of the Swiss Alps. We hypothesised that resource selection by red deer was scale‐dependent and predicted that scale‐dependence would vary among seasons in relation to seasonal changes of available forage biomass and quality, which we sampled across the entire study area of 250 km2. The studied population of Alpine red deer undertook altitudinal migrations and showed scale‐dependent habitat selection that was strongest in winter and declined through spring and summer. Selection occurred mostly at the larger (landscape/home‐range location) scale and less so at the smaller (within home‐range) scale. Topographic parameters were selected mainly at the landscape scale and mostly in winter. About 70% of all instances of preference for habitat parameters were associated with above‐average forage characteristics, represented mostly by higher crude protein content, in a few cases also by higher biomass or both. The overall pattern of space use by red deer characterised by migration and seasonal habitat selection was therefore closely linked to the quality of food resources, although some trade‐offs with avoiding human disturbance may also have been involved.  相似文献   

The seasonal changes in home range and habitat use of the Sichuan snub-nosed monkey, Rhinopithecus roxellana, have been studied by radio tracking and direct observation in the Qinling Mountains of China. The home range size was 14.1 km(2) in spring, 9.5 km(2) in summer, 12.1 km(2) in autumn and 12.3 km(2) in winter; the total area used was 22.5 km(2). The area of the home range is closely correlated with the distribution and abundance of food resources. Seasonal change in the home range area is correlated with the phenology of the vegetation. An unusually large home range is a unique characteristic of this monkey.  相似文献   

食源植物的分布与食物的可获得性影响灵长类动物的家域动态。研究灵长类动物家域利用及其影响因素,对揭示野生动物的生态适应性与行为复杂性有重要意义。2020年9月—2021年8月,利用GPS技术、直接跟踪观察等方法,对黄山低海拔地区的野生藏酋猴群的家域范围进行研究。结果发现藏酋猴家域面积从春季到冬季依次递减,分别为7.16 km2、5.09 km2、3.85 km2、0.35 km2,面积与食物资源可得性呈显著正相关;猴群月平均漫游距离 (d= 1735.67 m ± 288.35 m, n = 12) 与食物可得性呈正相关,且月平均漫游距离在7月最长、1月最短。猴群偏好利用的生境类型为针阔混交林和常绿落叶阔叶混交林,春季主要偏好利用毛竹林和常绿落叶阔叶混交林,夏季和冬季为针阔混交林 (马尾松),秋季为常绿落叶阔叶混交林。结果表明,藏酋猴会根据食物资源分布、食物可得性等因素来优化家域的时空利用以适应低海拔地区。  相似文献   

The lack of long-term studies remains a limiting factor in understanding the home range, spatial ecology and movement of giraffes. We equipped eight giraffes with GPS satellite units and VHF capacity, which were built in to the collars for the remote collection of data on their movements and home ranges over two years on Khamab Kalahari Nature Reserve (KKNR) within the Kalahari region of South Africa. Giraffe numbers in KKNR dropped from 135 individuals to 111 in just five years, revealing the lack of knowledge about their required habitat needs, space use and diet. With over 1000 km2 available for roaming within the reserve, habitat selection, principle and preferred food species played a significant role in home range size and overlap between individuals. These giraffes used an average annual home range of 206 km2 (20 602 ha) as calculated by a 95% minimum convex polygon (MCP) with a standard deviation core home range calculated by a 50% MCP of 10.1 km2 to satisfy their annual needs for survival and reproduction in their preferred vegetation. In the wet, hot season (summer: December–February) when food was abundant, giraffes frequented smaller areas (average 177 km2), while in the dry, cool season (winter: June to August) the mean home range size increased to approximately 245 km2. Rainfall influenced spatial distribution since it determined vegetation productivity and leaf phenology. The different seasons influenced giraffe movements, while different vegetation types and season influenced their home range size. Season and food availability also influenced home range overlap between different giraffe herds. Home range overlap occurred when giraffes were forced to roam in overlapping areas during the dryer months when the winter deciduous nature of the majority of the tree species resulted in lower food availability. In winter, the overlap was approximately 31% and in autumn approximately 23%. During the wet and warmer months, overlapping was 15% in summer and 19% in spring, respectively. The percentage of time spent in different vegetation type areas was influenced by the abundance of the principal food species of that plant community. It is thus concluded that the movements of giraffes were primarily influenced by a combination of environmental factors such as season, rainfall and vegetation density.  相似文献   

穿山甲生态学研究概况   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
综述了全球现存7种穿山甲生态学研究概况,目前的研究主要是通过访问法对中国穿山甲(Manis pentadactyla)的栖息地、活动习性、食性、繁殖习性、打洞习性进行一般性的描述。开普穿山甲(M.temminckii)主要集中在家域、活动和运动、食谱和觅食行为生态上,繁殖生态学、种群生态学及栖息地的研究没有涉及。树穿山甲(M.tricuspts)仅见其家域研究的报道。其它4种穿山甲生态学研究未见任何报道。7种穿山甲的习性相似。今后应当强调从生命的各个层次对其生态学进行比较研究,以揭示其存在的生态差异。重点应是洞穴生态、觅食生态、行为生态(如家域与活动)、繁殖生态和种群生态。  相似文献   

The detailed habitat utilization of the Shiga B2 troop was studied in winter. The following results were obtained. (1) The roosting site distribution was limited to the Yokoyugawa valley. (2) The measured home range size was 1.99 km2, which was greater than the 1.23 km2 of larger population size of the Shiga C troop. (3) The daily travel distance ranged from 0 to 1,825 m (mean 646 m). (4) The pendulum cycle of troop movement is composed of two types: wandering and tripping. The daily travel distance in tripping was much longer than that in wandering. (5) The utilization rate of the home range was assessed according to the total length of the travelling course per grid square. Highly utilized areas in the home range were found along the Yokoyugawa valley without using areas far from the valley. (6) Diurnal activity was influenced by climate, although it was difficult to establish any clear daily rhythm. (7) The food items amounted to 39 species. (8) Distribution of densely utilized sites of food resources almost coincided with those of resting sites. (9) The reasons for the use of the complete home range by the B2 were also discussed.  相似文献   

Knowledge on the home range size of a species or population is important for understanding its behavioral and social ecology and improving the effectiveness of conservation strategies. We studied the home range size of two different-sized groups of golden snub-nosed monkeys(Rhinopithecus roxellana) in Shennongjia, China. The larger group(236 individuals)had a home range of 22.5 km2 from September2007 to July 2008, whereas the smaller group(62 individuals) occupied a home range of 12.4 km2 from November 2008 to July 2009. Both groups exhibited considerable seasonal variation in their home range size, which was likely due to seasonal changes in food availability and distribution. The home range in any given season(winter, spring, summer, or winter+spring+summer) of the larger group was larger than that of the smaller group. As the two groups were studied in the same area, with the confounding effects of food availability thus minimized, the positive relationship between home range size and group size suggested that scramble feeding competition increased within the larger group.  相似文献   

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