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Apoptosis, or physiological cell death, is elevated in the placenta of human pregnancies complicated by fetal growth retardation, suggesting that placental apoptosis may be a key factor in the overall control of feto-placental growth. The present study used DNA internucleosomal fragmentation analysis to characterize apoptosis in the two morphologically and functionally distinct regions of the rat placenta, the basal and labyrinth zones, during the last week of pregnancy (Days 16, 22, and 23). In addition, because glucocorticoids are potent inhibitors of feto-placental growth and can stimulate apoptosis in other tissues, we examined whether dexamethasone treatment in vivo induces placental apoptosis. DNA fragmentation was clearly evident in both placental zones at each stage of pregnancy, with higher levels evident in the basal zone compared with the labyrinth zone on Days 22 and 23. TUNEL analysis, which identifies dying cells in situ, demonstrated positive staining of cells in the basal zone, particularly giant trophoblast cells. Dexamethasone treatment increased DNA fragmentation in the basal zone but not the labyrinth zone. Similarly, maternal treatment with carbenoxolone, which can enhance local concentrations of endogenous glucocorticoid by inhibition of 11 beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase, also increased DNA fragmentation in the basal zone but not in the labyrinth zone. These effects of dexamethasone and carbenoxolone on placental apoptosis were associated with reduced placental and fetal weights. In conclusion, this study shows that apoptosis occurs in both zones of the rat placenta, particularly in the basal zone near term, and is elevated after increased glucocorticoid exposure in vivo. These data support the hypothesis that placental apoptosis is an important player in the regulation of feto-placental growth, and establish the rat as a useful model to study the endocrine control of placental apoptosis.  相似文献   

The arginine vasopressin (AVP) type 1a receptor (V1a) is well known to mediate vasoconstriction. In pregnancy, blood flow in the placenta is crucial for sustaining normal growth and development of the fetus. This is the first AVP receptor study in the placenta and fetal membranes. The aim was to compare, quantitatively, the level of V1a gene expression with that of a known marker for vascularization, aquaporin 1 (AQP1). V1a and AQP1 gene expression did not correlate; placental V1a mRNA levels were significantly upregulated at 45 and 66+/-1 compared with 27, 100+/-4, and 140 days (term approximately 150 days). V1a mRNA levels were much lower in fetal membranes in which no significant difference across gestation was observed. In situ hybridization histochemistry localized V1a gene expression in the maternal component of the placenta similar to the receptor-binding studies using 125I-labeled [d(CH2)5, sarcosine7] vasopressin. No AVP gene expression was observed in the placenta and fetal membranes, which eliminates local AVP production. This increase in V1a expression at 45 and 66+/-1 days of gestation correlates with the period of maximal placental growth in the sheep and suggests that AVP and V1a receptors may play a hitherto unrecognized role in placental growth, differentiation, and/or function, particularly in the deleterious effects of heat stress, early in pregnancy, on fetal growth.  相似文献   

The transport properties of the rat visceral yolk sac placenta from Days 14.5 to 18.5 of gestation were studied in vitro. All tissues had a positive potential difference, fetal side relative to maternal side, and showed net Na transport towards the fetus. Basal short-circuit current and net Na flux increased rapidly with gestational age over the period studied. Amphotericin B applied to the maternal surface of the yolk sac stimulated current and net Na flux, indicating that the apical membrane Na permeability limited transport and revealing a reserve capacity for transport. Contrary to their basal values, current and Na flux following treatment with amphotericin were independent of gestational age.  相似文献   

We sought to determine whether expression of genes encoding prostaglandin receptors varied with advancing gestational age and in association with the onset of spontaneous labor in the cervix of pregnant baboons. We performed cesarean hysterectomy on 14 pregnant baboons, five during spontaneous labor. Expression of genes was quantified by Northern analysis. Clear signals which were similar in estimated size to the human genes were detected by Northern analysis for the genes encoding the EP1, EP2, EP3, EP4, FP, IP and TP receptors. Expression of the gene encoding the prostanoid EP1 receptor increased with advancing gestational age prior to labor (r2 = 0.8, P = 0.007). There was a 4 fold lower level of expression of the EP2 receptor gene among animals in labor compared with animals not in labor (P = 0.006) and approximately 2-fold lower levels of expression of the FP and TP receptor genes (P < 0.0001 and P = 0.0002, respectively). We conclude that variation in the relative expression of prostanoid receptor types and sub-types may have a role in cervical dilatation in primate parturition.  相似文献   

Hypothalamic CRF-like immunoreactivity was measured in the a.m. and p.m., after systemic dexamethasone administration or after either stress in adult male rats. Measurement of plasma corticosterone levels revealed the expected circadian rhythmicity, suppression after dexamethasone administration and increase after ether stress. The hypothalamic content of CRF-like immunoreactivity was significantly decreased in the p.m. and after dexamethasone administration. However, no change in hypothalamic CRF-like immunoreactivity was observed after ether stress. The results are consistent with an increased release in the p.m. and decreased synthesis of hypothalamic CRF after systemic dexamethasone administration. The observation that there is no change in content of hypothalamic CRF-like immunoreactivity after ether stress could be due to the fact that the animals were stressed by handling. The results show that this immunoreactivity present in the hypothalamus is altered by changes in the hypothalamic-pituitaryadrenal axis and thus suggest that this peptide is a physiologically significant CRF in the rat.  相似文献   

Experiments were designed to determine the chronological alterations in placental and uterine prostaglandin F and E (PGF and PGE) during pregnancy in the rat. Pregnant rats (sperm in the vagina = day 0) were sacrified at days 15, 18,19, 20, 21 and delivery (day 21 ) and placental and uterine tissues assayed (RIA) for PGF and PGE immediately (“ ”) or after 1 hour incubation (“ ”). Uterine content of PGF and PGE (ng PG/mg DNA) was increased significantly by day 19 and further increases were seen through delivery. Incubation of uterine tissue resulted in enhanced net production of PGF and PGE (p <.05) per mg DNA (as judged by tissue content and release into the incubation medium) by day 18 of pregnancy vs. day 15. Net production peaked around the time of delivery thus paralleling the alterations in tissue content .By contrast, no differences with gestational age were found in placental content of PGF and PGE , the concentrations throughout late gestation remaining in the range of uterine PGs at day 15. However, production of PGs per mg placental DNA increased markedly during incubation with significant enhancement detected by day 19 vs. 15, achieving levels even greater than the uterus .The and findings for the uterus are consistent with the hypothesis that increases in uterine PGs levels at the end of pregnancy may play an important role in parturition. The experiences with placental tissue suggest that the potential for PG production per placental cell may also increase in late gestation and thereby contribute to the augmented intrauterine availability of PGs at that time.  相似文献   

Immunogenetic studies suggest that interactions between maternal killer Ig-like receptor (KIR) expressed by uterine NK (uNK) cells, and fetal HLA-C molecules on trophoblast, influence the success of human placentation. However, the exact functional response of fresh uNK cells to trophoblast HLA-C molecules is unknown. In this study, we show by quantitative RT-PCR and FACS that both activating and inhibitory KIR specific for HLA-C are expressed at higher levels and on an increased proportion of NK cells in the human decidua compared with blood. In contrast, expression of KIR3DL1/S1, which is specific for HLA-B, is similar in both NK cell populations. Remarkably, there is also a temporal change in the expression pattern of HLA-C-specific KIR, with a decline in both intensity of expression and frequency on uNK cells throughout the first trimester of pregnancy. This selective up-regulation of KIR has functional consequences because uNK cells show increased binding of HLA-C tetramers compared with blood NK cells. Ab cross-linking shows that these KIR are functional and results in increased cytokine secretion. uNK cells, therefore, exhibit a unique KIR profile that enhances their ability to recognize trophoblast cells expressing HLA-C at the materno-fetal interface. This is the first report to demonstrate selective regulation of KIR expression over time in vivo in a normal physiological situation and suggests that KIR expression by uNK cells is regulated by the tissue microenvironment in the decidua.  相似文献   

Vertebrate olfactoryreceptor neurons (ORNs) exhibit odor-induced increases in actionpotential firing rate due to an excitatory cAMP-dependent current. Fishand amphibian ORNs also give inhibitory odor responses, manifested asdecreases in firing rate, but the underlying mechanism is poorlyunderstood. In the toad, an odor-induced Ca2+-activatedK+ current is responsible for the hyperpolarizing receptorpotential that causes inhibition. In isolated ORNs, a third manner bywhich odors affect firing is suppression, a direct and nonspecificreduction of voltage-gated and transduction conductances. Here we showthat in whole cell voltage-clamped toad ORNs, excitatory or inhibitory currents were not strictly associated to a particular odorant mixture.Occasionally, both odor effects, in addition to suppression, wereconcurrently observed in a cell. We report that rat ORNs also exhibitodor-induced inhibitory currents, due to the activation of aK+ conductance closely resembling that in the toad,suggesting that this conductance is widely distributed amongvertebrates. We propose that ORNs operate as complex integrator unitsin the olfactory epithelium, where the first events in the process ofodor discrimination take place.


In cattle, leptin has been implicated in the control of ovarian function and has been shown to modulate steroid production by theca and granulosa cells in a number of species. However, a direct effect of leptin on bovine luteal function has not been demonstrated. This study was conducted to determine if the leptin receptor (OB-R) is expressed in the bovine corpus luteum (CL), and to examine the effects of leptin on progesterone production by dispersed luteal cells in vitro. RT-PCR was used to detect the presence of OB-R and, more specifically, the long, biologically active isoform (OB-Rb), in CL, collected on days 2-18 of the oestrous cycle (n=18). The effects of leptin on progesterone production were investigated in dispersed luteal cells prepared from CL collected on days 5 and 8 (n=14) of the cycle. The dispersed luteal cells were cultured for 24 hr with recombinant human leptin and/or LR3-IGF-1 and/or LH. OB-Rs, in particular, OB-Rb, were expressed in the CL at all stages of development. Progesterone production by luteal cells was increased (P<0.001) by treatment with LH (10 ng/ml) but treatment with leptin alone had no effect. However, in the presence of IGF-1 (100 ng/ml), leptin (10 ng/ml) caused a significant (P<0.005) increase in progesterone production. In conclusion, we have shown that the leptin receptor is expressed in the bovine CL and have demonstrated a modulatory effect of leptin on luteal progesterone production in vitro.  相似文献   

Fructose has been shown to protect hepatocyte viability during hypoxia or exposure to mitochondrial electron transport inhibitors. We report here that the fructose metabolite D-glyceraldehyde (D-GA) is a good inhibitor of the mitochondrial permeability transition pore (PTP) in isolated rat liver mitochondria. We propose that a substantial portion of the protective effect of fructose on hepatocytes is due to D-GA inhibition of the permeability transition. Aldehydes which are substrates of the mitochondrial aldehyde dehydrogenase (mALDH) afford protection, while poor substrates do not. Protection is prevented by the ALDH inhibitor chloral hydrate. We propose that the NADH/NAD(+) ratio is the key to protection. The aldehydes phenylglyoxal (PGO) and 4-hydroxynonenal (4-HNE), which have previously been shown to inhibit the PTP, apparently function by a different mechanism independent of mALDH activity. Both PGO or 4-HNE are themselves potent inhibitors of ALDH, and their protective effect cannot be blocked by an ALDH inhibitor.  相似文献   



Previous studies have demonstrated that gene expression levels change with age. These changes are hypothesized to influence the aging rate of an individual. We analyzed gene expression changes with age in abdominal skin, subcutaneous adipose tissue and lymphoblastoid cell lines in 856 female twins in the age range of 39-85 years. Additionally, we investigated genotypic variants involved in genotype-by-age interactions to understand how the genomic regulation of gene expression alters with age.


Using a linear mixed model, differential expression with age was identified in 1,672 genes in skin and 188 genes in adipose tissue. Only two genes expressed in lymphoblastoid cell lines showed significant changes with age. Genes significantly regulated by age were compared with expression profiles in 10 brain regions from 100 postmortem brains aged 16 to 83 years. We identified only one age-related gene common to the three tissues. There were 12 genes that showed differential expression with age in both skin and brain tissue and three common to adipose and brain tissues.


Skin showed the most age-related gene expression changes of all the tissues investigated, with many of the genes being previously implicated in fatty acid metabolism, mitochondrial activity, cancer and splicing. A significant proportion of age-related changes in gene expression appear to be tissue-specific with only a few genes sharing an age effect in expression across tissues. More research is needed to improve our understanding of the genetic influences on aging and the relationship with age-related diseases.  相似文献   

D L Cockroft 《Teratology》1988,38(3):281-290
Rat embryos explanted at 9.0, 9.5, and 10.5 days of gestation were cultured for periods of 61, 49, or 45 h, respectively, in extensively dialysed rat serum supplemented with various combinations of glucose, amino acids, and vitamins. Glucose was found to be a necessary and sufficient energy source for embryos of all three ages, and virtually no development took place in its absence. Only the youngest embryos required free amino acids for good development in dialysed serum, whereas at all three ages, vitamin supplementation was necessary. However, lack of vitamins had a much more marked deleterious effect on the younger embryos than on those explanted at 10.5 d. Experiments with media deficient in individual vitamins showed that for normal development, 9.0-d embryos required a number of vitamins--principally pantothenic acid, riboflavin, inositol, folic acid and niacinamide, whereas 10.5-d embryos needed only riboflavin. For embryos explanted at 9.5 d, the position was intermediate, with riboflavin and inositol the most significant vitamins. Inositol deficiency in embryos explanted at 9.5 d produced a characteristic neural tube defect--failure of closure at the level of the hindbrain. Thus it appears that both the range of micromolecular nutrients and the severity of developmental impairment in their absence decrease with advancing gestational age.  相似文献   

In mammals, aging is associated with immune senescense. To examine whether the sleep changes occurring during immune challenge are affected by age, we assessed sleep alterations induced by the administration of lipopolysaccharide (LPS) in young and middle-aged rats. During vehicle, the middle-aged rats exhibited less pre-rapid eye movement sleep (pre-REMS) as well as REMS, due to a smaller number and shorter duration of REMS episodes, than young rats. LPS elevated body temperature, increased non-REMS, and suppressed both pre-REMS and REMS in the young as well as in the middle-aged rats. However, in the young animals, LPS significantly enhanced slow-wave activity in the electroencephalogram (EEG) within non-REMS, reflecting an increase in sleep intensity. In contrast, LPS attenuated EEG power in most frequency bands in the older animals. This finding indicates age-related changes in the modulation of sleep by LPS.  相似文献   

Features of insulin binding to trophoblast plasma membranes were studied in six normal pregnant women (NP), six overt diabetes (ODP) and six poorly controlled glycemic gestational patients (PCDP) i.e. women who did not strictly follow the management of diabetes mellitus during pregnancy. A decreased maximum specific insulin receptor binding per 0.1 mg membrane protein in placenta from PCDP (12%) was found comparing with that from ODP or NP (17.5% and 36.2%, respectively, P<0.01), The insulin binding in PCDP declined at a faster rate until it reached minimum when studied at a higher temperature (25–37°C). The binding equilibrium was likewise attained faster at this temperature than that at lower temperature of 4°C for all studied groups.The insulin receptor binding in all studied groups was pH dependent. The maximum binding in ODP and PCDP groups was attained at pH 7.8 while for NP maximum binding was at pH 7.4. The competitive dinding assay was carried out with 14 concentrations of unlabelled insulin and the half maximal displacement of125I-insulin was at 8×10–9 M, 6×10–9 M and 4×10–9 M for NP, ODP and PCDP, respectively (P<0.05) suggesting the differences in the effect of glycemic control on the insulin binding. Furthermore the binding yielded curvilinear Scatchard plots with the apparent affinity of the receptors being affected in the ODP and PCDP groups.The molecular characteristics of the receptors in the diabetic patients as revealed by the cross-linking technique used in this study did not reveal any changes in the subunit structures when compared with normals except that the125I-insulin bound as shown by the band intensity was much less in PCDP. These findings indicate that control of hyperglycemia could optimize the outcome of insulin receptor function during diabetic pregnancy.  相似文献   

Serum testosterone (T) and 5alpha-dihydrotestosterone (DHT) were measured in young, adult and old Albino Wistar male rats using a sensitive and reliable radioimmunoassay, after separating T from DHT by thin layer chromatography. The mean plus or minus S.E.M. for T in young, adult and old rats were 62 plus or minus 11, 250 plus or minus 27 and 125 plus or minus 25 (ng/100 ml) respectively. Serum T was increased in adults (P less than 0.001) and decreased in old rats (P less than 0.01). The mean plus or minus S.E.M. for serum DHT was 8 plus or minus 2, 19 plus or minus 2 and 17 plus or minus 1 (ng/100 ml) for young, adult and old rats respectively. DHT was increased in adults (P less than 0.001), but did not change in old rats.  相似文献   

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