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 Beak length analysis was undertaken for the arrow squid Nototodarus sloanii in the New Zealand sector of the Southern Ocean between Stewart Island and the Auckland Islands. N. sloanii has a restricted range and is endemic to the waters around New Zealand and its associated southern islands, where it supports a fishery and is preyed upon by a number of fishes, marine mammals and birds. Lower rostral length (LRL) and upper rostral length (URL) were analysed to see how these beak measurements related to both mantle length (ML) and wet weight (W). Both lower and upper rostral lengths could be used as useful predictors of ML and W in N. sloanii, as relationships had limited scatter and high correlation coefficients. The relationships between LRL and ML, and URL and ML were only linear after regressing log-transformed values of beak length against ML. However, the relationships between LRL and W, and URL and W were linear without transforming either the x or y values. These results are different from previously published beak length analyses of Nototodarus in New Zealand waters. Received: 30 March 1995/Accepted: 4 August 1995  相似文献   

Beak lengths (lower rostral length and upper rostral length) were taken for a sample of Moroteuthis ingens which were captured on the Chatham Rise, New Zealand. Beak lengths were plotted against both mantle length and wet weight to determine the relationship between these parameters for future use in biomass estimates in predator analysis. Although M. ingens is markedly sexually dimorphic, with females reaching 5 times the weight of males, there was no obvious sexual dimorphism in either lower or upper rostral length. This resulted in sex-specific relationships between both LRL and mantle length, LRL and weight; and URL and mantle length, and URL and weight. Males appeared to have a curvilinear relationship between beak length and mantle length and beak length and weight (even for log-transformed data). There was also considerable spread in the data in the plot between beak length and weight for females of similar weight. These characteristics of the data makes biomass estimates based on rostral length measurements for this species difficult. Other beak parameters may prove more useful for estimating biomass of M. ingens.  相似文献   

Morphological and morphometric development of the upper jaw (UJ) and lower jaw (LJ) and arm crown of Chiroteuthis cf. veranyi, Liocranchia reinhardti (oceanic species), and Doryteuthis opalescens (neritic species) paralarvae were analyzed in order to verify whether or not they are determined by developmental modes. Jaw measurements were taken, correlated with mantle length (ML) by multiple linear regression to determine relative influences on growth, and compared between species by ANOVA to identify differences. Development was expected to be similar between oceanic species, but was morphologically similar between L. reinhardti and D. opalescens, and morphometrically similar between the latter and C. cf. veranyi. UJ and LJ measurements with highest correlation with ML are larger in L. reinhardti, indicating greater beak development in this species. Rostrum robustness is higher in L. reinhardti, intermediate in D. opalescens, and lower in C. cf. veranyi, hinting at the respective prey type. Teeth (LJ) and slit, characteristics of ancestral cephalopods, are present, disappearing completely and partially on the largest specimens of L. reinhardti and D. opalescens, respectively, and remaining in all sizes of C. cf. veranyi. The results suggest that their presence in early paralarvae reflects an adaptation to sucking the pre-digested internal fluids of prey.  相似文献   

The oegopsid squid family Onychoteuthidae presently comprises six genera (Moroteuthis, Onychoteuthis, Ancistroteuthis, Kondakovia, Onykia and Chaunoteuthis) but the status of some of these is still uncertain. An interdisciplinary study was undertaken to clarify the phylogenetic relationships, which included a morphological approach (morphometric analysis), and a molecular study of a mitochondrial gene portion (l-rRNA gene, 16S). The morphometric analysis identified two groups, one including some Onychoteuthis and some Moroteuthis knipovitchi, and another including the remaining genera or species. At the intrageneric level, M. knipovitchi appears to be separated from the other species of the genus; M. robusta is closely related to M. ingens and M. pacifica. Morphometric analysis confirmed that Kondakovia longimana is different from M. ingens. Likewise, Onychoteuthis was clearly separated from the other genera, but there is neither geographical grouping nor morphometric differentiation of the Onychoteuthis species with the parameters measured. Some specimens were apparently intermediate between the Onychoteuthis and Ancistroteuthis groups. On a molecular basis, the Onychoteuthidae appeared to be monophyletic. Monophyly of the genus Moroteuthis (four species studied) was not strongly supported: M. knipovitchi was distinct from the others. The molecular analysis showed three Hawaiian species, Onychoteuthis compacta, O. sp. B and O. sp. C, to be closely related. The gene sequence for the newly created species of Onykia is clearly different from all the others, indicating that it is a true species.  相似文献   

Maturation in the onychoteuthid squid Moroteuthis ingens was found to be irreversible, with death following shortly after sexual maturation and spawning. Both males and females were found with spent gonads. The ovary reaches very large sizes in mature females and probably prevents feeding by constricting the caecum. There was also a marked difference in the tissue integrity between immature females and females which had reached sexual maturity. Mature and spent females showed advanced tissue breakdown with individuals having a thin mantle wall with an inelastic, gelatinous appearance. Histological examination of the mantle wall revealed that the tissue breakdown was due to a drastic histolysis of muscle tissue and, to a lesser extent, collagen fibres. Mature males also showed some tissue breakdown and loss of muscle fibres but this was not as dramatic as in the females. These features are considered in relation to processes contributing to terminal maturation in M. ingens.  相似文献   

Until recently, all papillated specimens of Pareledone were ascribed to the species Pareledone charcoti (Joubin, 1905), of which P. aurorae (Berry, 1917) was considered a junior synonym. Re-examination of the papillated type material of Pareledone, coupled with extensive fishing over several years off the Antarctic Peninsula, has led to a revision of this position. Seven new species of papillated Pareledone are identified from the Antarctic Peninsula region. They are identified by subtle taxonomic characters, such as the morphology and placement of their papillae, although traditional indices often fail to separate the species. Whilst apparently sympatric, there is some evidence of niche separation of these species with respect to depth. A key is provided for their identification.  © 2005 The Linnean Society of London, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2005, 143 , 75−108.  相似文献   

The structure of the reproductive systems of mature males and females of the nektonic, oceanic squid Thysanoteuthis rhombus are described. The main peculiarities of the female system are relatively low capacity oviducts, set in a tight spiral, and hypertrophically developed oviducal glands with a very large second section. The male reproductive system is characterized by a long, narrow Needham's sac containing 10–15 large spermatophores 80–100 mm in length. The mesentery supporting the gonad, and protruding into it dorsally, is a characteristic feature in both sexes. The hectocotylus structure differs markedly from that in other squids and resembles that of sepiids. The reproductive system of T. rhombus possesses primitive features (pattern of gonad attachment and hectocotylus) but mostly secondary characters (small oviducts, very large oviducal glands and ovary). The complex morpho-ecological adaptations of T. rhombus are reflected in the distinctive features of the reproductive system.  相似文献   

Squid populations are being put under rapidly increasing commercial fishing pressure worldwide. The same species are known to be susceptible to extreme population fluctuations, so detailed knowledge of population substructuring and genetic diversity is essential for rational management. We present a set of microsatellite DNA loci suitable for population genetic analysis of Loligo gahi, the squid species subject to the most detailed monitoring and fishery control (around the Falkland Islands), with the future aim of generating management‐related information to aid conservation of this valuable natural resource.  相似文献   

Pyroteuthis margaritifera has morphologically distinctive photophores on the tentacles, eyeball and in the mantle cavity. The photogenic tissue in each photophore is identical, has a blue-green fluorescence and luminesces on treatment with dilute hydrogen peroxide. The photocytes frequently contain organized fibrillar material akin to that in the photocytes of certain other cephalopods. Several different types of blood vessel are present among the photocytes, including some, apparently restricted to the photophores, with a microvillous endothelium. Haemocyanin is present not only within identifiable blood vessels but also in some intercellular spaces.
On the basis of their characteristic optical systems the photophores can be separated into three types: (1) tentacular; (2) ocular and anal; (3) branchial and median abdominal. The tentacular photophores have collagenous reflector and light guide systems and the median ones are double organs. The ocular and anal organs do not have collagenous optical structures but an elaborate variety of reflective iridosomes. Those in the aperture of the photophores appear to act as interference filters. The branchial and abdominal organs have iridosomes as the major reflective tissue but collagenous fibrils function as light guides in the aperture of these organs and their emission is diffuse rather than collimated.  相似文献   

Loligo bleekeri has a long spawning season and the size of mature males changes during the season: dimorphic (large/small) early in the spawning season and monomorphic (small) later in the spawning season. To understand how copulatory behaviours relate to the dimorphism, we developed five polymorphic microsatellite loci in L. bleekeri. The level of polymorphism ranged from 10 to 22 alleles with expected heterozygosities ranging from 0.79 to 0.93, suggesting that the novel polymorphic loci should be useful for parentage analysis of L. bleekeri.  相似文献   

The lateral fins of cuttlefish and squid consist of a tightly packed three-dimensional array of musculature that lacks bony skeletal support or fluid-filled cavities for hydrostatic skeletal support. During swimming and manoeuvring, the fins are bent upward and downward in undulatory waves. The fin musculature is arranged in three mutually perpendicular planes. Transverse muscle bundles extend parallel to the fin surface from the base of the fin to the fin margin. Dorso-ventral muscle bundles extend from dorsal and ventral connective tissue fasciae to a median connective tissue fascia. A layer of longitudinal muscle bundles is situated adjacent to both the dorsal and ventral surface of the median fascia. The muscle fibres are obliquely striated and include a core of mitochondria. A zone of muscle fibres with a more extensive core of mitochondria is present in both the dorsal and the ventral transverse muscle bundles. It is hypothesized that these muscle masses include two fibre types with different aerobic capacity. A network of connective tissue fibres is present in the transverse and dorso-ventral muscle masses. These fibres, probably collagen, are oriented at 45 to the long axes of the transverse and dorsoventral muscle fibres in transverse planes.
A biomechanicayl analysis of the morphology suggests that support for fin movements is provided by simultaneous contractile activity of muscles of specific orientations in a manner similar to that proposed for other 'muscular-hydrostats'. The musculature therefore provides both the force and support for movement. Connective tissue fibres may aid in providing support and may also serve for elastic energy storage.  相似文献   

The ammonium ion (NH4+) content in the mantles, fins, arms, haemolymph, and buoyancy fluid of 17 species of squids belonging to nine families was determined. Great individual variation of ammonium concentration was found in the buoyancy fluid of Liocranchia reinhardti(Steenstrup, 1856), i.e. 38–1108 mM, and in the vacuolized tissues of Histioteuthis macrohista N. Voss, 1969, i.e. 50–775 mM.  相似文献   

Mastigoteuthid squids are ecologically important, being prey to many apex predators, yet the diversity and systematics of the family remain poorly understood. Delicate by nature, they are often damaged during capture; there is a need to accurately identify incomplete mastigoteuthid specimens from collections and stomach contents. This study aimed to test a morphological hypothesis for the division of the genera Mastigoteuthis (Mt.), Idioteuthis, Mastigopsis (Mp.), Echinoteuthis, and Magnoteuthis (Mg.) and to assess the utility of DNA barcodes to discriminate species. Three mitochondrial genes (16S rRNA, 12S rRNA, and cytochrome c oxidase subunit I) were analysed for eight different species, representing the largest phylogenetic assessment of the family to date. Evidence was found for a potentially new species in New Zealand that has been previously misidentified as the morphologically similar species Mg. magna. Each species analysed herein exhibited unique mitochondrial DNA haplotypes for all loci, and the morphological distinction between the five proposed genera was strongly supported using a combined Bayesian and maximum-likelihood phylogenies. Of the three loci examined, the DNA barcode region shows the greatest divergence between species and should be used in future systematic work on the Mastigoteuthidae.  相似文献   

Atlantic bobtail squid (Sepiola atlantica) in northwest Spain show seasonal variation in population structure, with juvenile abundance peaking during summer and autumn. However, whether similar patterns exist for reproduction is unknown. Therefore, we describe the reproductive biology of 505 specimens of S. atlantica collected monthly during two consecutive years at two different sites off of Areamilla beach in the Ría de Vigo. Mature males displayed a type of sexual dimorphism previously unknown in members of this species, developing a muscular nodule in the base of each of the ventral arms over ontogeny. Reproductive output of both sexes was similar to that of other bobtail squids. Relative oocyte size (~10% mantle length) appeared to be similar to those of other bobtail squids. Females did not show evidence of having mated before complete maturity. Females of S. atlantica have group‐synchronous ovary maturation, with a positive correlation between female mantle length and ripe oocyte mass, suggesting a terminal investment strategy. Atlantic bobtail squids displayed the same seasonal patterns of reproductive traits at both sampling sites, with significant differences in reproductive activity between males and females. We consider reproductive traits in these small animals as adaptations to the coastal shelf lifestyle.  相似文献   

Prey species of the deepwater squid Moroteuthis ingens were examined for 37 large specimens captured in New Zealand waters. Caecum contents were predominantly less than 80% full and covered a range of digestion stages. The diet consisted of fish (at least seven species, of which four were myctophids) and squid. The most abundant prey was the myctophid Lampanyctodes hectoris, which was represented by 1323 otoliths from 22 caeca. The second most abundant prey was viperfish (Chauliodus sloani) and/or dragonfish (Stomias boa), represented by 537 otoliths from 17 caeca. Individual squid appeared to ingest surprisingly large numbers of fish (up to 100) during a single feeding period and could achieve feeding rates greater than 10% of their body weight per day. While some males appeared to ingest larger numbers of L. hectoris, females targeted significantly larger individuals of L. hectoris thereby ingesting a greater biomass of fish. Received: 31 July 1997 / Accepted: 15 January 1998  相似文献   

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