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The structure of pigeon breast muscle mitochondria was studied both in whole muscle tissue and in mitochondrial fractions separated by differential centrifugation. No evidence was found to indicate that the mitochondria of pigeon breast muscle differ in any fundamental way from those of other tissues. In particular the absence of an enveloping membrane, claimed in recent reports, was not confirmed. The structure of the lipide bodies present in muscle has been described, and compared with that of similar bodies in other tissues.  相似文献   

淮河中游浮游甲壳动物群落结构的季节动态   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
2007年1-12月对淮河中游浮游甲壳动物群落结构的季节动态进行研究。共记录浮游甲壳动物24种, 其中枝角类8属13种、桡足类9属11种。枝角类在4月和9月形成两个峰值, 即(28.2±21.6) ind/L和(40.8±10.1) ind/L, 其优势种分别为僧帽溞 Daphnia cucullata和脆弱象鼻溞 Bosmina fatalis。捕食性桡足类-近邻剑水蚤Cyclops vicinus vicinus、广布中剑水蚤Mesocyclops leuckarti和台湾温剑水蚤Thermocyclops taihokuensis分别在4月、5月和6月形成较大的密度。汤匙华哲水蚤Sinocalanus dorrii和中华窄腹剑水蚤Limnoithona sinensis分别在5月和8月占优势。小型浮游植物(≤20 μm)生物量在4月达到最大值, 之后快速下降, 而较大型浮游植物(>20 μm)生物量从4月上升, 到7月达到最大值。典型冗余分析(RDA)显示, 溞属Daphnia的仲春下降与捕食性桡足类(尤其是近邻剑水蚤)的摄食压力、浮游植物生物量的季节变化密切相关。    相似文献   

The brilliantly fluorescent cytoplasmic particles that accumulate in HeLa cells treated with acridine orange, previously referred to as acridine orange particles, are shown to represent acid phosphatase positive multivesicular bodies (MVB). Dynamic changes in the ultrastructure of these organelles may be induced by varying the concentration of extracellular dye and the length of exposure to the dye. Low concentrations of dye for long intervals of time lead to marked hypertrophy of the MVB and accumulation of myelin figures within them, the acid phosphatase activity being retained. High concentrations of dye for short time intervals lead initially to a diffuse distribution of dye through out the cytoplasm (cytoplasmic reddening) as viewed in the fluorescence microscope. When cells are stained in this way and incubated in a dye-free medium, the diffusely distributed dye is segregated into MVB within 1 hour. Ultrastructurally, these MVB show dilatation but no myelin figures. The process of dye segregation is energy dependent and will not occur in starved cells. This energy dependence and the occurrence of segregation via dilatation of the MVB rather than ultrastructural transformation, i.e. formation of new binding sites, suggests that the process involves an active transport mechanism. Of the various energy sources supplied to starved cells, only glucose, mannose, and pyruvate are fully effective in supporting dye segregation. Blockage of the tricarboxylic acid cycle with malonate inhibits the effects of pyruvate but not of glucose, demonstrating the efficacy of both the tricarboxylic acid and glycolytic cycles in supplying energy for the process.  相似文献   

两种黄芪主根内部构造和有效成分含量变化规律的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
王尔彤  刘玫 《植物研究》1995,15(1):92-96
对膜荚黄芪和蒙古黄芪主根内部结构和有效成分含量变化规律的研究发现,由于两种黄芪个体发育节律的不同,其主根内部结构和养分累亦遵循各不同的变化规律,有效成分黄芪甙和总多糖含量亦随这种营养生长和生殖生长交替规律的不同而变化,并且与养分的积累与消耗呈正相关,两种有成分的含量在萌动期前和枯萎期后达到高峰。  相似文献   

Through the use of combined spectrophotometric and electron microscope techniques, large amplitude swelling of rat liver mitochondria has been described as an ordered sequence of ultrastructural transitions. Prior to the actual swelling, mitochondria undergo two major conformational changes: condensed to twisted form and twisted to orthodox form. This sequence is independent of (a) the nature of swelling agents and (b) the time of onset of swelling. Agents that delay the onset of swelling act to increase the duration of the twisted conformation. Agents that prevent extensive swelling hold mitochondria in intermediate conformations. Gross swelling, immediately preceded by a decrease in electron opacity of the matrix, involves the rupture of the outer membrane and expansion of the inner compartment of the mitochondrion.  相似文献   

Astrocytic mitochondria have been studied in serial electron micrographs of the corpus striatum. Special filaments have been found inside several of these mitochondria located in both the cell body and the processes. They were particularly frequently observed in the pericapillary end-feet. The filaments occur within dilated intracristal spaces provided with several communications with the outer chamber, and form helices which are oriented approximately in the same direction. Each filament is about 30 A thick, the diameter of the helix is 140 A, and the pitch is 120 A. Their possible nature and significance are briefly discussed. There is no clear relationship between these mitochondria and other unusual forms of mitochondria previously described in astrocytes from other regions.  相似文献   

The localization of the enzymes of ketogenesis in isolated rat liver mitochondria has been investigated. Mitochondrial subfractions were isolated after disruption of this subcellular organelle by (a) hypotonic lysis in water, which permitted the ultracentrifugal separation of the soluble and membranous compartments of the mitochondrion, or by (b) a procedure involving swelling, contraction, and ultrasonic treatment, which permitted the isolation from discontinuous sucrose gradients of subfractions rich in intermembrane space protein, outer membrane, and inner membrane-matrix particles. Two membrane subfractions were invariably present as distinct bands at the lower interface of the discontinuous gradient. The upper of these two bands was found to be a highly purified preparation of outer mitochondrial membrane. Subfractions rich in matrix and in inner membrane were isolated from inner membrane-matrix particles after hypotonic treatment. The content of the various mitochondrial compartments in all subfractions was assessed from their enzymic and electron microscopic characteristics. The ketogenic activity of each subfraction was determined by measuring its capacity to form ketone bodies from acetyl CoA. The activity of this process was markedly enhanced by dithiothreitol. These measurements of ketone body formation, together with assays of individual enzymes of the ketogenic pathway, show that thiolase, HMGCoA synthase, and HMGCoA cleavage enzyme are localized in the matrix of the inner membrane-matrix particles. The rates of ketone body formation indicate that the HMGCoA synthase is the rate-limiting enzyme of the pathway in subfractions of high matrix content. Studies with sodium chloride indicate that a large portion of the HMGCoA synthase, which remains present in membrane subfractions derived from water-treated mitochondria, is bound by ionic interaction to component(s) of the membrane.  相似文献   

青海省海北地区高寒草甸鸟类群落结构的季节变化   总被引:16,自引:1,他引:16  
本研究地区,高寒草甸鸟类群落由22种鸟组成,它们隶属于2目9科,其中留鸟11种,迁徙鸟8种。在当地繁殖的鸟19种,冬候鸟2种。各项鸟类群落指标呈现明显季节变化,一般从早春开始上升,到夏季达到高峰,然后逐渐下降至隆冬的最低点。  相似文献   

Latent psoriasis is a state which exists before the development of clinical psoriasis and wherein probably some as yet undiscovered defect exists. Investigation concerning a group of persons with latent psoriasis might disclose basic aberrations.The natural course of psoriasis may be altered by therapy. Folic acid antagonists and intradermal corticosteroids may at times eclipse psoriatic lesions. Oral adrenal corticosteroids may prove morbidistatic but on discontinuance a rebound flare may occur which is both protracted and recalcitrant. Antimalarial agents when employed as therapy for coexistent arthridites may cause psoriasis to become more severe.The Goeckerman regimen which employs topical tar and ultraviolet light therapy produces in some 75 per cent of patients a prolonged remission. As it is safe and repeatable it is favored for the usual severe case of psoriasis.Psoriasis therapy is better assessed by considering its effect on the natural evolution of the disease.  相似文献   

During the growth cycle of Tetrahymena pyriformis the mitochondria undergo changes in position, number, and structure. Ciliates in the logarithmic growth phase possess elongated mitochondria which are aligned along the plasma membrane and are closely associated with the kinetosomes and kinetodesmata. Mitochondria appear to divide across the long axis at this time, resulting in two or more products. Throughout this phase of growth mitochondrial divisions keep pace with cytokinesis so that the population of mitochondria remains at essentially the minimal level. As the ciliates enter the stationary growth phase the mitochondria increase in number, become oval to spherical in shape, and some migrate into the cytoplasm. Intramitochondrial masses of various configurations appear at this time. Some of the mitochondria lying in the cytoplasm become incorporated into vacuoles. Within these vacuoles either a single mitochondrion appears or several mitochondria may be seen along with other cytoplasmic structures. Later in the stationary growth phase the contained mitochondria are dense and the tubules are more compact than normal. Various stages in disorganization of the mitochondria are observed in a single large vacuole. Cytochemical tests reveal the presence of acid phosphatase, suggesting that hydrolysis of the vacuolar contents occurs. Lipid droplets increase in number during the middle and late stationary phase of growth. These events are interpreted as being associated with the normal process of aging in T. pyriformis.  相似文献   

Abstract— The activity and control of the pyruvate dehydrogenase complex in isolated rat brain mitochondria has been studied. The activity of this complex in mitochondria as isolated from normal fed rats was 78 ± 10nmol.min−1 mg mitochondrial protein−1 (n = 18) which represented 70% of the total pyruvate dehydrogenase activity. The pyruvate dehydrogenase in isolated brain mitochondria could be inactivated by incubation in the presence of ATP, oligomycin and NaF. The rate of inactivation was dependent upon the added ATP concentration but inactivation below approx 30% of the total pyruvate dehydrogenase activity could not be achieved. The inactivation of pyruvate dehydrogenase in brain mitochondria was inhibited by pre-incubation with pyruvate. Reactivation of inactivated pyruvate dehydrogenase in rat brain mitochondria was incomplete in the incubation medium unless 10mM-Mg2++ 1 mM-Ca2+ were added; NaF, however, prevented any reactivation (Fig. 4). It is concluded that the pyruvate dehydrogenase complex in rat brain mitochondria is controlled in a manner similar to that in other tissues, and that pyruvate protection of pyruvate dehydrogenase activity may be important in maintaining brain energy metabolism.  相似文献   

Mitochondria from the muscle of the parasitic nematode Ascaris lumbricoides var. suum function anaerobically in electron transport-associated phosphorylations under physiological conditions. These helminth organelles have been fractionated into inner and outer membrane, matrix, and intermembrane space fractions. The distributions of enzyme systems were determined and compared with corresponding distributions reported in mammalian mitochondria. Succinate and pyruvate dehydrogenases as well as NADH oxidase, Mg++-dependent ATPase, adenylate kinase, citrate synthase, and cytochrome c reductases were determined to be distributed as in mammalian mitochondria. In contrast with the mammalian systems, fumarase and NAD-linked "malic" enzyme were isolated primarily from the intermembrane space fraction of the worm mitochondria. These enzymes are required for the anaerobic energy-generating system in Ascaris and would be expected to give rise to NADH in the intermembrane space. The need for and possible mechanism of a proton translocation system to obtain energy generation is suggested.  相似文献   

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