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Isolated livers from fed rats were perfused with a medium containing glucose labeled uniformly with 14C and specifically with 3H. There was considerable formation of glucose from endogenous sources but simultaneously uptake of about half of the 14C in glucose. After 2 hours the 3H14C ratios in perfusate glucose decreased by 55–60% with (2-3H, U-14C), 40–50% with (5-3H, U-14C), 25–30% with (3-3H or 4-3H, U-14C) and by 10–15% with (6-3H, U-14C) glucose. Qualitatively comparable patterns were obtained with rat hepatocytes. These results demonstrate recycling of carbon between glucose and pyruvate. Superimposed upon this there is an extensive futile cycle between glucose and glucose 6-P. There is also futile cycling between fructose 6-P and fructose 1,6 P2 and to a small extent between phosphoenol pyruvate and pyruvate.  相似文献   

The metabolism of proline was studied in liver cells isolated from starved rats. The following observations were made. 1. Consumption of proline could be largely accounted for by production of glucose, urea, glutamate and glutamine. 2. At least 50% of the total consumption of oxygen was used for proline catabolism. 3. Ureogenesis and gluconeogenesis from proline could be stimulated by partial uncoupling of oxidative phosphorylation. 4. Addition of ethanol had little effect on either proline uptake or oxygen consumption, but strongly inhibited the production of both urea and glucose and caused further accumulation of glutamate and lactate. Accumulation of glutamine was not affected by ethanol. 5. The effects of ethanol could be overcome by partial uncoupling of oxidative phosphorylation. 6. The apparent Km values of argininosuccinate synthetase (EC for aspartate and citrulline in the intact hepatocyte are higher than those reported for the isolated enzyme. 7. 3-Mercaptopicolinate, an inhibitor of phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase (EC, greatly enhanced cytosolic aspartate accumulation during proline metabolism, but inhibited urea synthesis. 8. It is concluded that when proline is provided as a source of nitrogen to liver cells, production of ammonia by oxidative deamination of glutamate is inhibited by the highly reduced state of the nicotinamide nucleotides within the mitochondria. 9. Conversion of proline into glucose and urea is a net-energy-yielding process, and the high state of reduction of the nicotinamide nucleotides is presumably maintained by a high phosphorylation potential. Thus when proline is present as sole substrate, the further oxidation of glutamate by glutamate dehydrogenase (EC is limited by the rate of energy expenditure of the cell.  相似文献   

Electrophysiological properties of isolated rat liver cells   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The electrophysiological properties of isolated rat liver cells were studied using the patch clamp method in whole-cell configuration. The membrane potential in isolated hepatocytes was -42 +/- 7 mV (n = 20). The input resistance (Rin) and the time constant (tau m) were 51 +/- 17 M (the range of 34 to 180 M omega) (n = 20) and 4.2 +/- 1.0 msec (the range of 3 to 16.5 ms) (n = 20). Assuming that the specific membrane capacitance is 1 microF/cm2, the membrane resistance and membrane capacitance were 42. +/- 9.0 K omega cm2 and 87 +/- 27 pF. These values indicate that isolated rat hepatocytes are not abnormally permeable or leaky. The current-voltage relationship was linear with no rectification. The depolarizing pulse from the resting potential did not induce fast or slow inward currents even when norepinephrine or high Ca2 (3.6 mM) were applied. This indicates that there is no voltage-sensitive Ca2+ channel in the isolated hepatocytes.  相似文献   

Glycogen synthesis in isolated parenchymal rat liver cells   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Seglen PO 《FEBS letters》1973,30(1):25-28

Protocollagen proline hydroxylase in isolated rat liver cells   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

Induction of cadmium-thionein in isolated rat liver cells.   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
The uptake of cadmium by isolated liver cells was linearly related to the cadmium concentration to which the cells were exposed in the medium. Cadmium-treated cells synthesized proteins de novo with the characteristics of cadmium-thionein induced in the liver of cadmium-treated animals. Thionein from liver cells incorporated cadmium and [35S]cysteine, had a Ve/Vo (Sephadex G-50) of 1.8-1.9, and was separated into two subfractions by DEAE-cellulose ion-exchange chromatography. Cycloheximide and actinomycin D when added after a cadmium exposure prevented the synthesis of thionein. However, addition of actinomycin D after synthesis had started only decreased the total amount of thionein synthesized. The concentration of cadmium to which the cells were exposed affected the amount of cadmium-thionein synthesized in 6h. The maximum response occurred when cells were exposed to 0.5 microgram of cadmium/ml; at higher metal concentrations the total amount of cadmium-thionein synthesized declined. The system described in the present paper can be used to study the mode of metal toxicity and the mechanism of cadmium-thionein synthesis.  相似文献   

Fluid endocytosis in rat liver parenchymal (hepatocytes) and non-parenchymal cells was studied by measuring uptake of [125I]polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP). Radioactive sucrose preparations were also tested but turned out to be unsuitable because of impurities of radioactive glucose and fructose. Fluid endocytosis was temperature dependent without any transition temperature. The rate of endocytosis was inhibited by inhibitors of the glycolytic and the respiratory pathway. Colchicine, but not cytochalasin B, inhibited the uptake of [125I]PVP in hepatocytes. Therefore, intact microtubuli, but not microfilaments may be required for normal rate of fluid endocytosis in hepatocytes. Colchicine reduced the rate of fluid endocytosis in the non-parenchymal liver cells. Subcellular fractionation by isopycnic centrifugation in sucrose gradients indicated that [125I]PVP taken up by the hepatocytes accumulated in the lysosomes. The rate of uptake expressed as volume of fluid internalized per unit time (endocytic index) was calculated to 0.08 μl/h/106 cells for hepatocytes and 0.07 μl/h/106 cells for non-parenchymal liver cells.  相似文献   

1. The activity of cholesterol 7 alpha-hydroxylase found in the 10000 x g supernatant prepared from isolated rat liver cells was comparable to that found with microsomal fractions from whole liver. 2. The activity of cholesterol 7 alpha-hydroxylase from cells prepared from livers of rats fed the bile salt sequestering agent cholestyramine was 2--3 fold higher than the activity of this enzyme found in cells isolated from animals on a control diet. 3. On incubation of hepatocytes in a suitable medium at 37 degrees C, cholesterol 7 alpha-hydroxylase activity declined to about 50% of its original value after three hours despite the fact that the cells retained a high level of viability over 5--6 h as measured by various sensitive criteria. 4. The decrease in cholesterol 7 alpha-hydroxylase activity was observed whether cholestyramine was included in the diet or excluded from the diet of the animals used as sources of the liver cells. 5. The change in cholesterol 7 alpha-hydroxylase activity seen on incubation of the cells was not affected by including in the incubation medium additional nutrients such as amino acids, the glucocorticoid cortisol, phospholipid dispersions, or sodium taurocholate. 6. Changing the incubation medium in which the cells were suspended at regular intervals during the three-hour experiments failed to prevent this decline in the cholesterol 7 alpha-hydroxylase activity during the incubation of these cells. 7. Although isolated liver cells have been shown to lose glutathione on incubation, addition of physiological levels of this compound did not prevent the decline in cholesterol 7 alpha-hydroxylase activity. 8. Cycloheximide addition to the incubation medium accelerated the decrease in cholesterol 7 alpha-hydroxylase activity. This suggests that some protein synthesis associated with cholesterol 7 alpha-hydroxylase activity occurs during the incubation and inhibition of such protein synthesis accelerated the decrease in this enzyme activity. 9. The cytochrome P-450 content of the 10000 x g supernatant prepared from hepatocytes declined slowly to about 65% of its original value after four hours of incubation at 37 degrees C. This decline in the 10000 x g supernatant cytochrome P-450 content may partly explain the observed loss of cholesterol 7 alpha-hydroxylase activity during incubations in vitro. 10. Isolated hepatocytes rapidly take up radioactively labelled sodium cholate. Subsequent excretion of the radioactivity was also very rapid even in the presence of large amounts of this bile salt in the medium.  相似文献   

Using whole-cell patch-clamp technique and Fura-2 fluorescence measurement, the presence of ATP-activated ion channels and its dependence on intracellular Ca2+ concentration ([Ca2+]i) in the epithelial cells of the endolymphatic sac were investigated. In zero current-clamp configuration, the average resting membrane potential was -66.8+/-1.3 mV (n=18). Application of 30 microM ATP to the bath induced a rapid membrane depolarization by 43.1+/-2.4 mV (n=18). In voltage-clamp configuration, ATP-induced inward current at holding potential (VH) of -60 mV was 169.7+/-6.3 pA (n=18). The amplitude of ATP-induced currents increased in sigmoidal fashion over the concentration range between 0.3 and 300 microM with a Hill coefficient (n) of 1.2 and a dissociation constant (Kd) of 11.7 microM. The potency order of purinergic analogues in ATP-induced current, which was 2MeSATP>ATPgammas>/=ATP>alpha, beta-ATP>ADP=AMP>/=adenosine=UTP, was consistent with the properties of the P2Y receptor. The independence of the reversal potential of the ATP-induced current from Cl- concentration suggests that the current is carried by a cation channel. The relative ionic permeability ratio of the channel modulated by ATP for cations was Ca2+>Na+>Li+>Ba2+>Cs+=K+. ATP (10 microM) increased [Ca2+]i in an external Ca2+-free solution to a lesser degree than that in the external solution containing 1.13 mM CaCl2. ATP-induced increase in [Ca2+]i can be mimicked by application of ionomycin in a Ca2+-free solution. These results indicate that ATP increases [Ca2+]i through the P2Y receptor with a subsequent activation of the non-selective cation channel, and that these effects of ATP are dependent on [Ca2+]i and extracellular Ca2+.  相似文献   

Gel filtration and ion-specific electrodes were used together with atomic absorption spectrophotometry in a search for substances in rat liver which are capable of binding alkali cations. In the cytosol, a material which binds K specifically and reduces the ion activity of potassium can be detected. The binding material, which may be destroyed by alpha-chymotrypsin, has been purified about 100-fold. Its molecular weight is around 5 x 10(3). 1 muval K becomes bound per 20-40 amino acid residues; the total binding capacity may amount to 10-15% binding of the K in rat-liver cytoplasm. Washed nuclear residues, consisting mainly of chromatin, are capable of binding Na in a cation-specific mode. DNA and RNA are ruled out as binding material, so it is assumed to consist of protein, and would then contain about 20 amino acid residues per Na. The cation-binding processes are discussed with regard to nucleo-cytoplasmic sequestration of Na and K, with consequences for the cellular chemi-osmotic gradients, and for the regulation of gene activity in the nucleus.  相似文献   

The present studies were directed to examine and quantify binding and degradation of radiolabelled cholecystokinin (CCK) peptides by isolated rat liver cells. After incubation with liver cells (4.5 x 10(6) cells/ml) at 14 degrees C, minimal binding (less than 5%) of labelled CCK33 was detected. When labelled nonsulfated (nsCCK8) and sulfated CCK8 (sCCK8) were incubated, 16.2 +/- 1.8% (mean +/- S.E.) and 7.2 +/- 0.1% of 125I-nsCCK8 and 125I-sCCK8, respectively, were bound to the cell fraction. However, no inhibition of binding of either labelled nsCCK8 or sCCK8 was observed when incubated in the presence of excess unlabelled peptide (10 ng-10 micrograms). Preferential binding of labelled sCCK8, the biologically active form of the octapeptide, appeared to be to the nonparenchymal liver cell, rather than the hepatocyte, fraction; when corrected for cell size and protein content, binding of sCCK8 was approximately 15-times greater by the nonparenchymal cell population. When incubated with hepatocytes at 37 degrees C for 60 min, no degradation of labelled sCCK8 was detected by high pressure liquid chromatography. In contrast, progressive degradation of sCCK8 was observed when the peptide was incubated with the nonparenchymal cells. The results of these studies confirm previous observations that CCK33 is not bound by the liver. They further demonstrate that to some degree CCK8 is preferentially bound and degraded by hepatic nonparenchymal cells; however, this binding appears to be noncompetitive and, therefore, probably not receptor-mediated.  相似文献   

NAD(P)H fluorescence, mitochondrial membrane potential and respiration rate were measured and manipulated in isolated liver cells from fed and starved rats in order to characterize control of mitochondrial respiration and phosphorylation. Increased mitochondrial NADH supply stimulated respiration and this accounted for most of the stimulation of respiration by vasopressin and extracellular ATP. From the response of respiration to NADH it was estimated that the control coefficient over respiration of the processes that supply mitochondrial NADH was about 0.15-0.3 in cells from fed rats. Inhibition of the ATP synthase with oligomycin increased the mitochondrial membrane potential and decreased respiration in cells from fed rats, while the uncoupler carbonyl cyanide p-trifluoromethoxyphenylhydrazone had the opposite effect. There was a unique relationship between respiration and membrane potential irrespective of the ATP content of the cells indicating that phosphorylation potential controls respiration solely via phosphorylation (rather than by controlling NADH supply). From the response of respiration to the mitochondrial membrane potential (delta psi M) it was estimated that the control coefficients over respiration rate in cells from fed rats were: 0.29 by the processes that generate delta psi M, 0.49 by the process of ATP synthesis, transport and consumption, and 0.22 by the processes that cycle protons across the inner mitochondrial membrane other than via ATP synthesis (e.g. the passive proton leak). Control coefficients over the rate of mitochondrial ATP synthesis were 0.23, 0.84 and -0.07, respectively, by the same processes. The control distribution in cells from starved rats was similar.  相似文献   

The liver sinusoids, that are considered as a functional unit, harbour four types of sinusoidal cells (Ito, Kupffer, endothelial and pit cells). Dolichol content has been determined in many tissues and subcellular compartments, alteration has been reported in many types of liver injury, but until now no data are available on its content in every type of sinusoidal non-parenchymal liver cells. Dolichol and retinol metabolism might intersect in their traffic in biological membranes. Intercellular as well as intracellular exchange of retinoids is an essential element of important processes occurring in liver cells. It has been suggested that the role of dolichol, besides being a carrier of oligosaccharides in the biosynthesis of N-linked glycoproteins, may be to modify membrane fluidity and permeability, and facilitate fusion of membranes. Dolichol in the membrane is intercalated between the two halves of the phospholipid bilayer, but its exact disposition is not known and the movement and distribution of retinoid in membranes may vary with the geometry of the membranes. Therefore the aim of this study is to obtain a global understanding of the sinusoidal system regarding dolichol and retinol content in each type of isolated rat liver sinusoidal cell, in normal conditions and after vitamin A administration. The information that can be drawn from the present results is that with normal vitamin A status of the animal, the dolichol content is almost uniform in all liver cells. After vitamin A supplementation, a great increase of dolichol, together with the known increase of retinol, can be measured only in a subpopulation of the Ito cells, the Ito-1 subfraction. Therefore in the cells that are present in the hepatic sinusoid, different pools of dolichol may have separate functions. Because retinol traffic among cells, membranes and plasma still remains to be fully understood, roles of dolichol in the exchange of vitamin A among sinusoidal liver cells are discussed. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Primary cultures of rat liver parenchymal cells maintained as a monolayer in serum-free culture medium were used to investigate the characteristics of zinc accumulation in vitro. Liver parenchymal cells accumulated zinc by a temperature-dependent, saturable process that was inhibited by cyanide, azide, oligomycin, N-ethylmaleimide and iodoacetamide. Cadmium reversibly inhibited zinc accumulation in both serum-free and serum-containing media. Gel filtration chromatographic studies showed that recently accumulated intracellular zinc was present as a low molecular weight complex smaller than metallothionein, the zinc storage protein, but larger than individual amino acids.The quantity of zinc accumulated was affected by preincubation of the cells with various hormones. Dexamethasone, prednisone and prednisolone each increased zinc uptake by 40–50% when either insulin or glucagon was also present. Hydrocortisone, cortisone and sex steroids did not influence zinc accumulation. Removal of the polypeptide hormones from the medium abolished the stimulatory effect of the synthetic glucocorticoid steroid hormones on zinc accumulation.  相似文献   

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