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On the specificity of naloxone as an opiate antagonist.   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
J Sawynok  C Pinsky  F S LaBella 《Life sciences》1979,25(19):1621-1632
Since the discovery of endogenous opioid peptides in brain (68,69,97,113, 128) and the pituitary gland (26,81,105,125) there has been considerable interest in their possible roles in a variety of physiological and pharmacological processes. Many studies have used antagonism by naloxone as a criterion for implicating endogenous opiates in a process, assuming that naloxene has no pharmacological actions other than those related to blockade of opiate receptors. The doses of naloxene used are often higher than those required to antagonize the analgesic and other effects of morphine. However, multiple forms of opiate receptors are present in nervous tissue and higher concentrations of naloxene are required to antagonize effects mediated by some of these receptors (83). Although the earlier literature supports the assumption that the effects of naloxene are due to the blockade of opiate receptors (87), there are an increasing number of reports which indicate that naloxene may have pharmacological actions unrelated to opiate receptor blockade. The subsequent review serves to emphasize that antagonism by naloxene is a necessary but not sufficient criterion for invoking the mediation of a response by an endogenous opiate (61). Additional lines of evidence which serve to strengthen the conclusion that endogenous opiates mediate a process will be considered.  相似文献   

Whole body hyperthermia induces heat shock proteins (HSPs), which confer cardioprotection. Several opioid receptor subtypes are expressed in the heart and are linked to cardioprotection; however, no one has attempted to link the protection elicited by heat stress (HS) to opioids. Therefore, we investigated the effect of an opiate receptor antagonist, naloxone, on HS-induced cardioprotection. Anesthetized Sprague-Dawley rats were subjected to HS (42 degrees C for 20 min) with and without naloxone pretreatment and were allowed to recover for 48 h. They then underwent 30 min of ischemia followed by 2 h of reperfusion. An acute HS group was given an intravenous bolus of naloxone (3 mg/kg) 10 min before index ischemia. Infarct size (IS), expressed as a percentage of the area at risk (IS/AAR), was determined. The right heart was excised for analysis of HSP content by Western blot. Heat-shocked rats showed significant reductions in IS/AAR versus control (16 +/- 3 vs. 58 +/- 4%, P < 0.001). Pretreatment with naloxone before HS attenuated the protective effects in a dose-dependent fashion, with significant attenuation of protection occurring at 15 mg/kg naloxone versus heat shock (42 +/- 6 vs. 16 +/- 3%, P < 0.001). Acute treatment with naloxone (3 mg/kg) 48 h after recovery from HS also significantly attenuated the delayed protective effect (47 +/- 4 vs. 16 +/- 3%, P < 0.001). No difference was seen in the level of HSP70 induced in the different groups. We conclude that heat shock-induced cardioprotection can be attenuated by naloxone, an opiate receptor antagonist, without reducing the levels of certain HSPs. These results suggest there may be a link between the endogenous release of opioids and HS that mediates cardioprotection.  相似文献   

Dextro-naloxone [(+)-naloxone], an isomer with almost no opiate antagonist activity and no effect on spontaneous locomotor activity, can reduce cocaine-induced hyperactivity in mice. The classical opiate antagonist,levo-naloxone [(−)-naloxone], is known to counteract the excitatory motor effects of amphetamine and cocaine, but it has been tacitly assumed that this action oflevo-naloxone is dependent on its ability to antagonize endogenous opioids. Our finding that a naloxone isomer with little or no opioid antagonist activity is also able to inhibit the cocaine effect on spontaneous motility, calls for a reconsideration of this assumption.  相似文献   

The specific opiate antagonist naloxone was used to assess the hypothesis that an endogenous opioid plays a significant role in temperature regulation in the rat. A very slight hypothermic effect was observed at a naloxone dose sufficient to block the opiate receptors. Even under conditions of cold stress, the magnitude of the effect was so small as to lend little support to the hypothesis.  相似文献   

The opiate antagonist naloxone modifies the electric activity of some identified neurons of the Helix lucorum which have not been preliminary exposed to the effect of exogenous opioids. Some neurons are excited while others are inhibited by naloxone, and in both cases the reaction may have both a short and long latent period. The reactions depend on naloxone dose and become less expressed or are blocked when naloxone is administered together with the agonists of opiate receptor (morphine, D-Ala2, D-Leu5-enkephalin, bremazocine and beta-endorphin). Opioids alone do not produce any effect on neurons. The effect of naloxone on neurons is assumed to be a result of the elimination by the opiate antagonist of the tonic effect of endogenous opioids by their replacing on opiate receptors which are constantly stimulated by endogenous ligands.  相似文献   

The influences of the mu blocker naloxone and the novel opioid delta receptor antagonist ICI, 154, 129 on videotaped encounters between individually-housed, male Swiss mice and anosmic male ‘standard opponents’ were assessed using a variety of ethological analyses. The effects of drugs were studied on individual elements and on the times allocated by subjects to broad categories of behaviour. Neither of the drugs significantly altered times allocated to broad categories of behaviour. Both doses of both compounds significantly increased the incidences of some ‘fearful’/defensive postures. A more detailed analysis considered the effects of the drugs on the sequences of postures used in the resident's behaviour. This involved the generation of ‘dendrograms’ which provided support for the view that both naloxone and ICI 154, 129 altered the associations between behavioural elements seen in saline controls (especially at higher doses) and that the effects of these antagonists were qualitatively different.  相似文献   

All subjects participating in an outpatient study comparing treatments for opiate dependence were given a naloxone challenge to document their level of dependence. Subjects were assessed at 0, 10, 20, and 30 minutes following the administration of intramuscular naloxone (0.4 mg) using an opiate withdrawal assessment scale and measurements of pupillary diameter. Subjects' self reports of daily dollar amounts of opiate use and time since last use were also examined for possible correlation with withdrawal scale scores and pupillary measurements. A significant negative correlation was obtained between pupil diameter and time since last reported use of an opiate. Results indicated that the scale was a reliable indicator of opiate dependence. Ways in which it might be improved are discussed.  相似文献   

Intravenous naloxone injection (0.1 mg/kg) facilitated blood pressure increase in response to conditioned sound stimulus followed by electrocutaneous shock in conscious chair-restrained baboons (Papio hamadryas). Naloxone at a dose of 1.0 mg/kg had an opposite effect and led to the decrease in blood pressure and heart rate in conditioned fear reflex. Naloxone microinjections (50 microM) into the periventricular hypothalamus led to a significant diminution of blood pressure and heart rate increment in response to electrocutaneous shock; naloxone microinjections into tractus solitarius nuclei suppressed blood pressure and heart rate reactions both to conditioned (sound) and unconditioned (electrocutaneous shock) stimuli. Microinjections of equimolar morphine quantities in these brain regions facilitated such reactions. It is concluded that endogenous opioid system participates in the formation of cardiovascular reactions to emotional stimuli in monkeys, with multiple opioid receptors of periventricular hypothalamus and tractus solitarius nuclei involved in the generation of such reactions.  相似文献   

Previous studies have documented direct vascular effects of opiate substances in the systemic circulation. Because opiate receptors have been identified in the lung, we wondered whether opiate substances might affect vasoreactivity in the lung circulation. We studied the pulmonary vascular effects of three opiate agonists: morphine, leucine-enkephalin, and dynorphin, as well as the opiate receptor antagonist naloxone, in isolated rat lungs perfused with a cell- and plasma-free salt solution. Because of previous reports of the smooth muscle effects of the methyl- and propylparaben preservatives in the naloxone preparation, we also studied the pulmonary vascular effects of these preservatives in the rat lung circulation. We found that morphine, a mu-receptor agonist, leucine-enkephalin, a delta-receptor agonist, and dynorphin, a kappa-receptor agonist, caused no immediate vascular effect when injected into the pulmonary artery. In addition, morphine did not affect the pulmonary vasoconstrictions induced by hypoxia, angiotensin II, or potassium chloride. The commercial preparation of naloxone, Narcan, caused a marked vasodilation during hypoxic pulmonary vasoconstriction. However, this effect was entirely attributable to the preservatives methyl- and propylparaben, as pure naloxone had no effect on either the baseline pulmonary vascular tone or the vasoconstrictive response to hypoxia. We conclude that opiate receptor agonists and antagonists do not affect vasoreactivity in the rat lung circulation and that the methyl- and propylparaben preservatives in Narcan are pulmonary vasodilators.  相似文献   

A number of opiate antagonists and the dextro isomers of some of these drugs were studied for antagonism of acute opiate effects on ilea isolated from opiate-naive guinea pigs, precipitation of a withdrawal contraction of ilea isolated from morphine-dependent guinea pigs, precipitation of withdrawal in morphine-dependent rhesus monkeys and stereospecific displacement of 3H-etorphine binding to rat-brain membranes. With the exception of d-naloxone, all of the compounds displaced 3H-etorphine. With the exception of d-naloxone, nalorphine, and quaternary nalorphine, all of the antagonists caused a contraction of ilea isolated from morphine-dependent guinea pigs. Moreover, the IC 50 values of the compounds for displacing 3H-etorphine binding were well correlated with both their Ke values for antagonism in the ileum (r = 0.95) and with their EC 50 values for precipitating a contraction in this preparation (r = 0.92). Generally, the concentration of antagonist necessary to precipitate half maximal contracture was 30-fold greater than the Ke value of the antagonist. Most of the opiate antagonists also precipitated withdrawal when administered to morphine-dependent rhesus monkeys and their in vivo potencies were well correlated with their in vitro potencies in ileum (with Ke: r = 0.95; with EC 50: r = 0.99) and in displacing 3H-etorphine (r = 0.95). The quaternary derivative of naltrexone, however, was an effective opiate antagonist only in vitro, and was ineffective in precipitating withdrawal in morphine-dependent rhesus monkeys. These results suggest that the receptor sites labeled by 3H-etorphine are the same as those involved in antagonism of acute opiate actions and in precipitation of withdrawal.  相似文献   

Variations in incubation temperature can markedly differentiate opiate receptor binding of agonists and antagonists. In the presence of sodium increasing incubation temperatures from 0° to 30° reduces receptor binding of 3H-naloxone by 50% while tripling the binding of the agonist 3H-dihydromorphine. Lowering incubation temperature from 25° to 0° reduces the potency of morphine in inhibiting 3H-naloxone binding by 9-fold while not affecting the potency of the antagonist nalorphine. At temperatures of 25° and higher the number of binding sites for opiate antagonists is increased by sodium and the number of sites for agonists is decreased by sodium with no changes in affinity. By contrast, in the presence of sodium lowering of incubation temperature to 0° increases opiate receptor binding of the antagonist naloxone by enhancing its affinity for binding sites even though the total number of binding sites are not changed.  相似文献   

In chronic experiments with rats during the exercises on a treadmill the ECG was registered and duration of the development of exhaustion was determined under control and under acute (1 mg/kg intraperitoneally 1 hour before the experiment) or chronic (1 mg/kg intraperitoneally, twice a day during 5 days) treatment with the opioid receptor antagonist naloxone. Chronic but not acute naloxone action resulted in increase of the fatiguability: the time of achievement of exhaustion decreased by 55.3% (P < 0.05). In this case the exhaustion developed at lower degree of heart rate than in control. Comparison of data obtained with the results of chronic treatment with the opioid antagonist permits to conclude that the chronic blockade increases the fatiguability to a great extent than chronic activation of opioid system. Possible mechanisms causing this difference are under discussion.  相似文献   

Opiate-sensitive feeding behavior has now been demonstrated in a number of species. We sought information on which opioid receptors might be involved in the observed feeding behaviors. Guinea pigs are known to have higher concentrations of the opioid kappa receptor than any other laboratory animal, so we compared the feeding suppressive potency of the general opiate antagonist, diprenorphine to that of the relatively more mu-specific antagonist, naloxone in that species. We found that diprenorphine was over twenty times more effective than naloxone in suppressing feeding in guinea pigs, suggesting the importance of receptors other than mu in feeding initiation in the guinea pig. Confirmatory evidence for the role of kappa receptors was sought, but not found, in comparisons of the effectiveness of different types of opiate agonists in promoting feeding in these animals. These agonists suppressed, rather than stimulated feeding. We conclude that no feeding stimulatory effects of opiates can be demonstrated in guinea pigs. This observation may indicate that opioids play little role in the natural regulation of feeding in this species or that opioids result in prolonged sedation during which the animals fail to eat. The greater feeding suppressive potency of diprenorphine, a general opiate antagonist, versus naloxone, a mu-preferential antagonist, indicates that to whatever extent opiates are involved in guinea pig feeding, the opiate effect is probably not a mu receptor effect.  相似文献   

Acute experiments on cats have shown that the naloxone blocks of opiate receptors increased essentially the incidence of idioventricular arrhythmias in myocardial ischemia. These results may evidence of the endogenous opioid peptides involvement in the body response on the acute myocardial ischemia.  相似文献   

In HEK293 cells stably expressing alpha4beta2 nAChRs, naltrexone, but not naloxone, blocked alpha4beta2 nAChRs via an open-channel blocking mechanism. In primary hippocampal cultures, naltrexone inhibited alpha7 nAChRs up-regulated by nicotine, and in organotypic hippocampal cultures naltrexone caused a time-dependent up-regulation of functional alpha7 nAChRs that was detected after removal of the drug. These results indicate that naltrexone could be used as a smoking cessation aid.  相似文献   

P Limonta  C W Bardin  E F Hahn  R B Thau 《Steroids》1985,46(6):955-965
In order to gain additional information on the role of brain opioid peptides in the regulation of the hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal axis, we studied the effects of nalmefene, a new opiate antagonist, on gonadotropin and testosterone secretion in male rats. The results were compared with those obtained with naloxone, a well-studied antagonist. Acute injections of either nalmefene or naloxone (2 mg/kg) produced 4-fold increases in LH and testosterone secretion. In castrated male rats treated with testosterone propionate (TP), nalmefene (10 mg/kg) reversed the androgen negative feedback on LH secretion; surprisingly, when higher doses (25 and 50 mg/kg) were injected, the compound lost its ability to antagonize the testosterone-induced inhibition of LH levels. In contrast, naloxone was able to increase LH levels in TP-treated castrated rats even at the highest dose tested (50 mg/kg). Chronic administration of these antagonists resulted in suppression of the acute release of LH and T secretion in nalmefene-treated but not in naloxone-injected animals. These data are consistent with previous observations suggesting that opioid peptides a) exert a tonic inhibitory effect on LH and testosterone production and b) participate in the negative androgen-induced feedback control of LH secretion. Our results also show that the antagonistic action of nalmefene, but not naloxone, is reversed when higher doses are used or following chronic administration.  相似文献   

1. In the cricket Gryllus bimaculatus, effects of opiate receptor antagonist naloxone, 9 or 30 microg per animal, on aggressive behavior were investigated. 2. Naloxone had no significant impact on aggression of isolated and dominant males. In contrast, the drug caused a dramatic release of social aggression in female and subordinate male crickets. 3. The results suggest that activity of the opioid system contributes to suppress aggression in subordinate males, as well as in females, during social contacts.  相似文献   

We considered an irreversible biochemical intrachain reaction of supercoiled DNA as a random event that occurs, with certain probability, at the instant of collision between two reactive groups bound to distant DNA sites. Using the Brownian dynamics technique, we modeled this process for a supercoiled DNA molecule of 2.5 kb length in dilute aqueous solution at an NaCl concentration of 0.1 M. We calculated the mean reaction time tau(Sigma) as a function of the intrinsic second-order rate constant k(I), the reaction radius R, and the contour separation S of the reactive groups. At the diffusion-controlled limit (k(I) --> infinity), the kinetics of reaction are determined by the mean time tau(F) of the first collision. The dependence of tau(F) on R is close to inversely proportional, implying that the main contribution to the productive collisions is made by bending of the superhelix axis. At sufficiently small k(I), the mean reaction time can be satisfactory approximated by tau(Sigma) = tau(F)(app) + 1/(k(I)c(L)), where c(L) is the local concentration of one reactive group around the other, and tau is an adjustable parameter, which we called the apparent time of the first collision. The value of tau depends on R very weakly and is approximately equal to the mean time of the first collision caused by mutual reptation of two DNA strands forming the superhelix. The quasi-one-dimensional reptation process provides the majority of productive collisions at small k(I) values.  相似文献   

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