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Though dam-related biomethane was identified in the 1960s, its capture has not been sufficiently discussed. Captured biomethane could be burned to produce energy, and the burning of biomethane turns the carbon in it into CO2 that is far less potent as a greenhouse gas; this paper therefore aims to technically discuss the capture/use of dam-related biomethane. A great amount of bubbles would be formed by the rapid drop in water pressure (i.e. cavitation) after turbine passage, so it is proposed to capture methane-bearing bubbles by means of a flow tube for adjusting residence time and hydrophilic screens for trapping these bubbles. The results from the performed calculation show that biomethane can be trapped in a yield of 60%.  相似文献   

This new century addresses several environmental challenges among which distribution of drinking water, global warming and availability of novel renewable energy sources to substitute for fossil fuels are of utmost importance. The last two concerns are closely related because the major part of carbon dioxide (CO(2)), considered as the main cause of the greenhouse effect, is widely produced from fossil fuel combustion. Renewable energy sources fully balanced in CO(2) are therefore of special interest, especially the issue of biological production from organic wastes. Among the possibilities of bioenergy production from wastes, two approaches are particularly interesting: The first one is relatively old and related to the production of biomethane by anaerobic digestion while the second one, more recent and innovative, relies on biohydrogen production by microbial ecosystems.  相似文献   

The specific growth rate of the ethanol producing bacterium Zymomonas mobilis was lower in the presence of oxygen than under anaerobic conditions. Aerobically, considerable amounts of acetaldehyde and acetic acid were formed in addition to the normal fermentation products, ethanol and carbon dioxide. This bacterium contains considerable amounts of pentacyclic triterpenoids, mainly 1, 2, 3, 4-tetrahydroxypentane-29-hopane. It seems that stability and permeability of the cytoplasmic membrane of this rather ethanol tolerant organism is achieved by the hopanoid content. A continuous culture of Zymomonas mobilis produced 60 g/l ethanol over a test period of 39 days. This strain was used for ethanol production from an enzymatically hydrolyzed wheat starch fraction on an industrial scale of 100 m3.  相似文献   

Humankind draws important benefits from large-scale ecological processes termed ecosystem services, yet the status of several of them is declining. Reliable monitoring methods are essential for tracking the status of ecosystem services. Predation is the mainstay of natural pest control, a key ecosystem service. We used green plasticine caterpillars to monitor predation pressure, and to obtain baseline data on predator activity in transgenic Bt versus non-Bt maize fields in Old and New World countries. Predation pressure was measured at ground and canopy levels using an identical, small-plot experimental design in four European countries (Denmark, Slovakia, Romania and Italy) and Argentina. Total predation rate in maize was l l.7%d^-1 (min. 7.2%d^-1 in Argentina, max. 29.0%d^-1 in Romania). Artificial caterpillars were attacked both by invertebrates (mostly chewing insects with 42.0% of the attack marks, and ants with 7.1%, but also predatory and parasitoid wasps, spiders and slugs), and vertebrates (small mammals 25.5%, and birds 20.2%). Total predation at ground level (15.7%d^-1) was significantly higher than in maize canopies (6.0%d^-1) in all countries, except Argentina. We found no significant differences between predator pressure in Bt versus non-Bt maize plots. The artificial caterpillar method provided comparable, quantitative data on predation intensity, and proved to be suitable for monitoring natural pest control. This method usefully expands the existing toolkit by directly measuring ecological function rather than structure.  相似文献   

Plasmid DNA for biopharmaceutical applications is mainly produced in E. coli cells. The first and most crucial step for recovering the plasmid is the cell lysis. Governed by the physico-chemical properties of the polynucleotide, alkaline lysis has been the lysis-method of choice. This chemical disintegration technique was initially developed for the lab scale and non-pharmaceutical applications. A continuous, fully automated and closed system combining alkaline lysis, neutralization and clarification in one gentle and generic operation was developed. This system consists of a three units. One unit controls mixing and contact time during the alkaline treatment, another one controls the neutralization and the concurrent formation of flocs and a third one the separation of flocs and pDNA containing lysate. Based on optimization experiments the selected process parameters resulted in yields up to 100% and homogeneities comparable to that obtained by gentle manual lysis. The process does not need enzymes and it is scalable and routinely used for cGMP-production of pharmaceutical grade plasmid DNA from 200 L fermentations.  相似文献   

An enrichment and isolation program for new ethanol-producing thermotolerant yeasts as well as a screening program of some known thermotolerant strains resulted in the selection of several strains capable of growth at 40-43 degrees C. Among these strains four grew and fermented sugar cane molasses at 43 degrees C under batch conditions with sugar-conversion efficiencies >94% and ethanol concentrations 6.8-8.0% (w/v). The two best-performing strains, a Saccharomyces cerevisiae F111 and a Kluyveromyces marxianus WR12 were used in eight 87.5 m(3) fermentation runs (four using each strain) for industrial ethanol production in an Egyptian distillery using sugar cane molasses. Mean ethanol production was 7.7% and 7.4% (w/v), respectively, with an added advantage of cooling elimination during fermentation and higher ethanol yields compared to the distillery's S. cerevisiae SIIC (ATCC 24855) strain in use. The isolate S. cerevisiae F111 was subsequently adopted by the distillery for regular production with significant economical gains and water conservation.  相似文献   

【背景】开发生物甲烷资源是减轻化石燃料供求紧张的有效措施,而秸秆类原料的预处理及甲烷生产方法需要不断创新,从而进一步满足可持续发展。厌氧真菌与甲烷菌共培养能够通过假根侵入及纤维降解酶双重预处理秸秆并生产甲烷,但目前全世界被报道的骆驼胃肠道来源的厌氧真菌分离培养物仅有1株。【目的】从新疆准噶尔双峰驼瘤胃内容物中分离出新型厌氧真菌和甲烷菌共培养物,研究其在降解秸秆并联合生产生物甲烷方面的应用潜力。【方法】采用Hungate滚管纯化技术将从骆驼胃肠道中分离的厌氧真菌和甲烷菌共培养,对其进行形态学及分子学鉴定,随后厌氧发酵5种底物(稻秸、芦苇、构树叶、苜蓿秆和草木樨),研究产甲烷量、降解效果及主要代谢产物等方面的特性。【结果】筛选到的共培养物中的厌氧真菌为Oontomyces sp. CR1,甲烷菌为Methanobrevibacter sp. CR1。其在降解稻秸时表现出最高的木聚糖酶酶活力(21.64 IU/mL)及甲烷产量(143.39 mL/g-DM),甲烷生产特性较分离自其他动物宿主的厌氧真菌共培养物更优。【结论】共培养厌氧真菌与甲烷菌菌株CR1是一种新型高效降解菌株资源,其在利用木质纤维素生物质生产生物甲烷方面具有良好的应用前景。  相似文献   

Castor (Ricinus communis L.) is an important oilseed crop worldwide whose inedible oil is widely used in the industrial, pharmaceutical, and agricultural sectors. Castor plants show high conversion potential for use as biorefining feedstocks. The present study was conducted to investigate the effects of two nitrogen fertilization levels (0 and 120 kg N ha−1) on seed and oil yield. From a biorefinery perspective, the residual biomass of seed processing was analyzed in terms of fiber composition and biomethane production carrying out a biological pretreatment using two white-rot fungi (Pleurotus ostreatus and Irpex lacteus). Nitrogen fertilization resulted in an increase in seed and oil yields and a difference in capsule husk composition. Fungal pretreatment of capsule husks showed promising effects on anaerobic digestion, increasing the biomethane yield compared to untreated biomass. The highest lignin degradation and the lowest cellulose loss during pretreatment were obtained with I. lacteus, and this fungal pretreatment resulted in the highest biomethane yield (103.2 NmL g−1 volatile solids) for the fertilized biomass.  相似文献   

Aim To determine relative effects of habitat type, climate and spatial pattern on species richness and composition of native and alien plant assemblages in central European cities. Location Central Europe, Belgium and the Netherlands. Methods The diversity of native and alien flora was analysed in 32 cities. In each city, plant species were recorded in seven 1‐ha plots that represented seven urban habitat types with specific disturbance regimes. Plants were classified into native species, archaeophytes (introduced before ad 1500) and neophytes (introduced later). Two sets of explanatory variables were obtained for each city: climatic data and all‐scale spatial variables generated by analysis of principal coordinates of neighbour matrices. For each group of species, the effect of habitat type, climate and spatial variables on variation in species composition was determined by variation partitioning. Responses of individual plant species to climatic variables were tested using a set of binomial regression models. Effects of climatic variables on the proportion of alien species were determined by linear regression. Results In all cities, 562 native plant species, 188 archaeophytes and 386 neophytes were recorded. Proportions of alien species varied among urban habitats. The proportion of native species decreased with increasing range and mean annual temperature, and increased with increasing precipitation. In contrast, proportions of archaeophytes and neophytes increased with mean annual temperature. However, spatial pattern explained a larger proportion of variation in species composition of the urban flora than climate. Archaeophytes were more uniformly distributed across the studied cities than the native species and neophytes. Urban habitats rich in native species also tended to be rich in archaeophytes and neophytes. Main conclusions Species richness and composition of central European urban floras are significantly affected by urban habitat types, climate and spatial pattern. Native species, archaeophytes and neophytes differ in their response to these factors.  相似文献   

Lactobacillus kefiranofaciens is non-pathogenic gram positive bacteria isolated from kefir grains and able to produce extracellular exopolysaccharides named kefiran. This polysaccharide contains approximately equal amounts of glucose and galactose. Kefiran has wide applications in pharmaceutical industries. Therefore, an approach has been extensively studied to increase kefiran production for pharmaceutical application in industrial scale. The present work aims to maximize kefiran production through the optimization of medium composition and production in semi industrial scale bioreactor. The composition of the optimal medium for kefiran production contained sucrose, yeast extract and K2HPO4 at 20.0, 6.0, 0.25 g L−1, respectively. The optimized medium significantly increased both cell growth and kefiran production by about 170.56% and 58.02%, respectively, in comparison with the unoptimized medium. Furthermore, the kinetics of cell growth and kefiran production in batch culture of L. kefiranofaciens was investigated under un-controlled pH conditions in 16-L scale bioreactor. The maximal cell mass in bioreactor culture reached 2.76 g L−1 concomitant with kefiran production of 1.91 g L−1.  相似文献   

Gari starter cultures (Gastat) were developed by mixing pure single strains of the organisms that ferment cassava. They were propagated and maintained as granules on dried cocoyam slurry. The cultures were tested for fermentative and acid-producing activity. The acidity produced at 30°C varied from 0.07% to 0.85% lactic acid with maximum levels occurring after 48 h. High levels of reducing sugar were produced during the first 24 h. The amounts produced were about 50% more than those from the self-inoculated cassava. The quality of the gari produced by the starter cultures was good and well accepted. The texture was similar to that produced by natural fermentation. These results highlight the possibility of using starter cultures in the large-scale production of gari.  相似文献   

Main goal of the study was present the results of some respirometric measurements of activated sludge biodegrading the substrate in the wastewater originated in selected sections of the dairy processing line. The following dairy production effluents were analyzed in the research: the pumping station wastewater (combined wastewater from all the sections of the dairy factory), the apparatus room wastewater, the butter section wastewater, the milk reception point wastewater, the cheese section wastewater and the cottage cheese section wastewater. Apart from that, sweet and sour whey, which are secondary products of hard cheese and cottage cheese production, respectively, was the subject of the research. The amount of organic matter being oxidized during a 5-day measurement session was calculated on 1g of the activated sludge biomass. The research was conducted at the temperature of 20 degrees C and 35 degrees C at the applied sludge loading rate of A'=0.2 g BOD g(-1) dry mass d(-1), which ensured complete biodegradation. The results indicated a correlation between a technological process of dairy processing, an ultimate outcome of which was the wastewater analyzed, and dairy wastewater biodegradability. The results confirmed that all dairy processing effluents can be treated together, with the exception of whey, whose complex biodegradation demands may cause too much burden to any wastewater treatment technological system and thus should be managed within a separate installation.  相似文献   

Lactococcus lactis spp. lactis and Lactococcus lactis spp. cremoris are widely used in the manufacture of fermented milk. These strains were compared for production of Dipeptidyl Peptidase IV (DPP IV) enzyme in terms of enzyme activity, specific growth rates and productivity. Lactococcus lactis spp. lactis was produced in 3?L bioreactor and scaled up to 30 and 150?L stirred tank bioreactors, and the enzyme activities were found as 110, 110 and 122?mU?mL(-1), respectively. After 8?h of production, separation steps were performed. While purification fold was 127 and yield was 2.69?%, the molecular weight of the enzyme was estimated as 68?kDa. Partially purified enzyme was enteric coated with capsules and a 95.5?% of DPP IV enzyme passed into the artificial intestine. Results show that production of DPP IV enzyme by Lactococcus lactis spp. lactis strain in submerged culture is comparable with the productions by commercial strains, mostly Aspergillus, in solid state fermentations based on productivity.  相似文献   

Understanding how local environmental factors lead to temporal variability of vital rates and to plasticity of life history tactics is one of the central questions in population ecology. We used long‐term capture‐recapture data from five populations of a small hibernating rodent, the edible dormouse Glis glis, collected over a large geographical range across Europe, to determine and analyze both seasonal patterns of local survival and their relation to reproductive activity. In all populations studied, survival was lowest in early summer, higher in late summer and highest during hibernation in winter. In reproductive years survival was always lower than in non‐reproductive years, and females had higher survival rates than males. Very high survival rates during winter indicate that edible dormice rarely die from starvation due to insufficient energy reserves during the hibernation period. Increased mortality in early summer was most likely caused by high predation risk and unmet energy demands. Those effects have probably an even stronger impact in reproductive years, in which dormice were more active. Although these patterns could be found in all areas, there were also considerable differences in average survival rates, with resulting differences in mean lifetime reproductive success between populations. Our results suggest that edible dormice have adapted their life history strategies to maximize lifetime reproductive success depending on the area specific frequency of seeding events of trees producing energy‐rich seeds.  相似文献   

Summary Sophorose lipids stand out as biosurfactants with a wide potential for industrial application and which can be produced in good yield from glucose and a lipidic cosubstrate.Candida bombicola CBS 6009 (ATCC 22214) was used in the present study. The influence of the lipidic cosubstrate on various aspects of production performance of these glycolipids (final concentration, yield) and on product composition (in particular, the structure of the hydroxy fatty acid vegetable and animal oils, markedly influenced product composition. In terms of production performance, the best substrates were oils or esters rich in C18:0 and C18:1 fatty acids. Optimal overall performance was obtained with esters (340 g L–1 sophorose lipids with rapeseed esters). Conclusions drawn from the results allow predictive evaluation of lipidic industrial substrates.  相似文献   

River Habitat Survey (RHS) data collected for the EU-funded STAR project was used to identify hydromorphological characteristic features of rivers in four European regions namely: lowlands; mountain; the Alps; and the Mediterranean. Using RHS attributes, Habitat Quality Assessment (HQA) – a measure of natural habitat diversity, and Habitat Modification Score (HMS) – a measure of anthropogenic modification, we identified considerable differences in frequency, diversity and evenness of features between the regions. A relatively small subset of features clearly distinguish the hydromorphological characters of lowland, Alpine and southern European rivers. It was more difficult to distinguish mountain rivers from Alpine rivers. The highest statistical differences are observed between Lowland and Mountain region. Within the four regions studied the RHS attributes that most strongly influence the HQA and HMS indices were identified. We conclude that specific effort should be made to ensure these are recorded properly as part of the quality control of RHS data. Electronic supplementary material Electronic supplementary material is available for this article at and accessible for authorised users.  相似文献   

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