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Testing Problem Solving in Ravens: String-Pulling to Reach Food   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
The aim of our study was to re‐examine the acquisition of problem‐solving behaviour in ravens: accessing meat suspended from a perch by a string. In contrast to a previous study, here we: (i) controlled for possible effects of fear of the string, competition by dominants, and social learning and (ii) devised a mechanically equivalent but non‐intuitive task to test for the possibility of means–end understanding. One‐year‐old ravens confronted with meat on a string for the first time tried several ways to reach the food. However, five of six birds suddenly performed a coherent sequence of pulling up and stepping on loops of string, essential for solving the problem. Those five birds were also successful in the non‐intuitive task where they had to pull down the string to lift the meat. A second group of birds with similar exposure to strings but without any experience in pulling up meat failed the pull‐down test. These results support the idea that the ravens’ behaviour in accessing meat on a string is not only a product of rapid learning but may involve some understanding of cause–effect relation between string, food and certain body parts.  相似文献   

Spatial heterogeneity is common in aquatic conditions, but few studies have examined the effects of heterogeneous distributions of biological factors on aquatic plants. Spirogyra (Spirogyra arcta) coexists with many submerged macrophytes, such as Ceratophyllum demersum, but no study has examined the effects of heterogeneous distributions of spirogyra on the growth of submerged plants. We grew the submerged plant C. demersum in three homogeneous, aquatic conditions (0, 50 and 100% of the water surface in the container was evenly covered by spirogyra, referred to as ‘control’, ‘50%’ and ‘100%’, respectively) and two patchy conditions (the left half of the water surface in the container was not covered by spirogyra and 50% and 100% of the water surface in the right half of the container was evenly covered by spirogyra, referred to as ‘50%‐patchy’ and ‘100%‐patchy’, respectively). Compared with the control, the 100% treatment greatly decreased the biomass and number of ramets of C. demersum, but the 50% treatment did not. Growth of C. demersum in the left half of the container did not differ significantly between the control and the two heterogeneous treatments (50%‐patchy and 100%‐patchy). In addition, growth of C. demersum in the right half of the container did not differ between the 100% and the 100%‐patchy treatment or between the 50% and the 50%‐patchy treatment. Our results suggest that C. demersum can tolerate shading by spirogyra to a certain extent and that heterogeneous distributions of spirogyra do not affect its growth.  相似文献   

Milvago chimango is a gregarious raptor showing great ecological plasticity. Their ability to explore new resources has allowed them to survive in areas with increasing human modification. In this study, we evaluated the social learning ability in wild‐caught individuals of M. chimango. In particular, we tested whether an ‘observer’ individual could improve the acquisition of a novel behaviour by watching a ‘demonstrator,’ and we examined the effects of age of both observers and demonstrators on social learning. We measured the ability of 18 observers to open an opaque Plexiglas box containing food, and we compared their performance to that of 10 control birds who did not watch a demonstrator solve the task. Prior to watching a demonstrator, only two of the observers and two of the control birds were able to open the box. After watching a demonstrator, 67% of observers were able to open the box, outperforming control birds in speed and success. Juvenile observers were more successful and faster than adults at contacting and opening the box. The age of the demonstrator did not influence the observers’ likelihood of success. These results showed that M. chimango are able to learn a box‐opening task with a hidden food reward by observing the behaviour of a conspecific and that this behaviour persisted over several days. Social learning ability in M. chimango might allow certain behavioural patterns, such as those related to novel resource acquisition in modified environments, to be socially transmitted among individuals in a population.  相似文献   

The invasion of cane toads (Rhinella marina) through Australia imperils native predators that are killed if they consume these toxic anurans. The magnitude of impact depends upon the predators’ capacity for aversion learning: toad impact is lower if predators can learn not to attack toads. In laboratory trials, we assessed whether bluetongue lizards (Tiliqua scincoides) – a species under severe threat from toads – are capable of learned taste aversion and whether we can facilitate that learning by exposing lizards to toad tissue combined with a nausea‐inducing chemical (lithium chloride). Captive bluetongues rapidly learned to avoid the ‘unpalatable’ food. Taste aversion also developed (albeit less strongly) in response to meals of minced cane toad alone. Our data suggest that taste aversion learning may help bluetongue lizards survive the onslaught of cane toads, but that many encounters will be fatal because the toxin content of toads is so high relative to lizard tolerance of those toxins. Thus, baiting with nausea‐inducing (but non‐lethal) toad products might provide a feasible management option to reduce the impact of cane toad invasion on these native predators.  相似文献   

Effects of Group Size on Approach to Novel Objects in Ravens (Corvus corax)   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Neophobia may constrain explorative behaviour, learning and innovation, while social context may facilitate approach to novel objects and acceptance of novel food. We examined the effects of neophobia on the exploration of novel objects in relation to social context in ravens (Corvus corax). Ravens are suitable subjects for studying effects of social context, as they are highly neophobic scavengers that recruit conspecifics to food. We tested two groups of six and 11 hand‐raised birds in three conditions: single‐bird, in dyadic combinations and sibling sub‐groups of three to six birds. Contrary to expectation, individuals of both groups were quicker to approach novel objects when tested alone than when tested with conspecifics. However, they spent more time close to and manipulating the novel objects in the social conditions (dyadic and group) than when being alone. We discuss the possibility that the higher latencies of dyads and groups to approach novel objects may reflect a ‘negotiation’ process in a ‘war of attrition’ between the individuals over risk‐taking.  相似文献   

Pine siskins (Carduelis pinus) frequently forage at known high quality food supplies such as backyard feeders. In this field study, pine siskins visited backyard feeders of differing colour and spatial position. The three feeders contained varying amounts of food in a ratio of 3:2:1. The birds quickly distributed their visits in this ratio to the three feeders. During unbaited tests, two feeders on a given day had their positions swapped. The siskins appeared to primarily use both large-scale spatial or distal cues when foraging as well as local colour cues.  相似文献   

Low‐frequency traffic noise that leads to acoustic masking of vocalizations may cause birds to alter the frequencies or other components of their vocalizations in order to be heard by conspecifics and others. Altering parts of a vocalization may result in poorer vocal performance or the message contained in the vocalization being received incorrectly. During the winters of 2011–2012 and 2012–2013, we recorded and measured the ‘chick‐a‐dee’ call of Black‐capped Chickadees (Poecile atricapillus) and the ‘po‐ta‐to‐chip’ call of American Goldfinches (Spinus tristis) to determine whether components of the calls produced in areas of high traffic noise and low traffic noise differed in any way. We found that both chickadee and goldfinch calls had higher minimum frequencies in areas with high traffic‐noise than in low traffic‐noise areas. The maximum frequencies showed no differences in either species' calls. This suggests that chickadees and goldfinches alter the part of their calls that are acoustically masked by traffic noise in effort to better transmit the vocalization. These differences suggest that increasing anthropogenic noise may influence avian communication and that noise management should be included in conservation planning.  相似文献   

The effectiveness of several leaf water models (‘string‐of‐lakes’, ‘desert river’ and the Farquhar–Gan model) are evaluated in predicting the enrichment of leaf water along a maize leaf at different humidities. Progressive enrichment of both vein xylem water and leaf water was observed along the blade. At the tip, the maximum observed enrichment for the vein water was 17.6‰ at 50% relative humidity (RH) whereas that for the leaf water was 50‰ at 34% RH and 19‰ at 75% RH. The observed leaf water maximum was a fraction (0.5–0.6) of the theoretically possible maximum. The ‘string‐of‐lakes’ and ‘desert river’ models predict well the variation of leaf water enrichment pattern with humidity but overestimate the average enrichment of bulk leaf water. However, the Farquhar–Gan model gives good prediction for these two aspects of leaf water enrichment. Using the anatomical dimensions of vein xylem overestimates the effective longitudinal Péclet number (Pl). Possible explanations for this discrepancy between the effective and the xylem‐based estimate of Pl are discussed. The need to characterize the heterogeneity of transpiration rate over the leaf surface in studies of leaf water enrichment is emphasized. The possibility that past atmospheric humidity can be predicted from the slope of the Δ18O spatial variation of leaf macrofossils found in middens is proposed.  相似文献   

Signal reliability is a major focus of animal communication research. Aggressive signals are ideal for measuring signal reliability because the signal referent – attack or no attack – can be measured unambiguously. Signals of aggressive intent occur at elevated rates in aggressive contexts, predict subsequent aggression by the signaler, and elicit appropriate responses from receivers. We tested the ‘predictive criterion’ in smooth‐billed anis, Crotophaga ani, by broadcasting one of two playback types (‘ahnee’ calls only or ‘ahnee + hoot’ calls), presenting a taxidermic mount, and observing the animals’ behavior. Based on the hypotheses that ‘hoot’ calls and ‘throat‐inflation’ displays signal aggressive intent, we predicted that they would be associated with attack, and that signaling rate would increase over the time period leading up to an attack. Indeed, both hoots and throat‐inflation displays reliably predicted attack. The second prediction, that signaling rate increases in the time leading up to attack, was strongly supported for throat‐inflation displays, which increased over the pre‐attack period in both treatments. Hoots increased over the pre‐attack period in ahnee playbacks but not in ahnee + hoot playbacks. Hierarchical signaling systems are characterized by early, less‐reliable predictors of attack, and later, more reliable predictors of attack. During both natural and simulated interactions, the more‐reliable throat‐inflation display tended to precede the less‐reliable hoot call, suggesting that this signaling system is not hierarchical. In a comparison of 11 putative signals of aggressive intent in birds, the throat‐inflation display had the second highest mutual information (reduction in uncertainty) among visual signals and non‐passerine signals while hoots had below‐average mutual information. Natural observations indicate that both hoots and throat‐inflation displays occur in the context of aggressive between‐group encounters, and hoots also occur during within‐group interactions. Throat‐inflation displays appear to be reliable indicators of aggressive intent, but the function of hoot calls is less clear.  相似文献   

This article traces the movement, management, and generation of money in a Sri Lankan wholesale vegetable market, pulling into focus certain local economic and moral logics. What traders do with cash is revealing. I argue that how traders use money – the way it is handled, risked, spent, and lent – exhibits skill, implies hierarchy, and cultivates social connections. Exploring idioms of economic activity such as ‘catching the pulse’ and ‘rolling the money’, the article examines relations between different kinds of trader. Moving money through businesses permits participation in the complex communication network of the market. This is central to existing in the social world of the trader. I argue that following money notes – rather than commodities – as they travel around the marketplace and between the hands of transactors renders ethnographically observable the formations of personhood and long‐term relations that take place in the market.  相似文献   

The link that Jean‐Jacques Rousseau forged a long time ago between the ‘real’ and the ‘natural’ has proved to be indissoluble. Time and again, contemporary constructions of the real mobilize all that can be linked to nature. Inauthentic, by contrast, is that which is fabricated, made up, artificial, the all‐too‐evident result of human design. In Bahia, Brazil, the author encountered a completely different mode in the cultural production of the real. Analysing the performance of a Bahian drag queen who goes by the name of Gina da Mascar, the author discusses ‘camp’ and ‘baroque’ as registers that foster a sensibility for (and appreciation of) cultural forms that are ‘truly false’. He shows how the appeal of these registers – their persuasiveness, their form of truth‐telling – resonates with the sensibilities of people whose biographies are marked by radical discontinuities, and he argues that these registers might be understood as a popular articulation of the Lacanian understanding that symbolic closure is an impossibility.  相似文献   

We here attempt to show, using three broad insect groups – Lepidoptera (mainly leaf‐chewing larval herbivores and nectar‐sucking adults), parasitic Hymenoptera (mainly endoparasitoids, especially of other insects) and aphids (sap‐sucking plant parasites) – how the terms ‘generalist’, usually equated with levels of phagy (oligo‐ and polyphagy), and ‘specialist’ (monophagy), still in widespread parlance, have often been misrepresented. Probably, the reality of generalism, be that herbivorous, predatory and parasitic, can only be demonstrated by detailed empirical field observations plus the use of high‐resolution molecular (DNA) markers, including sequencing, and thereby determining whether the organism in question is really a homogeneous species population over a wide geographical range, or rather comprises a series of morphologically similar/identical cryptic, host‐adapted specialist populations. In the case of insects, the largest group of terrestrial animals on the planet, even if it can be shown that certain species are indeed polyphagous and feed on a variety of plant hosts (herbivores) or prey species (predators and parasitoids), nevertheless, the range of these food items may be highly selective and restricted, depending on morphological–genetical (biochemical/chemical)–behavioural constraints. In the end, while some animals appear to be generalist, this situation may well be illusory. Our present recognition of the term is at best inappropriate, and at worse, inaccurate, as we demonstrate in the examples given, mostly insects. In the meantime, we suggest that the terms used should be re‐defined as four broad classes of specialism–generalism, although the apparent ‘generalism’ is itself conditional on proof following further empirical analyses.  相似文献   

Through a phenomenological account of apprenticeship in the North Indian dance form of kathak, I show how skills are adapted and changed through the ingenuity and innovation required in teaching to new generations of students. The traditional pedagogical model for learning in the Indian arts, the guru‐shishya parampara (master‐disciple relationship), has historically been based on imitative and repetitive pedagogies. Yet close examination reveals less conspicuous forms of creativity at work in the process of reproducing the tradition with fidelity; this improvisational work is further heightened in the demands of teaching in the diaspora. As teachers create opportunities for experiential learning, a spectrum of pedagogical tactics, scaffolding strategies, and coaching competencies are developed and accumulate as this tradition is passed on from one generation to the next. The pedagogical work in crafting fidelity can, in fact, produce its own kind of knowledge, which, ironically, can add new elements to the tradition in unexpected ways. In one unique case – the example of ‘kathak yoga’ – the pedagogical adaptations of kathak artist Pandit Chitresh Das elicited a creative response, a new scaffolding technique that would eventually be incorporated into the repertoire as a skill in itself. Pedagogical process, in this sense, was creative process.  相似文献   

The effects of four rice varieties highly susceptible ( Xiang-Zao-Xian31 and Jia-Yu 164 ), moderately susceptible ( Wei-You402 ), and resistant ( Zhu-Liang-You02 ) to the whitebacked planthopper Sogatellafurcifera on the nymphal development, reproduc- tion and survival of Microvelia horoathi were investigated through a food chain using SogateUafurcifera as herbivore prey. Significant longer nymphal developmental time were observed in the 1 st, 4th, 5th instar and whole nymphal stage of M. horvathi raised on S. furcifera fed ZLY02 and WY402 than those of the other two varieties. M. horvathi raised on S. furcifera fed resistant ZLY02 showed a significant lower survival of whole nymphal stage than those fed other three susceptible varieties. Moreover, M. horvathi raised on S. furcifera fed resistant ZLY02 had shorter female longevity and lower lifetime fecundity than those of on susceptible XZX3l. Our results suggest that the S. furcifera- resistant rice variety ZLY02 had a negative effect on the growth and development of the predator M. horvathi through a food chain.  相似文献   

The composition and concentrations of cell wall polysaccharides and phenolic compounds were analyzed in mature stems of several Miscanthus genotypes, in comparison with switchgrass and reed (Arundo donax), and biomass characteristics were correlated with cell wall saccharification efficiency. The highest cellulose content was found in cell walls of M. sinensis‘Grosse Fontaine’ (55%) and in A. donax (47%) and lowest (about 32%) in M. sinensis‘Adagio’. There was little variation in lignin contents across M. sinensis samples (all about 22–24% of cell wall), however, Miscanthus×giganteus (M × g) cell walls contained about 28% lignin, reed – 23% and switchgrass – 26%. The highest ratios of cellulose/lignin and cellulose/xylan were in M. sinensis‘Grosse Fontaine’ across all samples tested. About the same total content of ester‐bound phenolics was found in different Miscanthus genotypes (23–27 μg/mg cell wall), while reed cell walls contained 17 μg/mg cell wall and switchgrass contained a lower amount of ester‐bound phenolics, about 15 μg/mg cell wall. Coumaric acid was a major phenolic compound ester‐bound to cell walls in plants analyzed and the ratio of coumaric acid/ferulic acid varied from 2.1 to 4.3, with the highest ratio being in M × g samples. Concentration of ether‐bound hydroxycinnamic acids varied greatly (about two‐three‐fold) within Miscanthus genotypes and was also the highest in M × g cell walls, but at a concentration lower than ester‐bound hydroxycinnamic acids. We identified four different forms of diferulic acid esters bound to Miscanthus cell walls and their concentration and proportion varied in genotypes analyzed with the 5‐5‐coupled dimer being the predominant type of diferulate in most samples tested. The contents of lignin and ether‐bound phenolics in the cell wall were the major determinants of the biomass degradation caused by enzymatic hydrolysis.  相似文献   

In recent years evidence has accumulated that at least some animals can remember the ‘what’, ‘where’ and ‘when’ of personal experiences. Currently, evidence for such ability is taxonomically restricted to birds and mammals. Here, we demonstrate for the first time that cleaner wrasses Labroides dimidiatus are able to remember when they interacted with what after a single event. In nature, cleaners remove ectoparasites from other reef fishes, so‐called clients. Clients are depleted, non‐stationary food patches at the end of an interaction and replenished only after a delay. In our experiments, we presented twelve cleaners every 2.5 min, a choice between two of a total of four plates with different colours and patterns. One plate was always accessible but contained a non‐preferred food item while the other three contained a preferred food item, but allowed a next feeding event only after 5, 10 or 15 min. Thus, to maximise food intake, cleaners had to remember for each choice when they had last interacted with which plate. When confronted with two plates offering preferred food, cleaners showed an overall significant preference for the plate that allowed access during the trial. For six cleaners, the preference was significant. Also, on trials involving the always accessible plate, cleaners discriminated between trials in which they had to eat the non‐preferred food and trials on which they could eat the preferred food. In conclusion, cleaners are able to track the ‘when’ and ‘what’ (or possibly ‘who’) within a biologically meaningful time period.  相似文献   

Interpopulation differences in body size are of common occurrence in vertebrates, but the relative importance of genetic, maternal, and environmental effects as causes of observed differentiation have seldom been assessed in the wild. Gigantism in pond nine‐spined sticklebacks (Pungitius pungitius Linnaeus, 1758) has been repeatedly observed, but the quantitative genetic basis of population divergence in size has remained unstudied. We conducted a common garden experiment – using ‘pure’ and reciprocal crosses between two populations (‘giant’ pond versus ‘normal’ marine) – to test for the relative importance of additive genetic, non‐additive genetic, and maternal effects on body size after 11 months of growth in the laboratory. We found that body size difference between the two populations in laboratory conditions owed mainly to additive genetic effects, and only to a minor degree to maternal effects. Furthermore, the weak maternal effects were seen only in the offspring of ‘giant’ mothers, and appeared to be mediated through differences in egg size. Thus, the results suggest that gigantism in pond populations of P. pungitius is based on the effects of additively acting genes, rather than to direct environmental induction, or maternal or non‐additive gene action. © 2012 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2012, 107 , 521–528.  相似文献   

String-pulling and patterned-string tasks are often used to analyse perceptual and cognitive abilities in animals. In addition, the paradigm can be used to test the interrelation between visual-spatial and motor performance. Two Australian parrot species, the galah (Eolophus roseicapilla) and the cockatiel (Nymphicus hollandicus), forage on the ground, but only the galah uses its feet to manipulate food. I used a set of string pulling and patterned-string tasks to test whether usage of the feet during foraging is a prerequisite for solving the vertical string pulling problem. Indeed, the two species used techniques that clearly differed in the extent of beak-foot coordination but did not differ in terms of their success in solving the string pulling task. However, when the visual-spatial skills of the subjects were tested, the galahs outperformed the cockatiels. This supports the hypothesis that the fine motor skills needed for advanced beak-foot coordination may be interrelated with certain visual-spatial abilities needed for solving patterned-string tasks. This pattern was also found within each of the two species on the individual level: higher motor abilities positively correlated with performance in patterned-string tasks. This is the first evidence of an interrelation between visual-spatial and motor abilities in non-mammalian animals.  相似文献   

The signaling role of sexual ornaments that are displayed during the mating season is well known for many species, but dimorphisms that occur in the non‐breeding season have received much less attention, particularly when individuals only partially express their breeding condition during reproductively inactive periods. I assessed variation in the expression of colorful breeding and non‐breeding plumages in male American goldfinches (Carduelis tristis), a species in which males molt out of their colorful breeding ornaments in the fall but still display reduced carotenoid‐ and melanin‐based sexual dichromatism during the winter. I found that variability in the saturation of carotenoid‐based plumage pigmentation did not differ significantly between the breeding and non‐breeding seasons. Moreover, the area of melanin coloration in the cap was more variable in winter than when it is fully displayed during breeding. I also detected a significant positive correlation between the extent of melanin coloration during the winter and the saturation of non‐breeding carotenoid‐based plumage. Because of such variation in and correlated expression of these two color ornaments in winter, it is conceivable that male goldfinches display these hints of non‐breeding coloration for use as conspecific social or sexual signals. Natural selection pressures like predation and energetic demands are traditionally thought of as factors that restrict sex ornaments to breeding times alone, but this should not preclude animals from simply reducing their exaggerated features during winter and finding an expression optimum that balances signal costs and value. Such ‘remnant’ winter ornaments might be expected to evolve not only in animals that live in large non‐breeding groups (e.g. status‐signaling systems) but also in those where mates begin associating before breeding onset.  相似文献   

Food web studies provide a useful tool to assess the organization and complexity of natural communities. Nevertheless, the seasonal dynamics of food web properties, their environmental correlates, and potential association with community diversity and stability remain poorly studied. Here, we condensed an incomplete 6‐year community dataset of a subtropical coastal lake to examine how monthly variation in diversity impacts food web structure over an idealized time series for an averaged year. Phytoplankton, zooplankton, macroinvertebrates, and fish were mostly resolved to species level (n = 120 trophospecies). Our results showed that the seasonal organization of the food web could be aggregated into two clusters of months grouped here as ‘summer’ and ‘winter’. During ‘winter’, the food web decreases in size and complexity, with the number of trophospecies dropping from 106 to 82 (a 22.6% decrease in the number of nodes) and the trophic interactions from 1,049 to 637 between month extremes (a 39.3% drop in the number of links). The observed simplification in food web structure during ‘winter’ suggests that community stability is more vulnerable to the impact of any change during this period.  相似文献   

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