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Morphological variation in five meristic and 21 morphometric characters was examined in the brown trout, Salmo trutta L., from seven distinct streams and rivers from N and NW Greece. Variation within each sample, estimated as the multivariate generalization of the coefficient of variation, did not vary substantially among the populations. The phenetic relationships of these populations were examined using the stepwise discriminant analysis. The taxonomic implications of these results are discussed.  相似文献   

The analysis of 12 microsatellite loci in 16 native populations of Salmo trutta from Duero basin evidenced a strong genetic differentiation in accordance with the existence of two divergent Atlantic mtDNA lineages, Atlantic (AT) and Duero (DU). These lineages were observed spatially segregated mainly in the Lower-course and in the inner part of the basin. Unlike previous isozyme information, microsatellite data suggested a more downstream location of the sharpest genetic divergence in Duero basin and a more complex structure in the inward area. Putative hybrid populations evidenced higher Hardy–Weinberg and gametic disequilibria than pure ones (Pisuerga, Lower-course), not explained by mixture due to differential immigration pattern across the basin. Hybridization indexes suggested a bimodal pattern of hybridization and a higher weight of Pisuerga region in the genetic composition of hybrid samples in accordance with mtDNA data. The results suggested a limited introgression between AT and DU lineages. Taking into account the time of divergence between both lineages, selection and/or genetic incompatibility appeared necessary to explain the genetic structure observed and the ancient location of DU lineage restricted to this area.  相似文献   

The brown trout Salmo trutta is represented by three lineages in Corsica: (1) an ancestral Corsican lineage, (2) a Mediterranean lineage and (3) a recently stocked domestic Atlantic S. trutta lineage (all are interfertile); the main focus of this study was the ancestral Corsican S. trutta, but the other lineages were also considered. A total of 38 samples captured between 1993 and 1998 were analysed, with nearly 1000 individuals considered overall. The Corsican ancestral lineage (Adriatic lineage according to the mitochondrial DNA control region nomenclature, AD) mostly inhabits streams in the southern half of the island; the Mediterranean lineage (ME) is present more in the north, especially in Golu River, but most populations are an admixture of these lineages and the domestic Atlantic S. trutta (AT). Locations where the Corsican ancestral S. trutta is dominant are now protected against stocking and sometimes fishing is also forbidden. The presence of the Corsican S. trutta is unique in France.  相似文献   

SUMMARY 1. The large microgeographical differentiation revealed by allozyme studies in brown trout ( Salmo trutta) populations is one of the most striking features of this species. Additionally, allozymes showed great genetic differences between Atlantic and Mediterranean populations on a macrogeographical scale.
2. This study was carried out in order to assess whether the great differences observed between Atlantic and Mediterranean populations persisted where the two are geographically close (the 'microgeographical scale'). Sixteen populations of brown trout, S. trutta , were screened for genetic variation at 25 allozyme loci. The sampling sites, which occupied a relatively small geographical area, were distributed across Cantabrian (Atlantic) and Mediterranean drainages in Northern Spain.
3. The neighbour-joining tree, inferred from Nei's genetic distance, showed that brown trout populations clustered into two different groups. These groups corresponded to the Cantabrian and the Mediterranean groups of populations, although no clear geographical pattern emerged within each of the groups. This geographical pattern is basically caused by significant differences in the frequency distribution of the CK-A1 * locus, with a higher frequency of * 115 in Cantabrian samples (0.586 ± 0.091) while allele * 100 was more frequent in Mediterranean samples (0.931 ± 0.038). In addition, this study revealed alleles exclusive to the Mediterranean and Cantabrian populations, agreeing with previous findings.
4. Genetic differentiation between Cantabrian and Mediterranean regions (14.19%) was similar to that estimated in Spain at a larger scale (13%), showing that most of the differences between the regions can be observed even in a small geographical area.  相似文献   

Major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class I-linked microsatellite data and parental assignment data for a group of wild brown trout (Salmo trutta L.) provide evidence of closer spatial aggregation among fry sharing greater numbers of MHC class I alleles under natural conditions. This result confirms predictions from laboratory experiments demonstrating a hierarchical preference for association of fry sharing MHC alleles. Full-siblings emerge from the same nest (redd), and a passive kin association pattern arising from limited dispersal from the nest (redd effect) would predict that all such pairs would have a similar distribution. However, this study demonstrates a strong, significant trend for reduced distance between pairs of full-sibling fry sharing more MHC class I alleles reflecting their closer aggregation (no alleles shared, 311.5 ± (s.e.)21.03 m; one allele shared, 222.2 ± 14.49 m; two alleles shared, 124.9 ± 23.88 m; P<0.0001). A significant trend for closer aggregation among fry sharing more MHC class I alleles was also observed in fry pairs, which were known to have different mothers and were otherwise unrelated (ML-r = 0) (no alleles: 457.6 ± 3.58 m; one allele (422.4 ± 3.86 m); two alleles (381.7 ± 10.72 m); P<0.0001). These pairs are expected to have emerged from different redds and a passive association would then be unlikely. These data suggest that sharing MHC class I alleles has a role in maintaining kin association among full-siblings after emergence. This study demonstrates a pattern consistent with MHC-mediated kin association in the wild for the first time.  相似文献   

Mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) polymorphism in the essentially non-anadromous River Usk brown trout Salmo trutta population was investigated by restriction analysis. Following mtDNA extraction and purification on caesium chloride density gradients, monomorphic restriction profiles were obtained with Hae III , Hind III , Sau 3AI and Xbal . However, the restriction endonucleases Ava II and HinfIl proved informative. The distribution of four composite genotypes found within the Usk system was heterogeneous, and a fifth genotype appeared exclusively in an outgroup sample from the adjacent River Wye drainage. The source of the observed genetic variation is discussed in relation to estimated divergence times for Usk mtDNA genotypes and the stocking history of the catchment.  相似文献   

In a series of experiments, kin-biased behavior of young browntrout (Salmo trutta) was observed. The aggressiveness shownby groups of familiar siblings (siblings reared together sincefertilization) and groups of unfamiliar siblings (siblings rearedapart since fertilization) was significantly lower comparedto that of mixed groups of two unrelated sibling groups (offspringof two different pairs of parents). The evolution of kin-biasedbehavior, as shown by a reduction in aggressiveness, is assumedto have evolved through a kin-selective mechanism.[Behav Ecol7: 445-450 (1996)]  相似文献   

Three 'new' polymorphic loci in the brown trout (Salmo trutta L.) was detected using starch gel electrophoresis. Evidence for simple Mendelian inheritance at all three loci are presented.  相似文献   

1. The objective was to assess the role of recruitment as a determinant of the production dynamics of stream-resident brown trout ( Salmo trutta ) across replicate habitats of contrasting quality and population attributes. A total of 128-year-classes (YC) at 12 stream sites were examined along four tributaries of the Rio Esva drainage (northwestern Spain).
2. A meta-comparison revealed that growth, density, mortality and production were essentially site-specific. However, when all data were pooled, recruitment (as a delayed density-dependent process) affected both growth and mortality in a way such that individuals in YC with high recruitment grew less and had higher mortality.
3. The value of total YC production recorded covered the global range of variation in the production of stream salmonids reported in the literature. Linear regressions of log-transformed data revealed that 89.0%, 58.9% and 70.7% of the variation in YC density, biomass and production, respectively, were explained by variations in recruitment.
4. The inclusion of growth and mortality, together with recruitment, into a multiple regression increased the variance explained of the total YC production by 13.3%, from 70.7% to 84.0%.
5. The functional relationships between recruitment and the population attributes elucidated in this study appear to provide a useful tool for management applications, including forecasting population status.  相似文献   

Geng Y  Tang S  Tashi T  Song Z  Zhang G  Zeng L  Zhao J  Wang L  Shi J  Chen J  Zhong Y 《Genetica》2009,136(3):419-427
The analysis of nucleolar organizer regions (NORs) using silver (Ag-) staining and in situ hybridization (ISH) in brown trout (Salmo trutta) from various river basins in the Iberian Peninsula revealed high variation in the number and location of NORs. A total of 17 different Ag-NOR sites were revealed in 10 different chromosome pairs. Three different Ag-NOR patterns clustered by river basins and strongly associated to the internal transcribed spacer 1 (ITS1) variation were detected. The main variability in NOR-sites was found in a secondary contact between two divergent lineages of brown trouts at Duero basin. Our results confirmed the abrupt break in the spatial distribution of genetic variation of brown trout populations previously reported at Duero basin. We hypothesize that NOR-site variation might be a consequence of hybridization between divergent lineages of brown trouts and that NORs could play a major role in the maintenance of a hybrid zone in Duero basin via post-zygotic isolation mechanisms.  相似文献   

Distribution, growth and movement of River Usk brown trout (Salmo trutta)   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The River Usk catchment in South Wales supports mainly freshwater resident brown trout, with few anadromous fish. Electric fishing and netting revealed that age-class distribution differed between main river and tributary habitats, the latter environment acting as a nursery area for young fish. Few fry were found at main river sites. Age-class distribution also differed between tributary systems, and possible reasons are discussed. Trapping experiments indicated that trout move to main river habitat at 2+ yr. Lengths at age (back-calculated from scale reading) were similar for main river and tributary resident fish at 1 and 2 year, but main river fish were larger at 3 and 4 yr. This habitat shift and size difference is discussed with reference to current angling regulations.  相似文献   

1.  The brown trout ( Salmo trutta ) represents one of the main freshwater resources in Spain, but habitat alterations and overharvesting have contributed to the decline or disappearance of numerous natural populations. In addition, reinforcement programs of wild populations based on releases of hatchery reared fish of exogenous origin compromise the conservation of remnant native trout resources.
2.  We present allozymic data from Central Spain trout populations including stocked and unstocked populations. Although the levels of genetic variation observed were low and affected by hatchery releases (p = 18.23%, Ho= 3.39%), they were within the range observed in other European areas.
3.  The effective introduction of hatchery reared fish is genetically homogenising the populations in the studied area and disturbing the ancestral pattern of genetic variation that distinguishes the Tajo and Duero basins. Within the eight natural populations analysed, seven had alleles assigned to the foreign trout. The introgression in these populations, following the LDH-5 * 90 allele frequency, ranged between 2% and 29.4%, but those values are not in concordance with the respective stocking effort undertaken in each population. Moreover, the release of hatchery-reared fish does not solve the problems related to the reduced size of wild populations and their recruitment instability.  相似文献   

Previous studies using mitochondrial markers and microsatellites revealed a new highly differentiated Atlantic lineage of brown trout in the Iberian Peninsula mainly confined to the Upper Duero Basin. Data suggest that Duero lineage (DU) hybridizes with previously described Atlantic (AT) lineages in that basin. However, nuclear and cytogenetic data suggest another hybrid zone between divergent lineages might be present in the Miño Basin, another Atlantic drainage located to the north. Here, we extend those studies by analyzing the mitochondrial haplotype variability of brown trout populations from northwestern Spain, a poorly studied area, to obtain an accurate picture of the distribution of DU. Results show that the DU haplotype is fixed in several isolated populations from the upper course of the Miño River and its main tributary the Sil River. DU haplotype co-occurs with two related AT haplotypes in the Miño Basin revealing a new secondary contact zone. The identification of both longtime stable populations of DU and several other populations showing introgression with widespread AT lineages will be useful for the management and conservation of such an endemic lineage.  相似文献   

The transferrin (TF) gene has recently received increased interest in fish given its fitness relevance as a resistance gene against pathogenic bacteria. In this study, we characterized five TF‐linked microsatellites in brown trout (Salmo trutta) and Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar). Interestingly, each marker amplified duplicated loci and linkage analysis revealed that the TF gene has most likely experienced a tandem duplication during salmonid evolution. In addition, the amplification of all five markers across a wide range of salmonid species suggests that they may be of general interest for the genetic analysis of the TF gene(s) in this teleost family.  相似文献   

In this study, individual growth of juvenile offspring of anadromous and freshwater resident brown trout Salmo trutta and crosses between the two from the River Imsa, Norway, was estimated. The juveniles were incubated until hatching at two temperatures (±S.D. ), either 4.4 ± 1.5°C or 7.1 ± 0.6°C. Growth rate was estimated for 22 days in August–September when the fish on average were c. 8 g in wet mass, and the estimates were standardized to 1 g fish dry mass. Offspring of anadromous S. trutta grew better at both 15 and 18°C than offspring of freshwater resident S. trutta or offspring of crosses between the two S. trutta types. This difference appears not to result from a maternal effect because anadromous S. trutta grew better than the hybrids with anadromous mothers. Instead, this appears to be an inherited difference between the anadromous and the freshwater resident fish lending support to the hypothesis that anadromous and freshwater resident S. trutta in this river differ in genetic expression. Egg incubation temperature of S. trutta appeared not to influence the later growth as reported earlier from the studies of Atlantic salmon Salmo salar.  相似文献   

Brown trout, Salmo trutta, were allowed to thermoregulate individually in an electronic shuttlebox. Pooled data for 6 fish showed a diel pattern of preferred temperature, with a diurnal minimum of 10.3°C, an early nocturnal maximum of 13.7°C, a less pronounced mid-scotophase minimum of 11.7°C, and a secondary dawn maximum of 12.8°C, in a somewhat crepuscular pattern. The 24-hour mean preferendum was 12.2°C.  相似文献   

We explore the mortality rate of disentangled sea trout in whitefish fishery using gillnets with a 35–43 mm bar length. The study was conducted during the main fishing seasons in the Gulf of Bothnia in the northern Baltic Sea. Overall 59.5% of the sea trout were alive at the end of a 2–7 day observation period following release from the gillnets. Altogether, 12.1% of the captured fish were found dead in gillnets and 28.4% died due to injuries during an extended observation period. The average length of the captured sea trout was 435 mm, indicating that the majority were spending their first or second year at sea. The proportion of the survived and not injured (no observed damage) fish was highest in larger fish, >450 mm. The injured and not injured fish died equally frequently. Post capture survival was not connected to the removal time from gillnets or type of observed injuries but to the type of entanglement. Most of the fish were entangled by a mesh around the body, which caused extensive scale loss and open sores on the skin. The smallest fish may have had internal wounds that were not registered in this study. These results can be used in fisheries management to estimate the mortality of multi‐species gillnet fishing to sea trout populations in relation to management actions.  相似文献   

The yellow, orange, or red colors of salmonid eggs are due to maternally derived carotenoids whose functions are not sufficiently understood yet. Here, we studied the significance of naturally acquired carotenoids as maternal environmental effects during embryo development in brown trout (Salmo trutta). We collected eggs from wild females, quantified their egg carotenoid content, fertilized them in vitro in full‐factorial breeding blocks to separate maternal from paternal effects, and raised 3,278 embryos singly at various stress conditions until hatching. We found significant sire effects that revealed additive genetic variance for embryo survival and hatching time. Dam effects were 5.4 times larger than these sire effects, indicating that maternal environmental effects play an important role in determining embryo stress tolerance. Of the eight pigment molecules that we targeted, only astaxanthin, zeaxanthin (that both affected egg redness), and lutein were detected above our confidence thresholds. No strong link could be observed between carotenoid content in unfertilized eggs and embryo mortality or hatching timing. However, the consumption of carotenoids during our stress treatment was negatively correlated to embryo survival among sib groups and explained about 14% of the maternal environmental variance. We conclude that maternally derived carotenoids play a role in the ability of embryos to cope with environmental stress, but that the initial susceptibility to the organic pollution was mainly determined by other factors.  相似文献   

Nine brown trout (27.9–42.8 cm FL, 234–995 g) from the Aisne stream (Belgian Ardenne) were tagged with surgically implanted radio transmitters, and their activity patterns were studied at 10-min intervals during twenty-six 24-h cycles from October 1995 to May 1997. The duration and intensity of activity were mainly proportional to water temperature and day length but some differences appeared between individuals. The daily home range in summer was also 3.2 times longer than in winter, and was exploited 2.5 times more intensively. At all seasons, trout were most active at dusk, and seasonal variations in diel patterns consisted mainly in a progressive shift from more crepuscular activity in autumn and winter to more homogenous and intensive activity during spring and summer, but still with a predominance of activity at dusk. This relative consistency of activity rhythm throughout the year was interpreted within the context of foraging risk and efficiency, in view of the scarcity of predators in the Aisne stream, and of drifting macroinvertebrates being consistently more abundant at dusk at all times of the year. However, activity patterns varied substantially between individuals living in different microhabitats, including when fish were investigated on the same day. This suggests that activity patterns are also subordinated to local factors such as habitat structure or abundance of drifting prey.  相似文献   

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