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Linkage disequilibrium for different scales and applications   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Assessing the patterns of linkage disequilibrium (LD) has become an important issue in both evolutionary biology and medical genetics since the rapid accumulation of densely spaced DNA sequence variation data in several organisms. LD deals with the correlation of genetic variation at two or more loci or sites in the genome within a given population. There are a variety of LD measures which range from traditional pairwise LD measures such as D' or r2 to entropy-based multi-locus measures or haplotype-specific approaches. Understanding the evolutionary forces (in particular recombination) that generate the observed variation of LD patterns across genomic regions is addressed by model-based LD analysis. Marker type and its allelic composition also influence the observed LD pattern, microsatellites having a greater power to detect LD in population isolates than SNPs. This review aims to explain basic LD measures and their application properties.  相似文献   

We examined the extent of linkage disequilibrium (LD) block lengths in four breed populations: Japanese Black, Angus, Hereford and Holstein. Three chromosomal regions in which QTL were previously mapped in Japanese Black populations were scanned with 84 microsatellite markers. The estimated LD lengths in these four purebred populations varied from 535 to 683 kb, which is much shorter than the values reported previously. Our findings suggest that QTL can be mapped in sub-centimorgan regions in these populations using an LD-mapping method. We also developed breed identification methods to distinguish Japanese Black from Angus, Hereford, Holstein and F1 animals (Japanese Black × Holstein) respectively using the haplotypic frequencies of a pair of markers in the breed populations. After assessing the distributions of posterior probabilities to be Japanese Black, we obtained several pairs of markers that completely distinguished Japanese Black from the other breeds. We also obtained several combinations of six markers that completely distinguished Japanese Black animals from F1 animals.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to quantify the extent of linkage disequilibrium (LD) on bovine chromosomes 19 and 29 and to study the pattern of selection signatures in beef and dairy breeds (Angus and Holstein) of Bos taurus. The extent of LD was estimated for 370 and 186 single nucleotide polymorphism markers on BTA19 and 29 respectively using the square of the correlation coefficient (r(2)) among alleles at pairs of loci. A comparison of the extent of LD found that the decline of LD followed a similar pattern in both breeds. We observed long-range LD and found that LD dissipates to background levels at a locus separation of about 20 Mb on both chromosomes. Along each chromosome, patterns of LD were variable in both breeds. We find that a minimum of 30 000 informative and evenly spaced markers would be required for whole-genome association studies in cattle. In addition, we have identified chromosomal regions that show some evidence of selection for economically important traits in Angus and Holstein cattle. The results of this study are of importance for the design and application of association studies.  相似文献   

During the last two decades, DNA-based molecular markers have been extensively utilized for a variety of studies in both plant and animal systems. One of the major uses of these markers is the construction of genome-wide molecular maps and the genetic analysis of simple and complex traits. However, these studies are generally based on linkage analysis in mapping populations, thus placing serious limitations in using molecular markers for genetic analysis in a variety of plant systems. Therefore, alternative approaches have been suggested, and one of these approaches makes use of linkage disequilibrium (LD)-based association analysis. Although this approach of association analysis has already been used for studies on genetics of complex traits (including different diseases) in humans, its use in plants has just started. In the present review, we first define and distinguish between LD and association mapping, and then briefly describe various measures of LD and the two methods of its depiction. We then give a list of different factors that affect LD without discussing them, and also discuss the current issues of LD research in plants. Later, we also describe the various uses of LD in plant genomics research and summarize the present status of LD research in different plant genomes. In the end, we discuss briefly the future prospects of LD research in plants, and give a list of softwares that are useful in LD research, which is available as electronic supplementary material (ESM) Electronic supplementary material Electronic supplementary material is available for this article at and accessible for authorised users.  相似文献   

The level of linkage disequilibrium (LD) is a major factor to determine DNA polymorphism pattern of a population and to construct high‐resolution maps useful in localizing and gene cloning of complicated traits. Here, we investigated LD level of three soybean populations with different genetic backgrounds and taxonomic status of G. gracilis by comparing the DNA polymorphism patterns of four high‐diversity single‐copy nuclear genes. A total of 152, 22, and 77 accessions of G. soja, G. gracilis, and G. max were observed. The results indicated that G. max retained only 75.3 (π) and 39% (θ) of the nucleotide polymorphism found in G. soja. Four gene loci evolved according to neutrality in both G. max and G. gracilis populations, and three gene loci evolved according to neutrality in G. soja population by Tajima's and Fu and Li's test. However, one gene locus deviated from neutrality by Fu and Li's test in the G. soja population. Further, medial level of LD (average r2 = 0.2426) was found in intragene in G. max and G. gracilis populations, but unexpected low level of LD (r2 ≤ 0.0539) was found in G. soja population. Significant genetic differentiation was detected between G. max and G. soja populations and also between G. max and G. gracilis populations; however, nonsignificant genetic differentiation was found between G. gracilis and G. soja populations. The results suggest that LD level depends on genetic background of soybean population, and implicit that G. gracilis should be regarded as the variant of G. soja, not as an independent species.  相似文献   

Most empirical studies of linkage disequilibrium (LD) study its magnitude, ignoring its sign. Here, we examine patterns of signed LD in two population genomic data sets, one from Capsella grandiflora and one from Drosophila melanogaster. We consider how processes such as drift, admixture, Hill–Robertson interference, and epistasis may contribute to these patterns. We report that most types of mutations exhibit positive LD, particularly, if they are predicted to be less deleterious. We show with simulations that this pattern arises easily in a model of admixture or distance-biased mating, and that genome-wide differences across site types are generally expected due to differences in the strength of purifying selection even in the absence of epistasis. We further explore how signed LD decays on a finer scale, showing that loss of function mutations exhibit particularly positive LD across short distances, a pattern consistent with intragenic antagonistic epistasis. Controlling for genomic distance, signed LD in C. grandiflora decays faster within genes, compared with between genes, likely a by-product of frequent recombination in gene promoters known to occur in plant genomes. Finally, we use information from published biological networks to explore whether there is evidence for negative synergistic epistasis between interacting radical missense mutations. In D. melanogaster networks, we find a modest but significant enrichment of negative LD, consistent with the possibility of intranetwork negative synergistic epistasis.  相似文献   

The objectives of this study were to assess linkage disequilibrium (LD) and selection-induced changes in single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) frequency, and to perform association mapping in popcorn chromosome regions containing quantitative trait loci (QTLs) for quality traits. Seven tropical and two temperate popcorn populations were genotyped for 96 SNPs chosen in chromosome regions containing QTLs for quality traits. The populations were phenotyped for expansion volume, 100-kernel weight, kernel sphericity, and kernel density. The LD statistics were the difference between the observed and expected haplotype frequencies (D), the proportion of D relative to the expected maximum value in the population, and the square of the correlation between the values of alleles at two loci. Association mapping was based on least squares and Bayesian approaches. In the tropical populations, D-values greater than 0.10 were observed for SNPs separated by 100-150 Mb, while most of the D-values in the temperate populations were less than 0.05. Selection for expansion volume indirectly led to increase in LD values, population differentiation, and significant changes in SNP frequency. Some associations were observed for expansion volume and the other quality traits. The candidate genes are involved with starch, storage protein, lipid, and cell wall polysaccharides synthesis.  相似文献   

Kappa-casein (CSN3) plays an important role in stabilising the Ca-sensitive caseins in the micelle. The European rabbit (Oryctolagus cuniculus) CSN3 has previously been shown to possess two alleles (A and B), which differ deeply in their intronic regions (indels of 100 and 1550 nucleotides in introns 1 and 4, respectively). Furthermore, a correlation between several reproductive performance traits and the different alleles was described. However, all these data were exclusively collected in rabbit domestic breeds, preventing a deeper understanding of the extensive polymorphism observed in the CSN3 gene. Additionally, the techniques available for the typing of both indel polymorphisms were until now not suitable for large-scale studies. In this report, we describe a simple, PCR-based typing method to distinguish rabbit CSN3 alleles. We analyse both ancient wild rabbit populations from the Iberian Peninsula and France, and the more recently derived English wild rabbits and domestic stocks. A new allele (C) showing another major indel (250 bp) in intron 1 was found, but exclusively detected in Iberian wild rabbits. In addition, our survey revealed the occurrence of new haplotypes in wild populations, suggesting that intragenic recombination is important in creating genetic diversity at this locus. This easy and low cost single-step PCR-based method results in an improvement over previous described techniques, can be easily set up in a routine molecular laboratory and would probably be a valuable tool in the management of rabbit domestic breeds.  相似文献   

Theileria parva schizont-infected lymphocyte culture isolates from western, central and coastal Kenya were analysed for size polymorphism at 30 T. parva-specific variable number tandem repeat (VNTR) loci using a panel of mini- and micro-satellite markers. The mean number of alleles ranged from 3 to 11 at individual loci and 183 distinct alleles were observed in total, indicating high genetic diversity within the T. parva gene pool in Kenyan cattle. The frequency distribution of the length variation of specific alleles among isolates ranged from normal to markedly discontinuous. Genetic relationships between isolates were analysed using standard indices of genetic distance. Genetic distances and dendrograms derived from these using neighbour-joining algorithms did not indicate significant clustering on a geographical basis. Analysis of molecular variance demonstrated that the genetic variation between individual isolates was 72%, but only 2.3% when isolates from different regions were pooled. Both these observations suggest minimal genetic sub-structuring relative to geographical origin. Linkage disequilibrium was observed between pairs of loci within populations, as in certain Ugandan T. parva populations. A novel observation was that disequilibrium was also detected between alleles at three individual pairs of VNTR loci when isolates from the three regional meta-populations were pooled for analysis.  相似文献   

Recently renamed, Psalidodon scabripinnis populations of Serra da Mantiqueira, previously known as Astyanax scabripinnis have been deeply studied in the last years. These populations are small and isolated and occur very close to the watershed between Paraíba do Sul River basin and Upper Paraná River basin, in Serra da Mantiqueira region in the Atlantic Rainforest. These conditions arouse the interest in knowing theor genetic conservation status and how they responded to the separation between the two rivers basins. Therefore, we accessed the genetic diversity of five P. scabripinnis populations of this region with microsatellites and mitochondrial data. The results showed a complex structure pattern that doesn’t match the simple basin separation and a reasonably conservation status when compared with other populations of the same family or with similar natural history.  相似文献   

Pavy N  Namroud MC  Gagnon F  Isabel N  Bousquet J 《Heredity》2012,108(3):273-284
In plants, knowledge about linkage disequilibrium (LD) is relevant for the design of efficient single-nucleotide polymorphism arrays in relation to their use in population and association genomics studies. Previous studies of conifer genes have shown LD to decay rapidly within gene limits, but exceptions have been reported. To evaluate the extent of heterogeneity of LD among conifer genes and its potential causes, we examined LD in 105 genes of white spruce (Picea glauca) by sequencing a panel of 48 haploid megagametophytes from natural populations and further compared it with LD in other conifer species. The average pairwise r(2) value was 0.19 (s.d.=0.19), and LD dropped quickly with a half-decay being reached at a distance of 65 nucleotides between sites. However, LD was significantly heterogeneous among genes. A first group of 29 genes had stronger LD (mean r(2)=0.28), and a second group of 38 genes had weaker LD (mean r(2)=0.12). While a strong relationship was found with the recombination rate, there was no obvious relationship between LD and functional classification. The level of nucleotide diversity, which was highly heterogeneous across genes, was also not significantly correlated with LD. A search for selection signatures highlighted significant deviations from the standard neutral model, which could be mostly attributed to recent demographic changes. Little evidence was seen for hitchhiking and clear relationships with LD. When compared among conifer species, on average, levels of LD were similar in genes from white spruce, Norway spruce and Scots pine, whereas loblolly pine and Douglas fir genes exhibited a significantly higher LD.  相似文献   

Habitat loss is the main threat to biodiversity conservation worldwide. Some species may be particularly susceptible to the effects of fragmentation and the isolation of populations. The impacts of human activity on wild animal populations may be understood through relationships between individual genetic data and spatial landscape variables, particularly when considering local population dynamics influenced by fragmented habitats. Thus, the objective of this study was to analyze the population structure and genetic diversity of the giant anteater (Myrmecophaga tridactyla) using an individual sampling scheme (ISS) on a regional geographic scale. Data were collected from 41 specimens from twenty different locations in São Paulo State, Brazil, and six polymorphic microsatellite loci were genotyped. Our results indicate that barriers to gene flow exist and have segregated individuals of the farther away areas into two spatially structured clusters. The populations were also found to have high genetic diversity. The experimental sampling approach used herein enabled an analysis of the population dynamics of the giant anteater on a regional scale, as well as the identification of priority populations for genetic resource conservation for this species. The results reflect the need for adequate management plans. The efficacy of the sampling scheme may vary based on the study model used, but we argue that the use of an ISS combined with suitable molecular markers and statistical methods may serve as an important tool for initial analyses of threatened or vulnerable species, particularly in anthropized regions where populations are small or hard to characterize.  相似文献   

Colouration patterns have an important role in adaptation and speciation. The European crow system, in which all-black carrion crows and grey-coated hooded crows meet in a narrow hybrid zone, is a prominent example. The marked phenotypic difference is maintained by assortative mating in the absence of neutral genetic divergence, suggesting the presence of few pigmentation genes of major effect. We made use of the rich phenotypic and genetic resources in mammals and identified a comprehensive panel of 95 candidate pigmentation genes for birds. Based on functional annotation, we chose a subset of the most promising 37 candidates, for which we developed a marker system that demonstrably works across the avian phylogeny. In total, we sequenced 107 amplicons (∼3 loci per gene, totalling 60 kb) in population samples of crows (n=23 for each taxon). Tajima''s D, Fu''s FS, DHEW and HKA (Hudson–Kreitman–Aguade) statistics revealed several amplicons that deviated from neutrality; however, none of these showed significantly elevated differentiation between the two taxa. Hence, colour divergence in this system may be mediated by uncharacterized pigmentation genes or regulatory regions outside genes. Alternatively, the observed high population recombination rate (4Ner∼0.03), with overall linkage disequilibrium dropping rapidly within the order of few 100 bp, may compromise the power to detect causal loci with nearby markers. Our results add to the debate as to the utility of candidate gene approaches in relation to genomic features and the genetic architecture of the phenotypic trait in question.  相似文献   

Background and AimsPlant individuals within a population differ in their phenology and interactions with pollinators. However, it is still unknown how individual differences affect the reproductive success of plants that have functionally specialized pollination systems. Here, we evaluated whether plant individual specialization in phenology (temporal specialization) and in pollination (pollinator specialization) affect the reproductive success of the crepuscular-bee-pollinated plant Trembleya laniflora (Melastomataceae).MethodsWe quantified flowering activity (amplitude, duration and overlap), plant–pollinator interactions (number of flowers visited by pollinators) and reproductive success (fruit set) of T. laniflora individuals from three distinct locations in rupestrian grasslands of southeastern Brazil. We estimated the degree of individual temporal specialization in flowering phenology and of individual specialization in plant–pollinator interactions, and tested their relationship with plant reproductive success.Key Results Trembleya laniflora presented overlapping flowering, a temporal generalization and specialized pollinator interactions. Flowering overlap among individuals and populations was higher than expected by chance but did not affect the individual interactions with pollinators and nor their reproductive success. In contrast, higher individual generalization in the interactions with pollinators was related to higher individual reproductive success.ConclusionsOur findings suggest that individual generalization in plant–pollinator interaction reduces the potential costs of specialization at the species level, ensuring reproductive success. Altogether, our results highlight the complexity of specialization/generalization of plant–pollinator interactions at distinct levels of organization, from individuals to populations, to species.  相似文献   

Several previous studies concluded that linkage disequilibrium (LD) in livestock populations from developed countries originated from the impact of strong selection. Here, we assessed the extent of LD in a cattle population from western Africa that was bred in an extensive farming system. The analyses were performed on 363 individuals in a Bos indicus x Bos taurus population using 42 microsatellite markers on BTA04, BTA07 and BTA13. A high level of expected heterozygosity (0.71), a high mean number of alleles per locus (9.7) and a mild shift in Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium were found. Linkage disequilibrium extended over shorter distances than what has been observed in cattle from developed countries. Effective population size was assessed using two methods; both methods produced large values: 1388 when considering heterozygosity (assuming a mutation rate of 10(-3)) and 2344 when considering LD on whole linkage groups (assuming a constant population size over generations). However, analysing the decay of LD as a function of marker spacing indicated a decreasing trend in effective population size over generations. This decrease could be explained by increasing selective pressure and/or by an admixture process. Finally, LD extended over small distances, which suggested that whole-genome scans will require a large number of markers. However, association studies using such populations will be effective.  相似文献   

Behavioral isolation is a potent barrier to gene flow and a source of striking diversity in the animal kingdom. However, it remains unclear if the linkage disequilibrium (LD) between sex‐specific traits required for behavioral isolation results mostly from physical linkage between signal and preference loci or from directional mate preferences. Here, we test this in the field crickets Gryllus rubens and G. texensis. These closely related species diverged with gene flow and have strongly differentiated songs and preference functions for the mate calling song rhythm. We map quantitative trait loci for signal and preference traits (pQTL) as well as for gene expression associated with these traits (eQTL). We find strong, positive genetic covariance between song traits and between song and preference. Our results show that this is in part explained by incomplete physical linkage: although both linked pQTL and eQTL couple male and female traits, major effect loci for different traits were never on the same chromosome. We suggest that the finely tuned, highly divergent preference functions are likely an additional source of LD between male and female traits in this system. Furthermore, pleiotropy of gene expression presents an underappreciated mechanism to link sexually dimorphic phenotypes.  相似文献   

Weedy dandelions have a worldwide distribution and thrive in urban environments despite a lack of sexual reproduction throughout most of its range. North American dandelions, introduced from Eurasia, are believed to be primarily, if not exclusively, apomictic triploids. In some European populations, apomicts co‐occur with diploid sexual individuals and hybridizations can create genetically unique apomicts, which may subsequently disperse and establish new populations globally. Using six nuclear microsatellite markers and a cpDNA intergenic spacer, we investigate the impact of this unusual natural history on population structure and diversity in three urban Boston area dandelion populations. Our results show high levels of genetic diversity within populations, spatial population structure, and seasonal genotypic differentiation in flowering times. We find evidence that sexual reproduction and recombination, presumably in Europe, and extensive gene flow drive these patterns of diversity and create the appearance of panmixia despite the lack of evidence for local sexual reproduction.  相似文献   

Lin TP  Chuang WJ  Huang SS  Hwang SY 《Molecular ecology》2003,12(10):2661-2668
Variations in mitochondrial DNA in Cyclobalanopsis glauca (Thunb. ex Murray) Oerst. were studied in 140 trees from 32 populations collected from within the tree's natural range. By sequencing two mitochondrial DNA intron fragments (nad4/3-nad4/4r and nad7/2-nad7/3r), we revealed a total of 1788 bp and five polymorphic sites which allowed us to distinguish six mitotypes. The mitochondrial DNA markers provided replicated data to support population phylogeographical scenarios suggested previously using chloroplastic DNA markers. The gene genealogical tree of mitochondrial DNA was partially congruent with the chloroplastic DNA tree owing to the slower mutation rate and different mutational direction. Significant linkage disequilibrium existed between the two organellar genomes. Further paring analyses between fragments synthesized using different primers, accompanied by exclusion of polymorphic sites, showed that the random association could be attributed specifically to one of the polymorphic sites of the petG-trnP fragment of the chloroplastic genome, and the three polymorphic sites of the nad4/3-nad4/4r fragment of the mitochondrial genome. The former was inferred to derive from paternal leakage, and the latter from recurrent mutation. These polymorphic sites were also responsible for uncoupling of the combined gene tree of mitotype and chlorotype. In conclusion, specific fragments found in this study contribute to the incomplete congruence of the two organellar lineages that otherwise associate well phylogeographically.  相似文献   

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