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The activities of chlorophyllase, contents of pigments including chlorophyll a and b, chlorophyllide a and b, and phaeophorbide a during leaf senescence under low oxygen (0.5% O2) and control (air) were investigated in a non-yellowing mutant and wild-type leaves of snap beans (Phaseolus vulgaris L.). Chlorophyllase from leaf tissues had maximum activity when incubated at 40C in a mixture containing 50% acetone. In both mutant and wild type, chlorophyllase activity was the highest in freshly harvested non-senescent leaves and decreased sharply in the course of senescence, indicating that the loss of chlorophylls in senescing leaves is not directly related to the activity of chlorophyllase and that chlorophyllase activity is not altered in the mutant. The wild type had higher ratios of chlorophyll a to chlorophyll b than the mutant and chlorophyll a : b ratios increased during senescence in both types. In the senescent mutant leaves, accumulations of chlorophyllide a and chlorophyllide b were detected, but no phaeophorbide a was found. Chlorophyllide b had a greater accumulation than chlorophyllide a in the early stage of senescence. Low oxygen treatment not only delayed chlorophyll degradation but also enhanced the accumulations of chlorophyllide a and b and lowered the ratios of chlorophyll a to chlorophyll b.  相似文献   

Phaseolin, the major seed storage protein of Phaseolus vulgaris L., is degraded in the cotyledons in the first 7–10 d following seed germination. We assayed cotyledon extracts for protease activity by using [3H]phaseolin as a substrate and then fractionated the digestion mixtures by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis in order to identify the cleavage products. The cotyledons of 4-d-old seedlings contain an endopeptidase which cleaves the polypeptides of [3H]phaseolin (apparent molecular weights=51 000, 48 000, 46 000 and 43 000) into three discrete clusters of proteolytic fragments (M rs=27 000, 25 000 and 23 000). Endopeptidase activity is not detected in the cotyledons until the protein content of these organs starts to decline, shortly after the first day of seedling growth. Endopeptidase activity increases to a maximum level in the cotyledons of 5-d-old seedlings and then declines to a minimum value by day 10. The enzyme was purified 335-fold by ammonium-sulfate precipitation, organomercurial-agarose chromatography, gel filtration and ion-exchange chromatography. The endopeptidase constitutes 0.3% of the protein content in the cotyledons of 4-d-old seedlings. It is a cysteine protease with a single polypeptide chain (M r=30 000). Optimum hydrolysis of [3H]phaseolin occurs at pH 5. The enzyme is irreversibly inactivated at pH values above 7 and at temperatures above 45° C. The endopeptidase attacks only a limited number of peptide bonds in [3H]phaseolin, without causing any appreciable change in the native molecular weight of the storage protein. The endopeptidase is also able to hydrolyze the bean-seed lectin, phytohemagglutinin. Thus, this enzyme may play a general role in degrading cotyledon proteins of P. vulgaris following seed germination.Abbreviations Da dalton - DTT dithiothreitol - M r apparent molecular weight - PAGE polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis - PHA phytohemagglutinin - SDS sodium dodecyl sulfate  相似文献   

Monoclonal antibodies have been raised against the light-harvesting chlorophyll a/b-binding proteins of photosystem I (LHCI) using a photosystem (PS) I preparation (PSI-200) wild-type from barley (Hordeum vulgare L. cv. Svaløf's Bonus) as the antigen. These antibodies cross-reacted with a minor light-harvesting chlorophyll a/b-protein of PSII (Chla/b-P1=CP29), but not with the major one, LHCII (=Chla/b-P2**). Similarly, a monoclonal antibody to Chla/b-P1, elicited by a PSII preparation as the antigen, cross-reacted with LHCI, but not LHCII. This explains why an antigen consisting of LHCII, free of LHCI, but contaminated with Chla/b-P1, can elicit antibodies which cross-react with LHCI. Immunoblot assays showed that LHCI and Chla/b-P1 have at least two epitopes in common. Immunogold labelling of thin-sectioned wild-type thylakoids confirmed a preferential localisation of Chla/b-P1 in grana partition membranes and LHCI in stroma lamellae. The presence of LHCI was demonstrated in barley mutants lacking the PSI reaction centre (viridis-zb 63) and chlorophyll b (chlorina-f2), and was correlated with the presence of long-wavelength (730 nm) fluorescence emission at 77 K. The mutant viridis-k 23, which has a 77 K long-wavelength fluorescence peak at 720 nm, was shown by immune-blot assay to lack LHCI, although Chla/b-P1 was present.Abbreviations Chl-P chlorophyll-protein - CM Carlsberg Monoclonal - Da dalton - LHC light-harvesting complex - PAGE polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis - PSI, II photosystem I, II - PSI-200 PSI containing LHCI polypeptides - SDS sodium dodecyl sulphate  相似文献   


Our hypothesis was that recovery responses (RI and RII) upon rehydration, after 1 and 8 d of moderate (WDI) and severe water deficit (WDII), are evidence of tolerance in two commercial bean cultivars, Tacarigua (T cv) and VUL-73-40 (V cv). Recovery of leaf water (Ψw) and osmotic potentials (Ψs), and relative water content (LRWC), showed strong dependence on soil water potential (sΨw) followed by protein content; recovery connection between stomatal conductance and soil Ψw is showed. Chlorophyll (a + b), Ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase oxygenase (Rubisco) activity, dry biomass (DM), and leaf area (LA) recovery were sensitive to WD intensity. Specific leaf area (SLA) and leaf density (D) recovery were less dependent on WD intensity and in time-dependent manner; V cv recovery was slower, showed faster recovery of Rubisco activity and DM due to slower recovery in SLA and D, which promoted it. Rubisco activity presented correlations with LRWC and Ψw at moderate and severe WD in both cultivars, and significant correlation with Ψs was observed in V cv. We conclude that recovery after rehydration reveals intrinsic tolerance to WD, due to an integration of metabolic and structural interactions, in responses to leaf water status components.  相似文献   

The regulation of photosystem II (PSII) by light-, CO2-, and O2-dependent changes in the capacity for carbon metabolism was studied. Estimates of the rate of electron transport through PSII were made from gas-exchange data and from measurements of chlorophyll fluorescence. At subsaturating photon-flux density (PFD), the rate of electron transport was independent of O2 and CO2. Feedback on electron transport was observed under two conditions. At saturating PFD and low partial pressure of CO2, p(CO2), the rate of electron transport increased with p(CO2). However, at high p(CO2), switching from normal to low p(O2) did not affect the net rate of photosynthetic CO2 assimilation but the rate of electron-transport decreased by an amount related to the change in the rate of photorespiration. We interpret these effects as 1) regulation of ribulose-1,5-bisphosphatecarboxylase (RuBPCase, EC activity to match the rate of electron transport at limiting PFD, 2) regulation of electron-transport rate to match the rate of RuBPCase at low p(CO2), and 3) regulation of the electron-transport rate to match the capacity for starch and sucrose synthesis at high p(CO2) and PFD. These studies provide evidence that PSII is regulated so that the capacity for electron transport is matched to the capacity for other processes required by photosynthesis, such as ribulose-bisphosphate carboxylation and starch and sucrose synthesis. We show that at least two mechanisms contribute to the regulation of PSII activity and that the relative engagement of these mechanisms varies with time following a step change in the capacity for ribulose-bisphosphate carboxylation and starch and sucrose synthesis. Finally, we take advantage of the relatively slow activation of deactivated RuBPCase in vivo to show that the activation level of this enzyme can limit the rate of electron transport as evidenced by increased feedback on PSII following a step change in p(CO2). As RuBPCase as activated, the feedback on PSII declined.Abbreviations and symbols JC electron-transport rate calculated from CO2-assimilation measurements - JF electron-transport rate calculated from fluorescence parameters - PFD photon-flux density - qE energy-dependent quenching - PSII photosystem II - qQ Q-dependent quenching - QY quantum yield - RuBPCase ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase (EC C.I.W. publication No. 1015  相似文献   

Studies of the level and the structure of the genetic diversity of local varieties of Phaseolus vulgaris are of fundamental importance, both for the management of genetic resources and to improve our understanding of the pathways of dissemination and the evolution of this species in Europe. We have here characterized 73 local bean populations from Sardinia (Italy) using seed traits and molecular markers (phaseolins, nuSSRs and cpSSRs). American landraces and commercial varieties were also included for comparison. We see that: (a) the Sardinian material is distinct from the commercial varieties considered; (b) the variation in the seed traits is high and it mostly occurs among populations (95%); (c) compared to the American sample and the commercial varieties, the Sardinian collection has a low level of diversity; (d) the majority (>95%) of the Sardinian individuals belong to the Andean gene pool; (e) the Sardinian material shows a strong genetic structure, both for cpSSRs and nuSSRs; (f) the nuSSRs and cpSSRs concur in differentiating between gene pools, but a lack of congruence between nuclear and chloroplast has been observed within gene pools; and (g) there are three putative hybrids between the Andean and Mesoamerican gene pools. Despite the relatively low level of diversity, which is probably due to a strong founder effect, the Sardinian landraces are worth being conserved and studied further because of their distinctiveness and because hybridization within and between the gene pools could generate variation that will be useful for breeding. Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

The impact of moderate water deficit on the photosynthetic apparatus of three Phaseolus vulgaris L. cultivars, Plovdiv 10 (P10), Dobrudjanski Ran (DR) and Prelom (Prel), was investigated. Water shortage had less impact on leaf hydration, RWC (predawn and midday) and predawn water potential in Prel. RWC and Ψp were more reduced in P10, while there was no osmotic adjustment in any cultivar. Although drought drastically reduced stomatal opening in P10 and DR, reduced Amax indicated non‐stomatal limitations that contributed to the negligible Pn. These limitations were on potential thylakoid electron transport rates of PSI and II, pointing to photosystem functioning as a major limiting step in photosynthesis. This agrees with decreases in actual photochemical efficiency of PSII (Fv′/Fm′), quantum yield of photosynthetic non‐cyclic electron transport (?e) and energy‐driven photochemical events (qP), although the impact on these parameters would also include down‐regulation processes. When compared to DR, Prel retained a higher functional state of the photosynthetic machinery, justifying reduced need for photoprotective mechanisms (non‐photochemical quenching, zeaxanthin, lutein, β‐carotene) and maintenance of the balance between energy capture and dissipative pigments. The highest increases in fructose, glucose, arabinose and sorbitol in Prel might be related to tolerance to a lower oxidative state. All cultivars had reduced Amax due to daytime stomatal closure in well‐watered conditions. Under moderate drought, Prel had highest tolerance, higher leaf hydration and maintenance of important photochemical use of energy. However, water shortage caused appreciable non‐stomatal limitations to photosynthesis linked to regulation/imbalance at the metabolic level (and growth) in all cultivars. This included damage, as reflected in decreased potential photosystem functioning, pointing to higher sensitivity of photosynthesis to drought than is commonly assumed.  相似文献   

Yellowing, which is related to the degradation of chlorophyll and chlorophyll–protein complexes, is a notable phenomenon during leaf senescence. NON-YELLOW COLORING1 ( NYC1 ) in rice encodes a membrane-localized short-chain dehydrogenase/reductase (SDR) that is thought to represent a chlorophyll  b reductase necessary for catalyzing the first step of chlorophyll  b degradation. Analysis of the nyc1 mutant, which shows the stay-green phenotype, revealed that chlorophyll  b degradation is required for the degradation of light-harvesting complex II and thylakoid grana in leaf senescence. Phylogenetic analysis further revealed the existence of NYC1-LIKE (NOL) as the most closely related protein to NYC1. In the present paper, the nol mutant in rice was also found to show a stay-green phenotype very similar to that of the nyc1 mutant, i.e. the degradation of chlorophyll  b was severely inhibited and light-harvesting complex II was selectively retained during senescence, resulting in the retention of thylakoid grana even at a late stage of senescence. The nyc1 nol double mutant did not show prominent enhancement of inhibition of chlorophyll degradation. NOL was localized on the stromal side of the thylakoid membrane despite the lack of a transmembrane domain. Immunoprecipitation analysis revealed that NOL and NYC1 interact physically in vitro . These observations suggest that NOL and NYC1 are co-localized in the thylakoid membrane and act in the form of a complex as a chlorophyll  b reductase in rice.  相似文献   

Extracts of bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L. cv. Greensleeves) cotyledons contained two abundant proteins: vicilin and phytohemagglutinin. Vicilin, a 6.9 S protein fraction at neutral pH, associated to an 18.0 S form at pH 4.5 and had 3 non-identical subunits with molecular weights (MW) of 52,000, 49,000 and 46,000. Phytohemagglutinin, a 6.4 S protein fraction, had 2 non-identical subunits with MW of 34,000 and 36,000. Phytohemagglutinin could be separated by isoelectrofocusing into a mitogenic and non-erythroagglutinating protein with a single subunit of MW=34,000, and a mitogenic and erythroagglutinating protein fraction which contained both subunits. Vicilin is apparently identical with the so called glycoprotein II (A. Pusztai and W.B. Watt, Biochim. Biophys. Acta 365, 57–71, 1970) and with globulin G1 (R.C. McLeester, T.C. Hall, S.M. Sun, F.A. Bliss, Phytochem. 2, 85; 1973), while phytohemagglutinin is identical with globulin G2 (McLeester et al., 1973). Since vicilin and phytohemagglutinin are internationally used names there is no need to introduce new names to describe P. vulgaris reserve proteins. Both proteins are catabolized in the course of seedling growth and are located in the protein bodies, indicating that they are reserve proteins. Vicilin isolated in its 18.0 S form from the cotyledons of young seedlings contains substantial quantities of smaller polypeptides, in addition the 3 original ones. We suggest that the presence of these small polypeptides represents partial breakdown of the vicilin prior to its complete catabolism.  相似文献   


Phaseolus vulgaris L. plants were irradiated with different doses (0.3, 10, 50 and 100 Gy) of X-rays in order to obtain a reference curve of response to ionizing radiations for this species. Growth analysis, gas exchange and chlorophyll a fluorescence measurements were performed to estimate the radio-resistance of bean plants. Specifically, there was a negative influence of X-rays on the net photosynthesis rate at 50 and 100 Gy, already on the day of irradiation. Experimental data showed a recovery over time in the gas exchange while the theoretical maximum photochemical efficiency of the photosystem II (Fv/Fm) was fairly constant throughout the period of measurements (20 days) and for all the experimental conditions. On the other hand, the quantum yield of PSII linear electron transport (ΦPSII) and non-photochemical quenching (NPQ) were deeply influenced over time by X-ray dose, suggesting a decrease in the functionality of the photosynthetic apparatus at the highest radiation doses. The growth was affected only at the highest doses of radiation with a significant and severe reduction of leaf expansion and number of leaves per plant. Despite the arrest in growth, X-ray exposure seems to trigger an increased photochemical activity probably signifying that P. vulgaris plants have a fairly elevated resistance to this kind of ionizing radiation. Our current results will provide a complete analysis of the photosystem II (PSII) response of P. vulgaris to different doses (0.3, 10, 50 and 100 Gy) of X-rays, providing sound references for both space-oriented and radioecology questions.


A single treatment with a low pH solution of bean plants led to serious changes in the net photosynthetic rate (P N) as well as in various parameters of photosystem 2 (PS2) activity. A considerable suppression of P N was established already in the first hours (3 and 5) following the acid treatment (pH 2.4-1.8). The period of strong inhibition of CO2 uptake and photochemical activity was followed by the period of recovery (24-72 h). At a single spraying, pH values exceeding 2.0 did not lead to irreversible damages of the photosynthetic apparatus. The damages resulting from treatments with pH 2.0 and 1.8 were on the threshold of irreversible ones and were the cause of faster ageing. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Yellowing/chlorophyll breakdown is a prominent phenomenon in leaf senescence, and is associated with the degradation of chlorophyll – protein complexes. From a rice mutant population generated by ionizing radiation, we isolated nyc4‐1, a stay‐green mutant with a defect in chlorophyll breakdown during leaf senescence. Using gene mapping, nyc4‐1 was found to be linked to two chromosomal regions. We extracted Os07g0558500 as a candidate for NYC4 via gene expression microarray analysis, and concluded from further evidence that disruption of the gene by a translocation‐related event causes the nyc4 phenotype. Os07g0558500 is thought to be the ortholog of THF1 in Arabidopsis thaliana. The thf1 mutant leaves show variegation in a light intensity‐dependent manner. Surprisingly, the Fv/Fm value remained high in nyc4‐1 during the dark incubation, suggesting that photosystem II retained its function. Western blot analysis revealed that, in nyc4‐1, the PSII core subunits D1 and D2 were significantly retained during leaf senescence in comparison with wild‐type and other non‐functional stay‐green mutants, including sgr‐2, a mutant of the key regulator of chlorophyll degradation SGR. The role of NYC4 in degradation of chlorophyll and chlorophyll – protein complexes during leaf senescence is discussed.  相似文献   

An extracytoplasmic 86.7 kDa protein was isolated from intercellular washing fluids (IWF) of Phaseolus vulgaris etiolated hypocotyls. Micro sequencing of tryptic peptides of the 86.7 kDa protein revealed 100% identity with a bean lipoxygenase (LOX) protein fragment. Purified P87-LOX exhibited LOX activity characterized by an optimal pH of 6.0 and linolenic acid as an optimal substrate, and was classified as a 13-LOX with respect to its positional specificity of linoleic acid oxygenation. A protein identical to P87-LOX, as determined by MALDI-TOF analysis and biochemical characterization, was purified from hypocotyl microsomes. Immunoblot analysis showed that P87-LOX is present in plasma membrane-enriched fractions, from which it was solubilized using high ionic strength buffers. These observations suggest that P87-LOX is a peripheral protein associated to the apoplastic face of the plasma membrane.  相似文献   

Low temperature sodium dodecyl sulfate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis following mild solubilization of Euglena thylakoid components allowed to resolve, in addition to the main CP1, CPa and LHCP chlorophyll-protein complexes, the additional CP1a and LHCP green bands. A carotenoid enriched band CPc can be separated from CPa using high acrylamide concentration. Pigment and polypeptide composition of these complexes were analyzed by absorption and fluorescence measurements and two dimensional gel electrophoresis. Spectral properties of CP1 and CP1a indicate an heterogenous organization of chlorophyll and the presence of significant amount of chlorophyll b in these complexes. They both contain a major 68 kilodalton polypeptide associated with three minor low molecular weight polypeptides in CP1a. CPa and CPc exhibit a characteristic fluorescence emission at 687 nm and they each contain one polypeptide of 54 and 41 Kda respectively. LHCP and LHCP are less abundant than in higher plant thylakoids and they contain a lower proportion of chl b (chl a: chl b=3). They include two polypeptides of 26 and 29 Kda.Abbreviations chl chlorophyll - SDS Sodium Dodecyl Sulfate - EDTA Ethylene Diamine Tetraacetic Acid - DTT Dithiothreitol  相似文献   

The genetic variability of seven Phaseolus taxa has been evaluated on the basis of molecular data and the results have used to clarify the phyletic relationships between several taxa of the P. coccineus L. complex. Chloroplast DNA (cpDNA) from 33 populations was digested with six restriction endonucleases, revealing some polymorphisms that made it possible to divide most of the taxa into two main groups: the subspecies of P. coccineus on the one hand, and P. vulgaris L., P. polyanthus Greenman and P. costaricensis (Freytag and Debouck) on the other hand. P. polyanthus is closer to P. vulgaris than the other taxa of the second group and should be considered as a separate species. The position of the wild species P. costaricensis is intermediate between P. coccineus and P. polyanthus. P. glabellus shows sufficient polymorphisms at the cpDNA level to be recognized as a separate species, as previously suggested from total seed-protein electrophoretic studies. These results favour the hypothesis of a common phylogeny for P. vulgaris, P. polyanthus, P. costaricensis and P. coccineus from a single wild ancestor. Although cpDNA is generally known to be uniform at the intraspecific level, some additional polymorphisms were also detected within P. vulgaris, P. polyanthus and P. coccineus. Further studies are required to understand the significance of the latter.  相似文献   

7S globulins were extracted from common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) seeds and characterized. SDS–PAGE showed major bands corresponding to the phaseolin subunits (43–53 kDa). An amino acid analysis indicated that, in spite of the limited amounts of sulphur amino acids and tryptophan, the globulins contained very high levels of essential amino acids. The protein solubility profiles of native and denatured (120 °C for 20 min) 7S globulins in water and in 0.5 M NaCl showed that NaCl had a limited effect on increasing the solubility of either the native or denatured proteins. The in vivo small intestinal digestibility of the 7S globulins was 90%, this being decreased to 86% after a thermal treatment. Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy revealed a high content of β-sheet and β-turn structures, together with a contribution at 1687 cm?1 that was assigned to intramolecular β-sheets. These features are diagnostic of a high propensity to irreversible aggregation that may be related to an adverse effect on the protein quality.  相似文献   

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