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M13 procoat protein was one of the first model proteins used to study bacterial membrane protein insertion. It contains a signal peptide of 23 amino acid residues and is not membrane targeted by the signal recognition particle. The translocation of its periplasmic domain is independent of the preprotein translocase (SecAYEG) but requires electrochemical membrane potential and the membrane insertase YidC of Escherichia coli. We show here that YidC is sufficient for efficient membrane insertion of the purified M13 procoat protein into energized YidC proteoliposomes. When no membrane potential is applied, the insertion is substantially reduced. Only in the presence of YidC, membrane insertion occurs if bilayer integrity is preserved and membrane potential is stable for more than 20 min. A mutant of the M13 procoat protein, H5EE, with two additional negatively charged residues in the periplasmic domain inserted into YidC proteoliposomes and SecYEG proteoliposomes with equal efficiencies. We conclude that the protein can use both the YidC-only pathway and the Sec pathway. This poses the questions of how procoat H5EE is inserted in vivo and how insertion pathways are selected in the cell.  相似文献   

Recent studies have shown that there is a pathway that is evolutionarily conserved for the insertion of proteins into the membrane in mitochondria, chloroplasts, and bacteria. In this pathway, the Oxa1/Alb3/YidC proteins are believed to function as membrane insertases that play an important role in the membrane protein biogenesis of respiratory and energy transduction proteins. Additional roles of the Oxa1/Alb3/YidC members may be in the lateral integration of proteins into the lipid bilayer, and in the folding and assembly of proteins into membrane protein complexes.  相似文献   

Proteins in the YidC/Oxa1/Alb3 family have essential functions in membrane protein insertion and folding. Bacillus subtilis encodes two YidC homologs, one that is constitutively expressed (spoIIIJ/yidC1) and a second (yqjG/yidC2) that is induced in spoIIIJ mutants. Regulated induction of yidC2 allows B. subtilis to maintain capacity of the membrane protein insertion pathway. We here show that a gene located upstream of yidC2 (mifM/yqzJ) serves as a sensor of SpoIIIJ activity that regulates yidC2 translation. Decreased SpoIIIJ levels or deletion of the MifM transmembrane domain arrests mifM translation and unfolds an mRNA hairpin that otherwise blocks initiation of yidC2 translation. This regulated translational arrest and yidC2 induction require a specific interaction between the MifM C‐terminus and the ribosomal polypeptide exit tunnel. MifM therefore acts as a ribosome–nascent chain complex rather than as a fully synthesized protein. B. subtilis MifM and the previously described secretion monitor SecM in Escherichia coli thereby provide examples of the parallel evolution of two regulatory nascent chains that monitor different protein export pathways by a shared molecular mechanism.  相似文献   

Subunit II (CyoA) of cytochrome bo3 oxidase, which spans the inner membrane twice in bacteria, has several unusual features in membrane biogenesis. It is synthesized with an amino-terminal cleavable signal peptide. In addition, distinct pathways are used to insert the two ends of the protein. The amino-terminal domain is inserted by the YidC pathway whereas the large carboxyl-terminal domain is translocated by the SecYEG pathway. Insertion of the protein is also proton motive force (pmf)-independent. Here we examined the topogenic sequence requirements and mechanism of insertion of CyoA in bacteria. We find that both the signal peptide and the first membrane-spanning region are required for insertion of the amino-terminal periplasmic loop. The pmf-independence of insertion of the first periplasmic loop is due to the loop's neutral net charge. We observe also that the introduction of negatively charged residues into the periplasmic loop makes insertion pmf dependent, whereas the addition of positively charged residues prevents insertion unless the pmf is abolished. Insertion of the carboxyl-terminal domain in the full-length CyoA occurs by a sequential mechanism even when the CyoA amino and carboxyl-terminal domains are swapped with other domains. However, when a long spacer peptide is added to increase the distance between the amino-terminal and carboxyl-terminal domains, insertion no longer occurs by a sequential mechanism.  相似文献   

The YidC/Alb3/Oxa1 family functions in the insertion and folding of proteins in the bacterial cytoplasmic membrane, the chloroplast thylakoid membrane, and the mitochondrial inner membrane. All members share a conserved region composed of five transmembrane regions. These proteins mediate membrane insertion of an assorted group of proteins, ranging from respiratory subunits in the mitochondria and light-harvesting chlorophyll-binding proteins in chloroplasts to ATP synthase subunits in bacteria. This review discusses the YidC/Alb3/Oxa1 protein family as well as their function in membrane insertion and two new structures of the bacterial YidC, which suggest a mechanism for membrane insertion by this family of insertases.  相似文献   

The Escherichia coli YidC protein belongs to the Oxa1 family of membrane proteins that have been suggested to facilitate the insertion and assembly of membrane proteins either in cooperation with the Sec translocase or as a separate entity. Recently, we have shown that depletion of YidC causes a specific defect in the functional assembly of F1F0 ATP synthase and cytochrome o oxidase. We now demonstrate that the insertion of in vitro-synthesized F1F0 ATP synthase subunit c (F0c) into inner membrane vesicles requires YidC. Insertion is independent of the proton motive force, and proteoliposomes containing only YidC catalyze the membrane insertion of F0c in its native transmembrane topology whereupon it assembles into large oligomers. Co-reconstituted SecYEG has no significant effect on the insertion efficiency. Remarkably, signal recognition particle and its membrane-bound receptor FtsY are not required for the membrane insertion of F0c. In conclusion, a novel membrane protein insertion pathway in E. coli is described in which YidC plays an exclusive role.  相似文献   

The biogenesis of mitochondria requires the integration of many proteins into the inner membrane from the matrix side. The inner membrane protein Oxa1 plays an important role in this process. We identified Mba1 as a second mitochondrial component that is required for efficient protein insertion. Like Oxa1, Mba1 specifically interacts both with mitochondrial translation products and with conservatively sorted, nuclear-encoded proteins during their integration into the inner membrane. Oxa1 and Mba1 overlap in function and substrate specificity, but both can act independently of each other. We conclude that Mba1 is part of the mitochondrial protein export machinery and represents the first component of a novel Oxa1-independent insertion pathway into the mitochondrial inner membrane.  相似文献   

Protein toxins are soluble molecules secreted by pathogenic bacteria which act at the plasma membrane or in the cytoplasm of target cells. They must therefore interact with a membrane at some point, either to modify its permeability properties or to reach the cytoplasm. As a consequence, toxins have the built-in capacity to adopt two generally incompatible states: water-soluble and transmembrane. Irrespective of their origin or function, the membrane interacting domain of most protein toxins seems to have adopted one out of two structural strategies to be able to undergo this metamorphosis. In the first group of toxins the membrane interacting domain has the structural characteristics of most known membrane proteins, I.e. it contains hydrophobic and amphipathic α-hellces long enough to span a membrane. To render this ‘membrane protein’ water-soluble during the initial part of its life the hydrophobic hellces are sheltered from the solvent by a barrel of amphipathic helices. In the second group of toxins the opposite strategy is adopted. The toxin is an intrinsically soluble protein and is composed mainly of β-structure. These toxins manage to become membrane proteins by oligomerizing in order to combine amphipathic β-sheet to generate sufflclent hydropho-bicity for membrane insertion to occur. Toxins from this latter group are thought to perforate the lipid bilayer as a β-barrel such as has been described for bacterial porins, and has recently been shown for staphylococcal α-toxin. The two groups of toxins will be described in detail through the presentation of examples. Particular attention will be given to the β-structure toxins, since four new structures have been solved over the past year: the staphyloccocal α-toxin channel, the anthrax protective antigen protoxin, the anthrax protective antigen-soluble heptamer and the CytB protoxin. Structural similarities with mammalian proteins implicated in the immune response and apoptosis will be discussed. Peptide toxins will not be covered in this review.  相似文献   

Recent electrostatics calculations on the cytochrome c oxidase from Paracoccus denitrificans revealed an unexpected coupling between the redox state of the heme-copper center and the state of protonation of a glutamic acid (E78II) that is 25 A away in subunit II of the oxidase. Examination of more than 300 sequences of the homologous subunit in other heme-copper oxidases shows that this residue is virtually totally conserved and is in a cluster of very highly conserved residues at the "negative" end (bacterial cytoplasm or mitochondrial matrix) of the second transmembrane helix. The functional importance of several residues in this cluster (E89II, W93II, T94II, and P96II) was examined by site-directed mutagenesis of the corresponding region of the cytochrome bo(3) quinol oxidase from Escherichia coli (where E89II is the equivalent of residue E78II of the P. denitrificans oxidase). Substitution of E89II with either alanine or glutamine resulted in reducing the rate of turnover to about 43 or 10% of the wild-type value, respectively, whereas E89D has only about 60% of the activity of the control oxidase. The quinol oxidase activity of the W93V mutant is also reduced to about 30% of that of the wild-type oxidase. Spectroscopic studies with the purified E89A and E89Q mutants indicate no perturbation of the heme-copper center. The data suggest that E89II (E. coli numbering) is critical for the function of the heme copper oxidases. The proximity to K362 suggests that this glutamic acid residue may regulate proton entry or transit through the K-channel. This hypothesis is supported by the finding that the degree of oxidation of the low-spin heme b is greater in the steady state using hydrogen peroxide as an oxidant in place of dioxygen for the E89Q mutant. Thus, it appears that the inhibition resulting from the E89II mutation is due to a block in the reduction of the heme-copper binuclear center, expected for K-channel mutants.  相似文献   

The mammalian mitochondrial inner membrane protein Oxa1L is involved in the insertion of a number of mitochondrial translation products into the inner membrane. During this process, the C-terminal tail of Oxa1L (Oxa1L-CTT) binds mitochondrial ribosomes and is believed to coordinate the synthesis and membrane insertion of the nascent chains into the membrane. The C-terminal tail of Oxa1L does not contain any Cys residues. Four variants of this protein with a specifically placed Cys residue at position 4, 39, 67, or 94 of Oxa1L-CTT have been prepared. These Cys residues have been derivatized with a fluorescent probe, tetramethylrhodamine-5-maleimide, for biophysical studies. Oxa1L-CTT forms oligomers cooperatively with a binding constant in the submicromolar range. Fluorescence anisotropy and fluorescence lifetime measurements indicate that contacts near a long helix close to position 39 of Oxa1L-CTT occur during oligomer formation. Fluorescence correlation spectroscopy measurements demonstrate that all of the Oxa1L-CTT derivatives bind to mammalian mitochondrial ribosomes. Steady-state fluorescence quenching and fluorescence lifetime data indicate that there are extensive contacts between Oxa1L-CTT and the ribosome-encompassing regions around positions 39, 67, and 94. The results of this study suggest that Oxa1L-CTT undergoes conformational changes and induced oligomer formation when it binds to the ribosome.  相似文献   

Folding of outer membrane proteins (OMPs) has been studied extensively in vitro. However, most of these studies have been conducted in dilute buffer solution, which is different from the crowded environment in the cell periplasm, where the folding and membrane insertion of OMPs actually occur. Using OmpA and OmpT as model proteins and Ficoll 70 as the crowding agent, here we investigated the effect of the macromolecular crowding condition on OMP membrane insertion. We found that the presence of Ficoll 70 significantly slowed down the rate of membrane insertion of OmpA while had little effect on those of OmpT. To investigate if the soluble domain of OmpA slowed down membrane insertion in the presence of the crowding agent, we created a truncated OmpA construct that contains only the transmembrane domain (OmpA171). In the absence of crowding agent, OmpA171 refolded at a similar rate as OmpA, although with decreased efficiency. However, under the crowding condition, OmpA171 refolded significantly faster than OmpA. Our results suggest that the periplasmic domain slows down the rate, while improves the efficiency, of OmpA folding and membrane insertion under the crowding condition. Such an effect was not obvious when refolding was studied in buffer solution in the absence of crowding.  相似文献   

Subunit II of yeast cytochrome c oxidase is synthesized on mitochondrial ribosomes as a precursor containing a transient NH2-terminal presequence and is inserted into the mitochondrial inner membrane from the matrix side. Using an optimized in vitro mitochondrial translation system (McKee, E.E., and Poyton, R. O. (1984) J. Biol. Chem. 259, 9320-9331), we have examined the requirement for an electrochemical potential (delta mu H+) across the inner mitochondrial membrane during subunit II biogenesis. When mitochondrial gene products are synthesized under conditions that prevent formation of a normal delta mu H+, accumulation of unprocessed subunit II (pre-II) occurs. The majority of pre-II generated in this way is inserted into the lipid bilayer, as judged by resistance to extraction with 0.1 M Na2CO3. Therefore, it appears that a delta mu H+ is required for the normal biogenesis of subunit II, and that the delta mu H+ is required for a function other than the insertion of pre-II into the lipid bilayer of the inner membrane.  相似文献   

The synthetic 25-residue signal peptide of cytochrome c oxidase subunit IV was labelled with the fluorophor 7-nitrobenz-2-oxa-1,3-diazole (NBD) at its single cysteine residue. Addition of small unilamellar vesicles of 1-palmitoyl 2-oleoyl phosphatidylcholine (POPC) to the labelled peptide resulted in a shift of the NBD excitation and emission spectra to shorter wavelengths. Binding of the peptide to the vesicles was measured by the increase in the fluorescence emission yield. A surface partition constant of (3.9 +/- 0.5) x 10(3) M-1 was derived from these titrations. When the membrane contained, in addition to POPC, negatively charged 1-palmitoyl 2-oleoyl phosphatidylglycerol (POPG), the NBD fluorescence spectra were further shifted to shorter wavelengths and exhibited increased quantum yields. The apparent partition constants were increased to 10(4)-10(5) M-1 for vesicles with 20 or 100 mol% POPG. Lateral diffusion of the peptide was measured by fluorescence recovery after photobleaching in multibilayers of POPC, POPG, POPC/POPG (4:1) and 1,2-dimyristoyl phosphatidylcholine. The lateral diffusion coefficients of the peptide in bilayers of POPC (8 x 10(-8) cm2/s at 21 degrees C) were 1.5-1.6-fold greater than those of NBD-labelled phospholipids (5 x 10(-8) cm2/s at 21 degrees C), but 1.5-1.8-fold smaller (3 x 10(-8) cm2/s in 20% POPG and at 21 degrees C) than the lipid diffusion coefficients in the negatively charged bilayers. It is concluded that the signal peptide associates with phospholipid bilayers in two different forms, which depend on the lipid charge. The experiments with POPC bilayers are well explained by a model in which the peptide partitions into the region of the phospholipid head-groups and diffuses along the membrane/water interface. If POPG is present in the membrane, electrostatic attractions between the basic residues of the peptide and the acidic lipid head-groups result in a deeper penetration of the bilayer. For this case, two models that are both consistent with the experimental data are discussed, in which the peptide either forms an oligomer of three to six partially helical membrane-spanning monomers, or inserts into the bilayer with its amphiphilic helical segment aligned parallel to the plane of the membrane and located near the head-group and outer hydrocarbon region of the bilayer.  相似文献   

Antibodies were raised against conserved amino acid sequences in four extramembranous portions of subunit III (sIII) from beef cytochrome c oxidase (COX) and the role of these domains in the functional activities of the enzyme was investigated. The binding of one antipeptide antibody corresponding to an externally exposed (facing the intermembrane space) domain of COX sIII (amino acids 180-189 in the primary sequence) exhibited a 30-50% stimulation of electron transfer activity in both detergent-dispersed COX and COX incorporated into phospholipid vesicles (COV). Antibody binding to two different matrix-faced domains (amino acids 57-66 and 148-159 in the sequence) resulted in small stimulations (10-25%) of COX electron transfer activity. The remaining antipeptide antibody (against amino acids 119-128) had no effect on electron transfer activity of COX in detergent solution, but exhibited a slight inhibition of activity (15%) in COV. The mechanism of antibody-induced stimulation of COX electron transfer activity was determined to be an increase in the maximum velocity of the enzyme and not due to a change in the apparent K(m) of cytochrome c interaction with COX as determined by steady state kinetic assays. Antibody binding to COX in COV increased the respiratory control ratio (an indicator of endogenous proton permeability) of COV, but had no effect on the vectorial proton pumping activity of COV. These results suggest that these conserved, hydrophilic domains of COX sIII are conformationally linked to the electron transfer function of the enzyme in subunits I and II and that sIII may serve as a regulatory subunit for COX electron transfer and proton pumping activities.  相似文献   

In humans the mitochondrial inner membrane protein Oxa1L is involved in the biogenesis of membrane proteins and facilitates the insertion of both mitochondrial- and nuclear-encoded proteins from the mitochondrial matrix into the inner membrane. The C-terminal ∼100-amino acid tail of Oxa1L (Oxa1L-CTT) binds to mitochondrial ribosomes and plays a role in the co-translational insertion of mitochondria-synthesized proteins into the inner membrane. Contrary to suggestions made for yeast Oxa1p, our results indicate that the C-terminal tail of human Oxa1L does not form a coiled-coil helical structure in solution. The Oxa1L-CTT exists primarily as a monomer in solution but forms dimers and tetramers at high salt concentrations. The binding of Oxa1L-CTT to mitochondrial ribosomes is an enthalpy-driven process with a Kd of 0.3–0.8 μm and a stoichiometry of 2. Oxa1L-CTT cross-links to mammalian mitochondrial homologs of the bacterial ribosomal proteins L13, L20, and L28 and to mammalian mitochondrial specific ribosomal proteins MRPL48, MRPL49, and MRPL51. Oxa1L-CTT does not cross-link to proteins decorating the conventional exit tunnel of the bacterial large ribosomal subunit (L22, L23, L24, and L29).  相似文献   

Tumor necrosis factor receptor-associated protein 1 protects cardiomyocytes against hypoxia, but the underlying mechanisms are not completely understood. In the present study, we used gain- and loss-of-function approaches to explore the effects of tumor necrosis factor receptor-associated protein 1 and cytochrome c oxidase subunit II on energy production in hypoxic cardiomyocytes. Hypoxia repressed ATP production in cultured cardiomyocytes, whereas overexpression of tumor necrosis factor receptor-associated protein 1 significantly improved ATP production. Conversely, knockdown of tumor necrosis factor receptor-associated protein 1 facilitated the hypoxia-induced decrease in ATP synthesis. Further investigation revealed that tumor necrosis factor receptor-associated protein 1 induced the expression and activity of cytochrome c oxidase subunit II, a component of cytochrome c oxidase that is important in mitochondrial respiratory chain function. Moreover, lentiviral-mediated overexpression of cytochrome c oxidase subunit II antagonized the decrease in ATP synthesis caused by knockdown of tumor necrosis factor receptor-associated protein 1, whereas knockdown of cytochrome c oxidase subunit II attenuated the increase in ATP synthesis caused by overexpression of tumor necrosis factor receptor-associated protein 1. In addition, inhibition of cytochrome c oxidase subunit II by a specific inhibitor sodium azide suppressed the ATP sy nthesis induced by overexpressed tumor necrosis factor receptor-associated protein 1. Hence, tumor necrosis factor receptor-associated protein 1 protects cardiomyocytes from hypoxia at least partly via potentiation of energy generation, and cytochrome c oxidase subunit II is one of the downstream effectors that mediates the tumor necrosis factor receptor-associated protein 1-mediated energy generation program.  相似文献   

In 1993, Huber and co-workers published the structure of an N-terminally truncated version of human annexin A1 lacking the first 32 amino acid residues (PDB code: 1AIN). In 2001, we reported the structure of full-length porcine annexin A1 including the N-terminal domain in the absence of calcium ions (PDB code: 1HM6). The latter structure did not reflect a typical annexin core fold, but rather a surprising interaction of the N-terminal domain and the core domain. Comparing these two structures revealed that in the full-length structure the first 12 residues of the N-terminal domain insert into the core of the protein, thereby replacing and unwinding one of the alpha-helices (helix D in repeat 3) that is involved in calcium binding. We hypothesized that this structure in the absence of calcium ions represents the inactive form of the protein. Furthermore, we proposed that upon calcium binding, the N-terminal domain would be expelled from the core domain and that the core D-helix would reform in the proper conformation for calcium coordination. Herein, we report the X-ray structure of full-length porcine annexin A1 in the presence of calcium. This new structure shows a typical annexin core structure as we hypothesized, with the D-helix back in place for calcium coordination while parts of the now exposed N-terminal domain are disordered. We could locate eight calcium ions in this structure, two of which are octa-coordinated and two of which were not observed in the structure of the N-terminally truncated annexin A1. Possible implications of this calcium-induced conformational switch for the membrane aggregation properties of annexin A1 will be discussed.  相似文献   

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