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This work describes a novel approach to detoxify lignocellulosic hydrolysates and facilitate the analysis of inhibitory compounds, namely supercritical fluid extraction (SFE). The efficiency of the fermentation of lignocellulosic dilute-acid hydrolysates depends upon the composition of the hydrolysate and the organism used. Furthermore, it has been shown that inhibitors in the hydrolysate reduce the fermentation yield. This knowledge has given rise to the need to identify and remove the inhibiting compounds. Sample clean-up or work-up steps, to provide a clean and concentrated sample for the analytical system, facilitate the characterization of inhibitors, or indeed any compound in the hydrolysates. Removal of inhibitors was performed with countercurrent flow supercritical fluid extraction of liquid hydrolysates. Three different groups of inhibitors (furan derivatives, phenolic compounds, and aliphatic acids) and sugars were subsequently analyzed in the hydrolysate, extracted hydrolysate, and extract. The effect of the SFE treatment was examined with respect to fermentability with Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Not only did the extraction provide a clean and concentrated sample (extract) for analysis, but also a hydrolysate with increased fermentability as well as lower concentrations of inhibitors such as phenolics and furan derivatives.  相似文献   

Olive pulp (OP) is a highly polluting semi-solid residue generated from the two-stage extraction processing of olives and is a major environmental issue in Southern Europe, where 80% of the world olive oil is produced. At present, OP is either discarded to the environment or combusted with low calorific value. In this work, utilization of OP as a potential substrate for production of bioethanol was studied. Enzymatic hydrolysis and subsequent glucose fermentation by baker's yeast were evaluated for OP from 10% to 30% dry matter (i.e., undiluted). Enzymatic hydrolysis resulted in an increase in glucose concentration by 75%, giving final glucose yields near 70%. Fermentation of undiluted OP hydrolysate (OPH) resulted in the maximum ethanol produced (11.2 g/L) with productivity of 2.1 g/L/h. Ethanol yields were similar for all tested OPH concentrations and were in the range of 0.49-0.51 g/g. Results showed that yeast could effectively ferment OPH even without nutrient addition, revealing the tolerance of yeast to OP toxicity. Because of low xylan (12.4%) and glucan (16%) content in OP, this specific type of OP is not a suitable material for producing only ethanol and thus, bioethanol production should be integrated with production of other value-added products.  相似文献   

One of the major challenges faced in commercial production of lignocellulosic bioethanol is the inhibitory compounds generated during the thermo-chemical pre-treatment step of biomass. These inhibitory compounds are toxic to fermenting micro-organisms. The ethanol yield and productivity obtained during fermentation of lignocellulosic hydrolysates is decreased due to the presence of inhibiting compounds, such as weak acids, furans and phenolic compounds formed or released during thermo-chemical pre-treatment step such as acid and steam explosion. This review describes the application and/or effect of biological detoxification (removal of inhibitors before fermentation) or use of bioreduction capability of fermenting yeasts on the fermentability of the hydrolysates. Inhibition of yeast fermentation by the inhibitor compounds in the lignocellulosic hydrolysates can be reduced by treatment with enzymes such as the lignolytic enzymes, for example, laccase and micro-organisms such as Trichoderma reesei, Coniochaeta ligniaria NRRL30616, Trametes versicolor, Pseudomonas putida Fu1, Candida guilliermondii, and Ureibacillus thermosphaericus. Microbial and enzymatic detoxifications of lignocellulosic hydrolysate are mild and more specific in their action. The efficiency of enzymatic process is quite comparable to other physical and chemical methods. Adaptation of the fermentation yeasts to the lignocellulosic hydrolysate prior to fermentation is suggested as an alternative approach to detoxification. Increases in fermentation rate and ethanol yield by adapted micro-organisms to acid pre-treated lignocellulosic hydrolysates have been reported in some studies. Another approach to alleviate the inhibition problem is to use genetic engineering to introduce increased tolerance by Saccharomyces cerevisiae, for example, by overexpressing genes encoding enzymes for resistance against specific inhibitors and altering co-factor balance. Cloning of the laccase gene followed by heterologous expression in yeasts was shown to provide higher enzyme yields and permit production of laccases with desired properties for detoxification of lignocellulose hydrolysates. A combination of more inhibitor-tolerant yeast strains with efficient feed strategies such as fed-batch will likely improve lignocellulose-to-ethanol process robustness.  相似文献   

考察了木质纤维素乙醇发酵液中各组分对乙醇透过聚二甲基硅氧烷(PDMS)-silicalite-1渗透汽化膜传质性能的影响。结果表明:酵母细胞、玉米秸秆残渣和发酵用无机盐可增加乙醇通过膜的通量和选择性;而葡萄糖和甘油的存在会对乙醇的透膜传质产生负面影响;木质纤维素水解后的产物如糠醛和羟基丙酮,表现出对膜分离乙醇轻微的抑制作用。本文建立了渗透汽化优先透醇与纤维素乙醇发酵集成过程,批次发酵20 h后乙醇产率从最初的12.95下降到10.22 g/(L·h),60 h后乙醇产率下降为0,葡萄糖消耗速率与乙醇消耗产率呈同样趋势;连续发酵过程中,乙醇产率较稳定地维持在13.30 g/(L·h)。实验证明,集成过程可及时地将产物乙醇分离出去,能够有效地消除产物抑制,提高乙醇生产速率和葡萄糖转化率。  相似文献   

Whereas Saccharomyces cerevisiae uses the Embden‐Meyerhof‐Parnas pathway to metabolize glucose, Zymomonas mobilis uses the Entner‐Doudoroff (ED) pathway. Employing the ED pathway, 50% less ATP is produced, which could lead to less biomass being accumulated during fermentation and an improved yield of ethanol. Moreover, Z. mobilis cells, which have a high specific surface area, consume glucose faster than S. cerevisiae, which could improve ethanol productivity. We performed ethanol fermentations using these two species under comparable conditions to validate these speculations. Increases of 3.5 and 3.3% in ethanol yield, and 58.1 and 77.8% in ethanol productivity, were observed in ethanol fermentations using Z. mobilis ZM4 in media containing ~100 and 200 g/L glucose, respectively. Furthermore, ethanol fermentation bythe flocculating Z. mobilis ZM401 was explored. Although no significant difference was observed in ethanol yield and productivity, the flocculation of the bacterial species enabled biomass recovery by cost‐effective sedimentation, instead of centrifugation with intensive capital investment and energy consumption. In addition, tolerance to inhibitory byproducts released during biomass pretreatment, particularly acetic acid and vanillin, was improved. These experimental results indicate that Z. mobilis, particularly its flocculating strain, is superior to S. cerevisiae as a host to be engineered for fuel ethanol production from lignocellulosic biomass.  相似文献   

The sulfuric acid hydrolysate of lignocellulosic biomass, such as wood chips, from the forest industry is an important material for fuel bioethanol production. In this study, we constructed a recombinant yeast strain that can ferment xylose and cellooligosaccharides by integrating genes for the intercellular expressions of xylose reductase and xylitol dehydrogenase from Pichia stipitis, and xylulokinase from Saccharomyces cerevisiae and a gene for displaying β-glucosidase from Aspergillus acleatus on the cell surface. In the fermentation of the sulfuric acid hydrolysate of wood chips, xylose and cellooligosaccharides were completely fermented after 36 h by the recombinant strain, and then about 30 g/l ethanol was produced from 73 g/l total sugar added at the beginning. In this case, the ethanol yield of this recombinant yeast was much higher than that of the control yeast. These results demonstrate that the fermentation of the lignocellulose hydrolysate is performed efficiently by the recombinant Saccharomyces strain with abilities for xylose assimilation and cellooligosaccharide degradation.  相似文献   

木质纤维素预处理抑制物产生及脱除方法的研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用纤维素酶将木质纤维素降解成可发酵性糖,然后发酵生产氢气、乙醇、丁醇等生物燃料及高附加值产品,是当今全球研究的热点。预处理是生物质转化过程中至关重要的步骤,而预处理过程中产生的抑制物对木质纤维素后续的酶解和发酵微生物有负面影响。因此了解预处理方法及其过程中产生的抑制物及脱除方法是能否高效转化生物质的基础。文中首先介绍了木质纤维素常用的两类预处理方法即化学法和物理化学法。随后阐述了不同抑制物的产生及其抑制机制,并重点介绍了多种脱毒方法。最后展望了脱除木质纤维素预处理抑制物的研究趋势:应用交联聚乙烯亚胺和金属有机骨架化合物等新型材料脱除抑制物或通过基因工程、代谢工程技术等构建抑制物耐受性菌株等。  相似文献   

A detoxification method using activated charcoal with concentrated rice straw hemicellulosic hydrolysate improved the conversion of xylose to xylitol by the yeast Candida guilliermondii by 22%. This was achieved when the hydrolysate:charcoal ratio was 40 g g–1, resulting in removal of 27% of phenolic compounds. Under this condition, the xylitol yield factor (0.72 g g–1) and volumetric productivity (0.61 g l–1 h–1) were close to those attained in a semi-defined medium simulating hydrolysate sugars.  相似文献   

The fermentation kinetics for separate as well as simultaneous glucose and xylose fermentation with recombinant ethanologenic Escherichia coli KO11 are presented. Glucose and xylose were consumed simultaneously and exhibited mutual inhibition. The glucose exhibited 15 times stronger inhibition in xyclose fermentation than vice versa. The fermentation of condensate from steampretreated willow (Salix) was investigated. The kinetics were studied in detoxified as well as in nondetoxified condensate. The fermentation of the condensate followed two phases: First the glucose and some of the pentoses (xylose in addition to small amounts of arabinose) were fermented simultaneously, and then the remaining part of the pentoses were fermented. The rate of the first phase was independent of the detoxification method used, whereas the rate of the second phase was found to be strongly dependent. When the condensate was detoxified with overliming in combination with sulfite, which was the best detoxification method investigated, the sugars in the condensate, 9 g/L, were fermented in 11 h. The same fermentation took 150 h in nondetoxified condensate. The experimental data were used to develop an empirical model, describing the batch fermentation of recombinant E. coli KO11 in the condensate. The model is based on Monod kinetics including substrate and product inhibition and the sum of the inhibition exerted by the rest of the inhibitors, lumped together. (c) 1995 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

Guava pulp used for ethanol production by three yeast strains contained 10% (w/v) total sugars and was pH 4.1. Ethanol production at the optimum sugar concentration of 10%, at pH 4.1 and 30°C was 1.5%, 3.6% and 3.9% (w/v) by Saccharomyces cerevisiae MTCC 1972, Isolate-1 and Isolate-2, respectively, at 60 h fermentation. Higher sugar concentrations at 15 and 20% were inhibitory for ethanol production by all test cultures. The maximum production of ethanol at optimum natural sugar concentration (10%) of guava pulp, was 5.8% (w/v) at pH 5.0 by Isolate-2 over 36 h fermentation, which was only slightly more than the quantity of ethanol produced by Saccharomyces cerevisiae (5.0%) and Isolate-1 (5.3%) over 36 and 60h fermentation, respectively.  相似文献   

2,3‐Butanediol (2,3‐BDO) is a promising bulk chemical owing to its high potential in industrial applications. Here, we engineered Klebsiella oxytoca for the economic production of 2,3‐BDO using mixed sugars from renewable biomass. First, to improve xylose consumption, the xylose transporter gene (xylE) was integrated into the methylglyoxal synthase A (mgsA)‐coding gene loci, and the engineered CHA004 strain showed much faster consumption of xylose than wild‐type (WT) strain with 1.4‐fold increase of overall sugar consumption rate. To further improve sugar utilization, we performed adaptive laboratory evolution for 90 days. The evolved strain (CHA006) was evaluated by cultivating it in the media containing single‐ or mixed‐sugars, and it was clearly observed that CHA006 has improved sugar consumption and 2,3‐BDO production than those of the parental strain. Finally, we demonstrated the superiority of CHA006 by culturing in two lignocellulosic hydrolysates derived from sunflower or pine tree. Particularly, in the pine tree hydrolysate containing xylose, glucose, galactose, and mannose, the CHA006 strain showed much improved consumption rates for all sugars, and 2,3‐BDO productivity (0.73 g L?1 hr?1) increased by 3.2‐fold compared to WT strain. We believe that the engineered CHA006 strain can be a potential host in the development of economic bioprocess for 2,3‐BDO through efficient utilization of mixed sugars derived from lignocellulosic biomass.  相似文献   

In this study an industrial Saccharomyces cerevisiae yeast strain capable of fermenting ethanol from pretreated lignocellulosic material was engineered. Genes encoding cellulases (endoglucanase, exoglucanase and β-glucosidase) were integrated into the chromosomal ribosomal DNA and delta regions of a derivative of the K1-V1116 wine yeast strain. The engineered cellulolytic yeast produces ethanol in one step through simultaneous saccharification and fermentation of pretreated biomass without the addition of exogenously produced enzymes. When ethanol fermentation was performed with 10% dry weight of pretreated corn stover, the recombinant strain fermented 63% of the cellulose in 96 h and the ethanol titer reached 2.6% v/v. These results demonstrate that cellulolytic S. cerevisiae strains can be used as a platform for developing an economical advanced biofuel process.  相似文献   

Two genome-shuffled Scheffersomyces stipitis strains, GS301 and GS302, exhibiting improved tolerance to hardwood spent sulphite liquor, were tested for growth and fermentation performance on three wood hydrolysates: (a) steam-pretreated enzymatically hydrolyzed poplar hydrolysate from Mascoma Canada, (b) steam pretreated poplar hydrolysate from University of British Columbia Forest Products Biotechnology Laboratory, and (c) mixed hardwoods pre-hydrolysate from FPInnovations (FPI). In the FPI hydrolysate, the wild type (WT) died off within 25 h, while GS301 and GS302 survived beyond 100 h. In fermentation tests, GS301 and GS302 completely utilized glucose and xylose in each hydrolysate and produced 0.39–1.4% (w/v) ethanol. In contrast, the WT did not utilize or poorly utilized glucose and xylose and produced non-detectable to trace amounts of ethanol. The results demonstrated cross tolerance of the mutants to inhibitors in three different wood hydrolysates and reinforced the utility of mating-based genome shuffling approach in industrial yeast strain improvement.  相似文献   

为了客观评判耐高温东方伊萨酵母HN-1利用木质纤维素水解液生产燃料乙醇的潜力,本文采用单因素试验和响应面中心组合试验研究了木质纤维素水解液有毒副产物甲酸钠(1.0-5.0 g/L)、乙酸钠(2.5-8.0 g/L)、糠醛(0.2-2.0 g/L)、5-羟甲基糠醛(0.1-1.0 g/L)和香草醛(0.5-2.0 g/L)对其乙醇发酵的影响。结果表明,木质纤维素水解液有毒副产物对东方伊萨酵母HN-1乙醇发酵的影响较小,除添加2 g/L香草醛或添加1 g/L 5-羟甲基糠醛可使乙醇产量分别降低20.38%和11.2%外,其他抑制物的添加对乙醇的生成未有显著影响。但是,当副产物浓度较高时,可以显著抑制菌体生长,添加1-5 g/L甲酸钠、2.5-8.0 g/L乙酸钠、0.4-2 g/L糠醛或0.5-2 g/L香草醛,发酵36 h时菌体细胞干重分别较对照下降了25.04%-37.02%、28.83%-43.82%、20.06%-37.60%和26.39%-52.64%。中心组合试验结果表明各抑制物交互作用对乙醇的生成影响不显著。该研究表明木质纤维素水解液副产物对东方伊萨酵母HN-1乙醇发酵的影响较小,适合用于纤维乙醇发酵。  相似文献   

Starch syrup for ethanol fermentation is conventionally produced by acid or enzymatic hydrolysis. Recently, however, promising results have been obtained using HTST-extrusion cooking in starch liquefaction. The starchy material was pregelatinized and preliquefied in a Creusot-Loire BC45 twin-screw HTST-extrusion cooker before simultaneous saccharification by amyloglucosidase and fermentation by Saccharomyces cerevisiae or Zymomonas mobilis. With pretreatment of milled whole grain or starch by HTST-extrusion cooking a significantly shorter fermentation time could be achieved. Maximum ethanol yield was obtained in 45 h using conventional yeast and amyloglucosidase (1,4-α-d-glucan glucohydrolase, EC dosage, even without addition of Termamyl α-amylase (1,4-α-d-glucan glucanohydrolase, EC during thermomechanical liquefaction. Immobilized yeast could also be used to produce ethanol both by a batch or continuous process. In this case, for a continuous process the DE-value of the syrup should be sufficiently high. A model for ethanol production as a function of dry matter, fermentation time, and yeast and Termamyl quantities has been developed.  相似文献   

Lignocellulosic biomass shows high potential as a renewable feedstock for use in biodiesel production via microbial fermentation. Yarrowia lipolytica, an emerging oleaginous yeast, has been engineered to efficiently convert xylose, the second most abundant sugar in lignocellulosic biomass, into lipids for lignocellulosic biodiesel production. Yet, the lipid yield from xylose or lignocellulosic biomass remains far lower than that from glucose. Here we developed an efficient xylose‐utilizing Y. lipolytica strain, expressing an isomerase‐based pathway, to achieve high‐yield lipid production from lignocellulosic biomass. The newly developed xylose‐utilizing Y. lipolytica, YSXID, produced 12.01 g/L lipids with a maximum yield of 0.16 g/g, the highest ever reported, from lignocellulosic hydrolysates. Consequently, this study shows the potential of isomerase‐based xylose‐utilizing Y. lipolytica for economical and sustainable production of biodiesel and oleochemicals from lignocellulosic biomass.  相似文献   

Antarctic basidiomycetous yeast Mrakia blollopis SK-4 has unique fermentability for various sugars under a low temperature condition. Hence, this yeast was used for ethanol fermentation from glucose and also for direct ethanol fermentation (DEF) from cellulosic biomass without/with Tween 80 at 10 °C. Maximally, 48.2 g/l ethanol was formed from 12% (w/v) glucose. DEF converted filter paper, Japanese cedar and Eucalyptus to 12.2 g/l, 12.5 g/l and 7.2 g/l ethanol, respectively. In the presence of 1% (v/v) Tween 80, ethanol concentration increased by about 1.1–1.6-fold compared to that without Tween 80. This is the first report on DEF using cryophilic fungi under a low temperature condition. We consider that M. blollopis SK-4 has a good potential for ethanol fermentation in cold environments.  相似文献   

The aim of the work was to study the properties of the bacterial cellulose membrane (BCM) and the feasibility of using it as a new, environmentally friendly support carrier for yeast cell immobilization. It was observed that the morphology of BCM varied with different cultivation methods and the scanning electron microscopy (SEM) images confirmed that the yeast cells were entrapped in the porous network of BCM obtained from the static culture and stabilized by the cross-linked fibrils. Particularly, the research confirmed the effectiveness of yeast immobilization in BCM reflected by the high yield of alcohol (9.7% v/v, a 21.25% increase of those using free cells) and the high stability. The specific rate of ethanol production by the immobilized cells in BCM was 2.1 g g−1 h−1, 31.3% greater than that of the suspended cells. Results implied that applying BCM as the support carrier had little adverse effects on cell viability and proliferation. Instead, it facilitated the product leakage and nutrients transportation through the porous network.  相似文献   

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