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Chromatin techniques for plant cells   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
A large number of recent studies have demonstrated that many important aspects of plant development are regulated by heritable changes in gene expression that do not involve changes in DNA sequence. Rather, these regulatory mechanisms involve modifications of chromatin structure that affect the accessibility of target genes to regulatory factors that can control their expression. The central component of chromatin is the nucleosome, containing the highly conserved histone proteins that are known to be subject to a wide range of post-translational modifications, which act as recognition codes for the binding of chromatin-associated factors. In addition to these histone modifications, DNA methylation can also have a dramatic influence on gene expression. To accommodate the burgeoning interest of the plant science community in the epigenetic control of plant development, a series of methods used routinely in our laboratories have been compiled that can facilitate the characterization of putative chromatin-binding factors at the biochemical, molecular and cellular levels.  相似文献   

Evaluation of Cryptosporidium parvum genotyping techniques.   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
We evaluated the specificity and sensitivity of 11 previously described species differentiation and genotyping PCR protocols for detection of Cryptosporidium parasites. Genomic DNA from three species of Cryptosporidium parasites (genotype 1 and genotype 2 of C. parvum, C. muris, and C. serpentis), two Eimeria species (E. neischulzi and E. papillata), and Giardia duodenalis were used to evaluate the specificity of primers. Furthermore, the sensitivity of the genotyping primers was tested by using genomic DNA isolated from known numbers of oocysts obtained from a genotype 2 C. parvum isolate. PCR amplification was repeated at least three times with all of the primer pairs. Of the 11 protocols studied, 10 amplified C. parvum genotypes 1 and 2, and the expected fragment sizes were obtained. Our results indicate that two species-differentiating protocols are not Cryptosporidium specific, as the primers used in these protocols also amplified the DNA of Eimeria species. The sensitivity studies revealed that two nested PCR-restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) protocols based on the small-subunit rRNA and dihydrofolate reductase genes are more sensitive than single-round PCR or PCR-RFLP protocols.  相似文献   

鲍曼不动杆菌为非发酵糖类革兰阴性杆菌,具有强大的获得耐药性和克隆传播的能力,广泛分布于医院环境,是医院内感染的重要病原菌之一。因此,建立精准、高效的鲍曼不动杆菌基因分型技术,是开展其医院内感染流行病学研究和临床防控的重要工具。本文就近年来鲍曼不动杆菌基因分型技术的研究进展进行综述,并分析比较多种基因分型技术的原理、优点、局限性及应用范围。  相似文献   

Flavobacterium psychrophilum, a member of the Cytophaga-Flavobacterium-Bacteroides group, is an important pathogen of salmonid fish. Previous attempts to develop genetic techniques for this fastidious, psychrotrophic bacterium have met with failure. Here we describe the development of techniques for the genetic manipulation of F. psychrophilum and the identification of plasmids, selectable markers, a reporter system, and a transposon that function in several isolates of this fish pathogen. The antibiotic resistance genes ermF, cfxA, and tetQ function in F. psychrophilum. Cloning vectors based on the F. psychrophilum cryptic plasmid pCP1 which carried these selectable markers were introduced by conjugation from E. coli, resulting in antibiotic-resistant colonies of F. psychrophilum. Conjugative transfer of DNA into F. psychrophilum was strain dependent. Efficient transfer was observed for two of the seven strains tested (THC02-90 and THC04-90). E. coli lacZY functioned in F. psychrophilum when expressed from a pCP1 promoter, allowing its development as a reporter for studies of gene expression. Plasmids isolated from F. psychrophilum were efficiently introduced into F. psychrophilum by electroporation, but plasmids isolated from E. coli were not suitable for transfer by this route, suggesting the presence of a restriction barrier. DNA isolated from F. psychrophilum was resistant to digestion by Sau3AI and BamHI, indicating that a Sau3AI-like restriction modification system may constitute part of this barrier. Tn4351 was introduced into F. psychrophilum from E. coli and transposed with apparent randomness, resulting in erythromycin-resistant colonies. The techniques developed in this study allow for genetic manipulation and analysis of this important fish pathogen.  相似文献   

Conventional approaches for detecting disease resistance gene analogs (RGAs) in plants are based on agarose gels or on polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (PAGE) in combination with silver staining or radioactive labeling. A modified method for RGA analysis has been developed by using fluorescence-labeled primers for PCR amplifications. The amplified fragments are detected by denaturing PAGE using an automated laser fluorescence DNA sequencer and analyzed by fragment analysis software. This technique is not limited to specific plant species and is suitable for high-throughput genotyping plant genetic resources. We demonstrate here the efficiency of this method for comparison of RGA patterns in diverse plant species and for genotyping of natural populations of the wheat progenitor, Triticum dicoccoides. Revisions requested 8 October 2004; Revisions received 15 November 2004  相似文献   

The advent of large-scale DNA sequencing technology has generated a tremendous amount of sequence information for many important organisms. We have developed a rapid and efficient PCR-based technique, which uses bioinformatics tools and expressed sequence tag (EST) database information to generate polymorphic markers around targeted candidate gene sequences. This target region amplification polymorphism (TRAP) technique uses 2 primers of 18 nucleotides to generate markers. One of the primers, the fixed primer, is designed from the targeted EST sequence in the database; the second primer, the arbitrary primer, is an arbitrary sequence with either an AT-or GC-rich core to anneal with an intron or exon, respectively. PCR amplification is run for the first 5 cycles with an annealing temperature of 35°C, followed by 35 cycles with an annealing temperature of 50°C. For different plant species, each PCR reaction can generate as many as 50 scorable fragments with sizes ranging from 50–900 bp when separated on a 6.5% polyacrylamide sequencing gel. The TRAP technique should be useful in genotyping germplasm collections and in tagging genes governing desirable agronomic traits of crop plants.  相似文献   

Pantoea ananatis causes disease symptoms in a wide range of economically important agricultural crops and forest tree species worldwide. It is regarded as an emerging pathogen based on the increasing number of reports of diseases occurring on previously unrecorded hosts in different parts of the world. Its unconventional nature lies in the fact that, unlike the majority of plant pathogenic microbes, P. ananatis is capable of infecting humans and occurs in diverse ecological niches, such as part of a bacterial community contaminating aviation jet fuel tanks and contributing to growth promotion in potato and pepper.
Taxonomy: Bacteria; Gammaproteobacteria ; family Enterobacteriaceae ; genus Pantoea.
Microbiological properties: Gram-negative; facultatively anaerobic; most strains are motile and produce a yellow pigment in culture; indole positive.
Biology: Pantoea ananatis is a common epiphyte; it also occurs endophytically in hosts where it has been reported to cause disease symptoms and in hosts where no such symptoms have been described. Some strains are ice-nucleating, a feature which has been used as a biological control mechanism against some insect pests of agricultural crops and by the food industry.
Disease symptoms: Pantoea ananatis infects both monocotyledonous and dicotyledonous plants. The symptoms are diverse depending on the host infected, and include leaf blotches and spots, die-back, and stalk, fruit and bulb rot.
Biological control agent: Pantoea ananatis has both antifungal and antibacterial properties. These characteristics have the potential of being exploited by biological control specialists.  相似文献   

Many pathogens of plants are transmitted by arthropod vectors whose movement between individual hosts is influenced by foraging behavior. Insect foraging has been shown to depend on both the quality of hosts and the distances between hosts. Given the spatial distribution of host plants and individual variation in quality, vector foraging patterns may therefore produce predictable variation in exposure to pathogens. We develop a "gravity" model to describe the spatial spread of a vector-borne plant pathogen from underlying models of insect foraging in response to host quality using the pollinator-borne smut fungus Microbotryum violaceum as a case study. We fit the model to spatially explicit time series of M. violaceum transmission in replicate experimental plots of the white campion Silene latifolia. The gravity model provides a better fit than a mean field model or a model with only distance-dependent transmission. The results highlight the importance of active vector foraging in generating spatial patterns of disease incidence and for pathogen-mediated selection for floral traits.  相似文献   

Pathogenic development of the corn smut fungus Ustilago maydis depends on the ability of the hypha to grow invasively. Extended hyphal growth and mitosis require microtubules, as revealed by recent studies on the microtubule cytoskeleton. Surprisingly, hyphal tip growth involves only two out of 10 kinesins. Kinesin-3 is responsible for tip-directed (anterograde) endosome motility of early endosomes, which are thought to support hyphal elongation by apical membrane recycling. In addition, kinesin-3, together with kinesin-1 and myosin-5, appear to deliver secretory vesicles to the hyphal tip. Kinesin-1 also affects endosome motility by targeting cytoplasmic dynein to microtubule plus ends. This plus-end localization of dynein is essential for cell body-directed (retrograde) endosome motility, but also allows force generation during spindle elongation in mitosis. Furthermore, kinesin-1 and dynein participate in the organization of the microtubule array, thereby building their own network of tracks for intracellular motility. The recent progress in understanding microtubule-based processes in U. maydis has revealed an unexpected complexity of motor functions essential for the virulence of this pathogen. Further studies on structural and regulatory requirements for motor activity should help identify novel targets for fungicide development.  相似文献   

The lack of a rapid and reliable means for routine pathogen identification has been one of the main limitations in plant disease management, and has pushed the development of culture-independent, molecular approaches. Currently, DNA array technology is the most suitable technique for high-throughput detection and identification, as well as quantification, of multiple pathogens in a single assay. Closely related pathogens that may have completely different host ranges or pathogenicity often differ in only a single to a few base pairs in genes that may be targeted for identification. Therefore, the ability to discriminate single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) should be pursued in any diagnostic assay. In this paper, we demonstrate the utility of DNA array technology to detect SNPs while accounting for specific criteria such as the position of the mismatch, the sequence of the oligonucleotide, and the length and amount of labeled amplicons that are hybridized. When disregarding mismatches at the extreme ends of the oligonucleotides, cross hybridization to single mismatch oligonucleotides is rare when processing environmental samples that contain genetic material from unknown sources. In addition to plant pathology, this study is relevant for any field of research where DNA arrays are used to detect mutations or polymorphisms, ranging from human diagnostics to environmental microbiology and microbial ecology.  相似文献   

The lack of efficient methods to control the major diseases of crops most important to agriculture leads to huge economic losses and seriously threatens global food security. Many of the most important microbial plant pathogens, including bacteria, fungi, and oomycetes, secrete necrosis- and ethylene-inducing peptide 1 (Nep1)-like proteins (NLPs), which critically contribute to the virulence and spread of the disease. NLPs are cytotoxic to eudicot plants, as they disturb the plant plasma membrane by binding to specific plant membrane sphingolipid receptors. Their pivotal role in plant infection and broad taxonomic distribution makes NLPs a promising target for the development of novel phytopharmaceutical compounds. To identify compounds that bind to NLPs from the oomycetes Pythium aphanidermatum and Phytophthora parasitica, a library of 587 small molecules, most of which are commercially unavailable, was screened by surface plasmon resonance. Importantly, compounds that exhibited the highest affinity to NLPs were also found to inhibit NLP-mediated necrosis in tobacco leaves and Phytophthora infestans growth on potato leaves. Saturation transfer difference-nuclear magnetic resonance and molecular modelling of the most promising compound, anthranilic acid derivative, confirmed stable binding to the NLP protein, which resulted in decreased necrotic activity and reduced ion leakage from tobacco leaves. We, therefore, confirmed that NLPs are an appealing target for the development of novel phytopharmaceutical agents and strategies, which aim to directly interfere with the function of these major microbial virulence factors. The compounds identified in this study represent lead structures for further optimization and antimicrobial product development.  相似文献   

Automated whole mount localisation techniques for plant seedlings   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
Plant biology is currently experiencing a growing demand for easy and reliable mRNA and protein localisation techniques. Here, we present novel whole mount in situ hybridisation and immunolocalisation protocols, suitable to localise mRNAs and proteins in Arabidopsis seedlings. We demonstrate that these methods can be used in different organs of Arabidopsis seedlings as well as in other plant species. In order to achieve better reproducibility and higher throughput, we modified these protocols for automation to be performed by a liquid handling robot. In addition, we show that other procedures such as reporter enzyme assays and tissue clearing can be similarly automated. We present examples of application of our protocols including mRNA localisation and proteins and epitope tag (co)localisations which demonstrate that these methods provide reliable and versatile tools for expression, localisation and anatomical studies in plants.  相似文献   

Three molecular marker protocols, chemiluminescent restriction fragment length polymorphisms (c-RFLPs), radioactivity-based restriction fragment length polymorphisms (r-RFLPs), and randomly amplified DNA polymorphisms (RAPDs) were compared in terms of cost and time efficiency. Estimates of cost of supplies and time requirements were obtained from simulations of maize (Zea mays L.) genotyping experiments utilizing protocols currently in use. The increase in total cost with increasing numbers of individuals genotyped and markers analyzed is higher for RAPDs than for RFLPs. RAPDs were generally found to be more cost and time efficient for studies involving small sample sizes, while RFLPs have the advantage for larger sample sizes. Because of the shorter exposure times involved, c-RFLPs require less time than r-RFLPs to obtain a given amount of information. Variations in the protocols, such as number of re-uses of Southern blots or cost of Taq DNA polymerase per reaction of amplification, also affect the relative merits of RAPDs and RFLPs. Two examples were analyzed where molecular markers are used: a germ plasm survey and quantitative trait loci (QTL) mapping in a segregating population. No protocol was found to be the most cost and time efficient over the entire range of sample sizes and number of marker loci studied.  相似文献   

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