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 Degradation of tetrachloroethene (perchloroethylene, PCE) was investigated by combining the metabolic abilities of anaerobic bacteria, capable of reductive dechlorination of PCE, with those of aerobic methanotrophic bacteria, capable of co-metabolic degradation of the less-chlorinated ethenes formed by reductive dechlorination of PCE. Anaerobic communities reductively dechlorinating PCE, trichloroethene (TCE) and dichloroethenes were enriched from various sources. The maximum rates of dechlorination observed for various chloroethenes in these batch enrichments were: PCE to TCE (341 μmol l-1 day-1), TCE to cis-dichloroethene (159 μmol l-1 day-1), cis-dichloroethene to chloroethene (99 μmol l-1 day-1) and trans-dichloroethene to chloroethene (22 μmol l-1 day-1). A mixture of these enrichments was inoculated into an anoxic fixed-bed upflow column. In this column PCE was converted mainly into cis-1, 2-dichloroethene, small amounts of TCE and chloroethene, and chloride. Enrichments of aerobic methanotrophic bacteria were grown in an oxic fixed-bed downflow column. Less-chlorinated ethenes, formed in the anoxic column, were further metabolized in this oxic methanotrophic column. On the basis of analysis of chloride production and the disappearance of chlorinated ethenes it was demonstrated that complete degradation of PCE was possible by combining these two columns. Operation of the two-column system under various process conditions indicated that the sensitivity of the methanotrophic bacteria to chlorinated intermediates represented the bottle-neck in the sequential anoxic/oxic degradation process of PCE. Received: 24 October 1994 / Received revision: 20 January 1995 / Accepted: 23 January 1995  相似文献   

Elevated dissolved iron concentrations in the methanic zone are typical geochemical signatures of rapidly accumulating marine sediments. These sediments are often characterized by co-burial of iron oxides with recalcitrant aromatic organic matter of terrigenous origin. Thus far, iron oxides are predicted to either impede organic matter degradation, aiding its preservation, or identified to enhance organic carbon oxidation via direct electron transfer. Here, we investigated the effect of various iron oxide phases with differing crystallinity (magnetite, hematite, and lepidocrocite) during microbial degradation of the aromatic model compound benzoate in methanic sediments. In slurry incubations with magnetite or hematite, concurrent iron reduction, and methanogenesis were stimulated during accelerated benzoate degradation with methanogenesis as the dominant electron sink. In contrast, with lepidocrocite, benzoate degradation, and methanogenesis were inhibited. These observations were reproducible in sediment-free enrichments, even after five successive transfers. Genes involved in the complete degradation of benzoate were identified in multiple metagenome assembled genomes. Four previously unknown benzoate degraders of the genera Thermincola (Peptococcaceae, Firmicutes), Dethiobacter (Syntrophomonadaceae, Firmicutes), Deltaproteobacteria bacteria SG8_13 (Desulfosarcinaceae, Deltaproteobacteria), and Melioribacter (Melioribacteraceae, Chlorobi) were identified from the marine sediment-derived enrichments. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and catalyzed reporter deposition fluorescence in situ hybridization (CARD-FISH) images showed the ability of microorganisms to colonize and concurrently reduce magnetite likely stimulated by the observed methanogenic benzoate degradation. These findings explain the possible contribution of organoclastic reduction of iron oxides to the elevated dissolved Fe2+ pool typically observed in methanic zones of rapidly accumulating coastal and continental margin sediments.Subject terms: Biogeochemistry, Microbial ecology  相似文献   

Molecular analysis of enrichment cultures of marine ammonia oxidisers   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
Abstract Marine ammonia oxidising bacteria were enriched by incubation of sea water, amended with ammonium sulphate, and subsequent subculture in liquid inorganic medium. PCR primers were designed to be specific for rDNA sequences from ammonia oxidisers belonging to the β -rsub-group of the proteobacteria. These primers were then used to amplify rRNA genes from ammonia oxidiser enrichment cultures containing heterotrophs. PCR products were recovered from all cultures in which complete ammonia oxidation occurred. Subsequent rDNA sequence analysis indicated the presence of three new lineages within the clade defined by sequences of cultured β -sub-group ammonia oxidisers. Two of the new lineages showed moderate similarity to sequences from pure cultures of ammonia oxidisers previously isolated from marine and brackish environments. The third lineage (AEM-3) was deep branching and occupied an intermediate position between clades defined by Nitrosomonas or Nitrosospira , which were isolated from soil or sewage. The phylogenetic analysis suggests that, in enrichment cultures, the primers are specific for members of the target group, the β -proteobacteria ammonia oxidisers. The results also indicate the presence of previously unknown ammonia oxidisers in marine samples. The approach enabled analysis of ammonia oxidiser enrichments at an early stage and without the requirement for isolation of pure cultures, significantly reducing the time required and facilitating quantitative assessment of relatedness of strains.  相似文献   

The examination of microorganisms in glacial ice cores allows the phylogenetic relationships of organisms frozen for thousands of years to be compared with those of current isolates. We developed a method for aseptically sampling a sediment-containing portion of a Greenland ice core that had remained at -9 degrees C for over 100,000 years. Epifluorescence microscopy and flow cytometry results showed that the ice sample contained over 6 x 10(7) cells/ml. Anaerobic enrichment cultures inoculated with melted ice were grown and maintained at -2 degrees C. Genomic DNA extracted from these enrichments was used for the PCR amplification of 16S rRNA genes with bacterial and archaeal primers and the preparation of clone libraries. Approximately 60 bacterial inserts were screened by restriction endonuclease analysis and grouped into 27 unique restriction fragment length polymorphism types, and 24 representative sequences were compared phylogenetically. Diverse sequences representing major phylogenetic groups including alpha, beta, and gamma Proteobacteria as well as relatives of the Thermus, Bacteroides, Eubacterium, and Clostridium groups were found. Sixteen clone sequences were closely related to those from known organisms, with four possibly representing new species. Seven sequences may reflect new genera and were most closely related to sequences obtained only by PCR amplification. One sequence was over 12% distant from its closest relative and may represent a novel order or family. These results show that phylogenetically diverse microorganisms have remained viable within the Greenland ice core for at least 100,000 years.  相似文献   

Discharge of nitrate and ammonia rich wastewaters into the natural waters encourage eutrophication, and contribute to aquatic toxicity. Anaerobic ammonium oxidation process (ANAMMOX) is a novel biological nitrogen removal alternative to nitrification-denitrification, that removes ammonia using nitrite as the electron acceptor. The feasibility of enriching the ANAMMOX bacteria from the anaerobic digester sludge of a biomethanation plant treating vegetable waste and aerobic sludge from an activated sludge process treating domestic sewage is reported in this paper. ANAMMOX bacterial activity was monitored and established in terms of nitrogen transformations to ammonia, nitrite and nitrate along with formation of hydrazine and hydroxylamine.  相似文献   

Three species of microalga, the freshwater Euglena gracilis and the marine Dunaliella salina and Tetraselmis suecica, were compared in terms of vitamin E enrichment and survival and growth of the brine shrimp Artemia salina. The tocopherol content was investigated using HPLC for the post-larval and pre-adult stages of Artemia fed the microalgae and the results compared to the initial content of unfed newly hatched nauplii. There was a markedly higher content of tocopherols (about two-fold) in Artemia fed Euglena. Since this microalga contains other antioxidants such as -carotene, vitamin C and glutathione, bioactive molecules such as PUFA, and the immunostimulant polysaccharide -glucan, it represents a valuable alternative for enriching the diets of Artemia and increase its nutritional value as a food item.  相似文献   

Picoplankton bacteria from a North Sea water sample were cultured under a variety of different conditions (nutrients, temperature, light, agitation, adhesion). Fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH) analysis of the enrichments showed complex communities which were dominated by gamma-Proteobacteria or beta-Proteobacteria, followed by alpha-Proteobacteria and bacteria from the Cytophaga/Flavobacterium/Bacteroides (CFB) cluster. Among 410 isolates, a high degree of diversity was found, both with respect to colony color and morphology and with respect to genetic diversity. Isolated bacteria were classified into the main taxa by a special PCR approach, termed signature PCR (SIG-PCR). It was based on an oligo primer mixture targeting 16S rDNA which yielded PCR products of taxon-specific lengths. Again, gamma-Proteobacteria dominated (48%), followed by alpha-Proteobacteria (20%). beta-Proteobacteria were rarely isolated (eight strains of 410). The CFB cluster comprised the second largest phylum (14%), and 7.5% of all isolates belonged to the high-GC Gram-positives. Thus, isolated bacteria were representative of enrichment communities with the exception of the beta-Proteobacteria, which were detected in high abundance in certain enrichments by FISH but not isolated, and the high-GC Gram-positives, which were cultivated but not detected by FISH. A genomic fingerprinting technique, randomly amplified polymorphic DNA, showed that among 58 CFB isolates only 18 identical genotypes were found, and among the 84 alpha-Proteobacteria only eight identical genotypes were present. The data show the enormous diversity of cultivated bacteria from picoplankton enrichment cultures of one North Sea water sample, which is only a small fraction of the total picoplankton community.  相似文献   

Culture-independent molecular analyses of open-sea microorganisms have revealed the existence and apparent abundance of novel eukaryotic lineages, opening new avenues for phylogenetic, evolutionary, and ecological research. Novel marine stramenopiles, identified by 18S ribosomal DNA sequences within the basal part of the stramenopile radiation but unrelated to any previously known group, constituted one of the most important novel lineages in these open-sea samples. Here we carry out a comparative analysis of novel stramenopiles, including new sequences from coastal genetic libraries presented here and sequences from recent reports from the open ocean and marine anoxic sites. Novel stramenopiles were found in all major habitats, generally accounting for a significant proportion of clones in genetic libraries. Phylogenetic analyses indicated the existence of 12 independent clusters. Some of these were restricted to anoxic or deep-sea environments, but the majority were typical components of coastal and open-sea waters. We specifically identified four clusters that were well represented in most marine surface waters (together they accounted for 74% of the novel stramenopile clones) and are the obvious targets for future research. Many sequences were retrieved from geographically distant regions, indicating that some organisms were cosmopolitan. Our study expands our knowledge on the phylogenetic diversity and distribution of novel marine stramenopiles and confirms that they are fundamental members of the marine eukaryotic picoplankton.  相似文献   

The effects of methanol addition and consumption on chloroform degradation rate and product distribution in methanogenic methanol enrichment cultures and in cultures of Methanosarcina barkeri 227 were investigated. Degradation of chloroform with initial concentrations up to 27.3 microM in enrichment cultures and 4.8 microM in pure cultures was stimulated by the addition of methanol. However, methanol consumption was inhibited by as little as 2.5 microM chloroform in enrichment cultures and 0.8 microM chloroform in pure cultures, suggesting that the presence of methanol, not its exact concentration or consumption rate, was the most significant variable affecting chloroform degradation rate. Methanol addition also significantly increased the number of moles of dichloromethane produced per mole of chloroform consumed. In enrichment cultures, the number of moles of dichloromethane produced per mole of chloroform consumed ranged from 0.7 (methanol consumption essentially uninhibited) to 0.35 (methanol consumption significantly inhibited) to less than 0.2 (methanol not added to the culture). In pure cultures, the number of moles of dichloromethane produced per mole of chloroform consumed was 0.47 when methanol was added and 0.24 when no methanol was added. Studies with [14C]chloroform in both enrichment and pure cultures confirmed that methanol metabolism stimulated dichloromethane production compared with CO2 production. The results indicate that while the addition of methanol significantly stimulated chloroform degradation in both methanogenic methanol enrichment cultures and cultures of M. barkeri 227, the prospects for use of methanol as a growth substrate for anaerobic chloroform-degrading systems may be limited unless the increased production of undesirable chloroform degradation products and the inhibition of methanol consumption can be mitigated.  相似文献   

Ferrous iron enhanced the toluene degradation rate of sulfidogenic enrichment cultures inoculated with contaminated subsurface soil from an aviation fuel storage facility near the Patuxent River (Md.). Ferrous iron had an analogous effect on the degradation rate of benzoic acid, a transient metabolite of anaerobic toluene degradation in these cultures, when benzoic acid was used as a sole carbon and energy source. Two hypotheses were proposed to explain iron's effect: (a) Iron may have prevented sulfide toxicity via precipitation of sulfide as FeS, and (b) iron might have been a limiting nutrient required for degradation (i.e., amendments of iron could have compensated for iron removed from solution by precipitation as FeS). To test these hypotheses, substrate degradation rates were compared in the presence of FeSO4 (a sulfate source that both precipitates sulfide species and precludes iron limitation) versus ZnSO4 (a sulfate source that precipitates sulfide species but does not preclude iron limitation) versus MgSO4 (a sulfate source that neither precipitates sulfide nor precludes iron limitation). For both toluene and benzoic acid, FeSO4 and ZnSO4 were comparable in their enhancement of substrate degradation rates and were superior to MgSO4 in that respect. Thus, iron appears to ameliorate sulfide toxicity, not nutritional iron limitation, in these cultures. The observation that ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid, a chelating agent capable of retaining iron in solution in the presence of sulfide, did not stimulate the cultures is consistent with this conclusion. The implications of these results for bioremediation of fuel-contaminated aquifers that contain sulfate-reducing bacteria are discussed. Correspondence to: H.R. Beller.  相似文献   

Natural products are a functionally diverse class of biochemically synthesized compounds, which include antibiotics, toxins, and siderophores. In this paper, we describe both the detection of natural product activities and the sequence identification of gene fragments from two molecular systems that have previously been implicated in natural product production, i.e., nonribosomal peptide synthetases (NRPSs) and modular polyketide synthases (PKSs), in diverse marine and freshwater cyanobacterial cultures. Using degenerate PCR and the sequencing of cloned products, we show that NRPSs and PKSs are common among the cyanobacteria tested. Our molecular data, when combined with genomic searches of finished and progressing cyanobacterial genomes, demonstrate that not all cyanobacteria contain NRPS and PKS genes and that the filamentous and heterocystous cyanobacteria are the richest sources of these genes and the most likely sources of novel natural products within the phylum. In addition to validating the use of degenerate primers for the identification of PKS and NRPS genes in cyanobacteria, this study also defines numerous gene fragments that will be useful as probes for future studies of the synthesis of natural products in cyanobacteria. Phylogenetic analyses of the cyanobacterial NRPS and PKS fragments sequenced in this study, as well as those from the cyanobacterial genome projects, demonstrate that there is remarkable diversity and likely novelty of these genes within the cyanobacteria. These results underscore the potential variety of novel products being produced by these ubiquitous organisms.  相似文献   

The Azoarcus evansii gene which codes for phenylacetate-CoA ligase, an enzyme involved in the aerobic degradation of phenylacetate, was isolated from a genomic library, using as the probe a fragment of the gene which encodes the isoenzyme that is induced under anaerobic conditions. By this means both the gene and its flanking sequences were recovered. The gene is homologous to the phenylacetate-CoA ligase genes of Pseudomonas putida U and Escherichia coli W. Induction by phenylacetate under aerobic growth conditions was demonstrated using lacZ fusions. Western analysis showed that phenylacetate-CoA ligase is involved in the degradation of the aromatic amino acid phenylalanine. Genes coding for the phenylacetate-CoA ligase and for the putative hydroxylating enzyme were expressed in E. coli. Detection of 2-hydroxyphenylacetate in the recombinant E. coli strain indicated hydroxylation of phenylacetyl-CoA. The gene pacL, which codes for the putative ring-opening enzyme was mutated to enable the isolation of intermediates in aerobic phenylacetic acid degradation, which were characterized by GC-MS and NMR analyses.  相似文献   

Phylogenetic analysis of the bacterial communities in marine sediments.   总被引:25,自引:13,他引:12       下载免费PDF全文
For the phylogenetic analysis of microbial communities present in environmental samples microbial DNA can be extracted from the sample, 16S rDNA can be amplified with suitable primers and the PCR, and clonal libraries can be constructed. We report a protocol that can be used for efficient cell lysis and recovery of DNA from marine sediments. Key steps in this procedure include the use of a bead mill homogenizer for matrix disruption and uniform cell lysis and then purification of the released DNA by agarose gel electrophoresis. For sediments collected from two sites in Puget Sound, over 96% of the cells present were lysed. Our method yields high-molecular-weight DNA that is suitable for molecular studies, including amplification of 16S rRNA genes. The DNA yield was 47 micrograms per g (dry weight) for sediments collected from creosote-contaminated Eagle Harbor, Wash. Primers were selected for the PCR amplification of (eu)bacterial 16S rDNA that contained linkers with unique 8-base restriction sites for directional cloning. Examination of 22 16S rDNA clones showed that the surficial sediments in Eagle Harbor contained a phylogenetically diverse population of organisms from the Bacteria domain (G. J. Olsen, C. R. Woese, and R. Overbeek, J. Bacteriol. 176:1-6, 1994) with members of six major lineages represented: alpha, delta, and gamma Proteobacteria; the gram-positive high G+C content subdivision; clostridia and related organisms; and planctomyces and related organisms. None of the clones were identical to any representatives in the Ribosomal Database Project small subunit RNA database. The analysis of clonal representives in the first report using molecular techniques to determine the phylogenetic composition of the (eu)bacterial community present in coastal marine sediments.  相似文献   

Methanogenic enrichment cultures with isobutyrate as sole source of carbon and energy were inoculated with sediment and sludge samples from freshwater and marine origin. Over more than 20 transfers, these cultures fermented 2 mol isobutyrate with 1 mol CO2 via an intermediate formation of n-butyrate to 4 mol acetate and 1 mol CH4. The primary isobutyrate-fermenting bacteria could not be purified. From one of the marine enrichment cultures, a sulfate-reducing bacterium was isolated which oxidized isobutyrate with sulfate completely to CO2. Based on its physiological and morphological properties, this strain was assigned to the known species Desulfococcus multivorans. It also oxidized many other fatty acids without significant release of short-chain intermedeates. The enzymes involved in isobutyrate degradation by this bacterium were assayed in cell-free extracts. The results indicate that isobutyrate is activated to its CoA derivative and oxidized via methylmalonate semialdehyde to propionyl-CoA. Propionyl-CoA is further converted via the methylmalonyl-CoA pathway to acetyl-CoA which is finally cleaved by the CO-dehydrogenase system. It is evident that this is not the pathway used by the fermenting bacteria prevailing in the methanogenic enrichment cultures. There results are discussed on the basis of energetical considerations.  相似文献   

Linear alkyl ethoxylates (polyethylene glycol alkyl ethers) were fermented completely to methane and CO2 in enrichment cultures inoculated with anoxic sewage sludge. Long-chain fatty acids were released as intermediates. No degradation was found with polypropylene glycol and polypropylene glycol-containing surfactants. Two types of primary ethoxylate-degrading bacteria were isolated and characterized. Both degraded polyethylene glycols with molecular weights of 1,000 completely. Strain KoB35 fermented polyethylene glycol, ethoxyethanol, and lactate to acetate and propionate and was assigned to the described species Pelobacter propionicus. Strain KoB58 converted polyethylene glycol and many other substrates to acetate only and was assigned to the genus Acetobacterium. The pathways of anaerobic degradation of nonionic surfactants are discussed with respect to their limitations and the various groups of bacteria involved.  相似文献   

Monoaromatic hydrocarbons such as benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, and xylene (BTEX) are widespread contaminants in groundwater. We examined the anaerobic degradation of BTEX compounds with amorphous ferric oxide as electron acceptor. Successful enrichment cultures were obtained for all BTEX substrates both in the presence and absence of AQDS (9,10-anthraquinone-2,6-disulfonic acid). The electron balances showed a complete anaerobic oxidation of the aromatic compounds to CO2. This is the first report on the anaerobic degradation of o-xylene and ethylbenzene in sediment-free iron-reducing enrichment cultures.  相似文献   

We present a fast protocol that can be used to obtain highly purified cultures of proliferating adult human and rat Schwann cells accessible for non-viral transfection methods. The use of enriched genetically modified adult Schwann cells is of interest in the context of autologous cell transplantation within nerve transplants for peripheral nerve repair. Cell preparation from pre-degenerated adult peripheral nerves is described, together with the use of melanocyte growth medium plus forskolin, fibroblast growth factor-2 (FGF-2), pituitary extract and heregulin as a selective, serum-free culture medium and a subsequent cell enrichment step (cold jet). Proliferating adult Schwann cells can be efficiently genetically modified using optimized, non-viral electroporation protocols. The protocol results in Schwann cell cultures that are more than 90-95% pure, and transfection efficiencies vary depending on the initial cell constitution from 20 to 40%. The procedure takes up to 21 d, depending on the length of the pre-degeneration period.  相似文献   

A prerequisite for the mineralization (complete biodegradation) of many azo dyes is a combination of reductive and oxidative steps. In this study, the biodegradation of two azo dyes, 4-phenylazophenol (4-PAP) and Mordant Yellow 10 (4-sulfophenylazo-salicylic acid; MY10), was evaluated in batch experiments where anaerobic and aerobic conditions were integrated by exposing anaerobic granular sludge to oxygen. Under these conditions, the azo dyes were reduced, resulting in a temporal accumulation of aromatic amines. 4-Aminophenol (4-AP) and aniline were detected from the reduction of 4-PAP. 5-Aminosalicylic acid (5-ASA) and sulfanilic acid (SA) were detected from the reduction of MY10. Subsequently, aniline was degraded further in the presence of oxygen by the facultative aerobic bacteria present in the anaerobic granular sludge. 5-ASA and SA were also degraded, if inocula from aerobic enrichment cultures were added to the batch experiments. Due to rapid autoxidation of 4-AP, no enrichment culture could be established for this compound. The results of this study indicate that aerobic enrichment cultures developed on aromatic amines combined with oxygen-tolerant anaerobic granular sludge can potentially be used to completely biodegrade azo dyes under integrated anaerobic/aerobic conditions. Received: 16 September 1998 / Received revision: 14 December 1998 / Accepted: 21 December 1998  相似文献   

Linear alkyl ethoxylates (polyethylene glycol alkyl ethers) were fermented completely to methane and CO2 in enrichment cultures inoculated with anoxic sewage sludge. Long-chain fatty acids were released as intermediates. No degradation was found with polypropylene glycol and polypropylene glycol-containing surfactants. Two types of primary ethoxylate-degrading bacteria were isolated and characterized. Both degraded polyethylene glycols with molecular weights of 1,000 completely. Strain KoB35 fermented polyethylene glycol, ethoxyethanol, and lactate to acetate and propionate and was assigned to the described species Pelobacter propionicus. Strain KoB58 converted polyethylene glycol and many other substrates to acetate only and was assigned to the genus Acetobacterium. The pathways of anaerobic degradation of nonionic surfactants are discussed with respect to their limitations and the various groups of bacteria involved.  相似文献   

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