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The armory of GFP mutants available to biochemists and molecular biologists is huge. Design and selection of mutants are usually driven by tailored spectroscopic properties, but some key aspects of stability, folding and dynamics of selected GFP variants still need to be elucidated. We have prepared, expressed and characterized three H148 mutants of the highly fluorescent variant GFPmut2. H148 is known to be involved in the H-bonding network surrounding the chromophore, and all the three mutants, H148G, H148R and H148K, show increased pKa values of the chromophore. Only H148G GFPmut2 (Mut2G) gave good expression and purification yields, indicating that position 148 is critical for efficient folding in vivo. The chemical denaturation of Mut2G was monitored by fluorescence emission, absorbance and far-UV circular dichroism spectroscopy. The mutation has little effect on the spectroscopic properties of the protein and on its stability in solution. However, the unfolding kinetics of the protein encapsulated in wet nanoporous silica gels, a system that allows to stabilize conformations that are poorly or only transiently populated in solution, indicate that the unfolding pathway of Mut2G is markedly different from the parent molecule. In particular, encapsulation allowed to identify an unfolding intermediate that retains a native-like secondary structure despite a destructured chromophore environment. Thus, H148 is a critical residue not only for the chromophoric and photodynamic properties, but also for the correct folding of GFP, and its substitution has great impact on expression yields and stability of the mature protein.  相似文献   

We generated transgenic mice in which red, green, yellow, or cyan fluorescent proteins (together termed XFPs) were selectively expressed in neurons. All four XFPs labeled neurons in their entirety, including axons, nerve terminals, dendrites, and dendritic spines. Remarkably, each of 25 independently generated transgenic lines expressed XFP in a unique pattern, even though all incorporated identical regulatory elements (from the thyl gene). For example, all retinal ganglion cells or many cortical neurons were XFP positive in some lines, whereas only a few ganglion cells or only layer 5 cortical pyramids were labeled in others. In some lines, intense labeling of small neuronal subsets provided a Golgi-like vital stain. In double transgenic mice expressing two different XFPs, it was possible to differentially label 3 neuronal subsets in a single animal.  相似文献   

Charged amino acids having ionizable side chains play crucial roles in maintaining the solubility and stability of a protein. These charged amino acids are mostly exposed on protein surface and participate in electrostatic interactions with neighboring charged amino acids as well as with solvent. Therefore, the change in the solvent pH affects the protein stability in most cases. Previously, we reported a GFP variant, GFP14R having 14 surface lysines replaced with arginines, that showed enhanced stability under alkaline pH. Here, we analyzed the factors that contribute to the stability of the GFP14R under alkaline pH quantitatively using molecular dynamics simulations. Protonation state of the charged amino acids of GFP14R and control GFP under neutral pH and alkaline pH were modeled, and molecular dynamics simulations were performed. This comparative analysis revealed that the GFP14R with more arginine frequency on the surface maintained the stability under both pH conditions without much change in their salt-bridge interactions as well as the hydrogen bond interactions with solvent. On the other hand, these interactions were significantly reduced for the control GFP under alkaline pH due to the deprotonated lysine side chains. These results suggest that the advantageous property of arginine over lysine can be considered one of the parameter for the protein stability engineering under alkaline pH conditions.  相似文献   

Witold A. Zaleski  Alan Hill 《CMAJ》1973,108(4):477-480,482,484
Abnormalities of tyrosine metabolism are discussed under four headings: (1) accumulation of tyrosine and its metabolites secondary to severe liver damage, vitamin C deficiency, etc.; (2) transient neonatal tyrosinemia; (3) hereditary tyrosinosis with hepatorenal dysfunction where elevation of tyrosine and methionine levels in the plasma may be a secondary manifestation of an unknown disease process; and (4) “essential tyrosinemia” or tyrosinosis without hepatorenal dysfunction which may represent a kkrimary fault in the metabolism of tyrosine.A new case of tyrosinosis without hepatorenal dysfunction in a 13-year-old mentally retarded girl is reported. Clinical findings, laboratory investigations and results of dietary management and normalization of the plasma tyrosine level and of urinary metabolites are presented and compared with the features of three similar cases in the liteature. It is suggested that these cases represent “essential tyrosinemia” where there is a primary genetic defect in tyrosine metabolism.  相似文献   

The photophysical properties of synthetic compounds derived from the imidazolidinone chromophore of the green fluorescent protein were determined. Various electron-withdrawing or electron-donating substituents were introduced to mimic the effect of the chromophore surroundings in the protein. The absorption and emission spectra as well as the fluorescence quantum yields in dioxane and glycerol were shown to be highly dependent on the electronic properties of the substituents. We propose a kinetic scheme that takes into account the temperature-dependent twisting of the excited molecule. If the activation energy is low, the molecule most often undergoes an excited-state intramolecular twisting that leads it to the ground state through an avoided crossing between the S(1) and S(0) energy surfaces. For a high activation energy, the torsional motion within the compounds is limited and the ground-state recovery will occur preferentially by fluorescence emission. The excellent correlation between the fluorescence quantum yields and the calculated activation energies to torsion points to the above-mentioned avoided crossing as the main nonradiative deactivation channel in these compounds. Finally, our results are discussed with regard to the chromophore in green fluorescent protein and some of its mutants.  相似文献   

In order to assess the frequency of C-anaphases in colchicine-arrested lymphocyte cultures, the authors studied 100 patients classified in four groups: spontaneous abortion (n = 17), subfertility (n = 12), aneuploidy (n = 18) and miscellaneous (n = 53). At least 300 mitotic G-banded cells were scored by individual. In 12 individuals no C-anaphases were observed; in 87 individuals the range was 1-7 with a mode of 2 and a mean of 2.14; the remaining individual had 19 C-anaphases in 330 cells (5.7%). The statistical analysis did not show significant differences between the groups (p > 0.05). These data along with previous studies indicate that normally most individuals have < or = 3% of C-anaphases in habitual lymphocyte cultures. Moreover, there exists an autosomal dominant form in which individuals with the trait have > 5% of the cells with such mitotic configurations. We conclude that both the low frequency common and the high frequency familiar forms are mitotic variants without pathological significance.  相似文献   

Trimethylamine N-oxide synthesis: a human variant   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

We report superresolution fluorescence microscopy in an intact living organism, namely Caenorhabditis elegans nematodes expressing green fluorescent protein (GFP)-fusion proteins. We also superresolve, by stimulated emission depletion (STED) microscopy, living cultured cells, demonstrating that STED microscopy with GFP can be widely applied. STED with GFP can be performed with both pulsed and continuous-wave lasers spanning a wide wavelength range from at least 556–592 nm. Acquiring subdiffraction resolution images within seconds enables the recording of movies revealing structural dynamics. These results demonstrate that numerous microscopy studies of live samples employing GFP as the marker can be performed at subdiffraction resolution.  相似文献   

There is much interest in using farm animals as ‘bioreactors’ to produce large quantities of biopharmaceuticals. However, uncontrolled constitutive expression of foreign genes have been known to cause serious physiological disturbances in transgenic animals. The objective of this study was to test the feasibility of the controllable expression of an exogenous gene in the chicken. A retrovirus vector was designed to express GFP (green fluorescent protein) and rtTA (reverse tetracycline-controlled transactivator) under the control of the tetracycline-inducible promoter and the PGK (phosphoglycerate kinase) promoter, respectively. G0 founder chickens were produced by infecting the blastoderm of freshly laid eggs with concentrated retrovirus vector. Feeding the chickens obtained with doxycycline, a tetracycline derivative, resulted in emission of green body color under fluorescent light, and no apparent significant physiological dysfunctions. Successful germline transmission of the exogenous gene was also confirmed. Expression of the GFP gene reverted to the pre-induction levels when doxycycline was removed from the diet. The results showed that a tetracycline-inducible expression system in transgenic animals might be a promising solution to minimize physiological disturbances caused by the transgene.  相似文献   

为构建修复突变绿色荧七蛋白(GFP)基因的反式剪接核酶,分别构建包含突变的GFP基因的XYQ5/10-pGEM重组质粒、XYQ5/10—pEGFP—C2重组质粒及用于修复该突变基因的反式剪接核酶载体trans—rib—CMV2。通过对体外共转录XYQ5/10—pGEM和trans—rib—CMV2重组质粒的RNA产物进行RT—PCR检测核酶细胞外剪接效果;通过XYQ5/10-pEGFP-C2和trans—rib—CMV2重组质粒共转染HeLa细胞检测核酶细胞内的剪接效果。结果显示,XYQ5/10—pGEM、XYQ5/10-pEGFP-C2及trans—rib—CMV2重组质粒构建成功,反式剪接核酶在细胞外及细胞内都可以修复突变基因。虽然效率不高,但为今后更大规模地研究设计反式剪接核酶打下了基础。  相似文献   

The complex-type N-linked glycans of plants differ markedly in structure from those of animals. Like those of insects and mollusks they lack terminal sialic acid(s) and may contain an α-(1,3)-fucose (Fuc) linked to the proximal GlcNAc residue and/or a β-(1,2)-xylose (Xyl) residue attached to the proximal mannose (Man) of the glycan core. N-glycosylated GFPs were used in previous studies showing their effective use to report on membrane traffic between the ER and the Golgi apparatus in plant cells. In all these cases glycosylated tags were added at the GFP termini. Because of the position of the tag and depending on the sorting and accumulation site of these modified GFP, there is always a risk of processing and degradation, and this protein design cannot be considered ideal. Here, we describe the development of three different GFPs in which the glycosylation site is internally localized at positions 80, 133, or 172 in the internal sequence. The best glycosylation site was at position 133. This glycosylated GFPgl133 appears to be protected from undesired processing of the glycosylation site and represents a bivalent reporter for biochemical and microscopic studies. After experimental validation, we can conclude that amino acid 133 is an effective glycosylation site and that the GFPgl133 is a powerful tool for in vivo investigations in plant cell biology.  相似文献   

The crystal structure of the cyan-fluorescent Cerulean green fluorescent protein (GFP), a variant of enhanced cyan fluorescent protein (ECFP), has been determined to 2.0 A. Cerulean bears an internal fluorophore composed of an indole moiety derived from Y66W, conjugated to the GFP-like imidazolinone ring via a methylene bridge. Cerulean undergoes highly efficient fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET) to yellow acceptor molecules and exhibits significantly reduced excited-state heterogeneity. This feature was rationally engineered in ECFP by substituting His148 with an aspartic acid [Rizzo et al. (2004) Nat. Biotechnol. 22, 445], rendering Cerulean useful for fluorescence lifetime imaging microscopy (FLIM). The X-ray structure is consistent with a single conformation of the chromophore and surrounding residues and may therefore provide a structural rationale for the previously described monoexponential fluorescence decay. Unexpectedly, the carboxyl group of H148D is found in a buried position, directly contacting the indole nitrogen of the chromophore via a bifurcated hydrogen bond. Compared to the similarly constructed ECFP chromophore, the indole group of Cerulean is rotated around the methylene bridge to adopt a cis-coplanar conformation with respect to the imidazolinone ring, resulting in a close edge-to-edge contact of the two ring systems. The double-humped absorbance spectrum persists in single-crystal absorbance measurements, casting doubt on the idea that ground state conformational heterogeneity forms the basis of the two overlapping transitions. At low pH, a blue shift in absorbance of 10-15 nm suggests a pH-induced structural transition that proceeds with a time constant of 47 (+/-2) min and is reversible. Possible interpretations in terms of chromophore isomerization are presented.  相似文献   

We have studied the gas-phase absorption properties of the green fluorescent protein (GFP) chromophore in its neutral (protonated) charge state in a heavy-ion storage ring. To accomplish this we synthesized a new molecular chromophore with a charged NH(3) group attached to a neutral model chromophore of GFP. The gas-phase absorption cross section of this chromophore molecule as a function of the wavelength is compared to the well-known absorption profile of GFP. The chromophore has a maximum absorption at 415 +/- 5 nm. When corrected for the presence of the charged group attached to the GFP model chromophore, the unperturbed neutral chromophore is predicted to have an absorption maximum at 399 nm in vacuum. This is very close to the corresponding absorption peak of the protein at 397 nm. Together with previous data obtained with an anionic GFP model chromophore, the present data show that the absorption of GFP is primarily determined by intrinsic chromophore properties. In other words, there is strong experimental evidence that, in terms of absorption, the conditions in the hydrophobic interior of this protein are very close to those in vacuum.  相似文献   

The use of peptides as in vivo and in vitro ligand binding agents is hampered by the high flexibility, low stability and lack of intrinsic detection signal of peptide aptamers. Recent attempts to overcome these limitations included the integration of the binding peptide into a stable protein scaffold. In this paper, we present the optimization and testing of a circularly permuted variant of the green fluorescent protein (GFP). We examined the ability of the optimized scaffold to accept peptide insertions at three different regions. The three regions chosen are localized in close spatial proximity to each other and support different conformations of the inserted peptides. In all the three regions peptides with a biased, but still comprehensive, amino acid repertoire could be presented without disturbing the function of the optimized GFP-scaffold.  相似文献   

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