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DNA is eliminated during development of the somatic MACronucleus from the germinal MICronucleus in the ciliated protozoan, Tetrahymena thermophila. Facultatively persistent sequences are a class of sequences that persist in the MAC DNA of some cell lines but are eliminated from the MAC DNA of other cell lines. One cloned MAC fragment contains a persistent sequence as well as sequences normally retained in the MAC. When this cloned fragment was used to construct MAC restriction maps of this region in cell lines whose MAC DNAs do, or do not, contain the persistent sequence, extensive variation in the map flanking this region was observed. The different DNA rearrangements of this MIC segment are epigenetically determined during or soon after MAC development. Moreover, different rearrangements may occur among the 45 copies of this MIC segment as a MAC is formed, resulting in polymorphisms that are later resolved by phenotypic assortment.  相似文献   

During conjugation in the ciliated protozoan, Tetrahymena thermophila, a somatic MAC-ronucleus develops from the germinal MICronucleus. Ten to 20 percent of the MIC genome is eliminated during this process. Three repetitive families have been identified which have different levels of repetition in the MIC and are eliminated to different degrees in the MAC. Some members of two of these families persist in the MAC. In this study, we have looked at these persistent sequences in the MAC of cell lines from a variety of sources including several inbed strains, two sets of caryonides, caryonidal subclones, and vegetatively aged cell clones. The results suggest that the sequences that remain in the MAC have a genetic predisposition to persist. However, epigenetic variations occur as the MAC develops so that only some of the persistent sequences are actually observed in a particular MAC. Polymorphisms may be generated if alternative processing of a single MIC segment occurs. These polymorphisms can later be resolved by phenotypic assortment during vegetative growth. These facultatively persistent sequences appear to differ from sequences previously described in this organism.  相似文献   

Previous studies have indicated that certain sequences in the micronuclear genome are absent from the somatic macronucleus of Tetrahymena (Yao and Gorovsky, 1974; Yao and Gall, 1979; Yao, submitted). The present study used in situ hybridization to follow the elimination process during the formation of the new macronucleus. Micronuclear-specific DNA cloned in recombinant plasmids was labelled with 3H and hybridized to cytological preparations of T. thermophila at various stages of conjugation. Despite a smaller size and lower DNA content, the micronucleus has more hybridization than the mature macronucleus. Hybridization initially increased in the anlage (newly developing macronucleus) to reach a maximal level right after the old macronuclei had disappeared. The hybridization in the anlage then decreased to a significant extent prior to the first cell division. The results suggest that the micronuclear-specific sequence is first replicated a few rounds before it is eliminated from the anlage, and the elimination process occurs without nuclear division.  相似文献   

The expression of Tetrahymena surface proteins serotype H3 (SerH3) and serotype T (SerT) is under environmental regulation. SerH3 is expressed when cells are incubated between the temperatures of 20 and 35 degrees C, while SerT is expressed when cells are grown at temperatures above 35 degrees C. Using a SerH3 cDNA clone as a hybridization probe, we determined that (i) the SerH3 gene is a member of a multigene family; (ii) most members of this multigene family are variably rearranged during macronuclear development; and (iii) the gene which produces the SerH3 mRNA is reproducibly rearranged during macronuclear development.  相似文献   

Extensive programmed DNA rearrangements occur during the development of the somatic macronucleus from the germ line micronucleus in the sexual cycle of the ciliated protozoan Tetrahymena thermophila. Using an in vivo processing assay, we analyzed the role of micronucleus-limited DNA during the programmed deletion of mse2.9, an internal eliminated sequence (IES). We identified a 200-bp region within mse2.9 that contains an important cis-acting element which is required for the targeting of efficient programmed deletion. Our results, obtained with a series of mse2.9-based chimeric IESs, led us to suggest that the cis-acting elements in both micronucleus-limited and macronucleus-retained flanking DNAs stimulate programmed deletion to different degrees depending on the particular eliminated sequence. The mse2.9 IES is situated within the second intron of the micronuclear locus of the ARP1 gene. We show that the expression of ARP1 is not essential for the growth of Tetrahymena. Our results also suggest that mse2.9 is not subject to epigenetic regulation of DNA deletion, placing possible constraints on the scan RNA model of IES excision.  相似文献   

A novel class of mutations affecting the developmental expression of SerH cell surface antigen genes of Tetrahymena thermophila is described. Unlike previous categories of mutation, the four independently isolated mutations of this class act through the cytoplasm to affect SerH genes during macronuclear development. That is, macronuclei which develop under the influence of mutant cytoplasm do not subsequently express H, most likely because the developmental processing of SerH genes is affected. The cytoplasmic effect is specific for the SerH locus and is independent of which SerH allele is present. In place of H, hitherto unknown antigens are expressed. Expression of SerH can be rescued during development either by wild-type cytoplasm exchanged between conjugants or by the homozygous wild-type genotype. The mutations segregate independently of the SerH genes and identify one, possibly two, bistable genes. Possible models to explain these results are discussed.  相似文献   

L A Klobutcher  C L Jahn  D M Prescott 《Cell》1984,36(4):1045-1055
During the life cycle of the hypotrichous ciliate Oxytricha nova, a macronucleus containing short, gene-sized DNA molecules is produced from a copy of the chromosomal micronuclear genome. In order to characterize the process of macronuclear development, we have isolated and determined the DNA sequence of a particular macronuclear gene and its micronuclear precursor. The results of this analysis indicate that macronuclear telomeric sequences (5'C4A4(3') repeats) are not present at the ends of the gene in its micronuclear chromosomal location and must be added during development. In addition, the micronuclear copy of the gene contains three short blocks of sequence that must be removed during development, implying the involvement of a nucleic acid-splicing process in generating mature macronuclear genes.  相似文献   

Rexer CH  Chalker DL 《Eukaryotic cell》2007,6(8):1320-1329
Extensive genome-wide rearrangements occur during somatic macronuclear development in Tetrahymena thermophila. These events are guided by RNA interference-directed chromatin modification including histone H3 lysine 9 methylation, which marks specific germ line-limited internal eliminated sequences (IESs) for excision. Several genes putatively involved in these developmental genome rearrangements were identified based on their proteins' localization to differentiating somatic nuclei, and here we demonstrate that one, LIA1, encodes a novel protein that is an essential component of the genome rearrangement machinery. A green fluorescent protein-Lia1 fusion protein exhibited dynamic nuclear localization during development that has striking similarity to that of the dual chromodomain-containing DNA rearrangement protein, Pdd1p. Coimmunoprecipitation experiments showed that Lia1p associates with Pdd1p and IES chromatin during macronuclear development. Cell lines in which we disrupted both the germ line and somatic copies of LIA1 (DeltaLIA1) grew normally but were unable to generate viable progeny, arresting late in development just prior to returning to vegetative growth. These mutant lines failed to properly form Pdd1p-containing nuclear structures and eliminate IESs despite showing normal levels of H3K9 methylation. These data indicate that Lia1p is required late in conjugation for the reorganization of the Tetrahymena genome.  相似文献   

Targeted gene disruption was used to investigate the function of MYO1, an unconventional myosin gene in Tetrahymena thermophila. Phenotypic analysis of a transformed strain that lacked a functional MYO1 gene was conducted at both 20 degrees C and 35 degrees C. At either temperature the delta MYO1 strain had a smaller cytoplasm/nucleus ratio than wild type. At 20 degrees C, delta MYO1 populations had a longer doubling time than wild type, lower saturation density, and a reduced rate of food vacuole formation. However, at 35 degrees C, these characteristics were comparable to wild type. Although micronuclear division and cytokinesis appeared normal in delta MYO1 cells, failure of the macronucleus to elongate properly resulted in unequal segregation of macronuclear DNA in cells maintained at either 20 degrees C or 35 degrees C.  相似文献   

Three clones of non-repetitive sequences and six clones containing repetitive sequences were obtained from micronuclear DNA of Tetrahymena thermophila. All the non-repetitive and three repetitive sequences had the same organization in micro- and macronuclear DNAs as revealed by blot hybridization. On the other hand, the remaining three clones with repetitive sequences had apparently different organization in the two nuclear DNAs. All these repetitive sequences showed a smear on the blot in addition to a number of discrete bands when micronuclear DNA was digested with EcoR I. In macronuclear DNAs, these sequences invariably became one or two bands and the smear disappeared. We conclude that, when a macronucleus develops from a micronucleus, the non-repetitive sequences amplify by more than 20 times with relatively few rearrangement, whereas some selected portions of repeated and/or repeat-contiguous sequences are amplified with rather extensive reorganization.  相似文献   

J C Deak  F P Doerder 《Genetics》1998,148(3):1109-1115
Macronuclear development in ciliates is characterized by extensive rearrangement of genetic material, including sequence elimination, chromosome fragmentation and telomere addition. Intragenic recombination is a relatively rare, but evolutionarily important phenomenon occurring in mitosis and meiosis in a wide variety of organisms. Here, we show that high frequency intragenic recombination, on the order of 30%, occurs in the developing amitotic macronucleus of the ciliate Tetrahymena thermophila. Such recombination, occurring between two nonsense transition mutations separated by 726 nucleotides, reproducibly restores wild-type expression of the SerH1 surface protein gene, thus mimicking complementation in trans heterozygotes. Recombination must be considered a potentially important aspect of macronuclear development, producing gene combinations not present in the germinal micronucleus.  相似文献   

The gene TTHERM_00438800 (DES24) from the ciliate Tetrahymena thermophila encodes a protein with three conserved histidine clusters, typical of the fatty acid hydroxylase superfamily. Despite its high similarity to sterol desaturase-like enzymes, the phylogenetic analysis groups Des24p in a separate cluster more related to bacterial than to eukaryotic proteins, suggesting a possible horizontal gene transfer event. A somatic knockout of DES24 revealed that the gene encodes a protein, Des24p, which is involved in the dealkylation of phytosterols. Knocked-out mutants were unable to eliminate the C-24 ethyl group from C(29) sterols, whereas the ability to introduce other modifications, such as desaturations at positions C-5(6), C-7(8), and C-22(23), were not altered. Although C-24 dealkylations have been described in other organisms, such as insects, neither the enzymes nor the corresponding genes have been identified to date. Therefore, this is the first identification of a gene involved in sterol dealkylation. Moreover, the knockout mutant and wild-type strain differed significantly in growth and morphology only when cultivated with C(29) sterols; under this culture condition, a change from the typical pear-like shape to a round shape and an alteration in the regulation of tetrahymanol biosynthesis were observed. Sterol analysis upon culture with various substrates and inhibitors indicate that the removal of the C-24 ethyl group in Tetrahymena may proceed by a mechanism different from the one currently known.  相似文献   

C4A2 repeats are present in multiple clusters in both the macronucleus and micronucleus of Tetrahymena. Although the macronucleus is generated from the micronucleus after sexual conjugation, the repeats are telomeric sequences in the macronucleus but are internally located in the micronucleus (1). This study investigates the fate of the sequences adjacent to the micronuclear C4A2 repeats. Southern blot analyses of 21 C4A2-containing micronuclear clones show that extensive elimination of the adjacent sequences occurs during the formation of the macronucleus. Comparison of one C4A2-containing micronuclear clone with its derived macronuclear segment indicates that approximately 4.5 kb of DNA, which includes the C4A2 repeats and adjacent sequences on both sides is deleted from the macronucleus. The two regions adjoining the deletion are joined together to form a contiguous segment in the macronucleus. This excision of C4A2 repeats and surrounding sequences and the rejoining of the retained segments is probably the mechanism by which all or most of the other C4A2 adjacent sequences are eliminated.  相似文献   

Initiation is the contact-independent phase of sexual conjugation which occurs when mature cells of Tetrahymena thermophila are shifted from growth medium to a low-salt starvation buffer. Immaturity, like high-salt starvation, restricts the ability of cells to conjugate; immature cells do not conjugate in either low- or high-salt buffers. Comparisons between sexually mature cells starved in initiation-restrictive and initiation-permissive buffers, and between immature and mature cells starved in an initiation-permissive buffer permitted the analysis of membrane protein expression correlated with mating competence. No polypeptides identified by lactoperoxidase-catalyzed iodination were found to be specific to mating-competent cells; however, several polypeptides not present in initiated cells were found to be common to the cell surfaces of immature and non-initiated cells which suggests that (1) initiation involves the removal of specific proteins from the cell surface, and (2) immaturity may be due to an inability to initiate.  相似文献   

S L Tausta  L A Klobutcher 《Cell》1989,59(6):1019-1026
Following their sexual cycle, hypotrichous ciliated protozoa transform a copy of a chromosomal micronucleus into a macronucleus containing small, linear DNA molecules. A frequent event during macronuclear development is the removal of short segments of DNA (internal eliminated sequences: IESs) by a process equivalent to DNA breakage and rejoining. In this study we used a polymerase chain reaction procedure to demonstrate that free circular forms of IESs are present in cells undergoing macronuclear development. Sequencing of the junctions of the free circular IESs suggests that they share 12 nucleotides with the macronuclear DNA molecules that are generated following IES removal. The results provide evidence that IESs are removed by an active DNA breakage and rejoining process, which may involve staggered cuts in the substrate DNA.  相似文献   

A repetitive element from the hypotrichous ciliate Stylonychia lemnae was characterized by restriction and hybridization analysis. This repetitive element is present in about 5,000–7,000 copies per haploid genome in the micronucleus and the macronuclear anlagen. Its DNA sequence is very conserved, but the length of the repetitive sequence blocs is variable. In some cases, it is associated with telomeric sequences and macronucleus–homologous sequences. Restriction analysis of genomic micronuclear and macronuclear anlagen DNA and in situ hybridization showed that the repetitive sequences are amplified during the formation of polytene chromosomes. They are localized in many bands of the polytene chromosomes and are eliminated during the degradation of the polytene chromosomes. Possible functions of the repetitive sequences during macronuclear differentiation are discussed. Dev. Genet. 21:201–211, 1997.© 1997 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

A new recessive conjugation lethal mutation was found in Tetrahymena thermophila which was named mra for macronuclear resorption arrest. Other events affected by the mra mutations are separation of pairs, DNA replication in the macronuclear anlagen, and resorption of one of the two micronuclei. In wild-type crosses 50% of the pairs had separated by 12 hr after mixing two mating types and had completed resorption of the old macronucleus 1–2 hr later. In contrast most mra conjugants did not separate even by 24 hr after mixing and the old relic (condensed) macronucleus was seen in over 90% of them. After addition of 10mM calcium to the conjugation medium, the mra conjugants did separate but they still failed to complete resorption of the old macronucleus and to replicate macronuclear anlagen DNA in the exconjugants. The calcium induced separation of the mra conjugants occurred later than the separation of control pairs. During normal conjugation cell separation occurs before the first expression of known macronuclear genes and prior to processing of the macro-nuclear DNA. Therefore, the mra phenotype infers that separation of conjugants requires a signal which is produced by the macronuclear anlagen at an unusually early time. © 1992 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Kaczanowski A  Kiersnowska M 《Protist》2011,162(4):616-636
Aphidicolin (APH), an inhibitor of DNA polymerase α, arrested cell divisions in Tetrahymena thermophila. Surprisingly, low concentrations of APH induced an increase of macronuclear DNA content and cell size in non-dividing cells. In spite of the cell size increase, most proliferation of basal bodies, ciliogenesis and development of new oral primordia were prevented by the APH treatment. The division arrest induced by APH was partly overridden by caffeine (CAF) treatment, which caused the fragmentation ("pulverization") of the chromosomes in G2 micronuclei. Somatic progeny of dividers with pulverized micronuclei (APH+CAF strains) contained aneuploid and amicronucleate cells. The amicronucleate cells, after losing their oral structures and most of their cilia, and undergoing progressive disorganization of cortical structures, assumed an irregular shape ("crinkled") and were nonviable. "Crinkled" cells were not formed after APH + CAF treatment of the amicronuclear BI3840 strain, which contains some mic-specific sequences in its macronucleus. Most of the APH +CAF strains had a typical "*"- like conjugation phenotype: they did not produce pronuclei, but received them unilaterally from their mates and retained old macronuclei. However, 4 among 100 APH+CAF clones induced arrest at meiotic metaphase I in their wt mates. It is likely that the origin of such clones was enhanced by chromosome pulverization.  相似文献   

During macronuclear development in the ciliated protozoan Tetrahymena thermophila, extensive DNA deletions occur, eliminating thousands of internal eliminated sequences (IESs). Using an rDNA-based transformation assay we have analyzed the role during DNA deletion of DNA flanking mse2.9, an IES within the second intron of a gene encoding an as yet incompletely characterized protein. We establish that a cis-acting sequence for mse2.9 deletion acts at a distance to specify deletion boundaries. A complex sequence element necessary for efficient and accurate mse2.9 deletion is located in the region 47–81 bp from the right side of mse2.9. The ability of a variety of IES flanking sequences to rescue a processing deficient mse2.9 construct indicates that some cis-acting signal is shared among different IESs. In addition, the short intronic sequence that flanks mse2.9 is able to direct efficient and accurate processing. Despite no obvious sequence similarity between mse2.9 and other IESs, we suggest that a common mechanism is used to delete different families of IESs in Tetrahymena.  相似文献   

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