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The work of adhesion between water and a heptane solution of phospholipids extracted from spring (cv. Jara) and winter (cv. Grana) wheat ( Triticum aestivum L.) grown at 2°C and 20°C was measured in order to determine the effect of changes in the composition of fatty acids on the hydrophilic properties of the lipid bilayer of membranes. The work of adhesion water/phospholipids was positively correlated with the contents of the oleic and linoleic acids (18:1 and 18:2, respectively) and negatively correlated with the content of linolenic acid (18:3) in the phospholipids. The sensitivity of the work of adhesion to changes in the particular fatty acids decreased with increasing number of double bonds. In addition, it depended on the genotype and on the temperature of growth of the seedlings.  相似文献   

In order to establish differences in the chilling sensitivity of domestic and wild Lycopersicon species, galactolipase (EC activity, free fatty acid (FFA) level and Hill reaction activity were measured in chloroplasts isolated from control and cold treated leaves of L. esculentum Mill., cv. Norton, L. hirsutum Humb. and Bonpl., L. peruvianum var. glandulosum Mill. Galactolipase activity was higher in chloroplasts from Lycopersicon species with high chilling sensitivity than in chloroplasts of more chilling-resistant ones. A similar relationship was observed for FFA level in chloroplasts from both cold-stored and control leaves. Decrease in Hill reaction activity due to cold stress was greater in chloroplasts of more chilling-sensitive species. The changes are accompanied by a decline of photochemical activity. Considering the changes in the three parameters noted above, an increasing order of chilling tolerance was established: L. esculentum < L. hirsutum (700 m) < L. hirsutum (3100 m) < L. peruvianum (3400 m). It is suggested that measurements of galactolipase activity and FFA may be useful in an evaluation of differences in resistance to chilling injury of closely related species.  相似文献   

The growth response of a double-mutant fatty acid auxotroph of yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae to exogenous saturated fatty acids of a homologous series from 12:0 to 16:0, each supplied with oleate, linoleate, linolenate, or cis11- eicosenoate, cannot be explained in terms of the efficiency of incorporation of the fatty acids into phospholipids or alteration of membrane fluidity. There is, however, a negative correlation between growth and levels of 12:0 plus 13:0 in phospholipids, as well as a positive correlation between growth and levels of 14:0, 1 5:0, and 1 6:0. We, therefore, conclude that the predominant factor in these phospholipid fatty acyl chain modifications is maintenance of an optimal concentration of C14:0 through C16:0 in phospholipids of this organism.  相似文献   

The dominant fatty acids in all neutral lipid fractions of non-water hardened eggs from two wild and one cultured stock of striped bass Morone saxatilis were the monoenes, 18 : 1n9/n7>16 : 1n7>17 : 1. The dominant fatty acids in the phospholipid fraction of all eggs, regardless of origin, were 22 : 6n3>18 : 1n9/n7>20 : 5n3>16 : 1n7>16 : 0>18 : 0. Arachadonic acid (AA, 20 : 4n6) was significantly lower (2·0%) in cultured fish eggs compared to either wild stock (5·8–6·1%). Fatty acids from the liver and eggs of wild Shubenacadie fish were similar to one another with respect to both neutral and phospholipid fractions. However, the AA and eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA, 20 : 5n3) content of the phospholipid fraction varied according to the hypothesized migration behaviour of Shubenacadie fish. The total lipid content of wild fish eggs was significantly greater than that of cultured fish. The total phospholipid content of Shubenacadie eggs was significantly higher than either Roanoke or cultured fish eggs. Phosphotidylinositol (PI) was the dominant phospholipid found ins all egg samples from all origins as opposed to phosphotidylcholine, which is usually the dominant phospholipid. These data indicate that PI and AA may have important and as yet unidentified roles in fertilization and embryonic development in these fish.  相似文献   

A comparative analysis of fatty acids (FA) in neutral lipids and phospholipids of digestive gland and pedal muscle has been performed in molluscs from various ecological groups differing by belonging to sea or fresh water, trophic types or the associated motor activity. In freshwater pulmonary gastropods Lymnaea stagnalis and Lymnaea ovalis and marine prosobranchial molluscs Buccinum undatum and Littorina littorea the total content of ω3-acids in phospholipids of the studied tissues differed more than twice, predominantly due to the combined effect of temperature and salinity of the habitat. The lower viscosity of cell membranes in marine species (ω3/ω6 < 1) is determined to the greatest degree by the presence of eicosapentaenoic acid that accounts for 22–25% of the FA sum in marine species. Comparison of the molluscs by their trophic belonging has revealed the presence of linoleic acid in triglycerides in digestive glands of phytophages (8–12%), but the practically complete absence of this acid in the predator B. undulatum (< 0.8%). By mobility, L. littorea inhabiting the high-low tide littoral was inferior to freshwater pulmonary gastropods and to the marine predator, as it stops moving twice a day during the low tide. In phospholipids of pedal muscle of this mollusc the amount of long-chain polyunsaturated C: 22 FA was 3–6 times lower than that in other studied species, which might possibly indicate the role of these acids in functioning of the pedal muscle contractile tissue. On the whole, use of the FA characteristics as the parameters determining belonging to certain ecological group requires a certain caution due to a complex action of biotic and abiotic factors on the animal metabolism. The exception is the ω3/ω6 ratio in total phospholipids of fresh water and marine gastropods.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to examine the effect of hypo- and hyperthyroidism on the phospholipid composition in developing rat heart. The hypothyroid state (PTU) was induced by 0.05% 6-n-propyl-2-thiouracil in drinking water given to nursing mothers from the postnatal day 2–21. The hyperthyroidism (T3) was made by daily injection of 3,3,5-triiodo-L-thyronine (10 g/100 g body wt) to newborns in the same time period. Age matched intact littermates were taken as euthyroid controls. PTU decreased the concentration of total phospholipids (PL), choline phosphoglycerides (PC), ethanolamine phosphoglycerides (PE) and diphosphatidylglycerol (DPG) and increased the proportion of plasmalogen component of PE (PLPE). T3 increased the concentration of PL, PC, PE, DPG and decreased PLPE in comparison with euthyroid controls. The ratio of saturated/unsaturated fatty acids (FA) in PE was decreased in PTU and increased in T3 group. The ratio of n-6/n-3 polyunsaturated FA in PC, PE and phosphatidylinositol (PI) was increased in PTU due to increase of 18:2n-6 and decrease of 22:6n-3 proportion. T3 decreased this ratio because of decline in 20:4n-6 and rise in 22:6n-3 proportion. Both hypo- and hyperthyroidism decreased the ratio of 20:4n-6/18:2n-6 in the majority of phospholipids. PTU decreased the unsaturation index in PC, PI and phosphatidylserine. It is concluded that thyroid state plays an essential role in the development of membrane phospholipid components in cardiac membranes during the early postnatal period.  相似文献   

Supplementing dairy cow diets with oilseed preparations has been shown to replace milk saturated fatty acids (SFA) with mono- and/or polyunsaturated fatty acids (MUFA, PUFA), which may reduce risk factors associated with cardio-metabolic diseases in humans consuming milk and dairy products. Previous studies demonstrating this are largely detailed, highly controlled experiments involving small numbers of animals, but in order to transfer this feeding strategy to commercial situations further studies are required involving whole herds varying in management practices. In experiment 1, three oilseed supplements (extruded linseed (EL), calcium salts of palm and linseed oil (CPLO) and milled rapeseed (MR)) were included in grass silage-based diets formulated to provide cows with ~350 g oil/day, and compared with a negative control (Control) diet containing no supplemental fat, and a positive control diet containing 350 g/cow per day oil as calcium salt of palm oil distillate (CPO). Diets were fed for 28-day periods in a 5×4 Latin Square design, and milk production, composition and fatty acid (FA) profile were analysed at the end of each period. Compared with Control, all lipid supplemented diets decreased milk fat SFA concentration by an average of 3.5 g/100 g FA, by replacement with both cis- and trans-MUFA/PUFA. Compared with CPO, only CPLO and MR resulted in lower milk SFA concentrations. In experiment 2, 24 commercial dairy farms (average herd size±SEM 191±19.3) from the south west of the United Kingdom were recruited and for a 1 month period asked to supplement their herd diets with either CPO, EL, CPLO or MR at the same inclusion level as the first study. Bulk tank milk was analysed weekly to determine FA concentration by Fourier Transform mid-IR spectroscopy prediction. After 4 weeks, EL, CPLO and MR all decreased herd milk SFA and increased MUFA to a similar extent (average −3.4 and +2.4 g/100 g FA, respectively) when compared with CPO. Differing responses observed between experiments 1 and 2 may be due in part to variations in farm management conditions (including basal diet) in experiment 2. This study demonstrates the importance of applying experimental research into commercial practice where variations in background conditions can augment different effects to those obtained under controlled conditions.  相似文献   

The phospholipid fatty acid composition of Porphyridium purpureum on a solid medium was studied in the presence of sodium dodecyl sulphate (SDS) and cetyl trimethylammonium bromide (CTAB). The most common fatty acids in phosphatidyl choline (PC) and phosphatidyl ethanolamine (PE) were palmitic (16:0), stearic (18: 0), linoleic (18:2ω 6), arachidonic (20:4ω 6) and eicosapentaenoic (20:5ω 3) acids, 20:4ω 6 being very abundant. In phosphatidyl glycerol (PG) the most common acids were 16:0, trans-hexadecenoic acid (tr 16:1ω 13), oleic acid (18:1) and 20:4ω 6. Both detergents increased the saturation grade of PC and PE by decreasing the relative amount of the polyunsaturated acids, especially 20:4ω 6. A corresponding increase in the amounts of saturated acids was observed in PC and PE. The changes in PG fatty acid composition were not very significant: a slight increase was observed in the amounts of 16:0 and tr 16:1ω 13 , with a corresponding decrease in the amounts of 20:4ω 6 and 20:5ω 3. Both detergents decreased the PC/PE and the (PC + PE)/PG ratios very markedly, most probably as a result of increases in the amounts of PE and PG. In the presence of CTAB the cells seemed to contain much more phospholipids than in the presence of SDS, perhaps as a result of the mucilage-precipitating effect of CTAB. The significance of the findings is discussed.  相似文献   

Stem segments taken from Avena sativa plants grown at 10°, 20° or 30° varied in their phospholipid composition depending on the growth temperature; as temperature was lowered, there was a shift towards a greater proportion of unsaturated fatty acids. A significant increase was observed in the concentration of linolenic acid (18:3) as growth temperature was lowered. Although prolonged treatment of oat plants with GA3 produced marked changes in phospholipid composition of stem segments, these changes did not always accompany the GA3-induced growth response of segments. Treatment of stem segments with GA3 for only 20 hr produced a significant growth response with little or no effect on phospholipid composition over this time. The data support the hypothesis that GA3-induced growth in Avena stem segments can occur without a concomitant change in phospholipid composition.  相似文献   

Lipids in the digestive gland of the mollusc Littorina saxatilis from the White and Barents Seas were studied. Changes of their biochemical composition are discussed in the connection with different temperature of the habitat and with infestation with trematode larvae. Comparative analysis of the fatty acid (FA) composition of each of the phospholipids in intact molluscs has revealed essential differences. Phosphatidylcholine and monophosphatidylinositol (MPI) FA did not differ in the ω3/ω6 ratio, which is due to their tolerance to the temperature factor, whereas more unsaturated phospholipids—phosphatidylethanolamine (PEA), its plasmalogen form (pPEA), and phosphatidylserine—differed 1.5–2 times in the studied molluscs. Prevalence of ω3-acids in Barents Sea mollusc is associated undoubtedly with lower habitat temperatures, as this provides a higher fluidity of the membrane phospholipids. Infestation affected to the greatest degree the quantitative FA composition in pPEA and MPI. At infestation, there was revealed a threefold decrease of the content of eicosenoic FA, C20:1, only in MPI among all considered phospholipids, whereas it was increased, in the contrary, in all other phospholipids. Monophosphatidylinositols differed essentially from other phospholipids by the saturated FA amount as well, which changed the unsaturation index of these phospholipids. Since the functional significance of this minor phospholipid is determined by its participation in the so-called phosphatidylinositol system of the hormonal signal transduction, it seems interesting to elucidate whether the increase of this membrane phospholipid saturation at invasion affects the reflex connection between signals from receptors located in the parasite and enzymatic processes.  相似文献   

To study the effect of feeding silages with different botanical composition, on rumen and lamb fat, 30 male lambs were assigned to five different silage groups for 11 weeks: botanically diverse silage (BDS); white clover silage (WCS); red clover silage (RCS), intensive English ryegrass silage (IRS) and crushed linseed and maize silage (MSL). Besides the silages, animals received organic wheat and barley and the MSL group additionally received bicarbonate (15 g/day). Silages were sampled when the bales were opened and analysed for fatty acid (FA) content and chemical composition. At slaughter, ruminal contents were sampled and 24 h after slaughter, longissimus muscle and subcutaneous (SC) fat were sampled. All samples were analysed for FA composition. The MSL group ingested the highest amount of FA (35.8 g/day v. 13.5, 19.4, 17.2 and 30.4 g/day for MSL v. BDS, WCS, RCS and IRS, respectively) and the sum of the major polyunsaturated FA, C18:2 n-6 and C18:3 n-3, was similar for groups BDS, WCS, RCS and MSL (61.3 g/100 g, 62.3 g/100 g, 62.3 g/100 g, 63.7 g/100 g of FA methylesters (FAME), respectively), while group IRS ingested higher proportions of these FA (74.5 g/100 g of FAME). Rumen data showed that animals fed BDS presented higher proportions of biohydrogenation intermediates, particularly C18:1 t11 and CLA c9t11, suggesting partial inhibition of rumen biohydrogenation. In the MSL group, the content of C18:3 n-3 in the rumen was highest, most probably due to reduced lipolysis and hence biohydrogenation through the combined effect of esterified C18:3 n-3 and seed protection. Additionally, C18:3 n-3 proportions were higher in rumen contents of RCS animals compared with WCS animals, which could be due to the activity of the polyphenol oxidase enzyme in the RC silages. Proportions of C18:3 n-3 were similar between treatments both for SC and intramuscular (IM) fat, whereas CLA c9t11 content was higher in the SC fat of BDS animals and lower in the IM fat of IRS animals compared with the other forage groups. No differences were found for C20:4 n-6, C20:5 n-3, C22:5 n-3 and C22:6 n-3 in the IM fat of the animals. Nevertheless, indices for desaturation and elongation activity in muscle of BDS animals suggest some stimulation of the first three steps of desaturation and elongation (Δ6-desaturase, elongase and Δ5-desaturase) of long-chain FA.  相似文献   

Exogenous ergosterol and cholesterol were found to affect the growth and lipogenesis of the oomycete fungusPythium debaryanum, which is unable to synthesize de novo steroid compounds. These sterols stimulated the growth of the fungus during its submerged cultivation in glucose-peptone medium. This was accompanied by the shortening of the lag phase, the lengthening of the period of active growth, and by a 3.7-or 4.3-fold increase in the maximum biomass in response to the addition of ergosterol or cholesterol, respectively. In the presence of ergosterol, the cellular content of polyenoic fatty acids increased, and the relative content of eicosapolyenoic fatty acids reached 31.4% of the total amount of fatty acids in cells. Conversely, cholesterol decreased the cellular content of polyenoic acids, and the relative content of eicosapolyenoic acids fell to 19.6% of the total amount of fatty acids. It may be inferred that exogenous sterols enhance the yield of pharmacologically active polyenoic acids because of the growth stimulation.  相似文献   

Mycobacterium smegmatis ATCC 607 was grown at 27 and 37°C, with and without exogenous unsaturated fatty acids, viz. elaidic, oleic and palmitoleic acids, added to the growth medium. The total lipid content of M. smegmatis ATCC 607 was lower at 27°C, and with added oleic acid, when compared with the controls, but higher in presence of palmitoleic acid. At 37°C no significant differences were noted in the total lipid content. In general, the total lipid content was lower with all of the fatty acid supplementations at both 27 and 37°C. The phosphatidylethanolamine content was slightly higher at 27°C in the presence of elaidic or palmitoleic acid, but was markedly lower with oleic acid supplementation at 37°C. The cardiolipin content was lower in the presence of any of the fatty acids at 27°C, and higher in the medium supplemented with elaidic or oleic acid at 37°C. The unsaturated to saturated fatty acids ratio was higher with palmitoleic acid supplementation at 27°C, but remained unchanged in cells grown at 37°C. The modifications in mycobacterial lipids are a reflection of the organism's ability to adapt to changing growth conditions.  相似文献   

Free fatty acids (FFA) generated in thylakoids upon chilling of tomato leaves at 0°C for a few days result in release of functionally active Mn and inactivation of O2 evolution. Chilling does not lead to a decrease in the extrinsic 16, 23 and 33 kDa polypeptides. Upon illumination of chilled leaves both Mn content and O2 evolution in thylakoids are restored and FFA content is reduced to the level of the control. Photoactivation of O2 evolution in chilled leaves does not change the ratio of unsaturated/saturated FFA. Constant Arrhenius activation energy (Ea) for O2 evolution by thylakoids isolated from control leaves was found, whereas it increased at temperatures below 8.0 and 10.5°C in thylakoids from cold-treated and photoactivated leaves, respectively. This indicates that restoration of O2 evolution as well as of FFA and Mn contents is not accompanied by a complete reversal of membrance conformation.  相似文献   

The effect of benzyl viologen (a stimulator of free radical production in cells) on lipid composition, fluidity and enzymes involved in both polyunsaturated fatty acid biosynthesis and cholesterol metabolism was studied in liver microsomal membrane of adult rats. In viologen-treated animals, a significant decrease in the levels of free cholesterol and cholesteryl esters, accompanied to a decrease at the free cholesterol/phospholipid ratio, were observed. The levels of 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl-coenzyme A (HMG-CoA) reductase and acyl-coenzyme A : cholesterol acyltransferase (ACAT) were also lower in viologen-treated rats than in controls. Linoleic and arachidonic acids were both severely lower while docosatetraenoic, docosapentaenoic and docosahexaenoic acids were significantly higher as compared with controls. Furthermore, a decrease in monounsaturated/saturated ratio was found. In addition, the treatment evoked a depression in the fatty acid desaturation complex, with a diminish of 9, 9, and 5 desaturase activities in microsomal membrane.It was concluded that changes in phospholipid microsomal fatty acid and cholesterol content could be directly responsible for changes in membrane fluidity and function, and that extensive yield of docosahexaenoic acid may serve to maintain the physical characteristics of particular domains against oxidative stress caused by benzyl viologen treatment.  相似文献   

In order to study the effect of grazing pastures with a different botanical composition on rumen and intramuscular fatty acid metabolism, 21 male lambs were assigned to three botanically different pastures: botanically diverse (BD) (consisting for 65% of a variety of grass species); Leguminosa rich (L) (consisting for 61% of Leguminosae) and intensive English ryegrass (IR) (with 69% Lolium perenne). Pastures were sampled weekly for 12 weeks for analysis of their fatty acid content and composition and on nine occasions to determine the botanical composition. Ruminal and abomasal contents were sampled at slaughter and muscle and subcutaneous fat 24 h after slaughter. All samples were prepared and analysed for fatty acid composition. The L pasture showed a higher fatty acid content (29.8 mg/g dry matter (DM) v. 18.5 and 25.5 mg/g DM, for BD and IR pastures, respectively), but the sum of the proportions of the major polyunsaturated fatty acids, C18:2 n-6 and C18:3 n-3, were similar for the three pastures (69.9, 69.4 and 71.1% of fatty acids methyl esters (FAME) for BD, L and IR pastures, respectively). The BD pasture was richer in C18:2 n-6 (18.2% of FAME), while IR pasture had a higher C18:3 n-3 content (57.2% of FAME). Rumen data showed that animals grazing the BD pasture presented higher proportions of biohydrogenation intermediates, mainly C18:1 t11, C18:2 t11c15 and CLA c9t11, suggesting an inhibition of biohydrogenation. These changes were associated with shifts in the rumen microbial population as indicated by differences in the rumen pattern of volatile fatty acids, microbial odd- and branched-chain fatty acids. In L pasture animals, the content of C18:2 n-6 and C18:3 n-3 in the abomasum and subcutaneous fat was higher. Finally, higher proportions of C20:4 n-6, C20:5 n-3 and C22:5 n-3 and higher indices for elongation and desaturation activity in the intramuscular fat of BD grazing animals suggest some stimulation of elongation and desaturation of long-chain fatty acids, although this also might have been provoked partially by reduced fat deposition (due to a lower growth rate of the animals).  相似文献   

It has been found that the multiply repeated tripeptide fragment GER (Gly-Glu-Arg) from different collagen types stimulates the nonspecific adhesion of CHO-K1 cells. Activation of cell adhesion is accompanied by modifications to the fatty acid composition in the phospholipids of the cell membrane. Cell incubation with the synthetic GER peptide increases the unsaturation index of phosphatidylcholin (PC), phosphatidylethanolamine (PEA), and phosphatidylinositol (PI). Arachidonic (C20:4ω6) acid is mainly contributed to the increased index of PI. Not only arachidonic acid but other unsaturated fatty acids, such as docosatetraenoic (C22:4ω6), docosapentaenoic (C22:5ω3), and docosahexaenoic (C22:6ω3), are responsible for the increased index of PC and PEA. In addition, the elevation of the relative content of polyenoic fatty acids in PI is concomitant with a reduced amount of monoenoic fatty acids, mainly due to decline in the oleic (C18:1) acid level. The role of GER peptide in (1) the activation of cell adhesion as a regulator of active or inactive states of integrin receptors; (2) modification of fatty acid composition in major classes of phospholipids as a modulator of the fluidity in annular lipid zones surrounding to the adhesive molecules is discussed.  相似文献   

The effect of botanical diversity on supply of polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) to ruminants in vitro, and the fatty acid (FA) composition of muscle in lambs was investigated. Six plant species, commonly grown as part of UK herbal ley mixtures (Trifolium pratense, Lotus corniculatus, Achillea millefolium, Centaurea nigra, Plantago lanceolata and Prunella vulgaris), were assessed for FA profile, and in vitro biohydrogenation of constituent PUFA, to estimate intestinal supply of PUFA available for absorption by ruminants. Modelling the in vitro data suggested that L. corniculatus and P. vulgaris had the greatest potential to increase 18:3n-3 supply to ruminants, having the highest amounts escaping in vitro biohydrogenation. Biodiverse pastures were established using the six selected species, under-sown in a perennial ryegrass-based sward. Lambs were grazed (~50 days) on biodiverse or control pastures and the effects on the FA composition of musculus longissimus thoracis (lean and subcutaneous fat) and musculus semimembranosus (lean) were determined. Biodiverse pasture increased 18:2n-6 and 18:3n-3 contents of m. semimembranosus (+14.8 and +7.2 mg/100 g tissue, respectively) and the subcutaneous fat of m. longissimus thoracis (+158 and +166 mg/100 g tissue, respectively) relative to feeding a perennial ryegrass pasture. However, there was no effect on total concentrations of saturated FA in the tissues studied. It was concluded that enhancing biodiversity had a positive impact on muscle FA profile reflected by increased levels of total PUFA.  相似文献   

The aim of the study was to examine the effect of a linseed diet on meat quality and on lipogenesis in rabbits. Twelve rabbits were fed a control or a linseed diet. There was no diet effect on growth, food consumption, carcass characteristics and meat ultimate pH and colour. Feeding the linseed diet increased the n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) levels in perirenal and interscapular fats, in the Longissimus dorsi muscle and in the liver. The linseed diet produced lower linoleic acid/α-linolenic acid ratios in adipose tissues and in the Longissimus dorsi muscle, but not in the liver. Diet did not affect lipogenic enzyme activities in the Longissimus dorsi muscle, whereas the linseed diet decreased the lipogenic potential in perirenal and interscapular fats, and in the liver. Feeding rabbits with a high n-3 PUFA diet led to a decrease in the oxidative stability of perirenal fat and the Longissimus dorsi muscle, and to an inhibition of stearoyl-CoA-desaturase activity in liver and in adipose tissues, but not in muscle.  相似文献   

The effect of the carbon to nitrogen (C/N) ratio of the medium and the aeration rate on the lipid content and fatty acid composition ofChlorella sorokiniana was investigated using heterotrophic, batch culture. Both parameters had a significant effect. A C/N ratio of approximately 20, was found to indicate a change from carbon to nitrogen limitation forC. sorokiniana. Cell lipid content was at a minimum at this value and increased at both higher and lower C/N values. Low C/N ratios favoured a high proportion of trienoic fatty acids at the expense of monoenoic acids. Aeration enhanced cell growth, fatty acid yield and the synthesis of unsaturated dienoic and trienoic fatty acids, but reduced cell lipid content. The results demonstrate that the fatty acid composition and lipid content of heterotrophically-grown microalgae can be favourably manipulated by varying culture conditions.  相似文献   

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