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The temperature dependence of the oxygen equilibrium of tadpole hemoglobin has been determined between 0 degrees and 32 degrees for the unfractionated but phosphate-free lysate and between 12 degrees and 32 degrees for each of the four isolated components between pH 6 and 10 in 0.05 M cacodylate, Tris, or glycine buffers containing 0.1 M NaCl and 1 mM EDTA. Under these conditions the Bohr effect (defined as deltalog p50/deltapH) of the unfractionated lysate is positive at low temperatures between pH 6 and 8.5 and is negative above pH 8.5 to 8.8 at any temperature. As the temperature rises the Bohr effect below pH 8.5 changes greatly. In the interval pH 7.0 to 7.5, the magnitude of the Bohr effect decreases from + 0.28 at 0 degrees to zero at about 24 degrees and becomes negative, as in mammalian hemoglobins, above this temperature. Measurements with the isolated components show that the temperature dependence of oxygen binding for Components I and II and for Components III and IV is very similar. For both sets of components the apparent overall enthalpy of oxygenation at pH 7.5 is about -16.4 kcal/mol and -12.6 kcal/mol at pH 9.5. The measured enthalpies include contributions from the active Bohr groups, the buffer ions themselves, the hemoglobin groups contributing buffering, and any pH-dependent, oxygenation-dependent binding of ions such as chloride by the hemoglobin. The apportioning of the total enthalpy among these various processes remains to be determined. Between pH 8 and 10.5 tadpole oxyhemoglobin undergoes a pH-dependent dissociation from tetramer to dimer. The pH dependence of the apparent tetramer-dimer dissociation constant indicates that at pH 9.5 the dissociation of each tetramer is accompanied by the release of approximately 2 protons. In this pH range the oxygen equilibrium measurements indicate that about 0.5 proton is released for each oxygen molecule bound. The results are consistent with the conclusion that one acid group per alphabeta dimer changes its pK from about 10 to 8 or below upon dissociation of the tetramer.  相似文献   

The complete amino acid sequence has been determined for the alpha chain of component III of the hemoglobin of the tadpole of the bullfrog, Rana catesbeiana. The chain comprises 141 residues of which 80 (57%) are identical to those in the corresponding positions of the human chain. Almost the same extent of similarity exists in the comparison with the sequenced part of the alpha chain of the adult bullfrog. The major features of this chain are: 1) each residue which is common to all other alpha chains of known sequence is also found in this alpha chain; 2) an acetylated NH2 terminus prevents formation of one of the salt bridges found in human hemoglobin which is responsible for part of the alkaline Bohr effect in mammalian hemoglobins; and 3) a prolyl residue at alpha 99 (G6) must distort the G helix.  相似文献   

1. An acid aspartic proteinase in the regressing tadpole tail was purified about 800-fold with a 36% recovery. 2. The mol. wt of the enzyme was found to be 42,000 on gel filtration and 38,000 on sodium dodecyl sulfate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, respectively. 3. The purified enzyme had a maximum activity at pH 3.5 and an apparent Km of 0.084% with acid-denatured hemoglobin as substrate. 4. The enzyme activity was strongly inhibited by pepstatin. In addition, diazoacetylnorleucine methyl ester inactivated the enzyme in the presence of cupric ions. 5. The enzyme was identified as a cathepsin D (EC. proteinase.  相似文献   

Summary In the bullfrog, the meninges surrounding the central nervous system include an arachnoid mater that contains layers of cells with abundant intermediate filaments (IFs) having unique organizational characteristics. This membrane contains an inner lamina of cells that resemble fibroblasts and an outer lamina of flattened cells that are almost filled with IFs. The IFs of the outer arachnoid are arranged in compact, arching bundles that lie parallel to the outer surface of the central nervous system. Thus, sections cut tangentially to the membrane reveal bending of filament bundles, whereas transverse sections do not. In some cells bordering the subdural space, bundles of filaments are organized into highly-ordered spiral arrays. Attachments to the numerous desmosomes and, apparently, to the nuclear envelope suggest anchoring of cytoplasmic structures by the IF system. Microtubules occur primarily near the plasma membrane and the nucleus. Numerous caveolae also are associated with the plasma membrane.The unusual abundance, organization, and cytoplasmic relations of IFs in the bullfrog arachnoid suggest that this membrane may serve as an important model for study of fundamental cytoskeletal relations and function.  相似文献   

We tested the hypothesis that respiratory development would be retarded in tadpoles reared in aquaria in which a barrier prevented access to the air-water interface. To test this hypothesis, we examined swimming behavior and respiration in intact tadpoles and gill and lung respiratory activity and central chemosensory responses in an in vitro brainstem preparation. The "barrier" tadpoles had significantly lower resting gill frequencies and higher lung breath attempts than control tadpoles at the same metamorphic stage. Control tadpoles swam greater distances and spent more time in the upper one third of the aquaria, while barrier tadpoles spent significantly more time at the bottom of the aquaria. There was significantly greater mortality for barrier tadpoles compared to control animals in the earliest and latest metamorphic stages. Mean body weight was significantly greater, and metamorphic rate was reduced in barrier tadpoles. Neither control nor barrier tadpole brainstem preparations demonstrated a gill ventilatory response to CO(2); however, both control and barrier preparations possessed significant lung frequency responses to central CO(2) chemoreceptor stimulation. Bath application of the GABA(A) and glycine receptor antagonists, bicuculline and strychnine, had greater effects on control tadpole gill burst activity and produced a similar large-amplitude bursting pattern in both control and barrier tadpoles, that was insensitive to CO(2) chemoreceptor stimulation. We conclude that development of the respiratory pattern was perturbed by the barrier, but the major effect was on gill ventilation rather than lung ventilation as we had expected.  相似文献   

1. Kanamycin disposition was studied in bullfrogs (Rana catesbeiana) following single doses IP. Both plasma t1/2 and Vd of the drug increased with increasing time after drug indicating redistribution and tight binding of kanamycin to deep tissue compartments. 2. Kanamycin was eliminated unchanged with a t1/2 plasma = 27 hr; perilymph = 89 hr; endolymph = 183 hr; aqueous humor = 54 hr; and CSF = 58 hr. 3. Kanamycin was absorbed by frogs from environmental water. 4. Environmental conditions must be carefully specified and monitored, as well as the physiological state of the animals when studying the effects of drugs on Amphibia.  相似文献   

Heme oxygenase in the liver microsomes of tadpole and adult bullfrog, Rana catesbeiana, was studied in relation to hemoglobin metabolism during tadpole development. The results obtained are as follows. 1. The specific activity of the enzyme of premetamorphic tadpole liver was comparable to that of adult frog liver. The apparent Km for methemalbumin was about 25 microM for both tadpole and frog enzymes. 2. The enzyme activity was stimulated in vivo by the injection of methemalbumin, phenylhydrazine and triiodothyronine to the animals. 3. A marked increase in the enzyme activity was found in the liver of tadpole during prometamorphic stage and metamorphic climax.  相似文献   

Filtration studies suggest similar size pores in the glomerular filters of mammals and amphibians. However, the glomerular wall in the bullfrog exhibits several structural features not found in mammals. The subendothelial space of the basement membrane is often greatly enlarged and infiltrated by cellular elements. The lamina densa of the basement membrane shows extensive variation in thickness and packing of its filaments. On the other hand, the epithelial slits in the bullfrog are closed by a slit diaphragm which appears similar in size and structure to the slit diaphragm in mammals. Horse spleen ferritin, a protein with a hydrodynamic radius of 61 A, was used as an ultrastructural tracer to determine whether the highly variable structure of the basement membrane renders this layer more permeable than its mammalian counterpart. Within 10 min after intravenous injection, ferritin was found throughout the basement membrane and often in clusters within the subepithelial layer adjacent to the slit diaphragm. Virtually no ferritin was found within the urinary space, podocytes, or cells of the proximal tubule. Ferritin distribution was the same in both superficial glomeruli and more deeply lying glomeruli regardless of the method of fixation. These results indicate that in the bullfrog the slit diaphragm is a principal filtration barrier to ferritin and thus to smaller plasma proteins.  相似文献   

Bullfrog tadpoles subjected to the daily disturbance of water replacement demonstrated differences in the rates of growth and metamorphosis and in fatbody weights which depended on the time of day when water replacement occurred. Early daily disturbances stimulated larval growth whereas midday disturbances stimulated metamorphosis. The time when the daily disturbances caused fattening changed during metamorphosis so that younger tadpoles fattened when disturbed early in the photoperiod and older tadpoles fattened when disturbed at midday.  相似文献   

The opercularis system (OPS) of amphibians consists of an opercularis muscle that connects the shoulder girdle skeleton to the operculum, a movable element in the oval window of the otic capsule. The role of the OPS in reception of vibrations was examined in bullfrogs (Rana catesbeiana) tested in various postures that manipulated differential motion between the shoulder girdle (the origin of the opercularis muscle) and skull (including the inner ear). Amplitude and phase relationship of motions of the suprascapular cartilage of the shoulder girdle and the posterior skull were also measured during these tests. 1. Microphonic responses to vertical vibrations from 25-200 Hz were typically highest when frogs were in a normal, sitting posture with the head held off the vibrating platform. Responses from animals in which the head directly contacted the platform were often less (by up to 10 dB at certain frequencies). Responses from all test positions were highest at lower frequencies, especially between 50-100 Hz. 2. Suprascapular accelerations were typically highest in the normal, sitting posture, and at lower frequencies (50-75 Hz) were often greater than that of the vibrating platform by up to 8 dB. The shoulder girdle skeleton of the bullfrog is therefore readily affected by vertical substrate motion. 3. The amplitude of microphonic responses in the different test postures did not correspond well with head acceleration. Rather, response amplitude corresponded best with the absolute difference between shoulder and head motion. For example, in the normal posture, suprascapular motion was much greater than head motion, and responses were relatively high. If only the head was vibrated, head motion was high and shoulder motion low, and responses also were relatively high. If the head and body were vibrated together, their motions were similar, and responses to the same platform accelerations were often reduced. Phase differences between shoulder and head motions were small at the frequencies examined and may be of little functional significance. The importance of differences in shoulder and head motion suggests that the resulting differential motion of the operculum and inner ear fluids can produce waves that stimulate appropriate end organs (such as the saccule). 4. Removal of the opercularis muscle reduced responses up to 18 dB at certain frequencies in some of the test postures. The most significant reductions were observed in those postures with a significant difference between shoulder and head motion (such as the normal posture).(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

1. The heterogeneity of liver mitochondria of the tadpoles, Rana catesbeiana, undergoing metamorphosis was investigated by a combination of pulse-chase labeling of mitochondria with [methyl-3H]thymidine and centrifugation of mitochondria on a density gradient of metrizamide. 2. The liver mitochondria of tadpole at premetamorphic stage are separated into two populations with mean densities of 1.128 (M2) and 1.112 (M3). 3. At metamorphic stage a population with mean densities of 1.174 (M1) appears additionally. 4. The activity of mitochondria to take up [methyl-3H]thymidine in vivo is 2-3 times higher at metamorphic stage than at premetamorphic stage. 5. The M1 population has a prominently high activity to take up L-[4.5-3H]leucine in vitro and also a high specific activity of cytochrome c oxidase. 6. These findings suggest that the mitochondrial populations found are of alternate stages in the mitochondrial maturation.  相似文献   

There are two components to breathing pattern generation the production of the pattern of neural discharge associated with individual breaths, and the pattern in which breaths are produced to effect ventilation. Bullfrogs typically breathe with randomly distributed breaths. When respiratory drive is elevated, breathing becomes more regular and often episodic. Studies on in vitro brainstem-spinal cord preparations of the adult bullfrog and in situ preparations of decerebrate, paralyzed, unidirectionally ventilated animals suggest that output from the central rhythm generator in frogs is conditional on receiving some input and that a host of central inputs remain even in the most reduced preparations. There appear to be descending inputs from sites in the dorsal brainstem just caudal to the optic chiasma that cluster breaths into episodes, a strong excitatory input caudal to this site but rostral to the origin of the Vth cranial nerve and, possibly, segmental rhythm generators throughout the medulla that are normally entrained to produce the normal breathing pattern. The data also suggest that the shape of the discharge pattern (augmenting, decrementing) and timing of outputs (alternating vs synchronous) associated with motor outflow during each breath are also dependent on the interconnections between these various sites.  相似文献   

The afferent and efferent components of the facial nerve were traced within the brain stem of Rana catesbeiana, using three different neuroanatomical techniques. Primary afferent fibers could be traced to the spinal tract of trigeminal nerve and to fasciculus solitarius as far caudally as the first or second spinal segment, using silver degeneration methods. Cobalt filling of of the entire nerve showed the same distribution of afferent fibers, as well as the filling of the cells within the mesencephalic nucleus of trigeminal, indicating the origin of a proprioceptive component of the facial nerve. Cobalt iontophoresis and horseradish perioxidase experiments showed that the motor nucleus of the facial nerve was located just ventral to the fourth ventricle, and caudal to the motor nucleus of trigeminal. The distribution of afferent fibers to fasciculus solitarius and the spinal tract of trigeminal is similar in some respects to the distribution of afferent fibers from the trigeminal and vagal nerves in the bullfrog. The afferent fibers from the three cranial nerves are found as far caudally in the brain stem as the second spinal segment.  相似文献   

Members of the Rana catesbeiana clade display sexually dimorphic eardrums. In this species assemblage the eardrum of males can be 50% larger than in females of the same body size. There has been, however, no apparent functional explanation for this dimorphism. Measurements of the acoustical coupling (transfer function) of internally generated sound to the enlarged eardrum of male bullfrogs (R. catesbeiana) show distinct energy peaks coincident with those observed in the spectral envelopes of the release and mating calls. Moreover, when the tympanic membranes are artificially damped the spectrum of the release call is drastically altered and the total amount of power radiated decreases substantially. These observations point to a previously unsuspected role for the ears in the sound broadcasting process of the bullfrog and possibly other anurans with similarly modified tympanic membranes. Accepted: 19 July 1997  相似文献   

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