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The lipase Lip2 of the edible basidiomycete, Pleurotus sapidus, is an extracellular enzyme capable of hydrolysing xanthophyll esters with high efficiency. The gene encoding Lip2 was expressed in Escherichia coli TOP10 using the gene III signal sequence to accumulate proteins in the periplasmatic space. The heterologous expression under control of the araBAD promoter led to the high level production of recombinant protein, mainly as inclusion bodies, but partially in a soluble and active form. A fusion with a C-terminal His tag was used for purification and immunochemical detection of the target protein. This is the first example of a heterologous expression and periplasmatic accumulation of a catalytically active lipase from a basidiomycete fungus.  相似文献   

We undertook a field study to determine whether comb cell size affects the reproductive behavior of Varroa destructor under natural conditions. We examined the effect of brood cell width on the reproductive behavior of V. destructor in honey bee colonies, under natural conditions. Drone and worker brood combs were sampled from 11 colonies of Apis mellifera. A Pearson correlation test and a Tukey test were used to determine whether mite reproduction rate varied with brood cell width. Generalized additive model analysis showed that infestation rate increased positively and linearly with the width of worker and drone cells. The reproduction rate for viable mother mites was 0.96 viable female descendants per original invading female. No significant correlation was observed between brood cell width and number of offspring of V. destructor. Infertile mother mites were more frequent in narrower brood cells.  相似文献   



Thymosin α1 (Tα1), a 28-amino acid N α -acetylated peptide, has a powerful general immunostimulating activity. Although biosynthesis is an attractive means of large-scale manufacture, to date, Tα1 can only be chemosynthesized because of two obstacles to its biosynthesis: the difficulties in expressing small peptides and obtaining N α -acetylation. In this study, we describe a novel production process for N α -acetylated Tα1 in Escherichia coli.  相似文献   

Dana Bernátová 《Biologia》2008,63(2):175-176
The paper brings information on an isolated occurrence and morphological characters of Carex × involuta and C. juncella populations in the Vel’ká Fatra Mts. Their presence has been known neither from the territory of Slovakia nor from the whole Western Carpathians till now.  相似文献   

Summary   Marcetia candolleana A. K. A. Santos & A. B. Martins, is apparently restricted to Mucugê, Bahia (Brazil), where it occurs in areas of campo rupestre vegetation. This new species is closely related to the sympatric M. mucugensis Wurdack, but can be easily recognised by its semi-prostate to procumbent habit, reddish glandular-hirsute indument, loose and flexuous branches, leaves with inconspicuous reticulation on the abaxial surface, connectives very shortly prolonged below the thecae, style curved towards the apex, not exceeding the anthers, and pendulous fruit.
Resumo   Marcetia candolleana A. K. A. Santos & A. B. Martins, é aparentemente restrita a Mucugê, Bahia (Brasil), onde ocorre em áreas de campo rupestre. Esta nova espécie é proximamente relacionada à M. mucugensis Wurdack, mas pode ser facilmente reconhecida por seu hábito semi-prostado a procumbente, indumento glandular-hirsuto, vináceo, ramos flexuosos, folhas inconspicuamente reticuladas na face abaxial, conectivos muito curtamente prolongados abaixo das tecas, estilete curvo no ápice, n?o ultrapassando o comprimento das anteras, e fruto pêndulo.

Using yeast genome databases and literature data, we have conducted a phylogenetic analysis of pectinase PGU genes from Saccharomyces strains assigned to the biological species S. arboricola, S. bayanus (var. uvarum), S. cariocanus, S. cerevisiae, S. kudriavzevii, S. mikatae, S. paradoxus, and hybrid taxon S. pastorianus (syn. S. carlsbergensis). Single PGU genes were observed in all Saccharomyces species, except S. bayanus. The superfamily of divergent PGU genes has been documented in S. bayanus var. uvarum for the first time. Chromosomal localization of new PGU1b, PGU2b, and PGU3b genes in the yeast S. bayanus var. uvarum has been determined by molecular karyotyping and Southern hybridization.  相似文献   

Previously, we have described the use of phage display to generate high affinity disulfide bond-linked T cell receptors (TCRs). The affinities of the mutant TCRs were analysed after refolding of separately expressed α and β chains from Escherichia coli inclusion bodies. This approach is only suitable for the analysis of small numbers of TCR variants. An attractive alternative would be soluble expression within the bacterial periplasm, but the generic production of TCRs within the E. coli periplasm has so far not proved successful. Here we show that functional, soluble TCR can be produced within the cytoplasm of trxB gor mutant E. coli strains, with maximum yields of 3.4 mg/l. We also investigated the effect of coexpressing the folding modulators Skp and DsbC finding that the TCR expression levels were largely unaffected by these chaperones. Importantly, we demonstrated that the amount of protein purified from 50 ml starter cultures was sufficient to show functionality of the TCR by specific antigen binding in both ELISA and surface plasmon resonance (SPR) assays. This TCR production method has the potential to allow rapid and medium throughput analysis of affinity-matured TCRs selected from TCR phage display libraries.  相似文献   

Efficient transformation of leaf disc-derived callus of Codonopsis lanceolata was obtained using Agrobacterium tumefaciens strain LBA4404 harboring a binary vector, pYBI121, that carries the neomycin phosphotransferase (npt II) gene as a selectable marker. The green shoots recovered from agroinfected explants on selection medium (containing 0.1 mg/l α-naphthaleneacetic acid (NAA), 1 mg/l 6-benzylaminopurine (BAP), 100 mg/l kanamycin, and 250 mg/l cefotaxime) were rooted on Murashige and Skoog (MS) medium supplemented with 2 mg/l IBA and 10 mg/l kanamycin. To optimize the transformation conditions, several factors were assessed, including the co-cultivation period, the duration of pre- and post-culture in darkness and light, the kanamycin concentration, and the Agrobacterium densities. We produced transgenic Codonopsis lanceolata overexpressing γ-tocopherol methyltransferase (γ-TMT) by this protocol. Moreover, the α-tocopherol content of the plants was enhanced by the overexpression of this gene. Bimal Kumar Ghimire and Eun Soo Seong contributed equally to this work.  相似文献   

We studied heterologous expression of xylanase 11A gene of Chaetomium thermophilum in Pichia pastoris and characterized the thermostable nature of the purified gene product. For this purpose, the xylanase 11A gene of C. thermophilum was cloned in P. pastoris GS115 under the control of AOX1 promoter. The maximum extracellular activity of recombinant xylanase (xyn698: gene with intron) was 15.6 U ml−1 while that of recombinant without intron (xyn669) was 1.26 U ml−1 after 96 h growth. The gene product was purified apparently to homogeneity level. The optimum temperature of pure recombinant xylanase activity was 70°C and the enzyme retained its 40.57% activity after incubation at 80°C for 10 min. It exhibited quite lower demand of activation energy, enthalpy, Gibbs free energy, entropy, and xylan binding energy during substrate hydrolysis than that required by that of the donor, thus indicating its thermostable nature. pH-dependent catalysis showed that it was quite stable in a pH range of 5.5–8.5. This revealed that gene was successfully processed in Ppastoris and remained heat stable and may qualify for its potential use in paper and pulp and animal feed applications.  相似文献   

Lisianthus (Eustoma grandiflorum) is a cut or ornamental flower that is popular all over the world. This ornamental crop, however, lacks an effective weed control method due to its susceptibility to herbicide. In this study, transgenic plants of a lisianthus cultivar were produced using Agrobacterium-mediated delivery of the plasmid pCAMBIA3300, which carried the bialaphos resistance (bar) gene under driven by the CaMV 35S promoter. The transgenic calli were derived from wounded edges of the leaves grown on a shoot regeneration medium containing 100 mg l?1 cefotaxime and 2 mg l?1 glufosinate ammonium for 4 weeks. The callus that was detached from the wounded edge of the leaf was transferred to the shoot regeneration medium with 100 mg l?1 cefotaxime and 5 mg l?1 glufosinate ammonium for 4 weeks for shoot regeneration. The bar gene integration and expression in the transgenic plants were confirmed by Southern and Northern blot analyses, respectively. Subsequently, the transgenic lines were assessed in vitro and under greenhouse conditions for their resistance to the commercial herbicide Basta®, which contains glufosinate ammonium as the active component. Six transgenic lines showed high percentages (67–80%) of survival in vitro under the selection condition with glufosinate ammonium (up to 216 mg l?1). Under greenhouse conditions, the plants from these six lines remained healthy and exhibited a normal phenotype after spraying with glufosinate ammonium (up to 1,350 mg l?1). This is the first paper to provide a detailed survey of transgenic lisianthus expressing the bar gene and exhibiting herbicide-resistance under greenhouse conditions.  相似文献   

Summary.  2H-Pyran-2-ones 1 were transformed with various hydrazines into (E)- or (Z)-α,β-didehydro-α-amino acid (DDAA) derivatives 4 (and 7) containing a highly substituted pyrazolyl moiety attached at the β-position. With heterocyclic hydrazines, the products 4 were accompanied also by decarboxylated enamines E-6. In order to separate (E/Z)-mixtures of acids, they were transformed to the corresponding methyl esters 9 and 10 by the application of diazomethane. Catalytic hydrogenation under high pressures with Pd/C as a catalyst resulted in the formation of racemic alanine derivatives 11. Received January 29, 2002 Accepted May 27, 2002 Published online December 18, 2002 RID="*" ID="*"  Dedicated with deep respect to Professor Waldemar Adam on the occasion of his 65th birthday. Acknowledgements We thank the Ministry of Education, Science and Sport of the Republic of Slovenia for the financial support (P0-0503-103). Dr. B. Kralj and Dr. D. Žigon (Center for Mass Spectroscopy, “Jožef Stefan” Institute, Ljubljana, Slovenia) are gratefully acknowledged for the mass measurements. Authors' address: Prof. Marijan Kočevar, Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Technology, University of Ljubljana, Aškerčeva 5, SI-1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia, E-mail: marijan.kocevar@uni-lj.si  相似文献   

The new taxon Luteoamylascus aculeatus described in this article is proposed to accommodate two collections of a hypogeous ascomycete from central Spain, characterized by a tomentose yellowish peridium, labyrinth-like gleba filled with whitish hyphae, and intensely reacting amyloid asci. ITS, 28S, and RPB2 data suggest that this new taxon is an independent lineage proposed here as the new genus Luteoamylascus. Until now, this lineage was only known from ectomycorrhizal root tips and mitotic spore mats. In phylogenetic analyses, the Luteoamylascus lineage is placed close to the genera Amylascus, Pachyphlodes, and Scabropezia. Morphological data suggest an affinity with Amylascus.  相似文献   

Summary  Due to an oversight, the name Philodendron millerianum, was not validly published in a recent paper by Coelho & Sakuragui (2007). This error is corrected here and the location of the holotype and isotype confirmed.  相似文献   

Root segments from seedlings of Panax ginseng produced adventitious roots directly when cultured on 1/2 MS solid medium lacking NH4NO3 and containing 3.0 mg l−1 IBA. Using this adventitious root formation, we developed rapid and efficient transgenic root formation directly from adventitious root segments in P. ginseng. Root segments were co-cultivated with Agrobacterium tumefaciens (GV3101) caring β-glucuronidase (GUS) gene. Putative transgenic adventitious roots were formed directly from root segments on medium with 400 mg l−1 cefotaxime and 50 mg l−1 kanamycin. Kanamycin resistant adventitious roots were selected and proliferated as individual lines by subculturing on medium with 300 mg l−1 cefotaxime and 50 mg l−1 kanamycin at two weeks subculture interval. Frequency of transient and stable expression of GUS gene was enhanced by acetosyringon (50 mg l−1) treatment. Integration of transgene into the plants was confirmed by the X-gluc reaction, PCR and Southern analysis. Production of transgenic plants was achieved via somatic embryogenesis from the embryogenic callus derived from independent lines of adventitious roots. The protocol for rapid induction of transgenic adventitious roots directly from adventitious roots can be applied for a new Agrobacterium tumefaciens-mediated genetic transformation protocol in P. ginseng.  相似文献   

The blattisociid mite Lasioseius floridensis Berlese was found associated with the broad mite, Polyphagotarsonemus latus (Banks), on gerbera leaves in Mogi das Cruzes, State of Sao Paulo, Brazil. Blattisociid mites are not common on aerial plant parts, except under high air humidity levels. Some Lasioseius species have been mentioned as effective control agents of rice pest mites, but nothing is known about the biology of L. floridensis. The objective of this study was to evaluate whether the observed co-occurrence of L. floridensis and P. latus was just occasional or whether the latter could be important as food source for the former, assumed by laboratory evaluation of the ability of the predator to maintain itself, reproduce and develop on that prey. Biological parameters of L. floridensis were compared when exposed to P. latus and to other items as food. The study showed that mating is a pre-requisite for L. floridensis to oviposit and that oviposition rate was much higher on the soil nematode Rhabditella axei (Cobbold) (Rhabditidae) than on P. latus. Ovipositon on the acarid mite Tyrophagus putrescentiae (Schrank) was about the same as on P. latus, but it was nearly zero when the predator was fed the fungi Aspergillus flavus Link or Penicillium sp., or cattail (Typha sp.) pollen. Survivorship was higher in the presence of pollen and lower in the presence of A. flavus or Penicillium sp. than in the absence of those types of food. Life table parameters indicated that the predator performed much better on R. axei than on P. latus. To evaluate the potential effect of L. floridensis as predator of P. latus, complementary studies are warranted to determine the frequency of migration of L. floridensis to aerial plant parts, when predation on P. latus could occur.  相似文献   

European pear exhibits RNase-based gametophytic self-incompatibility controlled by the polymorphic S-locus. S-allele diversity of cultivars has been extensively investigated; however, no mutant alleles conferring self-compatibility have been reported. In this study, two European pear cultivars, ‘Abugo’ and ‘Ceremeño’, were classified as self-compatible after fruit/seed setting and pollen tube growth examination. S-genotyping through S-PCR and sequencing identified a new S-RNase allele in the two cultivars, with identical deduced amino acid sequence as S 21 , but differing at the nucleotide level. Test-pollinations and analysis of descendants suggested that the new allele is a self-compatible pistil-mutated variant of S 21 , so it was named S 21 °. S-genotypes assigned to ‘Abugo’ and ‘Ceremeño’ were S 10 S 21 ° and S 21 °S 25 respectively, of which S 25 is a new functional S-allele of European pear. Reciprocal crosses between cultivars bearing S 21 and S 21 ° indicated that both alleles exhibit the same pollen function; however, cultivars bearing S 21 ° had impaired pistil-S function as they failed to reject either S 21 or S 21 ° pollen. RT-PCR analysis showed absence of S 21 °-RNase gene expression in styles of ‘Abugo’ and ‘Ceremeño’, suggesting a possible origin for S 21 ° pistil dysfunction. Two polymorphisms found within the S-RNase genomic region (a retrotransposon insertion within the intron of S 21 ° and indels at the 3′UTR) might explain the different pattern of expression between S 21 and S 21 °. Evaluation of cultivars with unknown S-genotype identified another cultivar ‘Azucar Verde’ bearing S 21 °, and pollen tube growth examination confirmed self-compatibility for this cultivar as well. This is the first report of a mutated S-allele conferring self-compatibility in European pear.  相似文献   

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