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Jackson A  Locke M 《Tissue & cell》1989,21(3):463-473
Plasma membrane reticular systems (RSs) are infolds of the plasma membrane found in cells of several insect tissues that are not transporting epithelia. They form a subsurface reticular lymph space that may be involved in the loading and unloading of hemolymph carrier molecules. The development of a new RS during the fifth larval stadium has been studied in the oenocytes of Calpodes ethlius by scanning electron microscopy. The RS forms by the extension and progressive apical fusion of cell processes leaving a reticular lymph space below. Reticular system formation occurs in a front moving over the cell surface. The RS made in the 4th stadium persists through the moult to the 5th stage but diminishes for the next 3 days. A new intermoult RS then forms very quickly. Its time of formation follows the commitment ecdysteroid peak rather than the beginning of secretion by the wax glands. This new 5th stage RS is maintained during the period of intermoult synthesis, after which it declines and is nearly absent by the time of pupation.  相似文献   

M Locke  P Huie 《Tissue & cell》1979,11(2):277-291
The apical plasma membranes of Calpodes epidermal cells have small fattened areas or plaques with an extra density upon their cytoplasmic face. The plaques are typically at the tips of microvilli. The are present during the deposition of fibrous cuticle and the cuticulin layer. Since the plaques are close (less than 15nm) to the sites where these kinds of cuticle first appear, they are presumed to have a role in their synthesis and/or deposition and orientation. When fifth stage larval cuticle deposition ceases prior to pupation, the plaques are lost as the area of the apical plasma membrane is reduced. The plaques pass from the surface into pinocytosis vesicles and multivesicular bodies where they are presumably digested. The loss of plaques occurs as the blood level of moulting hormone reaches a peak at the critical period after which the prothoracic glands are no longer needed for pupation. Apolysis or separation of the epidermis from the old cuticle is the stage when plaques are absent, the old ones have been lost but the new ones have yet to form. After the critical period, the epidermis prepared for pupation with a phase of elevated RNA synthesis at the end of which plaques and microvilli reform in time to secrete the new cuticulin layer and later the fibrous cuticle of the pharate pupa. There is a new generation of plaques for each moult and succeeding intermoult and each generation is involved in two kinds of cuticle deposition before involution and redifferentiation.  相似文献   

Locke M 《Tissue & cell》1986,18(6):853-867
Several insect tissues have plasma membranes that are folded inwards to make a subsurface reticulum on faces that are exposed to hemolymph. The infolds have been called plasma membrane reticular systems (RSs) to distinguish them from the somewhat similar structures found in transporting epithelia. They are characterized by having negative charges on the plasma membranes of the entranceways and by the concentration of some hemolymph proteins in their lymph spaces. Their formation and loss in the fat body has been studied by scanning electron microscopy during the fifth stadium of Calpodes ethlius (Lepidoptera, Hesperiidae). Fat body cells begin the fifth stadium arranged in ribbons with the cells linked together by a fringe of processes. In the first stage many more processes form. These partially fuse together in the second stage, leaving a subsurface reticulum connected by narrow entrances to the lateral cell faces and the face below the basal lamina. Both the cell processes and the reticular systems that they enclose are usually axially orientated. The completed RS persists for the second half of the intermoult devoted to larval syntheses when the concentration of hemolymph proteins rises. After protein sequestration prior to pupation the RS is lost and the fat body returns to being a tissue of rounded cells linked by a few enmeshed processes.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. Three eclosion rhythms of Diatraea grandiosella Dyar (Lepidoptera, Pyralidae) showed different phase relationships to the LD cycle, different degrees of synchronization and different sensitivity to a brief light perturbation. Egg hatching occurred mainly at dawn, whereas pupation and adult emergence occurred mainly at dusk. The egg hatching was the most synchronized rhythm of the three, pupation the least. The egg hatching rhythm was more sensitive to a brief light perturbation than was the adult emergence rhythm. A light pulse in the middle of the night caused greater disturbance in the egg hatching rhythm than did a pulse placed in the early night. The three rhythms persisted in both DD and LL. LL free-running rhythm gradually became desynchronized and broke down at the third cycle. The phase relationships reveal difficulties in applying the 'external coincidence model' to this species' photoperiodic response.  相似文献   

In mammals, memory formation and stabilization requires polymerization of actin. Here, we show that, in the honeybee, inhibition of actin polymerization within the brain centres involved in memory formation, the mushroom bodies (MBs), enhances associative olfactory memory. Local application of inhibitors of actin polymerization (Cytochalasin D or Latrunculin A) to the MBs 1 h before induction of long-term memory increased memory retention 2 and 24 h after the onset of training. Post-training application of Cytochalasin D also enhanced retention, indicating that memory consolidation is facilitated by actin depolymerization. We conclude that certain aspects of memory mechanisms could have been established independently in mammals and insects.  相似文献   

Summary The embryonic development of the brush-border of anterior midgut cells of Calliphora was studied by electron microscopy. Dense surface-forming vesicles, as described by Bonneville (1970), are found prior to microvillus formation. These dense vesicles provide membranous and coating material for the moulding of the microvilli. The number of dense vesicles increases rapidly to a maximum just before brush-border formation, after which it decreases very rapidly, accompanied by an increase in the number of microvilli. Formation of microvilli proceeds in essentially the same way as in Xenopus. First, some of the vesicles fuse with the apical cell membrane, resulting in an increase of the cell surface, part of which is coated with filamentous material deriving from the dense vesicles. This in turn leads to bulging, and short irregular microvilli appear. These are erected and elongated.Prefabricated tubular elements are believed to play a part in this erection and elongation, probably due to the unwinding of spirally coiled strands.Microvillus formation proper lasts 2 to 3 hours in Calliphora. Almost the entire amount of membranous and coating material is prefabricated prior to the formation of microvilli.  相似文献   

Summary Cells of organs and tissues commonly communicate directly with one another via permeable membrane junctions. Cell-to-cell channels, spanning the width of both membranes of a junction, are thought to provide the pathways between the cytoplasms of adjacent cells for the immediate exchange of ions and small molecules. We study these cell-to-cell channels in a cell model system, the salivary gland ofChironomus. Using intracellularly injected fluorescent labelled peptides and oligosaccharides of various molecular dimensions as channel permeability probes we find the channels to have a bore of about 2 nm. The channel permeability can be modulated and, in the extreme, the channels can be closed under various experimental conditions. With the aid of the Ca2+-sensitive photoprotein aequorin as monitor of cytoplasmic free Ca2+ concentration, we show that a determining factor in this modulation of channel permeability is the cytoplasmic free Ca2+ concentration. Moreover, results obtained by injection of different-sized and different-labelled channel permeability probes together with Ca2+ indicate that closure of the individual channels may occur in more than one step, i.e., by a graded reduction of channel bore. Presented in the symposium on Molecular and Morphological Aspects of Cell-Cell Communication at the 31st Annual Meeting of the Tissue Culture Association, St. Louis, Missouri, June 1–5, 1980. This symposium was supported, in part by Contract 263-MD-025754 from the National Cancer Institute and the Fogarty International Center. This work was supported by NH Grants 5P1GM23911-07 and 5T32-6M07403-04.  相似文献   

Summary This comparative immunocytochemical investigation provides evidence that the electrogenic potassium pump of insect sensilla is a vacuolar-type proton ATPase energizing potassium-proton antiport, as was shown recently for the electrogenic potassium pump in the larval midgut of the sphinx moth Manduca sexta. Antennal sensilla of the saturniid moth Antheraea pernyi were probed with antibodies to the midgut vacuolar-type ATPase. The monoclonal antibodies recognized their epitopes in the native and SDS-denatured state, and bound specifically to the subunit with the relative molecular mass (Mr) of 67000 (antibody 86-3) or to the subunits of Mr 28000 and 16000 (antibody 47-5). Both antibodies labelled the apical region of the auxiliary cells, as was demonstrated by immunofluorescence microscopy. Immunogold-electron microscopy localized the binding sites of the 47-5 antibody in the highly folded apical plasma membranes of the auxiliary cells. Labelling was selective and was detected in all types of examined sensilla (S. trichodea, S. styloconica, S. coeloconica). These findings are in agreement with the current view that an electrogenic potassium pump is situated in the apical plasma membrane of the auxiliary cells and that the pump is involved in driving the receptor current. They support the hypothesis that a proton-motive force generated by a vacuolar-type ATPase provides an alternative to the classical Na+/K+-ATPase to energize animal plasma membranes.  相似文献   

The formation and consumption of lipid droplets was observed with an electron microscope in the zygote and the germinated cells of the green alga,Closterium ehrenbergii. The lipid droplets were formed in lysosomal vesicles during zygote maturation following conjugation. In the germinated cells, they were enclosed in ERs and gradually consumed in them. This consumption occurred in the cells at the early stages of expansion. The derivative substances may possibly be used for cell surface expansion.  相似文献   

Two proctolin-binding proteins solubilized from 1600 cockroach hindgut membranes were purified 1000-fold using five chromatography steps. Twenty-five micrograms of protein were recovered from the final size-exclusion chromatography as a single peak eluting at 74 kDa, whereas two major bands at 80 and 76 kDa were identified after silver staining of electrophoresis gels. The fragments, sequenced by tandem mass spectrometry and the Edman method, revealed a high homology with rat liver dipeptidyl aminopeptidase (DPP) III and a significant homology between the cockroach-purified proteins. From analysis of the Drosophila genome sequence database, it was possible to identify a putative DPP sharing high homology with the sequences obtained from the cockroach purified proteins and with the rat DPP III. Anti-(rat liver DPP III) Ig reacted specifically with both cockroach-purified proteins in Western blot analysis. The purified proteins removed the N-terminal dipeptide from the insect myotropic neuropeptide proctolin (Arg-Tyr-Leu-Pro-Thr) with a Km value of 3.8 +/- 1.1 microM. The specific DPP III inhibitor tynorphin prevented the degradation of proctolin by the purified insect DPP (IC50 = 0.68 microM). These results provide strong evidence that the cockroach-purified proteins represent an insect membrane DPP, presumably present in Drosophila, and that it is closely related to vertebrate DPP III.  相似文献   

The pharmacology of a gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) receptor on the cell body of an identified motor neuron of the cockroach (Periplaneta americana) was investigated by current-clamp and voltage-clamp methods. Iontophoretic application of GABA increased membrane conductance to chloride ions, and prolonged application resulted in desensitization. Hill coefficients, determined from dose-response data, indicated that binding of at least two GABA molecules was required to activate the chloride channel. Differences between vertebrate GABAA receptors and insect neuronal GABA receptors were detected. For the GABA receptor of motor neuron Df, the following rank order of potency was observed: isoguvacine greater than muscimol greater than or equal to GABA greater than 3-aminopropanesulphonic acid. The GABAB receptor agonist baclofen was inactive. Of the potent vertebrate GABA receptor antagonists (bicuculline, pitrazepin, RU5135 and picrotoxin), only picrotoxin (10(-7) M) produced a potent, reversible block of the response to GABA of motor neuron Df. Both picrotoxinin and picrotin also blocked GABA-induced currents. Bicuculline hydrochloride (10(-4) M) and bicuculline methiodide (10(-4) M) were both ineffective when applied at resting membrane potential (-65 mV), although at hyperpolarized levels partial block of GABA-induced current was sometimes observed. Pitrazepin (10(-4) M) caused a partial, voltage-independent block of GABA-induced current. The steroid derivative RU5135 was inactive at 10(-5) M. In contrast to the potent competitive blockade of vertebrate GABAA receptors by bicuculline, pitrazepin and RU5135, none of the weak antagonism caused by these drugs on the insect GABA receptor was competitive. Flunitrazepam (10(-6) M) potentiated GABA responses, providing evidence for a benzodiazepine site on an insect GABA-receptor-chloride-channel complex.  相似文献   

There is a a fluid (peritrophic gel) or membranous (peritrophic membrane, PM) film surrounding the food bolus in most insects. The PM is composed of chitin and proteins, of which peritrophins are the most important. It is proposed here that, during evolution, midgut cells initially synthesized chitin and peritrophins derived from mucins by acquiring chitin-binding domains, thus permitting the formation of PM. Since PM compartmentalizes the midgut, new physiological roles were added to those of the ancestral mucus (protection against abrasion and microorganism invasion). These new roles are reviewed in the light of data on PM permeability and on enzyme compartmentalization, fluid fluxes, and ultrastructure of the midgut. The importance of the new roles in relation to those of protection is evaluated from data obtained with insects having disrupted PM. Finally, there is growing evidence suggesting that a peritrophic gel occurs when a highly permeable peritrophic structure is necessary or when chitin-binding molecules or chitinase are present in food.  相似文献   

In the surface layer of the lining cuticle of the tracheae of adult Calliphora there is no sign of any waterproofing layer of cuticulin (sclerotin + lipid) as seen in the surface of the general body cuticle. In a few insects: Calliphora adult thorax, Rhodnius adult tracheae serving the ovary, Periplaneta abdominal tracheae, it has been possible to introduce silver hydroxide solution into the lumen of tracheae in the living insect. In each case the silver hydroxide reacted at room temperature with the argentaffin structures in the cuticle, as happens in the soft surface cuticle of Rhodnius larva before moulting or after gentle abrasion. In the thorax of Calliphora the taenidia of the tracheae are stiffened by argentaffin cuticulin. but immediately upon entering the cleft in the flight muscle the taenidia disappear and are replaced by simple folds, so that no stiff taenidia enter the muscle and there is no argentffin material deeper in the flight muscle system.  相似文献   

The primary axon scaffold of the insect brain is established early in embryogenesis and comprises a preoral protocerebral commissure, a postoral tritocerebral commissure and longitudinal fiber pathways linking the two. In both grasshopper and fly its form is approximately orthogonal and is centered around the stomodeum. We show how pioneer fibers from the protocerebrum and tritocerebrum cross the brain midline directly via their respective commissures. The deutocerebrum, however, lacks its own commissure and we describe how deutocerebral pioneers circumnavigate the gut to cross the midline either via the protocerebral commissure or the tritocerebral commissure. In contrast to all other commissures of the central nervous system, the protocerebral commissure persists, albeit in reduced form, in the commissureless mutation in the fly. Besides the com gene, a further, as yet unidentified, mechanism must regulate this commissure. The formation of the tritocerebral commissure involves labial, a member of the Hox gene group. Genetic rescue experiments in labial mutants reveal that the formation of this commissure can be rescued by all other Hox genes except Abdominal-B. However, only in the labial and Deformed null mutants are the commissures associated with the respective expression domains (tritocerebral, mandibular, respectively) absent. This suggests that the molecular mechanisms regulating postoral brain commissure formation are distinct from those in the neuromeres of the ventral nerve cord.  相似文献   

Spherical droplets, derived from Physarum plasmodia by incubation in 10 mM caffeine, seemed to be an excellent system for electrophysiological studies because they were large (less than or equal to 300 micrometer in diameter) and because they tolerated intracellular electrodes filled with 3 M KCl and 10 mM EDTA for a few hours. Intact plasmodia, by contrast, gave valid records for only a few minutes. Under standard conditions ([K+]o = 1 mM, [Na+]o = 5 mM, [Ca++]0 = 0.5 mM, [Mg++]o = 2 mM, and [Cl-]o = 6 mM at pH 7.0), the potential difference across droplet membranes was -80 to -120mV, interior negative. The membrane potential was only slightly sensitive to concentration changes for the above-mentioned ions, and was far negative to the equilibrium diffusion potentials calculated from the known internal contents of K, Na, Ca, Mg, and CL (29.4, 1.6, 3.7, 6.5, and 27.8 mmol/kg, respectively). Variations of external pH did have a strong influence on the membrane potential, yielding a slope of 59 mV/pH between pH 6.5 and 5.5. In this pH range, however, the equilibrium potential for H+ (assuming 6.2 less than or equal to pHi less than or equal to 7.0) was greater than 75 mV positive to the observed membrane potential. Membrane potential was directly responsive to metabolic events, being lowered by potassium cyanide, and by cooling from 25 to 12 degrees C. This ensemble of results strongly indicates that the major component of membrane potential in plasmodial droplets of Physarum is generated by an electrogenic ion pump, probably one extruding H+ ions.  相似文献   

《Insect Biochemistry》1989,19(6):587-602
In mammals, the iron storage protein ferritin is predominantly synthesized on free polysomes and accumulates in the cytosol but some is secreted and circulates in the blood as serum ferritin. In insect tissues, on the other hand, iron-containing holoferritin accumulates in the vacuolar system and can be secreted through the Golgi complex. The midgut can secrete it to the gut lumen and other tissues to the hemolymph.Ferritin was isolated from the midgut and hemolymph of fifth instar larvae of Calpodes ethlius, Lepidoptera, Hesperiidae. This holoferritin is stable to heat (75°C) or in the presence of SDS, proteinase K, or urea, has an Mr above 600,000, contains iron and resembles mammalian ferritins in appearance by electron microscopy. Calpodes ferritin is a glycoprotein having N-linked high-mannose oligosaccharides. It is not antigenically related to horse ferritin but is related to that from Manduca sexta, Lepidoptera, Sphingidae. In its native form, Calpodes ferritin has only 3 isoforms with a pI 6.5–7 suggesting a more uniform subunit composition than that in vertebrates. It has two principle subunits, with relative Mrs of 24,000 (L) and 31,000 (G) and two minor subunits with Mrs of 26,000 and 28,000 all of which cross-react with antibody to Manduca ferritin. The 24 kDa subunit is the only one that is not glycosylated. Iron injections induce an increase in the proportion of the 24 kDa subunit. We conclude that Calpodes has ferritin and that it is glycosylated like mammalian serum ferritin.  相似文献   

Oocytes explanted from adult ovaries of the arrhenotokous Hymenopteron Pimpla turionellae remain in an inactive state, because development has not been initiated by mechanical deformation during natural oviposition. However, they could be induced to enter development by injecting cleavage energids into the posterior pole. After lag phases of up to 32 h, the implanted nuclei initiated a normal cleavage process, except that the polarity of its progress was reversed. In other oocytes, the injected energids congregated in a ring-shaped region at the egg surface to form a superficial nuclear front, which slowly advanced towards the anterior egg pole, thereby successively stimulating portions of the quiescent ooplasm to take part in development. Up to 41 rapid cell cycles started from that front, each of them with an anaphase wave running backwards into the region already peripherally occupied by nuclei. Thus, the blastoderm was formed extremely metachronously and by rapid obviously biphasic cell cycles, which never occur at the egg surface during normal cleavage. A germ band, however, was only formed under the following conditions: (1) that cleavage did not follow the nuclear front mode, and (2) that ooplasm from the donor's posterior pole was co-injected with the graft nuclei. We conclude that embryonic differentiation requires some of the events which had been omitted in eggs where development failed, especially the exponential increase of the cell cycle length, and the activity of some posterior factor(s) during egg activation.  相似文献   

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