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Four chorionic stages (11, 12, 13, 14) can be discerned in the medfly Ceratitis capitata (Diptera : Tephritidae) by light microscope. More detailed staging (stages 11A, 11B, 12A, 12B, 12C, 13A, 13B, 13C, 14A and 14B) is possible only by electron microscope. Throughout these stages, the first chorionic layer (wax layer) is formed at stage 11A, followed by the formation of the innermost chorionic layer (stage 12A), the inner endochorion, the pillars and the cavities of the first trabecular layer (stage 12), creation of the second trabecular layer and the chorionic network (stage 13), and finally the secretion of the exochorionic layers (stage 14). Pulse-chase autoradiography has revealed that the follicle cells are responsible for the synthesis of all proteinaceous layers. No extensive regional complexity is observed besides the existence of the micropylar apparatus and aeropyles in the anterior pole. Biochemical analysis has revealed several eggshell proteins and their stage-specific synthesis: two intermediate molecular-weight proteins are the major chorion proteins; in addition, there are 2 more groups comprising 6 proteins, which might be characteristic for the different chorion layers as can be deduced by their stage-electrophoretic pattern.  相似文献   

Males of the mutant strains (blind, vestigal-winged) of the Mediterranean fruit fly (medfly), Ceratits capitata (Wiedmann) showed differences in behavior compared with control (mass-reared) males. Mutant males made fewer mating attempts and achieved fewer matings than control males. Vestigal-winged females copulated less frequently with both mutants. Blind males climbed rather than jumped onto females and copulated in very low numbers compared with control and vestigal males. Blind females copulated normally with control, males and in very low numbers with both types of mutant males.  相似文献   

Ceratotoxins (Ctxs) are a family of antibacterial sex-specific peptides expressed in the female reproductive accessory glands of the Mediterranean fruit fly Ceratitis capitata. As a first step in the study of molecular evolution of Ctx genes in Ceratitis, partial genomic sequences encoding four distinct Ctx precursors have been determined. In addition, anti-Escherichia coli activity very similar to that of the accessory gland secretion from C. capitata was found in the accessory gland secretion from Ceratitis (Pterandrus) rosa. SDS-PAGE analysis of the female reproductive accessory glands from C. rosa showed a band with a molecular mass (3 kDa) compatible with that of Ctx peptides, also slightly reacting with an anti-Ctx serum. Four nucleotide sequences encoding Ctx-like precursors in C. rosa were determined. Sequence and phylogenetic analyses show that Ctxs from C. rosa fall into different groups as C. capitata Ctxs. Our results suggest that the evolution of the ceratotoxin gene family might be viewed as a combination of duplication events that occurred prior to and following the split between C. capitata and C. rosa. Genomic hybridization demonstrated the presence of multiple Ctx-like sequences in C. rosa, but low-stringency Southern blot analyses failed to recover members of this gene family in other tephritid flies.  相似文献   

The stages of morphogenesis of the acrosome of Ceratitis capitata are well defined. This organelle is formed by the Golgi complex and, as it matures, takes up a position laterally in relation to the anterior region of the sperm nucleus. An interstitial membrane marks the area of contact between nucleus and acrosome in the spermatid, and is found even in mature sperm cells. The acrosome contains hydrolytic enzymes, as detected by acid phosphatase reaction.  相似文献   

The micropylar apparatus (MA) in Ceratitis capitata (Diptera : Tephritidae) is a cone-like protrusion, 18 μm long, at the anterior pole of the egg, and exhibits about 40 follicle cell imprints externally. It consists of chorionic and vitelline membrane parts. The first contains at least a 3 μm wide micropylar canal; the tip of the MA is covered by a “tuft” and includes the micropyle, i.e. the entrance of the micropylar canal. The canal leads to the vitelline membrane part, where it forms a pocket. The sperm enters the oocyte by passing through the micropyle-micropylar canal-pocket route.At least 40 follicle cells participate in the formation of the micropylar apparatus. Two of these form 2 projections, which are tightly connected, and serve as a template for the formation of the canal and the pocket. Throughout their length, both projections have microtubules in parallel arrangement. During oogenesis, the remaining micropylar cells secrete the successive eggshell layers, i.e. the vitelline membrane, the wax layer, the innermost chorionic layer, the endochorion, and the exochorion. Towards the end of oogenesis, the 2 projections degenerate, and the canal becomes available for sperm passage.  相似文献   

The Mediterranean fruit fly (medfly) Ceratitis capitata (Diptera: Tephritidae) is known to be one of the most destructive and economically important agricultural pests worldwide. Several previous research projects have investigated the genetic makeup of regional populations of this pest and the relationships of populations from different areas of the world, including countries from the Mediterranean region. However, previously, little information has been reported on populations from Tunisia, despite the fact that this pest occurs in several agriculturally sensitive areas of this country. In order to study the genetic diversity of medfly populations within Tunisia, specimens were collected from the Coastal, Northern, Central and Southern regions of the country. Results using mitochondrial ND5 sequences show the presence of distinct haplotypes. This data used to analyze the levels of genetic variability within and between populations from Tunisia as well as from other countries in the Mediterranean region (Morocco and Israel) and in the world (Seychelles and Hawaii). This study also leads to a better understanding of the origin of new infestations and the colonization processes involving this pest.  相似文献   

In the present study, we describe novel features of programmed cell death in developing egg chambers occurring during mid- and late-oogenesis of the medfly Ceratitis capitata. During mid-oogenesis, the spontaneously degenerated egg chambers exhibit typical characteristics of apoptotic cell death. Their nurse cells contain fragmented DNA and fragmented actin, as revealed by TUNEL assay and immunolabelling, respectively. In vitro caspase activity assays and immunostaining procedures demonstrated that the atretic egg chambers acquired high levels of caspase activity. Distinct features of autophagic cell death were also observed during C. capitata mid-oogenesis, as revealed by the monodansylcadaverine staining approach and ultrastructural examination performed by transmission electron microscopy. Additionally, atretic egg chambers exhibit an upregulation of lysosomal proteases, as demonstrated by a procathepsin L immunolabelling procedure. At the late stages of C. capitata oogenesis, apoptosis and autophagy coexist, manifesting cell death features that are similar to the ones mentioned above, being also chaperoned by the involvement of an altered cytochrome c conformational display. We propose that apoptosis and autophagy operate synergistically during C. capitata oogenesis for a more efficient elimination of the degenerated nurse cells and abnormal egg chambers.  相似文献   

McInnis DO  Shelly TE  Komatsu J 《Genetica》2002,116(1):117-124
The success of the sterile insect technique (SIT) depends critically upon mating between released sterilized males and wild females. In Hawaii, improvements in the efficiency of sterile males were attempted on two separate fronts – mating enhancement and survival improvement. In the former, two methods have been investigated – selective breeding and aromatherapy. In the latter, flies which survived in field cages for several days were selected and bred to produce progeny with enhanced survival ability compared to control flies. Regarding mating selection, standard laboratory-reared males that successfully mated with wild females in field cages were allowed to breed. F1 offspring were inbred, then the selection procedure was repeated for four additional cycles. In the aromatherapy procedure, laboratory-reared males were exposed to ginger root oil for several hours 1 day prior to testing in field cages. Compared to controls, the selected flies improved the mating competitiveness of male flies ca. 3-fold, irradiation reduced this increase to ca. 2.5-fold. Exposing the selected, hybrid strain raised the fitness of the lab males to ca. 9-fold that of wild males. In the ongoing survival selection study, we have obtained lines in which the selected males survived ca. 2-fold better than laboratory control males over several days in an outdoor field cage, with food and water provided. The goal is to combine the traits of higher survival and mating ability into a single strain for SIT release.  相似文献   

Despite the close association between lek mating systems and the study of female mate choice, male mating success in leks is often associated with other aspects of sexual selection as well as female choice of male display traits. Males of the medfly Ceratitis capitata form leks on the undersides of leaves of their host plants. By experimentally creating artificial leks, we show that male success at attracting females depends not only on male calling effort (pheromone production dispersed by wing movement), but also on the position of the male within a lek. Males in the highest position in the artificial lek (closest to the light) attracted more females, and received more visits from those females. In our experiment, we deliberately minimized the visual cues that females approaching a male could use and, under these conditions, found no associations between male attractiveness and male size, weight or fluctuating asymmetry, either of the wings or sex setae (a pair of bilateral supra‐fronto‐orbital bristles). The latter result contrasts with earlier studies showing a significant negative association between sex setae fluctuating asymmetry and mating success. Accordingly, we conclude that symmetry of the male sex setae has no role in nonvisual communication (e.g. through directing pheromone plumes). Mating patterns associated with this insect are therefore every bit as complex as those in vertebrate leks. © 2008 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2008, 95 , 479–487.  相似文献   

Citrus peel essential oils are considered to constitute the most important resistance factor of citrus fruits against fruit flies. Essential oils were obtained from three sweet orange varieties, one bitter orange and one lemon variety. Yield, chemical composition and toxicity against neonates of the Mediterranean fruit fly were determined. Based on chemical analysis, the toxicity of commercially purchased major and minor components (monoterpenes and sesquiterpenes) of essential oils was determined. In addition, fractions were prepared to evaluate the role of minor components in the toxicity of crude essential oils. Limonene was by far the most abundant ingredient (96.2–97.4%) in all sweet orange varieties and in bitter orange, while the concentration of limonene was much lower in lemon essential oils (74.3%). Orange and bitter orange essential oils were more toxic than lemon essential oils. The toxicity of orange and bitter orange essential oils was similar to that of their major component limonene. In tests of commercially purchased chemicals, the oxygenated components of essential oils were more toxic than hydrocarbons but their low concentration in citrus essential oils could not affect the toxic activity of essential oils. The presence of α-pinene and β-pinene seems to account for the lower toxicity of lemon essential oils in relation to other citrus essential oils. The importance of understanding the toxicity of essential oils in relation to their composition and their role regarding the resistance of citrus fruits to Ceratitis capitata infestation is discussed.  相似文献   

The morphology and the ultrastructure of the male accessory glands and ejaculatory duct of Ceratitis capitata were investigated. There are two types of glands in the reproductive apparatus. The first is a pair of long, mesoderm-derived tubules with binucleate, microvillate secretory cells, which contain smooth endoplasmic reticulum and, in the sexually mature males, enlarged polymorphic mitochondria. The narrow lumen of the gland is filled with dense or sometimes granulated secretion, containing lipids. The second type consists of short ectoderm-derived glands, finger-like or claviform shaped. Despite the different shape of these glands, after a cycle of maturation, their epithelial cells share a large subcuticular cavity filled with electron-transparent secretion. The ejaculatory duct, lined by cuticle, has epithelial cells with a limited involvement in secretory activity. Electrophoretic analysis of accessory gland secretion reveals different protein profiles for long tubular and short glands with bands of 16 and 10 kDa in both types of glands. We demonstrate that a large amount of accessory gland secretion is depleted from the glands after 30 min of copulation.  相似文献   

D. G. Bedo  G. C. Webb 《Chromosoma》1989,98(6):443-449
Nucleolar structure was studied in mitotic and three polytene tissues of the Mediterranean fruit fly, Ceratitis capitata using in situ hybridization with a tritium-labelled rDNA probe and silver staining. In mitotic metaphase chromosomes nucleolar organiser regions were localised in the short arms of both sex chromosomes. In polytene nuclei of trichogen cells, salivary glands and fat body rDNA was detected within nucleoli. Nucleoli in these tissues have a similar structure with rDNA labelling concentrated in a central core. Silver staining resulted in very heavy staining of polytene nucleoli and interphase nucleoli in diploid cells. Silver staining of nucleolar organisers in metaphase chromosomes is weak or absent although the X chromosome has numerous dark silver bands in other locations. The results suggest that nucleolar structure is conserved in polytene tissues contrasting with the variability of autosomal banding patterns and sex chromosome structure. They also indicate that silver staining is not necessarily specific for nucleolar regions.  相似文献   

The overwintering potential of the Mediterranean fruit fly, Ceratitis capitata (Wiedemann) (Diptera: Tephritidae), in cold winter areas within its northern distribution is a key element in understanding its ecology. Recent studies have suggested that although originating in tropical Africa, the fly has become adapted to the cold weather that prevails within its northernmost areas of distribution. We address the question of whether the Mediterranean fruit fly has expanded its overwintering range to include the mountains of central Israel. Doing so would imply that the fly has developed either a behavioral or a physiological mechanism to cope with low temperature and/or damp conditions in combination with cold. We monitored adult populations year round, sampling fruit, calculating expected emergence days for overwintering flies, and studying adults captured within dense and sparse apple orchards. We also performed several manipulative experiments to study preimago ability to survive the winter under natural or seminatural conditions. The study was conducted in the central mountains of Israel at 700-m altitude from 1994 to 2003. Comparison experiments also were conducted at 400 m and at sea level. Our results show 1) no adults captured during the winter and spring, 2) an absence of new infestations during the winter and spring, and 3) inability of preimago stages to overwinter in the central mountains of Israel. Thus, we conclude that the fly does not overwinter in the central mountains of Israel. We discuss the ecological and applied significance of our findings.  相似文献   

Lufenuron is a chitin synthesis inhibitor, which is able to impede Mediterranean fruit fly, Ceratitis capitata (Wiedemann), reproduction. In laboratory trials, following ingestion of lufenuron, the eggs laid by female Ceratitis capitata were prevented from hatching. In field trials in Valencia, Spain, lufenuron showed its effectiveness by reducing C. capitata wild populations and its continuous application to several generations of fruit fly resulted in increased pest control. This field trial was conducted in an isolated valley some 80 ha in size, over a continuous four-year period. In order to maintain the sterilizing effect in the field throughout the whole year, a new lufenuron bait gel was developed. This bait gel was introduced in to delta traps suspended in trees at a density of 24 traps ha-1, and these traps were replaced once a year during the field trial. Monitoring of the adult C. capitata population was conducted to assess the effects of the chemosterilant treatment. In the first year of treatment with sterilizing traps, a reduction of the C. capitata population was observed, indicating that the traps reduce the population right from the first generation. In the second, third and fourth years, a continuous and progressive reduction of the adult Mediterranean fruit fly population was observed. Therefore, the successive application of chemosterilization treatment has a cumulative effect on reducing the fly population year after year. Aerial treatment using malathion does not produce this cumulative effect, and consequently every year it is necessary to start again with the same number of flies as the year before. The possibility of using the chemosterilant method alone or combined with the sterile insect technique is discussed.  相似文献   

The copulation site of the medfly Ceratitis capitata was investigated at anatomical and ultrastructural levels. It consists of the anterior vagina, with a ventral fertilization chamber and a dorsal insemination pocket into which the two spermathecal ducts open. The fertilization chamber is an organ comprised of a number of alveoli that in virgin females are filled with a filamentous secretion, whereas in mated females contain sperm bundles. Through study of the internal morphology of the aedeagus, its position in the anterior vagina, and the direct observation of sperm transfer and storage, we confirmed that sperm are ejaculated through two gonopores at the top of the distiphallus and another at the base of the genital rod. The sperm flow dorsally into the insemination pocket and ventrally into the fertilization chamber. During copulation, the two spermathecae and the fertilization chamber are progressively filled with spermatozoa.  相似文献   

We have isolated the clock gene period (per) from the medfly Ceratitis capitata, one of the most economically important insect pest species. The overall pattern of conserved, non-conserved and functional domains that are observed within dipteran and lepidopteran per orthologues is preserved within the coding sequence. Expression analysis from fly heads revealed a daily oscillation in per mRNA in both light : dark cycles and in constant darkness. However PER protein levels from head extracts did not show any significant evidence for cycling in either of these two conditions. When the Ceratitis per transgene under the control of the Drosophila per promoter and 3'UTR was introduced into Drosophila per -null mutant hosts, the transformants revealed a low level of rescue of behavioural rhythmicity. Nevertheless, the behaviour of the rhythmic transformants showed some similarities to that of ceratitis, suggesting that Ceratitis per carries species-specific information that can evidently affect the Drosophila host's downstream rhythmic behaviour.  相似文献   

Resistance to malathion has been reported in field populations of the Mediterranean fruit fly, Ceratitis capitata (Wiedemann) (Diptera: Tephritidae), in areas of Spain where an intensive use of this insecticide was maintained for several years. The main goal of this study was to determine whether resistance to malathion confers cross-resistance to different types of insecticides. Susceptibility bioassays showed that the malathion-resistant W-4Km strain (176-fold more resistant to malathion than the susceptible C strain) has moderate levels of cross-resistance (three- to 16-fold) to other organophosphates (trichlorphon, diazinon, phosmet and methyl-chlorpyrifos), the carbamate carbaryl, the pyrethroid lambda-cyhalothrin, and the benzoylphenylurea derivative lufenuron, whereas cross-resistance to spinosad was below two-fold. The W-4Km strain was selected with lambda-cyhalothrin to establish the lambda-cyhalothrin-resistant W-1Klamda strain (35-fold resistant to lambda-cyhalothrin). The synergistic activity of the esterase inhibitor DEF with lambda-cyhalothrin and the increase in esterase activity in the W-1Klamda strain suggests that esterases may be involved in the development of resistance to this insecticide. Our results showed that resistance to malathion may confer some degree of cross-resistance to insecticides currently approved for the control of Mediterranean fruit fly in citrus crops (lambda-cyhalothrin, lufenuron, and methyl-chlorpyrifos). Especially relevant is the case of lambda-cyhalothrin, because we have shown that resistance to this insecticide can rapidly evolve to levels that may compromise its effectiveness in the field.  相似文献   

Experiments were conducted on Ceratitis capitata larvae and adults to determine the influence of sugar (glucose and sucrose) ingestion on some aspects of the feeding behavior of this species. The results indicate that larval choice of a diet containing glucose or sucrose is not influenced by the rearing diet, by carbohydrate deprivation or by previous experience (induction). Carbohydrate deprivation did not alter the discrimination threshold of the larvae for sucrose. In adult females, the discrimination threshold for sucrose was unchanged when the flies were submitted to carbohydrate deprivation during the adult phase although ingestion by deprived females was 35% higher than ingestion by the control group. However, adults submitted to carbohydrate deprivation during the larval phase suffered a profound reduction in discrimination threshold for sucrose.  相似文献   

Embryonated eggs of Ceratitis capitata (Wiedemann) (Diptera: Tephritidae) genetic sexing strain (GSS), VIENNA 8 were treated with low concentrations of five disinfectants-formaldehyde, iodine, sodium hypochlorite, peracetic acid, and quaternary ammonium--for decontamination and egg hatch improvement. The newly laid eggs were successfully treated with formaldehyde at 100 ppm for 1 min with 74.2% hatching and with quaternary ammonium at 150 ppm for 1 and 2 min with 70.4 and 69% hatching, respectively. Increased formaldehyde concentration may have affected the embryos, because it resulted in a decrease in the hatching percentage. However, egg viability was not impaired and hatch was not affected by quaternary ammonium treatment compared with controls and eggs treated with other disinfectants. Quaternary ammonium shows promise for decontaminating eggs and improving egg hatch.  相似文献   

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