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Cells from the pseudoplasmodial stage of Dictyostelium discoideum differentiation were dispersed and separated on Percoll gradients into prestalk and prespore cells. The requirements for stalk cell formation in low-density monolayers from the two cell types were determined. The isolated prespore cells required both the Differentiation Inducing Factor (DIF) and cyclic AMP for stalk cell formation. In contrast, only part of the isolated prestalk cell population required both cyclic AMP and DIF, the remainder requiring DIF alone, suggesting the possibility that there were two populations of prestalk cells, one independent of cyclic AMP and one dependent on cyclic AMP for stalk cell formation. The finding that part of the prestalk cell population required only a brief incubation in the presence of DIF to induce stalk cell formation, whilst the remainder required a considerably longer incubation in the presence of both DIF and cyclic AMP was consistent with this idea. In addition, stalk cell formation from cyclic-AMP-dependent prestalk cells was relatively more sensitive to caffeine inhibition than stalk cell formation from cyclic-AMP-independent prestalk cells. The latter cells were enriched in the most anterior portion of the migrating pseudoplasmodium, indicating that there is spatial segregation of the two prestalk cell populations. The conversion of prespore cells to stalk cells took longer and was more sensitive to caffeine when compared to stalk cell formation from cyclic-AMP-dependent prestalk cells.  相似文献   

We have analyzed a developmentally and spatially regulated prestalk-specific gene and a prespore-specific gene from Dictyostelium. The prestalk gene, pst-cathepsin, encodes a protein highly homologous to the lysosomal cysteine proteinases cathepsin H and cathepsin B. The prespore gene encodes a protein with some homology to the anti-bacterial toxin crambin and has been designated beejin. Using the lambda gtll system, we have made polyclonal antibodies directed against a portion of the protein encoded by pst-cathepsin and other antibodies directed against the beejin protein. Both antibodies stain single bands on Western blots. By immunofluorescence and Western blots, pst-cathepsin is not present in vegetative cells or developing cells during the first approximately 10 h of development. It then appears with a punctate distribution in a subset of developing cells. Beejin is detected only after approximately 15 h of development, also in a subset of cells. Pst-cathepsin is distributed in the anterior approximately 1/10 of migrating slugs and on the peripheral posterior surfaces of slugs. Beejin is distributed in the posterior region of slugs. Expression of both pst-cathepsin and beejin can be induced in subsets of isolated cultured cells by a combination of conditioned medium and extracellular cAMP in agreement with the regulation of the mRNAs encoding these proteins. We have used the antibodies as markers for cell type to examine the ontogeny and the spatial distribution of prestalk and prespore cells throughout multicellular development. Our findings suggest that prestalk cell differentiation is independent of position within the aggregate and that the spatial localization of prestalk cells within the multicellular aggregate arises from sorting of the prestalk cells after their induction. We have also found a class of cell in developing aggregates that contains neither the prestalk nor the prespore markers.  相似文献   

Dictyostelium discoideum pseudoplasmodia exhibit a gradient of the cytosolic free Ca2+-concentration ([Ca2+]i) along their anterior-posterior axis involved in cell-type specific differentiation. [Ca2+]i is high in prestalk and low in prespore cells. We determined the content and localization of calcium and other elements in cryosectioned cells of pseudoplasmodia and fruiting bodies by X-ray microanalysis. Granular stores rich in Ca, Mg and P were identified. Average Ca was higher in prespore than prestalk granules (225vs 111 mmol/kg dry weight). Total Ca stored in granules was also higher in prespore than prestalk cells. The amount of P and S in granules differed between the two cell types indicating different store composition. In spores mean granular Ca was 120 mmol/kg dry weight. Stalk cells had smaller granules with 360 mmol Ca/kg dry weight. Complementary to microanalysis, vesicular Ca2+-fluxes were studied in fractionated cell homogenates. The rate of Ca2+-uptake was higher in pellet fractions of prespore than prestalk amoebae (4.7 vs 3.4 nmol/min x mg). Ca2+-release was greater in supernatant fractions from prestalk than prespore cells (16.5vs 7.7 nmol/10(8)cells). In summary, prestalk and prespore cells possess qualitatively different, high-capacity stores containing distinct amounts of Ca and probably being involved in regulation of the anterior-posterior [Ca2+]i-gradient.  相似文献   

Dictyostelium discoideum prestalk cells and prespore cells from migrating slugs and culminating cell aggregates were isolated by Percoll density centrifugation. Several activities relevant to the generation, detection, and turnover of extracellular cyclic AMP (cAMP) signals were determined. It was found that: the two cell types have the same basal adenylate cyclase activity; prespore cells and prestalk cells are able to relay the extracellular cAMP signal equally well; intact prestalk cells show a threefold higher cAMP phosphodiesterase activity on the cell surface than prespore cells, whereas their cytosolic activity is the same; intact prestalk cells bind three to four times more cAMP than prespore cells; no large differences in cAMP metabolism and detection were observed between cells derived from migrating slugs and culminating aggregates. The results are discussed in relation to the possible morphogenetic role of extracellular cAMP in Dictyostelium cell aggregates. On the basis of the properties of the isolated cells we assume that a gradient of extracellular cAMP exists in Dictyostelium aggregates. This gradient appears to be involved in the formation and stabilization of the prestalk-prespore cell pattern.  相似文献   

When cells dissociated from Dictyostelium discoideum slugs were cultured in roller tubes, they formed agglomerates in which prestalk cells were initially dispersed but soon sorted out to the center and then moved to the edge to reconstitute the prestalk/prespore pattern. To examine the mechanism of sorting out, individual prestalk cells were traced by a videotape recorder. The radial component of the rate of movement toward the center of the presumptive prestalk region was calculated. Prestalk cells did not move randomly, but rather directionally toward the center. Their movement was pulsatile, with a period of ca. 15 min, and accompanied by occasional formation of cell streams, thus resembling the movement observable during cell aggregation. These results favor the idea that prestalk cells sort out to the prestalk region due to differential chemotaxis rather than differential adhesiveness. After formation of the prestalk/prespore pattern, the prestalk region rotated along the circumference of the agglomerates. This appears comparable to migration of slugs on the substratum, the rate of rotation being similar to that of slug migration. To examine the processes of pattern formation during development, washed vegetative cells were cultured in roller tubes. Prespore cells identified by antispore immunoglobulin initially appeared randomly within the agglomerates, but then nonprespore cells accumulated in the center and finally moved to the edge to establish the prestalk/prespore pattern, the processes being similar to those of pattern reconstruction with differentiated prestalk and prespore cells.  相似文献   

Abstract. We propose that the prestalk/prespore pattern in Dictyostelium is generated in two steps: In a first process, an intermingled, non-position dependent prestalk/prespore pattern is generated by a cell-restricted autocatalysis and the antagonistic action of a long-ranging substrate which becomes depleted during this autocatalysis. By computer simulations we show that the assumed interaction accounts for several experimentally observed features of the prestalk/ prespore pattern: The size-independent ratio of both cell types, the pattern regulation after removal of one cell type, the development towards one or the other pathway before the slug obtains its final shape or even before aggregation is completed. Our hypothetical substrate may be identical with an experimentally found differentiation-inducing factor (DIF). Alternative molecular realizations of the basic mechanism are discussed. A second process leads to the aggregation of the prestalk cells in a particular region of the aggregate, the future tip region. Interactions which en-able tip formation and the coupling between the prestalk/prespore and the tip-forming system are discussed. Our model shows that the formation of a single large patch of differentiated cells and its size regulation requires conflicting parameters. By a separation into a mechanism which determines the position and a second one which determines the size of a structure, each mechanism can be optimized individually without requiring compromises for the other. Such a separation also seems to occur in other developmental systems.  相似文献   

Abstract. The expression of three prestalk cell-specific genes ( ecm A, ecm B and pDd26) was examined during in vitro differentiation in cell monolayers, in an attempt to explain the spatial heterogeneity of the prestalk region of migrating Dictyostelium pseudoplasmodia. Under these conditions ecm A, ecm B and pDd26 mRNAs were expressed sequentially in response to the addition of differentiation inducing factor-1 (DIF)-1, a temporal sequence similar to that observed during normal development. ecm A and ecm B mRNAs reached a maximum level 2–4 h after DIF-1 supplementation and then declined, whereas pDd26 mRNA levels increased more slowly but remained high 24 h after DIF addition. The increases in expression in response to increasing concentrations of either DIF-1 or DIF-2 were identical for the three genes, suggesting that neither alteration in DIF concentration nor species was an important determinant of spatial heterogeneity. Ammonia had the same inhibitory effect on the expression of all three prestalk cell-specific genes and stimulated the expression of the prespore cell-specific gene, D19. These results indicate that ammonia is also not responsible for the spatial heterogeneity of the prestalk cell region. In contrast, cyclic AMP had a differential effect on the expression of the prestalk cell specific genes: ecm A expression was variably stimulated, pDd26 expression was inhibited and ecm B expression was sometimes stimulated and sometimes inhibited. These results are difficult to explain in terms of a gradient of cyclic AMP in the prestalk region. We postulate that temporal responses are more important than spatial responses to cyclic AMP in regulating stalk cell differentiation.  相似文献   

We describe a method of separating prestalk and prespore cells of Dictyostelium discoideum slugs using a self-generating Percoll gradient. This method gives quantitative recovery of cells and good purity. Separated prestalk and prespore cells possess different levels of the enzymes UDP galactose :polysaccharide transferase, cAMP phosphodiesterase and glycogen phosphorylase. We have used this method, as well as mechanical dissection of slugs, to examine the fate of separated prestalk and prespore cells in Dictyostelium strains that are able to give rise to mature stalk and spore cells in cell monolayers. The results from such experiments provide direct evidence that prestalk and prespore cells from the migrating slug stage are programmed to differentiate into stalk and spore cells respectively.  相似文献   

Abstract. It is very likely that oscillatory cAMP secretion and cAMP relay organize postaggregative cell movement in the cellular slime molds. We present evidence indicating that cAMP signaling may also be involved in the formation of the prestalk/prespore pattern in slugs of Dictyostelium discoideum. Reduction of cAMP relay in slugs caused by caffeine increased the proportion of prespore tissue. An even stronger increase was observed in a mutant with a very low CAMP-relay response. The effects on pattern resulting from a reduction of cAMP relay are not due to a reduction in the amount of cAMP in the slug, but to an as yet undefined property of oscillatory cAMP signaling.  相似文献   

Amoebae of the cellular slime mould Dictyostelium discoideum showed stimulated mitogenic activity when exposed to 200 microM isoproterenol, an activator of adenyl cyclase, for 30 min. Approximately 40% increase in cell proliferation was found at 48 h after isoproterenol treatment. A faster and larger plaque formation as well as higher uptake of FITC-labelled E. coli indicates greater phagocytotic activity in the treated cells. A concurrent increase in DNA and protein syntheses was also recorded in the treated cells. Administration of 400 microM caffeine or 200 microM (+) propranolol brought down the isoproterenol-induced elevation in the cell division rate to control levels. These results are discussed in relation to a precocious activation of adenyl cyclase in the treated cells leading to a transient but significant increase in cell division in this organism.  相似文献   

Abstract. We show that the anterior, prestalk region of the Dictyostelium slug contains cells which express, or have expressed, a prespore-specific marker. We term these cells "prespore-like cells" (PLC). In newly formed slugs there is a sharp prespore/prestalk boundary, with very few PLC, but after several days of migration the clear demarcation between prespore and prestalk zones breaks down because the number of PLC increases dramatically. This is consistent with previous observations showing there to be rapid interchange of cells between the prestalk and prespore regions. This is not, however, their only source, as a scattering of PLC appear when separate prestalk and prespore regions first become apparent at the time of tip formation. Also, at culmination, there is respecification of "prespore" cells at the pre-stalk/prespore boundary to form part of the mature stalk. The existence of these cells, and of PLC, may explain why we find prespore-specific mRNAs in mature stalk cells.  相似文献   

Methods for the dynamic analysis of biochemical differentiation are presented. These are demonstrated in the analysis of biochemical differentiation of the carbohydrate system in D. discoideum. Procedures for simplification which are presented are projection and contraction of the system trajectory in state space and the generation of reduced equivalent dynamic metabolic networks. The importance of the hierarchical structure of differentiating systems is discussed and the concept of a dynamic embedding diagram is introduced. It is shown that complex systems must be analyzed on an epoch by epoch basis, each epoch being a period of time characterized by a constant dynamic embedding diagram, and that widely different time scales and state space scales may be necessary in different epochs. In particular there is no a priori lower limit to the time scale which may be necessary during the analysis. Some problems in mathematically defining differentiation are discussed.  相似文献   

A drop assay for chemotaxis to cAMP confirms that both anterior-like cells (ALC) and prestalk cells (pst cells) respond to cAMP gradients. We present evidence that the chemotactic response of both ALC and pst cells is suppressed by ammonia, but a higher concentration of ammonia is required to suppress the response in pst cells. ALC show a chemotactic response to cAMP when moving on a substratum of prespore cells in isolated slug posteriors incubated under oxygen. ALC chemotaxis on a prespore cell substratum is suppressed by the same concentration of ammonia that suppresses ALC chemotaxis on the agar substratum in drop assays. Chemotaxis suppression is mediated by the unprotonated (NH3) species of ammonia. The observed suppression, by ammonia, of ALC chemotaxis to cAMP supports our earlier hypothesis that ammonia is the tip-produced suppressor of such chemotaxis. We discuss implications of ammonia sensitivity of pst cells and ALC with regard to the movement and localization of ALC and pst cells in the slug and to the roles played by ALC in fruiting body formation. In addition, we suggest that a progressive decrease in sensitivity to ammonia is an important part of the maturation of ALC into pst cells.  相似文献   

We have previously presented evidence that cell-cell contact is the normal developmental signal to deactivate discoidin I gene expression in D discoideum [Berger EA, Clark JM: Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 80:4983, 1983]. Here we provide genetic evidence to support this hypothesis by examining gene expression in a cohesion-defective mutant, strain EB-21, which enters the developmental program but is blocked at the loose mound stage. When this strain was developed in suspension, the cells remained almost entirely as single amoebae, unlike the wild type, which formed large multicellular aggregates. In both strains, discoidin I mRNA levels were low in vegetative cells but rose sharply during the first few hours of development. However, the peak level reached at 8 hr in EB-21 exceeded that observed in wild type, and while the level declined markedly over the next few hours in wild type, it remained highly elevated in the mutant. Thus, there was a correlation between the inability of EB-21 to form normal cell-cell contacts and its deficiency in inactivating discoidin I gene expression. Previous studies from several laboratories, including this one, have demonstrated that exogenously added cAMP can block or reverse the changes in gene expression normally seen upon cell disaggregation. This has led us to propose that cAMP serves as a second messenger regulating the expression of contact-regulated genes. Here we provide additional support for this hypothesis. Intracellular cAMP levels rapidly dropped several-fold when wild type tight cell aggregates were disaggregated and remained low as the cells were cultured in the disaggregated state. Furthermore, overexpression of discoidin I mRNA late in development in EB-21 was corrected by addition of high concentrations of cAMP. These results are consistent with a second messenger function for cAMP in the contact-mediated regulatory response, and they indicate that the cAMP response machinery for discoidin I gene expression is capable of functioning in the cohesion-defective EB-21 strain.  相似文献   

Tomoaki Abe  Yasuo Maeda 《Protoplasma》1989,151(2-3):175-178
Summary Intracellular free calcium ion concentrations ([Ca2+]i) in the anterior prestalk and posterior prespore cells of theDictyostelium discoideum slug were determined, using the highly selective Ca2+ indicators, quin-2/AM and fura-2/AM. Temporal changes in [Ca2+]i in response to chemotactic stimulation with cAMP were also monitored at the single-cell level and compared between the two types of cells. The results obtained showed that resting [Ca2+]i in the prestalk cells is considerably higher than that in the prespore cells. Moreover, transient increase in [Ca2+]i upon stimulation with a low concentration of cAMP (20 nM) was noticed only in the prestalk cells, but not in the prespore cells. These facts are discussed in relation to the polarized movement and cellular differentiation in the migrating slug.Abbreviations cAMP 3,5-cyclic adenosine monophosphate - DIF differentiation-inducing factors - IP3 inositol 1,4,5-triphosphate  相似文献   

Abstract. Depending upon environmental conditions, developing cells of the cellular slime mold Dictyostelium discoideum may enter a slug stage in which the cell mass migrates in response to gradients of light and temperature. This developmental stage has often been used to study the divergent differentiation of the cells that will subsequently form spores and stalk in the mature fruiting body. However, still debated is the extent to which the differentiation evident in slug cells is a precondition for development of the mature cells in fruits. Using two-dimensional gel electrophoresis of polypeptides, we have examined the proteins made by prespore and prestalk cells of migrating slugs and by maturing spore and stalk cells. The data indicate that many of the cell-type specific polypeptides in prespore cells of slugs persist as cell-type specific polypeptides of mature spores. Prestalk slug cells, in contrast, do not contain significant amounts of stalk-specific proteins; these proteins appear only during culmination. The precursor cell types also differ in the times and rates of synthesis of cell-specific proteins: prestalk proteins appear much earlier in development than do the prespore, but never reach the levels of expression that the prespore proteins do later in culmination. These findings may explain the well established ability of prespore cells to regulate their cell type more rapidly than do prestalk cells. There are also implications for our general understanding of what is a 'prestalk' gene product.  相似文献   

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