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To provide molecular-level insights into the spontaneous replication error and the mismatch discrimination mechanisms of human DNA polymerase β (polβ), we report four crystal structures of polβ complexed with dG•dTTP and dA•dCTP mismatches in the presence of Mg2+ or Mn2+. The Mg2+-bound ground-state structures show that the dA•dCTP-Mg2+ complex adopts an ‘intermediate’ protein conformation while the dG•dTTP-Mg2+ complex adopts an open protein conformation. The Mn2+-bound ‘pre-chemistry-state’ structures show that the dA•dCTP-Mn2+ complex is structurally very similar to the dA•dCTP-Mg2+ complex, whereas the dG•dTTP-Mn2+ complex undergoes a large-scale conformational change to adopt a Watson–Crick-like dG•dTTP base pair and a closed protein conformation. These structural differences, together with our molecular dynamics simulation studies, suggest that polβ increases replication fidelity via a two-stage mismatch discrimination mechanism, where one is in the ground state and the other in the closed conformation state. In the closed conformation state, polβ appears to allow only a Watson–Crick-like conformation for purine•pyrimidine base pairs, thereby discriminating the mismatched base pairs based on their ability to form the Watson–Crick-like conformation. Overall, the present studies provide new insights into the spontaneous replication error and the replication fidelity mechanisms of polβ.  相似文献   

Recently, evidence has accumulated that mutations in DNA repair genes might be associated with certain steps in carcinogenesis. The DNA polymerase gene is one of the DNA repair genes, and mutations in it have been detected in 83% of human colorectal cancers. To assess the involvement of polymerase gene mutations in the development of human prostate cancers, we performed sequence analyses of human DNA samples. Unexpectedly, we found six regions that were polymorphic. This information should be taken into consideration at the time of sequence analysis of the DNA polymerase gene.s  相似文献   

Numerous genetic studies have provided compelling evidence to establish DNA polymerase ɛ (Polɛ) as the primary DNA polymerase responsible for leading strand synthesis during eukaryotic nuclear genome replication. Polɛ is a heterotetramer consisting of a large catalytic subunit that contains the conserved polymerase core domain as well as a 3′  5′ exonuclease domain common to many replicative polymerases. In addition, Polɛ possesses three small subunits that lack a known catalytic activity but associate with components involved in a variety of DNA replication and maintenance processes. Previous enzymatic characterization of the Polɛ heterotetramer from budding yeast suggested that the small subunits slightly enhance DNA synthesis by Polɛ in vitro. However, similar studies of the human Polɛ heterotetramer (hPolɛ) have been limited by the difficulty of obtaining hPolɛ in quantities suitable for thorough investigation of its catalytic activity. Utilization of a baculovirus expression system for overexpression and purification of hPolɛ from insect host cells has allowed for isolation of greater amounts of active hPolɛ, thus enabling a more detailed kinetic comparison between hPolɛ and an active N-terminal fragment of the hPolɛ catalytic subunit (p261N), which is readily overexpressed in Escherichia coli. Here, we report the first pre-steady-state studies of fully-assembled hPolɛ. We observe that the small subunits increase DNA binding by hPolɛ relative to p261N, but do not increase processivity during DNA synthesis on a single-stranded M13 template. Interestingly, the 3′  5′ exonuclease activity of hPolɛ is reduced relative to p261N on matched and mismatched DNA substrates, indicating that the presence of the small subunits may regulate the proofreading activity of hPolɛ and sway hPolɛ toward DNA synthesis rather than proofreading.  相似文献   

Balbo PB  Wang EC  Tsai MD 《Biochemistry》2011,50(45):9865-9875
It has been inferred from structural and computational studies that the mechanism of DNA polymerases involves subtle but important discrete steps that occur between binding and recognition of the correct dNTP and chemical catalysis. These steps potentially include local conformational changes involving active site residues, reorganization of Mg(2+)-coordinating ligands, and proton transfer. Here we address this broad issue by conducting extensive transient state kinetic analyses of DNA polymerase β (Pol β). We also performed kinetic simulations to evaluate alternative kinetic models. These studies provide some support for two-step subdomain closing and define constraints under which a kinetically significant prechemistry step can occur. To experimentally identify additional microscopic steps, we developed a stopped flow absorbance assay to measure proton formation that occurs during catalysis. These studies provide direct evidence that formation of the enzyme-bound 3'-O(-) nucleophile is rate determining for chemistry. We additionally show that at low pH the chemical step is rate limiting for catalysis, but at high pH, a postchemistry conformational step is rate limiting due to a pH-dependent increase in the rate of nucleotidyl transfer. Finally, we performed exhaustive analyses of [Mg(2+)] and pH effects. In contrast to published studies, the results suggest an irregular pH dependence of k(pol), which is consistent with general base catalysis involving cooperativity between two or more protonic residues. Overall, the results represent significant advancement in the kinetic mechanism of Pol β and also reconcile some computational and experimental findings.  相似文献   

Promiscuous DNA synthesis by human DNA polymerase θ   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The biological role of human DNA polymerase θ (POLQ) is not yet clearly defined, but it has been proposed to participate in several cellular processes based on its translesion synthesis capabilities. POLQ is a low-fidelity polymerase capable of efficient bypass of blocking lesions such as abasic sites and thymine glycols as well as extension of mismatched primer termini. Here, we show that POLQ possesses a DNA polymerase activity that appears to be template independent and allows efficient extension of single-stranded DNA as well as duplex DNA with either protruding or multiply mismatched 3'-OH termini. We hypothesize that this DNA synthesis activity is related to the proposed role for POLQ in the repair or tolerance of double-strand breaks.  相似文献   

The efficiency and fidelity of nucleotide incorporation and next-base extension by DNA polymerase (pol) κ past N(2)-ethyl-Gua were measured using steady-state and rapid kinetic analyses. DNA pol κ incorporated nucleotides and extended 3' termini opposite N(2)-ethyl-Gua with measured efficiencies and fidelities similar to that opposite Gua indicating a role for DNA pol κ at the insertion and extension steps of N(2)-ethyl-Gua bypass. The DNA pol κ was maximally activated to similar levels by a twenty-fold lower concentration of Mn(2+) compared to Mg(2+). In addition, the steady state analysis indicated that high fidelity DNA pol κ-catalyzed N(2)-ethyl-Gua bypass is Mg(2+)-dependent. Strikingly, Mn(2+) activation of DNA pol κ resulted in a dramatically lower efficiency of correct nucleotide incorporation opposite both N(2)-ethyl-Gua and Gua compared to that detected upon Mg(2+) activation. This effect is largely governed by diminished correct nucleotide binding as indicated by the high K(m) values for dCTP insertion opposite N(2)-ethyl-Gua and Gua with Mn(2+) activation. A rapid kinetic analysis showed diminished burst amplitudes in the presence of Mn(2+) compared to Mg(2+) indicating that DNA pol κ preferentially utilizes Mg(2+) activation. These kinetic data support a DNA pol κ wobble base pairing mechanism for dCTP incorporation opposite N(2)-ethyl-Gua. Furthermore, the dramatically different polymerization efficiencies of the Y-family DNA pols κ and ι in the presence of Mn(2+) suggest a metal ion-dependent regulation in coordinating the activities of these DNA pols during translesion synthesis.  相似文献   

Recent studies have revealed that the base selection step of DNA polymerases (pol) plays a role in prevention of DNA replication errors. We investigated whether base selection is required for the DNA replication fidelity of pol α and genomic stability in human cells. We introduced an Leu864 to Phe substitution (L864F) into human pol α and performed an in vitro LacZα forward mutation assay. Our results showed that the overall mutation rate was increased by 180-fold as compared to that of the wild-type. Furthermore, steady state kinetics analyses consistently showed that L864F pol α had a decreased discrimination ability between correct and incorrect nucleotide incorporation, as well as between matched and mismatched primer termini. L864F pol α also exhibited increased translesion activity over the abasic, etheno-A, O4-methyl-T, and O6-methyl-G sites. In addition, our steady state kinetics analyses supported the finding of increased translesion activity of L864F pol α over O6-methyl-G. We also established stable clones transfected with pola1L864F utilizing the human cancer cell line HCT116. Using the HPRT gene as a reporter, the spontaneous mutation rate of pola1L864F cells was determined to be 2.4-fold greater than that of wild-type cells. Mutation assays were also carried out using cells transiently transfected with the wild-type or pola1L864F, and increased mutant frequencies were observed in pola1L864F cells under both spontaneous and methyl methanesulfonate-induced conditions. Together, our results indicate that the base selection step in human pol α functions to prevent DNA replication errors and maintain genomic integrity in HCT116 cells.  相似文献   

The accessory subunit of mitochondrial DNA polymerase γ, POLGβ, functions as a processivity factor in vitro. Here we show POLGβ has additional roles in mitochondrial DNA metabolism. Mitochondrial DNA is arranged in nucleoprotein complexes, or nucleoids, which often contain multiple copies of the mitochondrial genome. Gene-silencing of POLGβ increased nucleoid numbers, whereas over-expression of POLGβ reduced the number and increased the size of mitochondrial nucleoids. Both increased and decreased expression of POLGβ altered nucleoid structure and precipitated a marked decrease in 7S DNA molecules, which form short displacement-loops on mitochondrial DNA. Recombinant POLGβ preferentially bound to plasmids with a short displacement-loop, in contrast to POLGα. These findings support the view that the mitochondrial D-loop acts as a protein recruitment centre, and suggest POLGβ is a key factor in the organization of mitochondrial DNA in multigenomic nucleoprotein complexes.  相似文献   

The human polymerase α (pol α) is a promising target for the therapy of cancer e.g. of the skin. The authors recently built a homology model of the active site of human DNA pol α. This 3D model was now used for molecular modelling studies with eight novel analogues of 2-butylanilino-dATP, which is a highly selective nucleoside inhibitor of mammalian pol α. Our results suggest that a higher hydrophobicity of a carbohydrate side chain (pointing into a spacious hydrophobic cavity) may enhance the strength of the interaction with the target protein. Moreover, acyclic acyclovir-like derivatives outperformed those with a sugar-moiety, indicating that structural flexibility and higher conformational adaptability has a positive effect on the receptor affinity. Cytotoxicity tests confirmed our theoretical findings. Besides, one of our most promising compounds in the molecular modelling studies revealed high selectivity for the SCC-25 cell line derived from squamous cell carcinoma in man.  相似文献   

The human polymerase α (pol α) is a promising target for the therapy of cancer e.g. of the skin. The authors recently built a homology model of the active site of human DNA pol α. This 3D model was now used for molecular modelling studies with eight novel analogues of 2-butylanilino-dATP, which is a highly selective nucleoside inhibitor of mammalian pol α. Our results suggest that a higher hydrophobicity of a carbohydrate side chain (pointing into a spacious hydrophobic cavity) may enhance the strength of the interaction with the target protein. Moreover, acyclic acyclovir-like derivatives outperformed those with a sugar-moiety, indicating that structural flexibility and higher conformational adaptability has a positive effect on the receptor affinity. Cytotoxicity tests confirmed our theoretical findings. Besides, one of our most promising compounds in the molecular modelling studies revealed high selectivity for the SCC-25 cell line derived from squamous cell carcinoma in man.  相似文献   

The gaze-signaling hypothesis and the related cooperative-eye hypothesis posit that humans have evolved special external eye morphology, including exposed white sclera (the white of the eye), to enhance the visibility of eye-gaze direction and thereby facilitate conspecific communication through joint-attentional interaction and ostensive communication. However, recent quantitative studies questioned these hypotheses based on new findings that certain features of human eyes are not necessarily unique among great ape species. Accordingly, there is currently a heated debate over whether external eye features of humans are distinct from those of other apes and how such distinguishable features contribute to the visibility of eye-gaze direction. The present study leveraged updated image analysis techniques to test the uniqueness of human eye features in facial images of great apes. Although many eye features were similar between humans and other great apes, a key difference was that humans have uniformly white sclera which creates clear visibility of both the eye outline and iris—the two essential features contributing to the visibility of eye-gaze direction. We then tested the robustness of the visibility of these features against visual noise, such as shading and distancing, and found that both eye features remain detectable in the human eye, while eye outline becomes barely detectable in other species under these visually challenging conditions. Overall, we identified that humans have unique external eye morphology among other great apes, which ensures the robustness of eye-gaze signals in various visual conditions. Our results support and also critically update the central premises of the gaze-signaling hypothesis.  相似文献   

DNA polymerase (pol) λ, one of the 15 cellular pols, belongs to the X family. It is a small 575 amino-acid protein containing a polymerase, a dRP-lyase, a proline/serine rich and a BRCT domain. Pol λ shows various enzymatic activities including DNA polymerization, terminal transferase and dRP-lyase. It has been implicated to play a role in several DNA repair pathways, particularly base excision repair (BER), non-homologous end-joining (NHEJ) and translesion DNA synthesis (TLS). Similarly to other DNA repair enzymes, pol λ undergoes posttranslational modifications during the cell cycle that regulate its stability and possibly its subcellular localization. Here we describe our knowledge about ubiquitylation of pol λ and the impact of this modification on its regulation.  相似文献   

A kinetic model for the helix-cruciform transition is presented, mean lifetimes for the cruciform states are calculated and shown to be inconsistent with the notion of metastability.  相似文献   



The control of intracellular vesicle trafficking is an ideal target to weigh the role of alternative splicing in shaping genomes to make cells. Alternative splicing has been reported for several Soluble N-ethylmaleimide-sensitive factor Attachment protein REceptors of the vesicle (v-SNAREs) or of the target membrane (t-SNARES), which are crucial to intracellular membrane fusion and protein and lipid traffic in Eukaryotes. However, splicing has not yet been investigated in Longins, i.e. the most widespread v-SNAREs. Longins are essential in Eukaryotes and prototyped by VAMP7, Sec22b and Ykt6, sharing a conserved N-terminal Longin domain which regulates membrane fusion and subcellular targeting. Human VAMP7/TI-VAMP, encoded by gene SYBL1, is involved in multiple cell pathways, including control of neurite outgrowth.


Alternative splicing of SYBL1 by exon skipping events results in the production of a number of VAMP7 isoforms. In-frame or frameshift coding sequence modifications modulate domain architecture of VAMP7 isoforms, which can lack whole domains or domain fragments and show variant or extra domains. Intriguingly, two main types of VAMP7 isoforms either share the inhibitory Longin domain and lack the fusion-promoting SNARE motif, or vice versa. Expression analysis in different tissues and cell lines, quantitative real time RT-PCR and confocal microscopy analysis of fluorescent protein-tagged isoforms demonstrate that VAMP7 variants have different tissue specificities and subcellular localizations. Moreover, design and use of isoform-specific antibodies provided preliminary evidence for the existence of splice variants at the protein level.


Previous evidence on VAMP7 suggests inhibitory functions for the Longin domain and fusion/growth promoting activity for the Δ-longin molecule. Thus, non-SNARE isoforms with Longin domain and non-longin SNARE isoforms might have somehow opposite regulatory functions. When considering splice variants as "natural mutants", evidence on modulation of subcellular localization by variation in domain combination can shed further light on targeting determinants. Although further work will be needed to characterize identified variants, our data might open the route to unravel novel molecular partners and mechanisms, accounting for the multiplicity of functions carried out by the different members of the Longin proteins family.  相似文献   

DNA polymerases cannot synthesize DNA without a primer, and DNA primase is the only specialized enzyme capable of de novo synthesis of short RNA primers. In eukaryotes, primase functions within a heterotetrameric complex in concert with a tightly bound DNA polymerase α (Pol α). In humans, the Pol α part is comprised of a catalytic subunit (p180) and an accessory subunit B (p70), and the primase part consists of a small catalytic subunit (p49) and a large essential subunit (p58). The latter subunit participates in primer synthesis, counts the number of nucleotides in a primer, assists the release of the primer-template from primase and transfers it to the Pol α active site. Recently reported crystal structures of the C-terminal domains of the yeast and human enzymes'' large subunits provided critical information related to their structure, possible sites for binding of nucleotides and template DNA, as well as the overall organization of eukaryotic primases. However, the structures also revealed a difference in the folding of their proposed DNA-binding fragments, raising the possibility that yeast and human proteins are functionally different. Here we report new structure of the C-terminal domain of the human primase p58 subunit. This structure exhibits a fold similar to a fold reported for the yeast protein but different than a fold reported for the human protein. Based on a comparative analysis of all three C-terminal domain structures, we propose a mechanism of RNA primer length counting and dissociation of the primer-template from primase by a switch in conformation of the ssDNA-binding region of p58.Key words: DNA primase, prim1, prim2, replication, 4Fe-4S cluster, crystal structure, DNA polymerase α  相似文献   

We have previously described a low-molecular-weight DNA polymerase (52 kDa) from wheat embryo: DNA polymerase CI (pol CI). This enzyme shares some biochemical properties with animal DNA polymerase (pol ). In this report, we analyse pol CI in wheat embryo germination. Immunodetection and measurement of the enzyme activity show that wheat pol CI remains at a constant level during germination, whereas dramatic changes of the replicative DNA polymerase A and B activities were previously reported. We observe that the level of pol CI in physiological conditions (embryo germination and dividing cell culture) is in agreement with a pol -type DNA polymerase. By microsequencing of the electroblotted 52 kDa polypeptide, we determined the sequence of a dodecapeptide from the N-terminal region. A comparative analysis of the N-terminal pol CI peptide with some mammalian pol sequences shows a clear homology with helix 1 of the N-terminal ssDNA domain (residues 15 to 26) of the rat pol . Thus, the helical structure of this region should be conserved in the wheat peptide. This represents the first evidence of a partial primary structure of a -type DNA polymerase in plants.  相似文献   

Human DNA Pol κ is a polymerase enzyme, specialized for near error-free bypass of certain bulky chemical lesions to DNA that are derived from environmental carcinogens present in tobacco smoke, automobile exhaust and cooked food. By employing ab initio QM/MM–MD (Quantum Mechanics/Molecular Mechanics–Molecular Dynamics) simulations with umbrella sampling, we have determined the entire free energy profile of the nucleotidyl transfer reaction catalyzed by Pol κ and provided detailed mechanistic insights. Our results show that a variant of the Water Mediated and Substrate Assisted (WMSA) mechanism that we previously deduced for Dpo4 and T7 DNA polymerases is preferred for Pol κ as well, suggesting its broad applicability. The hydrogen on the 3′-OH primer terminus is transferred through crystal and solvent waters to the γ-phosphate of the dNTP, followed by the associative nucleotidyl transfer reaction; this is facilitated by a proton transfer from the γ-phosphate to the α,β-bridging oxygen as pyrophosphate leaves, to neutralize the evolving negative charge. MD simulations show that the near error-free incorporation of dCTP opposite the major benzo[a]pyrene—derived dG lesion is compatible with the WMSA mechanism, allowing for an essentially undisturbed pentacovalent phosphorane transition state, and explaining the bypass of this lesion with little mutation by Pol κ.  相似文献   

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