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The objective was to determine performance and milk fatty acid changes of high producing dairy cows in early lactation, under summer heat, by adding a supplemental rumen inert fat in the form of a saturated free fatty acid (856 g/kg C16:0/kg of total fatty acids) to the total mixed ration (TMR). Early lactation multiparous Holstein cows in two similar pens of 99 and 115 cows were used in a 2 × 2 Latin Square design experiment with 35 d periods during a period when daily high and low temperatures averaged 34.3 and 15.9 °C, the relative humidity averaged 51% and there were no rain events. The TMR was the same for both groups, consisting of approximately 435 g/kg forage and 565 g/kg concentrate, except that the vitamin/mineral premix had no added fat (control, C) or added fat (C16:0) at a level designed to deliver approximately 450 g/cow/d of supplemental fat if cows consumed 26.5 kg/d of dry matter (DM). The two TMR averaged 905 g/kg organic matter (OM), 318 g/kg neutral detergent fiber (aNDF), and 186 g/kg crude protein (CP). The ‘C’ TMR had 58 g/kg total fatty acids with an estimated net energy for lactation (NEl) of 7.3 MJ/kg (DM), while the C16:0 TMR had 72 g/kg total fatty acids and 7.5 MJ/kg NEl (DM). Whole tract digestibility of DM, OM, aNDF and CP tended (P<0.10) to increase, and that of fatty acids increased substantially (P<0.01), with C16:0 feeding, whereas, DM intake was not affected. Milk fat content decreased (P<0.01) with C16:0 feeding (37.5 versus 36.0 g/kg), whereas, true protein content tended (P=0.09) to increase. There was a tendency (P=0.07) for increased milk yield (36.69 versus 38.04 kg/d), while milk protein yield increased (P=0.03) with C16:0 supplementation (1.08 versus 1.13 kg/d). Milk fat yield was unaffected by treatment. Concentrations of short and medium chain milk fatty acids (C6:0–C15:0), decreased, or tended to decrease, with C16:0 addition (C13:0 and C15:0, P<0.10; all others, P≤0.05). The concentration of C16:0 increased (P<0.001) in milk triglycerides from cows fed C16:0 (27.10 versus 31.57 g/kg), the longer chain saturated fatty acids C17:0 and C18:0 decreased (P≤0.05) and other long chain unsaturated fatty acids were unaffected. Benefits of C16:0 feeding on cow productivity must be balanced against negative effects on the nutritive value of the milk (i.e., increased C16:0 in milk fatty acids) produced for human consumption. However, relatively low amounts of supplemental C16:0 (27.10 versus 31.57 g/kg in milk triglycerides for C and C16:0 supplemented cows, respectively) were actually secreted in milk, in spite of them being essentially fully digested in the digestive tract. Strategies to divide cows into production groups based on milk yield and/or milk fat proportions could further limit C16:0 secretion in milk. Supplemental dietary C16:0 may have positive effects on milk production that outweigh the negative health effects of the increased C16:0 content in the milk fat.  相似文献   

The effects of administration of recombinantly derived bovine somatotropin (somidobove) in a sustained-release vehicle on the profiles of concentrations of bovine somatotropin (bST) in the blood plasma and on the milk yield of dairy cows of three herds were examined. Cows (36-87 days post partum) were treated subcutaneously with recombinant bST at 28-day intervals. In control animals, basal concentrations of bST averaged 1.4 ng.ml-1 in first-calf heifers and 1.5 ng.ml-1 in multiparous cows. In somidobove treated first-calf heifers, the concentration of bST was increased to 10.7, 14.5, and 27.0 ng.ml-1 at 24 h postinjection and in multiparous cows to 6.6, 11.0, and 11.7 ng.ml-1 on day 2 postinjection of 320, 640, and 960 mg of somidobove, respectively. On day 8 postinjection the average plasma bST levels of both parity groups are similar (on the average 3.4, 8.6, and 12.5 ng.ml-1 for three doses of somidobove respectively) and for the two highest doses being still significantly increased. During the 2nd week postinjection plasma bST concentration declined returning to control levels on day 15 postinjection. Somidobove-treated first-calf heifers produced 10.9, 16.7 and 17.9% and multiparous animals 25.5, 24.2 and 32.5% more milk than the controls when given 320, 640 and 960 mg somidobove, respectively. The cyclic pattern in milk yield within each 28-day injection interval was observed consistently in all herds. The milk yield increased to a maximum between day 4 to 8 postinjection and then slowly declined. Milk composition was not affected by somidobove treatment.  相似文献   

This study determined impacts of a commercial blend of microencapsulated essential oils (EO), fed at increasing dose levels to high yielding primiparous dairy cows, on milk yield and composition. Eight pregnant Holstein heifers, selected to have their parturition within a period of 30 d, were kept in tie stalls equipped for individual feeding, and with free access to water, from the 7th month of gestation. At an average of 40 d postpartum, cows were assigned to one of four dietary EO levels in a replicated 4 × 4 Latin square design. The experimental diets (i.e., corn silage, fescue hay and a compound feed, 6.5, 4.4 and 8.7 kg DM/d respectively) differed only in the addition level of a microencapsulated EO supplement (RumaXol Feed) mixed at different levels into the compound feed (fed at 1 kg/cow day) in order to provide 0, 0.32, 0.64 and 0.96 g/d of the EO mixture. The experiment had four experimental periods of 21 d, with the last 5 d used for collection of faeces and urine, for milk yield and composition recording and measurement of cow biometric data. The dietary EO supplementation had no effect on dry matter (DM) intake, water consumptions or faecal DM, while urine density was (P=0.01) lower at the intermediate EO dosages. Digestibility and biometric measures of cows were not modified by EO feeding. The protein content of milk tended (P=0.06) to be higher at the intermediate EO dosages, as did (P=0.05) the milk energy concentration. However milk and milk component yields were not affected by EO feeding level.  相似文献   

Eight multiparous Holstein cows averaging 538 kg of body weight and 62 days in milk were used in a double 4 × 4 Latin square design with four 21-d experimental periods to determine the effects of feeding extruded versus non-extruded canola seed treated with, or without, 50 g/kg lignosulfonate on apparent whole tract digestibility, feed intake, milk production, milk composition, and milk fatty acid profile. Intake of dry matter (DM) and its components was similar among treatments. Extrusion had no effect on digestibility but decreased milk fat concentration. Lignosulfonate treatment of canola seeds decreased digestibility of DM and crude protein (CP). Milk production, milk concentrations of CP, lactose and total solids, and milk yields of CP and fat were similar among treatments. In general, there was no interaction between extrusion and lignosulfonate for milk fatty acid profile. Feeding extruded canola seeds increased milk fat concentration of trans11 18:1 to a greater extent without, than with, lignosulfonate treatment (150% versus 113%). Overall, it is clear that extrusion had more effects than lignosulfonate treatment on milk fatty acid profile, but changes were small and likely of little biological importance for human health.  相似文献   

We studied the effect of recombinant bovine somatotropin (rbST) at the time of estrus on progesterone concentrations and conception rates of repeat-breeding Holstein cows. We used repeat-breeding cows of varied parity (n = 510). All the animals were clinically healthy and had had at least three unsuccessful services before entering the study. After detection of estrus, the cows were randomly assigned to either a treated (n = 201) or a control (n = 309) group. The animals in the treated group were given rbST (500 mg s.c.) at the time of estrus and again 10 d later. Artificial insemination was performed 12 h after the first detection of estrus. In order to evaluate the effect of rbST on luteal function, blood samples were taken from 10 cows in each group every 3 d for 18 d, starting on the day of insemination (Day 0) to determine progesterone concentrations. Conception rates were significantly higher (P < 0.05) in the cows treated with rbST (29.3%) than in the control cows (16.9%). The effects of rbST were maximal in cows with 8 or more previous unsuccessful services and in cows with 2 to 4 calvings. Progesterone concentrations tended to be higher in nonpregnant cows that were treated with rbST than in those that were not treated. The difference between groups was significant (p < 0.05) on Day 18 after insemination. In pregnant cows there were no significant differences in progesterone concentrations between treated and nontreated animals at any time. Treatment with rbST at estrus improved the conception rate of repeat-breeding Holstein cows. This effect was associated with an increase in circulating progesterone concentrations on Day 18.  相似文献   

Optimising feed is a key challenge for dairy livestock systems, as forage stock shortages are increasingly frequent and feed is the biggest operating cost. The aim of this experiment was to evaluate the effects of reducing forage quantity and access time on dairy performance and animal nutritional status during indoor feeding. Twenty-seven Montbéliarde and Holstein cows were randomly allocated to three groups of nine cows balanced by breed, parity, days in milk, and milk yield. The three groups were given 3.9 kg DM/day of second-cut hay and 4.5 kg/day of concentrate and either i) ad libitum access to first-cut hay (Ad Libitum group; AL), ii) 10.5 kg/day of first-cut hay (Quantity-restricted group; QR), or iii) 10.5 kg/day of first-cut hay but with access time restricted to only 2 h in the morning and 2 h in the afternoon (Quantity-and-Time-restricted group; QTR). Milk yield, composition and coagulation properties, cow nutritional status (weight, body condition score, blood metabolites) and cow activities were recorded. The AL group ingested 10 % more feed than the QR group and 16 % more feed than the QTR group. Organic matter digestibility was lower in the AL group than in the QR and QTR groups whereas feed efficiency did not differ. Milk yield was not significantly different among the three groups. Compared to the QR and QTR groups, the AL group had significantly higher milk fat (35.9 vs 32.9 and 32.8 g/kg of milk) and milk protein content (29.5 vs 27.7 and 28.5 g/kg of milk). QR and QTR cows mobilised their body fat, resulting in a lower final body condition score, and tended to have a lower blood non-esterified fatty acid concentration than the AL group. QTR cows showed greater body fat mobilisation, but their final corrected BW was not different from AL cows. Access-time restriction did not impact fat and protein content but led to decreased casein, lactose contents and casein-to-whey protein ratio. The forage savings achieved through this feed management practice could prove economically substantial when forage prices increase. This practice can be of interest in grassland systems to overcome certain climatic hazards without having to resort to purchases or to increase the farm's forage autonomy.  相似文献   

Somatotropin and FSH act synergystically on insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF-I) synthesis in ovarian follicles; IGF-I regulates several granulosa cell specific functions and may thereby be beneficial in bovine superovulation. In a series of 3 experiments we investigated the effects of recombinant bovine somatotropin (rBST) on several parameters of the superovulatory response in dairy cows. A total of 81 Holstein Friesian crossbred dairy cows received either 640 mg rBST or the vehicle (controls) on Day 4 or 13 of the superovulation schedule. Superovulation was induced with 2500 IU PMSG on Day 9. The cows were artificially inseminated on Day 13. In Experiment 1, on Days 4, 8, 11, 13 and 17 4 to 5 animals each were slaughtered to obtain follicular fluid, endometrium and plasma. The rBST application increased IGF-I contents in plasma and follicular fluid on Days 8, 11 and 13 (P < 0.05) in the treated cows when compared with that of the controls. Plasma and follicular IGF-I contents were correlated closely (rBST: r = 0.90, n = 10; control: r = 0.94, n = 9). The number of antral follicles increased following rBST treatment, and on the day of artificial insemination (AI) twice as many follicles > 4 mm were counted in the rBST treated animals than in the control group. In Experiment 2, the flushing of 38 donors on Day 7 after AI resulted in more transferable embryos in the rBST group than in the control group (4.2 +/- 1.0 vs 2.5 +/- 0.7; P < 0.05). In contrast, in Experiment 3 involving 21 animals when rBST was administered at the time of AI the superovulation response was not altered. It is concluded that rBST increases follicular and plasma IGF-I contents and thereby has profound effects on follicular and early embryonic development.  相似文献   

Nitrogen (N) excretion from livestock production systems is of significant environmental concern; however, few studies have investigated the effect of dietary CP concentration on N utilisation efficiency at different stages of lactation, and the interaction between dietary CP levels and stages of lactation on N utilisation. Holstein-Friesian dairy cows (12 primiparous and 12 multiparous) used in the present study were selected from a larger group of cows involved in a whole-lactation study designed to examine the effect of dietary CP concentration on milk production and N excretion rates at different stages of lactation. The total diet CP concentrations evaluated were 114 (low CP), 144 (medium CP) and 173 (high CP) g/kg DM, with diets containing (g/kg DM) 550 concentrates, 270 grass silage and 180 maize silage. During early (70–80 days), mid- (150–160 days) and late (230–240 days) lactation, the same 24 animals were transferred from the main cow house to metabolism units for measurements of feed intake, milk production and faeces and urine outputs. Diet had no effect on BW, body condition score, or milk fat, protein or lactose concentration, but DM intake, milk yield and digestibilities of DM, energy and N increased with increasing diet CP concentration. The effect of diet on milk yield was largely due to differences between the low and medium CP diets. Increasing dietary CP concentration significantly increased urine N/N intake and urine N/manure N, and decreased faecal N/N intake, milk N/N intake and manure N/N intake. Although increasing dietary CP level significantly increased urine N/milk yield and manure N/milk yield, differences in these two variables between low and medium CP diets were not significant. There was no significant interaction between CP level and stage of lactation on any N utilisation variable, indicating that the effects of CP concentration on these variables were similar between stages of lactation. These results demonstrated that a decrease in dietary CP concentration from high (173 g/kg DM) to medium level (144 g/kg DM) may be appropriate for Holstein-Friesian dairy cow to maintain milk production efficiency, whilst reducing both urine N and manure N as a proportion of N intake or milk production.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to determine the effect of pretreatment with bovine somatotropin (bST) and/or gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) 7 days prior to initiation of a protocol for synchronization of ovulation and timed insemination (Ovsynch) on conception rate (CR) of cows with ovarian cysts. A total of 254 lactating dairy cows with ovarian cysts was divided into four groups (Day 0). On Day 0, cows in Group 1 (n = 61) were pretreated with 500 mg bST, s.q., and 100 microg GnRH, i.m.; cows in Group 2 (n = 73) were pretreated with 100 microg GnRH, i.m.; cows in Group 3 (n = 59) were pretreated with 500 mg bST, s.q.; and cows in Group 4 (n = 61) received no pretreatment. All cows were subjected to the Ovsynch protocol 7 days later. All cows previously received routine bST treatment every 14 days until milk production decreased to a minimum level established by the management of the herd. CR was assessed using logistic regression after adjusting for timing of concurrent bST treatment relative to Day 0, parity, season at time of insemination, and days in milk (DIM) on Day 0. CR for cows in Group 3 (12%) was significantly lower (P < 0.05) than that for cows in Group 4 (27%), and CR for cows in Group 1 (18%) and Group 2 (15%) tended to be lower (P < 0.10) than that for cows in Group 4 (27%). From the results of this study, it was concluded that bST pretreatment decreased CR, and pretreatment with GnRH, and GnRH with bST tended to decrease CR in lactating dairy cows with ovarian cysts concurrently treated with bST and subjected to the Ovsynch protocol.  相似文献   

The effect of physiological state lactating vs. non-lactating (dry) on grazing behaviour and herbage intake by Holstein-Friesian cows was examined on grass pastures maintained at 5, 7 or 9 cm sward surface height (SSH), typical of those provided under continuous variable stocking management. Intake rates were estimated over periods of 1 h by weighing the animals before and after grazing, retaining the faeces and urine excreted, and applying a correction for insensible weight loss. Grazing behaviour during these periods and over 24 h was recorded automatically using sensors to measure jaw movements. Bite mass (BM) did not differ significantly between lactating and dry cows but decreased (P<0.001) from 0.42 to 0.30 g organic matter (OM) bite−1 as overall mean SSH decreased from 9 to 5 cm. An increase (P=0.040) in grazing jaw movement (GJM) rate, from 75.3 to 80.3 GJM min−1, as SSH decreased, did not compensate for reductions in bite mass, and intake rate declined linearly (P=0.006) from 24.6 to 18.9 g OM min−1. Lactating and dry cows compensated for the reduction in intake rate, by increasing total grazing time and total number of bites per day. As SSH decreased from 9 to 5 cm, lactating and dry cows increased total eating time (528 to 607 and 419 to 510 min), total GJM (40 400 to 49 300 and 31 300 to 40 600 GJM) and total bites (31 100 to 37 900 and 24 600 to 31 200 bites, respectively). As a result, there was no significant effect of SSH on daily intake of OM, although lactating cows had greater intakes than dry cows; 12.9 vs. 9.3 kg day−1, (P<0.001). The increased time spent grazing as SSH decreased was associated with a reduction in the time spent ruminating (P<0.001), despite similar levels of daily intake being achieved across SSH treatments. Although dry cows had much lower daily intakes, they spent only about 30 min less each day ruminating than the lactating cows (P=0.060), allowing them 120 to 160 min more idling (i.e., non-grazing, non-ruminating) behaviour (P=0.001).  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to determine the effect of treatment with recombinant bovine somatotropin (rBST) on the response to superovulatory treatment in swamp buffalo. Estrous cycles of 16 buffalo cows were synchronized by intravaginal administration of progesterone and estradiol benzoate, and the cows were then randomly divided into 2 groups. The rBST-treated group received 250 mg of a sustained-release formula of rBST on Day 4 after progesterone implantation, whereas the control group did not receive rBST. Both groups were then given a superovulatory regimen of twice daily injections of FSH for 3.5 d (total dose of 260 mg, i.m.), between Days 9 and 11 after administration of progesterone. The cows were bred naturally 1 d after the last FSH injection, then 6 d after breeding they were slaughtered, and their reproductive tracts were removed. The numbers of corpora lutea (CL) and follicles were recorded, and embryos were flushed out of the uterine horns. There were no significant differences between the rBST-treated and control cows for the mean numbers (+/- SEM) of CL (6.0 +/- 2.2 vs 4.3 +/- 1.1), follicles (15.9 +/- 4.1 vs 19.8 +/- 2.9), or total embryos recovered per collection (4.5 +/- 1.6 vs 2.3 +/- 1.0). However, there were significant differences between rBST-treated and control cows for the numbers of transferable embryos per collection (3.0 +/- 1.0 vs 0.8 +/- 0.3; P < or = 0.05) and the overall proportion of transferable embryos (75 vs 33%; P < or = 0.01). The results of this study show that pretreatment of swamp buffalo with rBST significantly increases the production of transferable embryos in response to superovulation.  相似文献   

Follicle ablation has been recognized as an efficient method of follicular wave synchronization. Treatment with recombinant bovine somatotropin (BST) has been shown to enhance follicular development in Bos taurus. This experiment assessed the effects of these treatments in Nelore (B. indicus) heifers. Eight cycling Nelore heifers were randomly assigned to 3 different treatments. On Day 2 of a synchronized cycle (Day 0 = day of ovulation), heifers assigned to Treatments 1 and 2 received 2 mL of saline, whereas heifers assigned to Treatment 3 received 320 mg of BST. On Day 5, the first-wave dominant follicle was ablated by ultrasound-guided transvaginal aspiration in heifers in Treatments 2 and 3, and all heifers received an injection of prostaglandin on Day 11. Aspiration of the dominant follicle advanced and synchronized (P < 0.05) the day of second-wave emergence (6.9 +/- 0.1 vs. 8.4 +/- 0.4) and the day of the pre-wave FSH peak (6.0 +/- 0.0 vs. 6.9 +/- 0.4), and increased FSH peak concentrations (381 +/- 21 vs. 292 +/- 30; pg/mL; P < 0.01). Recombinant bovine somatotropin treatment caused a two-fold increase in plasma insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF-I) concentrations (P < 0.001) and resulted in a 36% increase in the number of small follicles (<5 mm; P < 0.001) compared with saline-treated heifers. In summary, in agreement with previous reports on B. taurus, dominant follicle aspiration synchronized ovarian follicular development, and BST treatment increased peripheral concentrations of IGF-I in Nelore heifers. Recombinant bovine somatotropin also increased the number of small follicles, but this response appeared to be inferior to that reported for B. taurus.  相似文献   

Thirty-six Friesian cows in mid-lactation were used to compare the effects of nine treatments.Rice straw untreated (US), or treated with 40 g NaOH in 1.5 l H2 O kg?1 straw (TS), was given ad libitum with a concentrate mixture containing 0 or 20% spent tea leaf (STL0 and STL20) and with or without thyroprotein (TP10 or TP0). The control treatment (C) represented the standard feeding practice adopted on the farm.The NaOH treatment increased milk yield by 22%, but lowered the butterfat content of milk by 6%. Milk yield and milk composition were not affected by spent tea leaf supplementation. Thyroprotein had no significant effect on milk yield or composition during the experimental period but depressed yield significantly after its withdrawal from the diet. It increased rectal temperature by 0.5° C and heart rate by 5 beats min?1. All animals on thyroprotein lost body condition.It is concluded that alkali-treated straw is a suitable source of roughage for low yielding cows but its use in practice may be uneconomic. Spent tea leaf is a suitable source of protein for ruminants at the 8% level of substitution in the total diet DM. Thyroprotein feeding is not economical under Sri Lanka conditions and is not recommended for animals on straw diets.  相似文献   

The objective of the present study was to evaluate the effects of cyclical lower incubation temperature at different embryonic ages on the hatchability, body and organs weights, thyroid hormones, and liver HSP70 gene expression of newly hatched chicks. In a completely randomized design, fertile eggs of a broiler breeder (34 weeks of age) were assigned to three treatment groups with six replicates and 145 eggs per each. The treatment groups were as: control group (C) that eggs were incubated at 37.6 °C during the whole incubation period; incubation temperature was decreased to 36 °C for 3 h per day at embryonic age from 12 to 14 (T1); and incubation temperature was decreased to 36 °C for 3 h per day at embryonic age from 15 to 17 (T2). No significant difference was found among treatments for hatchability (P>0.05). There were no differences (P>0.05) among treatments for body weight and liver weight, while heart weight of chicks in T1 and T2 groups were significantly higher than the control group (P<0.05). There were no differences (P>0.05) among treatments for the levels of thyroid hormones, however, the levels of both hormones tended to increase in chicks exposed to cold stress (T1 and T2). Chicks in T2 group had higher liver HSP70 gene expression compared with those in T1 and the control group (P<0.05). Cold stress in both incubation periods had no significant effect on the plasma levels of aspartate aminotransferase and alanine aminotransferase. Treatments had no effect on the plasma levels of glucose, cholesterol and triglyceride. The results of this study suggest that cyclical lower incubation temperatures (36 °C) at the embryonic age from day 15–17 could induce the liver HSP70 gene expression, without negative effects on the hatchability and body weight of hatched chicks.  相似文献   

Summary Bovine somatotropin was given to six lactating (230 day) cows (40 mg/day × 5-days) and excipient was given to six control cows. Mammary, liver, and adipose explants from somatotrophin and control cows were co-cultured at 37° C for 24 h with 0.5 μCi [14C]acetate/ml media with or without 0.5 μg/ml somatotrophin. Tissue lipids were extracted with chloroform/methanol and separated by thin layer chromatography. In vivo somatotrophin increased milk production 2.4 kg/day compared to a 0.9 kg/day decrease by controls. Mammary tissue from somatotrophin cows incorporated more [14C]acetate into total lipids (4417 vs. 3016 dpm/mg tissue) than controls. Adding somatotrophin to explant cultures from somatotrophin cows further increased incorporation into total lipids (4839 vs. 3994 dpm/mg tissue). In contrast, adipose tissue from somatotrophin cows incorporated less [14C]acetate into total lipids than controls (1524 vs. 2581 dpm/mg tissue). Serum IGF-I concentration correlated well (r=0.69) with milk output differences between Days 1 and 5 of treatment. Media IGF-I concentration correlated well (r=0.61) with the difference in total lipid synthesis between the in vitro control and somatotrophin groups. Results support the concept that somatotrophin increases milk production by partitioning nutrients away from adipose toward mammary tissue.  相似文献   

The hemlock looper (Lambdina fiscellaria) is an important pest of eastern Canadian forests. The ongoing climate warming could modify the seasonal ecology of this univoltine species that lays eggs at the end of summer and overwinters at this stage. Indeed, the increase in frequency and intensity of extreme climatic events such as fall heat waves could interfere with the winter metabolism of the hemlock looper. Moreover, the host plant quality, which influences the quantity of insect energetic reserves, the geographic origin of populations and the conditions prevailing during the cold acclimation period, could cause various responses of this pest to climate warming. The main objective of this study is to determine the impact of these factors on hemlock looper winter biology. In October 2010, hemlock looper eggs initially collected from two geographic areas in the province of Québec, and from parents reared on two host plants, were exposed to fall heat waves of different intensities during 5 consecutive days. Supercooling points and cryoprotectant levels were measured on eggs on four different dates in 2010–2011 and survival rate was measured in April 2011. Our results show that hemlock looper eggs have a very low supercooling point and high levels of trehalose, glucose and mannitol in September and November. However, there is no clear relationship between the concentration of these compounds and the decrease in supercooling points. Contents in trehalose, glucose and mannitol were significantly influenced by fall heat waves and by the origin of the population. Winter survival of eggs from the temperate population was negatively affected by strong heat waves while the boreal population was not affected. This study suggests that the metabolism and winter survival of temperate hemlock looper populations in Québec will be more affected by fall heat waves that will increase in frequency due to climate change, than boreal populations.  相似文献   

Licuri (Syagrus coronate) cake is a biodiesel by-product used in ruminant feed as a beneficial energy source for supplementation in managed pastures. The objective was to evaluate the performance, digestibility, nitrogen balance, blood metabolites, ingestive behavior and diet profitability of eight crossbred Holstein (3/4)×Gyr (5/8) multiparous cows (480±25 kg BW and 100 days milking) grazing and supplemented with licuri cake partially replacing ground corn and soybean meal in concentrate (0, 200, 400 and 600 g/kg in dry matter (DM)), distributed in an experimental duplicated 4×4 Latin square design. Licuri cake partially replacing ground corn and soybean meal increased (P<0.01) the intake and digestibility of ether extract and decreased the non-fiber carbohydrates; however, there were no influences on the intakes of DM, CP, NDF and total digestible nutrients (TDN). The digestibilities of DM, CP and NDF were not influenced by licuri cake addition. There was a decrease trend on TDN digestibility (P=0.08). Licuri cake replacing ground corn and soybean meal in concentrate did not affect the intake; fecal, urinary and mammary excretions; N balance; and triglycerides concentrations. However, the blood urea nitrogen (P=0.04) concentration decreased with the licuri cakes inclusion in cow supplementation. There was an increasing trend for serum creatinine (P=0.07). Licuri cake inclusion did not affect body condition score, production, yield, protein, lactose, total solids and solid non-fat contents of milk and Minas frescal cheese. There was a linear decrease in average daily weight gain (g/day). The milk fat concentration and cheese fat production (P<0.1) presented a linear increase with partial replacement of ground corn and soybean meal with licuri cakes. The addition of licuri cake did not alter the time spent feeding, ruminating or idling. There was an increasing trend in NDF feeding efficiency (P=0.09). The replacing of ground corn and soybean meal with licuri cake up to 600 g/kg decreased the concentrate cost by US$0.45/cow per day. Licuri cake replacing corn and soybeans (400 g/kg) in concentrate promoted a profit of US$0.07/animal per day. Licuri cake is indicated to concentrate the supplementation of dairy cows with average productions of 10 kg/day at levels up to 400 g/kg in the concentrate supplement because it provides an additional profit of US$0.07/animal per day and increased milk and Minas frescal cheese fat without negative effects on productive parameters.  相似文献   

The objective of this study is to evaluate the effect of the interval from the day of administration of bovine somatotropin (bST) to the day of initiation of synchronization of ovulation (Day 0 and 7) and timed-insemination (TAI) on conception rate (CR) of dairy cows with and without ovarian cysts, respectively. Lactating dairy cows (n = 359) were divided into two groups. Cows in Group 1 (n = 238, without ovarian cysts) were treated with 100 microg, i.m. GnRH on Day 0; 25 mg, i.m. PGF2a on Day 8. 100 mirog. i.m. GnRH on Day 10; and inseminated 16 h later without detection of estrus. Cows in Group 2 (n = 121, with ovarian cysts) were treated with 100 microg, i.m. GnRH on Day 0; 100 microg, i.m. GnRH on Day 7; 25 mg, i.m. PGF2alpha on Day 14, 100 ug, i.m. GnRH on Day 16; and inseminated 16 h later without detection of estrus. Between 60 and 63 days postpartum, all cows in the herd were given bST every 14 days for the duration of the study. Logistic regression was used to assess the risk of nonpregnancy associated with interval from bST treatment to Day 0 for cows without ovarian cysts. and both Day 0 and 7 for cows with ovarian cysts adjusting for parity and days in milk. The CR for cows in Group 1 was significantly higher when the interval from last treatment with bST to Day 0 was between 1 and 3 days (28%) compared to 4-6 days (14%). In addition, the risk of nonpregnancy was 2.19 times greater in cows 4-6 days after bST treatment compared to 1-3 days after adjusting for parity and days in milk. The CR for cows in Group 2 was not significantly different when the interval from last treatment with bST to both Day 0 and 7 was between 1 and 3, 4 and 6, and 7 and 14 days. In conclusion, the results of this study suggested bST treatment closer to Day 0 had a positive effect on CR of cows without ovarian cysts, but bST treatment closer to both Day 0 and 7 had no effect on CR of cows with ovarian cysts. This was interpreted to mean that bST had a beneficial effect on either, or both, the preovulatory follicle and the oocyte in dairy cows without ovarian cysts, but not in dairy cows with ovarian cysts.  相似文献   

The effect of the rate of increase in concentrate allowance after calving with two concentrate mixes (A and B) differing in composition was evaluated using 64 Finnish Ayrshire cows during the first 100 days of lactation. After calving, the concentrate allowance of multiparous cows was increased stepwise from 4 to 17 kg/day, and of primiparous cows from 3 to 13.5 kg/day over 12 days (F rate of increase; multiparous 1.08 kg/day, primiparous 0.88 kg/day) or 24 days (S rate of increase; mutiparous 0.54 kg/day, primiparous 0.44 kg/day). The concentrates were formulated to have similar crude protein and metabolizable energy concentrations but differing starch and NDF concentrations. For concentrate A the starch and NDF concentrations were 421 and 167 g/kg dry matter (DM) and for concentrate B 258 and 251 g/kg DM. All cows received grass silage ad libitum. The higher concentrate intake during weeks 1 to 4 of lactation with F compared with the S rate of increase caused higher DM, energy and protein intake. The higher concentrate intake for F than for S treatment in early lactation did not cause a large decrease in silage intake (8.8 v. 8.3 kg DM/day). The intake of concentrate A and B after calving did not differ for S treatment. However, for F treatment the intake of fibrous concentrate B increased faster than starch-rich concentrate A during weeks 1 to 4 of lactation. The concentrate composition had no effect on energy-corrected milk (ECM) yield during weeks 1 to 4 of lactation for S treatments, but with F treatments the cows fed B concentrate produced more milk. The F rate of increase in concentrate allowance compared with the S rate increased the calculated energy balance after calving. The rate of increase in concentrate feeding post partum or concentrate composition had no effect on DM, energy or protein intake during the whole 100-day experiment. The average ECM yield over days 1 to 100 of lactation was higher for S than for F treatments and tended to be higher with concentrate B than A. Results of this study showed that by the fast rate of increase in concentrate allowance after calving on a grass silage diet, it was possible to improve the energy status of the cows in early lactation. This had, however, no effect on production later in lactation.  相似文献   

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