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The special cutaneous receptor organs of the fresh water weakly electric fish have previously been proposed to be electroreceptors. In the gymnotid, E. virescens, two types of special cutaneous receptor organs, ampullary and tuberous, are distinguished from each other, as well as from the ordinary lateral line receptor organs, by their characteristic distribution and size. The tuberous organs usually contain 25 to 35 elongate nonciliated receptor cells within a cellular capsule. A single layer of supporting cells is present between the base of the receptor cells and the base of the capsule. A single thin myelinated nerve fiber innervates each group of organs and branches so that the base of each receptor cell is supplied with a single nerve ending. Synaptic contact is made at many points on each nerve ending. The synapses are characterized by fingers of receptor cell cytoplasm which contain dense presynaptic rods. The organ capsule is open toward the surface of the fish. A cellular plug partly obscures the opening, but continuity is maintained between the intracapsular fluid and the external water. Microvilli, projecting from the surfaces of the receptor cells, maintain an open gap between adjacent receptor cells. About 95% of the surface area of these cells is therefore in contact with the fluid. The functional implications of some of the ultrastructural observations are discussed.  相似文献   

Harald Hausen 《Zoomorphology》2007,126(3):185-201
Larvae of Poecilochaetus serpens, Trochochaeta multisetosum and Polydora ciliata possess almost identical unpigmented, ciliary, presumptive light sensitive organs within the prostomium. The data corroborate hypotheses on the close relationship of Poecilochaetidae, Trochochaetidae and Spionidae and are even congruent with inclusion of Poecilochaetidae and Trochochaetidae within Spionidae. The organs in P. serpens, T. multisetosum and P. ciliata are composed of one monociliary receptor cell, one supportive cell and several associated flask shaped bipolar sensory cells. The receptor cell cilium enters the supportive cell cavity through a thin pore, dilates and then branches into a high number of disordered projections. The associated sensory cells bear one or occasionally two cilia, which run horizontally beneath or within the cuticle. The supportive cell cavity is not sealed by any cell contact from the subcuticular extracellular space. The organs in Magelona mirabilis are composed of a single supportive cell, but several receptor cells. No further sensory cells are associated. Each receptor cell sends one cilium into an own invagination of the supportive cell, and the ciliary branches are highly ordered. The examined organs in P. serpens, T. multisetosum and P. ciliata exhibit a unique organization amongst polychaetes. The organs of M. mirabilis are most probably homologous. A homology to ciliary organs of Protodrilida is conceivable. In the lineage leading to Protodrilida, primary larval organs may have been integrated into the adult body organization by heterochrony.  相似文献   

Golgi tendon organs are encapsulated mechanoreceptors present at the myo-tendinous and myo-aponeurotic junctions of mammalian skeletal muscles. Within the tendon organ capsule, the terminal branches of a large diameter afferent fibre, called Ib fibre, are intertwined with collagen bundles in continuity with tendon or aponeurosis at one end. The other end is connected with a fascicle of 5-25 muscle fibres, contributed by several motor units. The contraction of these fibres, exerting strain on the collagenous bundle and causing deformation of sensory terminals, is the adequate stimulus of the tendon organ. For this stimulus, the tendon organ has a very low threshold, so that a single fibre twitch can elicit a discharge from the receptor. A tendon organ can thus signal the contraction of a single one of the 10-15 motor units which contribute fibres to the fascicle connected with the receptor. The number of tendon organs present in a muscle, taken together with the fact that a given motor unit can activate several tendon organs, strongly suggests that the contraction of every motor unit in this muscle is monitored by at least one tendon organ. The exact nature of the information provided by tendon organs to the central nervous system remains an open question because no simple relation could be established between the discharge frequency of a receptor and the contractile forces of its activating motor units. It is known, however, that, due to their dynamic sensitivity, tendon organs are efficient in signaling rapid variations of contractile force. The dynamic parameters of muscle contraction prevail in the information carried by afferent discharges from tendons organs.  相似文献   

The structure and arrangement of sensory organs in the tardigrade Halobiotus stenostomus (Richters 1908) have been studied using transmission and scanning electron microscopy techniques. The sensory organs found on the head of H. stenostomus are as follows: the circumoral sensory field, cephalic papillae, anterolateral and posterolateral sensory fields, and suboral sensory region. Four types of ciliated receptor structures are described in the sensory fields. The lateral sensory fields contain two types of receptor endings, dense and lucent, which differ in the presence or absence of a collar and in the structure of the outer dendrite segment. Two more types of receptor endings, ultrastructurally differing from the lateral sensory field receptors, are located in the suboral sensory region. Receptors with an asymmetric collar have been found, and a receptor ending without a collar is described for the first time in tardigrades. Unlike in other species studied, the sensory organs of H. stenostomus lack the lymph cavity surrounding the outer receptor segment. Similarity and differences in the ultrastructure of receptors between H. stenostomus and other species of Eutardigrada and Heterotardigrada are discussed.  相似文献   

The ascidian tadpole larva has two brain sensory organs containing melanocytes: the otolith, a gravity receptor, and the ocellus, part of a photoreceptor. One or both of these sensory organs are absent in molgulid ascidians. We show here that developmental changes leading to the loss of sensory pigment cells occur by different mechanisms in closely related molgulid species. Sensory pigment cells are formed through a bilateral determination pathway in which two or more precursor cells are specified as an equivalence group on each side of the embryo. The precursor cells subsequently converge at the midline after neurulation and undergo cell interactions that decide the fates of the otolith and ocellus. Molgula occidentalis and M. oculata, which exhibit a tadpole larva with an otolith but lacking an ocellus, have conserved the bilateral pigment cell determination pathway. Programmed cell death (PCD) is superimposed on this pathway late in development to eliminate the ocellus precursor and supernumerary pigment cells, which do not differentiate into either an otolith or ocellus. In contrast to molgulids with tadpole larvae, no pigment cell precursors are specified on either side of the M. occulta embryo, which forms a tailless (anural) larva lacking both sensory organs, suggesting that the bilateral pigment cell determination pathway has been lost. The bilateral pigment cell determination pathway and superimposed PCD can be restored in hybrids obtained by fertilizing M. occulta eggs with M. oculata sperm, indicating control by a zygotic process. We conclude that PCD plays an important role in the evolution and development of brain sensory organs in molgulid ascidians.  相似文献   

Since glucocorticoids have a role in maintaining the homeostatic status in fish, in the present paper mRNA expression (in situ hybridization) and tissue immunohistochemical localization of a glucocorticoid receptor (DlGR1) in several Dicentrarchus labrax organs are reported. Riboprobe and specific antibodies were prepared by using the DlGR1 that has been previously cloned and sequenced from peritoneal cavity leukocytes. Both mRNA and receptor were identified in head kidney, spleen, gills, intestine, heart and liver tissues. The functional roles of DlGR1 localization are discussed.  相似文献   

Bone tissue is remodeled through the catabolic function of the osteoclasts and the anabolic function of the osteoblasts. The process of bone homeostasis and metabolism has been identified to be co-ordinated with several local and systemic factors, of which mechanical stimulation acts as an important regulator. Very recent studies have shown a mutual effect between bone and other organs, which means bone influences the activity of other organs and is also influenced by other organs and systems of the body, especially the nervous system. With the discovery of neuropeptide (calcitonin gene-related peptide, vasoactive intestinal peptide, substance P, and neuropeptide Y) and neurotransmitter in bone and the adrenergic receptor observed in osteoclasts and osteoblasts, the function of peripheral nervous system including sympathetic and sensor nerves in bone resorption and its reaction to on osteoclasts and osteoblasts under mechanical stimulus cannot be ignored. Taken together, bone tissue is not only the mechanical transmitter, but as well the receptor of neural system under mechanical loading. This review aims to summarize the relationship among bone, nervous system, and mechanotransduction.  相似文献   

Protein phosphorylation of nicotinic acetylcholine receptors   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
The nicotinic acetylcholine receptor (nAcChR) is a ligand-gated ion channel found in the postsynaptic membranes of electric organs, at the neuromuscular junction, and at nicotinic cholinergic synapses of the mammalian central and peripheral nervous system. The nAcChR from Torpedo electric organ and mammalian muscle is the most well-characterized neurotransmitter receptor in biology. It has been shown to be comprised of five homologous (two identicle) protein subunits (alpha 2 beta gamma delta) that form both the ion channel and the neurotransmitter receptor. The nAcChR has been purified and reconstituted into lipid vesicles with retention of ion channel function and the primary structure of all four protein subunits has been determined. Protein phosphorylation is a major posttranslational modification known to regulate protein function. The Torpedo nAcChR was first shown to be regulated by phosphorylation by the discovery that postsynaptic membranes contain protein kinases that phosphorylate the nAcChR. Phosphorylation of the nAcChR has since been shown to be regulated by the cAMP-dependent protein kinase, protein kinase C, and a tyrosine-specific protein kinase. Phosphorylation of the nAcChR by cAMP-dependent protein kinase has been shown to increase the rate of nAcChR desensitization, the process by which the nAcChR becomes inactivated in the continued presence of agonist. In cultured muscle cells, phosphorylation of the nAcChR has been shown to be regulated by cAMP-dependent protein kinase, a Ca2+-sensitive protein kinase, and a tyrosine-specific protein kinase. Stimulation of the cAMP-dependent protein kinase in muscle also increases the rate of nAcChR desensitization and correlates well with the increase in nAcChR phosphorylation. The AcChR represents a model system for how receptors and ion channels are regulated by second messengers and protein phosphorylation.  相似文献   

The importance of prolactin receptor as an index of prolactin responsiveness of target organs has been of much interest in recent years. In this review, the literature on prolactin receptor studies is surveyed from the view point of the existence, properties and regulation of the receptor. Some special attention has been attached to the studies dealing with the significance of prolactin receptor as a monitoring model in predicting mammary tumor responsiveness to prolactin.  相似文献   

The mechanism and regulation of the degradation of cholesterol into bile acids has attracted increased interest, in particular after the recent discovery that nuclear receptors (farnesoid X receptor and liver X receptor) are involved in the regulation of bile acid synthesis. Recently, it has also been shown that the biosynthesis of bile acids is not exclusively restricted to the liver, and that degradation may start by a hydroxylation of cholesterol in the brain or in other extrahepatic organs. During the past 2 years the genes coding for three of the six enzymes catalysing the first steps in bile acid biosynthesis have been cloned and characterized. These genes and their gene products will be described here.  相似文献   

Forty monoclonal antibodies to acetylcholine receptor from the electric organs of Electrophorus electricus have been characterized by immunoglobulin isotype, affinity for receptor, and specificity for species, subunit, and determinants within subunits. Using these antibodies, nine immunogenic regions on the receptor molecule were distinguished. Most of these are species specific, and are located on various subunits of the acetylcholine receptor. The least species-specific region forms the "main immunogenic region" (MIR). Most monoclonal antibodies and most antibodies in conventional antisera are directed at this region. The MIR is located on the extracellular surface of the alpha subunits and is homologous to the MIR which we previously described on Torpedo californica receptor. An homologous MIR is also a characteristic feature of receptor from mammalian muscle. The possible immunological and structural significance of the MIR is discussed.  相似文献   

Microanatomical studies on the abdominal stretch receptor organs of the crayfish Astacus fluviatilis L. have been carried out in order to establish a basis for the physiological work that has been, and is being carried out on stretch receptors of various species of crayfish. Important differences have been found between these organs and those previously described by Alexandrowicz for the lobsters Homarus vulgaris and Palinurus vulgaris. With the aid of silver-impregnated preparations the relationship of sensory endings and muscle fibers has been shown as well as the pattern of the efferent innervation. The physiological significance of the histological findings has been discussed.  相似文献   

The prolactin receptor localized in rabbit mammary gland membranes has been identified by affinity labelling using covalent cross-linking agents such as a unique protein chain of approximately 32,000 daltons. After partial purification (5,000-fold) of these receptors from mammary gland homogenate, polyclonal antibodies, which specifically and completely inhibit prolactin binding in all organs and in all species studied, were raised. These antibodies possessed prolactin-like biological activity (casein synthesis) on rabbit mammary gland explants. Monoclonal antibodies specifically directed against the binding domain of the receptor were also obtained. These antibodies were more species-specific than the polyclonal antibodies. The most potent (M110) possessed higher affinity than prolactin for the receptor and could be a very effective tool to elucidate the structure of the receptor and its immunological detection.  相似文献   

Krause W 《Social biology》2006,53(1-2):4-12
While the basics of testosterone production, effects and metabolism have been known for decades, there has been a flow of novel insights in the genomics of testosterone action on a molecular and cellular level, as well as in the clinical effects from modern clinical trials, improving the understanding of the role of testosterone in male life course. Androgens are produced under the control of an endocrine cascade from GnRH via gonadotropins to the testicular Leydig cells. In some organs, testosterone is reduced to 5alpha-dihydrotestosterone prior to the receptor binding by the 5alpha reductase. The androgen receptor gene is located on the X chromosome in the q11-12 region, each mutation in the gene will induce phenotypic manisfestations. In the first stage of the male life course, testosterone moderates the male embryonic development under the control of a complex molecular genetic network. The next important phase of male maturation is the puberty, in which testosterone levels increase and induce the development of somatic and psychological characteristics of male sexuality. In the adult male, testosterone maintains sexual functions and fertility. In aging men, testosterone levels decrease slowly. Testosterone supplementation in the aging male is able to restore the function of androgen target organs only in part.  相似文献   

Recent developments in the understanding of bradykinin receptors.   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
R M Burch  D J Kyle 《Life sciences》1992,50(12):829-838
The dramatic activities of bradykinin and related peptides as mediators of pain, inflammation and hypotension have been intensely studied for several decades. More recently, the involvement of bradykinin in regulation of ion transport by epithelia, hormone release from endocrine organs, energy metabolism, tissue growth, and leukocyte activation have become topics of study. Kininogen precursors, synthetic kallikreins, and degradative kininases have been characterized in detail with regard to catalytic mechanisms, physical structure and gene regulation; however, the actual receptors for bradykinin are still only poorly understood. This situation is caused by the lack of availability of potent, specific receptor antagonists. However, specific bradykinin receptor antagonists became available in 1985, and several very potent classes of agents are now available; also, the first bradykinin receptor has been cloned.  相似文献   

垂体腺苷酸环化酶激活肽的研究概况   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
垂体腺苷酸环化酶激活肽(PACAP)及其受体存在于许多动物的下丘脑和垂体中,而且在肾上腺、睾丸、卵巢、肝脏、肾脏、胰腺、松果腺、心脏、脊椎、神经节、呼吸系统和消化系统等组织或系统中也存在,其中肾上腺含量最高.在这些组织或系统中,通过Ca2+、Na+、腺苷酸环化酶或磷酸肌醇等作用通路,PACAP发挥神经递质/调质、或神经营养因子等生物学功能.  相似文献   

Kisspeptins (KPs) and their receptor (KISS1R) play an important role in many physiological processes in the body, such as sexual maturation, reproductive system functioning, placentation, insulin secretion, and vasoconstriction. The highest level of kisspeptins and their receptor is observed in the organs of hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal and hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axes, both in the form of mRNA and peptide. Kisspeptins are found in various body tissues: spinal cord (Dun et al., 2003), pancreas (Song et al., 2014), esophagus (Kostakis et al., 2013), adrenal glands and secretory system organs (Wahab et al., 2015), and in malignancies (Lee and Welch, 1997). However, the localization and the role of kisspeptins and their receptor in organs during fetal development have not yet been studied. At the same time, ample published data regarding the localization of kisspeptins and their receptors in human organs and tissues are discrepant, which requires the development of a standard staining technique. The modified technique presented in this paper made it possible to identify and evaluate the expression of kisspeptins and their receptor in human fetal organs at different stages of development. Kisspeptins and their receptors were found in all organs and tissues examined by us, but the degree of reaction was different. The highest level was observed in the hypothalamus material in the 28–32-week period, and the lowest amount of the protein was detected in the uterine material at all stages. Maximum level of KISS1R was detected in the pituitary material in the 36–40-week period. A correlation between gestational age and the level of kisspeptins in the ovaries, uterus, and adrenal glands was found: a significant increase in the amount of protein was detected. A significant increase in the amount of the kisspeptin receptor in pituitary, ovary, and uterus material was shown.  相似文献   

Summary The coxo-trochanteral muscle receptor organ of the hind leg of the locust Locusta migratoria migratorioides (R.&F.) has been investigated by use of scanning and transmission electron microscopy with special emphasis on its distal attachment site. The overall morphology of the receptor muscle, the sensory neuron and its dendrites was found to share many common features with other arthropod sense organs of that type with two important differences: (1) the connective tissue segment (= intercalated tendon) is extremely short compared to that of other muscle receptor organs; (2) the naked dendritic terminals of the non-ciliated, multipolar sensory neuron of the organ contain clusters of microtubules, interconnected by an amorphous matrix, that resemble the tubular bodies of ciliated, epithelial receptor cells.Abbreviation MRO muscle receptor organ Supported by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (Br 882 and Hu 223)  相似文献   

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