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Post-embryonic development in the ventral cord of Caenorhabditis elegans.   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
56 nerve cells are added to the ventral cord and associated ganglia of Caenorhabditis elegans at about the time of the first larval moult. These cells are produced by the uniform division of 13 neuroblasts followed by a defined pattern of cell deaths. Comparison with the data in the previous paper suggests that there is a relationship between the ancestry of a cell and its function. The significance of programmed cell death is discussed.  相似文献   

The ultrastructure of Rhodomonas lacustris was examined using scanning and transmission electron microscopy, and the pigments were scanned in vivo by the opal plate technique. The periplast is composed of hexagonal plates, with trichocysts at the corners. This cryptomonad lacks a gullet but has a deep ventral furrow, in which more than 20 large ejectosomes are located. The chloroplast has mainly three thylakoids per lamella, and it is structurally reminiscent of that of certain haptophycean flagellates. The pigments appear to be as usual within the photosynthetic cryptomonads, with phycoerythrin type PE I (phycocyanin was not detected). Other cellular inclusions (e.g., lysosome-like vesicles and the contractile vacuolar complex) are also discussed.  相似文献   

Choristomas are lesions composed of normal cells or tissues occurring in an abnormal location. Cartilaginous choristomas of the oral mucosa are rare and occur preferentially on the tongue and less often in sites such as the soft palate and gingiva. Oral lesions are generally covered by integral mucosa and can occur at any age. The present study describes a case of a 73-year-old female presenting with an asymptomatic cartilaginous choristoma on the ventral surface of the tongue which had developed over a period of 3 years. The clinical presentation and management of the case are discussed and the literature is reviewed. This is the 28th reported case of a cartilaginous choristoma of the tongue and the third with a ventral localisation.  相似文献   

We identified a site suitable for venipuncture on the tail of the Virginia opossum (Didelphis virginiana) that is reliably and easily located. The prominent hemal arch associated with the ventral surface of caudal vertebra 5 serves as an easily palpated anatomical landmark for locating the ventral caudal vein for blood collection. Because this venipuncture site is only thinly covered by fur and visualization of the vein is not necessary for its location, site preparation and total animal handling time for routine venipuncture are minimal. Blood may be collected from immature and adult male and female animals, and the technique is easily taught to new technicians with minimal danger of injury to the animal.  相似文献   

Patterning of the ventral head has been attributed to various cell populations, including endoderm, mesoderm, and neural crest. Here, we provide evidence that head and heart development may be influenced by a ventral midline endodermal cell population. We show that the ventral midline endoderm of the foregut is generated directly from the extreme rostral portion of Hensen's node, the avian equivalent of the Spemann organizer. The endodermal cells extend caudally in the ventral midline from the prechordal plate during development of the foregut pocket. Thus, the prechordal plate appears as a mesendodermal pivot between the notochord and the ventral foregut midline. The elongating ventral midline endoderm delimits the right and left sides of the ventral foregut endoderm. Cells derived from the midline endoderm are incorporated into the endocardium and myocardium during closure of the foregut pocket and fusion of the bilateral heart primordia. Bilateral ablation of the endoderm flanking the midline at the level of the anterior intestinal portal leads to randomization of heart looping, suggesting that this endoderm is partitioned into right and left domains by the midline endoderm, thus performing a function similar to that of the notochord in maintaining left-right asymmetry. Because of its derivation from the dorsal organizer, its extent from the forebrain through the midline of the developing face and pharynx, and its participation in formation of a single midline heart tube, we propose that the ventral midline endoderm is ideally situated to function as a ventral organizer of the head and heart.  相似文献   

Hiran M. Dutta 《Zoomorphology》1987,106(6):369-381
Summary Astronotus ocellatus captures its prey by creating a negative pressure in the buccal cavity which is caused by its quick expansion. Once the prey has been accommodated, the buccal cavity undergoes a compression which may propel the prey towards the pharyngeal jaws for mastication. The motion picture recordings indicate retracted premaxillae at the beginning of food intake followed by a maximum attainment of mouth gape and then mastication. During the maximum opening of the mouth the premaxillae are protruded and dentaries are at maximum depression. These events are followed by activities such as buccopharyngeal cavity expansion, bulging on the ventral surface of the head, and prominent curvature on the ventral surface anterior to the urohyal, caused by the upward movement of the glossohyal. Based on the cinematographic results, it may be inferred that the maximum mouth gape is caused by the sternohyoid-hyoid-interopercular-mandible coupling, and not by the opercular apparatus-mandible coupling, as the latter acts after the full descent of the lower jaw. Impression of the expanded buccopharyngeal cavity has been made by a paraffin mold technique, which confirms the displacement of the buccopharyngeal elements during expansion of the cavity.  相似文献   

Phalloidin fluorescence technique, enzyme cytochemistry and immunocytochemistry in conjunction with confocal scanning laser microscopy were used for the first time to describe the nervous and muscle systems of the viviparous monogenean parasite, Gyrodactylus rysavyi inhabiting the gills and skin of the Nile catfish Clarias gariepinus. The body wall muscles are composed of an outer layer of circular fibres, an intermediate layer of paired longitudinal fibres and an inner layer of well-spaced bands of diagonal fibres arranged in two crossed directions. The musculature of the pharynx, intestine, reproductive tract and the most prominent muscles of the haptor were also described. Two characteristic muscular pads were found lying in the anterior region of the haptor in close contact with the hamuli. To each one of these pads, a group of ventral extrinsic muscles was connected. The role of this ventral extrinsic muscle in the body movement was discussed. The mechanism operating the marginal hooklets was also discussed. The central nervous system (CNS) consists of paired cerebral ganglia from which three pairs of longitudinal ventral, lateral and dorsal nerve cords arise. The nerve cords are connected at intervals by many transverse connectives. The CNS is better developed ventrally than dorsally or laterally and it has the highest reactivity for all neuroactive substances examined. Both the central and the peripheral nervous system (PNS) are bilaterally symmetrical. Structural and functional correlates of the neuromusculature of the pharynx, haptor and reproductive tracts were explained. The results implicated acetylcholine, FMRFamide-related peptides (FaRPs) and serotonin in sensory and motor function. The results were compared with those of the monogeneans Macrogyrodactylus clarii and M. congolensis inhabiting the gills and skin respectively of the same host fish C. gariepinus.  相似文献   

The unique anatomy of the double ventral aorta outflow system in the air breathing teleost Channa argus (Ophiocephalus) showing an anterior and posterior ventral aorta is described. The marked trabeculation of the ventricle and bulbus arteriosus and the arrangement of central veins are used as a basis for the hypothesis that Channa may selectively channel the well oxygenated blood draining the air breathing organs via the anterior cardinal vein to the posterior ventral aorta, which forms the systemic arterial circulation. An angiocardiographic technique was used to test this hypothesis, as well as to delineate the functional role of the heart chambers in the cardiac cycle. No reflux of contrast to the sinus venosus during atrial filling and no ventricular filling before atrial contraction were apparent, which makes the atrium the main determinant of the ventricular end-diastolic volume. Ventricular contraction left a small or no residual volume. The ventricular ejectate was initially nearly completely absorbed by the very elastic bulbus arteriosus, acting as a pressure chamber (Windkessel) stabilizing and prolonging ventral aortic blood flow. Contrast medium was not selectively passed from the anterior cardinal vein to the posterior ventral aorta. However, the diameter of this vessel and its density of contrast were greater than in the anterior aorta, suggesting a preference for a greater blood flow from the air breathing organ through the heart to the posterior aorta.  相似文献   

In the compound eye of Notonecta glauca, the backswimmer, there is a small ventral region in which the rhabdoms differ in structure from those in the other parts of the eye. Here, among other unusual features, there is a special orientation of the microvilli of the central rhabdomeres, i.e., in most of the median eye region that has been examined, the microvilli of the two central rhabdomeres are aligned with one another, at an acute angle to the transverse axis of the body. In the small ventral region, the microvilli of these rhabdomeres are perpendicular to one another, those of one rhabdomere being almost exactly in parallel with the median plane of the animal, and those of the other, almost exactly at right angles to the median plane. When Notonecta is hanging under the water surface, the field of vision of the ventral part of the eye coincides with the transparent part of the water surface. Within the ventral eye region there is a bandlike zone only four ommatidia wide; the ommatidia here differ from the others in the ventral eye region by the unique orientation of their central rhabdomeres. With this zone the animal views the area ahead of it just above the water surface. When the backswimmer is flying, the ventral part of the eye views a region that begins under the animal and extends forward from the vertical over ca. 35 degrees. Possible relationships between the special orientation of the microvilli in the ventral eye region and the polarization of the light by the water surface are discussed.  相似文献   

Intracellular recording and subsequent staining of spinal motoneurones in the frog was made by procion-filled micropipettes. Spike discharges in response to dorsal root (DR) and ventral root (VR) volleys as well as to direct current injections were studied. Reconstruction of the dendritic tree of the cell stained after recording was made from photomicrographs taken from frozen serial sections of the spinal cord. Migration of the dye into a neighbouring unimpaled cell was observed. The advantages of the procion injection technique in studying the frog's spinal cord physiology are discussed.  相似文献   

A method is reported for the quantitative analysis of free amino acids and related substances by the dansyl reaction, and the technique has been used for the analysis of tissues of the dorsal sensory neuron of the rat. A comparison of dorsal and ventral roots revealed no major qualitative differences, but glutamate and the very much less abundant amino acids, threonine and arginine occurred in significantly higher concentrations in dorsal roots as compared with ventral roots. After an 8 h period of dorsal root ligation in vivo, an apparently selective accumulation of alanine, glutamate, glycine and tyrosine occurred. These findings are compatible with the postulated transmitter role of glutamate at the terminals of primary afferent fibres and may indicate its subsequent transport towards the cord after synthesis in the ganglion. After the injection of [14C]glucose into the dorsal root ganglion, no rapid transport of any radiolabelled material along the axon could be detected. This finding is discussed in relation to current knowledge of the metabolic pathways involved in the synthesis of glutamate and related amino acids.  相似文献   

The gynoecium is syncarpous in all Ochnaceae. In the Ochnoideae carpels are peltate with a conventional cross-zone bearing one ovule, or, in Lophira , a very broad cross-zone with an horizontal ovular row. In Ochna and Brackenridgea , the style is gynobasic, each carpel develops transmitting tissue on its morphologically dorsal surface, and this tissue lines a canal or originates a solid inner strand in each carpel at style level. The style is tubular, with an inner cuticle, and compound, each component with its own transmitting tissue. In Ouratea the style is solid with a single compound transmitting strand. In Lophira and Elvasia the transmitting tissue seems to be developed by the morphologically ventral carpellary surfaces. Ovules are unitegmic with a bivalent integument.
In the Sauvagesioideae carpels are peltate, but with ovules above the cross-zones, on margins of the symplicate zone. In Euthemis , there is one ovule on each side of, and close to, each cross-zone. The single stylar canal is bounded by the morphologically dorsal carpellary surfaces. In Sauvagesia ovules occur on both sides of the cross-zones but most of them are above on carpel margins, as are all ovules of Cespedesia. The stylar canal of Sauvagesia is bounded by the ventral carpel surfaces, three strips of the outer surface passing inside at the sutures and developing into transmitting tissue. The stylar canal of Cespedesia is bounded by the dorsal carpel surfaces. The gynoecium of Wallacea has two epeltate carpels with a laminar placentation, the carpel margins being displaced on to the topographically ventral carpel surfaces with a row of ovules along each margin. Ovules are bitegmic.
The Ochnoideae, which shows relationships with the Rutaceae, Meliaceae, Simaroubaceae and Hippocastanaceae, is more advanced than the Sauvagesioideae, which clearly belongs in the Violales. The Ochnaceae is to be placed in the Violales.  相似文献   

Summary We have visualized segmentation in theDrosophila embryoniccentral nervous system (CNS) by staining for acetylcholinesterase activity. This technique was used to evaluate the effect of ligation on segments in the ventral CNS. When embryos were ligated prior to cellularization (60 min) fewer segmental ganglia developed in posterior fragments than when embryos were ligated at the blatoderm stage (3 h). This result is consistent with previous ligation experiments in which hypodermal segments were counted (Schubiger and Wood 1977). The number of ganglia scored exceeded the number of hypodermal segments scored especially after ligations at 60 min. Possible explanations for this difference are discussed.  相似文献   

The apical ectodermal ridge (AER) is a critical signaling center at the tip of the limb that promotes outgrowth. In mouse, formation of the AER involves a gradual restriction of AER gene expression from a broad ventral preAER domain to the tip of the limb, as well as progressive thickening of cells to form a multilayered epithelium. The AER is visible from embryonic day 10.5 to 13.5 (E10.5-E13.5) in the mouse forelimb. Previous short-term fate mapping studies indicated that, once a cell is incorporated into the AER, its descendents remain within the AER. In addition, some preAER cells appear to become incorporated into the ventral ectoderm. In the present study, we used an inducible CreER/loxP fate mapping approach in mouse to examine the long-term contribution of preAER cells to limb ventral ectoderm, as well as the ultimate fate of the mature AER cells. We used a CreER transgene that contains Msx2 regulatory sequences specific to the developing AER, and demonstrate by marking preAER cells that, at stage 2 of mouse limb bud development, the majority of the ventral ectoderm that protrudes from the body wall later covers only the paw. Furthermore, when Msx2-CreER-expressing preAER cells are marked after the onset of preAER gene expression, a similar domain of paw ventral ectoderm is marked at E16.5, in addition to the AER. Strikingly, mapping the long-term fate of cells that form the mature AER showed that, although this structure is indeed a distinct compartment, AER-derived cells are gradually lost after E12.5 and no cells remain by birth. A distinct dorsal/ventral border nevertheless is maintained in the ectoderm of the paw, with the distal-most border being located at the edge of the nail bed. These studies have uncovered new aspects of the cellular mechanisms involved in AER formation and in partitioning the ventral ectoderm in mouse limb.  相似文献   

Using a histochemical technique, we examined distribution of the neurons containing a marker of nitric oxide synthase (NOS), NADPH-diaphorase (NADPH-d), on frontal slices of the medulla and upper cervical spinal segments of 4-day-old rats. It was demonstrated that NADPH-d-positive cells are present within the dorsal and ventral medullary respiratory groups. The highest density of the labeled middle-size multipolar neurons (27.9±2.6 cells per 0.1 mm2 of the slice) was observed in the rostral part of the ventral respiratory group, within the reticular lateral paragigantocellular nucleus. Similar NADPH-d-positive neurons were also observed in other reticular formation structures: rostroventrolateral reticular, gigantocellular, and ventral medullary nuclei, and in the ventral part of the paramedial nucleus. There were no labeled neurons in the lateral reticular nucleus. Single small and medium-size labeled neurons were found at all rostro-caudal levels of thenucl. ambiguous (nuclei retrofacialis, ambiguous, andretroam-biguous). Groups of NADPH-d-positive neurons were also revealed within the dorsal respiratory group, along the whole length of thenucl. tractus solitarii (mostly in its ventrolateral parts). Single labeled neurons were also observed in thenucl. n. hypoglossi, and their groups were observed in the dorsal motor part of thenucl. n. vagus. Involvement of the structures containing NADPH-d-positive neurons in the processes related to generation of the respiratory activity is discussed. Our neuroanatomical experiments prove that in early postnatal mammals NO is actively involved in generation and regulation of the medullary respiratory rhythm. Neirofiziologiya/Neurophysiology, Vol. 32, No. 2, pp. 128–136, March–April, 2000.  相似文献   

Freshly extruded spermatophores from the lobster, Homarus americanus, were examined using light microscopy and scanning and transmission electron microscopy. The tubular spermatophore is trifoil in shape with two lobes tapered laterally from a third lobe situated ventrally. It is comprised of sperm surrounded by three acellular investments: (1) a primary spermatophore layer, (2) an intermediate layer, and (3) an outer bounding layer. The sperm are packed into a continuous tube contained largely within the ventral lobe and are embedded in a matrix of moderate electron density. The primary spermatophore layer is uniformly thick around the sperm mass and contains at its peripheral margins both ring structures and crystals in an amorphous matrix. The intermediate layer is thicker dorsally than ventrally. Dense granules dominate the ventral half of the intermediate layer while inclusions populate the dorsal half; both react positively to the periodic acid-Schiff (PAS) technique. The innermost portion of the outer bounding layer is composed of parallel fibrils; a flocculent material is present peripherally. This flocculent substance is presumed to impart stickiness to freshly extruded spermatophores. These observations provide a basis for the future understanding of the mechanisms involved in long-term storage of sperm in spermatophores.  相似文献   

The septum primum in the mouse originates as a thickened primordium with a straight rather than a sickle-shaped ventral border. It is covered on its ventral border by anterior cushion material which is continuous over the roof of the atrium with the principal anterior cushion mass. A process of cavitation thins the septum primum and precedes actual fenestration. This process shifts the membranous septum to the left thereby providing room for the septum secundum to overlap on the right side. The septum primum cannot contact the posterior cushion until closure of the sinus venosus gutter which is described. The closure of the interatrial foramen, later the foramen primum, is accomplished by cell growth of the anterior cushion material. The ventral thick border of the septum primum contributes to the ventral limbus and the caudal thickened boundary of the fossa ovalis with some contribution from the left venous valve. These boundaries as well as the membranous portion of the interatrial septum are derived from the same primordium, namely the septum primum.  相似文献   

We study the extent to which the lateral ocelli of dragonflies are able to resolve and map spatial information, following the recent finding that the median ocellus is adapted for spatial resolution around the horizon. Physiological optics are investigated by the hanging-drop technique and related to morphology as determined by sectioning and three-dimensional reconstruction. L-neuron morphology and physiology are investigated by intracellular electrophysiology, white noise analysis and iontophoretic dye injection. The lateral ocellar lens consists of a strongly curved outer surface, and two distinct inner surfaces that separate the retina into dorsal and ventral components. The focal plane lies within the dorsal retina but proximal to the ventral retina. Three identified L-neurons innervate the dorsal retina and extend the one-dimensional mapping arrangement of median ocellar L-neurons, with fields of view that are directed at the horizon. One further L-neuron innervates the ventral retina and is adapted for wide-field intensity summation. In both median and lateral ocelli, a distinct subclass of descending L-neuron carries multi-sensory information via graded and regenerative potentials. Dragonfly ocelli are adapted for high sensitivity as well as a modicum of resolution, especially in elevation, suggesting a role for attitude stabilisation by localization of the horizon.  相似文献   

Summary The crustaceanDaphnia magna responds to a flash of light with a ventral rotation of its compound eye; this behavior is termed eye flick. We determined the spectral sensitivity for the threshold of eye flick in response to light flashes having three different spatial characteristics: (1) full-field, extending 180° from dorsal to ventral in the animal's field of view; (2) dorsal, 30° wide and located in the dorsal region of the visual field; (3) ventral, same as dorsal but located ventrally. All three stimuli extended 30° to the right and to the left of the animal's midplane. We found that spectral sensitivity varies with the spatial characteristics of the stimulus. For full-field illumination, the relative sensitivity was maximal at 527 nm and between 365 nm and 400 nm, with a significant local minimum at 420 nm. For the dorsal stimulus, the relative sensitivity was greatest at 400 nm, but also showed local maxima at 440 nm and 517 nm. For the ventral stimulus, the relative sensitivity maxima occurred at the same wavelengths as those for the full-field stimulus. At wavelengths of 570 nm and longer, the responses to both dorsal and ventral stimuli showed lower relative sensitivity than the full-field stimulus. No circadian or other periodic changes in threshold spectral sensitivity were observed under our experimental conditions. Animals which had their nauplius eyes removed by means of laser microsurgery had the same spectral sensitivity to full-field illumination as normal animals. Our results are discussed in terms of our current knowledge of the spectral classes of photoreceptors found in theDaphnia compound eye.  相似文献   

Parasympathetic motoneurones in the oculomotor complex which innervate the ciliary ganglion were identified using the horseradish peroxidase (HRP) retrograde axonal tracer technique. The ciliary ganglion was located behind the eye by a lateral orbital approach and injected with HRP pellets mounted on the tips of microelectrodes. Most of the labelled cells were distributed throughout the whole Edinger-Westphal nucleus (EW). Outside the EW, only a small number of labelled cells were found, and most of these were located in the median zone ventral to the EW. There was no evidence of a division of the EW into rostral and posterior subnuclei, nor for separate cell populations in the EW and the anterior median nucleus (AM), respectively. At rostral levels labelled cells were confined to the EW with no overlap into the AM. In contrast to most previous studies no labelled cells were found in the AM. The possible physiological functions of the EW and the ventral components of the EW are discussed.  相似文献   

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