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Summary In order to determine the metabolic role of RNase D in Escherichia coli, we have attempted to isolate strains deficient in this enzyme. One strain containing a temperature-sensitive RNase D was found among a heavily mutagenized stock of strains temperature-sensitive for growth. Genetic mapping of the mutation responsible for the altered RNase D enabled us to define the rnd locus, at 39.5–40.0 min on the E. coli map, which apparently specifies the RNase D structural gene. Using a Tn10 insertion near the rnd locus, we constructed isogenic strains containing RNase D and RNase II mutations, alone or in combination. Although the original mutant isolate displayed temperature-sensitive growth, no growth phenotype was associated with the rnd mutation in wild type background, possibly because a substantial amount of RNase D remained in cells grown at 45° C. However, elucidation of the map position of the rnd locus should prove useful for the isolation of other mutant strains with lower levels of RNase D.This is paper 34 in the series Reactions at the 3 Terminus of tRNA. The previous paper in this series is Cudny et al. (1981 c)  相似文献   

A mutation, pnt-1, causing loss of pyridine nucleotide transhydrogenase activity in Escherichia coli, was mapped by assaying for the enzyme in extracts of recombinant strains produced by conjugation, F-duction, and P1 transduction. The site of this mutation was near min 35, counterclockwise from man, and it co-transduced 59% with man. The mutation was associated with loss from the cell membrane fraction of energy-independent and adenosine 5'-triphosphate-dependent transhydrogenase activities, but reduced nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide dehydrogenase activity was not affected. Strains were constructed which lack phosphoglucoisomerase (pgi-2) and which carry either pnt+ or pnt-1. Although such strains, when grown on glucose, are expected to produce a large excess of reduced nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate, the growth rate was not affected by the pnt-1 allele.  相似文献   

Clarke and Carbon have prepared a colony bank of 2000 Escherichia coli strains each containing a random segment of the Escherichia coli chromosome inserted into the EcoR1 restriction site of the plasmid ColE1. We have screened the colony bank by conjugation and have identified three strains bearing hybrid plasmids that complement a defective putP gene. Each of these strains shows increased L-proline uptake activity in comparison with the unmodified host or with the host bearing noncomplementing hybrid plasmids. However, CS520, the DNA source strain employed in constructing the hybrid plasmids, is a putP mutant. Since Escherichia coli possesses two L-proline porters, a variety of possible complementation mechanisms are discussed.  相似文献   

M Wada  H Fujita    H Itikawa 《Journal of bacteriology》1987,169(3):1102-1106
Temperature-resistant suppressor mutants were isolated from Escherichia coli mutant strain groES131(Ts). Phage P1-mediated transduction and a two-dimensional gel electrophoretic analysis of cellular proteins indicated that these suppressor mutants carry an additional mutation in either the groEL gene or the rpoA gene.  相似文献   

An Escherichia coli K12 chromosomal EcoRI-BamHI fragment containing a mutant hsdS locus was cloned into plasmid pBR322. The mcrB gene, closely linked to hsdS, was used for selection of clones with the inserted fragment using T4 alpha gt57 beta gt14 and lambda vir. PvuII phages; the phage DNAs contain methylated cytosines and hence can be used to demonstrate McrB restriction. For the efficient expression of the hsdS gene, a BglII fragment of phage lambda carrying the pR promoter was inserted into the BamHI site of the hybrid plasmid. Under these conditions a trans-dominant effect of the hsdXts+d mutation on restriction and modification was detected. Inactivation of the hsdS gene by the insertion of the lambda phage BglII fragment into the BglII site within this gene resulted in the disappearance of the trans-dominant effect. When the cloned BamHI-EcoRI fragment was shortened by HpaI and EcoRI restriction enzymes, the trans-dominant effect was fully expressed. The results indicate that the Xts+d mutation is located in the hsdS gene. The effect of gene dosage of the HsdS subunit on the expression of Xts+d mutation was studied. The results of complementation experiments, using F'-merodiploids or plasmid pBR322 with an inserted Xts+d mutation, support the idea that the HsdSts+d product competes with the wild-type HsdS product, and has a quantitatively different effect on restriction and modification.  相似文献   

the mutation that causes ribonuclease III (RNase III) deficiency in strain AB301-105 of Kindler et al. (1973) has been mapped by use of F' merodiploids, Hfr matings, and P1 transduction. This mutation, rnc-105, lies close to nadB, near 49 min on the genetic map of Escherichia coli. The rnc-105 mutation has been transferred from its original genetic background by transduction and conjugation, and these new strains have the same defects in ribonucleic acid processing reported previously for AB301-105. Strains that carry rnc-105 grow more slowly than parental rnc+ strains, but the difference in growth rate seems to depend on the genetic background of each strain. Bacteriophage T7 grows about equally well in RNase III+ and III- female strains of E. coli, even though the specific cuts that RNase III makes in T7 ribonucleic acid are not made in the RNase III- strains. A low-phosphate defined medium in which most E. coli strains seem to grow well was developed. This medium is equally useful for labeling ribonucleic acids with 32PO4 and as a selective medium for genetic manipulations. It was used to determine the growth requirements of strain AB301-105, which are biotin and succinate in addition to the methionine and histidine requirements of the parental strain. The biotin mutation lies near the position expected from known mutations of E. coli, but the succinate mutation apparently does not. The possibility that the succinate requirement could be due to the RNase III deficiency is discussed. A uraP mutation was isolated for use in transferring rnc-105 between strains by conjugation. It lies near 47 min, somewhat removed from the commonly accepted position for uraP.  相似文献   

TAUts7 an Escherichia coli 15 strain with a thermolabile DNA ligase, has previously been shown to be a temperature-sensitive conditional lethal mutant that is sensitive to methyl methane sulfonate and to ultraviolet irradiation; it also accumulates 10 S DNA fragments to an abnormal extent. When the ligase mutation is transferred to a wild-type E. coli K12 strain, the strain becomes temperature sensitive for growth and displays the same characteristics as TAUts7. These findings show that a functional DNA ligase is essential for normal DNA replication and repair in E. coli.  相似文献   

S D Yancey  S R Kushner 《Biochimie》1990,72(11):835-843
Polynucleotide phosphorylase (PNPase) has been studied in detail since its discovery in 1955 [1]. In an attempt to determine what role, if any, it has in mRNA decay in Escherichia coli, we have isolated and characterized a temperature-sensitive mutation, pnp-200, in the pnp gene. In vitro phosphorolysis, polymerization and exchange activities of the partially purified Pnp-200 enzyme are all reduced to 30-40% of wild-type activity at 50 degrees C compared to 32 degrees C. The pnp-200 mutation alone does not affect cell growth or mRNA stability. A triple mutant strain containing pnp-200 in combination with other temperature-sensitive mutations in genes known to affect mRNA metabolism (rnb-500 and ams-1) is conditionally lethal and shows increased mRNA stability after shift to the non-permissive temperature.  相似文献   

Summary By mutagenizing an E. coli strain carrying an amber suppressor supD - (or su I +), we isolated a mutant whose amber suppressor activity was now temperature-sensitive. The mutant suppressor gene was named sup-126, which was found to be cotransduced with the his gene by phage P1vir at the frequency of ca. 20%. At 30° C it suppresses many amber mutations of E. coli, phage T4, and phage . At 42° C, however, it can suppress none of over 30 amber mutations tested so far. The sup-126 mutation is unambiguous and stable enough to be useful for making production of an amber protein temperature-sensitive.  相似文献   

The paper deals with a mutant of Escherichia coli K-12 obtained by transposon Tn5 mutagenesis. Insertion of this transposon inactivated the gene for L-threonine dehydrogenase catalysing the first step of L-threonine degradation. The insertion of Tn5 was mapped by using conjugation as well as transduction by T4GT7 and P1. It is located at 81 min of the E. coli genetic map between mtl and pyrE genes.  相似文献   

A single-site mutant of Escherichia coli K-12 able to grow in minimal medium in the presence of D-serine at 30 C but not at 42 C was isolated. The mutant forms a D-serine deaminase that is much more sensitive to thermal denaturation in vitro at temperatures above but not below 47 C than that of the wild type. No detectable enzyme is formed by the mutant at 42 C, however, and very little is formed at 37 C. The mutant enzyme is probably more sensitive to intracellular inactivation at high temperatures than the wild-type enzyme. The mutation lies in the dsdA region. The mutant also contains a dsdO mutation, which does not permit hyperinduction of D-serine deaminase synthesis.  相似文献   

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