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The total cholesterol content of preimplantation mouse embryos increases approximately threefold (to 1 pmole) during the development of a blastocyst from a fertilized egg. From the two-cell stage onwards embryos are capable of converting [3H]mevalonate into the membrane sterols lanosterol and cholesterol. However, activity of the ratelimiting enzyme in sterol synthesis, hydroxymethylglutaryl coenzyme A reductase, was only measurable in late expanded blastocysts. These estimates of cholesterol content and the amounts of 3H-sterol formed suggest that the preimplantation mouse embryo can synthesize membrane sterols from early cleavage stages onwards. Late compaction and early fluid accumulation (approx. 84 hr post-hCG) are associated with a transition from lanosterol to cholesterol synthesis. The possible relationship between this transition and changes in the properties of embryo membranes which occur at this time is discussed. The results, taken together with previous evidence for phospholipid synthesis in early embryos, demonstrate that the preimplantation mouse embryo is capable of synthesizing major membrane lipids and hence has the potential for assembling cell membranes and modulating their lipid-mediated properties.  相似文献   

The cell surface alkaline phosphatase (APase) of the preimplantation mouse embryo has been characterized in situ by inhibition studies and fluorescent histochemistry. The embryonic APase has also been compared in the inhibition studies to the APase expressed on mouse F9 teratocarcinoma cells and, in some instances, to the APase of mouse intestinal epithelial cells. The embryonic APase was active over the pH range of 6.0-10.0, with the optimal pH for full activity in the range of 8.5-10.0. The embryonic APase was remarkably heat stable with significant loss of activity detected only after a 1 h incubation at 90 degrees C. A variety of specific and nonspecific APase inhibitors were applied to embryos to determine the nature of the APase isozymes expressed on these cells. The embryonic APase was totally resistant to levamisole, tetramisole, bromotetramisole, and L-homoarginine. The embryonic APase was inhibited by L-phenylalanine in a concentration-dependent fashion and by sodium arsenate, sodium vanadate, ethylenediamine tetraacetic acid, and slightly by 1,10-phenanthroline. The inhibition profile of the mouse embryonic APase, therefore, resembles most closely that reported for human placental APase with respect to heat stability and that reported for mouse intestinal APase with respect to inhibitor sensitivity.  相似文献   

The data on growth and development of hind limb bones in chicken embryos under normal (standard) and altered incubation conditions are presented.  相似文献   

The data on growth and development of hind limb bones in chicken embryos under normal (standard) and altered incubation conditions are presented.  相似文献   

Numerous studies have examined predation risk resulting fromthe costs of impaired flight performance associated with manykey life-history stages such as reproduction and migration.Interestingly, although avian nestlings experience multipleresource-based physiological trade-offs and undergo considerablemorphological and physiological changes during postnatal development,there is no data available on how nestlings manage the competingdemands of growth and the development of flight ability at thiscritical life-history stage. We examined numerous morphologicaltraits to determine which are responsible for variation in flightperformance in juvenile European starlings (Sturnus vulgaris),a sexually size-dimorphic passerine. We then manipulated maternalquality during chick rearing (via feather clipping) to examinesex-specific sensitivity of fledgling flight performance tothe quality of the rearing environment. Results suggest thatthe mechanics underlying variation in juvenile flight performanceare relatively simple, being principally determined by the ratioof pectoral muscle mass to body mass (BM) and the surface areaof the wings. Interestingly, although the maternal quality manipulationdecreased BM and structural size in daughters, only the flightperformance of sons was negatively affected. Our results suggestthat a survival-related trait can be significantly affectedin the larger sex when raised under stressful conditions. Furthermore,measuring only BM and structural size may not be sufficientin understanding how the sexes are affected by stressful rearingconditions in sexually size-dimorphic species.  相似文献   

The cytoskeletal B protein isolated from extraembryonic endodermal cells (Endo B) is a 50-kDa subunit of intermediate filaments that is expressed in trophoblast and extraembryonic endoderm of early mouse embryos. Endo B was compared to cytokeratin D of adult mouse liver by immunoprecipitation, two-dimensional gel electrophoresis, and peptide mapping. The two proteins were indistinguishable. A cDNA probe for Endo B mRNA identified mRNA species of similar size in liver and endoderm, and primer extension analysis indicates that the Endo B mRNAs from the two cell types have similar 5' ends. An internal fragment of the Endo B cDNA was found to cross-hybridize with a conservative domain of a human type I keratin cDNA under low stringency conditions, demonstrating that Endo B is related to type I keratins. However, under stringent conditions necessary for genomic Southern analysis, mouse and human genomic fragments homologous to the Endo B cDNA were distinct from those defined by hybridization with the type I keratin cDNA. These results indicate that Endo B is related to the type I keratin family and expands the number of type I keratin genes identified in both the mouse and human genomes. It is likely that extraembryonic endoderm, one of the first differentiated cell types of the mammalian embryo, and adult liver express the same Endo B gene.  相似文献   

In this report we demonstrate the successful in vitro culture of fertilised embryos from 1-cell to blastocyst stage, albeit in a strain-dependent fashion. We report procedures for the enucleation of rat oocytes; nuclear transfer by injection of nuclei (NT) from adult rat cumulus cells, rat primary embryonic fibroblasts and genetically modified rat fibroblasts; and activation resulting in advanced preimplantation development. Blastocyst stage rat embryos were obtained after in vitro culture of nuclear transfer zygotes at similar frequencies with each of these nuclear donor cell types. Transfer of NT embryos to surrogate mothers leads to implantation of 24% of the zygotes. These results suggest that the nuclei of cultured rat cells, even following genetic modification, can be reprogrammed to support early embryonic development, which is a prerequisite to cloning the rat.  相似文献   

The present study determines the effect of a specific and an irreversible inhibitor of histidine decarboxylase (HDC), α-fluoromethylhistidine (α-FMH) on the mouse preimplantation embryo development in vitro. The embryo culture technique was used to assess the effect of α-FMH. Embryos recovered at 0800–0900 hr (AM) on day 3 of pregnancy were 4–8 cells, whereas those recovered at 1600–1630 hr were mostly 8-cell compacted embryos. Of the day 3-AM embryos, 81.3 ± 4.3% developed to blastocysts within 48 hr when cultured in the medium alone, but addition of α-FMH (0.19 or 0.38 mM) drastically reduced the blastocyst formation to 26.6 ± 7 or 16.8 ± 4.3%. Most of them were arrested before the compaction stage. Addition of L-histidine, the substrate for HDC, did not alter the inhibition of blastocyst formation in the presence of α-FMH (37.2 ± 10.9%). Of the day 3-PM embryos, 99.3 ± 0.7% developed to blastocyst stage when cultured in the medium alone and addition of α-FMH (0.19 or 0.38 mM) did not affect the embryo development (92.1 ± 4.3 or 81.9 ± 9.9% developed to blastocysts). The birth of healthy young following transfer of these blastocysts into pseudopregnant mice indicates normal development of the embryos under this condition. The results suggest that histamine synthesis may be required for the process of compaction and thus the formation of blastocyst.  相似文献   

The development of XO gynogenetic mouse embryos   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Diploid gynogenetic embryos, which have two sets of maternal and no paternal chromosomes, die at or soon after implantation. Since normal female embryos preferentially inactivate the paternally derived X chromosome in certain extraembryonic membranes, the inviability of diploid gynogenetic embryos might be due to difficulties in achieving an equivalent inactivation of one of their two maternally derived X chromosomes. In order to investigate this possibility, we constructed XO gynogenetic embryos by nuclear transplantation at the 1-cell stage. These XO gynogenones showed the same mortality around the time of implantation as did their XX gynogenetic counterparts. This shows that the lack of a paternally derived autosome set is sufficient to cause gynogenetic inviability at this stage. Autosomal imprinting and its possible relation to X-chromosome imprinting is discussed.  相似文献   

'Tube-locked' morulae and blastocysts were recovered from the ampulla of the oviduct of centchroman-treated mice between Days 4 and 12 post coitum and transferred to the uteri of pseudopregnant female mice. Pregnancy and implantation rates were lower and the post-implantation resorption rate was higher in the treated than in the control group. There was little difference in the pregnancy or implantation rates between embryos recovered on Days 4 or 12 post coitum, but the resorption rate increased with increasing duration of embryos in the oviducts and was 100% for the Day-12 embryos. The resorption rate was similar even when these embryos were transferred to the sterile uterine horn of unilaterally pregnant mice. Centchroman did not produce any deleterious effect on embryos which survived until Day 19 of pregnancy in foster mothers. The average fetal weight was also comparable to those of control fetuses.  相似文献   

The development of nuclear-transfer oocytes and zygotes was tested in the rabbit. Metaphase II oocytes and zygotes in the early pronuclear stage were treated with a cytoskeletal inhibitor (cytochalasin D), enucleated, and subsequently fused either with single blastomeres from eight- and 16-cell stages (oocytes and zygotes) or with pronuclei-containing karyoplasts (zygotes only). Also, nonenucleated zygotes were fused with 1/8 blastomeres. Fusion was performed by means of an electric field. Development of reconstituted embryos was monitored mainly in vitro, but a certain number of embryos developed from oocytes and zygotes receiving nuclei from eight-cell stages were also transferred into pseudopregnant does. Development of nuclear-transfer oocytes was distinctly better than that of nuclear-transfer zygotes, since 16.9% and 9.5% oocytes vs. 8.1% and 3.7% zygotes carrying eight- and 16-cell nuclei, respectively, developed to the blastocyst stage. Two advanced but already dead fetuses were found after transfer of 27 four-cell embryos obtained after fusion of oocytes with 1/8 blastomeres. No implantations were observed after transfer of 25 four-cell embryos developed from enucleated zygotes receiving eight-cell nuclei. These findings indicate that, in the rabbit, some nuclei from 16-cell embryos are still capable of promoting at least preimplantation development. Comparison between the developmental abilities of oocyte- and zygote-derived nuclear-transfer embryos also suggests that the cytoplasmic environment of recipient cell is more crucial for the development of reconstituted embryos than the stage of introduced nuclei (at least up to the 16-cell stage). The majority of pronuclear exchange embryos (69.9%) and 40% of nonenucleated zygotes receiving eight-cell nuclei were able to develop to the blastocyst stage. This latter observation indicates, similarly as with mouse, a supporting role of residual pronuclei for participation of an eight-cell nucleus in the development of reconstituted zygotes.  相似文献   

In birds, poor rearing conditions usually have negative effects on T-cell-mediated immune response. However, earlier studies demonstrate that fitness-related traits such as body mass may show sex-specific patterns when subject to alteration of rearing conditions. Therefore, to investigate whether deterioration of rearing conditions influences the development of immune function differently in male and female nestlings, we performed brood size manipulation experiments on blue tit (Parus caeruleus) nestlings. To alter rearing conditions, some broods were increased by three nestlings soon after hatching, while other broods were left non-manipulated. Immune response was assessed as a hypersensitivity reaction to phytohaemagglutinin in 11-day-old nestlings. Additionally, we studied the consequences of brood size manipulation for fledgling body mass and tarsus length. The enlargement of brood size had different effects on the cellular immune responses of male and female nestlings, with males being more negatively affected than their female nest-mates. Sex-specific effects of poor rearing conditions were also recorded for tarsus length, such that tarsus growth was more retarded in female than in male nestlings. We discuss the effects of deterioration of rearing conditions on sex-specific development of cell-mediated immunity with respect to sexual dimorphism of size and developmental strategies in male and female nestlings.  相似文献   

High resolution microscopy in conjunction with colloidal gold-labeled insulin has been used to provide evidence that insulin is internalized by preimplantation mouse embryos by means of receptor-mediated endocytosis and concentration in coated pits. In addition, immunocytochemical analyses at the blastocyst stage, using gold-labeled anti-insulin receptor immunoglobulin (IgG) have confirmed the expression of insulin receptors on all cells of the embryo, including the inner cell mass. Immunocytochemical studies using gold-labeled anti-insulin IgG have provided evidence that the insulin internalized by the embryo is maternally derived. Functional studies show that incubating embryos in physiological levels of insulin results in increased synthesis of RNA and DNA. We conclude that insulin may play a role in early mammalian development, although the precise function of this hormone remains to be defined.  相似文献   

The objective of the study reported here was to elucidate the optimal equilibration conditions for carrying out vitrification of two-cell mouse embryos, using a solution containing 2M dimethyl sulfoxide, 1M acetamide, and 3M propylene glycol (DAP213) as a cryoprotectant. Embryos were subjected to an equilibration process under 20 conditions of a combination of different temperatures (10 to 37 degrees C) and times (5 to 90 sec), and viability of the embryos was assessed by the rate of development into blastocysts and into live fetuses. As a result, these rates of development into blastocysts did not differ from those for unfrozen embryos. The rate of development of frozen-thawed embryos into live fetuses under conditions of 30 sec. at 20 degrees C, which was selected as having by highest operability, was 55.2%, comparable to the value (65.0%) for unfrozen embryos. Thus, the optimal equilibration condition for vitrification of two-cell mouse embryos, using DAP213 solution, was 30 sec at 20 degrees C, under which embryo viability was maximized, and this equilibration process was considered useful as a practical two-cell embryo freezing process in the vitrification method.  相似文献   

Developmental aspects of the neuromuscular system in mouse embryos chronically paralyzed in utero with tetrodotoxin (TTX) between embryonic days 14 and 18 were studied using biochemical and histological methods. The number of lumbar spinal motoneurons (MNs) was higher in inactive embryos than in controls suggesting a decreased motoneuron cell death. In association with the increase in MN number, choline acetyltransferase activity was significantly increased in both spinal cord and peripheral synaptic sites. Paralyzed muscles exhibited a decreased number of mature myofibers and the nuclei were centrally located. Creatine kinase activity was greatly decreased and total acetylcholine receptor and receptor cluster numbers per myofiber were significantly increased in paralyzed muscles. A similar pattern of changes occurs in the neuromuscular system of the mutant mouse muscular dysgenesis (mdg). However, in contrast to the mdg mutant, tetrodotoxin-treated muscles were similar to controls in their innervation pattern, in the ultrastructural aspects of the excitation–contraction coupling system (i.e., dyads and triads) and in the extent of dihydropyridine binding. Thus, neuromuscular inactivity is not sufficient to impair the pattern of muscle innervation or the appearance of either the triadic junctions or dihydropyridine receptors. These results indicate that alterations of dihydropyridine binding sites and triads in muscular dysgenesis cannot be accounted for by inactivity but rather must reflect a more primary defect involving the structural gene(s) regulating the development of one or more aspects of muscle differentiation.  相似文献   

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