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The aggression of adult male Long-Evans rats (Rattus norvegicus), toward males of the same strain, was tested before and after a 1-week period of cohabitation with a pair of intact females, ovariectomized females, or intact males, comparable to the females in size. Only cohabitation with intact females increased the aggression of resident males against unfamiliary male intruders. Female enhancement of aggression does not appear to be caused by sexual frustration of males, or a function of dominance-subordinance relations, per se. Increased aggression may be mediated by elevated testosterone production associated with mating.  相似文献   

The poison (Zn3P2) bait mixed with preputial gland and cheek gland extract was highly effective as compared to poison bait mixed without the scent gland extract, in increasing the food consumption and mortality rate in rats. Among these two scent glands, preputial gland extract was more effective than cheek gland extract in increasing the bait acceptance. The scent gland extract mixed with poison bait was capable of improving the poison bait acceptance. A 10% concentration of scent gland extract was more effective than 5% concentration in acceptance of poison bait. The results suggest efficacy of scent gland in improving the poison bait acceptance.  相似文献   

Welders or metal workers not being an exception are exposed to metals ions or oxides (fumes) at trace concentrations either through direct contact supplementation at occupational sites or indirectly through uptake from contaminated food, water or contaminated soil, dust, or air. The study aims to determine the effects of welding fumes exposure on haematological parameters in blood of experimental animals. The fumes were collected from welding sites during the activity by a skilled welder. 130 male experimental animals were utilized and made into 13 groups. 12 groups were given dosages calculated to correspond to real life workers exposure regimes and 1 group served as control. The dosages were administered intratracheally after been anaesthetized weekly for 12 weeks. The animals were sacrificed and whole blood samples were taken which was then subjected to haematological analysis. The parameters have revealed changes in values whereby RBC, WBC, % lymphocytes, HGB, HCT, MCV, MCH, PLT, PCT and P-LCC have exceeds the control groups values. There was an increase across the treatment groups. However, lymphocytes, MID, granulocytes, % granulocytes, MCHC and MPV have values which were less than the control and no different from one another statistically. This indicates that exposure to welding fumes could cause alterations to most RBC, WBC and PLT indices majorly by effecting an increase. Further studies should be carried out on the response of other markers of toxicity so as to have a broad perception of the effects.  相似文献   

Southern blot hybridization of EcoRI digests of DNAs from 13 rat strains using human cardiac actin gene as a probe revealed polymorphisms in actin-related sequences of rats. EcoRI fragments of 11 kb, 7 kb, 6 kb, 5 kb, 4.5 kb and 4 kb detected in several strains were absent in the remaining strains. The presence of these fragments was suggested to be due to presence of extra sequences homologous to the actin genes, such as processed pseudogenes, in the particular strains. The 13 strains were assigned to each of 7 specific patterns of the polymorphic EcoRI fragments. It was concluded that the polymorphisms of actin-related sequences should be useful for genetic monitoring of laboratory rats.  相似文献   

Hemoglobin phenotypes A and B were determined by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis of erythrocyte lysates from 29 inbred strains of rats. Fourteen strains have phenotype A and fifteen have phenotype B, which are characterized by five and six hemoglobin bands, respectively. Breeding studies showed that the phenotypes are codominant and that they segregate in a simple Mendelian fashion in the (A×B) F1×A backcross. Sex and hemoglobin phenotype assort independently, and the hemoglobin phenotype is not linked to the major histocompatibility complex (RT1) and to two erythrocyte alloantigenic systems (RT2 and RT3).This work was supported by National Institutes of Health Grant CA 18659.  相似文献   

Trevor B.  Poole  Jane  Fish 《Journal of Zoology》1975,175(1):61-71
The playful behaviour of laboratory rats ( Rattus norvegicus ) was investigated in litters of five individuals with the mother present; parallel observations were made on mice ( Mus musculus ). Seven mixed litters containing four young rats and a young mouse fostered at birth were also observed.
Solitary play was recorded in both species and took a similar form but social play was only observed in rats. In rats, solitary play frequently preceeded social play.
The behavioural elements involved in the social play of Rattus norvegicus were described, and the majority of these were the playful equivalent of adult agonistic behaviour elements. These social play elements were found to be organized into definite sequences which differed from those of adult aggression. Each behavioural element was found to act as a social releaser.
Young mice did not respond playfully to social play from a rat litter mate; mice were less attractive to rats as playmates in comparison with fellow rats.  相似文献   

Young rats of both sexes, weight 150-170 g, the first laboratory progeny of captured wild parent pairs, were used throughout this experiment. Rats in two experimental groups comprising a total of 34 animals were infected orally with type 2 poliovirus vaccine strain given in each group at doses of 500, 5000 or 50,000 TCD50. In the first experiment, the presence of poliovirus in rat excrements was detectable irregularly till day 13, in the second experiment till day 2 after infection. Small quantities of virus were also detectable from the colon and cecum wall, exceptionally from the mesenteric lymph node. The third experiment included 8 rats orally infected with 5,000 TCD50 of echovirus 30; at the lower dose of virus all excrement samples were culture-negative, at the higher dose the positive virus recovery was recorded in 3 animals one day after infection. Analogous experiments in the fifth group of rats orally infected with 5,000 TCD50 or 50,000 TCD50 of enterovirus 71 yielded much the same results; organs of further 6 animals infected intranasally with 5,000 TCD50 of this virus were culture-negative and no virus-related changes could be histologically demonstrated in these animals. The second part of this study included the experiments conducted on 17 young Larus gulls bred in the laboratory from eggs collected in a colony of free living birds. Groups of these gulls were orally infected with 500 or 5,000 TCD50 of one of the following viruses: type 1 poliovirus vaccine strain, type 3 poliovirus vaccine strain, echovirus 30, enterovirus 71 and coxsackievirus B4. All samples of gull excrements collected till day 7 or 20 postinfection were culture-negative. These results suggest that wild rats may play some role in the spread of human enteroviruses in the environment, but no such role could be demonstrated in the Larus gull.  相似文献   

In 93 Leptospira strains isolated from Norwegian rats serovar determination was made. As a result, leptospires circulating among Norwegian rats were found to belong mainly to serovar copenhageni, group Icterohaemorrhagiae, while leptospires of serovar icterohaemorrhagiae, even if occurring, were found only in the animals inhabiting pigsties. Leptospirosis epizooty among rats, caused by L. icterohaemorrhagiae, took its course independently of leptospirosis epizooty among mice, caused by L. hebdomadis, and simultaneously with it.  相似文献   

Genetic differences in the electrophoretic pattern of milk proteins were observed among different inbred rat strains. The results of segregation analysis made on a limited number of females is consistent with the hypothesis of two codominant autosomal alleles system.  相似文献   

Young female mice were given 1, 2 or 3 Gy of chronic gamma-irradiation. Metaphase II oocytes from these mice were sampled 8 weeks after the end of the treatment and screened for numerical and structural chromosome anomalies. The proportions of hyperhaploid (n + 1) metaphase II oocytes increased after 1 and 2 Gy (significantly after the latter) but remained at the control level after 3 Gy of gamma-rays. Structural chromosome anomalies were significantly increased above control levels at all doses and also showed an increase with dose to 2 Gy and a decline at 3 Gy. The cause of this unusual dose-response pattern for induced chromosome damage is uncertain. These results show that significant chromosome damage can be induced by irradiation of immature oocytes, a cell stage previously suggested to be resistant to induced genetic damage.  相似文献   

It is known that rats tend to eat a smaller/lighter piece of food at the food source but carry a larger/heavier one to the nest for consumption. This could be interpreted well in terms of the trade-off or motivational conflict between "feeding" and "risk avoidance", because eating food immediately satisfies feeding motivation while carrying food has an advantage to avoid predatory risk by keeping time spent outside the nest shorter. In the present study, influences of incentive factors of feeding motivation on food-carrying behavior were evaluated using three different kinds of food that were identical in weight. There was no significant difference in food-carrying tendency among the three kinds of food, though a significant preference was indicated among the food. The results suggest that food-carrying behavior is not influenced by food types.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to allow nonhuman animals to control their environment using operant conditioning procedures and to assess the effect of control on cognitive tasks. The study tested 4 predictions: (a) rats (Rattus norvegicus) will control a light stimulus; (b) animals will exhibit preferences for particular stimulus strengths; (c) animals who exert control over environmental stimuli will show improved performance on cognitive tasks compared with animals who lack control; and (d) at the end of the operant phase, experimental subjects will have lower corticosterone levels than animals who lack control. Experimental subjects did show control over a light stimulus and performed significantly better over time in a discrimination task compared with subjects who could not control their environment. There was no difference in corticosterone levels between control and experimental subjects. The results will both contribute to our understanding of how control of environmental stimuli affects the welfare of animals in captive environments and aid in designing experimental conditions that will increase validity and reliability in research.  相似文献   

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