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Apoptosis in parthenogenetic preimplantation porcine embryos   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Parthenogenesis (PA) of the oocyte is essential to a number of oocyte- or embryo-related technologies such as intracytoplasmic sperm injection and cloning by nuclear transfer. This study investigated the onset and frequency of apoptosis in PA- porcine embryos and the morphological changes that conform to the general criteria of apoptotic cell death by using a terminal deoxynucleatidyl transferase-mediated deoxyuridine 5-triphosphate nick-end labeling (TUNEL) assay. PA embryos had a higher degree of apoptotic cell death during in vitro culture, a lower cleavage rate (45% vs. 71%), and a lower development rate to the blastocyst stage (16% vs. 29%), relative to in vitro fertilization (IVF). The earliest positive TUNEL signal in the PA embryos was detected on Day 6, 1 day later than that in IVF embryos. Apoptosis in PA embryos increased from 15% of the embryos on Day 6 to 29% on Day 8. The mean level of apoptosis of the PA embryos was statistically higher than that of IVF embryos, except on Day 5. In particular, apoptosis in PA embryos was twice that of IVF embryos on Day 6 (15% vs. 6.7%) and Day 8 (29% vs. 13%). The mean cell number in PA blastocysts was significantly lower than that of IVF blastocysts, whereas the percentage of apoptosis in PA blastocysts was significantly higher than that of IVF blastocysts. There was a high percentage of haploid (62.5%) PA blastocysts. The ploidy may contribute to a high level of apoptosis. These results may help to explain the mechanism of parthenogenetic developmental failure and may lead to methods that will improve parthenogenetic development.  相似文献   

The present study was carried out to evaluate the effects of different activation protocols, enucleation methods, and culture media on the development of parthenogenetic and nuclear transfer (NT) rabbit embryos. Electroporation of 25 mM inositol 1,4, 5-trisphosphate (IP3) in calcium- and magnesium-free PBS immediately induced a single intracellular calcium transient in 6 out of 14 metaphase II-stage rabbit oocytes evaluated during a 10-min recording period. The percentage of oocytes treated with IP3 followed by 6-dimethylaminopurine (IP3 + DMAP) that cleaved (83.9%) and reached the blastocyst stage (50%) was significantly higher (p < 0.05) than those activated with multiple pulses (61.6% and 30.1%, respectively) or treated with ionomycin + DMAP (52.9% and 5.7%, respectively). Development of IP3 + DMAP-activated rabbit oocytes and in vivo-fertilized zygotes in different culture media was studied. Development of activated oocytes to the blastocyst stage in Earle's balanced salt solution (EBSS) supplemented with MEM nonessential amino acids, basal medium Eagle amino acids, 1 mM L-glutamine, 0.4 mM sodium pyruvate, and 10% fetal bovine serum (FBS) (EBSS-complete) (40.6%) was significantly higher (p < 0.05) than those that developed in either Dulbecco's Modified Eagle's medium (DMEM)/RPMI + 10% FBS (15.5%) or CR1aa + 10% FBS (4%) medium. In addition, 100% of in vivo-fertilized rabbit zygotes developed to the blastocyst stage in EBSS-complete. A third set of experiments was carried out to study the efficiency of blind versus stained (Hoechst 33342) enucleation of oocytes. Twenty-nine of 48 blind enucleated and IP3 + DMAP-activated oocytes cleaved (60.4%), and 15 (31.2%) subsequently reached the blastocyst stage, whereas 9 of 52 oocytes enucleated using epifluorescence (17.3%) cleaved, and none of these reached the blastocyst stage. When the above parameters that yielded the highest blastocysts were combined in an NT experiment using adult rabbit fibroblast nuclei, 72.2% (39 of 54) of the fused nuclear transplant embryos cleaved and 29.6% (16 of 54) reached the blastocyst stage.  相似文献   

Landa V  Kopecný V 《Theriogenology》1995,43(5):871-881
Parthenogenetically activated, in vitro-matured bovine oocytes and parthenogenotes obtained at 2 to 4 days post activation were analyzed by 3H-thymidine autoradiography for the timing of the S-phase and for distribution of newly replicated DNA, respectively. Spread pronuclear parthenogenotes revealed that the DNA synthesis in electrically stimulated oocytes commenced at 14 h post activation. At 20 to 24 h, a maximum number of labeled pronuclei was reached (25 to 38%), and DNA synthesis persisted in some parthenogenotes up to 30 h post activation. The DNA labeling detected on semi-thin sections showed that the distribution of newly synthesized DNA in the nuclei of 3- to 16-cell parthenogenotes was mostly irregular or abnormal, documenting that the apparent morphological normalcy of parthenogenotes was in contrast to the data concerning the DNA synthesis and distribution.  相似文献   

Parthenogenetic mouse embryos were obtained by the method of electrical stimulation of eggs in vivo(Tarkowski et al., 1970), and their developmental retardation and limited viability were confirmed. Very early deviations from normalcy seemed likely in these embryos, and we chose to investigate their “zona reaction,” as this is one of the earliest events identified (Braden, et al., 1954) in normal fertilization. The change, ordinarily triggered by sperm penetration of the egg, decreases the permeability of the zona pellucida to supernumerary sperms, and has been attributed (Austin and Braden, 1956) to products released by cortical granules.An indirect assay for the state of the zona pellucida is presented. It is based on the observation (Mintz, 1970) that pronase, other proteolytic enzymes, and the normal uterine zonalytic factor lyse zonas of fertilized eggs more slowly than those of unfertilized eggs. Comparative zona lysis times in pronase are thus employed as a test for the degree of zona change after parthenogenetic activation relative to that after activation by sperm.The zonas of parthenogenetic embryos in stages ranging from 2 to 14 cells varied in their lysis times in pronase and overlapped with those of unfertilized and fertilized egg zonas. As a population, the zonas of the parthenogenones had intermediate lysis times. Thus, in the strains tested, electrical shock evokes only a partial zona reaction and, in this respect, is not an adequate substitute for sperm penetration.A working hypothesis for future testing is that the subnormal zona change and retarded development may both be due to inadequate release of products from cortical granules, under these conditions of artificial activation of the mouse egg.  相似文献   

Early developmental kinetics of nuclear transfer (NT) embryos reconstituted with blastomeres and parthenogenones produced by ionophore activation followed by either dimethylaminopurine (DMAP) or cycloheximide (CHX) treatment was studied. In vitro produced (IVP) embryos served as controls. Embryos were cultured to the hatched blastocyst stage, and images were recorded every 0.5 h throughout the culture period. The longest cell cycle shifted from 4th to 5th cycle (26 +/- 4 and 44 +/- 5 h) in NT-embryos compared to IVP-embryos (41 +/- 2 and 20 +/- 3 h) and showed greater asynchrony between blastomeres than any other embryo category. Compared to DMAP, CHX prolonged the 1(st) (23 +/- 1 vs. 33 +/- 1 h) and shortened the 3(rd) cell cycle (17 +/- 2 vs. 13 +/- 1 h). Moreover, though cytoskeleton activity was initialised, a larger proportion of CHX embryos was unable to accomplish first cleavage. The parthegenones differed from IVP embryos with respect to the lengths of the 1st, 3rd, and 4th cell cycles and time of hatching. The findings are discussed in relation to known ultrastructural, chromosomal and genomic aberrations found in NT embryos and parthenogenones. We hypothesize that the shift of the longest cell cycle in NT embryos is associated with a shift in the time of major genomic transition.  相似文献   

During meiosis, the cytostatic factor (CSF) activity stabilizes the activity of the M-phase promoting factor (MPF) in metaphase II arrested vertebrate oocytes. Upon oocyte activation, the inactivation of both MPF and CSF enables the entry into the first embryonic mitotic cell cycle. Using a biological assay based on cell-fusion (hybrid between a parthenogenetically activated egg entering the first mitotic division and an activated oocyte), we observed that in activated mouse oocytes a first drop in CSF activity is detectable as early as 20 min post-activation. This suggests that CSF is inactivated upon MPF inactivation. However, CSF activity increases again to reach a maximum 60 min post-activation and gradually disappears during the following 40 min. Thus, in activated mouse oocytes (undergoing the transition to interphase) CSF activity fluctuates before definitive inactivation. We found that hybrids arrested in M-phase, thus containing CSF activity after oocyte activation, have activated forms of MAP kinases while hybrids in interphase have inactive forms of these enzymes. We postulate that CSF inactivation in mouse oocytes proceeds in two steps. The initial inactivation of CSF, required for MPF inactivation, is transient and does not require MAP kinase inactivation. The final inactivation of CSF, required for normal embryonic cell cycle progression, is dependent upon the inactivation of MAP kinases.  相似文献   

Effective activation protocols that can be used during nuclear transfer investigations in goats need to be developed. We compared the development of IVF goat embryos with those of nonfertilized parthogenetically developing oocytes activated by treatment with either ionomycin or ethanol, both followed by immediate exposure to 6-diethylaminopurine (6-DMAP). Cumulus oocyte complexes (COCs) recovered from abattoir goat ovaries were either matured in a conventional laboratory incubator or placed in pre-equilibrated maturation medium and shipped overnight in a battery-operated dry incubator to another laboratory. Mature COCs were allocated randomly to one of three treatment groups. Group 1 oocytes (n=169 shipped, n=253 not shipped) were fertilized in vitro at 24 h postmaturation (hpm). The remaining COCs were activated at 28 hpm in either ionomycin (Group 2: n=362 shipped, n=202 not shipped), or ethanol (Group 3: n=263 shipped, n=249 not shipped). Activated oocytes were immediately incubated in 6-DMAP for 4 h. Blastocyst development was evaluated on Day 8 post-insemination/activation. Percent cleavage was comparable in shipped and nonshipped oocytes and in all treatment groups. In both shipped and nonshipped oocytes, parthenotes developing from ionomycin- and ethanol-activated oocytes had significantly greater blastocyst development (P<0.01) compared to IVF embryos (28.5 +/- 3.0, 27.4 +/- 2.8, 10.3 +/- 3.0, respectively for the nonshipped oocytes and 9.9 +/- 2.1, 10.3 +/- 2.4, 3.7 +/- 4.7 respectively for the shipped oocytes). Shipped oocytes had lower blastocyst development compared to nonshipped oocytes in the three treatment groups. The mean blastocyst cell number was not statistically different between shipped and nonshipped oocytes or among treatment groups, suggesting that all were equally viable.  相似文献   

Physiological properties of nerve-muscle junctions were studied in intercostal muscles of rat embryos of 13 to 21 days gestation and in neonates. Nerve bundles grew into the muscle region by Day 13 of gestation. Myotubes began to appear on Days 13–14. Myotubes were electrically coupled before birth, allowing the spread of depolarization laterally between fibers. The strength of coupling declined with embryonic age and disappeared after birth. At early times, some fibers of adjacent segments were also coupled, end to end. Resting potentials of myotubes were high (70–90mV) from the time of their appearance. Miniature end-plate potentials were recorded in some myotubes on Day 14 of gestation. At that time also, nerve stimulation could evoke an end-plate potential which was capable of triggering muscle contraction. The mean quantal content of transmitter released from individual terminals was small compared to that in adult muscle; it remained small through the first postnatal week. Individual myofibers had a single end-plate site near their center, which could receive as many as six distinct synaptic inputs. The number of inputs per fiber reached a peak at Day 17 of gestation, and then began to decline before birth, reaching its adult value of one input per fiber within the second postnatal week. The internal intercostal muscles contained about 30 motor units, each confined to a small zone in the muscle. The region occupied by a single motor unit was not obviously reduced in size as the number of synaptic inputs per fiber declined. At Day 17 of gestation 40% of the muscles contained one or more aberrant motor units, the parent axons of which projected out through the ventral roots of adjacent segments. Elimination of these units commenced at the same time as did the reduction in number of synaptic inputs to single myofibers, and 70% of the aberrant units were eliminated before birth.  相似文献   

The objective was to produce porcine tetraploid parthenogenetic embryos using cytochalasin B, which inhibits polar body extrusion. Porcine cumulus-enclosed oocytes aspirated from antral follicles were cultured for 51 h, and treated with cytochalasin B from 35 h to 42 h after the start of culture. After maturation culture, 74.7% (2074/2775) of oocytes treated with cytochalasin B did not extrude a polar body (0PB oocytes). In contrast, 80.4% (1931/2403) of control oocytes extruded a polar body (1PB oocytes). The 0PB oocytes were electrically stimulated, treated with cytochalasin B again for 3 h, and then cultured without cytochalasin B. Six days after electrical stimulation, 49.8% (321/644) reached the blastocyst stage. The number of cells in these blastocysts derived from 0PB oocytes was significantly lower than that from 1PB oocytes (0PB: 24.9 ± 10.6; 1PB: 43.0 ± 17.1; mean ± SD). A porcine chromosome 1-specific sequence was detected in parthenogenetic 0PB embryos by fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) analysis. Typical pronucleus-stage samples derived from 0PB embryos had two pronuclei, each with two signals. In two-cell and blastocyst-stage embryos, four signals were detected in each nucleus derived from 0PB embryos. We inferred that 0PB oocytes, which had a tetraploid number of chromosomes, started to develop as tetraploid parthenotes after electrical stimulation, and that tetraploid status was stably maintained during early embryonic development, at least until the blastocyst stage.  相似文献   

Dynamics of the first cell cycle in parthenogenetic mouse embryos derived from ethanol-activated eggs was studied using 3H-thymidine. DNA synthesis starts within 5 h and is terminated within 10 h after activation: it lasts ca. 6 h. Changes in the intensity of 3H-thymidine incorporation and in the distribution of radioactive label between haploid and diploid parthenogens were observed. 3H-thymidine was shown to incorporate into pronucleoli of diploid parthenogens and late-labeled heterochromatin blocks were bound in both diploid and haploid pronuclei. The structure of the first cell cycle in parthenogenetic and normal embryos is discussed.  相似文献   

Proteomic data from embryos are essential for the completion of whole proteome catalog due to embryo‐specific expression of certain proteins. In this study, using reverse phase LC‐MS/MS combined with 1‐D SDS‐PAGE, we identified 1625 mammalian and 735 Sus scrofa proteins from porcine zygotes that included both cytosolic and membranous proteins. We also found that the global protein profiles of parthenogenetically activated (PA) and in vitro fertilized (IVF) zygotes were similar but differences in expression of individual proteins were also evident. These differences were not due to culture conditions, polyspermy or non‐activation of oocytes, as the same culture method was used in both groups, the frequency of polyspermy was 24.3±3.0% and the rates of oocyte activation did not differ (p>0.05) between PA and IVF embryos. Consistent with proteomic data, fluorescent Hoechst 33 342 staining and terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase dUTP nick end labeling assay also revealed that PA embryos were of poor quality as they contained less cells per blastocyst and were more predisposed to apoptosis (p<0.05), although their in vitro development rates were similar. To our knowledge, this is the first report on global peptide sequencing and quantification of protein in PA and IVF embryos by LC‐MS/MS that may be useful as a reference map for future studies.  相似文献   

The majority of somatic cell nuclear transfer (SCNT) clones dies in the peri- or postimplantation period. Improvement of the full-term healthy pregnancy rates is a key issue for the economical viability and animal welfare profile of SCNT technology. In this study the effects of cotransfer of parthenogenetic or fertilized embryos on the pregnancy and implantation of SCNT mouse embryos have been investigated. SCNT embryos were produced by transferring cumulus cell nuclei into enucleated B6D2F1 mouse oocytes, whereas parthenogenetically activated (PA) and fertilized embryos were derived from ICR mice by artificial activation with strontium and in vivo fertilization, respectively. SCNT embryos were inferior in their developmental capacity to blastocyst compared to either PA or fertilized embryos. SCNT embryos were transferred alone (SCNT), or cotransferred with two to three PA (SCNT + PA) or fertilized (SCNT + Fert) embryos into the oviducts of an ICR recipient. Both pregnancy and implantation rates originating from clones in the SCNT + PA group were significantly higher than those of SCNT group (p < 0.05). The weight of placentas of clones derived from SCNT, SCNT + PA, or SCNT + Fert was in all cases significantly higher than that of fertilized controls (p < 0.001). Most of the clones derived from SCNT embryos cotransferred with PA or fertilized embryos survived to adulthood and were fertile and healthy according to histopathological observations. Our results demonstrate in mouse that cotransfer of PA embryos improves the pregnancy and implantation of SCNT embryos without compromising the overall health of the resulting clones.  相似文献   

Diploid mouse embryos containing only maternal DNA (parthenotes) fail, in part, because the inner cell mass does not induce the trophoblast to grow. In this study, we asked whether any of the defects in parthenotes may arise from alterations in trophoblast function. We examined the expression of genes important for normal trophoblast function and found several trophoblast genes that were expressed at normal levels in the primary trophoblast cells of parthenotes: E-cadherin, a cell adhesion molecule, was expressed normally in both the ICM and trophectoderm of parthenogenetic blastocysts and blastocyst outgrowths; the gene for Hxt, a basic helix-loop-helix factor that regulates trophoblast development, was expressed in both zygotic and parthenogenetic giant cells; placental lactogen-1, a hormone that is normally secreted by trophoblast giant cells, was expressed in most of both parthenogenetic and normal trophoblast cells; and the 92 kDa matrix metalloproteinase, gelatinase B, also known as MMP-9, was secreted at equivalent levels by both zygotic and parthenogenetic blastocyst outgrowths. However, once the outgrowths had developed, a subpopulation of trophoblast cells in parthenogenetic embryos had decreased DNA replication and significantly fewer nucleoli per nucleus than did zygotic embryos. Moreover, the parthenogenetic trophoblast cells growing out from blastocysts had a decreased viability in culture. These data suggest that, although parthenogenetic embryos are able to initiate primary trophoblast differentiation, the stability and continued differentiation of trophoblast giant cells may be abnormal. Our data support the hypothesis that the deficiency of secondary trophoblast giant cells may contribute to the decline of parthenogenetic embryos and suggest that the factors controlling this subset of trophoblast are distinct from those for primary trophoblast. Dev Genet 20:1–10, 1997. © 1997 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

An in vitro study of the embryonic stages of Daphnia pulex deGeer was carried out by way of removing and isolating eggs fromthe females. The temperature-dependent development rates andthe developmental features were recorded photographically. Thetotal development time was 351 h at 5°C, 161 h at 10°Cand 87 h at 15°C. The relative times of development of embryonic‘stages’ also showed significant variation betweentemperatures. The observed variations in relative developmenttime of D.pulex embryos at different temperatures will questionthe accuracy of previously used methods for estimations of populationbirth rates using egg age determinations. 1Present address: Akvaforsk, N-6600 Sunndalsøra, Norway 2Present address: Raadgivende Biologer as., Ladegaardsgaten9, 5035 Sandviken, Norway  相似文献   

We have analysed Xist expression patterns in parthenogenetic and control fertilised preimplantation embryos by using RNA FISH. In normal XX embryos, maternally derived Xist alleles are repressed throughout preimplantation development. Paternal alleles are expressed as early as the 2-cell stage. In parthenogenetic embryos, we observed Xist RNA expression and accumulation from the morula stage onwards, indicating loss of maternal imprinting. In the majority of cells, expression was from a single allele, indicating that X chromosome counting occurs to establish appropriate monoallelic Xist expression. We discuss these data in the context of models for regulation of imprinted and random X inactivation.  相似文献   

This study describes the effects of 5-azacytidine (5-azaC) on the development of diploid parthenogenetic embryos (PE) of CBA, C57BL/6 and (CBA × C57BL/6)F1 mice in vitro at the 1-cell or the blastocyst stage or in vivo after implantation. Our findings indicate that genomic imprinting is modulated by genetic background. Non-fertilized C57BL/6 eggs form diploid parthenogenetic blastocysts at a much higher frequency than CBA eggs. Eggs from F1 hybrid females form parthenogenetic blastocysts at an approximately intermediate level between these inbred strains of mice. C57BL/6 PE do not develop to the somite stages. In contrast, CBA PE and F1 PE develop to various somite stages. Following administration of 5–azaC at 1.0 μmol/L in vitro at the 1- -cell stage, the number of implantations of C57BL/6 PE transferred to pseudopregnant females increased. In contrast, the number of implantations and somite F1 PE did not significantly change following exposure to 5–azaC. However, administration of 5-azaC at the 1-cell stage stimulates development of somite F1 PE. Administration of 5-azaC at 0.2 and 1.0 μmol/L in vitro at the blastocyst stage did not change the number of implantations of C57BL/6 PE. However, the number of implantations and somite CBA PE decreased. After injection of 5azaC at 0.24mg/kg in vivo at day 8 of gestation, some F1 PE developed to 26–35 somites compared with a maximum of 25 somites in controls. The different effects of 5-azaC on the development of PE depend upon the mouse strain used and the stage of development.  相似文献   

Development of the coronary arteries in rat embryos   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

In the present study, we investigated the effect of melatonin on the preimplantation development of porcine parthenogenetic and somatic cell nuclear transfer (SCNT) embryos. Parthenogenetic embryos were cultured in mNCSU-23 supplemented with various concentrations of melatonin for 7 days. The results revealed that 100 pM was the optimal concentration, which resulted in significantly increased cleavage and blastocyst formation rates. Additionally, 100 pM melatonin provided the highest increase in total cell number of blastocysts. Therefore, the subsequent experiments were performed with 100 pM melatonin. ROS level in 2-8 cell stage embryos in the presence or absence of melatonin was evaluated. Embryos cultured with melatonin showed significantly decreased ROS. Blastocysts cultured with melatonin for 7 days were analyzed by the TUNEL assay. It was observed that melatonin not only increased (P < 0.05) the total cell number but also decreased (P < 0.05) the rate of apoptotic nuclei. Blastocysts cultured with melatonin were assessed for the expression of apoptosis-related genes Bcl-xl and Bax, and of pluripotency marker gene Oct-4 by real-time quantitative PCR. Analysis of data showed that the expression of Bcl-xl was higher (1.7-fold) compared to the control while the expression of Bax was significantly decreased relative to the control (0.7-fold) (P < 0.05). Moreover, the expression of Oct-4 was 1.7-fold higher than the control. These results indicated that melatonin had beneficial effects on the development of porcine parthenogenetic embryos. Based on the findings of parthenogenetic embryos, we investigated the effect of melatonin on the development of porcine SCNT embryos. The results also demonstrated increased cleavage and blastocyst formation rates, and the total cell numbers in blastocysts were significantly higher when the embryos were cultured with melatonin. Therefore, these data suggested that melatonin may have important implications for improving porcine preimplantation SCNT embryo development.  相似文献   

Parthenogenetically activated (PA) embryos exhibit delayed development, a lower blastocyst rate, and less successful development in vitro compared to in vitro fertilized (IVF) embryos. To investigate the possible mechanisms for unsuccessful parthenogenetic development, this study analyzed the chromosome abnormalities and developmental potential of porcine PA embryos. Mature oocytes were electrically activated and cultured in Porcine Zygote Medium-3 (PZM3) supplemented with 3 mg/ml BSA for 6, 7, or 8 days. The percentage of PA blastocysts was lower than that of IVF embryos on days 6 and 7 (16.4 +/- 7.4 vs. 28.7 +/- 3.7; 10.9 +/- 2.8 vs. 21.5 +/- 4.7, P < 0.05; respectively), and the PA blastocysts had significantly fewer nuclei than IVF blastocysts (23.2 +/- 1.8 vs. 29.7 +/- 0.8; 29.7 +/- 3.3 vs. 32.0 +/- 2.4, P < 0.05). The percentage of abnormal PA embryos (including embryos with condensed nuclei, arrested embryos and fragmented embryos) was higher than that of IVF embryos (PA: 52.9 +/- 12.8 vs. 16.4 +/- 7.4 on day 6), and increased with culture time (71.9 +/- 12.1 vs. 10.9 +/- 2.8. on day 7,and 75.0 +/- 22.6 vs. 12.1 +/- 2.3 on day 8, P < 0.05). The Day-6 PA blastocysts (n = 147) were divided into three classes according to the total number of nuclei (<20, 20-39, >40) and into three groups according to the morphological diameter (<150, 150-180, >180 microm). Of the haploid blastocysts, 56.1% had less than 20 nuclei, and 71.5% were less than 150 microm in diameter. Of all (114) blastocysts suitable for analysis, 55.5% displayed chromosomal abnormalities. Among chromosomal abnormalities in PA blastocysts, haploid blastocysts were most prevalent (43.6%), while polyploidy (4.4%) and mixoploidy (7.7%) embryos were less prevalent. Chromosomal abnormalities of porcine PA embryos might contribute to a higher rate of abnormal embryonic development. We suggest that a careful consideration should be given when using the blastocysts with smaller size, and establishing the optimum culture condition for PA embryos development in vitro.  相似文献   

Early development and X-chromosome inactivation were studied in ethanol-induced mouse parthenogenones. About 24% of oocytes transferred to 0.5-day pseudopregnant recipients successfully implanted. However, only 49%, 20%, and 16% of implanted parthenogenones survived 5, 6, and 7 days later, respectively. Abnormal development was evident in every parthenogenone as early as 5 days after activation with the degenerating polar trophectoderm. These embryos were destined to become either small disorganized embryos or embryonic ectoderm vesicles bounded by the visceral endoderm. Only 2 of 51 representative 6- to 8-day parthenogenones sectioned had morphology of the normal egg cylinder, although growth retardation was evident. Spontaneous LT/Sv parthenogenones shared similar morphological features. In late blastocysts, the frequency of cells with an apparently inactivated X chromosome was lower in parthenogenones than in fertilized embryos. The failure of X-inactivation in the trophectoderm seems to contribute to the defective development of parthenogenones.  相似文献   

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