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Hyperpolarization-activated cyclic nucleotide-gated (HCN) channels are activated by membrane hyperpolarization that creates time-dependent, inward rectifying currents, gated by the movement of the intrinsic voltage sensor S4. However, inward rectification of the HCN currents is not only observed in the time-dependent HCN currents, but also in the instantaneous HCN tail currents. Inward rectification can also be seen in mutant HCN channels that have mainly time-independent currents (5). In the present study, we show that intracellular Mg(2+) functions as a voltage-dependent blocker of HCN channels, acting to reduce the outward currents. The affinity of HCN channels for Mg(2+) is in the physiological range, with Mg(2+) binding with an IC(50) of 0.53 mM in HCN2 channels and 0.82 mM in HCN1 channels at +50 mV. The effective electrical distance for the Mg(2+) binding site was found to be 0.19 for HCN1 channels, suggesting that the binding site is in the pore. Removing a cysteine in the selectivity filter of HCN1 channels reduced the affinity for Mg(2+), suggesting that this residue forms part of the binding site deep within the pore. Our results suggest that Mg(2+) acts as a voltage-dependent pore blocker and, therefore, reduces outward currents through HCN channels. The pore-blocking action of Mg(2+) may play an important physiological role, especially for the slowly gating HCN2 and HCN4 channels. Mg(2+) could potentially block outward hyperpolarizing HCN currents at the plateau of action potentials, thus preventing a premature termination of the action potential.  相似文献   

Integrated allosteric model of voltage gating of HCN channels   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
Hyperpolarization-activated (pacemaker) channels are dually gated by negative voltage and intracellular cAMP. Kinetics of native cardiac f-channels are not compatible with HH gating, and require closed/open multistate models. We verified that members of the HCN channel family (mHCN1, hHCN2, hHCN4) also have properties not complying with HH gating, such as sigmoidal activation and deactivation, activation deviating from fixed power of an exponential, removal of activation "delay" by preconditioning hyperpolarization. Previous work on native channels has indicated that the shifting action of cAMP on the open probability (Po) curve can be accounted for by an allosteric model, whereby cAMP binds more favorably to open than closed channels. We therefore asked whether not only cAMP-dependent, but also voltage-dependent gating of hyperpolarization-activated channels could be explained by an allosteric model. We hypothesized that HCN channels are tetramers and that each subunit comprises a voltage sensor moving between "reluctant" and "willing" states, whereas voltage sensors are independently gated by voltage, channel closed/open transitions occur allosterically. These hypotheses led to a multistate scheme comprising five open and five closed channel states. We estimated model rate constants by fitting first activation delay curves and single exponential time constant curves, and then individual activation/deactivation traces. By simply using different sets of rate constants, the model accounts for qualitative and quantitative aspects of voltage gating of all three HCN isoforms investigated, and allows an interpretation of the different kinetic properties of different isoforms. For example, faster kinetics of HCN1 relative to HCN2/HCN4 are attributable to higher HCN1 voltage sensors' rates and looser voltage-independent interactions between subunits in closed/open transitions. It also accounts for experimental evidence that reduction of sensors' positive charge leads to negative voltage shifts of Po curve, with little change of curve slope. HCN voltage gating thus involves two processes: voltage sensor gating and allosteric opening/closing.  相似文献   

An important step toward understanding the molecular basis of the functional diversity of pacemaker currents in spontaneously active cells has been the identification of a gene family encoding hyperpolarization-activated cyclic nucleotide-sensitive cation nonselective (HCN) channels. Three of the four gene products that have been expressed so far give rise to pacemaker channels with distinct activation kinetics and are differentially distributed among the brain, with considerable overlap between some isoforms. This raises the possibility that HCN channels may coassemble to form heteromeric channels in some areas, similar to other K(+) channels. In this study, we have provided evidence for functional heteromerization of HCN1 and HCN2 channels using a concatenated cDNA construct encoding two connected subunits. We have observed that heteromeric channels activate several-fold faster than HCN2 and only a little slower than HCN1. Furthermore, the voltage dependence of activation is more similar to HCN2, whereas the cAMP sensitivity is intermediate between HCN1 and HCN2. This phenotype shows marked similarity to the current arising from coexpressed HCN1 and HCN2 subunits in oocytes and the native pacemaker current in CA1 pyramidal neurons. We suggest that heteromerization may increase the functional diversity beyond the levels expected from the number of HCN channel genes and their differential distribution.  相似文献   

Using the bacterial K+ channel KcsA as a template, we constructed models of the pore region of the cardiac ryanodine receptor channel (RyR2) monomer and tetramer. Physicochemical characteristics of the RyR2 model monomer were compared with the template, including homology, predicted secondary structure, surface area, hydrophobicity, and electrostatic potential. Values were comparable with those of KcsA. Monomers of the RyR2 model were minimized and assembled into a tetramer that was, in turn, minimized. The assembled tetramer adopts a structure equivalent to that of KcsA with a central pore. Characteristics of the RyR2 model tetramer were compared with the KcsA template, including average empirical energy, strain energy, solvation free energy, solvent accessibility, and hydrophobic, polar, acid, and base moments. Again, values for the model and template were comparable. The pores of KcsA and RyR2 have a common motif with a hydrophobic channel that becomes polar at both entrances. Quantitative comparisons indicate that the assembled structure provides a plausible model for the pore of RyR2. Movement of Ca2+, K+, and tetraethylammonium (TEA+) through the model RyR2 pore were simulated with explicit solvation. These simulations suggest that the model RyR2 pore is permeable to Ca2+ and K+ with rates of translocation greater for K+. In contrast, simulations indicate that tetraethylammonium blocks movement of metal cations.  相似文献   

Hyperpolarization-activated cyclic nucleotide-modulated (HCN) channels and cyclic nucleotide-gated (CNG) channels are activated by the direct binding of cyclic nucleotides. The intracellular COOH-terminal regions exhibit high sequence similarity in all HCN and CNG channels. This region contains the cyclic nucleotide-binding domain (CNBD) and the C-linker region, which connects the CNBD to the pore. Recently, the structure of the HCN2 COOH-terminal region was solved and shown to contain intersubunit interactions between C-linker regions. To explore the role of these intersubunit interactions in intact channels, we studied two salt bridges in the C-linker region: an intersubunit interaction between C-linkers of neighboring subunits, and an intrasubunit interaction between the C-linker and its CNBD. We show that breaking these salt bridges in both HCN2 and CNGA1 channels through mutation causes an increase in the favorability of channel opening. The wild-type behavior of both HCN2 and CNGA1 channels is rescued by switching the position of the positive and negative residues, thus restoring the salt bridges. These results suggest that the salt bridges seen in the HCN2 COOH-terminal crystal structure are also present in the intact HCN2 channel. Furthermore, the similar effects of the mutations on HCN2 and CNGA1 channels suggest that these salt bridge interactions are also present in the intact CNGA1 channel. As disrupting the interactions leads to channels with more favorable opening transitions, the salt bridges appear to stabilize a closed conformation in both the HCN2 and CNGA1 channels. These results suggest that the HCN2 COOH-terminal crystal structure contains the C-linker regions in the resting configuration even though the CNBD is ligand bound, and channel opening involves a rearrangement of the C-linkers and, thus, disruption of the salt bridges. Discovering that one portion of the COOH terminus, the CNBD, can be in the activated configuration while the other portion, the C-linker, is not activated has lead us to suggest a novel modular gating scheme for HCN and CNG channels.  相似文献   

Although ample evidence suggests the presence of an intracellular activation gate in HCN (pacemaker) channels, mutations in the outer pore can alter gating properties. Here we investigated the role of the outer pore residue A354 in HCN1 gating by systematically converting it to the equivalent residues (T, Y, and F) found in K(+)-channels. A354T negatively shifted steady-state activation (DeltaV(1/2) approximately -25 mV), decelerated gating kinetics (by up to 8-fold), and abolished the effects of external ions on gating. A354Y and A354F did not yield functional currents when expressed alone, although immunofluorescence microscopy indicated the presence of these channel proteins on the membrane surface. Currents recorded after co-expressing A354Y with WT HCN1 were reduced in amplitude (relative to WT alone) and had changes in gating similar to those of A354T. We conclude that the pore variant at position 354 contributes to gating but not permeation, and that the HCN outer pore may be involved in gating via a pore-to-gate coupling mechanism.  相似文献   

I(H) pacemaker channels carry a mixed monovalent cation current that, under physiological ion gradients, reverses at approximately -34 mV, reflecting a 4:1 selectivity for K over Na. However, I(H) channels display anomalous behavior with respect to permeant ions such that (a) open channels do not exhibit the outward rectification anticipated assuming independence; (b) gating and selectivity are sensitive to the identity and concentrations of externally presented permeant ions; (c) the channels' ability to carry an inward Na current requires the presence of external K even though K is a minor charge carrier at negative voltages. Here we show that open HCN channels (the hyperpolarization-activated, cyclic nucleotide sensitive pore forming subunits of I(H)) undergo a fast, voltage-dependent block by intracellular Mg in a manner that suggests the ion binds close to, or within, the selectivity filter. Eliminating internal divalent ion block reveals that (a) the K dependence of conduction is mediated via K occupancy of site(s) within the pore and that asymmetrical occupancy and/or coupling of these sites to flux further shapes ion flow, and (b) the kinetics of equilibration between K-vacant and K-occupied states of the pore (10-20 micros or faster) is close to the ion transit time when the pore is occupied by K alone ( approximately 0.5-3 micros), a finding that indicates that either ion:ion repulsion involving Na is adequate to support flux (albeit at a rate below our detection threshold) and/or the pore undergoes rapid, permeant ion-sensitive equilibration between nonconducting and conducting configurations. Biophysically, further exploration of the Mg site and of interactions of Na and K within the pore will tell us much about the architecture and operation of this unusual pore. Physiologically, these results suggest ways in which "slow" pacemaker channels may contribute dynamically to the shaping of fast processes such as Na-K or Ca action potentials.  相似文献   

Liu HL  Lin JC 《Proteins》2004,55(3):558-567
Homology models of the pore loop domain of six eukaryotic potassium channels, Kv1.1-Kv1.6, were generated based on the crystallographic structure of KcsA. The results of amino acid sequence alignment indicate that these Kv channels are composed of two structurally and functionally independent domains: the N-terminal 'voltage sensor' domain and the C-terminal 'pore loop' domain. The homology models reveal that the pore loop domains of these Kv channels exhibit similar folds to those of KcsA. The structural features and specific packing of aromatic residues around the selectivity filter of these Kv channels are nearly identical to those of KcsA, whereas most of the structural variations occur in the turret as well as in the inner and outer helices. The distribution of polar and nonpolar side chains on the surfaces of the KcsA and Kv channels reveals that they exhibit a segregation of side chains common to most integral membrane proteins. As the hydrogen bond between Glu71 and Asp80 in KcsA plays an important role in stabilizing the channel, the substituted Val residue in the Kv family corresponding to Glu71 of KcsA stabilizes the channel by making hydrophobic contact with Tyr residue from the signature sequence of the selectivity filter. The homology models of these Kv channels provide particularly attractive subjects for further structure-based studies.  相似文献   

In the absence of x-ray structures of calcium channels, their homology models are used to rationalize experimental data and design new experiments. The modeling relies on sequence alignments between calcium and potassium channels. Zhen et al. (2005. J. Gen. Physiol. doi:10.1085/jgp.200509292) used the substituted cysteine accessibility method (SCAM) to identify pore-lining residues in the Cav2.1 channel and concluded that their data are inconsistent with the symmetric architecture of the pore domain and published sequence alignments between calcium and potassium channels. Here, we have built Kv1.2-based models of the Cav2.1 channel with 2-(trimethylammonium)ethyl methanethiosulfonate (MTSET)-modified engineered cysteines and used Monte Carlo energy minimizations to predict their energetically optimal orientations. We found that depending on the position of an engineered cysteine in S6 and S5 helices, the ammonium group in the long flexible MTSET-modified side chain can orient into the inner pore, an interface between domains (repeats), or an interface between S5 and S6 helices. Different local environments of equivalent positions in the four repeats can lead to different SCAM results. The reported current inhibition by MTSET generally decreases with the predicted distances between the ammonium nitrogen and the pore axis. A possible explanation for outliers of this correlation is suggested. Our calculations rationalize the SCAM data, validate one of several published sequence alignments between calcium and potassium channels, and suggest similar spatial dispositions of S5 and S6 helices in voltage-gated potassium and calcium channels.  相似文献   

The pacemaker channels HCN2 and HCN4 have been identified in cardiac sino-atrial node cells. These channels differ considerably in several kinetic properties including the activation time constant (tau act), which is fast for HCN2 (144 ms at -140 mV) and slow for HCN4 (461 ms at -140 mV). Here, by analyzing HCN2/4 chimeras and mutants we identified single amino acid residues in transmembrane segments 1 and 2 and the connecting loop between S1 and S2 that are major determinants of this difference. Replacement of leucine 272 in S1 of HCN4 by the corresponding phenylalanine present in HCN2 decreased tau act of HCN4 to 149 ms. Conversely, activation of the fast channel HCN2 was decreased 3-fold upon the corresponding mutation of F221L in the S1 segment. Mutation of N291T and T293A in the linker between S1 and S2 of HCN4 shifted tau act to 275 ms. While residues 272, 291, and 293 of HCN4 affected the activation speed at basal conditions they had no obvious influence on the cAMP-dependent acceleration of activation kinetics. In contrast, mutation of I308M in S2 of HCN4 abolished the cAMP-dependent decrease in tau act. Surprisingly, this mutation also prevented the acceleration of channel activation observed after deletion of the C-terminal cAMP binding site. Taken together our results indicate that the speed of activation of the HCN4 channel is determined by structural elements present in the S1, S1-S2 linker, and the S2 segment.  相似文献   

HCN pacemaker channels (I(f), I(q), or I(h)) play a fundamental role in the physiology of many excitable cell types, including cardiac myocytes and central neurons. While cloned HCN channels have been studied extensively in macroscopic patch clamp experiments, their extremely small conductance has precluded single channel analysis to date. Nevertheless, there remain fundamental questions about HCN gating that can be resolved only at the single channel level. Here we present the first detailed single channel study of cloned mammalian HCN2. Excised patch clamp recordings revealed discrete hyperpolarization-activated, cAMP-sensitive channel openings with amplitudes of 150-230 fA in the activation voltage range. The average conductance of these openings was approximately 1.5 pS at -120 mV in symmetrical 160 mM K(+). Some traces with multiple channels showed unusual gating behavior, characterized by a variable long delay after a voltage step followed by runs of openings. Noise analysis on macroscopic currents revealed fluctuations whose magnitudes were systematically larger than predicted from the actual single channel current size, consistent with cooperativity between single HCN channels.  相似文献   

《Biophysical journal》2022,121(11):2206-2218
Hyperpolarization-activated cyclic-nucleotide gated channels (HCNs) are responsible for the generation of pacemaker currents (If or Ih) in cardiac and neuronal cells. Despite the overall structural similarity to voltage-gated potassium (Kv) channels, HCNs show much lower selectivity for K+ over Na+ ions. This increased permeability to Na+ is critical to their role in membrane depolarization. HCNs can also select between Na+ and Li+ ions. Here, we investigate the unique ion selectivity properties of HCNs using molecular-dynamics simulations. Our simulations suggest that the HCN1 pore is flexible and dilated compared with Kv channels with only one stable ion binding site within the selectivity filter. We also observe that ion coordination and hydration differ within the HCN1 selectivity filter compared with those in Kv and cyclic-nucleotide gated channels. Additionally, the C358T mutation further stabilizes the symmetry of the binding site and provides a more fit space for ion coordination, particularly for Li+.  相似文献   

The transient receptor potential vanilloid 1 (TRPV1) nonselective cationic channel is a polymodal receptor that activates in response to a wide variety of stimuli. To date, little structural information about this channel is available. Here, we used quaternary ammonium ions (QAs) of different sizes in an effort to gain some insight into the nature and dimensions of the pore of TRPV1. We found that all four QAs used, tetraethylammonium (TEA), tetrapropylammonium (TPrA), tetrabutylammonium, and tetrapentylammonium, block the TRPV1 channel from the intracellular face of the channel in a voltage-dependent manner, and that block by these molecules occurs with different kinetics, with the bigger molecules becoming slower blockers. We also found that TPrA and the larger QAs can only block the channel in the open state, and that they interfere with the channel's activation gate upon closing, which is observed as a slowing of tail current kinetics. TEA does not interfere with the activation gate, indicating that this molecule can reside in its blocking site even when the channel is closed. The dependence of the rate constants on the size of the blocker suggests a size of around 10 Å for the inner pore of TRPV1 channels.  相似文献   

Rosenbaum T  Gordon SE 《Neuron》2004,42(2):193-196
Hyperpolarization-activated cyclic nucleotide-gated (HCN) channels contribute to a wide range of physiological functions and regulate cardiac and neuronal pacemaker activity. Here, we review recent advances in three areas: the polarity of the S4 movement with hyperpolarization, the location of the activation gate, and the structure of the C-terminal C linker and CNBD.  相似文献   

A key feature of potassium channel function is the ability to switch between conducting and non-conducting states by undergoing conformational changes in response to cellular or extracellular signals. Such switching is facilitated by the mechanical coupling of gating domain movements to pore opening and closing. Two-pore domain potassium channels (K2P) conduct leak or background potassium-selective currents that are mostly time- and voltage-independent. These channels play a significant role in setting the cell resting membrane potential and, therefore modulate cell responsiveness and excitability. Thus, K2P channels are key players in numerous physiological processes and were recently shown to also be involved in human pathologies. It is well established that K2P channel conductance, open probability and cell surface expression are significantly modulated by various physical and chemical stimuli. However, in understanding how such signals are translated into conformational changes that open or close the channels gate, there remain more open questions than answers. A growing line of evidence suggests that the outer pore area assumes a critical role in gating K2P channels, in a manner reminiscent of C-type inactivation of voltage-gated potassium channels. In some K2P channels, this gating mechanism is facilitated in response to external pH levels. Recently, it was suggested that K2P channels also possess a lower activation gate that is positively coupled to the outer pore gate. The purpose of this review is to present an up-to-date summary of research describing the conformational changes and gating events that take place at the K2P channel ion-conducting pathway during the channel regulation.  相似文献   

Pacemaking by HCN channels requires interaction with phosphoinositides   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Hyperpolarization-activated, cyclic-nucleotide-gated (HCN) channels mediate the depolarizing cation current (termed I(h) or I(f)) that initiates spontaneous rhythmic activity in heart and brain. This function critically depends on the reliable opening of HCN channels in the subthreshold voltage-range. Here we show that activation of HCN channels at physiologically relevant voltages requires interaction with phosphoinositides such as phosphatidylinositol-4,5-bisphosphate (PIP(2)). PIP(2) acts as a ligand that allosterically opens HCN channels by shifting voltage-dependent channel activation approximately 20 mV toward depolarized potentials. Allosteric gating by PIP(2) occurs in all HCN subtypes and is independent of the action of cyclic nucleotides. In CNS neurons and cardiomyocytes, enzymatic degradation of phospholipids results in reduced channel activation and slowing of the spontaneous firing rate. These results demonstrate that gating by phospholipids is essential for the pacemaking activity of HCN channels in cardiac and neuronal rhythmogenesis.  相似文献   

A homology model of the pore domain of the Shaker K+ channel has been constructed using a bacterial K+ channel, KcsA, as a template structure. The model is in agreement with mutagenesis and sequence variability data. A number of structural features are conserved between the two channels, including a ring of tryptophan sidechains on the outer surface of the pore domain at the extracellular end of the helix bundle, and rings of acidic sidechains close to the extracellular mouth of the channel. One of these rings, that formed by four Asp447 sidechains at the mouth of the Shaker pore, is shown by pK(A) calculations to be incompletely ionized at neutral pH. The potential energy profile for a K+ ion moved along the central axis of the Shaker pore domain model selectivity filter reveals a shallow well, the depth of which is modulated by the ionization state of the Asp447 ring. This is more consistent with the high cation flux exhibited by the channel in its conductance value of 19 pS.  相似文献   

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