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罗鹏  胡超群 《微生物学报》2008,48(10):1367-1372
[目的]调查类似霍乱弧菌毒力岛(VPI)转座酶(vpiT)的基因是否在溶藻弧菌中分布,并了解其全序列及侧翼序列的分子生物学特征.[方法]对94株溶藻弧菌是否携带类似VPI的vpiT基因进行PCR检测,对阳性株进行了PCR产物直接测序,根据获得的部分已知序列,设计引物,通过反向PCR扩增出全长类似vpiT的基因valT及部分侧翼片段,对反向PCR产物进行克隆测序,然后对获得的valT及侧翼序列进行生物信息学分析.[结果]发现94株溶藻弧菌中只有从粤东对虾池水分离的2个株E06011、E0612在PCR检测中产生了预期扩增片段.测序表明两者序列(valT-S1)完全一致.根据反向PCR及克隆最终获得的溶藻弧菌E0601全长valT基因及部分侧翼序列valT-S3.对valT-S3生物信息学分析表明:valT是一个高度类似于霍乱弧菌毒力岛vpiT的转座酶基因.[结论]根据上述结果及相关文献,有理由相信valT基因及其侧翼片段是异源获得,霍乱弧菌VPI元件或整体很可能在包括溶藻弧菌在内的弧菌种间转移.  相似文献   

Non-O1/non-O139 nontoxigenic Vibrio cholerae associated with cholera-like diarrhea has been reported in Kolkata, India. However, the property involved in the pathogenicity of these strains has remained unclear. The character of 25 non-O1/non-O139 nontoxigenic V. cholerae isolated during 8 years from 2007 to 2014 in Kolkata was examined. Determination of the serogroup showed that the serogroups O6, O10, O35, O36, O39, and O70 were represented by two strains in each serogroup, and the remaining isolates belonged to different serogroups. To clarify the character of antibiotic resistance of these isolates, an antibiotic resistance test and the gene analysis were performed. According to antimicrobial drug susceptibility testing, 13 strains were classified as drug resistant. Among them, 10 strains were quinolone resistant and 6 of the 13 strains were resistant to more than three antibiotics. To define the genetic background of the antibiotic character of these strains, whole-genome sequences of these strains were determined. From the analysis of these sequences, it becomes clear that all quinolone resistance isolates have mutations in quinolone resistance-determining regions. Further research on the genome sequence showed that four strains possess Class 1 integrons in their genomes, and that three of the four integrons are found to be located in their genomic islands. These genomic islands are novel types. This indicates that various integrons containing drug resistance genes are spreading among V. cholerae non-O1/non-O139 strains through the action of newly generated genomic islands.  相似文献   

Aims: To study the genetic relatedness between V. cholerae isolates from Iran and other countries based on housekeeping gene recA sequence analysis. Methods and Results: A 995‐bp region of the recA gene from 24 V. cholerae isolates obtained from human and surface water origins in Iran over a 5‐year period was sequenced and compared with the sequence data from the isolates belonging to other places. Cluster analysis of the constructed dendrogram based on recA sequence divergence for our clinical isolates showed one sequence type (ST), whereas environmental isolates revealed eight STs. Interestingly, one of our environmental isolates was intermixed with clinical isolates in the largest cluster containing the epidemic strains. Our 24 isolates plus 198 global isolates available in the GenBank showed 77 sequence types (STs) with at least one nucleotide difference. Conclusions: Our result suggested that recA sequencing is a reliable analysis method for understanding the relatedness of the local isolates with the isolates obtained elsewhere. Significance and Impact of the Study: Understanding the genetic relatedness between V. cholerae isolates could give insights into the health care system for better control and prevention of the cholera.  相似文献   

Abstract The distribution of the zot gene that encodes the zonula occludens toxin, a newly described toxin of Vibrio cholerae , among clinical, environmental and food isolates of V. cholerae 01 and non-01 was investigated. Both the zot gene and the ctx gene that encode cholera toxin were found in 247 of 257 clinical strains and 62 of 415 environmental or food isolates of V. cholerae 01. The zot gene, but not the ctx gene was found in 37 strains (one clinical strain and 36 environmental or food isolates). In addition, two of 31 clinical strains and six of 98 environmental or food isolates of V. cholerae non-01 possessed both the zot gene and the ctx gene. These results demonstrated the predominantly concurrent occurrence of the zot gene and ctx genes among strains of V. cholerae 01 which suggests a possible synergistic role of ZOT in the causation of acute dehydrating diarrhea produced by V. cholerae 01.  相似文献   

AIMS: To determine the presence of Vibrio cholerae in different areas of Argentina in three sample types, to determine the composition of planktonic communities in areas at which this pathogen was detected and to characterize the virulence properties and antimicrobial resistance of the recovered environmental isolates. METHODS AND RESULTS: Water and plankton samples were collected in marine, brackish and freshwater environments. Vibrio cholerae non-O1, non-O139 was isolated in 36.1% of the samples analysed. The micro-organism was detected in freshwater but not in marine or brackish samples. No relationship was found between isolation of V. cholerae and presence of any species of plankton. All the isolates presented very similar virulence profiles by PCR, lacking ctxA and tcpA El Tor and containing hlyA (98.7%), rtxA (99.0%), toxR (98.7%) and stn-sto (1.9%). Resistance to ampicillin was found in both Tucumán (21%) and Buenos Aires isolates (45%). CONCLUSIONS: We identified two geographic areas in Argentina where V. cholerae was present: freshwaters of the rivers from Tucumán and the Río de la Plata. SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF THE STUDY: The identification of V. cholerae strains in the environment, carrying both virulence factors and resistance to antimicrobial agents, highlight the need for a continuous and active surveillance of this pathogen.  相似文献   

In order to assess the extent of genomic diversity among Vibrio cholerae O139 strains, restriction fragment length polymorphisms in two genetic loci, rrn and ctx, were studied. Analysis of 144 strains isolated from different regions of Bangladesh and India between 1992 and 1998 revealed the presence of at least six distinct ribotypes (B-I through B-VI) of which three were new ribotypes, and one of these was represented by a nontoxigenic O139 strain. Strains of ribotypes B-I through B-V shared 11 different CTX genotypes (A through K). Antimicrobial resistance patterns of the strains varied independently of their ribotypes and CTX genotypes. Results of this study suggest that V. cholerae O139 is undergoing rapid genetic changes leading to the origination of new variants, and temporal changes in antimicrobial resistance patterns may be contributing to the selection of different variants.  相似文献   

张红芝  逄波  张力  阚飙 《微生物学报》2009,49(6):733-739
摘要:【目的】分析霍乱弧菌产毒株和非产毒株在甘露醇发酵液和LB (Luria-Bertani) 培养液中生长的基因表达谱和代谢差异特征。【方法】提取甘露醇发酵液和LB培养液中霍乱弧菌甘露醇慢发酵株(产毒株)N16961和快发酵株(非产毒株)93097生长第一小时的总RNA,应用霍乱弧菌N16961基因组芯片分析各菌株在不同培养液中的表达差异基因。【结果】 筛选出产毒株N16961在甘露醇发酵液和LB中表达差异基因142个,非产毒株93097有418个,这些表达差异基因主要分属于6个不同的功能类群,主要是转运结合、能量代谢以及蛋白质合成代谢功能。【结论】甘露醇发酵液和LB中产毒株和非产毒株的许多功能基因的转录水平有显著差异,这些表达差异基因可能与霍乱弧菌在甘露醇发酵液中代谢产酸有关,这为进一步分析霍乱弧菌代谢甘露醇的机制、以及分析产毒株与非产毒株的甘露醇发酵快慢机制提供了基础。  相似文献   

目的:确定O1群El Tor型霍乱弧菌N16961超级整合子(SI)中霍乱弧菌重复序列(VCR)的序列特点,以及VCR和基因盒的数量及位置。方法:用局部序列比对软件BLAST将VCR参考序列与霍乱弧菌N16961的Ⅱ号染色体进行比对,用Artemis Comparison Tool查看比对结果获得比对区域的位置信息,并采用perl语言脚本获得霍乱弧菌N16961的Ⅱ号染色体VCR相应区域的序列;用全局比对软件Clustal W将上一步获得的所有VCR序列进行多序列比对,采用perl语言脚本处理比对结果获得一致性序列;用MEGA4.0软件查看多序列比对结果,并采用perl语言脚本计算各位置变异频率,据此分析霍乱弧菌N16961的Ⅱ号染色体上VCR和基因盒的特点。结果:在N16961的超级整合子中有158个VCR,其核苷酸长度为117~124 bp;其一致性序列有126个核苷酸,其中37个为保守核苷酸位点,89个为可变核苷酸位点;139个VCR与相邻的VCR之间至少有1个基因,19个VCR相互之间没有任何基因;N16961的SI中共存在146个基因盒,基因盒大小为390~5924 bp不等,每个基因盒中整合的基因数目为1~9个不等。结论:建立了SI中VCR和基因盒的分析流程,分析了SI中VCR的保守及变异位点,明确了霍乱弧菌N16961的SI中VCR和基因盒的信息,为霍乱弧菌和其他细菌中SI的研究提供了分析基础。  相似文献   

Aims: Incidental observation of a discrepancy in identification of Vibrio cholerae prompted a study to understand the ability of an automated microbial identification system to identify this important pathogen. Methods and Results: Twenty clinical isolates of V. cholerae showing difference in genetic profiles by random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) fingerprinting, serologically confirmed as O1, and showing presence of ctxA and tcpA genes in PCR were subjected to analysis by Vitek 2 Compact automated identification system for identification. Vitek 2 Compact detected 10 of 20 isolates correctly, whereas the remaining 10 were identified as various members of Aeromonadaceae and Enterobacteriaceae. Conclusions: Our results indicate that Vitek 2 Compact automated microbial system does not always identify V. cholerae strains correctly. Significance and Impact of Study: These observations should create awareness among end users about possible misidentifications by automated systems and encourage simultaneous use of serology and/or PCR for correct identification at least for V. cholerae, which is one of the most important enteric pathogens.  相似文献   

Zou Q  Yan X  Li B  Zeng X  Zhou J  Zhang J 《Proteomics》2006,6(6):1848-1855
Vibrio cholerae can be differentiated into epidemic and non-epidemic strains by sorbitol fermentation speed, but little research has been done on its mechanisms. In this study, we investigated differential protein expression of the two strains in response to sorbitol metabolism. V. cholerae strains were cultured in media with and without sorbitol, respectively. Proteins were separated by 2-DE, and those that showed different expression in the two media were identified by MALDI-TOF MS. Fifteen proteins in epidemic strains and 11 proteins in non-epidemic strains showed a different expression in sorbitol medium. Among them, 4 proteins were common to epidemic and non-epidemic strains. Gene sequence analysis showed that some mutations occurred in these proteins between the two strains. Potential functions of these proteins included sugar uptake, amino acid uptake, electron transport, sulfate and thiosulfate transport.  相似文献   

Environmental control of growth and persistence of vibrios in aquatic environments is poorly understood even though members of the genus Vibrio are globally important pathogens. To study how algal-derived organic matter and temperature influenced the abundance of different Vibrio spp., Baltic Sea microcosms inoculated with Vibrio cholerae, Vibrio vulnificus, Vibrio parahaemolyticus, Vibrio alginolyticus and native bacterioplankton, were exposed to different temperatures (12-25 degrees C) and amended with dissolved organic matter from Nodularia spumigena (0-4.2 mg C L(-1)). Vibrio abundance was monitored by culture-dependent and molecular methods. Results suggested that Vibrio populations entered a viable but nonculturable state during the incubations. Abundance of Vibrio spp. and total bacterioplankton were orders of magnitude higher in microcosms amended with organic matter compared with reference microcosms. Vibrio cholerae abundances ranged from 0.9 to 1.9 x 10(5) cells mL(-1) in treatments amended with 4.2 mg C L(-1). Vibrio cholerae abundance relative to total bacterioplankton and other Vibrio spp. also increased >10-fold. In addition, V. vulnificus abundance increased in mesocosms with the highest organic matter addition (0.9-1.8 x 10(4) cells mL(-1)). Temperature alone did not significantly affect abundances of total bacterioplankton, total Vibrio spp. or individual Vibrio populations. By contrast, cyanobacterial-derived organic matter represented an important factor regulating growth and abundance of V. cholerae and V. vulnificus in brackish waters.  相似文献   

霍乱弧菌溶源性噬菌体CTXΦ携带霍乱毒素基因ctxAB,通过其结构基因gⅢ编码产生的PⅢ蛋白识别霍乱弧菌毒素共调菌毛(toxin co-regulated pilus, TCP)的主要结构亚单位TcpA,从而感染具有TCP的霍乱弧菌,使之成为产毒菌株。CTXΦ还有不携带ctxAB的前体pre-CTXΦ,根据CTXΦ基因组中调控基因rstR序列型不同,可分成不同的型别。在不同霍乱弧菌菌株的基因组中,已发现CTXΦ/pre-CTXΦ基因组及其亚型的多种组合排列方式。研究该噬菌体家族的基因组多样性,能够分析其进化及在霍乱弧菌产毒株形成中的作用。本研究发现了4株O1和O139群霍乱弧菌非产毒株具有pre-CTXΦ基因组及多样的rstR序列型,进一步对pre-CTXΦ在4株菌株中的基因组特征进行了分析。利用第3代基因测序法(短读长测序技术和单分子长读长测序技术),获得了4株菌株的基因组序列。利用长读长测序和拼接分析,精确地获得了具有长片段重复序列结构的pre-CTXΦ基因组排列,明确了4株测序菌株中多样的pre-CTXΦ基因组排列。在非产毒株基因组菌株VC3193中发现了携带古典型pre-CTXΦ;还在菌株VC702的pre-CTXΦ基因组中首次发现了肺炎克雷白菌的转座子结构(Gen Bank序列号:SRIL00000000)。在这4株测序菌株中,受体TcpA以及pre-CTXΦ的PⅢ蛋白也具有明显差异的序列,有 TcpA和PⅢ新序列型,这提示了CTXΦ家族感染宿主菌的受体-配体相互识别的复杂对应关系。本研究丰富了对CTXΦ/pre-CTXΦ家族基因组及其整合排列的多样化认识,也为分析该溶源性噬菌体在不同遗传特征霍乱弧菌菌株间的水平转移和促使新产毒克隆形成方面提供了更多的证据。  相似文献   

Abstract A series of monoclonal antibodies of different isotypes specific for Vibrio cholerae O139, the new pandemic strain of cholera, was produced. These mAbs reacted only with the reference strain (MO45) representing serovar O139 but did not react with any of the other reference strains representing serovars O1 to O140. Significantly, the mAbs did not agglutinate the R-cultures of V. cholerae (CA385, 20–93) which demonstrated the exceptional specificity of these mAbs and indicated that the mAbs recognized antigenic determinants unique for the O139 serovar. There was heterogeneity in the intensity of reactivity of the mAbs with strains of V. cholerae O139 isolated from diverse sources. Apart from 4H6, the other mAbs agglutinated all the O139 strains examined. 2D12 and 2F8 were the best mAbs based on the intensity of agglutination with all the O139 strains. Evaluation of 3A10 in comparison with a polyclonal anti-O139 antibody raised in rabbit using the slide agglutination format revealed that 3A10 fared as well as the polyclonal antibody for the laboratory identification of the O139 serovar. The acquisition of these mAbs provide reagents which would be very useful in the development of simple immunodiagnostic assays for the diagnosis of V. cholerae O139 infections.  相似文献   

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