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Automated image analysis software, CellC, was developed and validated for quantification of bacterial cells from digital microscope images. CellC enables automated enumeration of bacterial cells, comparison of total count and specific count images [e.g., 4',6-diamino-2-phenylindole (DAPI) and fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) images], and provides quantitative estimates of cell morphology. The software includes an intuitive graphical user interface that enables easy usage as well as sequential analysis of multiple images without user intervention. Validation of enumeration reveals correlation to be better than 0.98 when total bacterial counts by CellC are compared with manual enumeration, with all validated image types. The software is freely available and modifiable: the executable files and MATLAB source codes can be obtained at www. cs. tut.fi/sgn/csb/cellc.  相似文献   

Recognition of the localisation of intracellular proteins is essential to the understanding of their function. It is usually made through knowledge of and comparison to the distribution of well-characterised intracellular organelles by experts in cell biology. We have automated this process in order to achieve a more objective and quantitative assessment of the protein distribution within the cell, which can be employed by the less experienced cell biologist and may be utilised as a training program for inexperienced users, or as a high throughput localisation program for novel genes in functional analysis. Here we describe the development and testing of a classification system based on a modular neural network trained with sets of confocal sections through cell lines fluorescently stained for markers of key intracellular structures. The system functioned well in spite of the variability in pattern that occurs between individual cells and performed with 97% accuracy, which gives us confidence in the method and in its future development. It is envisaged that this program will aid the design of further experiments utilising colocalisation with known organelle marker proteins, in order to confirm putative trafficking pathways and protein–protein interactions of the protein of interest.  相似文献   

A short review of confocal stereology and three-dimensional image analysis is presented, pointing out the achievements accomplished in this field by the Department of Biomathematics (Institute of Physiology, Prague). One of the methods of confocal stereology, the fakir method for surface area estimation, developed by this laboratory, is described. Methods for automatic measurement of geometrical characteristics of microscopical structures, based on 3-D image processing or surface triangulation, are discussed and compared with interactive stereological methods. Three-dimensional reconstruction programs and software implementation of stereological and digital methods as well as their practical applications are presented. The future trends are discussed.  相似文献   

Confocal microscopy requires the use of fluorophores to visualize structures of interest within a specimen. To perform reliable measurements of the intensity of fluorescence, the stain should be specific, penetrate well into tissue sections, and bind stoichiometrically. Furthermore, emission must be linear with respect to DNA content and brightness, and fluorescence should be stable. Confocal microscopy is used to determine DNA ploidy and to analyze texture of nuclei, which is accomplished in three dimensions, because nuclei can be measured within the original tissue context. For this purpose the sample must be stained with a DNA binding fluorophore with the properties described above. Stains with different properties have been developed for different applications. We review here the advantages and disadvantages of these different stains for analyzing DNA ploidy and nuclear texture using three-dimensional microscopy. We conclude that SYBR green I and TO-PRO-3 are the most suitable stains for this purpose at present.  相似文献   

Proteomics, the large scale identification and characterization of many or all proteins expressed in a given cell type, has become a major area of biological research. In addition to information on protein sequence, structure and expression levels, knowledge of a protein's subcellular location is essential to a complete understanding of its functions. Currently, subcellular location patterns are routinely determined by visual inspection of fluorescence microscope images. We review here research aimed at creating systems for automated, systematic determination of location. These employ numerical feature extraction from images, feature reduction to identify the most useful features, and various supervised learning (classification) and unsupervised learning (clustering) methods. These methods have been shown to perform significantly better than human interpretation of the same images. When coupled with technologies for tagging large numbers of proteins and high-throughput microscope systems, the computational methods reviewed here enable the new subfield of location proteomics. This subfield will make critical contributions in two related areas. First, it will provide structured, high-resolution information on location to enable Systems Biology efforts to simulate cell behavior from the gene level on up. Second, it will provide tools for Cytomics projects aimed at characterizing the behaviors of all cell types before, during, and after the onset of various diseases.  相似文献   

The possibility of using archival cytology material to study the evolution of neoplastic disease with regard to DNA content abnormalities was investigated. The accuracy of measuring the integrity optical density (OD) of nuclei that correlates to DNA amounts of those nuclei, on slides stained by the Papanicolaou method, was assessed and compared with a standard Feulgen method. Our data on rat liver nuclei peritoneal washings from patients with ovarian cystadenofibromas and ovarian cystadenocarcinomas suggested that analysis of cytological material using the Papanicolaou method is not reliable and that destaining the slides followed by Feulgen staining provides an optimal and reliable method of DNA quantification.  相似文献   

We present a truly quantitative fluorescence recovery after photobleaching (FRAP) model for use with the confocal laser scanning microscope based on the photobleaching of a long line segment. The line FRAP method is developed to complement the disk FRAP method reported before. Although being more subject to the influence of noise, the line FRAP model has the advantage of a smaller bleach region, thus allowing for faster and more localized measurements of the diffusion coefficient and mobile fraction. The line FRAP model is also very well suited to examine directly the influence of the bleaching power on the effective bleaching resolution. We present the outline of the mathematical derivation, leading to a final analytical expression to calculate the fluorescence recovery. We examine the influence of the confocal aperture and the bleaching power on the measured diffusion coefficient to find the optimal experimental conditions for the line FRAP method. This will be done for R-phycoerythrin and FITC-dextrans of various molecular weights. The ability of the line FRAP method to measure correctly absolute diffusion coefficients in three-dimensional samples will be evaluated as well. Finally we show the application of the method to the simultaneous measurement of free green fluorescent protein diffusion in the cytoplasm and nucleus of living A549 cells.  相似文献   

MOTIVATION: Image analysis is a major part of data evaluation for array hybridization experiments in molecular biology. The program presented here is designed to analyze automatically images from hybridization experiments with various arrangements: different kinds of probes (oligonucleotides or complex probes), different supports (nylon filters or glass slides), different labeling of probes (radioactively or fluorescently). The program is currently applied to oligonucleotide fingerprinting projects and complex hybridizations. The only precondition for the use of the program is that the targets are arrayed in a grid, which can be approximately transformed to an orthogonal equidistant grid by a projective mapping. RESULTS: We demonstrate that our program can cope with the following problems: global distortion of the grid, missing of grid nodes, local deviation of the spot from its specified grid position. This is checked by different quality measures. The image analysis of oligonucleotide fingerprint experiments on an entire genetic library is used, in clustering procedures, to group related clones together. The results show that the program yields automatically generated high quality input data for follow up analysis such as clustering procedures. AVAILABILITY: The executable files will be available upon request for academics.  相似文献   

Digitized fluorescence microscopy in conjunction with automated image segmentation is a promising approach for screening clinical specimens quickly and reliably. This paper describes the hardware and software of a prototype image-based cytometer that can identify fluorescent objects, discriminate true objects from artifacts and divide overlapping pairs of objects. The use of this image cytometer is discussed for: (1) the measurement of the DNA ploidy distribution of isolated mature rat liver nuclei labeled with 4',6-diamidine-2-phenylindole; (2) the comparison of the DNA ploidy distributions of the same samples measured by image cytometry (ICM) and flow cytometry (FCM); and (3) the quantification of chlamydial infection by double labeling cells with antichlamydiae antibody and Hoechst 33258 for nuclear DNA analysis. Ploidy distributions measured by the automated image cytometer compared favorably to those obtained by FCM. All pairs of overlapping nuclei were automatically detected by an additional computer algorithm, and those pairs that were clearly more than one nucleus by visual inspection were correctly divided. The irregular morphology of the chlamydiae-infected cells meant that 26% of them were not correctly identified in the fluorescein-stained images (as judged by manual inspection), but all cells were nevertheless detected correctly from the images of the Hoechst-stained samples. Automated fluorescence ICM yielded results similar to those obtained with FCM and had the additional benefit of maintaining cell and tissue architecture while preserving the opportunity for subsequent manual inspection of the specimen.  相似文献   

The determination of volumes and interface areas from confocal laser scanning microscopy (CLSM) images requires the identification of component objects by segmentation. An automated method for the determination of segmentation thresholds for CLSM imaging of biofilms was developed. The procedure, named objective threshold selection (OTS), is a three-dimensional development of the approach introduced by the popular robust automatic threshold selection (RATS) method. OTS is based on the statistical properties of local gray-values and gradients in the image. By characterizing the dependence between a volumetric feature and the intensity threshold used for image segmentation, the former can be determined with an arbitrary confidence level, with no need for user intervention. The identification of an objective segmentation procedure renders the possibility for the full automation of volume and interfacial area measurement. Images from two distinct biofilm systems, acquired using different experimental techniques and instrumental setups were segmented by OTS to determine biofilm volume and interfacial area. The reliability of measurements for each case was analyzed to identify optimal procedure for image acquisition. The automated OTS method was shown to reproduce values obtained manually by an experienced operator.  相似文献   

Automated segmentation and morphometry of fluorescently labeled cell nuclei in batches of 3D confocal stacks is essential for quantitative studies. Model-based segmentation algorithms are attractive due to their robustness. Previous methods incorporated a single nuclear model. This is a limitation for tissues containing multiple cell types with different nuclear features. Improved segmentation for such tissues requires algorithms that permit multiple models to be used simultaneously. This requires a tight integration of classification and segmentation algorithms. Two or more nuclear models are constructed semiautomatically from user-provided training examples. Starting with an initial over-segmentation produced by a gradient-weighted watershed algorithm, a hierarchical fragment merging tree rooted at each object is built. Linear discriminant analysis is used to classify each candidate using multiple object models. On the basis of the selected class, a Bayesian score is computed. Fragment merging decisions are made by comparing the score with that of other candidates, and the scores of constituent fragments of each candidate. The overall segmentation accuracy was 93.7% and classification accuracy was 93.5%, respectively, on a diverse collection of images drawn from five different regions of the rat brain. The multi-model method was found to achieve high accuracy on nuclear segmentation and classification by correctly resolving ambiguities in clustered regions containing heterogeneous cell populations.  相似文献   

An algorithm (3Dlabel-1) for labeling three dimensional binary data sets has been developed. Serial optical sections are acquired using a confocal laser scanning microscope. After filtering and thresholding operations, contiguous elements in the three dimensional data sets are identified and labeled. The results are used to calculate the number and size of objects. Additionally, the labeled data are displayed by applying an algorithm (3Ddisp-1) to generate stereo pairs, in which label numbers are color coded and depth is cued by intensity. These procedures have been applied in investigations of the temporal and spatial distribution of replication centers throughout S phase in BrdUrd pulse labeled mouse fibroblasts.  相似文献   

Quantitative characterization of the lateral structure of curved membranes based on fluorescence microscopy requires knowledge of the fluorophore distribution on the surface. We present an image analysis approach for extraction of the fluorophore distribution on a spherical lipid vesicle from confocal imaging stacks. The technique involves projection of volumetric image data onto a triangulated surface mesh representation of the membrane, correction of photoselection effects and global motion of the vesicle during image acquisition and segmentation of the surface into domains using histograms. The analysis allows for investigation of the morphology and size distribution of domains on the surface.  相似文献   

Automated detection of tunneling nanotubes in 3D images.   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
BACKGROUND: This paper presents an automated method for the identification of thin membrane tubes in 3D fluorescence images. These tubes, referred to as tunneling nanotubes (TNTs), are newly discovered intercellular structures that connect living cells through a membrane continuity. TNTs are 50-200 nm in diameter, crossing from one cell to another at their nearest distance. In microscopic images, they are seen as straight lines. It now emerges that the TNTs represent the underlying structure of a new type of cell-to-cell communication. METHODS: Our approach for the identification of TNTs is based on a combination of biological cell markers and known image processing techniques. Watershed segmentation and edge detectors are used to find cell borders, TNTs, and image artifacts. Mathematical morphology is employed at several stages of the processing chain. Two image channels are used for the calculations to improve classification of watershed regions into cells and background. One image channel displays cell borders and TNTs, the second is used for cell classification and displays the cytoplasmic compartments of the cells. The method for cell segmentation is 3D, and the TNT detection incorporates 3D information using various 2D projections. RESULTS: The TNT- and cell-detection were applied to numerous 3D stacks of images. A success rate of 67% was obtained compared with manual identification of the TNTs. The digitalized results were used to achieve statistical information of selected properties of TNTs. CONCLUSION: To further explore these structures, automated detection and quantification is desirable. Consequently, this automated recognition tool will be useful in biological studies on cell-to-cell communication where TNT quantification is essential.  相似文献   

An automatic method for quantification of images of microvessels by computing area proportions and number of objects is presented. The objects are segmented from the background using dynamic thresholding of the average component size histogram. To be able to count the objects, fragmented objects are connected, all objects are filled, and touching objects are separated using a watershed segmentation algorithm. The method is fully automatic and robust with respect to illumination and focus settings. A test set consisting of images grabbed with different focus and illumination for each field of view, was used to test the method, and the proposed method showed less variation than the intraoperator variation using manual threshold. Further, the method showed good correlation to manual object counting (r = 0.80) on an other test set.  相似文献   

The scattering density of the virus is represented as a truncated weighted sum of orthonormal basis functions in spherical coordinates, where the angular dependence of each basis function has icosahedral symmetry. A statistical model of the image formation process is proposed and the maximum likelihood estimation method computed by an expectation-maximization algorithm is used to estimate the weights in the sum and thereby compute a 3-D reconstruction of the virus particle. If multiple types of virus particle are represented in the boxed images then multiple 3-D reconstructions are computed simultaneously without first requiring that the type of particle shown in each boxed image be determined. Examples of the procedure are described for viruses with known structure: (1). 3-D reconstruction of Flockhouse Virus from experimental images, (2). 3-D reconstruction of the capsid of Nudaurelia Omega Capensis Virus from synthetic images, and (3). 3-D reconstruction of both the capsid and the procapsid of Nudaurelia Omega Capensis Virus from a mixture of unclassified synthetic images.  相似文献   

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