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The accumulation and incorporation of externally applied P32 into ATP and the effect of 4,6-dinitro-o-sec-butylphenol (DNBP) on these processes was studied, using tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.) leaf disks.

P32 was, in most part, actively accumulated into leaf disks with time and was incorporated into ATP and other organic phosphates. DNBP inhibited both P32 accumulation and ATP generation. The amount of inhibition increased with time of incubation.

It is concluded that P32 accumulation is related to ATP generation. Even though DNBP greatly inhibits phosphorus accumulation, there is little or no effect on its retention.

DNBP has the ability to uncouple oxidative phosphorylation. Therefore, it is assumed that its inhibitory effect on phosphate accumulation and generation of high-energy phosphorus esters is related to its inhibition of oxidative phosphorylation.

A method is described which appears to be satisfactory to determine the relative amounts of ATP and ADP in leaf disks labeled with P32.


The efficiency by which tomato spotted wilt virus (TSWV) was transmitted to plants and leaf disks by the vector Frankliniella occidentalis , was analysed. The virus was efficiently transmitted to Datura stramonium, Impatiens sp. and tobacco plants, i.e. 60–100% of the plants became infected when 1–3 viruliferous thrips were confined per plant for a period of 3 days. However, lettuceexhibited a lower susceptibility since only 25% of the test plants were infected when challenged by 10 viruliferous thrips per plant for 3 days. In contrast, complete resistance was found when transgenic tobacco plants, expressing the nucleocapsid protein of TSWV, were challenged with up to 10 viruliferous thrips per plant, whereas all non-transgenic control plants were infected when 5 viruliferous thrips per plant were used. To improve and accelerate the tramission studies, the applicability of leaf disks in these studies was tested. Leaf disks of 16 different plant species appeared to be highly susceptible. Infection ratings ranging from 51.6 to 95.0% were obtained when one viruliferous adult was placed singly on these leaf disks for a period for 24 h. The leaf disk assay was also employed to screen resistance of transgenic plants expressing the nucleocapsid protein of TSWV. One transgenic tomato line displayed complete immunity whereas a second line appeared to be susceptible. For the transgenic tobacco line, positive ELISA reactions were found for a few leaf disks (7.5%) suggesting that some virus replication did occur. However, the ELISA readings for these disks were significantly lower than those for leaf disks of non-transgenic controls. Finally, the significance of the use of the leaf disks and test plants in virus-vector studies is discussed.  相似文献   

Relationships between Photosynthesis and Light Intensity in the Tomato   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
PEAT  W. E. 《Annals of botany》1970,34(2):319-328
Curves were fitted to the rates of CO2 uptake (P) of singleleaves of tomato against light intensity (I). It was shown thatan asymptotic curve of the form P = abpI gave a consistentlybetter fit to the observed data than the rectangular hyperbola.Saturating rates of photosynthesis, estimated as the asymptoteof the curve, showed marked changes with leaf age, being maximalat or shortly after the start of the experiment, in small rapidlyexpanding leaves, and falling continuously thereafter. Photochemicalefficiency, measured as the slope of the curve at zero lightintensity, gave no discernable trends with time except in visiblysenescent leaves, when the value decreased appreciably.  相似文献   

Roots of month-old tomato plants (Lycopersicon esculentumMill.)were flooded for up to 36h. Shoots were removed just below thecotyledonary node, and the roots subjected to external pneumaticpressures (  相似文献   

Wong PP  Zucker M 《Plant physiology》1974,54(5):659-665
The increase in phenylalanine ammonia-lyase (PAL) activity in strawberry (Fragaria vesca var. WSU-1232) leaf disks required wounding, sucrose, and light and was cycloheximide-sensitive. In injured leaves and in leaf disks, the highest PAL activity was detected nearest the wounded tissues. Without wounding, no increase in activity was observed when leaves were cultured in sucrose and light.  相似文献   

Waterlogging is known to cause an increase in ethylene synthesis in the shoot which results in petiole epinasty. Evidence has suggested that a signal is synthesized in the anaerobic roots and transported to the shoot where it stimulates ethylene synthesis. Experimental data are presented showing that 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylic acid (ACC), the immediate precursor of ethylene, serves as the signal. Xylem sap was collected from detopped tomato plants (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill. cv. VFN8). ACC in the sap was quantitated by a sensitive and specific assay, and its tentative chemical identity verified by paper chromatography. ACC levels in both roots and xylem sap increased markedly in response to waterlogging or root anaerobiosis. The appearance of ACC in the xylem sap of flooded plants preceded both the increase in ethylene production and epinastic growth, which were closely correlated. Plants flooded and then drained showed a rapid, simultaneous drop in ACC flux and ethylene synthesis rate. ACC supplied through the cut stem of tomato shoots at concentrations comparable to those found in xylem sap caused epinasty and increased ethylene production. These data indicate that ACC is synthesized in the anaerobic root and transported to the shoot where it is readily converted to ethylene.  相似文献   

Whole-plant diurnal C exchange analysis provided a noninvasive estimation of daily net C gain in transgenic tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum L.) plants deficient in leaf cytosolic pyruvate kinase (PKc−). PKc− plants cultivated under a low light intensity (100 μmol m−2 s−1) were previously shown to exhibit markedly reduced root growth, as well as delayed shoot and flower development when compared with plants having wild-type levels of PKc (PKc+). PKc− and PKc+ source leaves showed a similar net C gain, photosynthesis over a range of light intensities, and a capacity to export newly fixed 14CO2 during photosynthesis. However, during growth under low light the nighttime, export of previously fixed 14CO2 by fully expanded PKc− leaves was 40% lower, whereas concurrent respiratory 14CO2 evolution was 40% higher than that of PKc+ leaves. This provides a rationale for the reduced root growth of the PKc− plants grown at low irradiance. Leaf photosynthetic and export characteristics in PKc− and PKc+ plants raised in a greenhouse during winter months resembled those of plants grown in chambers at low irradiance. The data suggest that PKc in source leaves has a critical role in regulating nighttime respiration particularly when the available pool of photoassimilates for export and leaf respiratory processes are low.  相似文献   

The effects of foliar sprays of gibberellic acid (GA) on thegrowth of tomato plants cv. Potentate were studied in growthrooms and a glasshouse. Four sprays of GA (5 ppm) increasedleaf area and whole plant weight relative to water controlsgrown at constant temperatures (7, 17, 22, and 27 °C) for12 days, the largest plants being obtained with 5 ppm. Experimentsmade at four photoperiods (5, 10, 15, and 20 h) and at two lightintensities (7000 and 10 750 lx) showed that GA increased leafand whole plant weight at 15 h, leaf area at 10 and 15 h andstem height at all photoperiods; area, height, and weight increaseswere obtained at both light intensities, leaf growth being increasedmore by GA at 7000 lx and stem growth more at 10 750 lx. Four foliar sprays of GA (5 ppm) were combined with N supplementsapplied via leaf and/or root to plants in sand culture. Withlow supply to the roots (20 ppm N) GA failed to increase growth,but increased it at higher levels. Total N in leaf and stemwas increased by GA or by NH4NO3 (10 sprays 280 ppm N) at alllevels of N supplied to roots, but when applied together theeffect on total leaf N was more than additive except at thehighest level (540 ppm) GA increased the concentration of N(as per cent dry matter) in leaf and stem at all levels of Nsupplied to roots. GA and NH4NO3 together resulted in a greateramount and a higher concentration of N in the shoots (and usuallyalso in roots) than did NH4NO3 alone. Leaf thickness (as freshweight/unit area) could only be increased appreciably by sprayingwith a complete nutrient solution which reduced leaf area butnot dry weight. Growth increases induced by GA were detectable 43 days afterthe first of four sprays in the glasshouse and after 30 daysin the growth room. The persistence of GA effects was comparedwith those induced by sprays of NH4NO3.  相似文献   

Young tomato plants were exposed to two weeks of chilling undernon-photoinhibiting or mild photoinhibiting conditions. Thedevelopment of the leaves was studied under chilling and controlconditions by measuring several physiological parameters. Agradual decrease of the efficiency of the photosynthetic apparatuswith maturation and ageing occurred in unchilled plants. Thiswas reflected by gradual changes in CO2-saturated photosynthesisand protein and rubisco contents. Except for senescing leaves,a correlation close to 1 : 1 was observed between maximum rubiscoactivity and CO2-saturated photosynthesis. Chlorophyll (Chl)contents and photochemical chlorophyll fluorescence quenchingshowed strong decreases only in the last phase of senescencein the oldest leaves. In plants chilled under non-photoinhibitingconditions (10C, 100–150 µE m–2 s–1or 6C, 30–50 µE m-2 s–1), a similar patternof ageing was observed, and no indications were found for aninduction of protein or rubisco degradation by chilling. Sincethese plants stopped growing in the cold, they revealed lowertotal photosynthetic capacities than unchilled plants of thesame size. When the chilling conditions were mildly photoinhibitory(6C, 100–150 µE m–2 s–1), a much strongerdepression of rubisco activity and photosynthetic capacity wasfound in all leaves, which was partly reversible in the youngones. This decrease in CO2fixation capacity, in turn, led toa higher susceptibility of the chilled plants to photoinhibitionat 20C. It is concluded that the decrease of both photosyntheticcapacity and growth after long-term chilling in tomato is aconsequence of the preceeding ageing and senescing of the leavesduring chilling, in contrast to chilling-tolerant species withthe ability for acclimation to low temperatures. (Received April 26, 1993; Accepted September 7, 1993)  相似文献   

Effects of low-molecular-weight organic acids on the accumulation and transportation of gadolinium (Gd) in tomato plants were studied under hydroponic condition. The results indicated that changes of organic acids occurred in the processes of Gd accumulation and transportation in tomato plants which were treated with extraneous Gd solutions. Malic, citric, and succinic acids contributed to both Gd accumulation in roots and transportation in xylem vessels. When Gd was unloaded from the xylem to the leaf cells, formic, lactic, citric, and succinic acids played important roles in Gd accumulation in leaves. When tomato plants were cultured in the uptake solution of Gd-containing malic, citric, or succinic acid for 48 h, the succinic acid in roots and leaves and the malic acid in xylem saps both increased obviously. From the results above, we can conclude that succinic acid had the most important role in Gd accumulation in tomato roots and leaves, while malic acid transported Gd via xylem vessels more effectively.  相似文献   

次生代谢物质花色素苷存在于植物的叶片、花、果实和种子的表皮细胞的液泡中,是一类使这些器官呈现从红色到黑色等系列颜色的水溶性色素。其合成过程不仅受到基因的调控,还受多种因素影响。首先是光通过信号转导途径直接或间接地调节相关酶基因表达的过程;其次是糖,常与光相互作用协调控制花着色;激素也是影响花色素苷合成的一个重要因素,往往通过影响植物体内的代谢过程和植物基因的表达来影响花色素苷的合成和积累。本文综述近20年来该领域的研究进展。  相似文献   

Torosa-2 (to-2), a tomato mutant with strong apical dominance,was studied in order to determine the mechanism of shoot outgrowthcontrol. In decapitated or defoliated to-2 plants only a fewshoots grew and IAA or morphactin application had little oronly short term effects. No differences were found in auxinand cytokinin activities between normal and mutant plants upto 20 days after sowing. In the period from 40 to 90 days theIAA content increased equally in both genotypes. During thesame period, however, cytokinin increased only in normal plants.The results obtained with the to-2 mutant indicate that budsdo not shoot, probably because bud differentiation does notoccur. The ratio of auxin to cytokinin clearly was affectedby the low level of cytokinin in all tissues of the to-2 plants.This led us to the conclusion that insufficient quantities ofcytokinin for lateral bud differentiation is the cause of thestrong apical dominance in to-2. (Received January 20, 1982; Accepted April 26, 1982)  相似文献   

HO  L. C.; SHAW  A. F. 《Annals of botany》1979,43(1):45-54
The changes in f. wt, d. wt, nitrogen, potassium, calcium, phosphorus,magnesium and carbon of the seventh leaf of a tomato plant weremeasured at seven occasions from 10 days to 30 days after leafemergence. Measurements of CO2 exchange by the leaf during bothlight (70 W m–2, 7 h) and dark (17 h) periods and thechange in carbon content over these two periods enabled a carbonbalance to be constructed on these seven occasions. Changesin the sugars and starch contents of the leaf over these twoperiods at each occasion were measured. With the exception of calcium the rates of accumulation of allsubstances increased to their maxima when the leaf was 22–24-days-old.Carbon fixation per unit f. wt. increased to a maximum whenthe leaf was 16-days-old. In a 10-day-old leaf the rate of carbonfixation was already four-fifths of maximum and one-quartermore than that at 30 days. The rate of night respiratory lossof carbon per unit fresh weight decreased as the leaf expanded.In a 10-day-old leaf, the amount of carbon lost by night respirationaccounted for one-quarter of that fixed in the same day. Thisfraction fell to one-tenth when the leaf was 22-days-old andremained constant thereafter. The amount of carbon being importedto the leaflets of a 10-day-old leaf was less than one-quarterof that accumulated in 1 day. Thus, the contribution of theimported carbon to the leaf growth up to this stage is relativelysmall. The transition of the seventh leaf from being a net importerto being a net exporter occurred when the leaf was 13-days-old. The sucrose content per unit f. wt was higher in the youngerthan in the older leaves and was not correlated to the transitionfrom net import to net export. The accumulation and breakdownof starch in a leaf were related not only to the growth of theleaf but also to the development of the whole plant. Lycopersicon esculentum, tomato, leaf, accumulation of minerals, water content, carbon budget  相似文献   

BESFORD  R.T. 《Annals of botany》1979,44(2):153-161
The relation between tomato leaf acid phosphatase activity andleaf tissue P content has been examined, and a study made ofthe effects of leaf development, variation in nitrogen supply,and variation in the growing medium on this relationship. Tomatoplants were grown in sand and given various concentrations ofphosphate. Plants were also grown for an initial period in peatcontaining an adequate level of phosphate, then transferredto peat to which was added 0 or 2.3 kg superphosphate m–3and supplied with either 50 of 300 µg N ml–1. Expressed on a unit tissue f. wt basis, acid phosphatase activityin the control plants in sand (given 41 µg P mlminus;1)was highest in extracts from the expanding leaves and decreasedwith leaf maturity. However, when given a reduced supply ofphosphate, the enzyme activity in the more mature leaves wasequal to, or greater than, that in the expanding leaves. Thephosphatase activity increased first in the young, fully-expandedleaves and in the mature leaves (with 4.1 µg P ml–1),but did not increase in the expanding leaves until the supplywas restricted to 2.1 µg P ml–1. On closer examination,the increase in enzyme activity appeared to be associated withthe P level in the leaf tissues, the activity increasing whenthe level fell below about 0.25 per cent (g P per 100 g drywt tissue). The same relation was found with the plants grownin peat, and was independent of the concentration of nitrogensupplied to the plants. The fully expanded leaves showed the best enzyme response whenthe phosphate supply was restricted and the activity reflectedclosely the local levels of tissue P. The assay of the enzymein unpurified leaf extracts is simple and rapid, and could beused in a test to detect P-deficiency in tomato plants. Lycopersicon esculentum L, tomato, acid phosphatase activity, phosphorus status  相似文献   

Accurate and timely detection of plant diseases can help mitigate the worldwide losses experienced by the horticulture and agriculture industries each year. Thermal imaging provides a fast and non-destructive way of scanning plants for diseased regions and has been used by various researchers to study the effect of disease on the thermal profile of a plant. However, thermal image of a plant affected by disease has been known to be affected by environmental conditions which include leaf angles and depth of the canopy areas accessible to the thermal imaging camera. In this paper, we combine thermal and visible light image data with depth information and develop a machine learning system to remotely detect plants infected with the tomato powdery mildew fungus Oidium neolycopersici. We extract a novel feature set from the image data using local and global statistics and show that by combining these with the depth information, we can considerably improve the accuracy of detection of the diseased plants. In addition, we show that our novel feature set is capable of identifying plants which were not originally inoculated with the fungus at the start of the experiment but which subsequently developed disease through natural transmission.  相似文献   

The effects of kinetin (Kn), gibberellic acid (G), and light(L) on cell expansion and division in disks from 6-day-old etiolatedprimary leaves of dwarf bean are described. Cell number wasdetermined by direct counting after disks were digested in apectinase/EDTA mixture to separate the cells. Kn increased leafexpansion wholly by increasing cell size. G also increased cellsize; it increased cell division in the dark but not in thelight. Light also increased cell size and cell division; iteliminated the effect of G on cell division but enhanced theeffect of G on cell expansion.  相似文献   

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