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《Comptes Rendus Palevol》2019,18(5):525-540
A new genus and species of chinchilloid rodent is described here. It was found in Colhuehuapian levels (early Miocene) of the localities of Bryn Gwyn and Gran Barranca, Chubut Province, Argentina. The new taxon shows a unique combination of characters (e.g., protohypsodont teeth, upper molars trilophodont, m1 and m2 tri- or tetralophodont with the second crest in position of variable development, and m3 trilophodont, cement absent) that make it different from any other known chinchilloids. We performed a phylogenetic analysis to corroborate the relationships of the new taxon within the Chinchilloidea. Our results indicate that the new taxon is best classified as Chinchilloidea incertae sedis, together with Incamys, Garridomys, and Scotamys. These species form the basal stock that leads to the modern lineage Chinchillidae (chinchillas and viscachas). The presence of the new taxon in these localities increases the diversity of chinchilloids during the early Miocene and reduces the dissimilarity between the faunas found in Bryn Gwyn and Gran Barranca.  相似文献   

The family Caviidae is one of the most diverse groups among South American hystricognath rodents and is represented by three main living lineages: Caviinae (cavies), Dolichotinae (maras) and Hydrochoerinae (capybaras). Caviinae includes the smaller forms of caviids represented by the extant Microcavia, Cavia and Galea. They are distributed in a wide range of environments throughout South America. In addition, three other genera from the late Miocene–Pliocene (Dolicavia, Palaeocavia and Neocavia) are recognised in high latitudes. In northwestern Argentina, the fossil forms of Caviinae have been poorly studied and for most of them there is no precise stratigraphic information. We describe and evaluate the phylogenetic affinities of the most ancient caviine from the Chiquimil Formation, Catamarca province, northwestern Argentina (9.14–7.14 ma). According to the morphological analysis of the mandibular and dental morphology and the results of the phylogenetic analysis, we assigned the new species tentatively to genus Palaeocavia. The phylogenetic position of the new species suggests an earlier origin for the lineage Palaeocavia + Cavia and for the entire clade Caviinae.  相似文献   

Hypsosteiromys is the only New World porcupine that shows a tendency to hypsodonty. It is recorded exclusively from the Colhuehuapian Age (Early Miocene) of central Patagonia (Argentina). In addition to the type species, a second one, Hypsosteiromys nectus(AMEGHINO, 1902), is recognized, from the southern cliff of Colhuehuapi Lake (Chubut province). It differs from the type species in the lesser development of the anterolabial and posteroflexid notches of the m1-3, shorter p4 and dp4, and more slender incisors. Dental morphology suggests that the species of Hypsosteiromys lived in more open areas than most fossil and living Erethizontidae.  相似文献   

Martínez, S., del Río, C.J. & Pérez, D.E. 2010: A brittle star bed from the Miocene of Patagonia, Argentina. Lethaia , Vol. 43, pp. 1–9.
As a consequence of the extremely poor fossil record of brittle stars, every new discovery is important. The Miocene example studied herein involves the recently described species Ophiocrossota kollenbergorum Caviglia, Martínez & del Río recovered from the Chenque Formation of southeastern Argentina. The information used here is derived from unpublished data and a new record from two discrete, thin, monospecific patches. The main taphonomic features of the patches, namely the presence of specimens concordant with bedding planes, (with either aboral or oral side upwards), and the good preservation of the delicate discs (ca. 6 mm wide on average), and the preservation of un-oriented arms complete with fragile tips (not wider than 0.2 mm), point to a suddenly buried census assemblage. Although broken or isolated arms were found, this is attributed to the erosive environmental conditions of the abrasion platform where the studied exposure is located today. Size frequency distributions suggest that both patches were buried at different seasons. Observed densities are 77 and 143 individuals/m2, and distances between individuals are random. The arm length/disc diameter ratio indicates that Ophiocrossota kollenbergorum may have been an epifaunal surface dweller. No signs of predation (such as regenerated arms), were identified.  相似文献   

New murids of Late Miocene (medial Baodean Chinese Mammal Unit) age from Inner Mongolia, northern China, and from Yunnan Province, southern China, are described. Hansdebruijnia perpusilla nov. sp. represents the earliest known and morphologically most primitive species of the genus, which is known from the latest Miocene of Europe and western Asia. The new species suggests an eastern Palaearctic origin of Hansdebruijnia. “ProgonomysyunnanensisQIU and STORCH, 1990 from Lufeng, Yunnan Province, is referred to Linomys nov. gen. New samples from Leilao, Yuanmou County, Yunnan Province, are included in this species, although this population is somewhat more primitive than that from Lufeng. Leilaomys zhudingi nov. gen. and sp. from Leilao shows a unique combination of apomorphic and plesiomorphic characters, which suggest an early divergence from the murid stem. The new findings indicate that our knowledge of the early radiation of murids in southeast Asia is still in its infancy.  相似文献   

A new species, Microcavia criolloensis (Rodentia, Caviidae), from the Upper Pleistocene (Sopas Formation) of the northern basin of Uruguay (South America) is described. This species is characterised by an exclusive association of skull and dental state characters. An analysis of similarity including other species of the genus and the related genera of Caviidae was performed. The new species of Microcavia behaved in the phenogram obtained as a discrete unit closely associated to Microcavia chapalmalensis and Microcavia niata. A mosaic of habitats, ranging from open and arid or semiarid microhabitats to fluvial and riparian forests, is suggested here, mainly based on the current adaptations of the genus Microcavia and the records of several taxa of mammals in the Sopas Formation. The geographic area occupied by Microcavia in the Pleistocene was different, with fossil records located more than 500 km eastward with respect to its present distribution. This variation could have occurred as a response to environmental changes in the last interglacial and glacial cycles.  相似文献   

Loricariid and pimelodid-like siluriforms—along with undetermined percomorph—are described for the first time from Patagonia. Vertebrate fossils, including fish, mammals and birds, were found in beds attributed to the top of the Puerto Madryn Formation. These levels supposedly corresponded to the “Rionegrense marino” of former authors. Mammals occurring in the site suggest a Huayquerian age for the fossiliferous beds. The base of the Huayquerian was dated at about 9 Ma and the top is younger than 6.5 Ma. Radioisotopic dating in the marine shell beds of the Puerto Madryn Formation ranges from 11 to 9 Ma. Consequently, the section described here appears to be younger than the typical Puerto Madryn Formation from which it is separated by an unconformity. The section is correlated with the type Río Negro Formation from northern Patagonia, which also includes Huayquerian fossils. Freshwater fishes were previously unknown in beds younger than the middle Miocene in southern South America. This is also the southernmost record of loricariid fishes. The association of aquatic continental and terrestrial vertebrates indicates for the first time in Península Valdés beds of freshwater origin. The evidence apported by fossils is also in agreement with global climate trends. The local extinction of loricariids in Patagonia possibly occurred much later than the time of deposition.  相似文献   

The evolutionary pattern of the molar morphology of the small caviomorph (Octodontidae) Neophanomys from the late Miocene Cerro Azul Formation of central Argentina is analyzed. Two new species (chronomorphs) are recognized, which constitute an anagenetically evolving lineage with a gradual and directional pattern of increasing molar hypsodonty. Dental changes related to increasing hypsodonty are comparable to those of the octodontid lineage Chasichimys also recovered from the Cerro Azul Formation. However, Neophanomys shows comparatively less variation in gross morphology and there are no evidences that this lineage achieved euhypsodonty. In contrast, important changes in enamel microstructure (schmelzmuster) are observed among different populations of Neophanomys, supporting the hypothesis that these changes can occur at least partially independently from modifications in dental gross morphology. The patterns of dental evolution detected in the Neophanomys and Chasichimys-Xenodontomys lineages and the unequivocal polarity of the changes involved, related to increasing hypsodonty, reinforce the hypothesis that chronological differences exist among late Miocene outcroppings of Cerro Azul Formation in central Argentina.  相似文献   

Fifteen Erysiphaceous taxa found on 20 host plant species in Patagonia are documented. A new species Oidium maculatae (type host: Viola maculata) is described. Berberis linearifolia, Buddleja globosa, Prosopis alpataco and Viola maculata, are new host plants for Erysiphales. Three new combinations on fungi and host plant species were founded: Erysiphe howeana – Fuchsia magellanica; E. patagoniaca – Nothofagus pumilio and N. antarctica. The genus Sawadaea and the species S. bicornis on Acer negundo and A. pseudoplatanus, are new records for South America. New host plants recorded for Argentina: Consolida ajacis, Galega officinalis and Plantago lanceolata. New host plants recorded for Patagonia: Galium aparine, Melilotus albus, Petunia × hybrida, Potentilla anserina, and Spiraea × bumalda. Oidium longipes is a new record for Argentina and Golovinomyces riedlianus is a new record for Patagonia.  相似文献   

Material of Hispanomys (Rodentia, Cricetodontinae) is described from various localities at Batallones (MN10) (Madrid, Spain). All of it belongs to a single species, which differs from the other known species of the genus and a new taxon, Hispanomys moralesi sp. nov. , is created for it. The samples from the various localities show differences interpreted as being the result of slight age disparities amongst the different sites. Although they were previously thought to be coeval, Batallones 10 is probably older than Batallones 1, which is possibly older than Batallones 3. Hispanomys moralesi sp. nov. is characterized by several morphological features such as the lack of cingula and mesolophs, the presence of well‐developed ectolophs, four‐ or five‐rooted M1, short or absent mesolophids, and reduced and simplified M3. Hispanomys moralesi sp. nov. is a relatively derived species, the evolutionary stage of which is comparable to those of other members of the genus from the Upper Vallesian. © 2010 The Linnean Society of London, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2010, 160 , 725–747.  相似文献   

Relationships among extant and fossil echimyids (Rodentia: Hystricognathi)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The echimyid rodents are the most diverse group of Neotropical hystricognaths, with approximately 40 extant and fossil genera. Craniodental characters are proposed in order to formulate hypotheses of phylogenetic relationships within the Echimyidae. A data matrix of 54 taxa and 50 characters is constructed and submitted to parsimony analyses using PAUP and WinClada programs. Analysis of the complete data set results in 47 448 most parsimonious trees 107 steps long. These trees are summarized in a strict consensus tree, which is taken as the main phylogenetic hypothesis resulting from this study. The monophyly of several currently recognized supraspecific taxa is not corroborated. These are: the subfamilies Eumysopinae, Echimyinae, Myocastorinae and Adelphomyinae; and the genera Proechimys , Echimys and Makalata . Conversely, the monophyly of Dactylomyinae and Trinomys is supported. New associations are proposed: (1) a clade comprising the extant Carterodon , Clyomys and Euryzygomatomys and the fossil Pampamys and Theridomysops placed at the base of the crown-group Echimyidae; (2) a clade uniting Proechimys , Hoplomys and Trinomys , which is the sister-taxon of (3) a clade including Mesomys , Lonchothrix , Myocastor and a clade with extant dactylomyines and echimyines and associated fossil taxa. Based on this phylogenetic hypothesis, patterns of tooth evolution in Echimyidae are discussed, and minimum ages for the divergence events within the family are estimated.  © 2004 The Linnean Society of London, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2004, 142 , 445–477.  相似文献   

We describe a new species of gundi (Rodentia: Ctenodactylidae: Ctenodactylinae), Sayimys negevensis, on the basis of cheek teeth from the Early Miocene of the Rotem Basin, southern Israel. The Rotem ctenodactylid differs from all known ctenodactylid species, including Sayimys intermedius, which was first described from the Middle Miocene of Saudi Arabia. Instead, it most resembles Sayimys baskini from the Early Miocene of Pakistan in characters of the m1-2 (e.g., the mesoflexid shorter than the metaflexid, the obliquely orientated hypolophid, and the presence of a strong posterolabial ledge) and the upper molars (e.g., the paraflexus that is longer than the metaflexus). However, morphological (e.g., presence of a well-developed paraflexus on unworn upper molars) and dimensional (regarding, in particular, the DP4 and M1 or M2) differences between the Rotem gundi and Sayimys baskini distinguish them and testify to the novelty and endemicity of the former. In its dental morphology, Sayimys negevensis sp. nov. shows a combination of both the ultimate apparition of key-characters and incipient features that would be maintained and strengthened in latter ctenodactylines. Thus, it is a pivotal species that bridges the gap between an array of primitive ctenodactylines and the most derived, Early Miocene and later, gundis.  相似文献   

Patrick Pineker  Thomas Mörs 《Geobios》2011,44(2-3):279-287
The dental material described in this paper represents the largest known sample of molar material of the extinct platacanthomyine rodent Neocometes Schaub and Zapfe. It can be attributed to Neocometes similis Fahlbusch, the stratigraphically oldest and most primitive of the two species recognized in the European Miocene. This rich material provides sufficient samples of all molar positions to evaluate and confirm the morphologic and morphometric characters given for N. similis. The evolutionary stage of the Neocometes population from Echzell is only slightly more derived than the one from the type locality Erkertshofen 2, and supports the biostratigraphic setting of Echzell given by earlier authors. N. similis is the first mammal described in detail from the fossiliferous ash layers of Echzell, a locality situated at the southwestern margin of the Vogelsberg volcanic complex in central Germany.  相似文献   

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