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The chromatinic material of the blue-green alga Anabaena cylindrica has complex configurations in the central regions of the cells. The distribution of the chromatin within the cells varies in different filaments, probably in response to variations in the disposition of other cellular components. In electron micrographs of thin sections of organisms fixed by the method of Kellenberger, Ryter, and Séchaud (1958) the centroplasm contains fibrillar and possibly granular components which can be identified as the nuclear material by comparison with stained preparations viewed in the light microscope. The fibrils in the nuclear regions have diameters in the range of 5 to 7 mµ and are embedded in a matrix of lower density. The nuclear regions are not greatly different from the cytoplasm in their electron density. Reducing the calcium content of the fixative results in coagulation of the fibrils to form coarser structures. The significance of the observations is discussed in relation to observations on the fine structure of other classes of algae and of bacteria.  相似文献   

柱胞鱼腥藻原生质球自发融合的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
早在1976年,细菌就实现了原生质体融合杂交[1]。同样是原核生物,蓝藻原生质球融合及细胞杂交至今没有任何报道。究其原因,首先是由于蓝藻原生质球再生技术长期不过关、近年来,蓝藻原生质球再生虽有若干报道[2~4],但再生技术还不够成熟;另一方面,很早就通过电镜检查发现  相似文献   

  1. Reduction of nitrate, nitrite and hydroxylamine by intact cellsof Anabaena cylindrica was investigated with special referenceto the stimulating effect of light on these processes.
  2. Itwas found that in light and under anaerobic condition thesecompounds are reduced to ammonia, with the production of extraoxygen. The stoichiometry of the reactions under these conditionscan be represented as follows: HNO2+H2O=NH2+2O2 HNO2+H2O=NH2+1O2 NH2OH+H2O=NH2+O2+H2O
  3. Reduction of nitrite and hydroxylaminewas markedly suppressedby CMU in the light but not in the dark.KCN inhibited reductionto the same extent both in the lightand in the dark. Reductionin the light was much less sensitiveto the uncoupling agent,DNP, than was that in the dark.
  4. Atlow light intensities, CO2– was suppressed by 20–30per cent by the simultaneous provision of nitrite, but the nitritereduction was not affected at all by CO2. At high light intensities,reduction of nitrate and nitrite was considerably acceleratedby CO2
  5. On the basis of these findings, a possible mechanismfor thelight stimulation of the reactions in question was brieflydiscussed.
(Received August 22, 1962; )  相似文献   

设计了一个经机械处理而获得蓝藻无菌培养物的方法,利用这一方法获得满江红鱼腥藻(Anabaena azollae)的无菌培养物。满江红鱼腥藻的无菌培养物能以果糖、葡萄糖或者蔗糖为底物,在黑暗中进行化能异养生长。将适应了光能自养生长的培养物转移至黑暗中异养生长时,以NaNO3为氮源时的生长速率比以空气中的氮气为氮源时高;然而适应了化能异养生长的培养物以空气中的氮气为氮源时生长更佳。搅拌促进生长。满江红鱼腥藻在黑暗中生长半年后,叶绿素a的含量降至光照下生长时的1/3-1/4。满江红鱼腥藻在5500勒克斯光照下生长时,添加外源果糖或葡萄糖仍能促进生长,提高固氮活性。    相似文献   

作者以前报道过几种快速生长的固氮蓝藻在某种条件下能好气光放氢,其速度可以达到光合放氧速度的10—15%,但这种活性只有在不积累氢气的流动气相下或在短时间内发生。本文报道用亚硝基胍诱变所得到的Anabaena spp。Strain CA的高光放氢突变种——N9A和18A——的筛选和氢代谢特点。在达生长饱和光照以后,野生型的光放氢活性与光照强度的增加成正相关,而其吸氢活性则与之成负相关,显示高光照强度可能抑制吸氢酶的活性。无论在什么光强下,均测不到两个突变种的吸氢活性,暗示在突变种中,吸氢酶或有关系统受损伤。把细胞固相化在琼脂上,在密闭系统中,高光强下培养50个小时,两个突变种光释放和积累的氢分别为野生型的2倍(N9A)和6倍(18A),后者等于氢占气相(1%CO_2的空气)的1.8%。两个突变种在生长速度、叶绿素含量、乙炔还原活性以及光合放氧方面与野生型无明显不同。当以含50—100nM的镍离子的培养基培养时,野生型的好气净产氢活性完全丢失,其吸氢活性却增加约10倍。培养基中镍离子的存在,对两个突变种的高光放氢活性则毫无影响,而且在此情况下,仍测不出其吸氢活性。实验结果表明,这两个突变种系吸氢酶缺陷型突变种。  相似文献   

Anabaena azotica HB 686氢酶有可溶性和膜结合两种存在状态,其中膜结合氢酶占总吸氢活性的67%,是吸氢酶的主要存在形式。在分离过程中,这两种氢酶在DEAE(DE—52)柱上的洗脱行为不同;此外,膜结合氨酶与氢的亲和力和吸氢能力均较强,对低温更敏感。这些差异可能与这两种氨酶的结构与生理功能不同有关。  相似文献   

The development of a “palmelloid” phase was studied in an adventive growth of a species of the blue-green alga Anabaena sp. and in culture of the same strain. The primary change from its characteristic filamentous structure was the separation of the cells from one another. This was accompanied by the excessive production of capsular slime in which the separated cells were arranged at random. Associated with this were a gross change in cytology and a change in shape of cell from spheroidal to enlarged ellipsoidal. Fresh culturing of palmelloid cells resulted in the resumption of the typical filamentous growth, which in time reverted to the palmelloid phase.  相似文献   

丝状固氮蓝藻柱胞鱼腥藻原生质球的培养再生   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
丝状固氮蓝藻柱胞鱼腥藻 (Anabaena cylindrica)在含 0 .1mol/ L KCl的 Allen液体培养基中培养7~ 9d,90 %以上细胞转化为原生质球或半原生质球 ,对低渗敏感或抗低渗。此种材料经 0 .1%溶菌酶 ,在 2 8℃下处理 3~ 4h,细胞低渗破裂率约 10 0 % ,成为质量较高的原生质球。用 0 .15mol/ L Ca Cl2 液体无机盐培养基培养 ,原生质球再生和分裂。不同原生质球再生不同步 ,最快培养 3 d分裂。再生分裂的主要方式为均等分裂 ,但有不规则分裂和出芽方式 ,再生率在 2 5%以上。  相似文献   

The polysaccharides from the envelopes of heterocysts of Cylindrospermum licheniforme Kütz., and of heterocysts and spores of Anabaena variabilis Kütz., like those from the differentiated cells of Anabaena cylindrica Lemm., have a 1,3-linked backbone consisting of glucosyl and mannosyl residues in a molar ratio of approximately 3:1. As is the case with A. cylindrica the polysaccharides from A. variabilis and from the heterocysts of C. licheniforme have terminal xylosyl and galactosyl residues as side branches. In addition, the polysaccharide from C. licheniforme resembles that from A. cylindrica in having terminal mannosyl residues as side branches (absent from A. variabilis). The polysaccharides from A. variabilis resemble that from A. cylindrica in having glucose-containing side branches (absent from the heterocyst polysaccharide from C. licheniforme), but in contrast to the polysaccharides from the other two species they also have terminal arabinosyl residues as side branches. All of the polysaccharides mentioned appear to be structurally related; we present tentative structures for those not previously investigated. In contrast, the envelope of spores of C. licheniforme contains only a largely 4-linked galactan. The bulk of this envelope is not polysaccharide in nature, and contains aromatic groups.  相似文献   

The ultrastructure of Synechococcus lividus Copeland, a thermophilic blue-green alga, was studied in thin sections. The cell envelope reveals striking similarities with that of some gram-negative bacteria. In contrast to bacteria and to many other species of blue-green algae, ribosomes are predominantly found in the central nuclear region and appear to be associated with the DNA fibrils. Thylakoids (photo-synthetic lamellae) are arranged as concentric shells, around the nuclear equivalent, lying nearly parallel to one another and to the plasma membrane. Both plasma and thylakoidal membranes, as described by other authors for different Cyanophyceae, are of the unit membrane dimension and morphology. Various types of intracellular inclusions are found: (1) Lipid inclusions, located in the cytoplasm are similar to the osmiophilic globules of higher plant chloroplasts. (2) Polyphosphate inclusions (or volutin) resembling those of other species are generally found at the cell poles but within the nuclear region. (3) Polyhedral inclusions also located in the nuclear region are clearly recognized to be different from the polyphosphate bodies, but their function remains unknown.  相似文献   

不同无机盐对柱胞鱼腥藻同工酶的影响   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
盐胁迫对蓝藻的影响已有广泛的研究,人们围绕着渗透胁迫(osmoticstress),研究了高浓度盐影响蓝藻的生长、光合作用、呼吸作用、固氮作用、蛋白质和RNA的合成等〔1~4〕;但迄今为止,尚未见到有关盐胁迫下蓝藻同工酶变化情况的报道。无机盐对同工酶影响无论对于盐胁迫反应生理及机制的研究,还是对于蓝藻基因表达调控等都有重要的意义。为此,我们在研究了无机盐对蓝藻的细胞学效应、固氮酶活性的影响〔5~7〕等之后,就无机盐对蓝藻同工酶的影响进行了初步研究。1 材料与方法试验用的柱胞鱼腥藻(Anabaenacylindrica)是一种具异形胞的丝状固氮…  相似文献   

营养液中添加外源的甘露醇后,蓝藻Anabaena 7120固氮受NaCl胁迫的程度减弱。在光合作用不能进行或受到削弱,能量供应受阻、厌氧环境中和分子氧条件下,甘露醇的良好作用减小或消失。改善能涛和碳架供应,增强氢的利用或满足合成固氮酶蛋白所需物质需求时,甘露醇缓解NaCl胁迫蓝藻固氮的程度明显增大。  相似文献   


The extractability of toxin from Microcystis aeruginosa isolate UV-006 by different extraction media such as O, 1N HC1, 2N CH3COOH, Triton X-100 and water at different pH levels was investigated. The best recovery of toxin was achieved with water at a pH of 10 while the recoveries with the more acidic media tended to be lower.  相似文献   

用光合膜片增溶和SDS-聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳方法,从固氮蓝藻Anabaena sp.7120分离到7条色素带。迁移率较慢的五条叶绿素蛋白复合体带,具有相同的吸收光谱和室温荧光光谱特性。它们的红区最大吸收峰在676nm;蓝区最大吸收峰在438nm。它们的室温荧光发射最高峰在672—673nm;在710,732和740nm都有小峰。这些是CPⅠ叶绿素所特有的。我们认为这5条带都是属于光系统Ⅰ的叶绿素蛋白复合体。另一条迁移率稍快的叶绿素蛋白复合体带为CPⅡ。它的红区最大吸收峰在672nm;蓝区最大吸收峰在436nm。与CPⅠ带相比,两个峰均向短波端偏移。它们的室温荧光发射最高峰在675nm,没有CPⅠ所特有的小峰。这些性质说明此带和CPⅠ带不同,而是和光系统Ⅱ反应中心相关的一个复合体。迁移率最快的带是游离色素带。  相似文献   

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