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人工饲养环境下长江江豚的行为谱的构建   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
对行为的定义和描述是定量开展行为学研究的前提与基础。通过对人工饲养环境下长江江豚行为的观察、记录和分析,定义和描述了长江江豚近40种行为。在此基础上,初步构建了人工饲养环境下长江江豚行为学研究所必需的行为谱,由活跃的水面行为、玩耍、索食、社群行为、性行为、休息、摩擦、杂类八个类别组成。文中对某些行为可能具有的生物学意义进行了初步的分析和讨论。  相似文献   

2005年7月5日,人工饲养条件下第一头江豚在武汉白鱀豚馆繁殖成功. 除了就地保护和迁地保护之外,建立一定规模的饲养群体并开展人工繁殖研究是保护长江江豚这一濒危物种的别外一种重要保护策略.  相似文献   

<正>2005年7月5日.人工饲养条件下第一头江豚在武汉白鱀豚馆繁殖成功。除了就地保护和迁地保护之外,建立一定规模的饲养群体并开展人工繁殖研究是保护长江江豚这一濒危物种的另外一种重要保护策略。自1996年开始.中国科学院水生生物研究所白鱀豚馆先后从长江石首、嘉鱼和城陵矶江段引入3头江豚(2雌1雄)并取得  相似文献   

长江江豚种群生存力分析   总被引:33,自引:5,他引:28  
张先锋  王克雄 《生态学报》1999,19(4):529-533
长江江豚是一个独立的种群,由于人类活动的影响,其数量呈下降的趋势,运用漩涡模型(VORTEX7.3)分析了长江江豚的种群生存力,预测了未来100a长江江豚的种群动态,比较了在假设环境条件下以及采取和不采取保护措施长江江豚种群的濒危程度,并模拟了江豚饲养群体的动态,主要结果显示,长江江豚在未来100a内灭绝的概率为0.01平均灭绝时间为100a,如长江环境状况进一步恶化,长江江豚的灭绝概率针大幅度提  相似文献   

作者于1989,1992,2001 和2003 年,从长江铜陵江段共捕获24 头长江江豚,在长江干流水域中,用不同的围养方式做摄食行为的观察,累计88 d。结果表明,野外捕获的长江江豚对人工投喂有3 种适应行为:(1)拒食行为;(2)警戒行为;(3)摄食行为。长江江豚的平均拒食天数为2.4 d,其中成年江豚拒食达3 d,而未成年江豚仅拒食1.5 d,两者差异极为显著(P < 0.01)。在冬季和春季圈养试验中,长江江豚的日食量随时间呈上升趋势,冬春季差异显著(P <0.01)。第2 周后江豚警戒行为所用时间不足3 min,但持续时间较长。根据冬季观察,7 周后长江江豚在40 min 内所摄取的食量不足体重的7% ,推测其摄食行为仍处在适应调整阶段。  相似文献   

长江江豚的迁地保护目前已取得初步成功,野化放归是迁地保护的最后一环,也是实现迁地保护目标的必然要求。在此背景下,于2021年4月将来自天鹅洲故道迁地保护区的2头雄性长江江豚转移至与长江干流环境相似的老湾故道,尝试开展野化训练,探究其行为和发声的适应过程,评估其巡游、捕食和发声等行为能否适应较恶劣的环境,为将来规模化的野化,甚至放归自然栖息地提供技术支撑。经过为期1年的野化训练和持续监测,结果表明,老湾故道鱼类密度显著低于天鹅洲故道,丰水期鱼体密度分布不均,上游较中下游高。江豚在上游的每日平均停留时间显著高于中下游, Spearman相关性分析表明与鱼群的密度分布有显著相关性。在进入故道的前2月,江豚顺流巡游所需时间逐渐增加达到峰值,随后降低并趋于稳定。在船舶噪声适应性训练中,江豚的平均呼吸间隔在存在船只干扰时显著降低,随着干扰次数的增加,逐渐恢复至无干扰时的水平。由此认为, 2头江豚对老湾故道的低鱼类资源密度、季节性变化的流速环境及人工施加的船只噪声干扰有良好的适应性,具备放归长江的条件。这是首次实施完全自然环境中江豚的野化训练,将为规模化的野化放归提供技术支撑,促进江豚自然种群的恢复...  相似文献   

半自然水域中长江江豚食性与摄食行为的初步观察   总被引:11,自引:4,他引:7  
于道平  蒋文华  糜励 《兽类学报》2003,23(3):198-202
2001 年4 月至2002 年3 月, 观察5 头系上标记的长江江豚在夹江中的摄食行为。结果表明: 长江江豚在半自然水域中饲养适应期大约需要两个月, 豢养初期其体重下降幅度约13.8 %; 从经济和适口性来看, 供饲饵料中以鲤鱼最合适, 夹江投放鱼苗应以草鱼、鲢鱼为主。建立人工投食后, 长江江豚日食量在夏季仅占体重的4.1 %、冬季约9.5 % , 均数约6.3 % , 比池内人工饲养下的日食量至少低3 % , 因此夹江中豚类活动能量有1/3 来自自由捕食; 长江江豚每天上午和下午的摄食速度差异显著( P < 0.05) , 推测其夏季野外捕食发生在清晨或傍晚, 冬季在中午。  相似文献   

应用高效液相色谱(HPLC)技术,首次测定了湖北石首长江天鹅州白豚自然保护区野生长江江豚(Neophocaena phocaenoides asiaeorientalis)和中国科学院水生生物研究所白豚馆人工饲养的长江江豚血清中17种氨基酸的含量.结果表明,除了脯氨酸Pro、蛋氨酸Met和组氨酸His外,人工饲养江豚血清中其余14种氨基酸(天门冬氨酸Asp、谷氨酸Glu、丝氨酸Ser、精氨酸Arg、甘氨酸Gly、苏氨酸Thr、丙氨酸Ala、异亮氨酸Ile、亮氨酸Leu、苯丙氨酸Phe、缬氨酸Val、赖氨酸Lys、酪氨酸Tyr、胱氨酸Cys)的含量显著高于野生长江江豚血清中相应氨基酸的含量.野生江豚和人工饲养江豚的血清氨基酸含量均没有显著的性别差异.野生江豚性成熟个体与未成熟个体之间血清氨基酸含量也没有显著性的差异.在所检测的17种氨基酸中,豢养江豚Glu含量最高,其次为Asp和Lys.野生江豚同样是Glu最高,其次是Lys和Asp.豢养和野生江豚都是Met含量最低.野生和豢养江豚必需氨基酸(EAA)和非必需氨基酸(NEAA)之间的比率分别是0.83和0.92,具有极显著的差异(p <0.01).  相似文献   

中国鲸类动物的人工饲养   总被引:14,自引:7,他引:7  
我国从1965 年由青岛海产博物馆首次开始饲养江豚和宽吻海豚。以后中国科学院水生生物研究所等单位先后饲养白鳍豚和长江江豚成功, 1995 年以后, 由于外国资本和技术的介入, 使我国鲸类动物的人工饲养水平很快赶上世界先进水平, 但由于发展速度太快,布局也不尽合理, 因此, 必须认真研究和探讨, 使我国鲸类动物的人工饲养得到健康有序的发展。

王丁 《人与生物圈》2011,(3):114-116
近几十年来.长江环境的日益恶化已严重影响了长江江豚的生存与繁衍.迁地保护在当前被认为是最为可行的保护手段。经过20多年的努力.在湖北长江天鹅洲白籍豚国家级自然保护区所属的天鹅洲故道.一个长江江豚迁地保护群体已经得以建立.这是世界上第一个对一种鲸类动物进行迁地保护并取得初步成功的范例,在长江江豚的保护事业中具有极其重要的地位.在国内外具有重大影响。  相似文献   

Two models are proposed to simulate population growth of species with mature stage and immature stage in which there are parental cares for immature. It is assumed that the protection of mature to their immature reduces mortality of immature at the cost of reduction of reproduction. Dynamical adaptation of parental care is incorporated into the models, one of which is described with the proportional transition rate from immature to mature (ODE model) and the other one is described with a transition rate from immature to mature according to a fixed age (DDE model). For the ODE model, it is shown that the adaptation of parental care enlarges the possibility of species survival in the sense that population is permanent under the influences of the adaptation, but becomes extinct in the absence of adaptation. It is proved that the outcome of the adaptation makes the population in an optimal state. It is also observed that there are parental care switches, from noncare strategy to care strategy, as the natural death rate of immature individuals increases. The analysis of the DDE model indicates that the adaptation also enlarges the opportunity of population persistence, but the stage delay has the tendency to hinder the movement of population evolution to the optimal state. It is found that the loss rate of immature in the absence of parental care can induce different patterns to disturb the adaptation of population to optimal state. However, it is shown that the adaptation of parental care approaches to the optimal state when parental care is required for the survival of the population, for example, when the loss rate of immature or competition among mature increases or the fecundity decreases. The research was supported by Heiwa–Nakajima Fund and National Science Fund of China (No. 10571143). The research was partly supported by the Sasakawa Scientific Research Grant from The Japan Science Society. The research was supported by Research Fellowships of the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science for Young Scientists.  相似文献   

The development of the structure and function of chemosensory apparatus of the tongue of mature and immature mammals was studied by scanning electron microscopy and in behavioral tests. Heterochronic development of receptors structures of dorsal surface of the tongue was established. At birth the chemoreceptors of body and root of the tongue were relatively mature in morphological aspects (the number of taste buds with pore). Taste pores in buds of anterior part of the tongue were found immediately at birth in mature and at the third week of postnatal period in immature animals. Behavioral tests found functional immaturity of chemosensory structures. Immature pups were able to recognize flavoured solutions only on the 7-10 day of age, and preference-aversion reactions of mature pups appeared to the third day of age. The data obtained are discussed in the respect of different ways of adaptation to food contacts with environment of the pups of mature and immature animals.  相似文献   

The host-discrimination behavior of the adult female pipevine swallowtail butterfly (Battus philenor) was investigated for two populations, an east Texas population that uses two host species with different leaf shapes and a Virginia montane population that uses one host species with a single leaf shape. While Texas and Virginia females exhibited similar chemotactile responses after landing on various host species, butterflies from each population landed more frequently on certain host species used by that particular population. Despite this difference in searching behavior, Texas and Virginia populations were equally capable of learning to search for the leaf shape of a particular host species in artificial enclosure arrays. In addition, learning of leaf-shape preference was confounded equally when each population was introduced into arrays containing all the host species found in both populations. The lack of differentiation in learning of leaf-shape preference between populations that differ in host breadth and host preference argues against the specific hypothesis that learning of leaf-shape preference represents a local adaptation that permits foraging butterflies in the east Texas population to respond to seasonal changes in the relative quality or abundance of host species that differ in leaf shape. Three hypotheses are proposed to explain the apparent absence of interpopulation genetic variation in learning traits. One hypothesis supposes that learning of leaf-shape discrimination is mediated by the same physiological mechanisms that permit females to learn to discriminate among suitable and unsuitable conspecific plants. Selection for restriction of learning of leaf-shape preference in the Virginia montane population may therefore be constrained by selection for learning of other types of discrimination behavior.  相似文献   

The ability to regenerate lost tissues, organs or whole body parts is widespread across animal taxa; in some animals, regeneration includes transforming a remaining structure to replace the one that was lost. The transformation of one limb into another involves considerable plasticity in morphology, physiology and behavior, and snapping shrimp offer excellent opportunities for studying this process. We examined the changes required for the transformation of the small pincer to a mature snapping claw in Alpheus angulosus. First molt claws differ from mature claws in overall shape as well as in morphology related to snapping function; nonetheless, shrimp with first molt claws do produce snaps. While most shape variables of second molt claws do not differ significantly from mature claws, the plunger (structure required for snap production) does not reach mature size until the third molt for females, or later for males. Thus, the pincer claw can be transformed into a functional snapping claw in one molt, although both the underlying morphology and superficial shape are not fully regenerated at this stage. The rapid production of a functional snapping claw that we observe in this study suggests that this particular function is of significant importance to snapping shrimp behavior and survival.  相似文献   

The dispersal and other movement patterns in two Badger populations, one in rural Gloucestershire and the other in suburban Bristol, are described and categorized into nine different types of movement. Movements were less common in the high density Badger population in Gloucestershire, but disturbance increased the likelihood of movements occurring. In the lower density Bristol population, where the social structure was more fluid, movements were more common. However, in both populations truly itinerant Badgers appeared to be rare. More male than female Badgers moved, but for each type of movement there was no difference in the distance moved by males and females. Movements were rare in animals less than a year old; most movements occurred in sexually mature animals, i.e. those more than 2 years old.  相似文献   

Fluorescent pseudomonads represent one of the largest groups of bacteria inhabiting the surfaces of plants, but their genetic composition in planta is poorly understood. Here, we examined the population structure and diversity of fluorescent pseudomonads isolated from sugar beet grown at two geographic locations (Oxford, United Kingdom and Auckland, New Zealand). To seek evidence for niche adaptation, bacteria were sampled from three types of leaves (immature, mature, and senescent) and then characterized using a combination of genotypic and phenotypic analysis. We first performed multilocus sequence analysis (MLSA) of three housekeeping genes (gapA, gltA, and acnB) in a total of 152 isolates (96 from Oxford, 56 from Auckland). The concatenated sequences were grouped into 81 sequence types and 22 distinct operational taxonomic units (OTUs). Significant levels of recombination were detected, particularly for the Oxford isolates (rate of recombination to mutation (r/m) = 5.23 for the whole population). Subsequent ancestral analysis performed in STRUCTURE found evidence of six ancestral populations, and their distributions significantly differed between Oxford and Auckland. Next, their ability to grow on 95 carbon sources was assessed using the Biolog? GN2 microtiter plates. A distance matrix was generated from the raw growth data (A660) and subjected to multidimensional scaling (MDS) analysis. There was a significant correlation between substrate utilization profiles and MLSA genotypes. Both phenotypic and genotypic analyses indicated presence of a geographic structure for strains from Oxford and Auckland. Significant differences were also detected for MLSA genotypes between strains isolated from immature versus mature/senescent leaves. The fluorescent pseudomonads thus showed an ecotypic population structure, suggestive of adaptation to both geographic conditions and local plant niches.  相似文献   

Adaptation of the erythropoetic system to hypoxia was shown to be different in different populations of montaine rodents of the Central Caucasus. One type of adaptation includes the increase in 2,3-diphosphoglycerate content of erythrocytes, the hemoglobin structure remaining apparently unchanged. This pattern was found in two groups of animals -- in one population of the ground squirrel Citellus suslicus whose ancestors were introduced to the mountains some 25 years ago, and in the wood mouse Apodemus sylvaticus which is a usual inhabitant of highland, although it does not form there any isolated populations. The other type of adaptation was found in the ground squirrel Citellus pygmaeus musicus, which is native to high altitude. The content of 2,3-diphosphoglycerate in the erythrocytes in this animal is the same as in the sea-level subspecies C. p. planicola, whereas the electrophoretic picture of hemoglobin in these two subspecies was found to be different.  相似文献   

Population structure, leaf phenology and leaf turnover were followed over a 29-month period in Zamia debilis L.f. ex Aiton (Zamiaceae), an understory species in the Cambalache Forest in northern Puerto Rico. It was not possible to determine plant age or to measure the subterranean stems; size classes based on leaf number and leaf × leaflet number indices were used to determine population structure. Despite seasonal and year to year fluctuations in leaf number at the individual and population level, population profiles remained relatively constant. At any one time, over 50% of the population was composed of unbranched individuals with one or two leaves. Only 7% of the plants were branched. Plants with seven or more leaves comprised at a maximum 8% of the population, but accounted for 28% of the total foliage. Size classes based on leaf number and on a leaf × leaflet index gave approximately reverse J-shaped curves typical of trees with shade tolerant seedlings and saplings. New leaves emerged throughout the year, with a peak at the beginning of the rainy season in May or June and lowest production during the dry months of February through April. Average leaf life expectancy was approximately 2.3 years. Leaf death occurred over an extended period of time by the loss of individual leaflets. Patterns in leaf production and loss differed between few- and many-leaved plants. On the average, as the number of mature leaves on a plant increased, time between emergence of new leaves decreased. In many-leaved plants more than one event of new leaf emergence per year was common. Individuals with one to three mature leaves and individuals with four or more mature leaves differed in their response to water stress: few-leaved plants generally reduced the rate of new leaf production and retained old leaves longer. Plants with more than three leaves continued to produce new leaves, but the rate of leaf mortality increased so that most had a net leaf loss. There was no evidence that leaf emergence or retention were affected by cone production or seed maturation.  相似文献   

We describe the life history of harbor porpoises in the Gulf of Maine by examining 239 animals killed in gill net fisheries and comparing these findings with the results of previous studies from the Bay of Fundy. Most female porpoises matured at age three and became pregnant each year thereafter. Reproduction was strictly seasonal, with ovulation, conception, and parturition occurring in the spring and early summer. The oldest specimen in the sample was 17 yr of age, but most individuals were younger than 12. The findings are similar to those of earlier studies from the Bay of Fundy and support the hypothesis that these animals form a single population. Harbor porpoises represent one end of a continuum of odontocete life histories that spans a wide diversity of strategies. In comparison with other, large odontocetes, harbor porpoises mature at an earlier age, reproduce more frequently, and live for shorter periods.  相似文献   

分子生态学研究进展   总被引:30,自引:3,他引:27  
胡志昂  王洪新 《生态学报》1998,18(6):565-574
介绍了这个新学科的基本内容,其特征是DNA标记的应用。结合我国最近几年动植物自然种群的分子研究,介绍国际分子生态学各个领域的进展:①分子生态学的技术;②分子种群生物学;③分子环境遗传学;④分子适应。实验结果显示:只要方法灵敏,DNA具有最高水平的多样性。即使是原先认为遗传变异很少的大熊猫和野生大豆,使用灵敏的方法,也能证实生物个体遗传组成的唯一性。种群内DNA的高度多态性,不同景观生态类型种群之间低水平遗传分化,说明自然种群绝大多数多态DNA位点是中性、近中性突变。至今没有发现盐渍条件下植物个体耐盐性水平与多态DNA有相关性,更证实这一点。发现少数多态DNA位点与形态分化有关或呈明显的地理梯度,暗示其适应意义。自然种群这两种生态学功能不同的多态DNA的存在,说明有必要重新讨论遗传多样性研究和保存中的取样策略。分子遗传研究也指导生态系统和物种的保育。文章最后从分子生物学的方法论和已经阐明的生态过程的众多分子信息提出分子生态学的新思路。建议分解生态系统,找出一个或少数物种和环境构成生态系统的基本功能单位,研究所涉及的基因及基因对基因的相互作用。进一步提议首先分析最简单的生态系统里发生的专一过程的分子细节。  相似文献   

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