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用蝶啶荧光分析法推断大头金蝇成虫日龄   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
应用蝶啶荧光分析法分析了常见尸食性蝇类大头金蝇Chrysomyamegacephala成虫头部蝶啶含量与日龄间关系 ,以及温度、性别等对这种关系的影响。结果表明 ,日龄、温度和性别对成虫蝶啶含量均有显著影响 ,其中温度为主要影响因子。在 16℃、2 0℃、2 4℃、2 8℃和 32℃各恒温下 ,成虫头部蝶啶含量与日龄间存在显著的线性关系。雌雄成虫头部蝶啶积累速率 (或 )与温度 (t)的关系分别可用指数函数FV =0 0 12 88×e(0 2 2 41t-3 12 7) +0 36 49(r2 =0 9987)和线性函数MV =0 0 5 74t- 0 36 37(r2 =0 95 5 7)很好地加以拟合。依据恒温试验结果 ,提出了自然变温条件下成虫日龄的 3种候选估测方法 ,证实这 3种方法仅适宜雄成虫而不适于雌成虫 ,其中对雄成虫日龄估测的最小误差平均为 2 5 5d。最后实际应用中如何选用这 3种方法作了讨论。  相似文献   

桔小实蝇在中国云南省的分布(英文)   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
在云南 1 2个县的诱捕试验表明 ,桔小实蝇在云南的分布可以划分为 3个区域。广南、元江和瑞丽以南的地区为该虫常年发生区。在该区域内 ,桔小实蝇年发生 4- 5代 ,可对瓜果形成周年危害。位于六库、大姚和曲靖以北的地区为该虫的非分布区。本试验未能在该地区诱捕到桔小实蝇或桔小实蝇受害果。位于上述两区域之间的区域为桔小实蝇季节性分布区。桔小实蝇在该地区年发生 2 - 3代 ,出现于 5- 1 1月。桔小实蝇在分布区内不同地区的发生高峰期 ,由南向北逐渐推移 ,如在景洪为 6月而在姚安为 1 0月。在地理垂直分布上 ,该虫主要分布于海拔 50 0 - 2 30 0m范围内 ,而其在 50 0 - 1 0 0 0m范围内发生量最大。研究认为 ,桔小实蝇在上述经度和海拔范围的发生与分布 ,主要与当地气候条件与寄主植物有关。  相似文献   

YE Hui 《Insect Science》2001,8(2):175-182
Abstract The Oriental fruit fly, Bactrocera dorsalis Hendel (Diptera: Tephritidae), is a serious pest inaect for vegetables and fruits in Yunnan Province. The trap experiments located in 12 counties of Yunnan indicated that, the geographical distribution of Oriental fruit fly there could be plotted as three distribution zones. To the south of Guannan, Yuanjiang and Rulin is the annual distribution zone. In this region, the Oriental fruit fly completed 4–5 generations per year, and infested the local vegetables and fruits all the year around. To the north of Luku, Dayiao and Qujing is the zone without the insect, where the Oriental fruit fly was not trapped and no fruits infested by the fly were found during the present study. The region between the above two zones was the seasonal distribution zone for the insect. The fruit fly occurred only during May to December in this area, and completed 2–3 generations in this period. The peak abundance of the oriental fruit fly took place from June in Jinghong to October in Yiaoan, along the altitude graduates from the south to the north. In elevation, the Oriental fruit fly was trapped at altitude of 500–2300 m above sea level, in which high trap catches appeared between 500–1000 m. It is proposed that the variations of the fruit fly distribution in altitude and latitude are principally correlated with local temperatures and host plants.  相似文献   

粘虫蛾飞行肌超微结构的研究   总被引:2,自引:4,他引:2  
罗礼智  李光博 《昆虫学报》1996,39(2):141-148
应用电子显微镜对粘虫雌蛾Mythimna separata(Walker)飞行(背纵)肌的研究结果表明,其肌原纤维由500-700根肌球蛋白丝(粗丝)组成,每根粗丝由6根肌动蛋白丝(细丝)环绕排列成六角形,每根细丝精确地位于两根粗丝间1/2处,从而使粗丝和细丝的比为1:3。肌节较短,长度约2.2-2.6μm。肌原纤维之间充满着线粒体和横管。每个肌节约有线粒体三个,横管二根。线粒体约占肌纤维体积的40%,而横管为7%。每根横管准确地位于肌节的1/4、3/4处,或Z线和中膈的中央,并与肌质网交接形成二位体(dyads)或三位体(triads)。肌质网相当不发达,约占肌纤维体积的2.5%。但其分布很有特色,即除了紧贴于肌原纤维周围的由单层液泡组成的肌质网以外,在中膈处还有一层横穿于肌原纤维的肌质网。和其它同步飞行肌的结构和功能分析比较的结果还表明,粘虫蛾飞行肌具有较善于飞行的结构。  相似文献   

本文记述丽蝇科陪丽蝇属Bellardia R.-D.,1830一新种,模式标本存于中国科学院上海昆虫研究所。西安陪丽蝇Bellardis xianensis Wu,Chen et Fan,新种(图1~4)  相似文献   

Abstract Three fibrinolytic proteases, which were designated as BPGFF'l, BPGFP2 and BPGFP3 individually, were purified from the gut extract of larvae of Boettcherisca peregrina fed on artificial diet containing fibrin-rich pig blood-coagulated block. BPGFP1 consists of two subunits with MW 32 000 and 30 000. Both BPGFP2 and BPGFP3 are monomer with MW 40 000 and 28 000, respectively. These three proteases am similar in substrate and inhibitor specificity. All of them possess high activities against fibrinolytic protease specific substrates such as fibrin, Chromzym P, Chromzym UK and S-2288. They also strongly hydrolyze trypsin-specific substrates Bz-Phe-Val Arg NA, cBz Gly-Pro-Arg NA, Bz-Pro-Phe-Arg NA and Bz-Val-Gly-Arg NA. PMSF, STI, LBTI and SBBI can inhibit activity of these proteases. Activities of these three fibrinolytic proteases were found to be maximal at alkaline range of pH 9.0 ˜ 10.0.  相似文献   

从以富含纤维蛋白的血凝块为食物的棕尾别麻蝇幼虫肠道浸提液中分离纯化出3种具有溶纤活性的蛋白酶,分别命名为BPGFP1,BPGFP2和BPGFP3。其中,BPGFP1由两个分子量分别为32000和30000的亚基组成。BPGFP2和BPGFP3均为单体,分子量分别为40000和28000。这三种蛋白酶具有相似的底物特异性和抑制剂特性。三种蛋白酶均能降解溶纤活性蛋白酶的特异底物纤维蛋白,Chromzym,P,Chromzym UK和S-2288。三种酶还能够强烈降解类胰蛋白酶专一底物Bz-Phe-Val Arg NA,cBz Gly-Pro-Arg NA,Bz-Pro-Phe-Arg NA和Bz-Val-Gly-Arg NA.PMSF,STI,LBTI和SBBI能够对三种蛋白酶活怀有极强的抑制作用。三种溶纤活性蛋白酶均在pH9.0-10.0范围内表现出较高活性。  相似文献   

首次描述了采自中国香港的短须滑爪蜉Cloeodes longisetosus(Braasch and Soldán)的成虫形态及重新描述了该种的稚虫形态.所有成虫标本由稚虫在实验室内饲养而成.对于短须滑爪蜉稚虫的研究进一步明确了该种在滑爪蜉属Cloeodes中的地位.短须滑爪蜉的稚虫与同属其它种类的主要区别是下颚须极短.短须滑爪蜉雄性成虫外生殖器的尾铗基部具有一块近长方形的突起,这一特征在同属其它已知成虫中是很独特的.这也表明类似这种特征在滑爪蜉属中也许存在或不存在.  相似文献   

Two P450 genes encoding CYP6A41 and CYP6EK1 were cloned from the oriental fruit fly using polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and rapid amplification of cDNA ends (RACE) techniques. CYP6A41 and CYP6EK1 contained open reading frames of 1,530 and 1,524 nucleotides that encode 510 and 508 amino acid residues, respectively. The putative proteins shared 44% identity with each other. Phylogenetic analysis showed that CYP6A41 and CYP6EK1 were most closely related to Ceratitis capitata CYP6A10 and CYP6A subfamily. Expression patterns of the two genes in different geographical populations (Yunnan, Hainan, Dongguang, and Guangzhou), developmental stages (eggs, larvae, pupae, and adults), and tissues (midguts, fat bodies, and Malpighian tubules) were analyzed by real‐time quantitative PCR (RT‐qPCR) methods. The results showed that the expression levels of CYP6EK1 were significantly different among the four populations, but were not different for CYP6A41. Both the expressions of CYP6A41 and CYP6EK1 were development specific and had significantly higher levels in the larval stage. The expression of CYP6A41 did not vary among the midgut, fat body, or Malpighian tubules; however, CYP6EK1 expression was higher in the Malpighian tubules. The results suggest that CYP6A41 and CYP6EK1 might be involved in detoxification of xenobiotic compounds that were harmful to larval flies or development. Moreover, high expression of CYP6EK1 in the Malpighian tubules also implied participation in detoxification.  相似文献   

粘虫蛾飞行肌的发育:超微结构特征分析   总被引:2,自引:5,他引:2  
罗礼智 《昆虫学报》1996,39(4):366-374
应用电子显微镜对正常条件下饲养的0-16日龄粘虫Mythimna separata (Walker)雌蛾飞行肌超微结构的研究结果表明:肌原纤维直径。线粒体和横管的体积分量均随蛾龄的增加而增加,到7日龄达到最大值以后又随蛾龄的增加而下降;但是,肌节长度则随蛾龄的增加而缩短,到7日龄达到最短后又随蛾龄的增加而延长,从而使整条发育曲线呈“V”字形;肌原纤维和肌质网体积分量变化不大或无规律可寻;二位体在发育初期和未期的比例较高,而三位体在4和7口龄比例较高;肌丝排列从0~7日龄均是有序的,肌动蛋白丝(细丝)和肌球蛋白丝(粗丝)的数量比为3:1,粗丝的数量变化也不大,每根肌原纤维约有600根。但从10日龄开始肌丝排列出现紊乱,细丝全部消失,粗丝降解、数量减少了30%,从而使肌原纤维留下一片片的空白。根据这些结果,把7日龄前的飞行肌发育过程视为生长过程,而把10日龄后的视作降解过程。最后对粘虫蛾飞行肌与卵巢发育及其飞行能力变化的关系进行了讨论。  相似文献   

The saturating pulse fluorescence technique was applied to study photoinhibition of photosynthesis in outdoor cultures of the cyanobacterium Spirulina platensis (Nordstedt) Geitler strain M2 grown under high oxygen and low temperature stress. Diurnal changes in maximum photochemical yield (Fv/Fm), photon yield of PSII (ΔF/F 'm), and nonphotochemical quenching (qN) were measured using a portable, pulse-amplitude–modulated fluorometer. When solar irradiance reached the maximum value, the F v/Fm and ΔF/F 'm ratios of the Spirulina cultures grown under high oxygen stress decreased by 35% and 60%, respectively, as compared with morning values. The depression of the Fv/Fm and ΔF/F 'm ratios reached 55% and 84%, respectively, when high oxygen stress was combined with low temperature (i.e. 10° C below the optimal value for growth). Photoinhibition reduced the daily productivity of the culture grown under high oxygen stress by 33% and that of the culture grown under high oxygen–low temperature stress by 60%. Changes in the biomass yield of the cultures correlated well with changes in the daily integrated value of the estimated electron transport rate through the PSII (ΔF/F 'm × photon flux density). The results indicate that on-line chlorophyll fluorescence measurement is a powerful tool for assessing the photosynthetic performance of outdoor Spirulina cultures.  相似文献   

采用支序分析的方法首次对古北和东洋区长足虻亚科的24属3亚属之间的系统发育关系进行了分析.结果表明,长足虻亚科为一严格的单系群,其中Ahercostomus、Allohercostomus、Tachytrechus和Aphalacrosoma为一单系群,Tachytrechus和Aphalacrosoma为姐妹群.原为寡长足虻属Hercostomus亚属之一的Gymnopternus与新属Setihercostomus的亲缘关系较近,为有效属.粗柄长足虻属Ludovicius与Sybistroma为一严格单系群,建议合并为一属.弓脉长足虻属Paraclius Coquillet应为Pelastoneurus的异名.建立3新属,即准长毛长足虻属Aphypophyllus gen nov,模式种Ahy-pophyllus sinensis(Yang,1996);准白长足虻属Aphalacrosoma gen nov,模式种Aphalacrosoma postiseta(Yang et Saigusa,2001);毛颜寡长足虻属Setihercostomus gen nov.,模式种Setihercostomus zonalis(Yang,Yang et Li,1998).原为寡长足虻属的亚属Ahercostomus提升为属,模式种Hercostomus(Ahercostomus)jiangchenganus(Yang et Saigusa,2001).建立的新组合为:Ahypophytlus sinensis(Yang,1996)comb. nov. , Aphalacrosoma hubeiense (Yang, 1998) comb. nov., A. postiseta (Yang et Saigusa, 2001) comb. nov.,A. sichuanense (Yang et Saigusa, 1999) comb. nov., Seti hercostomus setifacies (Stackelberg, 1934) comb. nov., S. zonalis (Yang, Yang et Li, 1998)comb. nov., S. wuyangensis (Wei, 1997) comb. nov., S. huangi (Zhang, Yang et Masunaga, 2004) and Ahercostomus jiangchenganus (Yanget Saigusa, 2001) comb. nov. .  相似文献   

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