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In Peptostreptococcus elsdenii, a three-component flavoprotein electron transfer system catalyzes the oxidation of lactate and the reduction of crotonyl-coenzyme A (CoA). Spectral evidence showed that D-lactate dehydrogenase, when reduced by D-lactate, was able to reduce butyryl-CoA dehydrogenase, but only in the presence of the electron-transferring flavoprotein. Reduced nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide could replace reduced D-lactate dehydrogenase. A reconstituted system, containing the three partially purified enzymes, excess D-lactate, and a limiting amount of crotonyl-CoA, reduced the crotonyl-CoA to butyryl-CoA, but only if all components were present. The electron-transferring flavoprotein activity, purified 22-fold, was separated into two major flavoprotein components, A and B, after polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. Elution of the proteins and subsequent kinetic assays of the eluates showed that component B catalyzes the reduction of butyryl-CoA dehydrogenase by reduced D-lactate dehydrogenase, whereas component A does not. Both A and B catalyzed the reduction of butyryl-CoA dehydrogenase by reduced nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide. The results suggest that the D-lactate dehydrogenase-dependent reduction involves a heretofore unrecognized component of the electron-transferring protein group which may utilize an unusual flavin, 6-hydroxy-7,8-dimethyl-10-(ribityl-5'-adenosine diphosphate)-isoalloxazine.  相似文献   

Formation of the anionic flavosemiquinone was observed spectrophotometrically during the anaerobic photo-irradiation of Alcaligenes sp. choline oxidase in the presence of EDTA. Further irradiation slowly converted the semiquinone form into the fully reduced state. The presence of a catalytic amount of riboflavin greatly enhances the photoreduction rate not only to the semiquinone state but also to the fully reduced state. This semiquinone species has low reactivity toward the substrate, choline or betaine aldehyde, as well as toward oxygen. This low reactivity toward oxygen is unique to the semiquinone form of a flavoprotein oxidase. The oxidized enzyme forms a complex with betaine, the product of the enzymatic reaction of choline oxidase. The dissociation constant for this complex was found to be 17 mM by spectroscopic titration. Anaerobic photo-irradiation of the enzyme with a saturating amount of betaine in the absence of EDTA produces, with no detectable semiquinone formation, an absorption spectrum which resembles (but significantly differs from) that of the fully reduced form. This species was found to comprise two flavin species. One of them is rapidly oxidized to the oxidized form by oxygen and is thus assigned as the fully reduced state. The other is converted slowly to the oxidized form upon aerobic standing in the dark. We tentatively assigned this latter species as a C(4a)-adduct. Formaldehyde was detected as a product of this photoreaction. The amount of formaldehyde formed coincided with that of the fully reduced enzyme. On the basis of the results obtained we propose a mechanism of the photoreaction of the enzyme in the presence of betaine where a C(4a)-adduct and the fully reduced enzyme via an N(5)-adduct are formed. Betaine also affects the dithionite reduction. In the dithionite reduction of the oxidized enzyme, the semiquinone species is an intermediate in the conversion of the oxidized to the fully reduced form, while the reduction of the oxidized enzyme-betaine complex with dithionite produces the fully reduced form without any significant formation of the semiquinone species.  相似文献   

A generic approach for flavoenzyme immobilization was developed in which the flavin cofactor is used for anchoring enzymes onto the carrier. It exploits the tight binding of flavin cofactors to their target apo proteins. The method was tested for phenylacetone monooxygenase (PAMO) which is a well-studied and industrially interesting biocatalyst. Also a fusion protein was tested: PAMO fused to phosphite dehydrogenase (PTDH-PAMO). The employed flavin cofactor derivative, N6-(6-carboxyhexyl)-FAD succinimidylester (FAD*), was covalently anchored to agarose beads and served for apo enzyme immobilization by their reconstitution into holo enzymes. The thus immobilized enzymes retained their activity and remained active after several rounds of catalysis. For both tested enzymes, the generated agarose beads contained 3 U per g of dry resin. Notably, FAD-immobilized PAMO was found to be more thermostable (40% activity after 1 h at 60 °C) when compared to PAMO in solution (no activity detected after 1 h at 60 °C). The FAD-decorated agarose material could be easily recycled allowing multiple rounds of immobilization. This method allows an efficient and selective immobilization of flavoproteins via the FAD flavin cofactor onto a recyclable carrier.  相似文献   

A broad-specificity beta-D-glucosidase from pig kidney cortex was isolated and purified to homogeneity by a rapid purification procedure. The pI (5.14 +/- 0.05), Mr (59,000 +/- 2000) and specific activities with several p-nitrophenyl glycosides (galactopyranoside, glucopyranoside, arabinopyranoside, xylopyranoside) were comparable with those published previously for cytoplasmic beta-D-glucosidase from other sources and organs. Mixed-substrate experiments and inhibition studies with glucono-(1----5)-lactone revealed that a single active centre, containing one catalytic site and one saccharide-binding site, was responsible for the splitting of all four synthetic substrates. Inhibition experiments with substrate analogues demonstrated that (i) the major binding determinant of the glycosides was the aglycone moiety, (ii) an anionic side chain of the enzyme (probably a carboxy group) interacted with the glycosidic linkages and (iii) the properties of the aglycone significantly influenced the binding of the carbohydrate moiety. The inhibition constants of the p-nitrothiophenyl derivatives were in good agreement with the Km values of the corresponding substrates. Therefore the Michaelis constants could be regarded as true equilibrium constants (Ks). The 'three-point-attachment model' of the substrate splitting, proposed by Daniels [(1983) Ph.D. Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh] for the analogous liver enzyme, was applicable for beta-D-glucosidase from pig kidney too. The possible nature of the 'attachments' is discussed.  相似文献   

The flavin reductase ActVB is involved in the last step of actinorhodin biosynthesis in Streptomyces coelicolor. Although ActVB can be isolated with some FMN bound, this form was not involved in the flavin reductase activity. By studying the ferric reductase activity of ActVB, we show that its FMN-bound form exhibits a proper enzymatic activity of reduction of iron complexes by NADH. This shows that ActVB active site exhibits a dual property with regard to the FMN. It can use it as a substrate that goes in and off the active site or as a cofactor to provide an electron transferase activity to the polypeptide.  相似文献   

《Inorganica chimica acta》1986,123(4):231-236
Complexes of pig kidney diamine oxidase with azide, thiocyanate, and cyanide have been characterized by EPR and circular dichroism spectroscopy. Cu(II) d-d bands are observed in the CD spectrum of the resting enzyme at ≈800 nm (12 500 cm−1) and 575 nm (17 400 cm−1). Anion binding produces characteristic changes in the CD spectra. N3/SCN → Cu(II) ligand-to-metal charge-transfer transitions are located at 390 nm (25 600 cm−1) and 365 nm (27 400 cm−1), respectively. In addition, an intense new band grew in at ≈500 nm (20 000 cm−1) when azide or thiocyanate were added, which may be assigned as a Cu(II) electronic transition that gains rotational strength in the anion complex. EPR spectra established that the Cu(II)-anion complexes are tetragonal; however, the magnitudes of the anion-induced shifts in the EPR parameters were consistent with substantial perturbations of the Cu(II) electronic ground state in the thiocyanate and cyanide complexes. Prominent superhyperfine splitting was apparent in the EPR spectra of the diamine oxidase complexes with thiocyanate and cyanide. The superhyperfine structure is (at least) partially attributable to endogenous Cu(II) ligands, probably from imidazole.  相似文献   

S M Lau  R K Brantley  C Thorpe 《Biochemistry》1988,27(14):5089-5095
Thia- and oxaoctanoyl-CoA derivatives (substituted at the C-3 and C-4 positions) have been synthesized to prove the reductive half-reaction in the medium-chain acyl-CoA dehydrogenase from pig kidney. 3-Thiaoctanoyl-CoA binds to this flavoenzyme, forming an intense, stable, long-wavelength band (at 804 nm; extinction coefficient = 8.7 mM-1 cm-1 at pH 7.6). The intensity of this band increases about 20% from pH 6.0 to pH 8.8. This long-wavelength species probably represents a charge-transfer complex between bound acyl enolate as the donor and oxidized flavin adenine dinucleotide as the acceptor. Thus, the enzyme catalyzes alpha-proton exchange, and no long-wavelength bands are seen with 3-thiaoctyl-CoA (where the carbonyl moiety is replaced by a methylene group). 3-Oxaoctanoyl-CoA binds comparatively weakly to the dehydrogenase, with a long-wavelength band at 780 nm which is both less intense and less stable than the corresponding thia analogue. These data suggest that the enzyme can accomplish alpha-proton abstraction from certain weakly acidic acyl-CoA derivatives, without concerted transfer of a hydride equivalent to the flavin. 4-Thiaoctanoyl-CoA is dehydrogenated in the standard assay 1.5-fold faster than octanoyl-CoA. Titrations of the medium-chain dehydrogenase with the 4-thia derivative resemble those obtained with octanoyl-CoA, except for the contribution of the strongly absorbing 4-thia-trans-2-octenoyl-CoA product. The corresponding 4-oxa analogue is a much poorer substrate (10% of the rate shown by octanoyl-CoA) but again effects substantially complete reduction of the flavin chromophore in the dehydrogenase.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

The complete primary structure of the peroxisomal flavoenzyme D-aspartate oxidase from beef kidney has been determined by analyses of the peptides obtained through fragmentation of the carboxymethylated protein with trypsin, CNBr, heptafluorobutyric acid/CNBr and Staphylococcus aureus V8 protease. The protein consists of a single polypeptide of 338 residues, accounting for a M(r) of 37,305 for the apoprotein. A form of the enzyme lacking Lys-338 and therefore ending with Pro-337 has been detected. The N-terminal residue is blocked. Seven cysteines and no disulfide bridges are present. Residue 228 can be either Ile or Val. Thus, D-aspartate oxidase presents two types of heterogeneity in the polypeptide chain in addition to the one already described concerning the possible content of FAD or 6-hydroxyflavin adenine dinucleotide. Comparison of the primary structure of D-aspartate oxidase with other known sequences reveals that D-aspartate oxidase is homologous with D-amino acid oxidase (another flavo-oxidase) and does not present significant sequence similarities with any other protein, including flavoenzymes.  相似文献   

Succinate dehydrogenase consists of two unequal subunits; Fp and Ip. An FAD group is covalently linked to a histidyl residue in the Fp subunit. The mechanism by which flavin is attached to protein is not known. Covalently bound flavin was studied in wild-type and succinate-dehydrogenase-negative Bacillus subtilis. The Fp subunit of succinate dehydrogenase was found to be the only (major) flavinylated protein in the cell. Mutants lacking covalently bound flavin and still containing the Fp polypeptide are described. It is shown that the flavin is not essential for assembly and membrane binding of succinate dehydrogenase in B. subtilis.  相似文献   

When the di- or trimethylamine dehydrogenases (trimethylamine:(acceptor) oxidoreductase (demethylating), EC of certain methylotrophic bacteria are reduced by two electrons with substrate unusual EPR signals arise at g = 2 and g = 4 (Steenkamp, D.J. and Beinert, H. (1982) Biochem. J. 207, 233-239; 241-252) indicative of spin-spin interaction between the FMN and iron-sulfur compounds of these enzymes. An attempt is made to understand, describe and simulate these spectra in terms of a triplet state with possible contributions from both dipolar and anisotropic exchange (J) interactions. No direct measurement of J is available, but various approaches to setting limits to J are outlined. According to these, J approximately 0.4 to 3 cm-1 or 15 to 50 cm-1. The spectra show, in the g = 2 region, a pair of rather sharp inner and a pair of broad outer lines; the latter broaden as well as move out from the center with increasing time (after substrate addition) and substrate concentration, while there is little change of g = 4. The best fits to such spectra were obtained by assuming distribution of D and E values, depending on substrate effects and arriving presumably from 'g-strain'. The fact that both shapes and intensities at g = 2 and g = 4 could be reproduced simultaneously at two frequencies indicates that the assumptions underlying our approaches and interpretations are permissible and reasonable, although we cannot claim their uniqueness. The distance between the centers of the spin densities of the flavin radical and the Fe-S cluster is thought to lie between the limits 3 to 5 A if the asymmetries in the spin-spin interaction are magnetic dipole-dipole in origin. Because there is an indication that the interaction is anisotropic exchange, the upper limit is less stringent.  相似文献   

Preliminary x-ray data have been obtained from large single crystals of pig kidney fructose-1,6-bisphosphatase, grown from polyethylene glycol. The crystals have the symmetry of space group P3(1)21 or its enantiomorph P3(2)21, contain two subunits of the 146,000-dalton tetramer/asymmetric unit, and diffract to 2.9-A resolution on still photographs. The unit cell dimensions are a = b = 132.5 A and c = 68.0 A. Small single crystals have been grown in the presence of the inhibitor fructose 2,6-bisphosphate, with and without the allosteric effector AMP added. Crystals grown in the presence of both ligands are isomorphous with native crystals and generate diffraction patterns that show significant intensity changes.  相似文献   

Plasma membrane fractions of stimulated and resting cells were isolated from pig blood neutrophils. The midpoint redox potential (Em) of the membrane-bound flavin was determined potentiometrically by analysis of the flavin free-radical signal by electron spin resonance (ESR) spectroscopy. In both stimulated and resting cells, a peak position of the titration curve gave an Em value of -280 mV at pH 7.0 (Em7). The flavin free radical showed an ESR spectrum at g = 2.004 with a peak to peak width of 19 G, which indicates that the redox intermediate is a neutral semiquinone. Redox titrations were anaerobically examined at 25 degrees C with NADPH in place of dithionite. Addition of NADPH to plasma membranes of stimulated cells resulted in a rapid change in potential, accompanied by the formation of the ESR signal of flavin free radical. Computer simulation of the titration points gave an ambient midpoint potential of -280 mV (Em7). In contrast, those of resting cells showed a very slow change in potential and no g = 2.00 signal formation. Power saturation behavior of the ESR signal showed a marked difference between those of stimulated and resting cells. ESR characteristics of the flavin are discussed in relation to the membrane-bound NADPH oxidase.  相似文献   

Spectroscopic and chemical modification studies of modified flavins bound to old yellow enzyme have led to predictions about the flavin environment of this enzyme. These studies analyzed solvent accessibility and hydrogen bonding patterns of particular flavin atoms, in addition to suggesting amino acid residues that are in close proximity to those atoms. Here, these studies are evaluated in the light of the crystal structure of old yellow enzyme to reveal that the spectroscopic and modified flavin results are generally consistent with the crystal structure. This highlights the fact that these are useful methods for studying flavin binding site structure. Although several of the inferred properties of the flavin environment are not consistent with the crystal structure, these discrepancies occurred in cases where an incorrect choice was made from among multiple plausible explanations for an experimental result. We conclude that modified flavin studies are powerful probes of flavin environment; however, it is risky to specify details of interactions, especially because of uncertainties due to induced charge delocalization in the flavin.  相似文献   

The crystal structure of electron transfer flavoprotein (ETF) from Paracoccus denitrificans was determined and refined to an R-factor of 19.3% at 2.6 A resolution. The overall fold is identical to that of the human enzyme, with the exception of a single loop region. Like the human structure, the structure of the P. denitrificans ETF is comprised of three distinct domains, two contributed by the alpha-subunit and the third from the beta-subunit. Close analysis of the structure reveals that the loop containing betaI63 is in part responsible for conferring the high specificity of AMP binding by the ETF protein. Using the sequence and structures of the human and P. denitrificans enzymes as models, a detailed sequence alignment has been constructed for several members of the ETF family, including sequences derived for the putative FixA and FixB proteins. From this alignment, it is evident that in all members of the ETF family the residues located in the immediate vicinity of the FAD cofactor are identical, with the exception of the substitution of serine and leucine residues in the W3A1 ETF protein for the human residues alphaT266 and betaY16, respectively. Mapping of ionic differences between the human and P. denitrificans ETF onto the structure identifies a surface that is electrostatically very similar between the two proteins, thus supporting a previous docking model between human ETF and pig medium-chain acyl-CoA dehydrogenase (MCAD). Analysis of the ionic strength dependence of the electron transfer reaction between either human or P. denitrificans ETF and MCAD demonstrates that the human ETF functions optimally at low ( approximately 10 mequiv) ionic strength, while P. denitrificans ETF is a better electron acceptor at higher (>75 mequiv) ionic strength. This suggests that the electrostatic surface potential of the two proteins is very different and is consistent with the difference in isoelectric points between the proteins. Analysis of the electrostatic potentials of the human and P. denitrificans ETFs reveals that the P. denitrificans ETF is more negatively charged. This excess negative charge may contribute to the difference in redox potentials between the two ETF flavoproteins and suggests an explanation for the opposing ionic strength dependencies for the reaction of MCAD with the two ETFs. Furthermore, by analysis of a model of the previously described human-P. denitrificans chimeric ETF protein, it is possible to identify one region of ETF that participates in docking with ETF-ubiquinone oxidoreductase, the physiological electron acceptor for ETF.  相似文献   

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