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目的 预测EB病毒潜伏膜蛋白1(Latent Membrane Protein 1,LMPl)的B细胞表位.方法 基于EB病毒基因组序列,采用DNAStar Lasergene软件包中的Protean软件,对LMP1的亲水性,表面可能性,抗原指数及其二级结构中的柔性区域进行分析,并结合吴玉章的抗原指数预测法预测其B细胞表位.结果 B细胞表位最有可能位于潜伏膜蛋白N端第356-358,2-19,249-314区段或其附近,而潜伏膜蛋白N端第185-223区段内或附近也可能存在B细胞表位.结论 用多参数预测EB病毒LMP1的B细胞表位,为鼻咽癌的筛查及抗肿瘤转移靶向治疗的分子免疫学研究奠定基础.  相似文献   

The C-terminus of latent membrane protein 1 (LMP1) can be phosphorylated in vivo. However, the protein kinase responsible for LMP1 phosphorylation has not yet been identified. In this study, GST fusion proteins containing the C-terminus of LMP1 were generated and used as substrates to survey the kinases that phosphorylate LMP1. Among several purified protein kinases tested, only protein kinase CK2 (CK2) could specifically phosphorylate LMP1. Using the in-gel kinase assay in the absence and presence of a selective CK2 inhibitor, 4,5,6,7-tetrabromobenzotriazole, CK2 was determined to be the major kinase to phosphorylate LMP1 in lymphoma and epithelial cell lines. This is the first study to show that CK2 is a potent kinase to phosphorylate LMP1 in vitro.  相似文献   

Epstein-barr virus latent membrane protein 1: Structure and functions   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
The Epstein-Barr virus latent membrane protein (LMP) 1 is a versatile protein that has profound effects on target cells through its effect on constitutive cellular proteins, e.g. TRAFs, TRADD, RIP, JAK3, BRAM1, and p85. LMP1 can stimulate or inhibit signaling pathways, resulting in transformation of rodent fibroblast cell lines, blockade of differentiation in epithelial cells, upregulation of anti-apoptotic proteins, production of cytokines, upregulation of cell surface markers, upregulation of DNA methyltransferase activity, and downregulation of cell adhesion molecules and cyclin-dependent kinases. Overall, this results in greater transformation and survival in LMP1-expressing cells. Within nasopharyngeal carcinoma biopsy tissues, a naturally occurring LMP1 variant has been identified as having a 10-amino acid deletion in the C-terminus that seems to confer greater transformation potential than non-deleted LMP1. The role of LMP1 as a viral oncogene and its interaction with cellular factors are discussed.  相似文献   

Epstein-Barrvirus(EBV),oneoftheDNAon-cogenicviruses,iscloselyassociatedwiththegenesisofBurkitt抯lymphoma,undifferentiatednasopharyn-gealcarcinoma(NPC),Hodgkin抯disease,gastriccancerand,lungcancer,etc.[1].EBVencodedlatentmembraneprotein1(LMP1)isconsideredtobethemajoroncogenicproteinofEBVencodedproteins.Biologicallyspeaking,LMP1isanintegralmembraneproteincontaining386aminoacids.Thethreedo-mains(CTAR1,CTAR2,CTAR3)intheC-terminusofLMP1havebeenshowntoinitiatethesignalingproc-ess.The…  相似文献   

The three-dimensional structure of BHRF1, the Bcl-2 homolog from Epstein-Barr virus (EBV), has been determined by NMR spectroscopy. Although the overall structure is similar to other Bcl-2 family members, there are important structural differences. Unlike some of the other Bcl-2 family members, BHRF1 does not contain the prominent hydrophobic groove that mediates binding to pro-apoptotic family members. In addition, in contrast to the anti-apoptotic Bcl-2 proteins, BHRF1 does not bind tightly to peptides derived from the pro-apoptotic proteins Bak, Bax, Bik, and Bad. The lack of an exposed, pre-formed binding groove in BHRF1 and the lack of significant binding to peptides derived from pro-apoptotic family members that bind to other anti-apoptotic family members, suggest that the mechanism of the BHRF1 anti-apoptotic activity does not parallel that of cellular Bcl-x(L) or Bcl-2.  相似文献   

Short palate, lung and nasal epithelium clone 1 (SPLUNC1) gene coded a secreted protein found at the surface of nasopharyngeal epithelium, which may be an innate immunity defensive molecular and a risk factor for nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC). Here, we observed the effects of SPLUNC1 on the Gram negative bacteria Pseudomonas aeruginosa, evaluated the ability of SPLUNC1 protein binding to lipopolysaccharide. To observe the effect of SPLUNC1 protein on Epstein-Barr virus (EBV), we raised three EBV-transformed B-lymphocyte lines and treated the cells by SPLUNC1 protein; cellular disruption, apoptosis, EBV DNA content, and viral oncogene expression were analyzed. We found that SPLUNC1 protein can bind to bacterial lipopolysaccharide, inhibit the growth of P. aeruginosa, enhance the disruption and apoptosis of EBV-infected B-lymphocytes, downregulate protein expression of EBV latent membrane protein 1, while upregulate protein expression of EBV envelope glycoprotein gp350/220. The total EBV DNA in the culture medium was decreased significantly after 7 days of treatment by SPLUNC1. This study shows that SPLUNC1 not only has the role of antibacteria and antivirus, but also inhibits the potential oncogenicity of EBV in respiratory epithelium. Hou-De Zhou and Xiao-Ling Li contributed equally to this work.  相似文献   

Cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTLs) specific for the Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) latent membraneprotein 2 (LMP2) antigen are important reagents for the treatment of some EBV-associated malignancies,such as EBV-positive Hodgkin's disease and nasopharyngeal carcinoma.However,the therapeutic amount ofCTLs is often hampered by the limited supply of antigen-presenting cells.To address this issue,an artificialantigen-presenting cell (aAPC) was made by coating a human leukocyte antigen (HLA)-pLMP2 tetramericcomplex,anti-CD28 antibody and CD54 molecule to a cell-sized latex bead,which provided the dual signalsrequired for T cell activation.By co-culture of the HLA-A2-LMP2 bearing aAPC and peripheral bloodmononuclear cells from HLA-A2 positive healthy donors,LMP2 antigen-specific CTLs were induced andexpanded in vitro.The specificity of the aAPC-induced CTLs was demonstrated by both HLA-A2-LMP2tetramer staining and cytotoxicity against HLA-A2-LMP2 bearing T2 cell,the cytotoxicity was inhibited bythe anti-HLA class Ⅰ antibody (W6/32).These results showed that LMP2 antigen-specific CTLs could beinduced and expanded in vitro by the HLA-A2-LMP2-bearing aAPC.Thus,aAPCs coated with an HLA-pLMP2 complex,anti-CD28 and CD54 might be promising tools for the enrichment of LMP2-specificCTLs for adoptive immunotherapy.  相似文献   

The Epstein-Barr virus (EBV)-encoded membrane protein, LMP, is expressed in a proportion of undifferentiated nasopharyngeal carcinomas (NPC). Previous studies have shown that the transfection of the gene encoding LMP into a human keratinocyte line, RHEK-1, induces morphological alterations and a reduced expression of cytokeratins. We have analyzed immunophenotypic changes in the RHEK-1 line following LMP-transfection and compared these changes with the phenotype of NPC biopsies. We demonstrate a downregulation of two epithelial markers, an epithelial glycoprotein (EGP) defined by the monoclonal antibody Ber-EP4 and the epithelial membrane antigen (EMA). Furthermore, a lymphocyte activation-associated antigen, CDw70 antigen, which was absent from the parental line was expressed in virtually all LMP-transfected cells, whereas no similar effect was seen with respect to the CD30 activation antigen. Nine EBV-positive human NPCs, six of which were LMP-positive expressed the EGP and EMA. The CDw70 antigen, which is not normally present in epithelial cells, was expressed in eight biopsies, whereas the CD30 antigen was not detectable. Our findings are in keeping with the notion that LMP expression may contribute to the immunophenotype of human NPCs.  相似文献   

The Epstein-Barr virus is a human gamma-herpesvirus that persistently infects more than 90% of the human population. It is associated with numerous epithelial cancers, principally undifferentiated nasopharyngeal carcinoma and gastric carcinoma. The BARF1 gene is expressed in a high proportion of these cancers. An oncogenic, mitogenic and immortalizing activity of the BARF1 protein has been shown. We solved the structure of the secreted BARF1 glycoprotein expressed in a human cell line by X-ray crystallography at a resolution of 2.3A. The BARF1 protein consists of two immunoglobulin (Ig)-like domains. The N-terminal domain belongs to the subfamily of variable domains whereas the C-terminal one is related to a constant Ig-domain. BARF1 shows an unusual hexamerisation involving two principal contacts, one between the C-terminal domains and one between the N-terminal domains. The C-terminal contact with an uncommonly large contact surface extends the beta-sandwich of the Ig-domain through the second molecule. The N-terminal contact involves Ig-domains with an unusual relative orientation but with a more classical contact surface with a size in the range of dimer interactions of Ig-domains. The structure of BARF1 is most closely related to CD80 or B7-1, a co-stimulatory molecule present on antigen presenting cells, from which BARF1 must have been derived during evolution. Still, domain orientation and oligomerization differ between BARF1 and CD80. It had been shown that BARF1 binds to hCSF-1, the human colony-stimulating factor 1, but this interaction has to be principally different from the one between CSF-1 and CSF-1 receptor.  相似文献   

Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) is a ubiquitous virus with infections commonly resulting in a latency carrier state. Although the exact role of EBV in cancer pathogenesis remains not entirely clear, it is highly probable that it causes several lymphoid and epithelial malignancies, such as Hodgkin’s lymphoma, NK-T cell lymphoma, Burkitt’s lymphoma, and nasopharyngeal carcinoma. EBV-associated malignancies are associated with a latent form of infection, and several of these EBV-encoded latent proteins are known to mediate cellular transformation. These include six nuclear antigens and three latent membrane proteins. Studies have shown that EBV displays distinct patterns of viral latent gene expression in these lymphoid and epithelial tumors. The constant expression of latent membrane protein 2A (LMP2A) at the RNA level in both primary and metastatic tumors suggests that this protein might be a driving factor in the tumorigenesis of EBV-associated malignancies. LMP2A may cooperate with the aberrant host genome, and thereby contribute to malignant transformation by intervening in signaling pathways at multiple points, especially in the cell cycle and apoptotic pathway. This review summarizes the role of EBV-encoded LMP2A in EBV-associated viral latency and cancers. We will focus our discussions on the molecular interactions of each of the conserved motifs in LMP2A, and their involvement in various signaling pathways, namely the B-cell receptor blockade mechanism, the ubiquitin-mediated (Notch and Wnt) pathways, and the MAPK, PI3-K/Akt, NK-κB and STAT pathways, which can provide us with important insights into the roles of LMP2A in the EBV-associated latency state and various malignancies.  相似文献   

Several lines of evidence are compatible with the hypothesis that Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) nuclear antigen 2 (EBNA-2) or leader protein (EBNA-LP) affects expression of the EBV latent infection membrane protein LMP1. We now demonstrate the following. (i) Acute transfection and expression of EBNA-2 under control of simian virus 40 or Moloney murine leukemia virus promoters resulted in increased LMP1 expression in P3HR-1-infected Burkitt's lymphoma cells and the P3HR-1 or Daudi cell line. (ii) Transfection and expression of EBNA-LP alone had no effect on LMP1 expression and did not act synergistically with EBNA-2 to affect LMP1 expression. (iii) LMP1 expression in Daudi and P3HR-1-infected cells was controlled at the mRNA level, and EBNA-2 expression in Daudi cells increased LMP1 mRNA. (iv) No other EBV genes were required for EBNA-2 transactivation of LMP1 since cotransfection of recombinant EBNA-2 expression vectors and genomic LMP1 DNA fragments enhanced LMP1 expression in the EBV-negative B-lymphoma cell lines BJAB, Louckes, and BL30. (v) An EBNA-2-responsive element was found within the -512 to +40 LMP1 DNA since this DNA linked to a chloramphenicol acetyltransferase reporter gene was transactivated by cotransfection with an EBNA-2 expression vector. (vi) The EBV type 2 EBNA-2 transactivated LMP1 as well as the EBV type 1 EBNA-2. (vii) Two deletions within the EBNA-2 gene which rendered EBV transformation incompetent did not transactivate LMP1, whereas a transformation-competent EBNA-2 deletion mutant did transactivate LMP1. LMP1 is a potent effector of B-lymphocyte activation and can act synergistically with EBNA-2 to induce cellular CD23 gene expression. Thus, EBNA-2 transactivation of LMP1 amplifies the biological impact of EBNA-2 and underscores its central role in EBV-induced growth transformation.  相似文献   

Latent membrane protein 1 (LMP1) of Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) is an integral membrane protein which has transforming potential and is necessary but not sufficient for B-cell immortalization by EBV. LMP1 molecules aggregate in the plasma membrane and recruit tumour necrosis factor receptor (TNF-R) -associated factors (TRAFs) which are presumably involved in the signalling cascade leading to NF-kappaB activation by LMP1. Comparable activities are mediated by CD40 and other members of the TNF-R family, which implies that LMP1 could function as a receptor. LMP1 lacks extended extracellular domains similar to beta-adrenergic receptors but, in contrast, it also lacks any motifs involved in ligand binding. By using LMP1 mutants which can be oligomerized at will, we show that the function of LMP1 in 293 cells and B cells is solely dependent on oligomerization of its carboxy-terminus. Biochemically, oligomerization is an intrinsic property of the transmembrane domain of wild-type LMP1 and causes a constitutive phenotype which can be conferred to the signalling domains of CD40 or the TNF-2 receptor. In EBV, immortalized B cells cross-linking in conjunction with membrane targeting of the carboxy-terminal signalling domain of LMP1 is sufficient for its biological activities. Thus, LMP1 acts like a constitutively activated receptor whose biological activities are ligand-independent.  相似文献   

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