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In 3 years, seed tubers were treated or not with imazalil in March or April, sprouted and planted in field experiments. Tubers were harvested on several dates and cured under different conditions for 2 wk, or not cured, before storage for 6 months. In some years effects of irrigation, seed tuber size and seed stock were tested. Fungicide seed treatment decreased silver scurf, and was most effective in 1989 when the seed had little infection and the season was dry, but the treatment increased black dot. Silver scurf and black dot were decreased by harvesting early and also by drying tubers before storage (dry curing), and these practices also sometimes decreased black scurf and skin spot. The effects of fungicide seed treatment and of dry curing were greater the earlier the tubers were harvested. Irrigation decreased silver scurf and in one year decreased black scurf but greatly increased black dot. Silver scurf, black dot and skin spot were more common on tubers from large than small seed whereas black scurf was most common on tubers from small seed. In 2 years tubers were affected with a brown superficial blemish (golding blotch). This developed on the undersides of tubers in soil and was decreased by irrigation. Its cause is not known.  相似文献   

Over 6 yr the effectiveness of imazalil, prochloraz and fenpiclonil, applied either alone or in a mixture, in controlling gangrene, dry rot, skin spot and silver scurf on potato tubers in store was compared with that of 2-aminobutane and thiabendazole. An assessment was also made of their efficiency in controlling the development of these diseases on the daughter tubers of seed tubers treated at harvest or before planting. Overall, 2-aminobutane was more effective in controlling gangrene (Phoma foveata) in store than the spray-applied fungicides. Deposits of imazalil, thiabendazole and fenpiclonil were greater when sprays were applied with an electrostatic sprayer than with a hydraulic sprayer. The opposite was found with the mixture of prochloraz Mn and tolclofos-methyl. More effective gangrene control was associated with the highest deposits. Fenpiclonil and the mixture of thiabendazole and imazalil were more effective in controlling dry rot (Fusarium solani var. coeruleum) than imazalil alone. The development of dry rot was, however, increased by 2-aminobutane treatment on eight out of 14 stocks. 2-aminobutane gave the greatest reduction (83%) in the severity of skin spot during storage whereas thiabendazole alone, and the mixture of thiabendazole and imazalil, gave mean reductions of 70% and 65% respectively. This mixture and fenpiclonil gave the greatest reduction in the severity of silver scurf although, in general, reductions in silver scurf with fungicide treatment were less than with skin spot. The type of sprayer used to apply a fungicide did not affect the effectiveness of the fungicides in controlling either skin spot or silver scurf on tubers in store, or on the daughter tubers. The incidence of gangrene and dry rot on daughter tubers was not reduced consistently by fungicide treatment of seed tubers of the six stocks tested. However, the severity of skin spot and silver scurf was reduced by fungicide treatments of all eight stocks but the reduction in disease was greater for skin spot than for silver scurf. All fungicides gave reductions in the severity of skin spot, and fenpiclonil and the mixture of thiabendazole and imazalil were the most effective for silver scurf. The effectiveness of the fungicides in controlling these diseases was similar for seed treated at harvest and that treated before planting.  相似文献   

An assessment was made over 3 years of the efficacy of thiabendazole, 2–aminobutane and a formulation of a mixture of thiabendazole and 2–aminobutane in controlling gangrene, skin spot and dry rot when applied either at harvest or after grading at different dates during the storage season.
After harvest applications, the incidence of gangrene was least on tubers treated with the mixture and generally greatest with thiabendazole. When applied after grading the efficacy of the fungicides was not affected by date of grading. Although 2–aminobutane applications at harvest or after grading were equally effective in controlling gangrene, thiabendazole and the mixture were less effective after grading where gangrene was prevalent in a stock. Thiabendazole and the mixture gave good control of dry rot when applied at harvest but were less effective when applied after grading, particularly late in the storage season. Dry rot was sometimes more prevalent on tubers fumigated with 2–aminobutane, especially those treated after grading. Skin spot was more effectively controlled by the mixture and 2–aminobutane than by thiabendazole but, with applications after grading, the efficacy of all fungicides declined the later the date of grading.
Plants grown from tubers treated with the mixture or its 2–aminobutane glycollate constituent exhibited characteristics associated with genetic variation.  相似文献   

A survey was made over 5 years of the incidence of contamination by Phoma foveata and Polyscytalum pustulans on 3-year-old virus-tested stem cutting (VTSC) stocks assessed on three occasions during the storage season, and on their daughter tubers at five farms. The contamination occurring on plants grown in small plots from stem-cutting/microplant tubers was also assessed at the farms.
Fungicide treatment soon after harvest reduced the incidence of both pathogens, especially P. pustulans . Tuber contamination was similar for samples collected after fungicide treatment and before planting. The incidence of contamination on daughter tubers, relative to that on the untreated mother tubers, was less with P. foveata but was similar or greater with P. pustulans . Contamination by both pathogens varied between farms and was reflected in the degree of contamination occurring on daughter tubers from stem-cutting/microplant tubers.
The incidence of P. foveata on stems, soil and tubers of seed stocks classified at Foundation Stock grade from various regions of Scotland was assessed over 2 years. The incidence of tuber contamination was correlated ( P < 0.05) with the amount of tuber-borne soil contamination for all comparisons, but was correlated with stem inoculum in only 7 out of 13 comparisons. The largest amounts of stem inoculum of P. foveata were found in stocks in Aberdeenshire.
These results are discussed in relation to the spread of both pathogens to healthy VTSC stocks.  相似文献   

Large seed tubers (mean 134 g) and small seed tubers (50 g) of three early and three maincrop potato cultivars, spaced respectively 48 and 30 cm apart within rows, were inoculated with Rhizoctonia solani at planting in 1985 and 1986. All seed of early cultivars was sprouted and maincrop seed was either sprouted or not sprouted. In all cultivars, plant emergence was slower from small than large seed and with both was delayed by inoculation. From 11 wk after planting numbers of stems and tubers and weights of foliage and tubers/m2 were usually similar from small and large seed when not inoculated, but inoculating delayed plant growth and decreased tuber numbers and yield more from small than large seed. Inoculating decreased mean yields from large and small seed of early cultivars at 11 wk by respectively 24% and 31% (Arran Comet), 12% and 18% (Estima) and by 10% and 28% (Wilja) and losses were greatest with saleable sized tubers (3–4 cm). When grown to maturity inoculating decreased yields by 7% (Arran Comet), 5% (Estima) and 14% (Wilja). With maincrop cultivars, yields in October from large and small seed were decreased by respectively 4% and 10% (DCsirke), 9% and 12% (Maris Piper) and by 14% and 22% (Pentland Squire). In all cultivars yields of tubers < 44 mm and 44–70 mm were decreased and, with Pentland Squire, tubers > 82 mm were increased. The incidence of stem canker and of black scurf on progeny tubers was not affected by seed size but in all cultivars the percentage of greened tubers was slightly increased by inoculation.  相似文献   

The effects of different seed sizes, planting densities and planting patterns on the transmission of silver scurf (Helminthosporium solani) and black scurf (Rhizoctonia solani) diseases of potatoes were examined in five field experiments with cv. Estima in 1991–93.
In all experiments, silver scurf was more severe with increase in seed size and planting density. At high planting density, silver scurf was less severe from a square planting pattern than from planting in wide rows. The incidence of black scurf also tended to increase with increase in seed size and was increased markedly high planting density.  相似文献   

In sandy loam infested with golden potato cyst-nematode, Globodera rostochiensis, oxamyl at 5.6 kg a.i. ha-1 incorporated in the top 15 cm of the soil just before planting potatoes greatly reduced nematode population increase on susceptible cv. Désirée grown six, seven or eight years after the last susceptible potato crop, but did not significantly increase tuber yields. In four-course and two-course rotations, oxamyl also controlled increase of G. rostochiensis and greatly increased yields of both cv. Désirée and resistant cv. Maris Piper. Oxamyl maintained tuber yields in a four-course rotation at the same level as in a six to eight-course rotation. Decline of G. rostochiensis in the soil was much faster under barley in some two-course rotations than under barley in four-course rotations.  相似文献   

AIMS: To evaluate the virulence gene nec1 as a reliable marker for the detection of pathogenic Streptomyces species on potato tubers and in soil samples using conventional and real-time quantitative PCR assays. Methods AND RESULTS: Two pairs of conventional primers (outer and nested) and one set of primers/probe for use in real-time PCR were designed to detect the necrogenic protein encoding nec1 gene of Streptomyces scabiei strain ATCC 49173(T). The conventional PCR primers were also incorporated into a multiplex PCR assay to simultaneously detect the nec1 gene in conjunction with the potato pathogens Helminthosporium solani and Colletotrichum coccodes. The specificity of each PCR assay was confirmed by testing 32 pathogenic and nonpathogenic reference strains of Streptomyces representing 12 different species and 74 uncharacterized streptomycete strains isolated from diseased tubers. A clear correlation between pathogenicity and the detection of nec1 by PCR was demonstrated. The sensitivity and specificity of both the conventional and real-time PCR assays allowed the detection of nec1 on potato tubers in the absence of visible symptoms of common scab, and in seeded soil down to a level equivalent to three S. scabiei spores per gram soil. CONCLUSIONS: Reliable and quantitative PCR techniques were developed in this study for the specific detection of the virulence gene nec1 of pathogenic Streptomyces species on potato tubers and in soil samples, and the data demonstrated a clear correlation between pathogenicity in Streptomyces species and the presence of the nec1 gene. SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF THE STUDY: Together with the DNA extraction protocols, these diagnostic methods will allow a rapid and accurate assessment of tuber and soil contamination by pathogenic Streptomyces species.  相似文献   

Seed tubers of cvs Désirée and Pentland Crown with different severities of black dot were planted in 1988 and 1989 at Rothamsted in fields in 4– or 7-course rotations, respectively. Tubers treated with prochloraz (1988) or imazalil (1989) were planted in some plots, and in others Colletotrichum coccodes inoculum was added to the soil at planting. In further experiments at Mepal, Cambridgeshire in 1989 and 1990 and at Rothamsted in 1990 on sites where potatoes had not been grown for more than 15 years, large amounts of inoculum were added to the soil around disease-free seed tubers of two (1989) or three (1990) cultivars at planting. In all experiments plants were sampled during the season and the effects of treatments on disease development, growth and yield were recorded. Disease on roots, stem bases and tubers was found early in the season and was more severe on Désirée than on Pentland Crown plants from fields in 4– or 7-course rotations. Severity increased throughout the season and with increasing amounts of disease on the seed tubers, especially with Desiree. Disease was also found on plants from disease-free tubers and was more severe in 1988 than 1989. At harvest, black dot on tubers was significantly more severe from severely affected than from disease-free seed, and was most severe where inoculum, especially large amounts, had been added at planting. Fungicide treatment decreased disease early in the season but had no effect on tuber infection at harvest. In 1989 the weight loss of seed tubers during sprouting increased with increasing amounts of black dot, but the disease had little effect on plant size through the season. At harvest the yield of ware tubers (>50 mm) decreased with severe disease but total tuber yields were not significantly affected. However, at harvest in 1988 severely affected seed yielded significantly less than healthy seed. Plants grown from mini-tubers were free from disease on sites where potatoes had not been grown for at least 15 years. Inoculum applied at planting caused severe disease on all cultivars in both years, whereas disease was slight on uninoculated plants. Inoculated plants senesced early at Mepal in 1990, but there were no significant differences in total tuber yield in any experiment. However, yields of ware tubers (>50 mm) were sometimes decreased and the total tuber number per plant increased.  相似文献   

Light leaf spot, caused by Pyrenopeziza brassicae, was assessed regularly on double-low cultivars of winter oilseed rape during field experiments at Rothamsted in 1990-91 and 1991-92. Previous cropping and fungicide applications differed; seed yield and seed quality were measured at harvest. In each season, both the initial incidence of light leaf spot and the rate of disease increase were greater in oilseed rape crops sown after rape than those sown after cereals. The incidence of diseases caused by Phoma lingam or Alternaria spp. was also greater in second oilseed rape crops. In 1991-92 there was 42% less rainfall between September and March than in 1990-91, and much less light leaf spot developed. However, P. lingam and Alternaria spp. were more common. Only fungicide application schedules including an autumn spray decreased the incidence of light leaf spot on leaves, stems and pods, as indicated by decreased areas under the disease progress curves (AUDPC) and slower rates of disease increase. Summer sprays decreased incidence and severity of light leaf spot on pods only. In 1990-91, all fungicide treatments which included an autumn spray increased seed and oil yields of cv. Capricorn but only the treatment which included autumn, spring and summer sprays increased yields of cv. Falcon. No treatment increased the yields of cv. Capricorn or cv. Falcon in 1991-92. Fungicide applications decreased glucosinolate concentrations in the seed from a crop of cv. Cobra severely infected by P. brassicae in 1990-91, but did not increase yield.  相似文献   

The relationship between the rate of in vitro growth of bacterial isolates of Pectobacterium atrosepticum, P. carotovorum subsp. carotovorum and Dickeya solani and their pathogenicity was investigated in tubers of two potato cultivars at four temperatures ranging from 18°C to 30°C. The rate of in vitro growth was highly positively correlated with the number of rotted tubers (r ranged from 0.91 to 0.93) and with the weight of macerated potato tissue, which, however, was only found for P. carotovorum and D. solani (r = 0.76; r = 0.91, respectively) and not for P. atrosepticum. The weight of macerated tissue increased with the temperature, but significant differences between species of bacteria were observed only at 26°C and above, at which temperatures D. solani was the most aggressive, followed by P. carotovorum and P. atrosepticum. Almost all potato tubers inoculated with bacteria showed symptoms of soft rot at 26°C and 30°C, but the number of rotting tubers at lower temperatures (22°C and 18°C) decreased significantly. The lowest disease incidence, 11% of tubers with symptoms, was observed for the D. solani and cultivar Sonda at 18°C, what was also confirmed in a separate experiment with tubers from four potato cultivars inoculated with the highly aggressive isolate of D. solani. At temperatures from 18°C to 30°C, the differences in disease severity between potato cultivars with various resistance to bacteria increased in line with temperature, while the differences in disease incidence decreased.  相似文献   

Potato plants growing in soil heavily infested with potato cyst nematode (PCN) contained less N, P and K in their leaf dry matter than plants growing in the same soil treated with a nematicide. These differences were less in tolerant than intolerant cultivars. Applying additonal fertiliser increased the growth of untreated plants more than that of nematicide-treated plants and nematicides increased growth most in plots receiving the lowest rate of fertiliser. Overall, the results are consistent with the hypothesis that damage by invading juveniles of PCN decreases the effectiveness of the potato root system leading to a chronic deficiency of one or more nutrients and a consequential reduction in the rate of top growth.  相似文献   


A field experiment was conducted to quantify the effect of varied water regimes on root length, partitioning of dry matter and plant growth regulators by using sunflower genotypes differing in maturity and drought tolerance. Significant depressing effect of drought stress was evident on traits (i.e., reproductive dry matter, leaf area index and cytokinin concentrations in leaves). However, root/shoot, reproductive/vegetative ratios and Abscisic acid (ABA) concentration were found to increase under drought stress. Drought stress also changed the dry matter accumulation pattern of genotypes. In most cases it reduced the days to reach the maximum peak showing early senescence.

ABA was identified as a multi-functional plant growth regulator under drought stress, causing early senescence of plants and translocation of assimilates to the roots and reproductive part while root growth under drought stress was explained by the indole-acetic acid (IAA) concentrations. Maintaining higher cytokinin contents were involved in accumulation of higher reproductive dry matter under drought stress. Although ABA and IAA were both involved in the development of defense responses during the adaptation and survival to drought stress but higher productivity under drought stress was only realized through maintaining higher cytokinin contents.  相似文献   

Forage barley dry matter yield and quality, as well as soil pH, Al, and Mn were monitored in response to P, K, and lime application on a newly cleared Typic Cryorthod (Orthid Podzol). The overall yearly yield level was affected by precipitation. Without liming soil acidification occurred after three years of production. The liming rate of 2.2 Mg.ha−1 was found optimal for maintaining initial pH levels (5.66) and increasing forage barley yields. It was also found optimum for K and P utilization for these first years of production. Soil pH dropped an average of 0.33 units over the three years on unlimed P plots and 0.46 units over 4 years on K plots. Phosphorus and K fertilization increased N utilization and resulted in decreased soil acidification. Phosphorus availability was greater in the first year of cropping than in subsequent years, this was likely due to the effects of higher available moisture, liming release of native P, and effects of initial fertilization. There was a 148% increase in total dry matter yield and an 85% increase in protein yield of forage barley with P application. Liming increased total forage barley yields an average of 69% and total protein yields 48%. Reduced barley yields in unlimed plots were due to low soil pH. After two years of cultivation, unlimed plots contained exchangeable Al and soluble Mn levels reported toxic for other soils. The higher liming rates of 4.4 and 6.6 Mg.ha−1 reduced soluble Mn to near critically low levels. soil Al and Mn were highly correlated to pH. Soil exchangeable Al, Mn, and soluble Mn along with tissue Al were inversely correlated to percentage yield. The average yield respone to three levels of applied K, increased from zero initially to 67% by the fourth year. Total dry-matter production increased 32% and total protein yield increased an average of 32% and total protein yield increased an average of 15% with K fertilization over four years. About 60% of the yield response occurred between the 0 and 22kg K.ha−1 rates. Initial soil exchangeable K levels were not maintained even at the highest 66kg K.ha−1 treatment. Soil exchangeable Al and soluble Mn were elevated with dropping pH. Soil K reserves and resupply of exchangeable K in these soils over the long term will be an important factor in crop production.  相似文献   

施用氮肥对油用牡丹叶片氮素吸收积累与籽粒品质的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用田间栽培试验,研究0 (对照)、18、24和30 g N·m-2 4个氮肥用量对油用牡丹“凤丹”叶片氮素吸收转运以及籽粒产量和品质的影响.结果表明: 施用氮肥处理牡丹株高、冠幅、花径和花干质量与对照相比均显著增加,其中,24和30 g·m-2氮肥处理株高比对照分别增加14.7%和15.2%.施用氮肥提高了牡丹籽粒的相关指标,24和30 g·m-2氮肥处理籽粒产量达到最大,分别比对照增加15.2%和15.4%.施用氮肥明显增加了叶片氮素积累量、叶片氮素转移量和籽粒氮素积累量.其中,24 g·m-2氮肥处理叶片氮素对籽粒贡献率最大.与对照相比,施用氮肥明显提高了籽粒蛋白氮、总氨基酸,以及部分饱和脂肪酸和不饱和脂肪酸的含量.在本试验条件下,施氮量为24 g N·m-2时,叶片积累氮素向籽粒的转移量、转移率和贡献率均达到较高水平,籽粒产量较高,并且蛋白氮、氨基酸含量和不饱和脂肪酸含量也相对较高.  相似文献   

通过盆栽试验进行水分(正常灌水和干旱后复水)和施氮处理(0、240、480kgN·hm-2),研究花铃期短期干旱再复水后氮素对棉花各器官干物质重、氮素累积与分配及产量与品质的影响.结果表明:花铃期土壤干旱显著降低了棉株各器官的干物质重与氮素累积量,而增大了棉株各器官的氮素含量,同时亦降低了棉株干物质与氮素在叶片中的分配指数,但提高了在根系的分配指数,从而增大了根冠比;增施氮肥可以提高干旱条件下棉株的干物质重与氮素累积量,但亦增大水分胁迫指数.复水对干旱处理棉株生长具有明显的补偿效应,尤其是根系的干物质重与氮素累积量显著高于相应正常灌水处理,且增施氮肥可以提高棉株的补偿效应.花铃期干旱结束时与复水后第10天,干旱处理棉株均以240kgN·hm-2水平下的生殖器官干物质重与分配指数最高,而根冠比最小,地上部与地下部生长最为协调,最终籽棉产量最高、纤维品质最优;而施氮不足(0kgN·hm-2)或过量(480kgN·hm-2)均不利于棉花产量的提高与纤维品质的改善.  相似文献   

甘肃省中部沿黄灌区是全国重要的加工型马铃薯生产基地,然而因集约化生产带来的连作障碍问题已经严重影响到当地马铃薯种植业的健康发展。结合田间试验和相关的室内分析,从马铃薯块茎产量和品质、植株生理特征和土壤真菌群落结构等角度,初步评估土壤灭菌和生物有机肥联用(Ammonia Disinfection plus Bio-organic Fertilizer Regulation,ABR)对马铃薯连作障碍的防控效果。同对照相比,ABR处理的块茎产量和商品薯率分别显著增加约71.1%—152.1%和39.2%—53.3%,但块茎化学品质变化不大。ABR处理叶绿素含量和根系活力较CK均显著增加,而叶片和根系丙二醛含量显著下降。PCR-DGGE分析发现,ABR处理显著影响了马铃薯连作土壤的真菌群落结构,表现为真菌群落的多样性指数较CK相比显著下降。ABR处理还有效抑制了土传病害的滋生,植株发病率和收获后的病薯率较CK分别显著下降约67.2%—82.2%和69.1%—70.5%。采用Real-time PCR评估连作土壤中3种优势致病真菌的数量变化,显示ABR处理下立枯丝核菌、茄病镰刀菌和接骨木镰刀菌的数量在生育期内较CK均有不同程度的下降。综合来看,土壤灭菌和生物有机肥联用技术在防控甘肃省中部沿黄灌区马铃薯连作障碍上具有较大的应用潜力,而对土传病害的抑制和微生物群落结构的改善是其主要的作用机理。  相似文献   

In order to determine if maturity stage, and wilting or acid treatment, change the crude protein (CP) fraction distribution (determined according to the Cornell Net Carbohydrate and Protein System) of whole crop pea silages, a pea with variegated flowers (Pisum sativum ssp. arvense L., cv Timo) was compared to a white-flowered, semi-leafless pea (P. sativum ssp. hortense L, cv Capella). Herbage was harvested at three maturity stages being: pod set, pod swell and full pod, and either acid-treated or wilted. Timo was acid-treated using 4 (acid4), 6 (acid6) or 8 (acid8) L/tonne fresh matter (FM) with a 2:1 mixture of formic and propionic acid, or wilted to a dry matter (DM) content of about 400 g/kg. Capella was treated with acid6 or wilted. Herbage was ensiled for 103 days in 10 kg laboratory silos. Despite differences in wilting conditions, all wilted herbages had similar protein fraction distributions. In the Capella silages the soluble CP content was lower in the later maturity stages, but this was not the case in the Timo silages. The amount of acid added only affected the B1 CP fraction content, which decreased with increasing acid. At pod set and pod swell for Timo, and at pod set for Capella, the direct-harvested herbages were difficult to ensile because of the high buffering capacity and low level of water soluble carbohydrates. Wilting improved ensilability. Acid treatment reduced proteolysis, but crops with DM contents below 150 g/kg must be acid treated with at least 6 L/tonne FM to ensure stable fermentation. Timo silages were more prone to malfermentation, probably caused by lodging, which made Capella the preferred cultivar for producing pea silages harvested at the pod swell stage or later. Proteolysis and the amount of soluble CP in the silage were lower in later maturity stages in the Capella, but not the Timo, cultivar.  相似文献   

The widespread planting of insect‐resistant crops has caused a dramatic shift in agricultural landscapes, thus raising concerns about the potential impacts on both target and non‐target pests. In this study, we examined the potential effects of intra‐specific seed mixture sowing with transgenic Bt rice (Bt) and its parental non‐transgenic line (Nt) (100% Bt rice [Bt100], 5% Nt+95% Bt [Nt05Bt95], 10% Nt+90% Bt [Nt10Bt90], 20% Nt+80% Bt [Nt20Bt80], 40% Nt+60% Bt [Nt40Bt60] and 100% Nt rice [Nt100]) on target and non‐target pests in a 2‐year field trial in southern China. The occurrence of target pests, Sesamia inferens, Chilo suppressalis and Cnaphalocrocis medinalis, decreased with the increased ratio of Bt rice, and the mixture ratios with more than 90% Bt rice (Bt100 and Nt05Bt95) significantly increased the pest suppression efficiency, with the lowest occurrences of non‐target planthoppers, Nilaparvata lugens and Sogatella furcifera in Nt100 and Nt05Bt95. Furthermore, there were no significant differences in 1000‐grain dry weight and grain dry weight per 100 plants between Bt100 and Nt05Bt95. Seed mixture sowing of Bt rice with ≤10% (especially 5%) of its parent line was sufficient to overcome potential compliance issues that exist with the use of block or structured refuge to provide most effective control of both target and non‐target pests without compromising the grain yield. It is also expected that the strategy of seed mixture sowing with transgenic Bt rice and the non‐transgenic parental line would provide rice yield stability while decreasing the insecticide use frequency in rice production.  相似文献   

We evaluated effects of hybrid and advancing plant maturity on performance, chemical composition, and nutritional characteristics of whole plant forage maize as well as the relative contributions of its plant fractions at high latitudes. Three maize hybrids, Avenir (FAO 180), Isberi (FAO 190) and Burli (FAO 210), were grown in southern Sweden in a field experiment with a replicated complete randomized block design. Plants were harvested four times during maturation, and dry matter (DM) yield and DM as a proportion of fresh weight were recorded. Whole plants were separated into four morphological fractions representing stems, leaves, kernels and cobs and the contribution of each fraction to the DM of the whole plant was estimated. Plant material was subjected to chemical analysis followed by measurement of in vitro gas production (GP) in buffered rumen fluid and finally, by calculation of in vitro true digestibility of organic matter (OM) and neutral detergent fibre (aNDFom). The GP profiles were fitted to a first order kinetic model with a discrete lag. Parameters describing the GP profiles were used in a recently developed mechanistic two compartment rumen degradation model to estimate in vivo OM digestibility (OMD) and first order rate of degradation in the rumen. Hybrids were compared and effects of maturity were assessed by analysis of variance using DM concentration as covariate. There were differences (P<0.05) among the hybrids in DM yield and relative contributions of the plant fractions. Differences (P<0.05) in modelled in vivo digestibility of OM and rates of degradation also occurred among hybrids. Increased maturity caused a reduction in in vitro digestibility of aNDFom in all plant fractions (P<0.05), but increased the rate of rumen degradation of OM in the whole plant as evaluated from GP results. The DM yield had a quadratic relationship with increasing maturity, with maximum yield at a DM concentration of about 370 g/kg. In vitro GP can describe the nutritive characteristics of forage maize in relation to advancing maturity and increased maturity affected agronomic performance and plant composition as well as the nutritive characteristics of hybrids.  相似文献   

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