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The growth of lichens in the field is slow and their cultivation is generally thought to be difficult. We studied the effects of environmental conditions and culture solutions on the growth of a lichen, and found that growth ofParmotrema tinctorum (Nyl.) Hale in growth cabinets was possible. The thallus area increased by about 20% monthly when the lichen was soaked in a culture solution for 90 min every four days and then grown at 100% relative humidity when the temperature in the growth cabinet was 20C and illumination was at 12 W/m2 for 16 hr daily.  相似文献   

In our study we have detected the antimicrobial effects of the aqueous, methanolic and chloroformic extracts of Rubia tinctorum, Carthamus tinctorius and Juglans regia on some airborne microorganisms; using the usual methods which are used routinely for this purpose in microbiology. Previous investigations have shown that extracts of these plants have antimicrobial effects on some bacteria such as Bacillus subtilis, Bacillus cereus, Bacillus mycoides, and also on some fungi specially Aspergillus niger, Penicillium expansum and Geotrichum candidum.The antimicrobial effects we have detected are 'microbicidal'. The aqueous and the chloroformic extracts had the most and the least microbicidal effects, respectively. The aqueous extracts of Carthamus tintorious and Juglans regia had the most and the least microbicidal effects respectively. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Th effect of fenvalerate 20% EC (a synthetic pyrethroid) on the growth of two ectomycorrhizal fungi, Thelephora terrestris and Laccaria laccata, was studied in vitro. In the case of T. terrestris, mycelial growth was promoted at lower concentrations of the insecticide but inhibited at higher concentrations; mycelial growth of L. laccata decreased with increase in concentration. The effect of the insecticide at three concentrations (0.25, 0.5, 1.5 ppm) was also studied on ectomycorrhizal formation in 4-month-old seedlings of Pinus patula in nursery trials. At lower concentrations the insecticide had no significant effect on mycorrhizal formation.  相似文献   

The effects of cell entrapment on the growth rate and metabolic activity of major groups of bacteria (betaproteobacteria and gammaproteobacteria) in biological municipal wastewater treatment were investigated. Three different cell entrapment media (alginate, carrageenan and polyvinyl alcohol) and three cell-to-matrix ratios (0.1%, 0.2% and 0.6%, w v−1) were examined. Representative species of betaproteobacteria were Alcaligenes faecalis and Comamonas testosteroni whereas Pseudomonas putida was a gammaproteobacteria species studied. Free (non-entrapped) cells were included in the study for comparative purpose. Results indicated that the entrapment, type of entrapment media, and cell-to-matrix ratio had significant effects on the growth and metabolic activity of major groups of bacteria in wastewater treatment. Polyvinyl alcohol entrapped cells had the highest specific growth and specific substrate utilization rates. Increase of cell-to-matrix ratio (from 0.1% to 0.2% or 0.6%) did not improve the specific growth and specific substrate utilization rates. The relative performances provided by different entrapment media of the three species studied were quite consistent. This study showed that the suitable choices of entrapment media and cell-to-matrix ratio are important but similar for major groups of bacteria in wastewater treatment.  相似文献   

水培条件下pH值对柳枝稷幼苗生长发育的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
土壤的p H值是限制植物生长发育的一个关键因素。柳枝稷是一种可作为牧草,水土保持的多年生C4能源植物。试验在水培条件下,利用裂区试验设计,以柳枝稷品种(系)为主区,水培液p H值为副区,对反映柳枝稷幼苗生长发育状况的指标进行统计分析。结果显示,随水培液p H值的酸碱强度增大,柳枝稷不同品种(系)幼苗的分蘖数、株高、苗鲜重、根冠比、根系活力以及净光合速率都极显著降低(P0.01),而幼苗保护酶活性以及丙二醛(MDA)含量则极显著升高(P0.01)。尤其是当PH值低于5.0时,幼苗的受到的胁迫更为明显,幼苗超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)和过氧化物酶(POD)活性反而急剧下降。与酸胁迫(p H值7.0)相比,柳枝稷对碱胁迫(p H值7.0)的适应能力更强,其中以西稷2号的抗逆性表现最好。因此应用柳枝稷在边际土壤地区推广种植时,要尽量避免强酸性土壤(p H值5.0),且选用西稷2号品系较为适宜。  相似文献   

A mutation of the ctsA locus of Aspergillus nidulans affects both the radial growth and conidiation of the mould when grown in the presence of citrate. The ctsA locus was allocated to linkage group IV but it recombines freely with inoB2 and pyroA4 (which are also in linkage group IV). It is recessive in heterozygous diploids. A possible role for this gene in maintaining membrane integrity is discussed.The authors are with the Departamento de Genética, FMRP-USP, Av. Bandeirantes, 3900, 14049 Ribeirão Preto, SP., Brazil.  相似文献   

Iyer  Nandini  Ramakrishna Rao  T. 《Hydrobiologia》1993,255(1):325-332
Using population densities and growth rates as criteria, we studied interactions between the epizoic rotifer Brachionus rubens and each of three cladoceran species differing in size and reproductive rates — Daphnia carinata, Moina macrocopa and Ceriodaphnia rigaudi. In all mixed — species experiments, B. rubens existed in both the epizoic mode, attached to the cladoceran host, and in the free-swimming mode. Rotifer population growth rates were significantly depressed in the presence of M. macrocopa, presumably as a consequence of exploitative and interference competition. The largest cladoceran, D. carinata probably did not suppress B. rubens, because the epizoic component of the rotifer population escaped from the deleterious effects of mechanical interference. Peak population numbers and initial population growth rates reached by all three cladocerans were lower in the presence of B. rubens, probably because of the adverse effects of the epizoic infestation, which was maximal on D. carinata and least on C. rigaudi. In mixed-species cultures of D. carinata and M. macrocopa, the presence of B. rubens helped D. carinata coexist with M. macrocopa, which otherwise would have suppressed the Daphnia.  相似文献   

The growth rate of different strains of Bradyrhizobium and Rhizobium was studied in media containing amaranth seed meal instead of yeast extract. Results obtained in erlenmeyer flasks and stirred fermenters show that both Bradyrhizobium japonicum strains E109, E110, 5019, 587 and Rhizobium melilotistrains B36, B323, B399, Lq22, Lq42, Lq51 and U322, grow satisfactorily in amaranth seed meal medium. Cell count obtained for the strains tested was greater than 4 × 1010 viable cells.ml–1. Amaranth seed meal (4 g.l–1) is a suitable component for culture media that can be used instead of yeast extract.  相似文献   

食用真菌草菇[Volvariella volvacea(Bull.ex.Fr.)Sing.]VvLaeA在调控真菌发育方面的功能并不清楚。本研究在对草菇VvLaeA进行生物信息学分析基础上,通过聚合酶链式反应(polymerase chain reaction,PCR)的方法将超量表达启动子Vvgpd和草菇VvlaeA基因的开放阅读框(open reading frame,ORF)进行融合,并将融合片段克隆入pK2(bar)载体。采用农杆菌介导的转化方法将重组载体pK2(bar)-OEVvlaeA转入球孢白僵菌中进行表达,测定转化子的菌株发育情况。结果表明,草菇VvLaeA与其他真菌的蛋白同源性较低;和野生型相比,转化菌株的菌落直径显著增大,色素减少,分生孢子产量和萌发率均显著下降,对胁迫反应的敏感性增强。进一步研究发现,转化菌株分生孢子的细胞壁结构成分发生改变,和分生孢子发育相关基因的表达被显著下调。提示草菇VvLaeA能提高球孢白僵菌菌株的生长速率,而负调控色素沉积和分生孢子发育,这为草菇基因功能鉴定提供了启示。  相似文献   

Summary Inoculation with vesicular-arbuscular (VA) mycorrhizal fungiGlomus fasciculatus, G. mosseae, G. etunicatus orAcaulospora scrobiculatus, increased plant dry weight and seed yields of pot-grown soybean plants in sterilized soil. Inoculation with a mixture ofG. fasciculatus, G. mosseae andG. etunicatus, orG. fasciculatus alone, increased seed yields and other agronomic traits of soybean plants grown in a no-tillage, rice-stubble field.  相似文献   

In a greenhouse experiment involving an acid soil teff [Eragrostis tef (Zucc.) Trotter] plants failed to grow unless the soil was limed or inoculated with either of two vesicular-arbuscular-mycorrhizal (VAM) fungi,Glomus mosseae orGlomus macrocarpum. Plant growth increased by liming and to a lesser extent by VAM fungal inoculation. Liming also enhanced root colonization by VAM fungi. Shoot micronutrient content generally increased as a result of inoculation, and decreased by increased lime applications.  相似文献   

Summary Thalli of Lobaria pulmonaria (L.) Hoffm., a nitrogen-fixing epiphyte common in mesic temperate forests, were collected in a Douglas-fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii Franco) forest near Corvallis, Oregon, and maintained for 20 to 40 days in controlled-environment chambers with atmospheric CO2 concentrations of 374 and 700 ll-1. Nitrogenase activity, which was assayed by the acetylene reduction method, was approximately doubled in the lichen maintained in elevated CO2. Increases in nitrogen fixation by lichens may be an important part of the integrated ecosystem response to rising CO2.  相似文献   

Growth of Pseudomonas fluorescens in batch culture with glucose and organic acids resulted in typical diauxic responses at 30° C but no detectable diauxic lag at 5° C.At 30° C, organic acids were preferentially utilized during the first growth phase. Glucose utilization was delayed unitl onset of the second growth phase. Systems involved in direct uptake and catabolism of glucose responded in a manner compatible with respression by malate and/or its metabolites and induction by glucose and/or its metabolites. The oxidative non-phosphorylated pathway, through gluconate and 2-ketogluconate (2-KG) as intermediates, was not induced during either growth phase.At 5° C, growth with glucose and organic acids was biphasic but without diauxic lag. Organic acids were preferentially utilized during the first growth phase. Although carbon from glucose was not fully catabolized until onset of the second growth phase, glucose was oxidized to and accumulated extracellularly as gluconate and 2-KG during the first growth phase. No significant repression of glucose-catabolizing enzymes was observed during growth with organic acids in the presence of glucose. However, uptake activities for gluconate and 2-KG did not increase significantly until onset of the second growth phase.Thus, at low temperatures, psychrotrophic P. fluorescens oxidized glucose to extracellular 2-KG, while growing on preferred carbon sources. The 2-KG was then catabolized after depletion of the organic acid.  相似文献   

The growth yield of Chlorella vulgaris, Y kJ defined as g cells harvested per kJ of light energy absorbed by the cells, was assessed in a turbidostat culture by varying CO2 and O2 partial pressures ( and ). The value of Y kJ ranged from 3.1×10-3 to 5.0×10-3 g cells/kJ under light-limited conditions [ = 1.02.4%, = 065%; total pressure of gas (composed of CO2, O2 and N2)=1 atm]. In the light-limited environment, the algal specific growth rate deteriorated appreciably with the increase of . The deterioration accounts for the above range of Y kJ observed. The growth inhibition due to oxygen that was defined by subtracting from 1.0 the ratio of at given values of to that at = 0% extended from 0.07–0.30 (7–30%). However, glycolate could not be detected in the turbidostat culture. Isotopic experiments on the specific rate of 14CO2 uptake also revealed that the inhibition due to oxygen was from 22–38% when was varied from 0 to nearly 100%. These effects of oxygen were discussed, referring to the activity of ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase that is inhibited competitively by oxygen.Non-Standard Abbreviations INH isonicotinic acid hydrazide - PPO 2,5-diphenyloxazole - DCMU 3-(-3,4-dichlorophenyl)-1,1-dimetylurea - CA carbonic anhydrase - RuP2 ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate  相似文献   

The effect of various organic compounds on the growth of ammonia-oxidizing bacteria was examined.Nitrosococcus oceanus, a strongly halophilic bacterium, had a very low tolerance to organic matter compared with other organisms tested. Organic compounds scarcely affected the growth of theNitrosomonas strains whereas nitrite formation by bothNitrosococcus mobilis strains was inhibited by nearly all of the substances tested. The growth ofNitrosospira strain Nsp1 was enhanced more than 30% by acetate and formate, but not growth was detectable in the presence of pyruvate. On the contrary,Nitrosospira strain Nsp5 was stimulated only by pyruvate. Nitrite formation by the twoNitrosovibrio tenuis strains tested was similar. The growth of both strains was enhanced considerably by formate and glucose; acetate and, to a greater extent, pyruvate inhibited these bacteria.In batch culture, the energy efficiency of autotrophically grown ammonia-oxidizing bacteria varied from strain to strain. The cell yield of mixotrophically grown cultures, per unit of ammonia oxidized, was increased in comparison with autotrophic ones. No heterotrophic growth was detected.  相似文献   

Effect of carbofuran on the growth, nodulation, phytomass, chlorophyll and carotene ofVigna radiata Roxb., was studied. Out of different concentrations of carbofuranviz., 0, 5, 10, 25, 50 and 100 ppm, the concentration of 5 ppm carbofuran revealed no toxic effect, instead the growth, number of nodules, phytomass and chlorophyll were increased in comparison to control. However, 10, 25 and 50 ppm carbofuran proved to be toxic. The plants showed inhibition of growth. While 100 ppm of carbofuran was found to be fatal for the growth of plants.  相似文献   

为了解低温对北美冬青(Ilex verticillata)生长的影响,对2年生扦插苗经低温处理(-6℃)后的生长和抗氧化能力进行了研究。结果表明,随着低温处理时间的延长,北美冬青叶片的叶绿素/类胡萝卜素比值和叶绿素b含量增加,而其他色素含量都呈下降趋势;相对电导率(REC)和H_2O_2含量(72 h除外)显著增加。低温处理对超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)活性影响不大,却显著降低CAT的活性。低温处理过氧化物酶(POD)活性显著提高,48 h活性达到最高;而抗坏血酸过氧化物酶(APX)活性在处理12 h达最高,然后下降。还原型抗坏血酸(As A)、还原型谷胱甘肽(GSH)含量均呈先升高再下降的趋势。因此,北美冬青在短时间内(≤24 h)能够忍受低温(-6℃),抗氧化防御系统在低温初期起关键的作用,但随时间延长(72 h)其抗氧化能力减弱。  相似文献   

Photoperiod has a profound effect on the growth of Azolla pinnata. Fresh mass, dry mass and moisture content were maximum in 12 h and minimum in 0 h (dark) photoperiod. Frond colour, root characteristics and sporocarp production were also affected under different treatments. The plants were capable of growing under continuous illumination and unnatural photoperiods.  相似文献   

R. C. Dalal 《Plant and Soil》1982,66(2):265-269
Summary The phosphatase activity of the soil amended with roots and tops of clover (Trifolium repens) plant material (0.1% by weight) remained essentially constant in the absence of growing plants but changed considerably in the presence of plants (Avena sativa) grown for 10 weeks. There was a significant relationship between the phosphatase activity and organic and inorganic P in the soil solution only in the presence of growing plants. The differences in phosphatase activity between roots and tops amended soil were attributed to total C as well as differences in the degree of availability of C added through plant materials. This may also apply to the carpet grass (Axonopus affinis) amended soil.  相似文献   

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