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Cellular aging is accompanied by alterations in gene expression patterns. Here, using two models of replicative senescence, we describe the influence of the RNA-binding protein HuR in regulating the expression of several genes whose expression decreases during senescence. We demonstrate that HuR levels, HuR binding to target mRNAs encoding proliferative genes, and the half-lives of such mRNAs are lower in senescent cells. Importantly, overexpression of HuR in senescent cells restored a "younger" phenotype, while a reduction in HuR expression accentuated the senescent phenotype. Our studies highlight a critical role for HuR during the process of replicative senescence.  相似文献   

Rachises of grape (Vitis vinifera L.) clusters that appeared healthy or displayed symptoms of the ripening disorders berry shrivel (BS) or bunch-stem necrosis (BSN) were treated with the cellular viability stain fluorescein diacetate and examined by confocal microscopy. Clusters with BS and BSN symptoms experienced a decrease of cell viability throughout the rachis, and their berries contained 70-80% less sugar than healthy berries. The xylem-mobile dye basic fuchsin, infiltrated via the cut base of shoots with one healthy and one BS cluster, moved to all berries on the healthy cluster but generally failed to move into the peduncle of the BS cluster. Peduncle girdling did not interrupt dye movement in the xylem, but stopped solute accumulation in berries and led to berry shrinkage. In contrast, surgically destroying the peduncle xylem at the onset of ripening did not affect berry growth and solute accumulation. These results indicate that cessation of sugar and water accumulation in BS and BSN is associated with phloem death in the rachis. Although xylem flow to the berries may also cease, a functional xylem connection to the shoot may not be required for normal ripening, while water loss from berries by transpiration and xylem efflux may explain the characteristic berry shrinkage that is associated with these ripening disorders. The similarity of internal tissue breakdown in BS and BSN rachises and the correlation observed here between the proportion of shrinking berries on a cluster and the severity of rachis necrosis suggest that there may be a gradual transition between the two ripening disorders. Seeds from healthy and BS clusters showed no differences in colour, morphology, weight, viability, and ability to germinate, which indicates that the disorder may not appear until seeds are mature.  相似文献   

Fruit ripening process is associated with change in carotenoid profile and accumulation of lycopene in tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.). In this study, we quantified the β-carotene and lycopene content at green, breaker and red-ripe stages of fruit ripening in eight tomato genotypes by using high-performance liquid chromatography. Among the genotypes, lycopene content was found highest in Pusa Rohini and lowest in VRT-32-1. To gain further insight into the regulation of lycopene biosynthesis and accumulation during fruit ripening, expression analysis of nine carotenoid pathway-related genes was carried out in the fruits of high lycopene genotype—Pusa Rohini. We found that expression of phytoene synthase and β-carotene hydroxylase-1 was four and thirty-fold higher, respectively, at breaker stage as compared to red-ripe stage of fruit ripening. Changes in the expression level of these genes were associated with a 40% increase in lycopene content at red-ripe stage as compared with breaker stage. Thus, the results from our study suggest the role of specific carotenoid pathway-related genes in accumulation of high lycopene during the fruit ripening processes.  相似文献   

This investigation elucidated the underlying mechanisms of functional impairments in patients with heart failure (HF) by simultaneously comparing cardiac-cerebral-muscle hemodynamic and ventilatory responses to exercise among HF patients with various functional capacities. One hundred one patients with HF [New York Heart Association HF functional class II (HF-II, n = 53) and functional class III (HF-III, n = 48) patients] and 71 normal subjects [older control (O-C, n = 39) and younger control (Y-C, n = 32) adults] performed an incremental exercise test using a bicycle ergometer. A recently developed noninvasive bioreactance device was adopted to measure cardiac hemodynamics, and near-infrared spectroscopy was employed to assess perfusions in the frontal cerebral lobe (Δ[THb](FC)) and vastus lateralis muscle (Δ[THb](VL)). The results demonstrated that the Y-C group had higher levels of cardiac output, Δ[THb](FC), and Δ[THb](VL) during exercise than the O-C group. Moreover, these cardiac/peripheral hemodynamic responses to exercise in HF-III group were smaller than those in both HF-II and O-C groups. Although the change of cardiac output caused by exercise was normalized, the amounts of blood distributed to frontal cerebral lobe and vastus lateralis muscle in the HF-III group significantly declined during exercise. The HF-III patients had lower oxygen-uptake efficiency slopes (OUES) and greater Ve-Vo(2) slopes than the HF-II patients and age-matched controls. However, neither hemodynamic nor ventilatory response to exercise differed significantly between the HF-II and O-C groups. Cardiac output, Δ[THb](FC), and Δ[THb](VL) during exercise were directly related to the OUES and Vo(2peak) and inversely related to the Ve-Vco(2) slope. Moreover, cardiac output or Δ[THb](FC) was an effect modifier, which modulated the correlation status between Δ[THb](VL) and Ve-Vco(2) slope. We concluded that the suppression of cerebral/muscle hemodynamics during exercise is associated with ventilatory abnormality, which reduces functional capacity in patients with HF.  相似文献   

Chen F  Bradford KJ 《Plant physiology》2000,124(3):1265-1274
Expansins are extracellular proteins that facilitate cell wall extension, possibly by disrupting hydrogen bonding between hemicellulosic wall components and cellulose microfibrils. In addition, some expansins are expressed in non-growing tissues such as ripening fruits, where they may contribute to cell wall disassembly associated with tissue softening. We have identified at least three expansin genes that are expressed in tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.) seeds during germination. Among these, LeEXP4 mRNA is specifically localized to the micropylar endosperm cap region, suggesting that the protein might contribute to tissue weakening that is required for radicle emergence. In gibberellin (GA)-deficient (gib-1) mutant seeds, which germinate only in the presence of exogenous GA, GA induces the expression of LeEXP4 within 12 hours of imbibition. When gib-1 seeds were imbibed in GA solution combined with 100 microM abscisic acid, the expression of LeEXP4 was not reduced, although radicle emergence was inhibited. In wild-type seeds, LeEXP4 mRNA accumulation was blocked by far-red light and decreased by low water potential but was not affected by abscisic acid. The presence of LeEXP4 mRNA during seed germination parallels endosperm cap weakening determined by puncture force analysis. We hypothesize that LeEXP4 is involved in the regulation of seed germination by contributing to cell wall disassembly associated with endosperm cap weakening.  相似文献   

Moyamoya is a cerebrovascular angiopathy characterized by a progressive stenosis of the terminal part of the intracranial carotid arteries and the compensatory development of abnormal and fragile collateral vessels, also called moyamoya vessels, leading to ischemic and hemorrhagic stroke. Moyamoya angiopathy can either be the sole manifestation of the disease (moyamoya disease) or be associated with various conditions, including neurofibromatosis, Down syndrome, TAAD (autosomal-dominant thoracic aortic aneurysm), and radiotherapy of head tumors (moyamoya syndromes). Its prevalence is ten times higher in Japan than in Europe, and an estimated 6%-12% of moyamoya disease is familial in Japan. The pathophysiological mechanisms of this condition remain obscure. Here, we report on three unrelated families affected with an X-linked moyamoya syndrome characterized by the association of a moyamoya angiopathy, short stature, and a stereotyped facial dysmorphism. Other symptoms include an hypergonadotropic hypogonadism, hypertension, dilated cardiomyopathy, premature coronary heart disease, premature hair graying, and early bilateral acquired cataract. We show that this syndromic moyamoya is caused by Xq28 deletions removing MTCP1/MTCP1NB and BRCC3. We also show that brcc3 morphant zebrafish display angiogenesis defects that are rescued by endothelium-specific expression of brcc3. Altogether, these data strongly suggest that BRCC3, a deubiquitinating enzyme that is part of the cellular BRCA1 and BRISC complexes, is an important player in angiogenesis and that BRCC3 loss-of-function mutations are associated with moyamoya angiopathy.  相似文献   

Starch biosynthesis during pollen maturation is not well understood in terms of genes/proteins and intracellular controls that regulate it in developing pollen. We have studied two specific developmental stages: "early," characterized by the lack of starch, before or during pollen mitosis I; and "late," an actively starch-filling post-pollen mitosis I phase in S-type cytoplasmic male-sterile (S-CMS) and two related male-fertile genotypes. The male-fertile starch-positive, but not the CMS starch-deficient, genotypes showed changes in the expression patterns of a large number of genes during this metabolic transition. In addition to a battery of housekeeping genes of carbohydrate metabolism, we observed changes in hexose transporter, plasma membrane H(+)-ATPase, ZmMADS1, and 14-3-3 proteins. Reduction or deficiency in 14-3-3 protein levels in all three major cellular sites (amyloplasts [starch], mitochondria, and cytosol) in male-sterile relative to male-fertile genotypes are of potential interest because of interorganellar communication in this CMS system. Further, the levels of hexose sugars were significantly reduced in male-sterile as compared with male-fertile tissues, not only at "early" and "late" stages but also at an earlier point during meiosis. Collectively, these data suggest that combined effects of both reduced sugars and their reduced flux in starch biosynthesis along with a strong possibility for altered redox passage may lead to the observed temporal changes in gene expressions, and ultimately pollen sterility.  相似文献   

Continuous exposure of tomato 'Trust' to high temperatures (day/night temperatures of 32/26 degrees C) markedly reduced the number of pollen grains per flower and decreased viability. The effect of heat stress on pollen viability was associated with alterations in carbohydrate metabolism in various parts of the anther during its development. Under control, favourable temperature conditions (28/22 degrees C), starch accumulated in the pollen grains, where it reached a maximum value 3 d before anthesis; it then diminished towards anthesis. During anther development, the concentration of total soluble sugars gradually increased in the anther walls and in the pollen grains (but not in the locular fluid), reaching a maximum at anthesis. Continuous exposure of the plants to high temperatures (32/26 degrees C) prevented the transient increase in starch concentration and led to decreases in the concentrations of soluble sugars in the anther walls and the pollen grains. In the locular fluid, however, a higher soluble sugar concentration was detected under the high-temperature regime throughout anther development. These results suggest that a major effect of heat stress on pollen development is a decrease in starch concentration 3 d before anthesis, which results in a decreased sugar concentration in the mature pollen grains. These events possibly contribute to the decreased pollen viability in tomato.  相似文献   

In this study, it is found that, for Bacillus subtilis, citrate-glucose cometabolism leads to zero acid production over a wide range of growth rates and nearly theoretical carbon yield. Experimental results are presented that point to pyruvate kinase (PYK) as a site of citrate-mediated glycolytic flux attenuation. First, the measured fluxes show that, compared with cultures grown on glucose, the PYK flux drops by more than tenfold when citrate is added. Second, relative to cultures metabolizing glucose, the phosphoenolpyruvate (PEP) pool elevates substantially, whereas the pyruvate pool drops, when citrate is present. Finally, our modeling results indicate that maximizing carbon yield corresponds to nearly eliminating pyruvate kinase (PYK) flux and that the pyruvate supplied by the PEP-consuming glucose transport system can supply the biosynthetic requirements. A literature review suggests some mechanisms for how PYK attenuation by citrate addition can occur. At this juncture, we hypothesize that direct PYK inhibition occurs which, in turn, also leads to phosphofructokinase inhibition via the elevated PEP pool. These two inhibition events combine to throttle glycolytic flux; minimize acid formation; and substantially increase cellular, product, and energetic yields.  相似文献   

Complete remissions of the androgen-dependent Shionogi mouse mammary carcinoma are observed after androgen withdrawal but invariably the disease recurs and is refractory to further hormonal manipulations. To determine the proportions of androgen-dependent (AD) and -independent (AI) tumorigenic stem cells in parent and recurrent tumors and in vivo limiting dilution assay was developed. There was a marked enrichment of stem cells in the recurrent tumors (1/200 tumor cells) relative to the parent tumors (1/4000 tumor cells) when assayed in male hosts. By assaying tumor takes in female mice, the proportion of AI stem cells was found to be 1/370,000 tumor cells in the parent vs 1/800 tumor cells in the recurrent carcinoma; a 500-fold increase in AI stem cells resulting from androgen-withdrawal. Unexpectedly, no enrichment of AI stem cells was evident in regressing parent tumors; rather, the proportion of such cells was very small (1/2,200,000 tumor cells). This finding implies that the AI cells which survive androgen withdrawal may result from the ability of small number of initially AD stem cells to adapt to an altered hormonal environment. This adaptive process was further defined in terms of the disappearance of androgen receptors from the nucleus and the expression of androgen-repressed genes including the proto-oncogenes, c-fos and c-myc, and the cell death gene, TRPM-2; all of which are constitutively active in recurrent AI tumor cells. Overall, our results indicate: (1) the tumor mass consists mainly of differentiated cells; (2) stem cells initially are AD but at most the killing effect of androgen-withdrawal will be limited to 2–3 logarithms before compensatory adaptive mechanisms supervene; and (3) progression of stem cells to an AI state, in which they are resistant to the killing effects of cell death genes, might be prevented by the inhibition of androgen-repressed adaptive mechanisms which come into play when androgens are withdrawn.  相似文献   

Connexin 43 (Cx43) is localized at left ventricular (LV) gap junctions and in cardiomyocyte mitochondria. A genetically induced reduction of Cx43 as well as blockade of mitochondrial Cx43 import abolishes the infarct size (IS) reduction by ischemic preconditioning (IP). With progressing age, Cx43 content in ventricular and atrial tissue homogenates is reduced. We now investigated whether or not 1) the mitochondrial Cx43 content is reduced in aged mice hearts and 2) IS reduction by IP is lost in aged mice hearts in vivo. Confirming previous results, sarcolemmal Cx43 content was reduced in aged (>13 mo) compared with young (<3 mo) C57Bl/6 mice hearts, whereas the expression levels of protein kinase C epsilon and endothelial nitric oxide synthase remained unchanged. Also in mitochondria isolated from aged mice LV myocardium, Western blot analysis indicated a 40% decrease in Cx43 content compared with mitochondria isolated from young mice hearts. In young mice hearts, IP by one cycle of 10 min ischemia and 10 min reperfusion reduced IS (% of area at risk) following 30 min regional ischemia and 120 min reperfusion from 67.7 +/- 3.3 (n = 17) to 34.2 +/- 6.6 (n = 5, P < 0.05). In contrast, IP's cardioprotection was lost in aged mice hearts, since IS in nonpreconditioned (57.5 +/- 4.0, n = 10) and preconditioned hearts (65.4 +/- 6.3, n = 8, P = not significant) was not different. In conclusion, mitochondrial Cx43 content is decreased in aged mouse hearts. The reduced levels of Cx43 may contribute to the age-related loss of cardioprotection by IP.  相似文献   

B Pope  J Gooch  H Hinssen  A G Weeds 《FEBS letters》1989,259(1):185-188
Gelsolin is a calcium-dependent actin severing and capping protein. Calcium 'opens' the molecule to make actin binding sites accessible, but removal of calcium from the medium does not necessarily fully reverse this process. The calcium sensitivity of actin monomer binding and actin filament severing is here shown to vary considerably with the source of gelsolin and conditions of preparation. Plasma gelsolin undergoes irreversible loss of calcium sensitivity when prepared in the presence of calcium ions. This is not due solely to effects of bound calcium, because purified human plasma gelsolin expressed in E. coli and stored in calcium shows no comparable loss of calcium sensitivity when prepared or stored in calcium. These results suggest the presence of factors in plasma which, in the presence of calcium, promote an irreversible structural change in gelsolin resulting in permanent loss of calcium sensitivity.  相似文献   

The incorporation of [1-14C]palmitic or [1-14C]oleic acid into phosphatidylcholine and the effect on blood group antigen expression were examined in human erythrocytes stored at 4°C for 0-3 weeks. Blood drawn into EDTA was obtained by venepuncture from healthy volunteers. A 50% suspension of washed erythrocytes was incubated in buffer containing [1-14C]fatty acid for up to 60 min at 37°C with moderate shaking. Phosphatidylcholine was extracted and analyzed for uptake of radiolabelled fatty acid and phospholipid phosphorus content. Incorporation of [1-14C]palmitic or [1-14C]oleic acid into phosphatidylcholine was reduced during storage. The mechanism for the reduction in radiolabelled fatty acid incorporation into phosphatidylcholine was a 64% (p < 0.05) reduction in membrane phospholipase A2 activity. Although human erythrocyte membranes isolated from freshly drawn blood are capable of reacylating lysophosphatidylcholine to phosphatidylcholine, with storage, a markedly different substrate preference between palmitoyl-Coenzyme A and oleoyl-Coenzyme A was observed. Lysophosphatidylcholine acyltransferase activity assayed with oleoyl-Coenzyme A was unaltered with storage. In contrast, lysophosphatidylcholine acyltransferase activity assayed with palmitoyl-Coenzyme A was elevated 5.5-fold (p < 0.05). Despite these changes, storage of erythrocytes for up to 3 weeks did not result in altered expression of the various blood group antigens investigated. We conclude that the incorporation of palmitate and oleate into phosphatidylcholine is dramatically reduced during storage of human erythrocytes. The observed differential in vitro substrate utilization suggests that distinct acyltransferases are involved in the acylation of lysophosphatidylcholine to phosphatidylcholine in human erythrocytes.  相似文献   

Fanconi anemia (FA) cells are abnormally sensitive to DNA cross-linking agents with increased levels of apoptosis and chromosomal instability. Defects in eight FA complementation groups inhibit monoubiquitination of FANCD2, and subsequent recruitment of FANCD2 to DNA damage and S-phase-associated nuclear foci. The specific functional defect in repair or response to DNA damage in FA cells remains unknown. Damage-resistant DNA synthesis is present 2.5-5 h after cross-linker treatment of FANCC, FANCA and FANCD2-deficient cells. Analysis of the size distribution of labeled DNA replication strands revealed that diepoxybutane treatment suppressed labeling of early but not late-firing replicons in FANCC-deficient cells. In contrast, normal responses to ionizing radiation were observed in FANCC-deficient cells. Absence of this late S-phase response in FANCC-deficient cells leads to activation of secondary checkpoint responses.  相似文献   

The balance between immunostimulation and immunoregulation in T cell immunity is achieved by maintaining specific ratios of Th1, Th2, Th3 and Tr1 cells. Here, we investigate levels of type 1(IFN-gamma; NK1), type 2(IL-13; NK2), type 3(TGF-beta;NK3) and regulatory(IL-10; NKr) cytokines in peripheral blood to assess the cytokine profiles of natural killer(NK) cells following human allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation(allo-HSCT). NK2 and NK3 cell expansion was observed after allo-HSCT; levels of NKr cells reached donor levels at day 15, though levels of NK1 cells were consistently lower than donor levels until day 60 after allo-HSCT. Multivariate analysis showed that a higher level of NK1 cells by day 15 was associated with a lower overall risk of acute graft-versus-host disease(GVHD)(HR 0.157, P=0.010) as well as II-IV acute GVHD(HR0.260, P=0.059). Furthermore, higher levels of NK1 cells by day 15 were correlated with lower rates of cytomegalovirus(CMV)reactivation(HR 0.040, 0.005–0.348, P=0.003). These results indicate that rapid reconstitution of NK cells, especially NK1 cells,can help prevent the development of GVHD as well as CMV reactivation after allogeneic transplantation.  相似文献   

Although cloning of mammals has been achieved successfully, the percentage of live offspring is very low because of reduced fetal size and fewer implantation sites. Recent studies have attributed such pathological conditions to abnormal reprogramming of the donor cell used for cloning. The inability of the oocyte to fully restore the differentiated status of a somatic cell to its pluripotent and undifferentiated state is normally evidenced by aberrant DNA methylation patterns established throughout the genome during development to blastocyst. These aberrant methylation patterns are associated with abnormal expression of imprinted genes, which among other genes are essential for normal embryo development and gestation. We hypothesized that embryo loss and low implantation rates in cattle derived by somatic cell nuclear transfer (SCNT) are caused by abnormal epigenetic reprogramming of imprinted genes. To verify our hypothesis, we analyzed the parental expression and the differentially methylated domain (DMD) methylation status of the H19 gene. Using a parental-specific analysis, we confirmed for the first time that H19 biallelic expression is tightly associated with a severe demethylation of the paternal H19 DMD in SCNT embryos, suggesting that these epigenetic anomalies to the H19 locus could be directly responsible for the reduced size and low implantation rates of cloned embryos in cattle.  相似文献   

Uncoupling protein 3 (Ucp3) is located within the mitochondrial inner membrane of brown adipose tissue and skeletal muscle. It is thought to be implicated in lipid metabolism and defense against reactive oxygen species. We previously reported on a mutation in our breeding colony of Djungarian hamsters (Phodopus sungorus) that leads to brown adipose tissue specific lack of Ucp3 expression. In this study we compared wildtype with mutant hamsters on a broad genetic background. Hamsters lacking Ucp3 in brown adipose tissue displayed a reduced cold tolerance due to impaired nonshivering thermogenesis. This phenotype is associated with a global decrease in expression of metabolic genes but not of uncoupling protein 1. These data implicate that Ucp3 is necessary to sustain high metabolic rates in brown adipose tissue.  相似文献   

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