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We analyzed the differentiation of taste bud cells, by precisely describing expression profiles of cytokeratins (CKs) 8 and 14 in relation to those of marker molecules including label of 5-bromo-2′-deoxy uridine (BrdU) injected. In rat circumvallate papillae, cell division was observed at the basal layer of the epithelium expressing CK14 and located outside taste buds. The progenitor cells began to migrate toward the apical surface and maintained CK14 expression at 1 day after BrdU injection (day 1). On the other hand, a minor population of newly divided cells was infrequently incorporated into taste buds and also maintained CK14 expression at day 1. In taste buds, the conversion of CK subtypes occurred from CK14 to cytokeratin 8 (CK8) at day 2–3, showing the differentiation from immature cells expressing CK14 into mature or maturing cells expressing CK8. Functionally matured cells such as taste receptor cells expressing inositol triphospate receptor type 3 (IP3R3) never expressed CK14, suggesting that CK14 would be expressed only in immature cells. On the other hand, a small but distinct population of BrdU-positive cells still showed CK14 immunoreactivity in taste buds even at day 12, which might correspond to the cells that remain undifferentiated for a long period within taste buds.  相似文献   

Taurine transporter is expressed in vascular smooth muscle cells   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Liao XB  Zhou XM  Li JM  Tan ZP  Liu LM  Zhang W  Tan H  Lu Y  Yuan LQ 《Amino acids》2007,33(4):639-643
Summary. The regulation of vascular smooth muscle cells (VSMCs) function by taurine has been a subject of increasing interest and investigation, and taurine is taken up into cells through a specific transporter system, the taurine transporter (TAUT). In the present study, we examined the expression of TAUT in VSMCs and the kinetic parameters of the uptake process of TAUT in VSMCs. RT-PCR and western blot demonstrated that the mRNA and protein of TAUT was expressed in VSMCs in vitro. Immunohistochemistry using antibody for TAUT revealed the expression of this protein in rat thoracic aorta. The maximal [3H]taurine uptake rate in VSMCs was 37.75 ± 3.13 pmol/min per mg of protein, with a K m value of 5.42 ± 0.81 μM. Thus, VSMCs are able to express a functional taurine transporter. The regulation and detailed function of taurine and TAUT in VSMCs remain unclear, but our findings suggest a functional role for them in VSMCs metabolism.  相似文献   

Pod shattering is an agronomical trait that is a result of the coordinated action of cell differentiation and separation. In Arabidopsis, pod shattering is controlled by a complex genetic network in which ALCATRAZ (ALC), a member of the basic helix-loop-helix family, is critical for cell separation during fruit dehiscence. Herein, we report the identification of ALC-INTERACTiNG PROTEIN1 (ACI1) via the yeast two-hybrid screen. ACI1 encodes a nuclear protein with a lysine-rich domain and a C-terminal serine-rich domain. ACI1 is mainly expressed in the vascular system throughout the plant and mesocarp of the valve in siliques. Our data showed that ACI1 interacts strongly with the N-terminal portion of ALC in yeast cells and in plant cells in the nucleus as demonstrated by bimolecular fluorescence complementation assay. Both ACl1 and ALC share an overlapping expression pattern, suggesting that they likely function together in planta. However, no detectable phenotype was found in plants with reduced ACI1 expression by RNA interference technology, suggesting that ACI1 may be redundant. Taken together, these data indicate that ALC may interact with ACll and its homologs to control cell separation during fruit dehiscence in Arabidopsis.  相似文献   

Islet1 (Isl1) is a LIM homedomain protein that plays a pivotal role in cardiac progenitors of the second heart field. Here, lineage studies with an inducible isl1-cre demonstrated that most Isl1 progenitors have migrated into the heart by E9. Although Isl1 expression is downregulated in most cardiac progenitors as they differentiate, analysis of an isl1-nlacZ mouse and coimmunostaining for Isl1 and lineage markers demonstrated that Isl1 is expressed in distinct subdomains of the heart, and in diverse cardiovascular lineages. Isl1 expression was observed in myocardial lineages of the distal outflow tract, atrial septum, and in sinoatrial and atrioventricular node. The myocardialized septum of the outflow tract was found to derive from Isl1 expressing cells. Isl1 expressing cells also contribute to endothelial and vascular smooth muscle lineages including smooth muscle of the coronary vessels. Our data indicate that Isl1 is a specific marker for a subset of pacemaker cells at developmental stages examined, and suggest genetic heterogeneity within the central conduction system and coronary smooth muscle. Our studies suggest a role for Isl1 in these distinct domains of expression within the heart.  相似文献   

To determine the ability of isolated S-locus promoter sequences to direct organ-specific gene expression, we used microprojectile bombardment to introduce chimeric S-allele/beta-glucuronidase genes into different tissues of Petunia hybrida for transient expression. Histochemical staining showed that S-locus/beta-glucuronidase fusions were expressed in pistil, ovary, and petal tissue. No expression of the chimeric genes was detected in leaves or in mature pollen, either by histochemical staining or by fluorescence assays. RNA blot hybridization confirmed that low levels of S-locus mRNA accumulate in petals and ovaries in vivo. Analysis of the expression pattern of S-locus promoter deletions showed that sequences in the immediate vicinity of the TATA box were sufficient to confer qualitatively correct organ-specific expression of beta-glucuronidase. To further investigate the potential for S-ribonuclease expression in pollen, we used the polymerase chain reaction to amplify RNA accumulated in developing anthers. These assays demonstrated that mRNA for the S-ribonuclease accumulates to low levels in developing anthers several days prior to corolla opening and pollen anthesis. We discuss these results in light of current models of self-incompatibility.  相似文献   

The amphioxus FoxQ1 gene is expressed in the developing endostyle   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The FoxQ1 genes form a distinct group within the Fox (also known as forkhead) gene family. We have isolated a gene from the amphioxus Branchiostoma floridae that encodes a forkhead domain with high identity to FoxQ1 genes in other chordates. Molecular phylogenetic analysis places AmphiFoxQ1 in a robust grouping with vertebrate FoxQ1 genes and with Ciona intestinalis Ci-FoxQ1. This group is separate from that containing AmphiFoxQ2, which instead groups with other invertebrate Fox genes. The expression of AmphiFoxQ1 was analysed by whole mount in situ hybridisation. The results show that AmphiFoxQ1 expression is confined to the developing endoderm, and specifically marks the endostyle and associated peripharyngeal bands of amphioxus larvae. Ci-FoxQ1 is also expressed in the endostyle, highlighting this as a conserved site of FoxQ1 gene expression in basal chordates.  相似文献   

To identify key molecules that regulate germ cell proliferation and differentiation, we have attempted to isolate protein kinase genes preferentially expressed in germ line cells. One such cDNA cloned from murine embryonic germ(EG) cells encodes a nonreceptor type serine/threonine kinase and is predominantly expressed in the testis, ovary, and spleen of adult mouse. The nucleotide sequence of the entire coding region shows that this clone, designated Plk1(polo like kinase 1), is identical with STPK13 previously cloned from murine erythroleukemia cells. The protein encoded by Plk1 is closely related to the product of Drosophila polo that plays a role in mitosis and meiosis. To define the role of Plk1 in germ cell development, we have examined its expression in murine gonads by in situ hybridization. Here we show that the PlK1 gene is specifically expressed in spermatocytes of diplotene and diakinesis stage, in secondary spermatocytes, and in round spermatids in testes. It is also expressed in growing oocytes and ovulated eggs. The pattern of expression of the Plk1 gene suggests that the gene product is involved in completion of meiotic division, and like the Drosophila polo protein, is a maternal factor active in embryos at the early cleavage stage. © 1995 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   



Profilin-1 is an ubiquitous actin binding protein. Under pathological conditions such as diabetes, profilin-1 levels are increased in the vascular endothelium. We recently demonstrated that profilin-1 overexpression triggers indicators of endothelial dysfunction downstream of LDL signaling, and that attenuated expression of profilin-1 confers protection from atherosclerosis in vivo.


Here we monitored profilin-1 expression in human atherosclerotic plaques by immunofluorescent staining. The effects of recombinant profilin-1 on atherogenic signaling pathways and cellular responses such as DNA synthesis (BrdU-incorporation) and chemotaxis (modified Boyden-chamber) were evaluated in cultured rat aortic and human coronary vascular smooth muscle cells (VSMCs). Furthermore, the correlation between profilin-1 serum levels and the degree of atherosclerosis was assessed in humans.

Principal Findings

In coronary arteries from patients with coronary heart disease, we found markedly enhanced profilin expression in atherosclerotic plaques compared to the normal vessel wall. Stimulation of rat aortic and human coronary VSMCs with recombinant profilin-1 (10−6 M) in vitro led to activation of intracellular signaling cascades such as phosphorylation of Erk1/2, p70S6 kinase and PI3K/Akt within 10 minutes. Furthermore, profilin-1 concentration-dependently induced DNA-synthesis and migration of both rat and human VSMCs, respectively. Inhibition of PI3K (Wortmannin, LY294002) or Src-family kinases (SU6656, PP2), but not PLCγ (U73122), completely abolished profilin-induced cell cycle progression, whereas PI3K inhibition partially reduced the chemotactic response. Finally, we found that profilin-1 serum levels were significantly elevated in patients with severe atherosclerosis in humans (p<0.001 vs. no atherosclerosis or control group).


Profilin-1 expression is significantly enhanced in human atherosclerotic plaques compared to the normal vessel wall, and the serum levels of profilin-1 correlate with the degree of atherosclerosis in humans. The atherogenic effects exerted by profilin-1 on VSMCs suggest an auto-/paracrine role within the plaque. These data indicate that profilin-1 might critically contribute to atherogenesis and may represent a novel therapeutic target.  相似文献   

We previously isolated APOL3 (CG12-1) cDNA and now describe the isolation of APOL1 and APOL2 cDNA from an activated endothelial cell cDNA library and show their endothelialspecific expression in human vascular tissue. APOL1-APOL4 are clustered on human chromosome 22q13.1, as a result of tandem gene duplication, and were detected only in primates (humans and African green monkeys) and not in dogs, pigs, or rodents, showing that this gene cluster has arisen recently in evolution. The specific tissue distribution and gene organization suggest that these genes have diverged rapidly after duplication. This has resulted in the emergence of an additional signal peptide encoding exon that ensures secretion of the plasma high-density lipoprotein-associated APOL1. Our results show that the APOL1-APOL4 cluster might contribute to the substantial differences in the lipid metabolism of humans and mice, as dictated by the variable expression of genes involved in this process.  相似文献   

Genes reported to be crucial for spermatogenesis are often exclusively expressed in the testis. We have identified a novel male germ cell-specific expressed gene named peroxisomal testis specific 1 (Pxt1) with expression starting at the spermatocyte stage during mouse spermatogenesis. The putative amino acid sequence encoded by the cDNA of the Pxt1 gene contains a conserved Asn-His-Leu (NHL)-motif at its C-terminal end, which is characteristic for peroxisomal proteins. Pxt1-EGFP fusion protein is co-localized with known peroxisomal marker proteins in transfected NIH3T3 cells. In addition, we could demonstrate that the peroxisomal targeting signal NHL is functional and responsible for the correct subcellular localization of the Pxt1-EGFP fusion protein. In male germ cells peroxisomes were reported only in spermatogonia. The Pxt1 gene is so far the first gene coding for a putative peroxisomal protein which is expressed in later steps of spermatogenesis, namely in pachytene spermatocytes.  相似文献   

Xylan, cellulose and lignin are the three major components of secondary walls in wood, and elucidation of the biosynthetic pathway of xylan is of importance for potential modification of secondary wall composition to produce wood with improved properties. So far, three Arabidopsis glycosyltransferases, FRAGILE FIBER8, IRREGULAR XYLEM8 and IRREGULAR XYLEM9, have been implicated in glucuronoxylan (GX) biosynthesis. In this study, we demonstrate that PARVUS, which is a member of family GT8, is required for the biosynthesis of the tetrasaccharide primer sequence, beta-D-Xyl-(1 --> 3)-alpha-l-Rha-(1 --> 2)-alpha-D-GalA-(1 --> 4)-D-Xyl, located at the reducing end of GX. The PARVUS gene is expressed during secondary wall biosynthesis in fibers and vessels, and its encoded protein is predominantly localized in the endoplasmic reticulum. Mutation of the PARVUS gene leads to a drastic reduction in secondary wall thickening and GX content. Structural analysis of GX using (1)H-nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy revealed that the parvus mutation causes a loss of the tetrasaccharide primer sequence at the reducing end of GX and an absence of glucuronic acid side chains in GX. Activity assay showed that the xylan xylosyltransferase and glucuronyltransferase activities were not affected in the parvus mutant. Together, these findings implicate a possible role for PARVUS in the initiation of biosynthesis of the GX tetrasaccharide primer sequence and provide novel insights into the mechanisms of GX biosynthesis.  相似文献   

Endothelial cells (ECs) play many roles in vascular biology, including control of blood pressure, blood clotting, atherosclerosis, angiogenesis, and inflammation. Gap junctions (GJs) are channel-like assemblies of connexin (Cx) family proteins that connect neighboring cells and modulate and synchronize their intracellular environments by the transfer of intracellular mediators. It has been reported that vascular ECs express Cx37, Cx40, and Cx43, but not Cx32. Here, we showed that Cx32 mRNA and protein are expressed in various cultured human ECs. We confirmed Cx32 expression in blood vessel ECs using wild-type and Cx32 knock-out mice. We observed that dye transfer between cultured ECs through gap junctions is suppressed by an anti-Cx32 monoclonal antibody. These findings suggest that vascular ECs express Cx32, which participates in endothelial gap-junction intercellular communication.  相似文献   

Thrombomodulin is a clock-controlled gene in vascular endothelial cells   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Cardiovascular diseases are closely related to circadian rhythm, which is under the control of an internal biological clock mechanism. Although a biological clock exists not only in the hypothalamus but also in each peripheral tissue, the biological relevance of the peripheral clock remains to be elucidated. In this study we searched for clock-controlled genes in vascular endothelial cells using microarray technology. The expression of a total of 229 genes was up-regulated by CLOCK/BMAL2. Among the genes that we identified, we examined the thrombomodulin (TM) gene further, because TM is an integral membrane glycoprotein that is expressed primarily in vascular endothelial cells and plays a major role in the regulation of intravascular coagulation. TM mRNA and protein expression showed a clear circadian oscillation in the mouse lung and heart. Reporter analyses, gel shift assays, and chromatin immunoprecipitation analyses using the TM promoter revealed that a heterodimer of CLOCK and BMAL2 binds directly to the E-box of the TM promoter, resulting in TM promoter transactivation. Indeed, the oscillation of TM gene expression was abolished in clock mutant mice, suggesting that TM expression is regulated by the clock gene in vivo. Finally, the phase of circadian oscillation of TM mRNA expression was altered by temporal feeding restriction, suggesting TM gene expression is regulated by the peripheral clock system. In conclusion, these data suggest that the peripheral clock in vascular endothelial cells regulates TM gene expression and that the oscillation of TM expression may contribute to the circadian variation of cardiovascular events.  相似文献   

Li XB  Fan XP  Wang XL  Cai L  Yang WC 《The Plant cell》2005,17(3):859-875
Single-celled cotton fiber (Gossypium hirsutum) provides a unique experimental system to study cell elongation. To investigate the role of the actin cytoskeleton during fiber development, 15 G. hirsutum ACTIN (GhACT) cDNA clones were characterized. RNA gel blot and real-time RT-PCR analysis revealed that GhACT genes are differentially expressed in different tissues and can be classified into four groups. One group, represented by GhACT1, is expressed predominantly in fiber cells and was studied in detail. A 0.8-kb GhACT1 promoter sufficient to confirm its fiber-specific expression was identified. RNA interference of GhACT1 caused significant reduction of its mRNA and protein levels and disrupted the actin cytoskeleton network in fibers. No defined actin network was observed in these fibers and, consequently, fiber elongation was inhibited. Our results suggested that GhACT1 plays an important role in fiber elongation but not fiber initiation.  相似文献   

Nestin is expressed in vascular endothelial cells in the adult human pancreas.   总被引:22,自引:0,他引:22  
In this study we examined the expression of nestin in islets, the exocrine part, and the big ducts of the adult human pancreas by immunofluorescent double staining. Two different anti-nestin antisera in combination with various pancreatic and endothelial markers were employed. Nestin-immunoreactive cells were found in islets and in the exocrine portion. All nestin-positive cells co-expressed the vascular endothelial markers PECAM-1 (CD31), endoglin (CD105), and CD34 as well as vimentin. Endocrine, acinar, and duct cells did not stain for nestin. We also demonstrated that in the area of big pancreatic ducts, nestin-positive cells represent small capillaries scattered in the connective tissue surrounding the duct epithelium and do not reside between the duct cells. We detected nestin-expressing endothelial cells located adjacent to the duct epithelium where endocrine differentiation occurs. We have shown that nestin is expressed by vascular endothelial cells in human pancreas, and therefore it is unlikely that nestin specifically marks a subpopulation of cells representing endocrine progenitors in the adult pancreas.  相似文献   

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