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《Molecular membrane biology》2013,30(7-8):454-461

Previous studies have shown that certain saturated lipids protect red blood cells (RBCs) during hypothermic storage but provide little protection during freezing or freeze-drying, whereas various unsaturated lipids destabilize RBCs during hypothermic storage but protect during freezing and freeze-drying. The protective effect of liposomes has been attributed to membrane modifications. We have previously shown that cholesterol exchange and lipid transfer between liposomes composed of saturated lipids and RBCs critically depends on the length of the lipid acyl chains. In this study the effect of unsaturated lipids with differences in their number of unsaturated bonds (18:0/18:1, 18:1/18:1, 18:2/18:2) on RBC membrane properties has been studied. RBCs were incubated in the presence of liposomes and both the liposomal and RBC fraction were analyzed by Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) after incubation. The liposomes caused an increase in RBC membrane conformational disorder at suprazero temperatures. The fluidizing effect of the liposomes on the RBC membranes, however, was found to be similar for the different lipids irrespective of their unsaturation level. The gel to liquid crystalline phase transition temperature of the liposomes increased after incubation with RBCs. RBC membrane fluidity increased linearly during the first 8 hours of incubation in the presence of liposomes. The increase in RBC membrane fluidity was found to be temperature dependent and displayed Arrhenius behaviour between 20 and 40°C, with an activation energy of 88 kJ mol-1. Taken together, liposomes composed of unsaturated lipids increase RBC membrane conformational disorder, which could explain their cryoprotective action.  相似文献   

The Japanese brown seaweed Sargassum muticum, recently invaded several shorelines worldwide including the Atlantic coast of Morocco with large well‐established populations. Within the framework of a sustainable strategy to control this invasive seaweed, we report on extraction yield, spectroscopic characterization and rheological properties of alginate, a commercially valuable colloid, from harvested biomass of S. muticum. Extraction yield was about 25.6% on dry weight basis. Infrared spectroscopy analysis shows that the obtained Fourier transform infrared spectra of the extracted biopolymer exhibit strong similarities with that of the commercial alginate. Furthermore, Proton nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy revealed that S. muticum alginate has almost equal amounts of β‐D‐mannuronic acid (M; 49%) and α‐L‐guluronic acid (G; 51%) with an M/G ratio of 1.04 and a high content of heteropolymeric MG GM diads suggesting a sequence distribution of an alternated polymer type. Rheological measurements were performed at different sodium alginate concentrations, temperatures and shear rates. The hydrocolloid exhibited pseudoplastic behavior and showed shear thinning, particularly at high solution concentration and low temperature which is consistent with the rheological behavior reported for commercial alginates. Considering the abundance of S. muticum in the Northwestern Atlantic coast of Morocco and the quality of the extracted hydrogel, this invasive species could be considered as a potential source of alginates.  相似文献   

The development and current status of Fourier transform spectroscopy is described.Nobel Lecture given on December 9, 1991 by Professor R. Ernst and published in Les Prix Nobel 1991, printed in Sweden by Norstedts Tryckeri, Stockholm, Sweden, 1992, republished here with the permission of the Nobel Foundation, the copyright holder.  相似文献   

Two rapid vibrational spectroscopic approaches (diffuse reflectance-absorbance Fourier transform infrared [FT-IR] and dispersive Raman spectroscopy), and one mass spectrometric method based on in vacuo Curie-point pyrolysis (PyMS), were investigated in this study. A diverse range of unprocessed, industrial fed-batch fermentation broths containing the fungus Gibberella fujikuroi producing the natural product gibberellic acid, were analyzed directly without a priori chromatographic separation. Partial least squares regression (PLSR) and artificial neural networks (ANNs) were applied to all of the information-rich spectra obtained by each of the methods to obtain quantitative information on the gibberellic acid titer. These estimates were of good precision, and the typical root-mean-square error for predictions of concentrations in an independent test set was <10% over a very wide titer range from 0 to 4925 ppm. However, although PLSR and ANNs are very powerful techniques they are often described as "black box" methods because the information they use to construct the calibration model is largely inaccessible. Therefore, a variety of novel evolutionary computation-based methods, including genetic algorithms and genetic programming, were used to produce models that allowed the determination of those input variables that contributed most to the models formed, and to observe that these models were predominantly based on the concentration of gibberellic acid itself. This is the first time that these three modern analytical spectroscopies, in combination with advanced chemometric data analysis, have been compared for their ability to analyze a real commercial bioprocess. The results demonstrate unequivocally that all methods provide very rapid and accurate estimates of the progress of industrial fermentations, and indicate that, of the three methods studied, Raman spectroscopy is the ideal bioprocess monitoring method because it can be adapted for on-line analysis.  相似文献   

This paper reviews model membrane studies on the modulation of the macroscopic structure of lipids by lipid-protein interactions, with particular emphasis on the gramicidin molecule. This hydrophobic peptide has three main effects on lipid polymorphism: (1) in lysophosphatidylcholine it triggers a micellar to bilayer transition, (2) in phosphatidylethanolamine it lowers the bilayer to hexagonal HII phase transition temperature and (3) in phosphatidylcholine and other bilayer preferring lipids it is able to induce the formation of an HII phase. From experiments in which the gramicidin molecule was chemically modified it can be concluded that the tryptophan residues play a determining role in the peptide-induced changes in polymorphism. The experimental data lead to the proposal that gramicidin molecules have a tendency to self-associate, possibly mediated by tryptophan-tryptophan interactions and organize into tubular structures such as found in the HII phase.  相似文献   

This study reports the characterization of the recombinant 7-kDa protein P2 from Sulfolobus solfataricus and the mutants F31A and F31Y with respect to temperature and pressure stability. As observed in the NMR, FTIR, and CD spectra, wild-type protein and mutants showed substantially similar structures under ambient conditions. However, midpoint transition temperatures of the denaturation process were 361, 334, and 347 K for wild type, F31A, and F31Y mutants, respectively: thus, alanine substitution of phenylalanine destabilized the protein by as much as 27 K. Midpoint transition pressures for wild type and F31Y mutant could not be accurately determined because they lay either beyond (wild type) or close to (F31Y) 14 kbar, a pressure at which water undergoes a phase transition. However, a midpoint transition pressure of 4 kbar could be determined for the F31A mutant, implying a shift in transition of at least 10 kbar. The pressure-induced denaturation was fully reversible; in contrast, thermal denaturation of wild type and mutants was only partially reversible. To our knowledge, both the pressure resistance of protein P2 and the dramatic pressure and temperature destabilization of the F31A mutant are unprecedented. These properties may be largely accounted for by the role of an aromatic cluster where Phe31 is found at the core, because interactions among aromatics are believed to be almost pressure insensitive; furthermore, the alanine substitution of phenylalanine should create a cavity with increased compressibility and flexibility, which also involves an impaired pressure and temperature resistance. Proteins 29:381–390, 1997. © 1997 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The polar lipids of the anaerobic bacterium Clostridium tetani, the causative agent of tetanus, have been examined by two-dimensional thin layer chromatography, ESI mass spectrometry, and NMR spectroscopy. Plasmalogen and di- and tetra-acylated species of phosphatidylethanolamine, phosphatidylglycerol, cardiolipin, and N-acetylglucosaminyl diradylglycerol were the major lipids present in most strains examined except for strain ATCC 10779, the parent of strain E88, the first C. tetani strain to have its genome sequenced. This strain contained the same di- and tetra-acylated species but did not contain plasmalogens. All strains contained a novel derivative of N-acetylglucosaminyl diradylglycerol in which a phosphoethanolamine unit is attached to the 6’-position of the sugar, as judged by selective 31P-decoupled, 1H-detected NMR difference spectroscopy. The N-acetylglucosamine (GlcNAc) residue is presumably linked to the 3-positon of the diradylglycerol moiety, and it has the β-anomeric configuration. Very little plasmalogen component was detected by mass spectrometry in the precursors phosphatidic acid and phosphatidylserine, consistent with the idea that plasmalogens are formed from diacylated phospholipids at a late stage of phospholipid assembly in anaerobic clostridia.  相似文献   


FTIR and cryomicroscopy have been used to study mouse embryonic fibroblast cells (3T3) during freezing in the absence and presence of DMSO and glycerol. The results show that cell volume changes as observed by cryomicroscopy typically end at temperatures above ?15°C, whereas membrane phase changes may continue until temperatures as low as ?30°C. This implies that cellular dehydration precedes dehydration of the bound water surrounding the phospholipid head groups. Both DMSO and glycerol increase the membrane hydraulic permeability at subzero temperature and reduce the activation energy for water transport. Cryoprotective agents facilitate dehydration to continue at low subzero temperatures thereby decreasing the incidence of intracellular ice formation. The increased subzero membrane hydraulic permeability likely plays an important role in the cryoprotective action of DMSO and glycerol. In the presence of DMSO water permeability was found to be greater compared to that in the presence of glycerol. Two temperature regimes were identified in an Arrhenius plot of the membrane hydraulic permeability. The activation energy for water transport at temperature ranging from 0 to ?10°C was found to be greater than that below ?10°C. The non-linear Arrhenius behavior of Lp has been implemented in the water transport model to simulate cell volume changes during freezing. At a cooling rate of 1°C min-1, ~5% of the initial osmotically active water volume is trapped inside the cells at ?30°C.  相似文献   


Microalgae have enormous potential as feedstock for biofuel production compared with other sources, due to their high areal productivity, relatively low environmental impact, and low impact on food security. However, high production costs are the major limitation for commercialization of algal biofuels. Strategies to maximize biomass and lipid production are crucial for improving the economics of using microalgae for biofuels. Selection of suitable algal strains, preferably from indigenous habitats, and further improvement of those ‘platform strains’ using mutagenesis and genetic engineering approaches are desirable. Conventional approaches to improve biomass and lipid productivity of microalgae mainly involve manipulation of nutritional (e.g. nitrogen and phosphorus) and environmental (e.g. temperature, light and salinity) factors. Approaches such as the addition of phytohormones, genetic and metabolic engineering, and co-cultivation of microalgae with yeasts and bacteria are more recent strategies to enhance biomass and lipid productivity of microalgae. Improvement in culture systems and the use of a hybrid system (i.e. a combination of open ponds and photobioreactors) is another strategy to optimize algal biomass and lipid production. In addition, the use of low-cost substrates such as agri-industrial wastewater for the cultivation of microalgae will be a smart strategy to reduce production costs. Such systems not only generate high algal biomass and lipid productivity, but are also useful for bioremediation of wastewater and bioremoval of waste CO2. The aim of this review is to highlight the advances in the use of various strategies to enhance production of algal biomass and lipids for biofuel feedstock.  相似文献   

Podstawka E 《Biopolymers》2008,89(11):980-992
This work presents a Fourier-transform absorption infrared, Fourier-transform Raman, and surface-enhanced Raman scattering (SERS) study of the following peptides belonging to the bombesin-like family: phyllolitorin, [Leu(8)]phyllolitorin, NMB, NMC, and PG-L. The SERS study was undertaken to understand the adsorption mechanism of bombesin-like peptides on an electrochemically roughened silver electrode surface and to show changes in the adsorption mechanism with alterations in amino acids and small tertiary structures. The SERS spectra presented here shows bands mainly associated with the Trp(8) residue vibrations. The presence of mainly pyrrole coring vibrations for phyllolitorin and [Leu(8)]phyllolitorin and mainly benzene coring modes for NMB and NMC indicated that these groups interact with the roughened silver electrode surface. Furthermore, N(1)--C(8) and C(3)--C(9) bonds of the PG-L indole ring seemed to have nearly a vertical orientation on the electrode surface. In addition, distinct vibrations of the C--S fragment were observed in the SERS spectra of [Leu(8)]phyllolitorin and PG-L. The strong enhancement of the nu(C==O) vibration in the [Leu(8)]phyllolitorin SERS spectrum yielded evidence that the intact C==O bond(s) bind strongly to the silver electrode surface, whereas NMC, phyllolitorin, and NMB were located near the silver surface. This finding was supported by the presence of the nu(C--C(==O)) mode. The amide I band observed at 1642 and 1634 cm(-1) for NMB and NMC, respectively, and the Raman amide III band seen in the 1282-1249 cm(-1) range for all peptides except PG-L, indicate that the strongly hydrogen-bonded alpha-helical conformation and random-coil structure are favored for binding to the surface. (c) 2008 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Biopolymers 89: 980-992, 2008.This article was originally published online as an accepted preprint. The "Published Online" date corresponds to the preprint version. You can request a copy of the preprint by emailing the Biopolymers editorial office at biopolymers@wiley.com.  相似文献   

Arteriovenous malformations (AVMs), masses of abnormal blood vessels which grow in the brain, produce high flow shunts that steal blood from surrounding brain tissue, which is chronically hypoperfused. Hypoperfusion is a condition of inadequate tissue perfusion and oxygenation, resulting in abnormal tissue metabolism. Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy is used in this study to investigate the effect of hypoperfusion on homogenized rat brain samples at the molecular level. The results suggest that the lipid content increases, the protein content decreases, the lipid-to-protein ratio increases, and the state of order of the lipids increases in the hypoperfused brain samples. FTIR results also revealed that, owing to hypoperfusion, not only the protein synthesis but also the protein secondary structure profile is altered in favor of -sheets and random coils. These findings clearly demonstrate that, FTIR spectroscopy can be used to extract valuable information at the molecular level so as to have a better understanding of the effect of hypoperfusion on rat brain.  相似文献   

Tunicates are the only animal group known to synthesize cellulose. The current hypothesis is that a horizontally acquired cellulose synthase gene of bacterial origin might have contributed to the establishment of this unique trait. Cellulose biosynthesis in tunicates thus provides an opportunity to understand how a foreign gene was assimilated into a new genome to establish a new trait. Because little is known of the molecular mechanisms underlying cellulose biosynthesis, we set up a practical assessment of cellulose in the ascidian tunicate Ciona intestinalis. We first demonstrated and characterized cellulose in the tunic of adult specimens by chemical purification and by subsequent scanning electron microscopic observation and X-ray diffractometry. Next, we showed that Fourier transform infrared spectroscopic microscopy (FTIR microscopy) can be used to assess cellulose in the small tunic of individual larval specimens without chemical purification. Using FTIR microscopy together with a blastomere isolation technique, we demonstrated that cellulose biosynthesis occurred cell-autonomously in the animal hemisphere of an embryo where the future epidermis, the known site of cellulose biosynthesis, will arise. We combined FTIR microscopy with morpholino antisense oligonucleotide-mediated gene knockdown technology to generate a reverse genetic system to identify genes involved in cellulose biosynthesis. FTIR microscopy was thus able, in combination with current research resources, to contribute to cellular and molecular investigations of animal cellulose biosynthesis.  相似文献   

Fourier-transform infrared(FTIR) transmission spectroscopy has beenused for the determination of glucoseconcentrations in whole blood samples fromtwenty-eight patients. A four-vectorpartial least squares calibration model,using the spectral range 950–1200 cm-1,yielded a standard error of prediction of0.59 mM for an independent test set. Forblood samples from a single patient, wefound that the glucose concentration wasproportional to the difference between thevalues of the second derivative spectrum at1082 cm-1 and 1093 cm-1, suggestingthat these two specific wavelengths can beused for determining glucose concentrationsin blood.  相似文献   

不同供氮水平的水稻叶尖的傅里叶转换红外光谱(英)   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
四个氮素水平处理的盆栽水稻 (OryzasativaL .)的叶尖在不同生育期均表现出明显的傅里叶转换红外光谱差异。新定义的光谱指数 ((A3 4 0 0 -A1653 ) / (A3 4 0 0 A1653 ) ,A为某频率处的吸收值 )随着施氮水平的提高而降低。结果表明 ,傅里叶转换红外光谱可用于诊断植物的氮素状况。  相似文献   

四个氮素水平处理的盆栽水稻(Oryza sativa L.)的叶尖在不同生育期均表现出明显的傅里叶转换红外光谱差异.新定义的光谱指数((A3400-A1653)/(A3400+A1653),A为某频率处的吸收值)随着施氮水平的提高而降低.结果表明,傅里叶转换红外光谱可用于诊断植物的氮素状况.  相似文献   

The application of Fourier transform mid-infrared (FT-MIR) spectroscopy and Fourier transform Raman (FT-Raman) spectroscopy for process and quality control of fermentative production of ethanol was investigated. FT-MIR and FT-Raman spectroscopy along with multivariate techniques were used to determine simultaneously glucose, ethanol, and optical cell density of Saccharomyces cerevisiae during ethanol fermentation. Spectroscopic measurement of glucose and ethanol were compared and validated with the high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) method. Spectral wave number regions were selected for partial least-squares (PLS) regression and principal component regression (PCR) and calibration models for glucose, ethanol, and optical cell density were developed for culture samples. Correlation coefficient (R 2) value for the prediction for glucose and ethanol was more than 0.9 using various calibration methods. The standard error of prediction for the PLS first-derivative calibration models for glucose, ethanol, and optical cell density were 1.938 g/l, 1.150 g/l, and 0.507, respectively. Prediction errors were high with FT-Raman because the Raman scattering of the cultures was weak. Results indicated that FT-MIR spectroscopy could be used for rapid detection of glucose, ethanol, and optical cell density in S. cerevisiae culture during ethanol fermentation. Journal of Industrial Microbiology & Biotechnology (2001) 26, 185–190. Received 16 November 2000/ Accepted in revised form 12 January 2001  相似文献   

The radula in a group of molluscan invertebrates, the chitons (Polyplacophora), is a ribbon-like apparatus used for feeding and which bears a series of distinctive mineralized teeth called the major lateral teeth. While some chiton species deposit only iron biominerals in these teeth, many others deposit both iron and calcium. In this study, the calcium biomineral in the teeth of one of the latter types of species, the Australian east-coast chiton, Chiton pelliserpentis, has been isolated and examined for the first time. Spectroscopic and crystallographic techniques have identified the biomineral as a carbonate-substituted apatite with significant fluoride substitution also likely. Fourier-transform infrared and laser Raman spectroscopy indicated that the carbonate content was less than that of either bovine tibia cortical bone or human tooth enamel. X-ray diffraction analysis showed the biomineral to be poorly crystalline due to small crystal size and appreciable anionic substitution. The lattice parameters were calculated to be a=9.382?Å and c=6.883?Å, which are suggestive of a fluorapatite material. It is postulated that structural and biochemical differences in the tooth organic matrix of different chiton species will ultimately determine if the teeth become partly calcified or iron mineralized only.  相似文献   

Polar carotenoid pigment - canthaxanthin - has been found to interfere with the organization of biological membranes, in particular of the retina membranes of an eye of primates. The organization of lipid membranes formed with dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine (DPPC) and egg yolk phosphatidylcholine containing canthaxanthin was studied by means of several techniques including: electronic absorption spectroscopy, linear dichroism, X-ray diffractometry, 1H-NMR spectroscopy and FTIR spectroscopy. It appears that canthaxanthin present in the lipid membranes at relatively low concentration (below 1 mol% with respect to lipid) modifies significantly physical properties of the membranes. In particular, canthaxanthin (i) exerts restrictions to the segmental molecular motion of lipid molecules both in the headgroup region and in the hydrophobic core of the bilayer, (ii) promotes extended conformation of alkyl lipid chains, (iii) modifies the surface of the lipid membranes (in particular in the gel state, Lβ´) and promotes the aggregation of lipid vesicles. It is concluded that canthaxanthin incorporated into lipid membranes is distributed among two pools: one spanning the lipid bilayer roughly perpendicularly to the surface of the membrane and one parallel to the membrane, localized in the headgroup region. The population of the horizontal fraction increases with the increase in the concentration of the pigment in the lipid phase. Such a conclusion is supported by the linear dichroism analysis of the oriented lipid multibilayers containing canthaxanthin: The mean angle between the dipole transition moment and the axis normal to the plane of the membrane was determined as 20 ± 3° at 0.5 mol% and 47 ± 3° at 2 mol% canthaxanthin. The analysis of the absorption spectra of canthaxanthin in the lipid phase and 1H-NMR spectra of lipids point to the exceptionally low aggregation threshold of the pigment in the membrane environment (∼1 mol%). All results demonstrate a very strong modifying effect of canthaxanthin with respect to the dynamic and structural properties of lipid membranes.  相似文献   

Monensin A methyl ester (MON1) was synthesized by a new method and its ability to form complexes with Li+, Na+, and K+ cations was studied by electrospray ionization-mass spectroscopy (ESI-MS), 1H and 13C nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR), Fourier transform infrared (FTIR), and PM5 semiempirical methods. It is shown that MON1 with monovalent metal cations forms stable complexes of 1:1 stoichiometry. The structures of the complexes are stabilized by intramolecular hydrogen bonds in which the OH groups are always involved. In the structure of MON1, the oxygen atom of the C=O ester group is involved in very weak bifurcated intramolecular hydrogen bonds with two hydroxyl groups, whereas in the complexes of MON1 with monovalent metal cations the C=O ester group is not engaged in any intramolecular hydrogen bonds. Furthermore, it is demonstrated that the strongest intramolecular hydrogen bonds are formed within the MON1-Li+ complex structure. The structures of the MON1 and its complexes with Li+, Na+, and K+ cations are visualized and discussed in detail.  相似文献   

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