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Multidrug-resistant Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Mtb) has emerged as a major health challenge, necessitating the search for new molecular targets. A secretory amidohydrolase, l -asparaginase of Mtb (MtA), originally implicated in nitrogen assimilation and neutralization of acidic microenvironment inside human alveolar macrophages, has been proposed as a crucial metabolic enzyme. To investigate whether this enzyme could serve as a potential drug target, it was studied for structural details and active site–specific inhibitors were tested on cultured Mycobacterial strain. The structural details of MtA obtained through comparative modeling and molecular dynamics simulations provided insights about the orchestration of an alternate reaction mechanism at the active site. This was contrary to the critical Tyr flipping mechanism reported in other asparaginases. We report the novel finding of Tyr to Val replacement in catalytic triad I along with the structural reorganization of a β-hairpin loop upon substrate binding in MtA active site. Further, 5 MtA-specific, active-site–based inhibitors were obtained by following a rigorous differential screening protocol. When tested on Mycobacterium culture, 3 of these, M3 (ZINC 4740895), M26 (ZINC 33535), and doxorubicin showed promising results with inhibitory concentrations (IC 50) of 431, 100, and 56 µM, respectively. Based on our findings and considering stark differences with human asparaginase, we project MtA as a promising molecular target against which the selected inhibitors may be used to counteract Mtb infection effectively.  相似文献   

Mycobacterium tuberculosis is a leading cause of infectious disease in the world today. This outlook is aggravated by a growing number of M. tuberculosis infections in individuals who are immunocompromised as a result of HIV infections. Thus, new and more potent anti-TB agents are necessary. Therefore, acetolactate synthase (mtALS) was selected as a target enzyme to combat M. tuberculosis. In this work, the three-dimensional molecular model of the hypothetical structure for the ALS catalytic subunit of M. tuberculosis was elucidated by homology modelling. In addition, the orientations and binding affinities of sulfonylurea inhibitors with the new structure was investigated. Our findings could be helpful for the design of new, more potent mtAHAS inhibitors.  相似文献   

An alarming rise of multidrug-resistant Mycobacterium tuberculosis strains and the continuous high global morbidity of tuberculosis have reinvigorated the need to identify novel targets to combat the disease. The enzymes that catalyze the biosynthesis of peptidoglycan in M. tuberculosis are essential and noteworthy therapeutic targets. In this study, the biochemical function and homology modeling of MurI, MurG, MraY, DapE, DapA, Alr, and Ddl enzymes of the CDC1551 M. tuberculosis strain involved in the biosynthesis of peptidoglycan cell wall are reported. Generation of the 3D structures was achieved with Modeller 9.13. To assess the structural quality of the obtained homology modeled targets, the models were validated using PROCHECK, PDBsum, QMEAN, and ERRAT scores. Molecular dynamics simulations were performed to calculate root mean square deviation (RMSD) and radius of gyration (Rg) of MurI and MurG target proteins and their corresponding templates. For further model validation, RMSD and Rg for selected targets/templates were investigated to compare the close proximity of their dynamic behavior in terms of protein stability and average distances. To identify the potential binding mode required for molecular docking, binding site information of all modeled targets was obtained using two prediction algorithms. A docking study was performed for MurI to determine the potential mode of interaction between the inhibitor and the active site residues. This study presents the first accounts of the 3D structural information for the selected M. tuberculosis targets involved in peptidoglycan biosynthesis.  相似文献   

The alarming increase in multi- and extensively drug-resistant (MDR and XDR) strains of Mycobacterium tuberculosis (MTB) has triggered the scientific community to search for novel, effective, and safer therapeutics. To this end, a series of 3,5-disubstituted-1,2,4-oxadiazole derivatives (3a–3i) were tested against H37Rv, MDR and XDR strains of MTB. Of which, compound 3a with para-trifluorophenyl substituted oxadiazole showed excellent activity against the susceptible H37Rv and MDR-MTB strain with a MIC values of 8 and 16 µg/ml, respectively.To understand the mechanism of action of these compounds (3a–3i) and identify their putative drug target, molecular docking and dynamics studies were employed against a panel of 20 mycobacterial enzymes reported to be essential for mycobacterial growth and survival. These computational studies revealed polyketide synthase (Pks13) enzyme as the putative target. Moreover, in silico ADMET predictions showed satisfactory properties for these compounds, collectively, making them, particularly compound 3a, promising leads worthy of further optimisation.  相似文献   

Multiple genes in Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Mtb) are regulated by copper including socAB (s mall o rf induced by c opper A and B), which is induced by copper and repressed by RicR (r egulated i n c opper r epressor). socA and socB encode hypothetical proteins of 61 and 54 amino acids, respectively. Here, we use biophysical and computational methods to evaluate the SocB structure. We find that SocB lacks evidence for secondary structure, with no thermal cooperative unfolding event, according to circular dichroism measurements. 2D NMR spectra similarly exhibit hallmarks of a disordered structural state, which is also supported by analyzing SocB diffusion. Altogether, these findings suggest that by itself SocB is intrinsically disordered. Interestingly, SocB interacts with a synthetic phospholipid bilayer and becomes helical, which suggests that it may be membrane‐associated. Proteins 2016; 84:193–200. © 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Sweet taste in mammals is accounted for by a single receptor that shares homology with a metabotropic glutamate receptor. Most sweeteners are small molecular weight molecules that interact with small cavities in the so-called Venus Flytrap domains of the sweet receptor. The mechanism of action of larger molecules such as sweet proteins is, however, more difficult to interpret. The first and still the only general mechanism proposed for the action of sweet proteins, the "wedge model," hypothesizes that proteins bind to an external binding site of the active conformation of the sweet receptor. Here, I have extended the concept that inspired the wedge model using a combination of structural analysis, bioinformatics tools, and a relatively large dataset of mutations of the two most extensively studied sweet proteins, monellin and brazzein. I show here that it is possible to single out, among the ensemble yielded by low-resolution docking, a unique complex that satisfies simple topological constraints. These models of the complexes of monellin and brazzein are fully consistent with experimental evidence, thus providing predicting power for further validation of the wedge model.  相似文献   

Persistent infection by Mycobacterium tuberculosis requires the glyoxylate shunt. This is a bypass to the tricarboxylic acid cycle in which isocitrate lyase (ICL) and malate synthase (MS) catalyze the net incorporation of carbon during mycobacterial growth on acetate or fatty acids as the primary carbon source. To identify a potential antitubercular compound, we performed a structure-based screening of natural compounds from the ZINC database (n = 1 67 740) against the M tuberculosis MS (MtbMS) structure. The ligands were screened against MtbMS, and 354 ligands were found to have better docking score. These compounds were assessed for Lipinski and absorption, distribution, metabolism, excretion, and toxicity prediction where 15 compounds were found to fit well for redocking studies. After refinement by molecular docking and drug-likeness analysis, four potential inhibitors (ZINC1483899, ZINC1754310, ZINC2269664, and ZINC15729522) were identified. These four ligands with phenyl-diketo acid were further subjected to molecular dynamics simulation to compare the dynamics and stability of the protein structure after ligand binding. The binding energy analysis was calculated to determine the intermolecular interactions. Our results suggested that the four compounds had a binding free energy of −201.96, −242.02, −187.03, and −169.02 kJ·mol−1, for compounds with IDs ZINC1483899, ZINC1754310, ZINC2269664, and ZINC15729522, respectively. We concluded that two compounds (ZINC1483899 and ZINC1754310) displayed considerable structural and pharmacological properties and could be probable drug candidates to fight against M tuberculosis parasites.  相似文献   

A thiol peroxidase (Tpx) from Mycobacterium tuberculosis was functionally analyzed. The enzyme shows NADPH-linked peroxidase activity using a thioredoxin-thioredoxin reductase system as electron donor, and anti-oxidant activity in a thiol-dependent metal-catalyzed oxidation system. It reduces H2O2, t-butyl hydroperoxide, and cumene hydroperoxide, and is inhibited by sulfhydryl reagents. Mutational studies revealed that the peroxidatic (Cys60) and resolving (Cys93) cysteine residues are critical amino acids for catalytic activity. The X-ray structure determined to a resolution of 1.75 A shows a thioredoxin fold similar to that of other peroxiredoxin family members. Superposition with structural homologues in oxidized and reduced forms indicates that the M. tuberculosis Tpx is a member of the atypical two-Cys peroxiredoxin family. In addition, the short distance that separates the Calpha atoms of Cys60 and Cys93 and the location of these cysteine residues in unstructured regions may indicate that the M. tuberculosis enzyme is oxidized, though the side-chain of Cys60 is poorly visible. It is solely in the reduced Streptococcus pneumoniae Tpx structure that both residues are part of two distinct helical segments. The M. tuberculosis Tpx is dimeric both in solution and in the crystal structure. Amino acid residues from both monomers delineate the active site pocket.  相似文献   

An extensive analysis of C. dubliniensis proteomics data showed that ~ 22% protein are conserved hypothetical proteins (HPs) whose function is still not determined precisely. Analysis of gene sequence of HPs provides a platform to establish sequence–function relationships to a more profound understanding of the molecular machinery of organisms at systems level. Here we have combined the latest versions of bioinformatics tools including, protein family, motifs, intrinsic features from the amino acid sequence, sequence–function relationship, pathway analysis, etc. to assign a precise function to HPs for which no any experimental information is available. Our results show that 27 HPs have well defined functions and we categorized them as enzyme, nucleic acid binding, transport protein, etc. Five HPs showed adhesin character that is likely to be essential for the survival of yeast and pathogenesis. We also addressed issues related to the sub-cellular localization and signal peptide identification which provides an idea about its colocalization and function. The outcome of the present study may facilitate better understanding of mechanism of virulence, drug resistance, pathogenesis, adaptability to host, tolerance for host immune response, and drug discovery for treatment of C. dubliniensis infections.  相似文献   

The single crystal X-ray structure of the extracellular portion of the L,D-transpeptidase (ex-LdtMt2 – residues 120–408) enzyme was recently reported. It was observed that imipenem and meropenem inhibit activity of this enzyme, responsible for generating L,D-transpeptide linkages in the peptidoglycan layer of Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Imipenem is more active and isothermal titration calorimetry experiments revealed that meropenem is subjected to an entropy penalty upon binding to the enzyme. Herein, we report a molecular modeling approach to obtain a molecular view of the inhibitor/enzyme interactions. The average binding free energies for nine commercially available inhibitors were calculated using MM/GBSA and Solvation Interaction Energy (SIE) approaches and the calculated energies corresponded well with the available experimentally observed results. The method reproduces the same order of binding energies as experimentally observed for imipenem and meropenem. We have also demonstrated that SIE is a reasonably accurate and cost-effective free energy method, which can be used to predict carbapenem affinities for this enzyme. A theoretical explanation was offered for the experimental entropy penalty observed for meropenem, creating optimism that this computational model can serve as a potential computational model for other researchers in the field.  相似文献   

通过截短玉米黑粉菌CYP51(P450-14DM,UmCYP51)基因(去除编码跨膜区部分)和选取不同的表达载体,构建了9种重组表达质粒,在大肠杆菌中进行UmCYP51基因的表达,发现只有BL21(DE3)/pET32-Um-35重组表达工程菌获得了表达.对稀有密码子和mRNA翻译起始区二级结构进行分析,结果表明稀有密码子和mRNA翻译起始区二级结构对UmCYP51蛋白的表达都有影响.适用于稀有密码子表达的菌株Rosetta(DE3)不利于UmCYP51蛋白的表达;同时只有翻译起始区二级结构自由能值最低的重组载体pET32-Um-35可以表达.为了设计以UmCYP51为靶标的新型抗真菌抑制剂,基于最新解析的真核生物人类的CYP51晶体结构,利用同源模建的方法构建了UmCYP51的三维结构并进行了分子动力学模拟优化.通过与商品化杀菌剂戊唑醇进行分子对接获得了此类抑制剂与UmCYP51的理论结合方式,阐述了戊唑醇分子的杀菌机理,为开发新型的抗真菌抑制剂奠定了基础.  相似文献   

Parkinson’s disease (PD) is characterized by the loss of dopamine-generating neurons in the substantia nigra and corpus striatum. Current treatments alleviate PD symptoms rather than exerting neuroprotective effect on dopaminergic neurons. New drugs targeting the dopaminergic neurons by specific uptake through the human dopamine transporter (hDAT) could represent a viable strategy for establishing selective neuroprotection. Molecules able to increase the bioactive amount of extracellular dopamine, thereby enhancing and compensating a loss of dopaminergic neurotransmission, and to exert neuroprotective response because of their accumulation in the cytoplasm, are required. By means of homology modeling, molecular docking, and molecular dynamics simulations, we have generated 3D structure models of hDAT in complex with substrate and inhibitors. Our results clearly reveal differences in binding affinity of these compounds to the hDAT in the open and closed conformations, critical for future drug design. The established in silico approach allowed the identification of promising substrate compounds that were subsequently analyzed for their efficiency in inhibiting hDAT-dependent fluorescent substrate uptake, through in vitro live cell imaging experiments. Taken together, our work presents the first implementation of a combined in silico/in vitro approach enabling the selection of promising dopaminergic neuron-specific substrates.  相似文献   

B 细胞成熟抗原 (BCMA)是 B淋巴细胞刺激因子(BLyS)的受体之一.它的胞外区与人IgG1 Fc的融合蛋白eBCMA-Fc,又称为诱饵受体,具有拮抗BLyS的活性.为了设计新的拮抗肽,基于BCMA和Fc的晶体结构,通过计算机图形学技术、分子模拟方法,建立了eBCMA-Fc融合蛋白的三维理论结构.利用均方根位移(root mean square distance, RMSD)对eBCMA-Fc融合蛋白与单体eBCMA、Fc构象差异进行分析.融合蛋白eBCMA-Fc中的eBCMA段与单体eBCMA的主链碳原子间RMSD值为0.036 nm,Fc段与单体Fc的主链碳原子间RMSD值为0.064 nm.结果表明,对比单体,融合蛋白eBCMA-Fc并未因eBCMA与Fc直接连接而发生构象的变化.分子对接方法显示,融合蛋白eBCMA-Fc中的BCMA与BLyS作用,而Fc扮演着稳定BCMA构象的支架作用.为进一步验证上述理论分析,构建eBCMA-Fc融合基因,并将载有eBCMA-Fc融合基因的原核表达质粒转化BL21 (DE3)菌、在细菌中表达.目的蛋白经蛋白A亲和柱纯化大约为36 kD,与理论预测值34 kD相近.免疫印迹表明抗人IgG抗体能够识别eBCMA-Fc融合蛋白.ELISA证实,eBCMA-Fc融合蛋白能够结合BLyS.随着eBCMA-Fc融合蛋白增加,结合BLyS的融合蛋白也相应增加.而对照人IgG,即使在高浓度条件下,也不结合BLyS.此外,eBCMA-Fc 融合蛋白能够抑制BLyS对B细胞肿瘤Daudi细胞的作用.这些研究为下一步设计和筛选BLyS拮抗肽提供了实验基础.  相似文献   

Flavonoids are widely distributed in plants and constitute the most common polyphenolic phytoconstituents in the human diet. In this study, the in vitro inhibitory activity of 44 different flavonoids (1–44) against mushroom tyrosinase was studied, and an in silico study and type of inhibition for the most active compounds were evaluated too. Tyrosinase inhibitors block melanogenesis and take part in melanin production or distribution leading to pigmentation diseases. The in vitro study showed that quercetin was a competitive inhibitor (IC50=44.38 ± 0.13 µM) and achieved higher antityrosinase activity than the control inhibitor kojic acid. The in silico results highlight the importance of the flavonoid core with a hydroxyl at C7 as a strong contributor of interference with tyrosinase activity. According to the developed statistical model, the activity of molecules depends on hydroxylation at C3 and methylation at C8, C7, and C3 in the benzo-γ-pyrane ring of the flavonoids.  相似文献   

The annotated whole-genome sequence of Mycobacterium tuberculosis revealed the presence of a putative recD gene; however, the biochemical characteristics of its encoded protein product (MtRecD) remain largely unknown. Here, we show that MtRecD exists in solution as a stable homodimer. Protein-DNA binding assays revealed that MtRecD binds efficiently to single-stranded DNA and linear duplexes containing 5′ overhangs relative to the 3′ overhangs but not to blunt-ended duplex. Furthermore, MtRecD bound more robustly to a variety of Y-shaped DNA structures having ≥18-nucleotide overhangs but not to a similar substrate containing 5-nucleotide overhangs. MtRecD formed more salt-tolerant complexes with Y-shaped structures compared with linear duplex having 3′ overhangs. The intrinsic ATPase activity of MtRecD was stimulated by single-stranded DNA. Site-specific mutagenesis of Lys-179 in motif I abolished the ATPase activity of MtRecD. Interestingly, although MtRecD-catalyzed unwinding showed a markedly higher preference for duplex substrates with 5′ overhangs, it could also catalyze significant unwinding of substrates containing 3′ overhangs. These results support the notion that MtRecD is a bipolar helicase with strong 5′ → 3′ and weak 3′ → 5′ unwinding activities. The extent of unwinding of Y-shaped DNA structures was ∼3-fold lower compared with duplexes with 5′ overhangs. Notably, direct interaction between MtRecD and its cognate RecA led to inhibition of DNA strand exchange promoted by RecA. Altogether, these studies provide the first detailed characterization of MtRecD and present important insights into the type of DNA structure the enzyme is likely to act upon during the processes of DNA repair or homologous recombination.  相似文献   

Cyclin‐dependent kinases (CDKs) are core components of the cell cycle machinery that govern the transition between phases during cell cycle progression. Abnormalities in CDKs activity and regulation are common features of cancer, making CDK family members attractive targets for the development of anticancer drugs. Their inhibitors have entered in clinical trials to treat cancer. Very recently, Heathcote et al. (J. Med. Chem. 2010, 53:8508–8522) have found a ligand BS194 that has a high affinity with CDK2 (IC50 = 3 nm ) but shows low affinity with CDK1 (IC50 = 30 nm ). To understand the selectivity, we used homology modeling, molecular docking, molecular dynamics, and free‐energy calculation to analyze the interactions. A rational three‐dimensional model of the CDK1/BS194 complex is built. We found that Leu83 is a key residue that recognizes BS194 more effectively with CDK2 with good binding free energies rather than CDK1. Energetic analysis reveals that van der Waals interaction and non‐polar contributions to solvent are favorable in the formation of complexes and amine group of the ligand, which plays a crucial role for binding selectivity between CDK2 and CDK1. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In this work, we combined molecular modeling, computational docking and in vitro analysis to explore the antileishmanial effect of some resveratrol analogs (ResAn), focusing on their pro-oxidant effect. The molecular target was the trypanothione reductase of Leishmania braziliensis (LbTryR), an essential component of the antioxidant defenses in trypanosomatid parasites. Three-dimensional structures of LbTryR were modeled and molecular docking studies of ResAn1-5 compounds showed the following affinity: ResAn1?>?ResAn2?>?ResAn4?>?ResAn5?>?ResAn3. Positive correlation was observed between these compounds’ affinity to the LbTryR and the IC50 values against Leishmania sp (ResAn1?<?ResAn2?<?ResAn4), which allows for TryR being considered an important target for them. As the compound ResAn1 showed the best antileishmanial activity, and docking studies showed its high affinity for NADP binding site (NS) of TryR, plus having been able to induce ROS production in L. braziliensis promastigotes treated, ResAn1 probably occupies NS interfering in the electron transfer processes responsible for the catalytic reaction. The in silico prediction of ADMET properties suggests that ResAn1 may be a promising drug candidate with properties to cross biological membranes and high gastrointestinal absorption, not violating Lipinski’s rules. Ultimately, the antileishmanial effect of ResAn can be associated with a pro-oxidant effect which, in turn, can be exploited as an antimicrobial agent.

Communicated by Ramaswamy H. Sarma  相似文献   

The minor chlorophyll a/b-binding (CAB) proteins of the liverwort Marchantia polymorpha L. were investigated in order to compare the antenna organization and the light-acclimation potential in lower and higher plants. Homologues to the minor CAB proteins CP24, CP26 and CP29 were identified by the following criteria: enrichment in photosystem II preparations, immunological cross-reactivities, spectroscopic properties and protein-fragment amino acid sequences. The high violaxanthin content of the minor CAB proteins in M. polymorpha indicates that their role in protection from high light is comparable in lower and higher plants. Considerably more-alkaline isoelectric points are found for the minor CAB proteins of M. polymorpha than for their higher-plant counterparts. This might be due to a higher content of basic amino acids. While the N-terminal sequence of angiosperm CP29 contains a threonine that becomes phosphorylated during cold stress, this amino acid is substituted by valine in M. polymorpha. Therefore, the regulatory properties of this protein could differ in lower and higher plants. Received: 25 March 1997 / Accepted: 21 July 1997  相似文献   

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