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Peptide mapping and isoelectric focusing were used to compare the major outer membrane pore proteins from various strains of Escherichia coli K-12, including strains carrying mutations in the nmpA, nmpB, and nmpC genes which result in the production of new membrane proteins. Proteins 1a, 1b, and 2 and the NmpA proteins each gave unique peptide and isoelectric focusing profiles, indicating that these are different polypeptides. The NmpA protein and the NmpB protein appeared to be identical by these criteria. The NmpC protein and protein 2 were nearly identical, although one different peptide was observed in comparing the proteolytic peptide maps of these proteins and there were slight differences in their isoelectric focusing profiles. Antiserum against protein 2 showed partial cross-reactivity with the NmpC protein. These results indicate that the various pore proteins of E. coli K-12 fall into four different classes.  相似文献   

Immunocrossreactivity between the major outer membrane protein (MOMP) of Campylobacter jejuni 85H and the OmpC porin of Escherichia coli K-12 was observed. These results indicate that a common antigenic domain is conserved in both MOMP and OmpC. This antigenic region is detected only after a 96 degrees C treatment suggesting that it is buried in the native conformation of the respective porins. In addition, differences were observed between the major outer membrane proteins from various C. jejuni strains. About 60% of the C. jejuni pathogenic strains tested contained a protein exhibiting a similar electrophoretic profile to the 85H porin.  相似文献   

The determination of membrane protein (MP) structures has always trailed that of soluble proteins due to difficulties in their overexpression, reconstitution into membrane mimetics, and subsequent structure determination. The percentage of MP structures in the protein databank (PDB) has been at a constant 1–2% for the last decade. In contrast, over half of all drugs target MPs, only highlighting how little we understand about drug‐specific effects in the human body. To reduce this gap, researchers have attempted to predict structural features of MPs even before the first structure was experimentally elucidated. In this review, we present current computational methods to predict MP structure, starting with secondary structure prediction, prediction of trans‐membrane spans, and topology. Even though these methods generate reliable predictions, challenges such as predicting kinks or precise beginnings and ends of secondary structure elements are still waiting to be addressed. We describe recent developments in the prediction of 3D structures of both α‐helical MPs as well as β‐barrels using comparative modeling techniques, de novo methods, and molecular dynamics (MD) simulations. The increase of MP structures has (1) facilitated comparative modeling due to availability of more and better templates, and (2) improved the statistics for knowledge‐based scoring functions. Moreover, de novo methods have benefited from the use of correlated mutations as restraints. Finally, we outline current advances that will likely shape the field in the forthcoming decade. Proteins 2015; 83:1–24. © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Membrane proteins are involved in a wide variety of cellular processes, and are typically part of the first interaction a cell has with extracellular molecules. As a result, these proteins comprise a majority of known drug targets. Membrane proteins are among the most difficult proteins to obtain and characterize, and a structure-based understanding of their properties can be difficult to elucidate. Notwithstanding, the design of membrane proteins can provide stringent tests of our understanding of these crucial biological systems, as well as introduce novel or targeted functionalities. Computational design methods have been particularly helpful in addressing these issues, and this review discusses recent studies that tailor membrane proteins to display specific structures or functions and examines how redesigned membrane proteins are being used to facilitate structural and functional studies.  相似文献   

Mitochondria are surrounded by two distinct membranes: the outer and the inner membrane. The mitochondrial outer membrane mediates numerous interactions between the mitochondrial metabolic and genetic systems and the rest of the eukaryotic cell. Proteins of this membrane are nuclear-encoded and synthesized as precursor proteins in the cytosol. They are targeted to the mitochondria and inserted into their target membrane via various pathways. This review summarizes our current knowledge of the sorting signals for this specific targeting and describes the mechanisms by which the mitochondrial import machineries recognize precursor proteins, mediate their membrane integration and facilitate assembly into functional complexes.  相似文献   

Here, we describe a simple and efficient method for the purification of Escherichia coli outer membrane proteins. We have tested this protocol for the purification of Wza and Osmoporin C (OmpC) proteins. Both proteins were purified to homogeneity, in two steps, by anion exchange and size exclusion chromatography with a final yield of 92.5 mg for the Wza protein and 291.5 mg for the OmpC protein. The purity of the samples was judged by electrophoretic analysis, mass spectrometry, single particle analysis, three-dimensional (3D) crystallisation and X-ray diffraction.  相似文献   

Francisella tularensis is a gram-negative coccobacillus that is capable of causing severe, fatal disease in a number of mammalian species, including humans. Little is known about the proteins that are surface exposed on the outer membrane (OM) of F. tularensis, yet identification of such proteins is potentially fundamental to understanding the initial infection process, intracellular survival, virulence, immune evasion and, ultimately, vaccine development. To facilitate the identification of putative F. tularensis outer membrane proteins (OMPs), the genomes of both the type A strain (Schu S4) and type B strain (LVS) were subjected to six bioinformatic analyses for OMP signatures. Compilation of the bioinformatic predictions highlighted 16 putative OMPs, which were cloned and expressed for the generation of polyclonal antisera. Total membranes were extracted from both Schu S4 and LVS by spheroplasting and osmotic lysis, followed by sucrose density gradient centrifugation, which separated OMs from cytoplasmic (inner) membrane and other cellular compartments. Validation of OM separation and enrichment was confirmed by probing sucrose gradient fractions with antibodies to putative OMPs and inner membrane proteins. F. tularensis OMs typically migrated in sucrose gradients between densities of 1.17 and 1.20 g/ml, which differed from densities typically observed for other gram-negative bacteria (1.21 to 1.24 g/ml). Finally, the identities of immunogenic proteins were determined by separation on two-dimensional sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and mass spectrometric analysis. This is the first report of a direct method for F. tularensis OM isolation that, in combination with computational predictions, offers a more comprehensive approach for the characterization of F. tularensis OMPs.  相似文献   

Integral membrane proteins come in two types, α-helical and β-barrel proteins. In both types, all hydrogen bonding donors and acceptors of the polypeptide backbone are completely compensated and buried while nonpolar side chains point to the membrane. The α-helical type is more abundant and occurs in cytoplasmic (or inner) membranes, whereas the β-barrels are known from outer membranes of bacteria. The β-barrel construction is described by the number of strands and the shear number, which is a measure for the inclination angle of the β-strands against the barrel axis. The common right-handed β-twist requires shear numbers slightly larger than the number of strands. Membrane protein β-barrels contain between 8 and 22 β-strands and have a simple topology that is probably enforced by the folding process. The smallest barrels form inverse micelles and work as enzymes or they bind to other macromolecules. The medium-range barrels form more or less specific pores for nutrient uptake, whereas the largest barrels occur in active Fe2+ transporters. The β-barrels are suitable objects for channel engineering, because the structures are simple and because many of these proteins can be produced into inclusion bodies and recovered therefrom in the exact native conformation.  相似文献   

The mitochondrial outer membrane surrounds the entire organelle. It is composed of a phospholipid bilayer with proteins either embedded into or anchored to the bilayer and mediates the interactions between mitochondria and the rest of the cell. Most of the proteins present in the mitochondrial outer membrane are highly hydrophobic with one or more transmembrane segments. These proteins in conjunction with proteins localized in the inner membrane catalyse energy exchange reactions, the flux of small molecules such as ions, the activation and uptake of long chain fatty acids, import of proteins into the mitochondria, and elimination of biogenic amines among others. In addition, some outer membrane proteins serve as docking sites for non-resident enzymes such as hexokinase and other kinases of signal transduction. All these processes require an intact outer membrane and are highly regulated. One level of regulation with physiological/pathophysiological relevance involves post-translational modification of outer membrane proteins, either by phosphorylation, acetylation or other type of reversible covalent modification. Post-translational modification such as nitration and carbonylation becomes significant under disease states that are associated with increased oxidative stress, i.e. inflammation and ischemia. This review examines the different post-translational modifications of mitochondrial outer membrane proteins and discusses the physiological relevance of these modifications.  相似文献   

《Free radical research》2013,47(1):16-28

The mitochondrial outer membrane surrounds the entire organelle. It is composed of a phospholipid bilayer with proteins either embedded into or anchored to the bilayer and mediates the interactions between mitochondria and the rest of the cell. Most of the proteins present in the mitochondrial outer membrane are highly hydrophobic with one or more transmembrane segments. These proteins in conjunction with proteins localized in the inner membrane catalyse energy exchange reactions, the flux of small molecules such as ions, the activation and uptake of long chain fatty acids, import of proteins into the mitochondria, and elimination of biogenic amines among others. In addition, some outer membrane proteins serve as docking sites for non-resident enzymes such as hexokinase and other kinases of signal transduction. All these processes require an intact outer membrane and are highly regulated. One level of regulation with physiological/pathophysiological relevance involves post-translational modification of outer membrane proteins, either by phosphorylation, acetylation or other type of reversible covalent modification. Post-translational modification such as nitration and carbonylation becomes significant under disease states that are associated with increased oxidative stress, i.e. inflammation and ischemia. This review examines the different post-translational modifications of mitochondrial outer membrane proteins and discusses the physiological relevance of these modifications.  相似文献   

The structure of bacterial outer membrane proteins   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
Integral membrane proteins come in two types, alpha-helical and beta-barrel proteins. In both types, all hydrogen bonding donors and acceptors of the polypeptide backbone are completely compensated and buried while nonpolar side chains point to the membrane. The alpha-helical type is more abundant and occurs in cytoplasmic (or inner) membranes, whereas the beta-barrels are known from outer membranes of bacteria. The beta-barrel construction is described by the number of strands and the shear number, which is a measure for the inclination angle of the beta-strands against the barrel axis. The common right-handed beta-twist requires shear numbers slightly larger than the number of strands. Membrane protein beta-barrels contain between 8 and 22 beta-strands and have a simple topology that is probably enforced by the folding process. The smallest barrels form inverse micelles and work as enzymes or they bind to other macromolecules. The medium-range barrels form more or less specific pores for nutrient uptake, whereas the largest barrels occur in active Fe(2+) transporters. The beta-barrels are suitable objects for channel engineering, because the structures are simple and because many of these proteins can be produced into inclusion bodies and recovered therefrom in the exact native conformation.  相似文献   

Gram-negative bacteria shed outer membrane vesicles composed of outer membrane and periplasmic components. Since vesicles from pathogenic bacteria contain virulence factors and have been shown to interact with eukaryotic cells, it has been proposed that vesicles behave as delivery vehicles. We wanted to determine whether heterologously expressed proteins would be incorporated into the membrane and lumen of vesicles and whether these altered vesicles would associate with host cells. Ail, an outer membrane adhesin/invasin from Yersinia enterocolitica, was detected in purified outer membrane and in vesicles from Escherichia coli strains DH5alpha, HB101, and MC4100 transformed with plasmid-encoded Ail. In vesicle-host cell co-incubation assays we found that vesicles containing Ail were internalized by eukaryotic cells, unlike vesicles without Ail. To determine whether lumenal vesicle contents could be modified and delivered to host cells, we used periplasmically expressed green fluorescent protein (GFP). GFP fused with the Tat signal sequence was secreted into the periplasm via the twin arginine transporter (Tat) in both the laboratory E. coli strain DH5alpha and the pathogenic enterotoxigenic E. coli ATCC strain 43886. Pronase-resistant fluorescence was detectable in vesicles from Tat-GFP-transformed strains, demonstrating that GFP was inside intact vesicles. Inclusion of GFP cargo increased vesicle density but did not result in morphological changes in vesicles. These studies are the first to demonstrate the incorporation of heterologously expressed outer membrane and periplasmic proteins into bacterial vesicles.  相似文献   

Discriminating outer membrane proteins (OMPs) from other folding types of globular and membrane proteins is an important task both for identifying outer membrane proteins from genomic sequences and for the successful prediction of their secondary and tertiary structures. In this work, we have analyzed the influence of physico-chemical, energetic and conformational properties of amino acid residues for discriminating outer membrane proteins using different machine learning algorithms, such as, Bayes rules, Logistic functions, Neural networks, Support vector machines, Decision trees, etc. We observed that most of the properties have discriminated the OMPs with similar accuracy. The neural network method with the property, free energy change could discriminate the OMPs from other folding types of globular and membrane proteins at the 5-fold cross-validation accuracy of 94.4% in a dataset of 1,088 proteins, which is better than that obtained with amino acid composition. The accuracy of discriminating globular proteins is 94.3% and that of transmembrane helical (TMH) proteins is 91.8%. Further, the neural network method is tested with globular proteins belonging to 30 major folding types and it could successfully exclude 99.4% of the considered 1612 non-redundant proteins. These accuracy levels are comparable to or better than other methods in the literature. We suggest that this method could be effectively used to discriminate OMPs and for detecting OMPs in genomic sequences.  相似文献   

Escherichia coli K-12 strains carrying mutations in the ompB gene or double mutations in the tolF and par genes lack the major outer membrane proteins 1a and 1b. These strains are deficient in the transport of small hydrophylic compounds and are multiply colicin resistant. When revertants of these strains were sought, a number of extragenic pseudorevertants were obtained which produced new outer membrane proteins. These new proteins could be divided into three classes by differences in electrophoretic mobility on polyacrylamide gels, by differing specificities for transport of small molecules, and by the identification of three different genetic loci for genes controlling their production. These genetic loci are designated as nmpA (at approximately 82.5 min on the E. coli K-12 genetic map), nmpB (8.6 min), and nmpC (12 min). The new proteins produced in strains carrying nmpA, nmpB, or nmpC mutations did not cross-react with antiserum against a mixture of proteins 1a and 1b, or with antiserum against phage-directed protein 2. Production of the new membrane proteins restored sensitivity to some of the colicins.  相似文献   

The physicochemical properties of plasma membrane proteins of mammalian cells render them refractory to systematic analysis by two-dimensional electrophoresis. We have therefore used in vivo cell surface labeling with a water-soluble biotinylation reagent, followed by cell lysis and membrane purification, prior to affinity capture of biotinylated proteins. Purified membrane proteins were then separated by solution-phase isoelectric focusing and SDS-PAGE and identified by high-pressure liquid chromatography electrospray/tandem mass spectrometry. Using this approach, we identified 42 plasma membrane proteins from a murine T cell hybridoma and 46 from unfractionated primary murine splenocytes. These included three unexpected proteins; nicastrin, osteoclast inhibitory lectin, and a transmembrane domain-containing hypothetical protein of 11.4 kDa. Following stimulation of murine splenocytes with phorbol ester and calcium ionophore, we observed differences in expression of CD69, major histocompatibility complex class II molecules, the glucocorticoid-induced TNF receptor family-related gene product, and surface immunoglobulin M and D that were subsequently confirmed by Western blot or flow cytometric analysis. This approach offers a generic and powerful strategy for investigating differential expression of surface proteins in many cell types under varying environmental and pathophysiological conditions.  相似文献   

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