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Microcalorimetry has been used to measure the stabilities of mutational variants of yeast iso-1 cytochrome c in which F82 and L85 have been replaced by other hydrophobic amino acids. Specifically, F82 has been replaced by Y and L85 by A. The double mutant F82Y,L85A iso-1 has also been studied, and the mutational perturbations are compared to those for the two single mutants, F82Y iso-1 and L85A iso-1. Results are interpreted in terms of known crystallographic structures. The data show that (1) the destabilization of the mutant proteins is similar in magnitude to that which is theoretically predicted by the more obvious mutation-induced structural effects; (2) the free energy of destabilization of the double mutant, F82Y,L85A iso-1, is less than the sum of those of the two single mutants, almost certainly because, in the double mutant, the -OH group of Y82 is able to protrude into the cavity formed by the L85A substitution. The more favorable structural accommodation of the new -OH group in the double mutant leads to additional stability through (1) further decreases in the volumes of internal cavities and (2) formation of an extra protein-protein hydrogen bond.  相似文献   

Native iso-2 cytochrome c contains two residues (His 18, Met 80) coordinated to the covalently attached heme. On unfolding of iso-2, the His 18 ligand remains coordinated to the heme iron, whereas Met 80 is displaced by a non-native heme ligand, His 33 or His 39. To test whether non-native His-heme ligation slows folding, we have constructed a double mutant protein in which the non-native ligands are replaced by asparagine and lysine, respectively (H33N,H39K iso-2). The double mutant protein, which cannot form non-native histidine-heme coordinate bonds, folds significantly faster than normal iso-2 cytochrome c: gamma = 14-26 ms for H33N,H39K iso-2 versus gamma = 200-1,100 ms for iso-2. These results with iso-2 cytochrome c strongly support the hypothesis that non-native His-heme ligation results in a kinetic barrier to fast folding of cytochrome c. Assuming that the maximum rate of a conformational search is about 10(11) s-1, the results imply that the direct folding pathway of iso-2 involves passage through on the order of 10(9) or fewer partially folded conformers.  相似文献   

Hydrophilic to hydrophobic mutations have been made at 11 solvent exposed sites on the surface of iso-1-cytochrome c. Most of these mutations involve the replacement of lysine with methionine, which is nearly isosteric with lysine. Minimal perturbation to the native structure is expected, and this expectation is confirmed by infrared amide I spectroscopy. Guanidine hydrochloride denaturation studies demonstrate that these variants affect the magnitude of the m-value, the rate of change of free energy with respect to denaturant concentration, to different degrees. Changes in m-values are indicative of changes in the equilibrium folding mechanism of a protein. Decreases in m-values are normally thought to result either from an increased population of intermediates during unfolding or from a more compact denatured state. When cytochrome c is considered in terms of its thermodynamic substructures, the changes in the m-value for a given variant appear to depend upon the substructure in which the mutation is made. These data indicate that the relative stabilities and physical properties of substructures of cytochrome c play an important determining role in the equilibrium folding mechanism of this protein.  相似文献   

Thermal denaturation studies as a function of pH were carried out on wild-type iso-1-cytochrome c and three variants of this protein at the solvent-exposed position 73 of the sequence. By examining the enthalpy and Tm at various pH values, the heat capacity increment (delta Cp), which is dominated by the degree of change in nonpolar hydration upon protein unfolding, was found for the wild type where lysine 73 is normally present and for three variants. For the Trp 73 variant, the delta Cp value (1.15 +/- 0.17 kcal/mol K) decreased slightly relative to wild-type iso-1-cytochrome c (1.40 +/- 0.06 kcal/mol K), while for the Ile 73 (1.65 +/- 0.07 kcal/mol K) and the Val 73 (1.50 +/- 0.06 kcal/mol K) variants, delta Cp increased slightly. In previous studies, the Trp 73, Ile 73, and Val 73 variants have been shown to have decreased m-values in guanidine hydrochloride denaturations relative to the wild-type protein (Hermann L, Bowler BE, Dong A, Caughey WS. 1995. The effects of hydrophilic to hydrophobic surface mutations on the denatured state of iso-1-cytochrome c: Investigation of aliphatic residues. Biochemistry 34:3040-3047). Both the m-value and delta Cp are related to the change in solvent exposure upon unfolding and other investigators have shown a correlation exists between these two parameters. However, for this subset of variants of iso-1-cytochrome c, a lack of correlation exists which implies that there may be basic differences between the guanidine hydrochloride and thermal denaturations of this protein. Spectroscopic data are consistent with different denatured states for thermal and guanidine hydrochloride unfolding. The different response of m-values and delta Cp for these variants will be discussed in this context.  相似文献   

A metal-binding site consisting of two histidines positioned His-X3-His in an alpha-helix has been engineered into the surface of Saccharomyces cerevisiae iso-1-cytochrome c. The synthetic metal-binding cytochrome c retains its biological activity in vivo. Its ability to bind chelated Cu(II) has been characterized by partitioning in aqueous two-phase polymer systems containing a polymer-metal complex, Cu(II)IDA-PEG, and by metal-affinity chromatography. The stability constant for the complex formed between Cu(II)IDA-PEG and the cytochrome c His-X3-His site is 5.3 x 10(4) M-1, which corresponds to a chelate effect that contributes 1.5 kcal mol-1 to the binding energy. Incorporation of the His-X3-His site yields a synthetic metal-binding protein whose metal affinity is sensitive to environmental conditions that alter helix structure or flexibility.  相似文献   

N52I iso-2 cytochrome c is a variant of yeast iso-2 cytochrome c in which asparagine substitutes for isoleucine 52 in an alpha helical segment composed of residues 49-56. The N52I substitution results in a significant increase in both stability and cooperativity of equilibrium unfolding, and acts as a "global suppressor" of destabilizing mutations. The equilibrium m-value for denaturant-induced unfolding of N52I iso-2 increases by 30%, a surprisingly large amount for a single residue substitution. The folding/unfolding kinetics for N52I iso-2 have been measured by stopped-flow mixing and by manual mixing, and are compared to the kinetics of folding/unfolding of wild-type protein, iso-2 cytochrome c. The results show that the observable folding rate and the guanidine hydrochloride dependence of the folding rate are the same for iso-2 and N52I iso-2, despite the greater thermodynamic stability of N52I iso-2. Thus, there is no linear free-energy relationship between mutation-induced changes in stability and observable refolding rates. However, for N52I iso-2 the unfolding rate is slower and the guanidine hydrochloride dependence of the unfolding rate is smaller than for iso-2. The differences in the denaturant dependence of the unfolding rates suggest that the N52I substitution decreases the change in the solvent accessible hydrophobic surface between the native state and the transition state. Two aspects of the results are inconsistent with a two-state folding/unfolding mechanism and imply the presence of folding intermediates: (1) observable refolding rate constants calculated from the two-state mechanism by combining equilibrium data and unfolding rate measurements deviate from the observed refolding rate constants; (2) kinetically unresolved signal changes ("burst phase") are observed for both N52I iso-2 and iso-2 refolding. The "burst phase" amplitude is larger for N52I iso-2 than for iso-2, suggesting that the intermediates formed during the "burst phase" are stabilized by the N52I substitution.  相似文献   

A sequence alignment of yeast cytochrome-c (y-cyt-c) with mammalian cyts-c shows that the yeast protein has a five residue long N-terminal extension. A question arises: Does this N-terminal extension play any roles in the stability, structure, and folding of the yeast protein? To answer this question, in silico and in vitro studies were carried out on the wild type (WT) protein and its five deletants (Δ(?5/?5), Δ(?5/?4), Δ(?5/?3), Δ(?5/?2), and Δ(?5/?1) where Δ denotes the deletion and the numbers refer to the residues deleted, e.g. Δ(?5/?1) denotes the deletion of residues numbered from ?5 to ?1 (TEFKA), while Δ(?5/?2) denotes the deletion of resides numbered from ?5 to ?2 (TEFK) and so on). The main conclusion of the in silico study is that the order of stability of deletants and WT protein is Δ(?5/?4) > WT > Δ(?5/?3) > Δ(?5/?5) > Δ(?5/?1) ~ Δ(?5/?2). In vitro studies involved (i) measurements of thermodynamic stability of all proteins by differential scanning calorimetry and from sigmoidal curves of two different structural properties ([θ]222, a probe for detecting change in secondary structure, and Δε405, a probe for detecting alteration in the heme environment), and (ii) characterization of all proteins by various spectral properties. The main conclusions of the in vitro studies are as follows: (i) The order of thermodynamic stability of all proteins is in excellent agreement with that predicted by in silico studies, and (ii) A sequential deletion of the N-terminal extension has no effects on protein structure and folding.  相似文献   

Absorbance-detected thermal denaturation studies of the C102T variant of Saccharomyces cerevisiae iso-1-ferricytochrome c were performed between pH 3 and 5. Thermal denaturation in this pH range is reversible, shows no concentration dependence, and is consistent with a 2-state model. Values for free energy (delta GD), enthalpy (delta HD), and entropy (delta SD) of denaturation were determined as functions of pH and temperature. The value of delta GD at 300 K, pH 4.6, is 5.1 +/- 0.3 kcal mol-1. The change in molar heat capacity upon denaturation (delta Cp), determined by the temperature dependence of delta HD as a function of pH (1.37 +/- 0.06 kcal mol-1 K-1), agrees with the value determined by differential scanning calorimetry. pH-dependent changes in the Soret region indicate that a group or groups in the heme environment of the denatured protein, probably 1 or both heme propionates, ionize with a pK near 4. The C102T variant exhibits both enthalpy and entropy convergence with a delta HD of 1.30 kcal mol-1 residue-1 at 373.6 K and a delta SD of 4.24 cal mol-1 K-1 residue-1 at 385.2 K. These values agree with those for other single-domain, globular proteins.  相似文献   

Derivatives of yeast iso-1 cytochrome c, chemically modified at Cys-102 (Cys-102 acetamide-derivatized monomer, Cys-102 thionitrobenzoate-derivatized monomer, Cys-102 S-methylated monomer, and the disulfide dimer), exhibit different spectral and physicochemical properties relative to the native, unmodified protein, depending on the nature of the modifying group. The results of proton NMR studies on the Cys-102 acetamidederivatized monomer of iso-1 ferricytochrome c indicate that the conformational characteristics of the heme environment in this protein derivative are intermediate between those of the unmodified monomer and disulfide dimer forms of the protein. Measurements of the pKa of the alkaline transitions of the five forms of iso-1 ferricytochrome c provided values of 8.89, 8.82, 8.67, 8.47, and 8.50 for the unmodified monomer, S-methylated monomer, acetamide-derivatized monomer, thionitrobenzoate-derivatized monomer, and disulfide dimer, respectively. The results of proton NMR studies of the reduced form of these proteins suggest that the heme environments of the unmodified monomer and disulfide dimer derivatives of iso-1 ferrocytochrome c are similar and indicate that treatment of the thionitrobenzoate-derivatized and disulfide dimer forms of the protein with sodium dithionite results in cleavage of the disulfide bonds at position 102. Circular dichroism studies reveal that only the disulfide dimer form of iso-1 ferricytochrome c exhibits a Soret CD spectrum which differs from the native, unmodified monomer in that the intensity of the negative band at approximately 420 nm is diminished in the spectrum of the dimer relative to the spectrum of the monomer. Soret CD spectra of the ascorbate-reduced form of all protein derivatives are similar. The process of autoreduction of yeast iso-1 ferricytochrome c is shown to occur in the absence of a free sulfhydryl group at position 102 and is exacerbated under moderately high pH conditions. These results are suggestive of the presence of a redox-active amino acid, perhaps a tyrosine, in yeast iso-1 cytochrome c.  相似文献   

Almost all proteins fold via a number of partially structured intermediates such as molten globule (MG) and pre-molten globule states. Understanding the structure of these intermediates at atomic level is often a challenge, as these states are observed under extreme conditions of pH, temperature, and chemical denaturants. Furthermore, several other processes such as chemical modification, site-directed mutagenesis (or point mutation), and cleavage of covalent bond of natural proteins often lead to MG like partially unfolded conformation. However, the dynamic nature of proteins in these states makes them unsuitable for most structure determination at atomic level. Intermediate states studied so far have been characterized mostly by circular dichroism, fluorescence, viscosity, dynamic light scattering measurements, dye binding, infrared techniques, molecular dynamics simulations, etc. There is a limited amount of structural data available on these intermediate states by nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) and hence there is a need to characterize these states at the molecular level. In this review, we present characterization of equilibrium intermediates by biophysical techniques with special reference to NMR.  相似文献   

The characterization of residual structures persistent in unfolded proteins is an important issue in studies of protein folding, because the residual structures present, if any, may form a folding initiation site and guide the subsequent folding reactions. Here, we studied the residual structures of the isolated B domain (BDPA) of staphylococcal protein A in 6 M guanidinium chloride. BDPA is a small three‐helix‐bundle protein, and until recently its folding/unfolding reaction has been treated as a simple two‐state process between the native and the fully unfolded states. We employed a dimethylsulfoxide (DMSO)‐quenched hydrogen/deuterium (H/D)‐exchange 2D NMR techniques with the use of spin desalting columns, which allowed us to investigate the H/D‐exchange behavior of individually identified peptide amide (NH) protons. We obtained H/D‐exchange protection factors of the 21 NH protons that form an α‐helical hydrogen bond in the native structure, and the majority of these NH protons were significantly protected with a protection factor of 2.0–5.2 in 6 M guanidinium chloride, strongly suggesting that these weakly protected NH protons form much stronger hydrogen bonds under native folding conditions. The results can be used to deduce the structure of an early folding intermediate, when such an intermediate is shown by other methods. Among three native helical regions, the third helix in the C‐terminal side was highly protected and stabilized by side‐chain salt bridges, probably acting as the folding initiation site of BDPA. The present results are discussed in relation to previous experimental and computational findings on the folding mechanisms of BDPA.  相似文献   

The effects of solution conditions on protein collapse were studied by measuring the hydrodynamic radii of two unfolded proteins, alpha-synuclein and acid-denatured ferricytochrome c, in dilute solution and in 1 M glucose. The radius of alpha-synuclein in dilute solution is less than that predicted for a highly denatured state, and adding 1 M glucose causes further collapse. Circular dichroic data show that alpha-synuclein lacks organized structure in both dilute solution and 1 M glucose. On the other hand, the radius of acid-denatured cytochrome c in dilute solution is consistent with that of a highly denatured state, and 1 M glucose induces collapse to the size and structure of native cytochrome c. Taken together, these data show that alpha-synuclein, a natively unfolded protein, is collapsed even in dilute solution, but lacks structure.  相似文献   

Hemochromatosis factor E (HFE) is a member of class I MHC family and plays a significant role in the iron homeostasis. Denaturation of HFE induced by guanidinium chloride (GdmCl) was measured by monitoring changes in [θ]222 (mean residue ellipticity at 222 nm), intrinsic fluorescence emission intensity at 346 nm (F346) and the difference absorption coefficient at 287 nm (Δε287) at pH 8.0 and 25°C. Coincidence of denaturation curves of these optical properties suggests that GdmCl‐induced denaturation (native (N) state ? denatured (D) state) is a two‐state process. The GdmCl‐induced denaturation was found reversible in the entire concentration range of the denaturant. All denaturation curves were analyzed for , Gibbs free energy change associated with the denaturation equilibrium (N state ? D state) in the absence of GdmCl, which is a measure of HFE stability. We further performed molecular dynamics simulation for 40 ns to see the effect of GdmCl on the structural stability of HFE. A well defined correlation was established between in vitro and in silico studies. © 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Biopolymers 105: 133–142, 2016.  相似文献   

Proteins generally are only stable in vitro for short periods of time. This results in challenges during isolation and purification of recombinant proteins and reduces the shelf life of protein-based pharmaceuticals. Here we show that certain novel, biocompatible ionic liquids provide a stabilizing solvent for proteins, for example, cytochrome c, such that structure and activity are maintained even after 6 months of storage at room temperature. Normally, this protein would be rendered inactive after only 1 week in buffered aqueous solution. The effect of the ionic liquid solvent appears to be related to protection against hydrolysis.  相似文献   

The three-dimensional structures of the native cytochrome c(2) from Rhodopseudomonas palustris and of its ammonia complex have been obtained at pH 4.4 and pH 8.5, respectively. The structure of the native form has been refined in the oxidized state at 1.70 A and in the reduced state at 1.95 A resolution. These are the first high-resolution crystal structures in both oxidation states of a cytochrome c(2) with relatively high redox potential (+350 mV). The differences between the two oxidation states of the native form, including the position of internal water molecules, are small. The unusual six-residue insertion Gly82-Ala87, which precedes the heme binding Met93, forms an isolated 3(10)-helix secondary structural element not previously observed in other c-type cytochromes. Furthermore, this cytochrome shows an external methionine residue involved in a strained folding near the exposed edge of the heme. The structural comparison of the present cytochrome c(2) with other c-type cytochromes has revealed that the presence of such a residue, with torsion angles phi and psi of approximately -140 and -130 degrees, respectively, is a typical feature of this family of proteins. The refined crystal structure of the ammonia complex, obtained at 1.15 A resolution, shows that the sulphur atom of the Met93 axial ligand does not coordinate the heme iron atom, but is replaced by an exogenous ammonia molecule. This is the only example so far reported of an X-ray structure with the heme iron coordinated by an ammonia molecule. The detachment of Met93 is accompanied by a very localized change in backbone conformation, involving mainly the residues Lys92, Met93, and Thr94. Previous studies under typical denaturing conditions, including high-pH values and the presence of exogenous ligands, have shown that the detachment of the Met axial ligand is a basic step in the folding/unfolding process of c-type cytochromes. The ammonia adduct represents a structural model for this important step of the unfolding pathway. Factors proposed to be important for the methionine dissociation are the strength of the H-bond between the Met93 and Tyr66 residues that stabilizes the native form, and the presence in this bacterial cytochrome c(2) of the rare six-residue insertion in the helix 3(10) conformation that increases Met loop flexibility.  相似文献   

Molecular dynamic simulations have been performed for wild-type Hydrogenobacter thermophilus cytochrome c(552), a b-type variant of the protein, and the apo state with the heme prosthetic group removed. In the b-type variant, Cys 10 and Cys 13 were mutated to alanine residues, and so the heme group was no longer covalently bound to the protein. Two 8-ns simulations have been performed for each system at 298 and 360 K. The simulations of the wild-type protein at 298 K show a very close agreement with experimental NMR data. A fluxional process involving the side chain of Met 59, which coordinates to the heme iron, is observed in accord with proposals from NMR studies. Overall, the structure and dynamical behavior of the protein during the simulations of the b-type variant is closely similar to that of the wild-type protein. However, side chains in the heme-binding site show larger fluctuations in the b-type variant simulation at 360 K. In addition, structural changes are seen for a number of residues close to the heme group, particularly Gly 22 and Ser 51. The simulations of the apo state show significant conformational changes for residues 50-59. These residues form a loop region, which packs over the heme group in the wild-type protein and hydrogen bonds to the heme propionate groups. In the absence of heme, in the apo state simulations, these residues form short but persistent regions of beta-sheet secondary structure. These could provide nucleation sites for the conversion to amyloid fibrils.  相似文献   

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