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Plasma cortisol levels were measured as an indicator of physiological stress in roach subjected to brief handling, or to a 14-day period of confinement, and in undisturbed control fish, during winter (water temperature 5° C) and summer (16° C), at which time plasma 17 β-oestradiol levels were also determined. Cortisol levels in undisturbed roach were low (mean 8·1 ng ml−1 at 5° C; 1·4 ng ml−1 at 16° C) and both handling and handling+confinement elevated blood cortisol levels significantly to 400 and 140 ng ml−1, respectively (at 5° C) and 700 and 600 ng ml−1, respectively (at 16) C). Blood cortisol levels had almost returned to baseline within 4 h following handling alone but in fish subjected to handling and prolonged confinement cortisol levels remained elevated for up to 168 h. Differences in baseline and poststress levels of cortisol, and in the rate of recovery from acute stress, were observed at the two different temperatures and the possible factors underlying these differences are discussed. Circulating levels of 17 β-oestradiol were reduced significantly within 24 h of exposure to either acute handling or chronic confinement indicating that the reproductive endocrine system in roach is sensitive to disruption by stressors.  相似文献   

The diurnal patterns of plasma growth hormone (GH), thyroid hormone and cortisol concentrations in rainbow trout Oncorhynchus mykiss held under three photoperiod (L : D) regimes (6 : 18, 12 : 12 and 18 : 6), and fed either daily (DF) or on alternate days (ADF) with 2·0% body mass per day of a commercial trout diet were determined. The ADF groups had reduced total mass gain and specific growth rates compared with DF fish, but photoperiod had no affect on growth for either of the feeding regime groups. In the ADF groups, the mean 24 h plasma thyroxine (T4) and triiodothyronine (T3) concentrations were significantly lower, both on days of feeding and days of fasting, than in DF fish held under all three photoperiod regimes, but for GH, only the 18L : 6D DF group was higher than the comparable ADF groups. There were no significant differences in mean 24 h plasma cortisol concentrations of DF and ADF groups. Diurnal patterns of plasma GH, cortisol, T4 and T3 were found in DF fish held under all three photoperiod regimes. Increases in plasma cortisol changes were associated with the onset of the light phase; elevations in plasma GH and T4 concentrations were more closely associated with clock time, regardless of photoperiod; increases in plasma T3 concentrations were strongly associated with time of feeding. In ADF groups, these diurnal changes in plasma GH, T4 and T3 concentrations were suppressed for both the fed and fast days, and plasma cortisol concentrations were suppressed on the fasting day. The observations are discussed in terms of the proposed anabolic, catabolic and growth regulating roles of these hormones in different growth and metabolic modifying situations in teleosts.  相似文献   

Growth, body composition and plasma growth hormone levels were recorded weekly for 24 weeks in rainbow trout Oncorhynchus mykiss . Underyearling rainbow trout were individually identified using coded tags and placed on either a cyclic feeding regime of 3 weeks of deprivation followed by 3 weeks of feeding or a daily feeding regime. No significant difference was found in standard length and mass among the cyclically fed and daily fed fish at the end of the experiment. For cyclically fed fish, the absolute specific growth rate and condition factor reached a maximum during the last week of refeeding. Cyclically fed fish had a significantly higher moisture and protein content and lower lipid levels relative to fish fed daily. Absolute mass and fat loss in the deprivation phase of the feeding cycle decreased in intensity with subsequent feeding cycles, indicating that the fish were acclimatizing to the feeding regime. It was proposed that this response was an adaptation against possible adverse effects in the adults ( e.g. locomotor performance, bone ossification rates, fat deposition rate, growth rate and age at sexual maturity). Plasma growth hormone concentrations were not affected by cyclic feeding indicating that variations in plasma growth hormone concentration are not the cause of compensatory growth in rainbow trout.  相似文献   

The effects of 17β-oestradiol (E2) on plasma kinetics of thyroid hormones (T4, l-thyroxine; T3, 3,5,3′-triiodo-l-thyronine) were studied in immature rainbow trout. E2-3-benzoate (0.5 mg/100 g) was injected intraperitoneally on days 0 and 3, and on the morning of day 4 each trout received an intracardiac injection of either [125I]T4 and Na 131I or [I25I]T3. Groups of trout were bled and killed from 5 min to 4 days post-injection of tracer. E2 did not alter the plasma T4 level but depressed the T4 plasma clearance rate, plasma-to-total tissue flux of T4 and thyroidal T4 secretion rate. Monodeiodination of T4 to T3 was also depressed, as judged from plasma [I25I]T3 and I25I ? levels in [125I]T4-injected trout. E2 had no major effect on T3 plasma clearance rate but depressed the plasma T3 level, plasma-to-total tissue flux of T3 and the T3 plasma appearance rate. E2 had no influence on biliary transport of [I25I]T4 or [125I]T3. The above results suggest that E2, at the dose range employed, depresses extrathyroidal T4 to T3 conversion, which may in turn decrease plasma T4 clearance and thyroidal T4 secretion.  相似文献   

A pharmacological dose of 17β-oestradiol (5 mg kg−1 per injection for a total of five injections over a period of 9 days) increased liver and serum lipid concentration and induced vitellogenin into the serum of the immature female red grouper Epinephelus akaara . The levels of electrolytes, glucose, lactate and protein in the serum, and the protein, glycogen and water content of liver and muscle were not affected. The activities of enzymes regulating gluconeogenesis, glycolysis, Krebs cycle, transamination and glycogen synthesis remained unaltered. These findings are in marked contrast to those of Ng et al . (1984) which showed a strong stimulatory effect of a ten-times smaller dose of 17β-oestradiol on these biochemical parameters. Ultrastructural examination of hepatocytes of these heavily oestrogenized fish revealed that some cells possessed organelles with an abnormally activated appearance while others had undergone necrotic changes, suggesting that some hepatocytes were overstimulated and subsequently degenerated. Results of the present investigation caution against the use of a pharmacological dose of 17β-oestradiol in fish culture.  相似文献   

American eels Anguilla rostrata , collected from three distinct locations along the St Lawrence River (Lake St Lawrence, Quebec City and Kamouraska), were thought to consist entirely of out-migrating adults at Quebec City and Kamouraska and of both resident and migrants at Lake St Lawrence. The mean plasma levels of 17β-oestradiol closely paralleled the trend observed with gonadosomatic index (IG) and oocyte development. The highest levels of 17βoestradiol and IG were observed in Quebec City and Kamouraska, while the levels observed in the resident eels from Lake St Lawrence were very low. Generally, the concentration of total plasma non-esterified fatty acids (NEFA) appeared to follow the trend of 17β-oestradiol and IG and increased with sexual maturity. However, the most sexually mature group, eels from Kamouraska, had the lowest total plasma NEFA levels. The reason for the drop is not clear at present. In addition, a number of shifts in the plasma NEFA profiles of American eels did occur during their migration in a downstream direction, with several fatty acids either increasing or decreasing in relative abundance. The ratio of n3: n6 fatty acids declined with increasing sexual maturity as most n3 fatty acids became less abundant. Although the correlation between gonadal development and the relative concentration of individual fatty acids was not always clear, both arachidonic acid (20: 4n6) and docosahexaenoic acid (22: 6n3) were significantly higher in the plasma of out-migrating adults than in resident yellow phase eels.  相似文献   

Levels of sulphated 17α20β-dihydroxy-4-pregnen-3-one (17,20 β -P; the oocyte maturation inducing steroid) in blood plasmas of sexually mature male and female rainbow trout Oncorhynchus mykiss , were very low in comparison to those of the free steroid. However, relatively large amounts were found in urine of both sexes.
Catheters were inserted into the urinary bladders of unovulated and ovulated females and of ripe-running males, and the fish then placed in spawning channels. Three-hourly urine samples were collected between 09.00 and 18.00 hours and then a 15-h sample between 18.00 and 09.00 hours the next morning. Measurements were made of 17,20 β -P-sulphale, testosterone glucuronide (T-G) and 17 β -oestradiol glucuronide (E2-G). In females, the highest rates of excretion of E2-G, T-G and 17,20 β -P-sulphate were found in unovulated, ovulating and ovulated females, respectively. The rates of excretion of 17,20 β -P-sulphate, T-G and E2-G in ovulated females were unaffected by the presence of a male. id males, however, there was a sharp increase in the rate of excretion of 17,20 β -P-suiphate and T-G in fish which were paired with an ovutated (nesting) female. A similar increase was found in males injected with male trout pituitary extract.  相似文献   

In vivo and in vitro effects of prolactin (PRL) and growth hormone (GH) on plasma levels of lysozyme and ceruloplasmin were examined in the rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss). Hypophysectomy had no effect on the plasma lysozyme level. Implantation of PRL- or GH-containing cholesterol pellets increased the lysozyme level in a dose-related manner. After hypophysectomy and sham operation, plasma ceruloplasmin was elevated above the level in intact fish, suggesting inflammation caused by the surgery. PRL or GH treatment significantly attenuated the increased level of ceruloplasmin in the operated fish. Expression of lysozyme mRNA was detected in the leucocytes isolated from the peripheral blood by RT-PCR. In vitro administration of PRL or GH showed no effect on the proliferation of isolated leucocytes or on the total protein content; however, lysozyme activity in the medium increased in a dose-related manner. These results suggest that PRL and GH directly stimulate lysozyme production without affecting the proliferation of leucocytes, and the attenuated ceruloplasmin level increased in response to inflammation.  相似文献   

The relationship over time between the concentrations of two steroids, singly and in combination, in a static exposure system and in the blood of three-spined stickleback Gasterosteus aculeatus , held within the exposure system was investigated. Groups of three-spined stickleback were exposed (nominally) to either 1000 ng l−1 17β-oestradiol (E2), testosterone (T) or E2 and T in combination at the same concentrations for 6 days. Both water and fish were sampled at intervals and steroid concentrations in both compartments were determined. The plasma steroid time profile revealed a rapid bioconcentration within the first 6 h of exposure. The plasma steroid levels attained at this time point (20–90 ng ml−1) were up to 50-fold (E2) and 200-fold (T) greater than the actual levels of steroid measured in the exposure water, while levels in the blood of control fish did not exceed 4 ng ml−1. The substantial elevation of plasma steroid levels relative to the concentrations of steroid to which the fish were exposed in the ambient water gives scope for delivery of the steroids to target endocrine tissues at levels far in excess of what might be predicted on the basis of passive branchial uptake alone. These results are discussed in relation to endocrine disruption, and in particular the occurrence of effects in fish exposed to levels of endocrine active substances that are seemingly physiologically irrelevant.  相似文献   


The diurnal patterns of changes in plasma cortisol, growth hormone (GH), somatostatin‐14 (SRIF), thyroid hormones (L‐thyroxine, T4 and triiodo‐L‐thyronine, T3) and glucose were investigated in rainbow trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss, both during single meal‐feeding and during a progressive fast of 13 weeks. All measured variables exhibited a diurnal pattern in fed rainbow trout, most of which appeared to be correlated with the time of feeding (30–60 min after the onset of light), while additional changes, associated with the scotophase were also found for cortisol. Although fasting had no affect on mean daily plasma cortisol or SRIF concentrations, there was a progressive increase in mean daily plasma GH concentrations and a progressive decrease in mean daily plasma thyroid hormone and glucose concentrations associated with fasting. However, for GH, significant changes were not evident until week 10 of the fast. In addition, fasting appeared to phase‐shift the diurnal patterns of plasma GH, cortisol and glucose concentrations; the consequence of such a shift is that conclusions as to the effects of fasting, if based on a single time of sampling, may be flawed.  相似文献   

Testosterone induced papillomata in 85% (11/13) of initially non-papillomatous white suckers Catostomus commersoni and increased papillomata growth in 100% (16/16) of initially papillomatous suckers. 17β-oestradiol induced papillomata in 83% (10/12) of initially nonpapillomatous suckers and increased papillomata growth in 100% (16/16) of initially papillomatous suckers. Less than 29% (4/14) of white suckers injected with tamoxifen developed papillomata, while complete papillomata regression was observed in 71% (10/14) of initially papillomatous suckers. In control groups 59% (27/46) of suckers either retained or developed papillomata and 27% (6/24) of suckers exhibited tumour regression. Protein kinase C (PKC) activity was significantly depressed and ornithine decarboxylase (ODC) activity was significantly elevated in steroid-treated papillomata v. normal lip epidermis. ODC activity was significantly depressed in tamoxifen-injected, regressing papillomata. There were no significant differences in plasma oestrogen and testosterone levels between papillomatous and nonpapillomatous female fish from a site contaminated with persistent organic chemicals and an uncontaminated reference site. Similarly, no significant differences in testosterone and 11-ketotestosterone levels were observed between papillomatous and non-papillomatous male fish.  相似文献   

Manipulation of the opportunity to spawn was used to investigate the relationship between endocrine events, egg viability and spawning behaviour in female rainbow trout. Females were prevented from spawning by isolating them from males and gravel for up to 21 days after ovula- tion. Blood samples were taken before pairing with a male, at the onset of nesting activity, and at the completion of spawning. Plasma hormone levels of gonadotropin (GtH) and 17α,20β-dihydroxy-4-pregnen-3-one (17,2OP) were measured by specific radioimmunoassays. There were no qualitative or quantitative differences in the spawning behaviour of females paired on the day of ovulation or 7. 14, or 21 days after ovulation. There was a general decrease in the viability of eggs with increasing retention times. In females paired on the day of ovulation, or after 7 or 14 days, GtH levels increased with the onset of nesting behaviour and declined as fish reached the post-spawning condition. By day 21, GtH levels before pairing were significantly higher than prepairing levels in the other three treatment groups, and did not increase at the onset of nesting, or decrease in post-spawning fish. Plasma 17,20P remained high in prepairing and nesting samples of all four groups and declined to low levels in fish in post-spawning condition. In females paired on the day of ovulation there was a significant increase in 17,20P from the prepairing to the nesting stage. These results suggest that 17,20P plays a key role in the synchronization of behavioural and maturational events at the time of spawning.  相似文献   

This study investigated the roles of cortisol and growth hormone (GH) during a period of fasting in overwintering salmonid fish. Indices of carbohydrate (plasma glucose, liver glycogen), lipid (plasma free fatty acids (FFAs)) and protein metabolism (plasma protein, total plasma amino acids) were determined, together with plasma GH, cortisol and somatolactin (SL) levels at intervals in three groups of rainbow trout (continuously fed; fasted for 9 weeks then fed; fasted for 17 weeks). In fasted fish, a decline in body weight and condition factor was accompanied by reduced plasma glucose and hepatic glycogen and increased plasma FFA. No consistent elevation of plasma GH occurred until after 8 weeks of fasting when plasma GH levels increased ninefold. No changes were observed in plasma total protein and AA until between weeks 13 and 17 when both were reduced significantly. When previously fasted fish resumed feeding, plasma glucose and FFA, and hepatic glycogen levels rapidly returned to control values and weight gain resumed. No significant changes in plasma cortisol levels, related to feeding regime, were evident at any point during the study and there was no evidence that SL played an active role in the response to fasting. The results suggest that overwinter fasting may not represent a significant nutritional stressor to rainbow trout and that energy mobilisation during fasting may be achieved without the involvement of GH, cortisol or SL.  相似文献   

Administration of 17β-oestradiol (E2) to rainbow trout, in the form of hydrogenated coconut oil implants produced a stable, long-term elevation in plasma E2 levels. The elevation was doserelated (over the range 1–10mg kg-1 body weight) both 4 and 8 weeks after implantation. Dose-related increases were also observed with respect to liver weight-body weight ratios and plasma protein levels. Plasma T3 and total calcium levels were depressed and elevated, respectively, by E2 treatment but the responses were not linearly related to the dose of E2 administered; there was no significant effect of E2 on plasma T4 levels.
E2 induced a shift in the binding of T3 to plasma proteins, with T3 binding to smaller molecular weight proteins; neither T4 nor T3 bound to vitellogenin which was present at high levels in the plasma of E2-treated fish.  相似文献   

The effect of serial removal of fish from aquaria, anaesthesia and stocking density on plasma cortisol, thyroid hormone, metabolite and ion levels was examined in rainbow trout, Salmo gairdneri , to determine the consequences of normal handling and maintenance procedures on the activity of the pituitary-adrenal and pituitary-thyroid axes in the species.
The capture and handling associated with serial removal of fish from an aquarium resulted in a rapid elevation of plasma cortisol concentrations and a slower rise in plasma glucose, Mg2+ and Na+ concentrations; plasma K.+ levels showed a transient fall shortly after commencing the sampling, followed by a significant increase.
A lethal concentration of 3-aminobenzoic acid ethyl ester (MS 222) of 125 mgl−1 (but not a sublethal concentration of 62.5 ng 1−1) prevented the capture stressor-associated changes in most of the measured parameters, including plasma cortisol levels, although plasma protein and ion concentrations were elevated in fish sampled after MS 222-anaesthesia.
Stocking densities from 1 to 64 fish 80 1−1 aquarium did not appear to effect changes in the measured parameters, except for plasma T3/T4 ratios which decreased with increasing stocking density. The exception was found in fish which were stocked in pairs: one member of each pair had a markedly elevated plasma cortisol level and there was a high incidence of mortality, probably related to aggressive social interaction.  相似文献   

Synopsis In a 3 × 2 factorial experiment examining the effects of combinations of ambient temperature (18°, 15°, 9° C) and dietary protein content (35% and 45%) on thyroid activity inSalmo gairdneri, although there was an apparent increase in activity of the thyroid in cold-adapted trout, assessed by histological appearance of the gland, there were no significant changes in serum thyroid hormone titers. In a second experiment examining the effects of combinations of ambient temperature (15°, 12.5°, 10°C) with dietary lipid content (6% and 16%) there was a similar apparent increase in thyroid activity in cold-adapted fish which was accompanied, in fish fed the higher lipid diet, with an increase in serum thyroxine (T4) and triiodothyronine (T3) levels. Trout fed an ascorbic acid-free diet (experiment 3) had lower serum T3 levels than in those given an ascorbic acid supplemented diet (1280 mg·kg-1). In experiments 2 and 3 serum thyroid hormone concentrations were approximately inversely proportional to ambient temperature and concomitant weight gain, but no such correlation was evident in experiment 1 suggesting that the changes in hormone levels in experiments 2 and 3 were not ipso facto related to differences in either ambient temperature or weight gain but rather to the specific metabolic changes imposed by the dietary lipids or ascorbic acid deficiency.  相似文献   

Bovine growth hormone (GH) given daily to rainbow trout, Sulmo gairdneri for 4 or 7 days at either 10.00 or 14.00 hours, significantly increased plasma free fatty acid (FFA) levels but had not effect on plasma cholesterol levels. Liver lipid content of the GH-injected trout after seven injections was significantly lower than comparable controls in groups injected at both 10.00 and 14.00 hours. There were no apparent effects of GH on carcass or muscle lipid content although in fish injected and sampled at 14.00 hours there was a significant correlation between the number of injections and carcass lipid content.
Changes in hepatosomatic index (HSI), liver, muscle and carcass lipid content, plasma FFA and cholesterol concentrations and somatotrop activity during food-deprivation for up to 60 days are described. Despite significant decreases in liver and muscle lipid content and increases in plasma FFA levels in food-deprived fish, there was no concomitant change in apparent somatotrop activity.
The data are interpreted to indicate that although exogenous GH, in the doses used here, appears to stimulate mobilization of lipid reserves, particularly from the liver, there is no evidence that enforced changes in lipid reserves elicits a response of the endogenous somatotrop cells.  相似文献   

We aimed to investigate the influence of dietary vitamin E and diludine on growth and lipid peroxidation (malondialdehyde; MDA) in rainbow trout. Fish (1.5 g) were fed different dietary levels of vitamin E (0, 50 and 100 mg/kg) and diludine (0, 0.5 and 1 g/kg) for 10 weeks. Growth performance and feed conversion ratio (FCR) were significantly affected by dietary vitamin E (p < .05) but not diludine. Fish fed 50 mg/kg dietary vitamin E with no diludine had significantly better growth and lower FCR than those fed vitamin E free diets. Liver vitamin E content was significantly influenced by dietary vitamin E and diludine (p < .05). The highest hepatic vitamin E was in fish fed the highest dietary vitamin E and diludine levels. Hepatic MDA level was significantly affected by dietary vitamin E and diludine (p < .05), decreasing with the increase in both dietary vitamin E and diludine. According to our results, diludine had no significant effect on growth; however, decreased hepatic lipid peroxidation independent of vitamin E. Our results reveal that 50 mg/kg vitamin E content is suitable for optimal growth and FCR in rainbow trout juveniles. However, dose dependent effects of dietary diludine remain uncertain and need further researches.  相似文献   

The aim of this work was to study in the adult rat heart the effect of modifications of fatty acid (FA) supply on the content of cytoplasmic fatty acid-binding protein (H-FABPc). To modify the amount of circulating lipids, three different treatments were chosen: (i) an hypolipidemic treatment with Clofibrate, administered daily through a gastric tube at a dose of 250 mg/kg per day for one week, (ii) a continuous intravenous infusion of 20% Intralipid, a fat emulsion, for one week at a dose of 96 ml/kg per day, and (iii) a normobaric hypoxia exposure (pO2=10%) for three weeks. At the end of each treatment plasma lipids, myocardial H-FABPc content and the activities of three key enzymes (citrate synthase, CS, fructrose-6-phosphate kinase, FPK and hydroxy-acyl CoA-dehydrogenase, HAD) were assessed. With each of the three treatments a decrease of plasma cholesterol and phospholipid levels was observed. Plasma FA concentration increased with Intralipid infusion and decreased with chronic hypoxia. The heart H-FABPc content was increased by 20% with Clofibrate, decreased by 20% with chronic hypoxia and remained unaltered upon Intralipid treatment. The induced changes in H-FABPc content were not related directly to changes in plasma lipid levels. CS activity was slightly decreased in the hypoxia group, FPK activity decreased in the Clofibrate group, and HAD activity decreased in the Intralipid group. Among the various groups heart H-FABPc content was related to HAD activity. In conclusion, the H-FABPc content of adult rat heart appears responsive to changes in plasma lipid levels.  相似文献   

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